India EGP Population Natural Resources Economy. India

EGP India by plan please

The overall economic and geographical characteristics of India territory - 3.28, million km2. Population -1010 million people. Capital - Delhi. Geographical location, general information The Republic of India is located in South Asia on the Industan Peninsula. India borders with Pakistan, AfghanCtan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar. The maximum length of India - from north to south - 3200 km, from west to east - 2700 km. The economic and geographical position of India favors the development of the economy: India is located on maritime trade routes from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean, halfway between the Middle and Far East. For almost two centuries, India was the colony of England. In 1947, India received independence, and in 1950 was proclaimed by the republic as part of the British Commonwealth. India is a federal republic consisting of 25 states. Each of them has its own legislative assembly and government, but when maintaining a strong central government. Natural conditions and resources The minerals of India are significant and diverse. The main deposits are located in the north-east of the country. Here are the largest iron ore, coal pools, deposits of manganese ore; This creates favorable conditions for the development of industrial sectors. Diverse minerals of South India - these are bauxite, chromites, magnesites, brown coal, graphite, mica, diamonds, gold, rudes of ferrous metals, stone coal; In Gujarat and on the Continental Shelf - Oil. The climate of the country is subtropical and tropical, in the south - Equatorial. The average annual temperature is about 25 ° C, only in the winter in the mountains it falls below 0 °. The distribution of precipitation for the seasons and on the territory is uneven - 80% of them are for the summer, the greatest number of their number gets eastern and mountainous areas, the smallest - North-West. Land resources are the natural wealth of the country, since a significant part of the soil has high fertility. The forests occupy 22% of India's Square, but the forests are missing for economic needs. The Rivers of India have a big energy potential, as well as the main source of artificial irrigation. The population of India is the second state of the world in the population (after China). There is very high rates of population reproduction. And, although the peak of the "demographic explosion" in general was passed, the demographic problem still exists. India is the most multinational country of the world. Representatives of several hundred nations, peoples and tribal groups that are at different stages of socio-economic development and speaking different languages \u200b\u200blive in it. They relate to European-like, non-terrible, Australoid races. The peoples of the Indo-European family prevail. Official languages \u200b\u200bin the country - Hindi and English. More than 80% of India residents - Hindus, 11% - Muslims. The complex ethnic and religious composition of the population often leads to conflicts and growth of tension. The placement of the population of India is highly uneven, as fertile lowlands and plains in the valleys and delta rivers have been populated first, on sea coasts. The average population density is 260 people. per 1 km2. Despite this high indicator, and now there are ample and even deserted territories. The level of urbanization is quite low - 27%, but the number of large cities and cities of "millionaires" is constantly increasing. But most of the population of India lives in crowded villages. India, India Energy - Developing Agrarian Industrial Country with Huge Resources and Human Potential. Together with traditional industries (agriculture, light industry), extractive and manufacturing industry develop. Currently, 29% of GDP accounts for industry, 32% on agriculture, 30% on the scope of services.

In terms of the absolute size of industrial production, India is included in the 10th of the largest powers of the world, but in terms of the national product per capita only closes 100 states.

India belongs to 1 place in the world to collect tea, 2-4 places for rice collection, jute, sugar cane, bananas, wheat and cotton harvests. India is included in the first twenty countries in the extraction of coal and iron ore, on the production of cement, steel, electricity, the development of the main industries of mechanical engineering. But for the production of industrial products per capita, it is much lagging behind economically developed countries.

In general, India is an industrial-agrarian country. From the colonial period, she inherited the structure of the economy, typical of the former colonies, i.e.

with the predominance of agricultural production.

However, unlike most other colonies in India, there was a number of relatively developed industries of light and food industries before independence.

Jute, x / b, sugar, tobacco, leather, as well as mining industry (coal mining, manganese and iron ores, mica, precious stones). There were cement, glass, paper enterprises.

But there were no poorly developed key industries and metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemistry, electric power industry. In the economy of the country dominated foreign capital (mainly UK).

After gaining independence, the Gossector began to play a very large role in the country's economy. It accounts for almost all the coal mining, 80% of the capacity of power plants, all the production of copper, 75% of oil refining, 80% of steel smelting, 50% of the release of machines.

Fully in government is transport, communications enterprises, defense industry, mining of gold and strategic raw materials.

Private monopolies are also developing in the country (they are privileges).

Indian large capital is concentrated mainly in large cities and the most developed areas - Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi, Madras.

The richest families belong not only individual enterprises, they essentially control the whole cities:

  • Tatanagar - Monopolist Tatta,
  • Dalmiananan - Dalmia (Bihar),
  • Modyagar (Delhi district) - Modi, etc.

Foreign capital in India lost command heights, the state limits it in the fields where local entrepreneurs act, but stimulates his influx into new industries.

At the same time, many of the needs of Indians, especially in the village, are satisfied with artisans, often on the terms of trade exchange.

General Characteristics of India Wikipedia
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Geographical position ...................................................... ..3

Population ............................................................................... 3

Industry .......................................................... ............ 5

Agriculture .................................................................. 8

Transport .............................................................................. 13.

Literature ..........................................................................................18

Geographical position

India occupies Indian Peninsula, adjacent from the North Indo-Ganga Plain and part of the Himalayas, forming the central part of South Asia and covering the area of \u200b\u200b13287 thousand km2. Its territory extends 3214 km from the north to the south (from the highest mountains of the Gimalayav to Cape Komorin) and from west to east by 2933 km. India includes the Lakcadiv Coral Islands (Lakshavip) \u200b\u200bin the Arabian Sea, Andaman and Nikobar-Sky Islands in the Bengal Gulf.

India is bordered by Pakistan and Afghanistan in the North-West, with China, Nepal and Bhutan in the north, Myanmar and Bangladesh on the re-current. In the Far Southeast, India from Sri Lanka separate the narrow Polki Strait and the Manars Bay.

The Indian subcontinent, the central part of which occupies India itself, is a huge peninsula, acting in the center of the northern coast of the Indian Ocean and the giant giant mountain systems gone, which is separated from the rest of Asia.


India is a huge human array: a country, a closer of 2.5% of the Sushi area of \u200b\u200bthe world, concentrates its 1/6 of its population. The number of residents of India, which was 238 million people. In 1901, increased to 361 million people. By 1951 and almost tripled over the years of independence. In the XXI century India comes with a population of more than 1 billion people. And, halvening China by pace of demographic ro-old, in 20-30 years old can become the most crowded country in the world. Possible stabilization of the population is projected at 1.5 billion people. In the second half of the XXI century, the experts are not claimed and more magnitude.

The annual pace of the demographic growth of the Indian population amounted to in the 1990s. 2.11%, i.e. 17 million people are added.

However, the continuation of the demographic explosion complicates all parties to the life of the Great Country, slowing down and making it difficult to socially economic progress, providing increasingly severe anthropogenic pressure on natural systems. The average population density of India has increased from 77 people. 1 km2 in 1901 to 117 people. 1 km2 in 1951 and exceeded 300 people. per 1 km2 in the 1990s.

India: Main Human Development Indices

Features settlement In India, they are rooted in deep historical. With a common large population population, the population density is once in some parts of the country hundreds of times. Indo-gangskaya plain and coastal lowlands of the peninsular part are most thickly populated, where the average population density exceeds 500-600 people. 1 km2, often about 1000 people. And more than 1 km2, preferences, but in rural areas. In the inner parts of the peninsula, in Central India, the density ranges from 70 to 200-250 people. per 1 km2. The desert territories of Western Rajasthan are wiped. Not about living areas with extreme natural conditions.

Having only 27% of the population living in cities, India refers to the number of one of the least urbanized countries. However, on the absolute number of citizens in excess of 217 million people. (1991), it is part of the world's largest world powers. In the picture of the regional systems and local groups of India cities, contours and ancient agricultural civilizations and states (Vara-Nasi, Delhi, Allahabad, Patna - Some of the most ancient living cities nearby), and a two-year-old colonial past (Calcutta, Bay Bay, Madras - Former major citadel of British rule, grew up in the XVIII-XIX centuries. From a scratch, and new priorities of Sao-Mesmannaya India (in particular, powerful industrial-energy-tichetic new buildings). This is the most complex system of cities belonging to different historical epochs, Forms along with the transport network framework of the territorial structure of the country's economy.

For India, as for other developing countries, it is characteristic that the cities are growing not so much due to the strength of attraction, as a result of the population of the population from rural areas, tested agrarian overcrowding. The growth of the urban population overtakes their industrial and general socio-economic development - this is one of the difficulties of the current stage of development.


The most dynamic factor in the transformation of the sectoral and territorial structure of India's economy was the industrialization - the main path of the modernization of all sectors of the eco-nomica and the strengthening of their interconnectedness, the basis of production lifting and achieving economic independence. In India, where in the time of the conquest of independence already there were already some industries of the factory and mining industry (cotton, jut, sugar, cement, coal), the process of industrialization proceeds multifaceted. The main content of this process is associated with the recreation of missing reproduction links by summing up the economy of its own heavyweight industry. An important role in creating the foundation of the economic independence of India was played by active cooperation with the USSR. With its participation, more than 70 powerful state-owned enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, heavy machinery, energy, oil and oil refineries were built with its participation. India's loans provided for these goals regularly and fully paid, which ensured the mutual profitability of CO-EFF. Although in terms of the amount of the cost assistance to the USSR correlated in India with Western countries as 1:10, it was very highly appreciated, since there was no vital links of the state reproduction.

The scale of increasing economic potential and profound changes in the structure of the economy are pronounced in the structure of Indium-free exports, almost 80% of which are currently accounting for industrial goods. Maximum growth rates are characteristic of base-based production, and above all for energy. In the structure of Energy Gobalance in the mid-1990s. 60.1 million kW accounted for thermal stations (72.14%); 21.0 million kW - on HPP (25.19%), which were constructed in almost all major river basins; 2.2 million kW - at nuclear power plants (2.67%), with 96% of the total capacity - falls on the public sector. Despite the high growth rates of electric power industry, they lag behind rapidly increasing needs.

There are five regional energy systems (se-faithful, western, southern, eastern and northeastern), which cover all states of the country. There is a draft national energic system, which is created by the further development of regional systems and their gradual association.

In India, in the years of independence was created powerful ferrous metallurgy, Based on a rich mineral resource base, headed by the largest state factory in Bhilai and Bocaro, built in collaboration with Russia (each capacity of 4 million tons). Thanks to the constructed enterprises heavy Power Engineering The country fully satisfies its needs in this complex product, production is rapidly developing. electronic products and other types of high technologies.

Developed petrochemistry, preparation of dyes, pharmaceutical industry. The world market comes more and more than these estimates of Indian production, not inferior in the quality of Western products and less expensive.

Production cement increased from 2.7 million tons in 1950-1951. up to 82.4 million tons in the mid-1990s, which put forward the country to the 5th place in the world in this area. India has become the fourth producer in the world nitrogen fertilizers, Continuing the import of mineral feasibility. As a result of these efforts, the use of fertilizers on 1 hectares of crops rose from 0.55 kg in 1950-1951 to 72 kg in the 1990s, which was the country's own striking achievements in the rise of agriculture.

Textile industry, Staying the largest sector of the Indian industry, is unique in a variety of species and scale of production, technologies and the use of different types of raw materials: cotton, jute, silk, synthetic materials. It is closely related to the country's agriculture, delivering around] / 5 industrial products and approximately 1/3 of Indian exports. With almost widespread placement of cotton production, the Bombay-Gujaratsky belt in the West and Tamiladsky in the south remains leading. The jute industry is concentrated in Western Bengal and surrounding areas, it employs 250 thousand workers in enterprises and 4 million peasants growing jute. Carnatak in the south is the main supplier of silk, in terms of the production volume of which India is inferior only to China. In manual factories, which gives more than 1/5 produced tissues, employs more than 10 million people.

Generally in small industries Busy 16 million people. (2003). It is spread almost everywhere. It accounts for over 40% of the cost of production of the processing industry and 35% of the country's exports. Industry for the development of food products is 70% represented by small enterprises, in which about 1.5 million people are employed in which. This sector has a huge growth potential, since India is the world's largest fruit manufacturer; It takes the 2nd place to grow vegetables, has the most numerous livestock livestock and widest opportunities for the development of marine fishing and seafood processing. The production of leather goods occupying a noticeable place in In-Diyan exports is also mainly produced in small and cubic enterprises.

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Economic and geographical characteristics of India

Scientist: Fedorchenko O.I.

Fulfilled the student 10 "in" class

Lotkova Irina Petrovna

Plan Characteristics:

2. Economy - geographical and political and geographical position. The effect of EGP on the development of the country. Changing the position of the country in time.

3. Features of the population. Demographic policy.

5. General characteristics of the economy. The reasons affecting the pace of economic development.

6. Geography of the main industrial complexes and industries.

7. Specialization of agricultural production.

8. Development of the transport complex.

9. Socio-economic development of individual districts. The reasons for imperative unevenness in their socio-economic development. Leveling levels of economic development.

10. External economic ties. Export. Import. Participation in integration economic unions.

1. The name of the country and the composition of the territory.

India is one of the world's largest states, which has enormous natural and human resources, great scientific potential. Currently in India 25 states. This is Andha Pradesh, Arunagan Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Goa, Gujaharat, Jammu and Kammir, West Bengal, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Manipur, Maharashtra, Meghalal Mizoram, Nagliand, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Talielnad , Trinura, Haryana, Himaki Pradesh, Ushtar Pradesh. In addition to the states, India includes seven union areas - relatively small in size and population of administrative units of central subordination: Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Dadra and Nonarhavel, Daman and Diou, Delhi, Lachavip, Puttuchi (Pondichery), Chandigarh.

2. Economic and geographical and political and geographical position. The effect of EGP on the development of the country. Changing the position of the country in time.

Republic of India, State in South Asia: 3.3 million km.kv.

India borders in the north-west with Afghanistan and Pakistan, in the north - with China, Nepal and Bhutan, in the east with Burma and Bangladesh. In the south, the Polki Strait and the Manars bay separated from India Sri Lanka. A sea border between India and Indonesia passes between the Islands of Great Chunnel, the Sea Border between India and Indonesia passes between the Islands of Big Nikobar and Sumatra.

India is washed by the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea and the Bengal Bay. The Most of the Indian Peninsula is taken by Deanskoye Plateau, in the north - Indo-Ganga Plain and the highest mountains of the land of Himalayas and Karanarum. The climate is a subequatorial monsoon, in the south -tropic. The main rivers - Gang, Brahmaputra, Ind. Tropical forests savanna and shrub semi-desert. In the mountains, high-rise explanation.

From the beginning of the 16th century, the gradual conquest of India by European colonizers (Portuguese, Dutch, French) took place. India (in the 19th century) was turned into an object of direct robbery, cruel tax exploitation, a source of raw materials and sales market for English factory goods.

Until the mid-19th century, India is a feudal country with a slow development of socio-economic relations. The specifics of India was the domination of the consecrated by the Holy Community Social Social Structure. At the end of the 19th century, the development of capitalism increased, national monopolies arose. The contradictions between the Indian bourgeoisie and English imperialism aggravated. After World War II, the British government was forced to provide India independence. In 1950, the Indian Union became a republic. India adheres to international cooperation policies, opposes military units and neocolonialism.

Diplomatic relations with Russia.

In international affairs, India holds an independent course. Having passed through all the alleged two hundred years of the domination of foreign colonialists, it stands on the side of those whose freedom and independence have trapped and trapped with imperialism. India has a considerable degree contributed to the national liberation movement in the former colonies, supported the heroic struggle of the Vietnamese people against the US aggression, strongly condemns racism and apartheid in South Africa, stands for a fair settlement in the Middle East. India seeks to develop good bilateral relations with all countries, primarily neighboring. The Indian leadership gives the participation of countries in 1985 by the Association of Regional Cooperation of South Asia in 1985.

3. Population. Demographic policy.

India is the most populated country in the world after China. In 1952, the Government of India adopted a national family planning program. In the first years, the scale of the implementation of this program was modest, and when the correspondence of 1961 showed that the growth rate exceeds the expected indicators, specific deadlines were developed for the program. This led to a tangible decrease in the birth rate - from 4.5% at the turn of the 50s to about 3.3% in the early 80s. In 1986, he believed at the level of about 3.1%.

In the period between census 1971 and 1981. The population of India grew by 3.25% per year, and in absolute terms increased by about 137 million people. For the period from 1947 to 1981, the population of the country doubled, i.e. The second India appeared in the same borders. Currently, indius population growth rates are approximately 2%. Every year about 24 million children are born about 8.5 million people dying - as a result, the increase is 15.5 million, which is equal to the population of Australia. It is assumed that if the population of India will continue to grow with the same pace, then by the end of the current century its number will turn a billionth mark. A large number of jobs were created in the country, but it was insufficient to cover the unemployed and those that replenished the ranks of the working-age population. In essence, the number of unemployed, including among the formed layers, increases. Only on labor exchanges in March 1985, about 14 million people were registered as an unemployed (approximately 7.4 million men and 6.5 million women). These data, however, do not reflect the full picture. According to various estimates, the total number of fully or partially unemployed, especially in rural areas, is tens of millions of people.

India is a multinational state. It is inhabited by major peoples whose representatives differ from each other and external appearance, and language, and customs.

Hindi and Urdu have a single grammar and a total stock of everyday words, they are often considered as two literary forms of a single language of Hindustas. They are mostly located in the north-central region. In addition to the Hindustasians in languages \u200b\u200bleading the origin from Sanskrit, such major peoples are told as Bengali (West Bengal), Marathi (Maharashtra), Gujaratsy (Gujarat), Ouri. (Orissa), Punjabs (Punjab), as well as Assamitsa (Assam) and Kashmirtsy (Jammui and Kashmir). All these nations have an external European appearance.

The peoples of South India speak in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Dravidian family. This is Toluga (Andhra Pradish), Cannar (Carnatana), Tamil (Tamil Nad) and Malayali (Kerala). They are more dark-skinned than Northerners, and have some signs of the Australide race.

In the central regions of India, the troupes of Australoid small peoples live, whose languages \u200b\u200brefer to the Munda group (Austzian family).

The northeastern states of India inhabit small nations, in the appearance of which are mongoloid features. These are manipuri, opiper, Garo, Naga, Lizo, etc. They speak in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Tibetan-Burmese group. The exception is khash, the Yazak of which belongs to the Mont-Khmer family.

According to the 1982 census, almost 100% of the population of India is religious. The main religious-ethical system of India is Hinduism, it is being confirmed by 83% of the country's population.

Economic and geographical characteristics of India.

About 12% - Muslims, other Suns, Christians, Jaiug, Buddhists, Pars, etc.

4. Natural resources and their use. Evaluation of natural resource potential for the development of industry and agriculture.

India is rich in minerals. The country has the world largest iron ore reserves, which is estimated at 22 billion tons, which is ¼ world stocks. The iron ore deposits are found everywhere, but the largest focused in the states of Bihar, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Goa and Carnatan. India exports iron ore mainly to Japan, as well as in some European countries. Stocks of manganese ore are estimated at 180 million tons. (3rd place in the world). Its main deposits are located in the central part of the states of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. India accounts for about 4/5 global leaf mica exports. Indian's mica belt stretches from the east to the west along the northern edge of the Bihar Plateau, the salivary deposits are also developed in Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan. Numerous boxed deposits, the main areas of which are focused on Bihara, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Tamilnade. India is a global chromium exporter. It occupies a leading place in the reserves of graphite, Berylla, Thoria, Zirconia, and second place in the world for the production of titanium.

From energy minerals, stone coal has the greatest importance. The coal reserves of all species in India are estimated at 120 billion tons. Leading manufacturers - States Bihar and West Bengal: They account for almost ¾ of general coal mining. However, the reserves of coking coals are essentially limited to the Gharia field in Bihara. The coal mining is also carried out in Assan (bituminous coals) and in Tamilnade (rich deposits in somewinds). In 1974, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe continental shelf of the Arabian Sea, 120 km north of Bombay found a deposit Bombay arch with high quality oil reserves. However, about half of their oil needs and oil products, India satisfies due to imports.

Area - 3.3 million km2. Population - Over 1095 million people

Federal Republic - 28 states and seven Allied territories of central subordination. Capital -. New Delhi.


India is the largest area and population, powerful in economic potential and the influential state of the region. South. Asia. Territory. India covers the mainland and peninsular part. Big cha. Astin territory is located on the peninsula. Hindustan. Shore. India washed water. Of the Arabian Sea and. Bengal Bay. India belongs to three large archipelago.

In North-West, the country borders with. Pakistan, in the East - p. Bangladesh and. Myanmar, along the mountain ranges.

Question: EGP India according to plan please

Himalayas - with. China,. Nepal and. Butane. Strait separates. India from. Sri Lanka. The most economically rose of ocinenimes and politically influential neighboring countries are. China and. Pakistan, all the rest, except. Sri Lanka, are one of the least developed states of Mirtit.

Large importance is close to states in the region. Persian Gulf, world leaders of oil and gas production. The marriage of land international highways, which crossed the country's territory compensates for the intensive cargo of sea transport of world importance, which have developed over the centuries and pass along the Western and southern coasts. India and directed from. Europe and. Middle. S period in. Southeast. Asia.


. In the number of population. India is the second after. China Mira State. It is characterized by significant growth rates of the population (1.4%). High birth rate is due to ethnic and religious traditions. India carries out a targeted demographic policy, which is directed by Van to reduce population growth, since its high rates predetermine poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, the spread of infectious disease.

In the age structure of the population of the state dominate the younger age groups. The average life expectancy is low - 62.5 years. For the sexual structure of the population, the prevalence of men

Citizens. India is active migrants, an indicator of migration balance is characterized by rather significant negative values. Part of the emigrants constitute highly qualified specialists (programmers, drugs Ari, engineers), leaving. United Kingdom,. USA,. Canada and other highly developed powers.

In the north, the North-West and most of the center of the region, representatives of a large European-like race are lived, and in the center and partly in the south. India - groups that make up the branch of a large Australide race. Almost the whole south. India is populated by representatives of the South Indian transition race. V. India lives about 500 ethnic groups speaking more than 1600 languages \u200b\u200band dialects. The most numerous. Etna wasps - Hindusans living in the central and northern parts. India; Bengaltsy - in the northeast and more. Residents of the country belong to different language families:

indoary Group of Indo-European Family (Bengaltsy, Biharians, Hinduscan, etc.); Dravidian family (Tamil, Malayali, Telugu, etc.); Chinese-Tibetan family (Sherpi). Official languages \u200b\u200b- Hindi and Ang Glijka. Most of the population (85%) confess Hinduism, many Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, followers of other religions.

India is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. The most densely populated (400-1000 people per 1 km2) are valleys of rivers. Ganges and. Brahmaputra, as well as seaside lowlands and the fertile plains of the south-western states of unjugible so far is. Himalayas and salt swamps in the West. India.

About 30% of the country's population lives in cities. V. India passes the process of pseudurbanization, i.e. The rapid growth of cities at the expense of an impoverished rural population, which forms a solid zone of population around the city centers. The increase in the number of city inhabitants is ahead of the growth of industrialization.

Among the employed population in agriculture, 64% work, in industry - 16%

India, New Delhi.

Area: 3 287 590 sq. M. KM

Location: South Asia, located on the Pol-Ove of Hindostan, between Myanmar and Pakistan

Who borders: in the north-west - Pakistan, in the north - China, Nepal, Bhutan; In the East - Myanmar, Bangladesh.

What is washed: in the West - the Arabian Sea, in the south - the Indian Ocean, in the east - the Bengal Bay.

Relief. India is located within three large orographic areas: Himalayan Mountains, Indo-Ganga Plain and Plateau Dean on Penostan. Dean is an extensive ancient sushi massif, composed of Precambrian crystalline rocks, mainly by Gneis, granites and slates. A significant part of the surface is blocked by volcanic lava, and the greatest power of the lava cover - in the north-west. Dean was part of the ancient mainland Gondwana, who united southern America, Africa and India and OK.

EGP India by plan please

200 million years ago several blocks sprinkled into several blocks. Between Dean and Himalayas extensive an extensive Indo-Ganga Plain extends.

The highest point: Kangchenga Mount 8 598 m

Minerals: Iron, Aluminum, Titanium, Rare Metals, Mica, Oil, Coal, Gold, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Barity, Fluoritis, Graphite, Kyanit, Gypsum, Salt, Phosphates, Precious Stones (Diamond, Emerald, Aquamarins, Sapphires and etc.).

The climate is a subequatorial monsoon, in the south - tropical. During the wet monsoon (May - September) drops 70-90% of atmospheric precipitation. The period from October to March Dry and Cool, from March to May - dry and hot. The average temperatures of January from 15 ° C in the north to 27 ° C in the south, May (the hottest month) from 28 to 35 ° C. Precipitation less than 100 mm in the west of Indo-Ganga Plain, 300-400 mm in the central regions of the dean, 3000-6000 mm in the Eastern Himalayas and on the external slopes GAT, up to 12,000 mm per year on Schillong Plateau (Darjeeling - the wettest place of the globe ). The main rivers - Gang, Ind, Bhmaputra (Underway), Narmada, Godavar, Krishna. Rivers are widely used for irrigation, some shipping. Savannas prevail, xerophytic parel, places of deciduous forests, in the north-west - shrub semi-deserts and deserts. On the covered slopes of Western Gat, in Delta Ganges - Brahmaputra, in the foothills of Oriental Himalayas - Wetlands Jungle, above - monsoon forests, mountain mixed and coniferous forests, mountain meadows and steppes. Forestability of India 24%.

Soil - 4 types: Alluvial on Indo-Ganga Plain; regulations, or "black cotton soils", on the lavas of the dean; Red color soils on the rest of the territory of Industan; Laterithic soils on the periphery of the peninsula.

Plants: 33% of India's ratiosity - endemic. On the plains - savannais from Acacia, Mokhai, Palm, Banyanov. In the mountains - monsoon forests from Tika, Sandala, Bamboo, Terminal, Dipterokarpov. In the northeast - leaf falling mixed forests.

Animals: Langur Nilgiri, Kerala Toad, Asian Lion, Bengal Tiger, Bengali Sip, Indian Rhino, Himalayan Bear.

Population. 1 billion 3 million people - 2nd place.

Main nations: Hindusans 45%, Bengalts 8.3%, Telugu 7.9%, Marathi 7.5%, Tamils \u200b\u200b6.3%, Gujaratsy 4.9%, Cannara 3.9%, Malayali 3.6%, Orya 3.4%, Punjabtsy 2.8%, Assamtsy 1.6%

The placement of the population of India is highly uneven, as fertile lowlands and plains in the valleys and delta rivers have been populated first, on sea coasts. The average population density is 260 people. per 1 km2. Despite this high indicator, and now there are ample and even deserted territories.

60% of the economically active population occupied in the village.

The share of agricultural products in the export of India is 15%.

Major cultures - rice, wheat; After them - potatoes, sugar cane, sunflower, soybean, cotton, coffee, tea, bananas.

India ranks 2nd in the world of sugar production of about 14 million tons of Sahara per year.

By the number of cattle, the cattle occupies 1 place in the world - 221.9 million t.

In animal husbandry: pigs, sheep, camels.

Mining industries: iron mining, stone coal, oil - Oklo 100 million tons / year.

Processing industry: Centers - Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi, Madras. Textile industry, automotive, bicycle assembly, household appliances, paper, fertilizer, cement are developed.

Energy: coal - 54.5%, oil - 29.4%, natural gas - 7.8%, hydropower - 5%, other renewable sources - 2%.

Transport: 341 airports, 3 393 344km highways, 63,230 km railway, 361 water transportation: bulk cargo, dry cargoers, chemical tankers, container vessels, gas tankers, passenger, passenger / dry cargo, oil tankers.

World partners: USA, UAE, China, Singapore, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Switzerland.

Objectives: to study the features of EGP, population and farms of India to study the features of EGP, population and farms of India to identify topical problems of the country's socio-economic development to identify topical problems of the country's socio-economic development

1. Geographical location Geographical location Geographical position 2. Population Population 3. Natural resources and conditions Natural resources and conditions Natural resources and conditions 4. General characteristics of the economy General characteristics of the economy General characteristics of the economy 5. Industry Industry 6. Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture 7 . External Economic Communications External Economic Communications External Economic Communications Practical Work Home Task Victorina

Features of the physico-geographical location occupies a huge Peninsula of the Industan and the continued mainland plains come to him occupy a huge Peninsula of Industan and the continental plains adjacent to it are separated by mountain arrays, among which the highest mountains of Himalayans (the highest point in India Mount Nangarbat; 8126 m) separated by mountain arrays , among which the highest mountains of Himalayas (the highest point in India mountain Nangarbat; 8126 m) from the West, the South and East, the country is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea and the Bangale Bay from the West, the South and East the country is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea And the Bengal Bay is located in the subequatorial and tropical belts located in the subequatorial and tropical belts

FEATURES OF EGP of India The state in South Asia, on the Peninsula of the Indian, includes the Lakkadiv, Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The state in South Asia, on the Industan Peninsula, includes the Lakkadiv, Andaman and Nikobar Islands bordered by China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka . The border with China in the Himalayas is not marked with China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka. The border with China in the Himalayas is not marked with sea borders with the Maldives in the southwest, with Sri Lanka in the south and with Indonesia in the southeast has marine borders with the Maldives in the Southeast, with Sri Lanka in the south and with Indonesia in the south-east The disputed territory of the state of Jammu and Kashmir has a border with Afghanistan, the controversial territory of the state of Jammu and Kashmir has a border with Afghanistan

State Structure of the Federal Republic of the Federal Republic of Administratively, territorial division: Twenty-nine states (which, in turn, are divided into areas), six Union Territories and the National Capital District Delhi Administratively, territorial division: twenty-nine states (which, in turn, are divided To the districts), six Union Territories and the National Capital District Delhi

The historical features of the country is the birthplace of civilization of the valley of the Indian River and other ancient civilizations. For most of its history, India performed as a center of important trading routes and was famous for its wealth and high culture is the birthplace of the valley of the Indian River and other ancient civilizations. For most of its history, India performed as the center of important trading routes and was famous for its wealth and high culture in India such religions as Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism were born. In the first millennium, our era on the Indian subcontinent also came Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which had a great influence on the formation of a variety of culture of the region in India, such religions were originated as Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism. In the first millennium of our era, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, who had a great influence on the formation of a diverse culture of the region before the middle of the XX century, also came to the Indian subcontinent. India was the colony of the British Empire. After receiving independence in 1947, the country achieved great success in economic and military development, especially in the past two decades to the middle of the XX century. India was the colony of the British Empire. Having received independence in 1947, the country has achieved great success in economic and military development, especially over the past two decades is part of the Commonwealth, headed by Great Britain, is part of the Commonwealth, headed by the United Kingdom Plan

The population is the largest peoples: Hinduscans, Telugu, Marathi, Bengaltsi, Tamily, Gujaratsy, Cannar, Punjabtsy, and others. The largest peoples: Hindus, Telugu, Marathi, Bengaltsy, Tamily, Gujaratsy, Cannar, Punjabs, and others. Nationally languages \u200b\u200bare Hindi and English, In the States there are official national languages \u200b\u200bof national languages \u200b\u200bare Hindi languages \u200b\u200band English, in the States There are official national languages \u200b\u200b74.3% of the population of India lives in villages and only 25.7% of the cities of 74.3% of the population of India lives in the villages and only 25.7 % Cities inhabitants The average density of its population, which at the beginning of the XX century. About 70 people. 1 km², by the beginning of the XXI century. amounted to 319.3 people. 1 km² the average density of its population, which was at the beginning of the XX century. About 70 people. 1 km², by the beginning of the XXI century. amounted to 319.3 people. 1 kmqm

Population age structure of the population (data 2005): age structure of the population (data 2005): 0-14 years: 31.2% 0-14 years: 31.2%: 63.9%: 63.9 % 65 years old and older: 4.9% 65 years and older: 4.9% Middle Age: 24,66 years old Age: 24,66 years Men: 24,64 years old men: 24,64 years old Women: 24,67 Women's year: 24,67 years Average life expectancy: 64.35 years Average life expectancy: 64.35 years Men: 63,57 years old men: 63,57 years old Women: 65,16 years old Women: 65,16 years Perform task 17 Page 268 Plan

Natural resources and conditions of India possesses significant mineral and energy resources. The reserves of coal and iron ore are one of the largest in the world, there are also bauxites, oil, manganese, etc. India has significant mineral and energy resources. The reserves of coal and iron ore are one of the largest in the world, there are also bauxites, oil, manganese, etc. Stone coal iron ores Hydropheneergenest resources Boxitis Oil Manganese

Minerals in the northeast of the country are the main deposits: iron ore basins, manganese ores in the northeast of the country - the main deposits: iron ore pools, manganese ores are somewhat north of iron ore are the main coal pools. Several north of iron ore are the main coal pools in the north-east of the country are observed. Especially favorable for the development of industries, the concentration of minerals in the northeast of the country is particularly favorable for the development of heavy industry industries. Mineral minerals. Mineral minerals South India: bauxites, chromites, magnesites, brown coal, graphite, mica, diamonds, gold, Minerals of South India: Boxites, Chromites, Magnesitis, Brown Coal, Graphite, Diamonds, Diamonds, Gold, Non-Protem in Central India: Black Metals and Stone Coal in Central India: Black Metals and Coal in Rajasthan Detected Uranium ores in Rajasthan detected uranium ores

The climate of the country is mainly monsoon subtropical and tropical, in the south - Equatorial. The average annual temperature is about 25 ° C, only in the winter in the mountains it falls below 0 °. The distribution of precipitation for the seasons and on the territory is uneven - 80% of them are for the summer, their largest number gets eastern and mountainous areas, the smallest - the north-west is mostly monsonic subtropical and tropical, in the south - Equatorial. The average annual temperature is about 25 ° C, only in the winter in the mountains it falls below 0 °. The distribution of precipitation by season and on the territory - uneven - 80% of them are for the summer, their largest quantity gets eastern and mountainous areas, the smallest - North-West

Economy in the volume of industrial production - 10th place in the volume of industrial production - 10th place in terms of national income - 102th place in the level of national income - 102th place ¼ part of the inhabitants have advantage below the official level of poverty ¼ part of the inhabitants has Sleeping below the official level of Public Points per capita is $ 450 (1999) GNP per capita is $ 450. (1999) 2/3 of the population are employed in agriculture 2/3 of the population

The structure of the farm India is a developing agrarian-industrial country with huge resources and human potential. Together with traditional industries (agriculture, light industry), India is developing and manufacturing India - a developing agrarian-industrial country with huge resources and human potential. Together with traditional industries (agriculture, light industry) develop mining and manufacturing currently 29% Currently, 29% of GDP accounts for GDP to industry, 32% - for industry, 32% - on agriculture, 30 % - agriculture, 30% - on the sphere of services for the scope of services

The fectures of the economy for the export of manganese ore and mica of India occupies one of the first places in the world in the export of manganese ore and mica. India occupies one of the first places in the world. The public sector occupies the leading position in the defense industry, nuclear power, railway and sea transport, aviation, communications The state sector occupies a leading position in the defense industry, nuclear power engineering, railway and sea transport, aviation, the private sector prevails in mechanical engineering, agriculture, easy, food and medical industry, construction, trade, road transport Private sector prevails in mechanical engineering, agriculture , easy, food and medical industry, construction, trade, road transport The light industry is represented by handicraft and modern enterprises. Light industry is represented by handicraft and modern enterprises. Consumer goods production is concentrated. In large cities, consumer goods manufactured in large cities India In recent years, it is a manufacturer of medicinal and pharmaceutical preparations India in recent years is a manufacturer of medicinal and pharmaceutical preparations. High proportion in exports - cut diamonds and other gems high share in export - cut diamonds and other Gems The main bid of the country's government has made the development of education and the cultivation of highly qualified personnel. The country in the third place in the number of qualified scientific and technical staff and on the second - in the number of professional programmers the main bid of the country's government has made the development of education and growing highly qualified personnel. The country in third place in the number of qualified scientific and technical staff and on the second - by the number of professional programmers

The Indian economic development model includes: structural shifts (from agriculture to a heavy industry) with a significant impact of the state on the processes of industrialization structural shifts (from agriculture to a heavy industry) with a significant impact of the state on the processes of industrialization, significant natural resources. Significant natural resources. Orientation Domestic reserves Orientation on domestic reserves of an excess cheap labor force of low qualifications of excess cheap labor low qualification rate on small and medium enterprises rate on small and medium enterprises

Economic indicators of the country's population living below the level of poverty: 25% (2002) The population living below the poverty level: 25% (2002) Inflation 4.2% in 2004 inflation 4.2% in 2004 Of the working-age population: 482.2 million in 2004. The number of the working-age population: 482.2 million in 2004. Unemployment: 9.2% in 2004 Unemployment: 9.2% in 2004, the growth of industrial production: 7.4 % In 2004, the growth of industrial production: 7.4% in 2004. Electricity production: 547.2 billion kWh in 2002. Electricity consumption: 510.1 billion kWh in 2002. Electricity production: 547.2 billion kWh in 2002. Electricity consumption: 510.1 billion kWh in 2002. Export: $ 69.18 billion FOB In 2004, goods were exported to: USA 20.3%, China 6.3%, England 5.2%, Hong Kong 4.7%, Germany 4.3% (2003) Export: $ 69.18 billion F.O.B. In 2004, goods were exported to: USA 20.3%, China 6.3%, England 5.2%, Hong Kong 4.7%, Germany 4.3% (2003) Import: $ 89.33 billion F.O.B. In 2004. Imports of goods from: USA 6.7%, Belgium 5.9%, England 5%, China 4.5%, Singapore 4.2% (2003) Import: $ 89.33 billion F.O.B. In 2004. Imports of goods from: USA 6.7%, Belgium 5.9%, England 5%, China 4.5%, Singapore 4.2% (2003) External debt: $ 117.2 billion in 2004 External debt : $ 117.2 billion in 2004

Territorial structure of the economy Four "Economic Capitals" India: Four "Economic Capitals" India: In the West - Mumbai in the West - Mumbai in the East - Kolkata in the East - Kolkata in the north - Delhi in the north - Delhi in the south - Chennai in the south - Chennai Plan Mumbai Kolkata Delhi Chennai

Industry in the chemical industry highlights the production of mineral fertilizers. The value of petrochemistry is growing. Resins, plastics, chemical fiber, synthetic rubber are produced. The pharmaceuticals are developed. The chemical industry is represented in many cities of the country in the chemical industry allocated production of mineral fertilizers. The value of petrochemistry is growing. Resins, plastics, chemical fiber, synthetic rubber are produced. The pharmaceuticals are developed. The chemical industry is represented in many cities of the country. Easy industry is a traditional industry in India. Especially highlighted cotton and jut industries. In terms of production of cotton fabrics, India is one of the leading countries of the world, and for the production of products from jute (technical, packaging, furniture fabrics, carpets) ranks first. The largest centers of the cotton industry are Bombay and Ahmadabad, Jutet - Calcutta. Textile factories are available in all major cities of the country. In the export of India, the products of the textile and clothing industry are 25% of the light industry - the traditional industries of India. Especially highlighted cotton and jut industries. In terms of production of cotton fabrics, India is one of the leading countries of the world, and for the production of products from jute (technical, packaging, furniture fabrics, carpets) ranks first. The largest centers of the cotton industry are Bombay and Ahmadabad, Jutet - Calcutta. Textile factories are available in all major cities of the country. In the export of India, the products of the textile and clothing industry are 25% of the food industry produces goods and for internal consumption, and export. The world's widest fame received Indian tea. Its production is concentrated in Calcutta and in the south of the country. In the export of Tea India ranks first in the world The food industry produces goods and for internal consumption, and export. The world's widest fame received Indian tea. Its production is concentrated in Calcutta and in the south of the country. In the world's exports of India ranks first place in the world. The main growth poles are metallurgical combines of the main growth poles - these are metallurgical machines Mechanical engineering produces not only machines, diesel locomotives, cars, tractors, but also the latest e-equipment, various equipment for space research. Mechanical engineering produces not only Machines, diesel locomotives, cars, tractors, but also the latest electronic equipment, various equipment for space research Map Plan

Agriculture The leading industry of agriculture India is crop production (4/5 of the cost of all products). Sowing square million hectares, but there is practically no for the new development of land resources. Agriculture needs irrigation (40% of sowing areas are irrigated). Forests are reduced (there is still preserved-fire agriculture) the leading industry of the agriculture of India is crop production (4/5 of the cost of all products). Sowing square million hectares, but there is practically no for the new development of land resources. Agriculture needs irrigation (40% of sowing areas are irrigated). Forests are reduced (extrusion-fire agriculture is still preserved) The main part of the seed area is occupied by food cultures: rice, wheat, corn, etc. Main technical cultures of India - cotton, jute, tea, sugar cane, tobacco, oilseeds (PAPS, peanuts, etc. .). Scaffolds, coconut palm, bananas, pineapples, mango, citrus, spices, pineapples, mango, cytruce, spices and spices are the main part of the sowing areas are occupied by food cultures: rice, wheat, corn, etc. The main technical cultures of India are cotton, jute, tea, sugar cane, tobacco , oilseed (PAPS, peanuts, etc.). Rubberos, coconut palm, bananas, pineapples, mango, citrus, spices and spices Livestock are also grown, is the second in the import of India's agriculture, highly yielding to crop production. Cattle is used in peasant farms mainly as a major force. Milk, skin and animal leather animal animal husbandry is the second in the value of the Indian agriculture industry, strongly inferior to crop production. Cattle is used in peasant farms mainly as a major force. The milk, the skin and skin of animals in the seaside districts are considerable significance of fishing. The use of seafood can improve the food situation in the country in the seaside districts. Fisheries is considerable. The use of seafood can improve food situation in the country Map Plan

Foreign Economic Communications and Trade The Share of India in World Exports has decreased from 1.05% in 1961 to 0.6%. Currently, India's share in world exports has decreased from 1.05% in 1961 to 0.6% in Currently, exports increased from 1.35 billion dollars in f. G. to 69.18 billion dollars in F.G., and imports - from $ 2.35 billion to 89.33 billion dollars, respectively, exports increased from 1.35 billion dollars in f. G. to 69.18 billion dollars in F.G., and imports from $ 2.35 billion to 89.33 billion dollars, respectively, a constantly negative trade balance is characterized by a constantly negative trade balance Basic Export Goods of India: agricultural products - 19.1%, textiles, including sewing products - 22.6%, artwork products - 19.2, precious stones and jewelry - 16.6%, machinery and equipment - 13.7%, as well as chemicals , leather products, software Basic Export goods India: agricultural products - 19.1%, textiles, including sewing products - 22.6%, artwork products - 19.2, precious stones and jewelry - 16.6%, machines and equipment - 13.7%, as well as chemicals, leather products, software Major imports of Indian goods: USA, China, United Kingdom, Germany Major importers of Indian goods: USA, China, United Kingdom, Germany Major import articles India: Oil and Petroleum products, machinery and equipment, mineral fertilizers, black and non-ferrous metals, chemicals. Main articles of imports of India: oil and petroleum products, machinery and equipment, mineral fertilizers, black and non-ferrous metals, chemicals. Main import countries. , Singapore, United Kingdom, Germany Main Importing Countries in India: United States, Belgium, China, Singapore, United Kingdom, Germany

Foreign economic relations. Financial relations and tourism Currently, Indian firms in 62 countries of the world have created 430 joint ventures, as well as 172 subsidiaries with a capital of 3.5 billion rubles or 12 million dollars Currently, Indian firms in 62 countries of the world have created 430 joint ventures, as well as 172 subsidiaries with a capital of 3.5 billion rubles or 12 million dollars in F.G. About 1.9 million foreign tourists visited the country, which brought her about 2.5 billion dollars. In F.G. About 1.9 million foreign tourists visited the country, which brought her about 2.5 billion dollars. Goa

Foreign economic relations with Russia The main areas of cooperation with Russia are fundamental sciences, gas and oil industry, the production of medical drugs, electronics and informatics, diamond treatment, the creation of joint Russian-Indian enterprises and investment projects, the main areas of cooperation with Russia are fundamental sciences, gas and oil Industry, production of medical drugs, electronics and informatics, diamond treatment, the creation of joint Russian-Indian enterprises and investment projects a grand international project of the upcoming century promises to become the "North-South" transport corridor connecting India by the sea with Iran and then through the Caspian Sea with The Russian Federation promises a "North-Southern" transport corridor, a grand international project of the coming century, connecting India by the sea with Iran, and then through the Caspian Sea with the Russian Federation a unique event The History of Economic Cooperation was the signing of the Sakhalin-1 project agreement, providing for Indian investments in the amount of 1.7 billion dollars a unique event in the history of economic cooperation was the signing of a Sakhalin-1 project agreement, providing for Indian investments worth 1.7 billion dollars plan

Quiz 1. With an attached Animal of India 2. To the rupal lowland of India 3. To the RUP port in the west of India 4. G, the essence, bordering India in the East 5. With the viscous River of India 6. On the renewal religion of India 7. C Eater Metallurgical Industry 8 . In Oda What Bay is Washed India from the East? 9. With the large city of the country, the capital of the "Indian Rura" 10. To the RUP industrial center of the southern states 11. Either the state is the bread launcher of the country 12. G of a dominant language 13. And the NDIA "Queen" of fruit assessment of natural prerequisites for the development of industry and Indian agriculture work: using the textbook text using the textbook text of Maxakovsky V.P. (page), atlas maps (p. 35), knowledge gained in knowledge obtained when studying grade 7 and study grade 7, and additional Literature, additional literature, Build a scheme showing the construction of a scheme showing the impact of natural conditions and the impact of the natural conditions and resources of India on the development of its resources of India on the development of its industry and rural industry and agriculture

Evaluation of natural prerequisites for the development of industry and agriculture of India give a economic assessment of the country's natural resource potential, having allocated the most promising areas of development of the Indian economy, give a business assessment of the country's natural resource potential, having allocated the most promising areas of development of the Indian economy. Make a conclusion about the impact of natural. Take the conclusion about The impact of natural conditions and resources on the development and specialization of the farm India plan

Homework Chapter 7 § 4 CHAPTER 7 § 4 Task 18 in writing in notebooks, additional task on the contour map Task 18 in writing in notebooks, additional task on the contour map using the textbook, atlas maps and additional literature, fill in the industry table India. Apply these centers on the contour card using the color gamut to designate industry industries using the textbook textbook, atlas maps and additional literature, fill in the Indian Industry Table. Apply these centers to the contour card, using the color gamut to designate industries industry industries Types of products Orientation factors Production centers

General information about the country

State in South Asia.

Official name: Republic of India

The official name of the country, India, comes from the ancient Persian word "Sindhu" - the historical name of the Indian River. The Constitution of India also recognizes the second name, Bharat, which comes from the Sanskrit name of the ancient Indian king, whose history was described in Mahabharat.

Capital: New Delhi.

Area of \u200b\u200bthe country 3165596 km 2.

The population is 1.1 billion people.

Official language: Hindi, English is used in business correspondence and another 17 official languages \u200b\u200bin the states of India.

Monetary unit: Rupee. 1 rupee \u003d 100 Pius (about 44 ind. Rupees \u003d 1 US dollar).

India consists of twenty-eight states (which, in turn, are divided into areas), six Allied territories and the national metropolitan district Delhi. Each state has its own elecable government, while allied territories are managed by the administrator appointed by the Union Government. However, some union territories have their own elected governments.

India is a member of the UN, IMF, the World Bank, UNESCO, the British Commonwealth of Nations.

Geographical position

Located on the Indian Ocean Peninsula, washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean and most of the Indo-Ganga lowland. In the north, it borders with Afghanistan, China, Nepal and Bhutan, in the East - with Bangladesh and Burma (Myanmar), in the West - with Pakistan. In the East is washed by the Bengal Bay, in the south - the Polki Strait separating it from Sri Lanka, and the Indian Ocean, in the West - the Arabian Sea. The composition of India includes partially territory Jammu and Kashmir, disputed by Pakistan.


India can be divided into four regions: Himalayas, northern valleys of rivers, flat makes dean, oriental and western gates. Himalayas - a mountain system wide from 160 to 320 km, stretching at 2400 km along North and Eastern borders. Himalayas are the highest mountain system in the world. Among the highest mountain peaks, fully or partially located in India - Kanchenzhanga (8598 m), the third peak in the world after Everest and K2 (year-osten); Nanga-Parbat (8126 m); Nanda-Devi (7817 m); Rakaposhi (7788 m); Kamet (7756 m). To the south parallel to Himalayas lies the region of the northern valleys of rivers - a flat strip wide range from 280 to 400 km. The region occupies most of the plains area, according to which Ind, Gang and Brahmaputra proceeds.

Inland waters

The central and western part of India receive water from Ganges sacred for all Hindus and his tributaries, called the Ganges Valley. The Assam region receives water from brahmaputra, originating in the north of Himalayas and flowing into Bangladesh. Inde takes the beginning in Tibet and flows to the West through Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan.

Because of the abundance of water and fertile land, the area of \u200b\u200bthe northern valleys of the rivers - the most populated region of the country and it was there that the Indian civilization originated. South of this region lies an extensive plateore dean of a triangular form, which occupies almost the entire Indian Peninsula. The height of the plateau from 300 to 900 m, however, sometimes there are chains a height of up to 1200 m. In many places, it is crossed by rivers. In the east and west, the plateau framed the mountain chains: oriental gates and western gates. Western gates rise to a height of up to 900 m. Between them and the Arabian Sea lies a narrow plain of the Malabar coast. Oriental gates rise to a height of about 460 m. Between them and the Bengal Bay lies a narrow flat line of the Coro Mandel coast.


Because of the large territory and the presence of different climatic zones, the climate of India is diverse, in the north, the tropical monsoon, on the rest of the territory, mainly tropical, in the south of the sub-digvatory peninsula. Rainy season June - October, pronounced in Bombay. From the end of October to the beginning of March there is a cool dry season; This is the best time to visit the Industan Peninsula. At this time in most areas clear, sunny days. In March, a hot season begins, reaching a peak in May, when the thermometer column rises to 49 ° C. The season of southwestern monsoon begins on the west coast at the end of May and is accompanied by the fallout of precipitation (from 60-6000 mm). Especially strong rains are in the northeast of India; Here is the most rainy place on Earth (about 12,000 mm of precipitation per year). Tourist resources due to their geographical position and climatic features have seasonal attractiveness.

In Calcutta, the January temperature ranges from 13 ºС to 27 ºС, July - from 26 ºС to 32 ºС. In Bombay - from 19 ºС to 28 ºС January, from 25 ºС to 29 ºС July.

Flora and fauna

In arid areas bordering Pakistan, vegetation is quite poor. In some areas, bamboo and palm trees grow. In the Ganges Valley, receiving a fairly large amount of precipitation, the plant world is presented more widely, especially many different types of vegetation in the southern part of the region, where mangroves and solid trees are dominated. The lower slopes of the Himalayas are covered with pretty thick coniferous forests in the northwest and subtropical forests in the east of the region. Especially a lot of magnolia, rhododendron and oak. The coastal region of the south-west of India and the slopes of Western guts fused with thick rainforests: bamboo, tick, other evergreen trees. On the flat, the dean vegetation is less dense, however, there are forests with palm trees, bamboo and deciduous trees. Fauna in India is presented quite wide. Among the representatives of the Feline family, Tiger, Panther, Leopard, Snow Leopard, Cheetah, Smoky Leopard are allocated. Among other large mammals are Indian elephant, rhino, black bear, wolf, jackal, buffalo, antilope, several types of monkeys, deer. In the Himalayas and other mountain areas, many mountain goats (Ibex, Sereu). In India, there are especially many poisonous snakes, including cobra, scaown and others. Among reptiles are also pythons, crocodiles. Among the large number of birds, Peacock, Heron, parrots, kingfisher are especially distinguished.


India is an agrarian-industrial country with a mixed economy. The economy is multi-brain.

The volume of the gross domestic product occupies the 5th place in the world (over 2 trillion US dollars), however, when calculating it per capita (about 2 thousand dollars a year), it is noticeably lagging behind the level of more prosperous countries. Nishchensky level of income of the enormous mass of the population, 40% of which lives below the official feature of poverty - $ 100 per year per year, causes a long-term investigation of India to the category of developing countries.

The state assumed a decisive role in the financial and banking systems of the country.

The major national private capital dominates in the manufacturing industry, expands its position in the extractive industries and in the service sector. There are about 120 monopolistic groups with billions of capital.

Small and middle entrepreneurship enjoys the support of the state and occupies a prominent place in the national economy.

Foreign capital has always been present in the economy of India. In the course of the economic reform conducted from 1991, its application is expanding. His inflow is encouraged to new industries requiring advanced technologies. Transnational corporations operate in the chemical and oil refineries, pharmaceuticals, electronics, automotive industry.

The Indian economy cannot be called a planning, although the state of the national economy is applied. Five-year-old plans are not a policy maker.

In agriculture, small and smallest farms are dominated. Main food crops: rice, wheat, wigs, legumes, oilseeds. India is one of the world leaders in the production of sugar cane, peanuts, tea, jute, Kleschin, cotton. Produce rubber, coffee, spices. Breaks of cattle, goats, sheep, as well as pigs, camels, birds.

The country's subsoil contains coal, iron ore, natural gas, oil, manganese, titanium ore, chromite, diamonds, mica, bauxite, limestone.

The leading positions in the world of India occupies the extraction of manganese ore and mica. Also mining iron ore, coal, bauxite, oil.

The main export goods of India are tea, spices, jute, leather, cotton fabrics, iron ore, mica, diamonds. Main Articles Import - Oil and Petroleum products, Machines and high-precision equipment, non-ferrous metals, Chemical goods, Mineral fertilizers, pearls and technical diamonds. Characterized by the predominance of imports over exports.

India's transport communication with other countries is carried out through large seaports located on the coast of the country, as well as air. Inside India, developed air, auto - and railway transport networks.

Brief history of the country

India is one of the oldest civilizations of the world. Until the middle of the 3th millennium BC. In India, the civilization of Dravids developed, not inferior to something superior to the civilizations of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. In the period from 2500 to 1500 BC BC. India was conquered by Indoary tribes that were crowded by Dravids. Until the VIII century AD. Various kingdoms developed on the territory of modern India, with the dominant religious and cultural factor, among which was Hinduism. From the VIII century, Islam began to penetrate into India, which brought Muslim conquerors who captured quite large territories. Muslim Board for most of India continued until 1398, when the Army of Tamerlan came to the country. True, Mongols quickly left the country and until the end of the first quarter of the XVI century, Muslim dynasties of Tuglyuk and Saidov ruled. In 1526, the descendant of Tamerlan Babur won almost all of India and founded the empire of the great Mogolov, which existed until 1857. In 1498-1503, the Portuguese founded several trading points on the coast, the Dutch and the British followed the Portuguese. The British East India Company in 1603 received the right to trade in spices and textiles from the Mongols.

As a result of reasonable trading policy, the British received, and political influence on most of the country. Full political leadership passed to the UK in 1828-1835, and in 1857, India became actually the UK protecto. On August 15, 1947, India received independence, but was divided into two countries - modern India and Pakistan (Bangladesh was later separated) - according to religious grounds. On January 26, 1950, India was proclaimed by the Democratic Republic. From 1947 to this day, conflict continues (at first open, now more hidden) between India and Pakistan on the subject of territories of Jammu and Kashmir, separated by the state border and are in both countries (a third of the territory belongs to Pakistan, two thirds - India).

Modern state structure of the country

Form of Board: Republic with federated state-owned device. Head of State: President.

The head of state - President Patil Pratibha (in office on May 22, 2004). He is elected by a board of voters consisting of both chambers of parliament and state legislative bodies for a 5-year term. The legislature is a two-permanent parliament, consists of the Council of States and the People's Assembly. The executive power is carried out by the government led by the Prime Minister appointed by the President.


The average population density is about 311 people per km 2. Ethnic groups: about 300 Indoary groups - 72%, Dravida groups - 25%, Mongoloids - 3%. Language: Hindi, English (both states), Urdu, Bengali, Telugu, Tamil, Cannar and about 10 languages \u200b\u200bused as state in various states; In total, India speak more than 1600 languages \u200b\u200band dialects.

Average life expectancy: 60 years old - men and women. The birth rate (per 1000 people) is 25.9. The mortality rate (per 1000 people) is 8.7.

Religion: Hindus - 80%, Muslims - 14%, Christians - 2.4%, Sikhi - 2.0%, Buddhists - 0.7%, Jainists - 0.5%. The largest cities: Bombay (9900,000 people), Delhi (7200,000 people), Calcutta (4400,000 people), Hyderabad (4200,000 people), Bangalore (4100,000 people), Madras (3795,000 people), another 12 cities have a population of more than one million people .

Main tourist centers of the country

Chief Tourist Center - Delhi. Delhi, the capital of India is the third largest city in the world with a population of about 16 million. Its strategic position at the intersection of paths played a key role in the history of the country; There are many empires here. Monuments and the ruins of the past are found throughout the city and often adjacent to the tower of skyscrapers.

The main tourist point of the city is the Main Bazar district. Like Old Delhi, Maine Bazaar is a few connected streets of streets with huge trading rows stretching on them, almost the most inexpensive hotels and snacks. It is very close to the railway station of New Delhi - you can go to almost anywhere in the country.

The main attractions and tourist interest places include the Gate of India, the Graceful Red Fort on the very coast of the Sacred Jamuna, the Nizamuddin complex, the tomb of Humayun, the Lodi gardens, Jamma Masjid - the largest mosque in the country, the pompous and the majestic Lotus Temple and many others.

There are 60,000 monuments of global importance, built more than a few thousand years ago in Delhi.

Another tourist center of the country is a fairly well-known state of Kerala located in the southwest. It is said that the name of the resort is due to the fact that there is a large number of palm trees, since Kerala happened from the word "cranks", which means coconut palm tree. The nature of Kerala is a variety of palm trees, as well as mangrove thickets, cashew trees and rice fields.

The definite remoteness of Kerala affected the preservation of traditions and festivals, more non-refining in any place in the country. The main difference of this state is silence and calm. In other parts of India, the atmosphere of some house is more noisy and reigns.

Tourists Kerala attracts not only good beach holidays, the main goal of visiting this resort is Ayurveda, the world-famous treatment system. This treatment is based on all sorts of herbs. The art of this treatment is stored with centuries, and is transmitted from the Father to the Son. The best doctors, passed the practice of Ayurveda in Kerala.

The magnificent state of Goa is located in the south of the magnificent country. The coastline reaches 110 km. Goa is the most famous place of a beach holiday in India. This staff is very different from the rest of India. Here is its own special culture, and magnificent beaches and many attractions are sitting here thousands of tourists from different ends of the world. The whole coastline Goa is divided into different beaches. Beaches on which merry discos are held is a bug and kalangut. The rest of the beaches, about six pieces, the most calm, and the beaches called Agonda and Palis - are considered wild.

And in the afternoon and at night, in Goa Burlit life. There are many restaurants that offer excellent dishes, as well as many opportunities for night entertainment.

Goa has magnificent nature. What there is only no, and beautiful waterfalls, and mangrove thickets, the delightful islands and the stunning beauty of the lake.

Goa is famous for its extraordinary parties. It was here that the famous style of music like Goa-Trans. The youth from all over the world comes to North Goa to visit beach disco. Yush Goa, is suitable for those who want to privacy and calm.

The best beach holiday destination in India is considered this extraordinary state of Goa.

Transportation of the country for Russian tourists from Moscow and St. Petersburg

From Moscow, Aeroflot company produces direct flights to New Delhi and Mumbai.

13. Placement facilities

In India there are fairly common types of hotels for every taste and opportunity.

Youth hotels

The cheapest - youth hotels (Youth Hostels), here you can rent a bed for a holiday. This form is especially developed in southern India.

Public hotels

Public hotels - holiday homes, hotels for the state. officials, forestry, etc. Here you can order a room if they are not occupied by civil servants.

Tourist hotels

Tourist hotels - as a rule, belong to state tourist companies that are available in all states. You can order numbers in the offices of these tourist firms. There are several types of hotels: budget - the cheapest and medium prices, premium - expensive and Heritage (cultural monuments) - mostly expensive.

Private hotels and hotels

All hotels and hotels in India are divided into "Indian" and "West" style. Indian style hotels cheaper. They are mainly located in the places of the Great Indian pilgrimage. Each Hindu must perform pilgrimages by holy places. And there are a lot of such places in this country. "Indian" style differs from Western:

a) standing toilet,

b) less purely

c) hot water in buckets or toilet and bathroom one on the floor,

d) Lingerie almost do not change.

There are many hotels and hotels in the western style in tourist destinations. The price varies depending on the amenities. The time of calculation in the north of India is 12 o'clock in the afternoon. In the south - after 24 hours. There is often a separate dachshund for maintenance (from 10 - 15%). Not all hotels have a restaurant. But you can order food everywhere. In the north of India, seasonal discounts officially exist. In the south of India, such discounts are much less common, but you can always agree with the owner of the hotel or hotel. There are no concepts of stars in private hotels and hotels.

Hotels of the International Standard exist throughout India, especially in tourist centers and large cities. Many tourist centers of the highest category hotels do not coincide with international standards. Only in major cities and tourist centers, such as Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta, Chennai, Jaipur, Udaipur, Goa, Kochin, Varanasi, Agra, Santici, Konark, Mysore, Puri, Orcha, Mount Abu, Udhahamdlag, etc. There are hotels related to international standards.

Exotic hotels of the highest category

In India, there are exotic hotels of the highest category. Such as "House of Bota" (houses on water) in Kashmir, House of Bota in Kerala, Palace on wheels: Delhi - Jaipur - Udaipur (Desert, Rajasthan) - Agra - Delhi and Royal East Express (Delhi - Gujarat - Coast - Delhi), as well as monuments - Palaces, where the descendants of Rajay still live.

Power companies

When traveling in India with food, tourists will not have any problems. There is a well-developed network of restaurants with European cuisine and the Fast Food system, it applies to the northern part of the country, large administrative (Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Madras, Mumbai), as well as tourist centers. Along with European, in India, Chinese, Japanese and Arabic cuisine are represented. A lot of cafes and eateries for tourists along the way. There are restaurants in hotels. It is better to choose restaurants with air conditioning and a good interior. Such restaurants are not much more expensive, but the food is better and varied. In the first days of staying should not be ordered exotic Indian and Chinese dishes. They are very sharp. It is better to order a European lunch and say: without spices.

In all of India, very cheap fruits and are always amazed by their diversity. They are usually seasonal.

In India, except for two places (sh. Kerala and the city of Bombay), the slaughter of cows (as well as bulls, and calves) are universally prohibited. Under the guise of "beef" in India sell buoyavolyn.

In India, it is necessary to comply with the rules of food at a certain season, there are also features of each region, and there is also its own nutritional nutrition on the highlands and the ocean coast.

Features of the tourist visa

A visa application form for a tourist visa must be filled in two copies, preferably in English. On each visa form is pasted on one photo. It is a flight ticket to both end and print on hotel booking / or invitation from inviting faces in India. The cost is 1250 rubles. (equivalent to 40 US dollars). With children entered in parental passports, the fee is not charged. When submitting documents, it is necessary to show a photocopy of the first page of the internal passport and registration.

Customs formalities

Upon arrival in India, an international airport must pass immigration control. All passengers, including children arriving in India, should fill in English special entry cards issued on board the aircraft. Similar cards are filled with each passenger upon departure from the country. With passengers who depart by international flight, an airfield collection of 500 rupees is charged.

A duty-free importation is allowed: cigarettes - 200 pcs. Or cigars - 50 pcs. or tobacco - 250 g; alcoholic beverages - 0.95 l; jewelry - in reasonable quantities; food - within the limits of personal needs; Objects and meaning of household goods - within the limits of personal needs.

It is forbidden to import: drugs, weapons, gold in ingots, gold coins and national Indian currency, antiques, counterfeit products, prohibited removal: rare animals, skins of wild animals and birds of birds (rare species), products made of reptile leather, vintage coins.

At the entrance to India, it is mandatory to declare the imported currency in the amount of more than five thousand US dollars. The import of foreign currency is not limited. Export of cash foreign currency in the amount of over $ 2,000 is subject to declaration.

It borders with Pakistan in the West, with China, Nepal and Bhutan in the North-East, with Bangladesh and Myanmar in the East. In addition, India has marine borders with the Maldives in the southwest, with Sri Lanka in the south and with Indonesia in the south-east. The disputed territory of the state of Jammu and Kashmir has a border with Afghanistan.
The Indian subcontinent is the birthplace of the valley of the Indian Valley of the Indian River and other ancient civilizations. For most of its history, India performed as the center of important trading routes and was famous for its wealth and high culture.
In the period from the beginning of the XVIII to the middle of the 20th century, India was gradually colonicized by the British Empire. After receiving independence in 1947, the country has achieved great success in economic and military development. By the end of the XX century, India's economy became one of the fastest growing in the world. According to the nominal volume of gross domestic product, India ranks 12th in the world, and in terms of GDP, recalculated by purchasing power parity is the fourth place. A high level of poverty and illiteracy of the population continues to be a pressing problem.
India is a federal republic consisting of twenty-eight states, six Allied territories and the national metropolitan Delhi district. All states and two allied territories (Panduriani and Delhi National Capital District) have their own elecable government. The remaining five allied territories are managed by the administrator appointed by the central government, and therefore are under direct administration of the President of India. In 1956, Indian states were reorganized according to a language basis. Since then, the administrative structure has practically changed.
All states and allied territories are divided into administrative and government units called districts. In India there are more than 600 districts. The districts in turn are divided into smaller administrative units of Taluki.
The head of state is the President of India who is elected by the electoral college for a period of 5 years by indirect voting. The head of the government is the Prime Minister, who owns the main executive. The Prime Minister is appointed by the president and, as a rule, is a candidate supported by the political party or a political coalition that has most places in the lower house of parliament.
In recent years, India continues to play a prominent role in the Association of Southeast Asian States, the Association of Regional Cooperation of South Asia, and the World Trade Organization. India is one of the founding members of the United Nations and an active participant in its peacekeeping missions: more than 55,000 Indian soldiers took part in thirty-five peacekeeping operations in four continents. Despite criticism and military sanctions, India is constantly refused to sign a comprehensive prohibition of nuclear testing and a nuclear non-proliferation agreement, preferring in return to support full control over its nuclear programs. Recently, on the foreign policy arena, the Indian government sent efforts to improve relations with the United States, China and Pakistan.
As a political disease hypothesis, the possibility of the close strategic partnership of Russia, India and China is often discussed - the "Moscow-Delhi-Beijing" triangle. Many agree that such cooperation would contribute to the creation of a multipolar world. However, plans to create such a "triangle" (led by the United States) exist in the United States State Department, where India is considered as a potential counterweight of the ever-increasing role of the PRC in the modern world.

General economic and geographical characteristics of India
Territory - 3.28, million km2.
Population -1010 million people.
Capital - Delhi.
Geographical location, general information
The Republic of India is located in South Asia on the Industan Peninsula. India is bordered by Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar. The maximum length of India - from north to south - 3200 km, from west to east - 2700 km.
The economic and geographical position of India favors the development of the economy: India is located on maritime trade routes from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean, halfway between the Middle and Far East.
For almost two centuries, India was the colony of England. In 1947, India received independence, and in 1950 was proclaimed by the republic as part of the British Commonwealth.
India is a federal republic consisting of 25 states. Each of them has its own legislative assembly and government, but when maintaining a strong central government.
Natural conditions and resources
India's minerals are significant and diverse. The main deposits are located in the north-east of the country. Here are the largest iron ore, coal pools, deposits of manganese ore; This creates favorable conditions for the development of industrial sectors.
Diverse minerals of South India - these are bauxite, chromites, magnesites, brown coal, graphite, mica, diamonds, gold, rudes of ferrous metals, stone coal; In Gujarat and on the Continental Shelf - Oil.
The climate of the country is subtropical and tropical, in the south - Equatorial. The average annual temperature is about 25 ° C, only in the winter in the mountains it falls below 0 °. The distribution of precipitation for the seasons and on the territory is uneven - 80% of them are for the summer, the greatest number of their number gets eastern and mountainous areas, the smallest - North-West.
Land resources are the natural wealth of the country, since a significant part of the soil has high fertility.
The forests occupy 22% of India's Square, but the forests are missing for economic needs.
The Rivers of India have a big energy potential, as well as the main source of artificial irrigation.
India is the second state of the world in terms of population (after China). There is very high rates of population reproduction. And, although the peak of the "demographic explosion" in general was passed, the demographic problem still exists.
India is the most multinational country of the world. Representatives of several hundred nations, peoples and tribal groups that are at different stages of socio-economic development and speaking different languages \u200b\u200blive in it. They relate to European-like, non-terrible, Australoid races.
The peoples of the Indo-European family prevail. Official languages \u200b\u200bin the country - Hindi and English.
More than 80% of India residents - Hindus, 11% - Muslims. The complex ethnic and religious composition of the population often leads to conflicts and growth of tension.
The placement of the population of India is highly uneven, as fertile lowlands and plains in the valleys and delta rivers have been populated first, on sea coasts. The average population density is 260 people. per 1 km2. Despite this high indicator, and now there are ample and even deserted territories.
The level of urbanization is quite low - 27%, but the number of large cities and cities of "millionaires" is constantly increasing. But most of the population of India lives in crowded villages.
Industry, Energy
India is a developing agrarian-industrial country with huge resources and human potential. Together with traditional industries (agriculture, light industry), extractive and manufacturing industry develop.
Currently, 29% of GDP accounts for industry, 32% on agriculture, 30% on the scope of services.
Energy. The creation of an energy base began in the country with the establishment of hydropower plants, but among the newly built power plants in recent years, TPPs prevail. The main source of energy is coal. Atomic energy is also developing in India - three nuclear power plants work.
The production of electricity per capita is still very small.
Ferrous metallurgy. This is a developing industry. Modern level - 16 million tons per year (1993). The industry is represented by enterprises located mainly in the east of the country.
Colored metallurgy is also developed in the east. Aluminum industry is highlighted, based on local boxes.
Mechanical engineering. India releases a variety of products of machine-tooling, transport engineering (ships, cars, tractors, airplanes and helicopters). The industry is developing intensively. Leading centers of mechanical engineering - Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, etc.
In terms of production of the radio electronic industry, India reached Asia to second place. The country produces a variety of radio equipment, color TVs, tape recorders, communications.
Chemical industry. In the country with such a role of agriculture, the production of mineral fertilizers acquires exceptional importance. The value of petrochemistry is also growing.
Light industry - the traditional industry of the economy, the main directions are cotton and jute, as well as sewing. Textile factories are available in all major cities of the country. In the export of India, 25% is the products of the textile and clothing industry.
The food industry is also the traditional industry, produces products for the indoor and foreign market. The world's widest fame received Indian tea.
India is a country of ancient agricultural culture, one of the most important agricultural regions of the world.
In agriculture employed 3/5 of the population of India, but the use of mechanization is not enough.
4/5 The cost of agricultural products gives crop production, agriculture needs irrigation (40% of sowing areas are irrigated).
The bulk of fertile land is occupied by food cultures: rice, wheat, corn, barley, millet, legumes, potatoes.
The main technical cultures of India are cotton, jute, sugar cane, tobacco, oilseeds.
In India, two main agricultural seasons are summer and winter. Sening of the most important cultures (rice, cotton, jute) are carried out in the summer, during summer rains; Winter seed wheat, barley, etc.
India fully provides themselves with grain.
Livestock is greatly inferior to crop production, although the livestock of the cattle India ranks first in the world. Only the milk and the skin of animals are used, the meat is practically not used, since the Indians are mostly vegetarians.
In seaside areas, fisheries is considerable significance.
Among other developing countries, India's transport is sufficiently developed. In the first place on the value is the railway transport in domestic transport and sea - in external.
Foreign economic relations
India is still weakly involved in the IHR, although foreign trade is considerable for its economy. Major Export Articles - Light Industry Products, Jewelry, Agricultural Products, Medicines, Fuel Resources; The proportion of machines and equipment is growing.
The largest trading partners of India

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