Which Tower of the Kremlin has chimes. What flock of chimes is the new year? Clock at the Kiev Station

Kremlin Quararti (clock on the Spasskaya Tower)which are installed on the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin, - Surely, the most famous tower hours in the Russian Federation (Russia).

History of Kremlin Quarantov

The history of the tower watch In the city of Moscow, it refers us in the distant 1404, when in the estate of the son of Prince Dmitry Donskoy - Vasily - for the first time and installed them. The courtyard of the Grand Prince himself was located near the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral of the Kremlin.

These chimes made a Serbian church master - Monk Lazar. The mechanical device in the form of a person's shape beat off the bell at the bell hourly.

When the clock with chimes appeared on the Spasskaya Tower, it is definitely unknown. The tower itself was built by 1491 under the guidance of the architect Piero Solari. It happened during the board of the sovereign Ivan III.

First documentary evidence On the presence of hours on the tower refers to 1585: some watchmaker masters were mentioned there, which, in addition to Spasskish hours, were maintained the same mechanisms on the Tainitskoy and Trinity Tower.

There are no descriptions of chronometers, but the weight of the clock from the Spasskaya tower was about 960 kilograms, which follows from the bumps dated already 1624 (it is indicated about the sale of hours of the Spassky Monastery from Yaroslavl lands for 48 rubles).

For the manufacture of a new hourly mechanism, watchmaking wizards was invited, English mechanic Christopher Galovei. His assistants identified local Kuznetsov - Masters Zhdano with her son and grandson, whom the souls of Zhdanov and Alexey Sumilov were called. 13 bells for chimes cast Kirill Samoilov - Master Lantryman.

In the new hours there were no arrows, the role of which was assigned to a rotating dial, which was divided into 17 parts.

The dial itself weight for 400 kilograms was knocked down from wooden boards and painted in heavenly blue colors. There were hourly divisions on it, which were marked by Slavic letters. For decoration, on the field, tin stars of a light shade added.

Above the dial - painted with gold moon and sun. The fixed arrow, as it were, came from the beam of the last shone.

Directly the ringing of the chimes on the Spasskaya Tower was even higher - in the arranged octa.

How did the quarants show the time and discouraged the ring?

Such a strange dial, it turns out, indicated the movement of day and night time, i.e. On the days of summer solstice, it was started at seventeen day and seven nightlings. How did it happen?

The first sharp blow sounded at the moment when the first sunbeam fell on the walls of the Spasskaya Tower. Exactly the same blow announced the completion of the day. Every hour a special ringing was fighting: the first hour is one blow, the second is two, and so to the maximum possible number of 17. After that, the watchmaker was raised to the tower and translated the dial for 7 night clock. Thus, the challenge during the time had to rise twice to height.

Every 16 days the number of day and night watches was corrected, which in sum was the figure we were familiar - 24.

The clock at the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin was delighted not only among Russians, but even among foreigners who arrived in Moscow. Contemporaries so wrote about this Dive:

... Wonderful urban iron watches, famous in all of the world in their beauty and device and the sound of their big bell, which was heard ... more than 10 miles.

In 1626, the clock on the tower burned down, but after two years everything was restored by the same Galovem to serve until the end of the seventeenth century.

New chronometer Appeared under Peter the first, who ordered to destroy one-tailed old-fashioned clock, and instead, install new with a 12-hour dial. The mechanism with clock and music, which bought for 42 thousand Efimkov in the Dutch Amsterdam himself, delivered to Moscow with thirty bass.

Installing the chimes were invited by Yakima Gornel - an inrogenian watchmaker. He together with nine Russian masters for 20 days collected and debugged the clock mechanism. And finally, at 9 am On December 9, 1706, people gathered at the tower heard the first ringing.

The chimes on the Spasskaya Tower were charged as clock and quarters. At a certain time, the melody played that 33 musical bells played. Unfortunately, the motive of that bell tall loss is not known.

Petrovskie watches served until 1737until burned in fire. The capital was then in St. Petersburg, and the Moscow Quarants simply were simply in a hurry.

In 1763, in the premises of the grain chamber there were large detached clocks produced in England. They began to mount them on the Spasskaya Tower only in 1767, for which the Fatz watchmaker (Fats) was discharged from Germany. Together with the Russian master Ivan Polyansky, he launched them only after three years - in 1770. Music of the chimes was somewhat frivolous and represented an excerpt from the German songs "Ah, my dear Augustine."

The fire of 1812 brought the clock in order. The survey of the mechanism was instructed by Yakov Lebedev, which in February 1813 reported his significant destruction and offered his recovery services. The resolution was obtained, but, before, from the watchmaker, they took a receipt that it would not damage the device completely.

Two years have passed and the chimes on the Spasskaya Tower again sounded, for which Lebedev was awarded the honorable and high title "Master of Spessic Watches".

The current Kremlin Kurats was established from 1851 to 1852. The mechanism was manufactured by the Dutch - Brothers Tutenop, whose workshops were located on the meat street, 43. For the provoking of the stall and more accurate reproduction of the melody, 24 bells were added to the bells already, which was dismantled with Trinity and Borovitsky Kremlin towers.

First melody of new hours The anthem of the Russian Empire "God, Tsar Gran!", But the emperor Nicholas I did not give it his enrollment, saying that "Kurats can play any songs except the hymn." I had to record two melodies - "March of the Preobrazhensky Regiment" (sounded in 6 and 12 hours) and "Kohl Sovlen are our Lord in Zion" (3 and 9 hours) who have not changed until 1917.

Installing the clock mechanism of the Bathumen brothers demanded some restoration and repair work, which was led by Architect Peter Alexandrovich Gerasimov. The pedestal to the clock, overlapping and stairs produced in drawings of the architect Konstantin Tone.

Clock on the Spasskaya Tower after the October Revolution

November 2, 1917 During the shelling of the Moscow Kremlin from the artillery guns, the shell was pleased directly into the dial, while having interrupted one of the arrows and destroying the mechanism of their rotation. Steel hours!

Recovery work began only in August 1918 on the personal indication of Lenin. At first, they turned to the watch firms of Roginsky and Bure, but they refused their services due to the inbox. Nikolai Benshas, \u200b\u200bwho worked in the Kremlin, was decided for work. He knew this mechanism, since his father worked as a master of the Bathtop brothers and handed his knowledge to his son.

Berenste started working together with the artist Mikhail Mikhailovich Cheremnyh, who took up the new score for the battle of the Kurats. With great difficulty, a two-meter pendulum weighing 32 kilograms was made, instead of a damaged, made of lead with a gilded applied.

In September 1918, the clock on the Spasskaya Tower re-launched. In the chime, the chimes sounded "INTERNATIONAL" (at noon) and "You fell victory in the fight of the fateful" (at midnight).

In 1932, there was another reconstruction: the clock was repaired; replaced the dial; Figures, rims, as well as the arrows were coated with gilding, spending, in total, 28 kilograms of noble metal. As a ring, only a fragment of "International", which sounded 12, and in 24 hours was left.

Since 1938, the Melody of the Kurats stopped to sound, left only the hourly and fourth short chime. Such a decision adopted a special commission that recognized the sound unsatisfactory due to the worn out of the mechanism.

In 1941, the Internationale was played again at the Spasskaya Tower using a special electro-mechanical drive. True, he existed at all long.

In 1944, Stalin ordered the Kurats to set up and as a chime to establish the music of the new anthem of the Soviet Union, the author of which was Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrov. The work was not charged, and the Kremlin's Spasskaya Tower was silent for many years.

In 1974 he spent Large restoration with stopping hours for 100 days. Then we disassembled and renovated the entire clock mechanism, replaced the worn items, mounted the system of self-samples, but the chimes did not sound - they simply did not reach them.

In 1991, he decided at the Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee on the Restoration of the Kremlin Quararants, but the question arose due to the lack of 3 bells required to reproduce the anthem of the USSR.

I returned to the question in 1995, but the Union was already collapsed, and Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka was a "patriotic song" by the new Russia.

In 1996, on the day of the inauguration of Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, after 58-year-old silence, the chimes sounded again. The lacking for tone of the bell was replaced by metal beil. Now at midnight and noon performed by the anthem, and each quarter is a fragment of the Opera "life for the king" of the same composer Glinka.

The last restoration was found for 1999. In addition to restoration work, the ringing from the previous hymn was changed, approved on December 8, 2000.

Interesting Facts about the Kremlin Quararants

And finally, a few words about the device of the clock and chimes on the Kremlin Spail Tower.

  • Total weight - 25 tons.
  • In the drive of the clock mechanism, three multiple weights from 160 to 224 kilograms are used.
  • A 32-kilogram pendulum of 1.5 meters long provides the accuracy of the clock.
  • The diameter of four dials located on four sides of the tower is equal to 6, 12 meters.
  • The length of the minute and clockwise gear - 3.27 and 2.97 meters, respectively.
  • The height of the digits is 72 centimeters.

Stroke mechanisms, quarter battle and battle hours are located at certain levels from 7 to 9 floors. Over them, on an open platform protected by high tent, are 9 bells for a quarter of a quarter and a large bell for the postback of the clock. By the way, there is an hour later in the middle of the eighteenth century Master Seed Mozzhuhin.

Bells, due to the difference in sizes, can make sounds in the range from a low bass to the discount. Weight - from 320 to 2160 kilograms. In the ensemble of chimes, bells relating to 1702 were preserved, and by 1628, cast in Amsterdam.

Clock on the Spasskaya Tower (Kremlin Quararants) Went twice a day - at noon and at midnight. For these purposes, three electric motors are used - separately for each of the mechanisms (the system was introduced back in 1937). Arrows translated only manually.

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The Spasskaya Tower is one of the most recognizable buildings in the post-Soviet space, because it is the symbol of Russia - Kremlin Kurats, whose fight counts the last seconds of each outgoing year for all Russians

Spasskaya Tower It was built in 1491 and initially was called Frolovsky, in honor of the nearby of the Church of Frol and Lavra, but later she was renamed Spasskaya after installation over the goal of the icon "Savior", later lost during the October Revolution

At first, the tower was about twice as well, but later, in 1624-1625, a multi-tier top ending with a stone tent was built over it. In the middle of the XVII century, on Spasskaya, the first double-headed eagle, which was the coat of arms of the Russian Empire, after which the two-headed eagles appeared on Nikolskaya, Trinity and Borovitsky Towers of the Kremlin

Powered Spassky gate.they were considered holy - that's why it was impossible to pass on them to ride, and men, when passing through the gate, they should have removed hats. If someone was silent of these rules - it was supposed to redeem his guilt with fifty glonies. There is the same as an interesting legend, according to which at the moment when Napoleon drove through the Spassky Gate in the captured Moscow, the gust of the wind pulled his famous triangum from him)

Previously, on both sides of the Spasskaya Tower, there were chapels belonging to the Pokrovsky Cathedral and demolished in 1925


It was on the Spasskaya Tower that the famous chimes, existing already in the XVI century are located. The first hours were installed in 1625, 13 bells were set specifically for them, but then there were no arrows on their dial and it was divided into 24 parts, denoted by copper, covered with gilding letters - time was shown by turning the dial itself

The usual 12-hour dial was installed on the Kremlin chimes in 1705, by decree of Peter I, and from 1706 to 1709, the old hours were replaced by the old hours on Dutch chimes, which were served until the middle of the XIX century

CurandiansThat we see today were created in 1851-1852. During the storming of the Kremlin, the Bolsheviks got a shell in the clock, which had to re-produce a new 32-kilogram pendulum, restore one arrow and a clock mechanism. In 1932, a new dial was established on Kurats, which was spent 28 kilograms of gold. The complete restoration of the clock was carried out in 1974 - at the same time a special system of self-grades of the parts of the mechanism was established. The last serious restoration was conducted in 1999. In the photo - part of the mechanism of Moscow chimes

Early in the morning of the 15th day of the spring month of April, in the 3rd Sunday of the month, observed free, on this day, municipal museums, in the Museum of the "Old English Foreign" in the Moscow charge, at the exhibition about the ancient Russian arithmetic, saw a strange view of a blue dial with 17 Slavic Letters instead of numbers .. it was a drawing of one of the first dials of Spasskaya clock (then Frolovskaya) Tower of the Moscow Kremlin. Because Visit was free, I did not pay for photographing, so just drew the dial, and came home to google.

"In our clock, the arrow walks along the tie, in Russians, on the contrary, the tunic circle is spinning. Mr. Holloway, one very skillful man, made the first such hours, saying that Russians are not similar to other peoples, and therefore there should be a special device in their hours . "Quote by: " The current state of Russia, set forth in a letter to a friend, living in London. An essay of Samuel Collins, which nine years spent at the courtyard of Moscow and was a doctor of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich // Reading in the imperial society of the history and antiquities of the Russian. "- M., 1846

"Russian watches divided the day on the clock and on the clock night, following the ascent and the stream of the sun, so that in a minute of climbing the Russian clock beat the first hour of the day, and at sunset - the first hour of the morning, Therefore, almost every two weeks the number of days, as well as the night, gradually changed "...

The middle of the dial was covered with a blue azure, the golden and silver stars, images of the sun and the moon were scattered along the blue field. The dials were two: one in the direction of the Kremlin, the other towards the China City.

Yes, I thought that the strangest clock was among the ancient Japanese, brought to Japan in the XVI century Dutch traders (I have a layout of ancient Japanese clock from the designer "Gakken"). Changing the length of seconds depending on the time of year (change by regular exemption of the length of the flywheels, which 2: one swinging the afternoon, the second night) so that the day and night was the same number of hours (6 hours) .. though the length of the night and day seconds coincided only 2 times a year, in the days of equinox. The number of shocks in hours with a battle from 9 to 4, because 1, 2 and 3 strikes are reserved for signals to Buddhist prayers. It is clear that at the beginning of the day and night periods (dawn and sunset), the clock was shot down six shots, then 5, 4, 9 (noon-midnight), 8 and 7

It turns out our ancestors were also custodia : seconds they had constant, no minutes were not at all, but the day was also shared for the day and night of the software (sunrise / sunset) and in the bottom could be from 7 o'clock (winter solstice) to 17 hours (summer solstice) by increasing Or reducing nights. At the time of sunrise / sunset, the clock was reset ... Naturally spinning in the clock not arrows (as in Europe), but the dial.

Already in 1404, on the Kremlin's Stone Tower - Frolovsky (Spasskaya called it from the end of the XVII century), the first hours were installed by Monk Lazarine. Muscovites have heard the bell ringing every hour. The tower itself was then another look. On a flat top, it was arranged a canopy, covered the bell from the rain and snow. In 1491, the Italian Pietro Antonio Solary built a new tower, preserved and understood. At the end of the XV - early XVI century, the tower provided with new hours. In the documents, the pore tone states that the "chapels" received a complain of 4 rubles per year on meat and a salt 2 hryvnia and 4 Arshina Sukna. The first chimes were installed on the Kremlin Tower in 1585. But in difficult years, they died and ingenic invasions.

In the early years of the XVII century, the cousin Sumil Zhdanov Angrilev was summoned to the capital of the Komaritskaya volost. He was instructed to make and install on the Frolovskaya Tower new "combat" - chimes. His father and son helped the furious. The clock of grown had 24 divisions, they showed the daytime - every hour from sunrise to sunset. Then the rotating dial returned to the initial position and the countdown of night hours began. At the time of the summer solstice, the day lasted for 17 hours, the rest accounted for the night. The rotating circle of the dial portrayed the heavenly arch, the numbers walked around the circumference. The ray of the Gilded Sun, fortified over the circle, served as an arrow and pointed it an hour. The farm clock went well about twenty years, however, during the restructuring of the tower in 1624 they were sold to the weight of the Spassky Monastery in Yaroslavl for 48 rubles: that was the cost of 60 pounds of iron. In 1624-1626, under the leadership of Master of Christopher Galovei, the upper part of the Frolovsky tower was rebuilt. Here Galovy installed a new clock. To them, the bell master Kirila Samoilov cast thirteen new bells. During the fire of 1626, this watch was injured so that Govery had to do all the work. Only in two years later, the Kremlin Quararants were repelled. "The chairs" of the Spasskaya Tower was and court craftsmen, one of them fixed the clock in the palace ... and the watch is small ... in silver. " In 1621, "Aglitsky" master Christopher Galovo was invited to Moscow to the royal service. He was ordered by new hours, to maintain which from frequent fires, the wooden tower of the Spasskaya Tower in 1625 was replaced by an existing stone riding. Works on the construction of a multi-tier vertex and a beautiful tile tent carried out Russian masters-bricklayers under the guidance of the architect Bazhena Ogurtsova. Govery for the installation of hours from the royal treasury was issued a rich reward. On January 29, 1626, he received from the Grand Prince Mikhail Fedorovich: Silver Cup, 29 Arshin expensive fabrics, forty-sable and forty cunits. In total, the royal gift pulled almost 100 rubles - a huge amount at the time. And the sovereign of him (i.e. Galovei) for the fact that he "did in the Kremlin-city over the Frolov gate of the tower clock".

It was the device of time a very awesome device. The only shooter of the Kremlin clock, having a view of the solar beam, was fixedly strengthened on the tower. Under the allegorical gilded sun on a blue disk, silver stars, a full moon and a lunar sickle were depicted. There were 17 Arabic golden numbers and as many edited words of the Cherk-Slavic letters, which were used in Dopurerovskaya Russia. Specified words were copper, thickly meant and the size of each in Arshin, and between them a half-hour signs were placed. Oak, with a diameter of more than 5 meters, the clock dial slowly rotated, substituting the next hour of the arrow-beam. To top it all the arrow pointed out the watch "Day" and "Night" - on dividing the time that existed then in Russia. The daytime clock began with the first sunlight hitting from the east to the Spasskaya Tower. And in the evening, only the last sparkle dawn Gasla on the gilded flora, the creator of the Galoveevian clock Shumina Zhdanov, appointed to the honorable position to "drive" the clock, grabbed for the Lazorian circle, translated the Kremlin "COMMUNICATION" at night. The clock built by Ustyug Masters served not only urban people, painters in ordinary stationery and merchants in trade ranks. For ten miles, the collapse of their bells, cast by a talented Russian Latchik Kirill Samoilov, was heard in the villages and villages. "Divo Peace" - tremendously called these hours of foreigners who came to Moscow in the XVII century.

This is what I wrote about the clock of the Spasskaya Tower Ambassador of the Austrian Emperor Leopold with Tsar Alexei Mikhailovic Baron Augustine Meyerberg in his notes about Muscovy: "Sia's watch show time from climbing the sunset ... When there are the longest days, this car shows and beats until seventeen, and Then the night lasts seven hours. " Having made this record, the Austrian ambassador drew the clock to his album: apparently, and for him the clock was a fair attraction. But the clock is not lucky. In May night, 1626 over Moscow broke out a terrible power of the fire. All the Kremlin was covered with a flame. Wooden pieces in the Spasskaya Tower burned down, a clock bell, breaking two brick villages, collapsed to the ground and crashed. Newly recovered hours of more than a quarter century regularly and rightly served people. But on October 5, 1656, a fire was returned at the Spasskaya Tower. Burned leading up wooden staircase, burned and clock. The chasso on the interrogation said that he started the clock without fire "and from what the tower caught fire, he does not know about that." Pavel Aleppsky, describing the journey of the Antioch Patriarch Makaria to Russia, talks with great regret about this fire. He says that Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich returned from the Lithuanian campaign, reaching the Spassky gate and seeing the burnt tower with a clock, I cried bitterly. The clock after a fire came to complete disrepair, demanded cleaning and repair.

Interestingly, the vast majority of Russians believe that the new year comes with the first or last blow of the bell. Whereas in fact, a new hour, day and year begin with the beginning of the chime of the chimes, that is, 20 seconds before the first blow of the bell. And with 12 bell, the bell has already passed exactly a minute of the new year.

The exact date of installation of the clock is not known, but it is assumed that the clock was installed immediately after the construction of the tower in 1491 by the architect Pietro Antonio Solaryo on the command of Ivan III. Documentary confirmation of the clock refers to 1585, when the three gates of the Kremlin, Spasski, Tainitsky and Trinity, were in the service of watchmakers, for which they received 4 rubles and 2 hryvnia per year, and 4 Arsshina Sukna on clothes. In all likelihood, the clock had an old-circuit (Byzantine) account of time. The then day, according to the time taken in Russia, was divided into "bottoms", from sunrise to sunset, and "Newest" clock. Every two weeks the duration of the clock with a change in the duration of the day and night gradually changed. Were these clock first or not, it is definitely not known, but they are conducted from them.
After one of the fires in 1624, the clock was so badly damaged that they were sold as scrap, on the weight, the Spassky Monastery in Yaroslavl for 48 rubles. In 1625, new, larger clock were made under the leaders of the defective clock in 1625 under the leadership of the Scottish Mechanics and watchmaking Master of Christopher Galovei were made new, larger hours. Wooden peasants of Virachev, Bells for "Switched" Lil Kirill Samoilov worked on the manufacture of clocks under the leadership of Galovei, and the architect Burents cucumbers built a magnificent tent for them, which became the decoration of the entire Kremlin ensemble.
The diameter of the dial of new hours emerging to two sides was about 5 m and was painted in blue. The clock device was unusual: the dial rotated, and not the arrows. The weight of the watch was 3400 kg. According to the testimony of contemporaries, these were: "... the wonderful city iron watches, famous in all of the world in their beauty and the device and the sound of their big bell, which was heard ... more than 10 miles."
The first watchmakers were their creators - father and son of Virachev. Clock masters used in Moscow privileges, they paid great salary. The work of those who supervised for the turmoys were especially valued. In the special instruction it was said: "The case at the Spasskaya Tower in the watchmakers do not drink and not to be brave, grain and card do not trade and do not trade wine and tobacco." After installation, the clock did not even burn in fires, after which they were restored again. However, they stood and served the people of Galovei's clock on the Spasskaya Tower long enough.

By the decree of Peter I in 1705, the whole country moved to a single daily countdown. Returning after foreign journeys, he ordered to replace the mechanism of the clock of the Spasskaya Tower, bought in Holland for hours with a 12-hour clockblast. New Kremlin Quararants beat off the clock and a quarter, and in addition, tied off the melody. Installation of purchased clocks on the tower, and the dialing dial led the Russian watchmaker Ekim Garnov. Complete installation of chimes was completed in 1709. For servicing the Dutch clock, the whole staff of the watchmakers, most of which were foreigners.
The chimes broke and restored many times, and the service of the clock was carried out negligently. Interest in the Kurantam was disappeared after the transfer of Peter I of the capital to St. Petersburg.
Having entered the throne and visiting Moscow, Empress Ekaterina II became interested in Spasskit Quarants, but the clock would have come to complete disrepair by that time. Attempts to restore them did not bring success, and by order of Catherine II "large English courses", found in the grain ward, began to install on the Spasskaya Tower.
For installation, the German Master Fatz was invited, and together with Russian watchmakers, Ivan Polyansky, for 3 years, the installation was completed. In 1770, the Kurats began to cause the Austrian melody "Ah, my dear Augustine" because she really liked the watch master, German by origin serving the clock. And for almost a year, this melody sounded over Red Square, and the authorities did not pay any attention to it. It was the only case in the entire history when Kurats tied off a foreign melody.
In 1812, Muscovites rescued the Spasskaya Tower from destruction by French troops, but the clock was stopped. Three years later, they repaired a group of masters led by a watchmaker Yakov Lebedev, for which he was awarded the honorary title - the master of SPAS watches. The watches established under Catherine II successfully worked for eighty years without major repairs.
However, after the examination in 1851 by the brothers Johann and Nikolai Butenopov (Danish subjects) and architect in Constantine, it was established: "Spasskiy tower hours are in a critical condition close to full disorder (iron gears and wheels were worn out, dials were muffled, wooden floors, oak foundation Under the clock rotted, the staircase requires alterations). "

In 1851, the company "Brothers Butenop" took up the correction of Spasski Kurats. A large-scale work was carried out. Under the clock, a new cast-iron bed was cast, on which the mechanism, wheels and gears were replaced, and for their manufacture, special alloys were selected, which could withstand greater humidity and significant temperature differences.
The appearance of the Kremlin clock was paid special attention. New iron dials were made with gold-plates leaving for 4 sides. There were digits from copper, as well as minute and five-minute divisions. Iron arrows wrapped copper and covered with gilding. The total weight of the watch was 25 tons. The diameter of each of the four dials over 6 meters; The height of the numbers is 72 centimeters, the length of the clockwise is about 3 meters, a minute - a quarter meter is longer. The digitization on the dial was made at the time Arabic numbers, and not by the figures Roman, as now. The musical node was also completely converted. Bells shot from other towers of the Kremlin, brought to the old hourly bells, bringing the total amount of bells to 48 for the purpose of a more melodic chime and accurate melodies.
In 1913, a full-scale restoration of the appearance of the Kurats was held, timed to the 300th anniversary of the house of Romanov. Brothers Butenop continued to serve the clock mechanism.

In 1917, during the artillery shelling during the storming of the Kremlin, the clock on the Spasskaya Tower was seriously injured. The clock was stopped, and almost the year were faulty. In 1918, by decree V.I. Lenin decided to restore the Kremlin Quararants. First of all, the Bolsheviks appealed to Pavel Bure and Sergey Roginsky, but after the recreation of the Holy Sumy, they appealed to the watchman Nikolai Bensha, working in the Kremlin. Berens knew the device of the chimes, as his father worked as a company that served the chimes before. Together with his sons, Berens was able to launch the watches by July 1918, repaired by the mechanism of rotation of the shooter, hinged the hole in the dial and making a new pendulum with a length of about one and a half meters and weighing 32 kilograms. At the direction of the new government, the artist and musician Mikhail Cheremny sorted out in someone's bells, chief scores and scored revolutionary tunes on a playing tree.
In 1932, the external appearance was carried out and a new dial was manufactured, which was an exact copy of the old. On the gilding of the rim, the numbers and the shooter were spent 28 kg of gold, and "International" was left as a melody. At the direction of I.V. Stalina, the design of the mourning march was canceled. The Special Commission recognized the sound of the musical device of the chimes unsatisfactory. Frost and worn out of the mechanism have greatly distorted the sound, as a result of which in 1938 it was decided to stop the musical drum and the chimes were silent, becoming chucking clocks and a quarter.

In 1974, a large restoration of the Spasskaya Tower and Kurats was held, the clock was stopped for 100 days. During this time, specialists of the research institute of the watch industry, the clock mechanism was completely disassembled and renovated, and the old parts were replaced. The system of automatic lubrication of parts, which was previously performed manually was performed, electronic clock control was added. In 1996, during the inauguration of B.N. Heltsin, the chimes, who were silent 58 years old, after the traditional chime and beat the watches began again.
The last major restoration work was carried out in 1999. Works were carried out half a year. The arrows and numbers again gilded and restored the historical appearance of the upper tiers. Important improvements were made in the work and control of the work of the Kremlin Kurats: a special super-sensitive microphone was installed for more accurate timely control over the time of the hourly mechanism. The microphone captures the accuracy of the course, on the basis of which the software helps to establish the presence of problems and quickly reveal, in which node of the clock mechanism is disturbed by rhythm. Also during the restoration, they conducted a reconfiguration of the combat of chimes, after which, instead of the "patriotic song", the Kurats began to fulfill the approved state anthem of the Russian Federation.

The first hours at the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin appeared in the XVI century, at least this is evidenced by the mention of watchmakers who are in service in Spasskit Gates. For the works, they were supposed to be a good annual salary: 4 rubles and 2 hryvnia with money, as well as four Arshina on Kaftan. However, the first hours were sold to the Spassky Monastery in Yaroslavl by weight, so the Englishman Christopher Galloway made new ones.

The dial showed day and night hours, depending on the time of year and the longitude of the day, their ratio changed. In this case, the arrow was rotated, made in the form of a golden beam of the sun, but the dial itself.

Galloweu is that if a joke, whether he seriously explained that "since the Russians do not do as all other people, then they should be arranged accordingly."

These chimes burned in 1656. The watchmaker at the interrogation after the fire said that "started a clock without fire and from what the tower caught fire, he doesn't know about that." Contemporaries were told that when King Alexey Mikhailovich, returned from the Lithuanian campaign, saw the burnt Spasskaya Tower, then I cried bitterly. Restore the clock decided only after 13 years. All metal parts "werehed in a big quarrel", and then two days were cooked in a huge beer boiler. After a thorough cleaning of all metal parts, what the whole car went fine river sand, they wipe them with a rag and abundantly "smeared by Sanya Salom." However, by 1702, they came to full dissent.

Peter I ordered to deliver new hours to Moscow with a bell playing with dancing, on the manner, what are in Amsterdam. " From Holland, the mechanism bought for 42 thousand silver talers was brought to 30 clads. The ringing of 33 bells installed on the Spare Tower of the Kremlin was heard, according to the memories of foreigners, "in the surrounding villages of more than ten miles." Also installed additional bells-blacks that inform about fires in the city. The dial on Petrovsky clock finally became the usual species, with 12-hour divisions.

The melody of the clock, which Muscovites heard at 9 am on December 9, 1706, the story, unfortunately, did not save. The chimes served until 1737 and died in another fire. They were not in a hurry to repair them - the capital was postponed to St. Petersburg by that time. After almost 30 years, a large English couren clock has found in the grain chamber, there is not enough. Install them invited the German master who set up them so that they play the melody "Ah, my dear Augustine."

This is the only case in the history of the country, when the chimes played a foreign melody.

By 1851, Fires (including those engulfed the entire city in 1812) and repairers, Kurats came, according to the characteristics of the company Butenop, "into a state close to perfect disorder." The same brothers manufactured a new mechanism and conducted a clock premises restoration. New Iron dials were installed on all four sides. Nikolay I ordered to leave two melodies from the 16 most familiar Muscovites for the ring: "... so that the watch chimes are played by the morning - the Preobrazhensky march of Petrovsky times, used for the quiet step, and in the evening - the prayer" Kohl Sovlin are our Lord in Zion ", commonly played by musicians if Both plays can be adapted to the clock music mechanism. " At the same time, the emperor refused his bells from the execution of "God, writing that" Kurats can play any songs except the hymn. "

View of the Moscow Kremlin, 1957. Photo: Tasse

On November 2, 1917, during the storming of the Kremlin, the Bolsheviks got a shell in the clock, having interrupted one of the arrows and damaging the mechanism of rotation of the arrows. The clock was stopped for almost a year while Lenin did not decide: "It is necessary that these clock speak our tongue." Thus, the recovered watches from August 18, 1918 began to play "International" at 6 am, and at 9 am and at 15 o'clock - "You fell a victim ...". Subsequently, the "International" was left for noon, and "victims" - at midnight, but since 1932 only "International" remained. However, it was necessary to rule over the ears of the townspeople, he had to be long: since the device of the chimes was exposed to strain from time and frost, the melody became unrecognizable. So in 1938, the clock was silent - for as many as 58 years old! During the inauguration of Yeltsin, Kurats with added bells played a "patriotic song" Glinka. Later, this melody added a choir "Walk" from the Opera "Life for the King".

Now the chimes beat the state anthem of the Russian Federation at noon, midnight, 6 in the morning and 18 hours, and at 3 and 9 am, 15 hours and 21 hours is performed "nice." Interestingly, many consider bell strikes (first or last) at midnight December 31, the new year offensive.

However, in fact, a new hour, day and year begin with the beginning of the chime of the chimes, that is, 20 seconds before the first blow of the bell.

Clock on the building

The first telegraph station was located in the building of the Nikolaev station on Calanechevskaya Square (now - Leningrad Station on Komsomolskaya Square). After four years, with the aim of the convenience of using the telegraph during the emperor's stay in Moscow, it was assumed to the device of the telegraph station in the Kremlin Palace in Moscow. In this document, it is prescribed: "It is assigned to arrange a telegraph station with the establishment on the Depospri's office as private." In 1859, in connection with the development of the telegraph network in the newspaper lane, the Moscow Telegraph Station opens.

From the Nikitsky alley, you can see a huge watch, and attentive observers will notice that the digit "four" on the dial is made on the ancient manner - IIII, whereas on the same Spasskaya tower it is traditionally - IV.

The hourly mechanism that needs to start every week is manufactured by Siemens-Galsk. At that time it was the most practical and high-tech time control system. And the most accurate - the ministries and Moscow University were checked with these hours. Still in the regulations on the reception and transfer of telegraph deposit on an electromagnetic telegraph approved by Alexander II in 1855, there was a special paragraph "... about the verification of the clock of all stations on all the telegraphs of the Empire," so the attention was paid to the accurate time.

Inside the hourly mechanism of the Central Telegraph. Photo: Tasse

The hour station, located in the "Heart" of the Telegraph, is uninterrupted for about 80 years, passing pulses to all the secondary clock of the building. And "outdoor chimes" are installed in the attic room. It is noteworthy that all this time hours celebrate every half hour and hour of bells. True, residents of neighboring houses back in the 30s of the last century complained to noise, and since then the clocks are beaten quiet. And in our time, their ringing is not heard in general because of the noise of the Tverskaya Street.

By the way, the bell of the telegraph, like the roof, green. But this is not a copper patina, but paint applied to objects in wartime in order to mask, because telegraph has always been an important strategic object and the first goal in air raids.

In addition to unusual hours, on the building of the central telegraph now you can see one of the early projects of the coat of arms of the Soviet Union (1923): the globe is surrounded by ears, at the top of a red star, on sickle and hammer.

Study Tower of the Main Building

The clock on the main building of Moscow State University may well be called Russian Big Ben. More precisely, four "big-beans", because on each tower there are two dial looking at different directions of light. Engineers are called them: oriental watches, northern, southern and western. The diameter of their dial is nine meters, as in the London sightseeing. Previously, they were considered the largest in the world, but now they moved away to the end of dozens and share a place with the clock of the railway station of the Swiss town Arau. The length of the minute arrows is more than four meters, and one day the clock did not lose it. The masters at the next lubricant weakened the gears a little more than it should, and the huge arrow literally had to hold his hands so that she would not collapse down.

The clock was installed in 1953, when the construction of the main building of Moscow State University was completed. Initially, the pendulum mechanism was driving heavy weights, descended on cables in the mine in a depth of six floors. However, the system accounted for a variety of people, which was just unprofitable. Therefore, in 1957, all MSU clocks were translated from the electric motor. In addition, the Soviet engineer Yevgeny Lapkin invented, constructed, introduced and patented a unique development. Namely an hourly electrical station with an inverse control system that has connected all 1500 hours located in the university buildings. If the course of at least one hours was broken, the signal was immediately received on the scoreboard, and the wizard at the station knew the fault destination.

Clock on the main MSU building

In 1983, the curiosity happened.

Vigilant Soviet pensioners wrote a letter in complaint about the fact that the clock on different towers of the MoscowSA is shown different times.

Say, disorder. The hype rose, urgently sent a correspondent, who, arriving at the place, to his own surprise, found out: It turns out that the university has not only clocks installed, but also the largest barometer and thermometer in the world, which "showed time" by communice.

After the first and only major renovation in 2000, a new "heart" appeared at the watch - a modern motor. The hour station now automatically adjusts the time by the radio program signals. In addition, manages calls that announce the beginning and end of occupation, which is important for Moscow State University. If there is a temporary disconnection of electricity, the clock "memorizes" time for up to 30 days and automatically exhibit all 1500 secondary hours. But once the clock was stopped and waited for the moment when the arrow position coincides with the "right" time.

Clock at the Central Puppet Theater named after

The famous clock made from the same material as the details for jet aircraft, on the puppet theater building were installed in 1970 in parallel with the opening of the Center itself. The clock on a sad concrete box without windows attracts attention to an unusual view: this is an ensemble of 12 houses with wrought-iron closed doors. When the arrow points to the house, they swing up, the catcakenne is distributed and the music "in the garden, in the garden" from the house there is any fairy-tale character - an animal or a bird. In Zodinz, there is a donkey, owl, cat, hare, fox and other characters that change from the time of day. At noon and at midnight, all animals come out at once, often collecting a large crowd of spectators.

At first, the loud Kukarek was straightened almost all over the Garden Ring, and the rooster catched and at night, causing the residents of neighboring houses to turn her neck.

Therefore, later the clock was transferred to two modes of operation: night and daytime.

Clock on the building of the Oblast Puppet Theater

The idea with puppet clock, strictly speaking, is not new: even in the Middle Ages, the so-called tower hours were often installed on monasteries and in the town halls of Germany, England and Italy. Cleaning figures sometimes played entire representations, and appearing in the night, scared random passers-by.

As for the Moscow watches, in the theater for them, a whole room was allocated for them, where the mechanism was located, and two people from a special clock service followed technician and included tape recorders with records of the corresponding "votes". After the hours have become completely electronic, the quality of the equipment has decreased. They ceased to be adjusted by control clock, so they can sometimes lag behind or hurry, and the rooster cry now can even be heard even in the afternoon, especially considering the ever-roaring garden ring.

The clock gave rise to such a thing as the "wolf hour", familiar to every lover to drink in Soviet times.

Founding opposite the theater grocery traded by vodka smoothly from 11 am. At this time, the clock shouted the rooster, and the wolf was shown from the house. And everyone who has after yesterday's "burned pipes", as if children, rejoiced by the appearance of this figure with a knife, hinting about cutting snacks.

Clock at the Kiev Station

The tower with a mechanical clock is a business card of the Kiev Station. The author of the building Ivan Rerberg could not solve for a long time, where you can build a tower, and in the end I took it outside the main structure.

Clock on the building of the Kiev Station

The roof of the tower is guarded by four sculptures of two-meter eagles, squeezing at the corners of the technical balcony. The same eagles stand on the Borodino field, and the century of the same name was celebrated a year of starting the construction of the station.

However, from pigeon invasion, predatory birds do not save, and it was because of the pigeons, the clock had to stop twice, 40 and 10 years ago.

The dials of the clock are made of stained glass mosaic glass of white and are located on all four sides of the tower. The clock mechanism was made in Switzerland, essentially these are simple classes that are almost not different from the clock with a cuckoo. In 1918, the device was raised to the tower with a winch and installed in a wooden booth-case. Since then, they have already counted more than 50 million minutes. The clock mechanism itself (weighing 250 kg) is still supplied manually, as well as on the Kremlin chimes, and just a dozen all hours throughout Russia.

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