Detailed analysis of the story of Pushkin "Lady of the Peasant woman. A.S.

Methodical topic: Using visibility in Russian lessons
Topic lesson: A.S. Pushkin "Baryshnya - Peasantka"
1. To know students with the work of A.S. Pushkin "Baryshnya - Peasantka", his plot and heroes. Remove the role of antithesis in the story.
2. Form the ability to analyze artistic text.
3. Award the emotional perception of artistic text, attention to the artistic word; Reliable respect for human feelings.
Equipment: Texts of the Tale of the Baryshnya - Peasantka, Pencil, Paper.
Methodical techniques: student message; Teacher's story with interview elements; Wordwork; commented reading; drawing up character masks; Comparative analysis of characters.
Type of lesson: Lesson studying new material
During the classes
The word teacher
Guys, today we are starting to get acquainted with the Layer Cycle, which are called "Tale of Belkin". They were written in Boldino, in the fall of 1830. (Message of the student about the role of the Boldin Autumn in the life of A.S. Pushkin.)
At today's lesson, we are working on the tale of Pushkin "Baryshnya-peasant woman."
Baryshnya - Peasantka is a parody of romantic and sentimental works of that time. (Wordwork - What is a parody?) So we will read not quite a serious work of Pushkin. Nevertheless, Pushkin argues in it about very serious problems, but with humor.
At home you read the story. Starting reading, you probably drew attention to her headline and epigraph. How can you explain the title? What is the lexical meaning of the words of the young lady and the peasant? (The lady is a girl from the highest class; the peasant is from the lower.) - What gives the combination of these words? (Combining opposite concepts, Pushkin intrigues the reader already named the work. Reception of Antithesis Pushkin uses throughout the work.) - Explain the meaning of the epigraph. (The epigraph is taken from the poem I. Bogdanovich "Downturn" and is a moral characteristic of the heroine, which is "good" and in the noble, and in the peasant appearance.)
Conclusion: judging by the title and epigram, the main character will be the girl shown in the controversial situation and maintaining high moral qualities in it.
Discussion of character characters (comparable analysis)
Analysis of character characters Let's start with the older generation (distinction):
Ivan Petrovich Berezov Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky
1. Employment in Russian manner:
"On weekdays he went to Plica (Vocal. Slave.) Jacket, on the holidays put on a suntuk (vocabulary. Slave.) From the cloth of homework; He himself recorded the flow and did not read anything other than the "Senate Vedomosti".
2. There are people who condemned G.I. Muromsky, "Berestov responded to a stricter. Hate to innovations was a distinctive feature of his character. " Anglomaniac:
"... he spread the English garden ... He was dressed in English jockeys. The daughter had Madame English. The fields he processed in the English method ... "(Unlike the geometrically correct French garden, English is similar to the natural forest.)
2. Grigory Ivanovich "I was not stupid with a stupid man, for the first of the landowners of his province guessed to lay the estate in the guardian council: the turnover seemed to be extremely complex and brave.
Angroman "took a criticism as impatient as our journalists."

We will note the irony of Pushkin in the description of the relationship between Berestov - Senior and Muromsky. In their image, Pushkin uses antithesis taking.
However, despite the differences, they have a lot in common:
1. Ivan Petrovich Berezov - the Russian nobleman, a leading economy in the Russian model. 1. Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky. "It was a real Russian Barin."
He loved "lean."
2. Both were married to love and widowed, remaining with one child. Thanks to the community of life of Berriests, the eldest and Muromsky could find the general language in the end and reconcile.
Junior generation
Alexey Berezov Lisa (Betsy) - Akulina (the name of the heroine was not chosen by chance: everyone has no chance "poor Lisa" Karamzin, it's not by chance that the heroine reads "Natalia, a Boyar daughter" Karamzin) .1. Characteristics of a character, portrait:
"He was raised in *** the university and intended to join military service, but his father did not agree to that ... they did not give each other, and young Alexei began to live by Barin, letting go of the mustache just in case (military attribute).
He was, "In fact, a well done ... The ladies glanced at him, and others looked around; But Alexey did a little by them, and they caused his insensitivity to be insensitive. "
"Easy to imagine, what an impression of Alexey was to make in a circle ... the young lady. He was the first in front of them was gloomy and disappointed, the first spoke by him about the lost joys and faded his youth; Moreover, he wore a black ring with a depicting of a dead head. All this was extremely new in that province. The ladies went crazy about him. 1. Character characteristics, portrait:
"She was seventeen years old. Black eyes revived dark and very pleasant face. She was the only and, consequently, bald child. Her superstitiousness and foil leprosy admired her father and led her Madame Miss Jacinson in despair ... "
"The Nastya went for Lisa, she was older, but just as windy as her lady."
"Why did Lisa decide to change the peasantry, could she charm Alexei in his true appearance?"

Alexey carries a mask of the suffering in love, cold to all young women, because it is fashionable in society, and with simple peasants, Mil, plays the burner. They do not need to wear a mask, you can be yourself. Such Alex is more interesting Lisa.
- Why Alexey and Lisa loved each other?
"... Alexey, despite the fatal ring, on a mysterious correspondence and on gloomy disappointment, was kind and ardent small and had a heart clean, able to feel the pleasure of innocence." He was going to marry a simple peasant, disobeying the will of the parent.
Lisa was too unusual for a simple peasant: a sense of self-esteem (even pride), an outstanding mind, ease of communication and at the same time inaccessibility and principle.
"His intercourse with Akulin had the charm of novelty for him, ... although the prescriptions of the strange peasant people seemed to him with tremendous."

All this indicates the high mental qualities of Alexei, the extraordination of Lisa-Akulin caused strong feelings.
Work in groups
Students draw masks of character characters and verbally describe them.
Berestov - Senior - Bear (Muromsky called him "... bear and provincial").
Muromsky - Frant - Englishman (English speech manner, monocle on the eye).
Alexey - a mask of the suffering in love (reminds Pierrot's mask) and "Good Barin."
Lisa is two masks: a funny smashawned Frenchwoman and a peasant shark.
True face, their real mental qualities of the host heroes are hiding under masks. However, some masks, on the contrary, emphasize the beauty of the soul of characters.
Work on the composition and plot story
- How did the last explanation of Alexey and Lisa occurred? (Accidentally, Alexey wanted to explain to Liza, tell about his love for Aculin and found Lisa in his true appearance.)
- What is generally the role of the case in the story? Let's list the chance that the story moves. Are they random? Consider the composition. Recall how the composition is built:

On the desk:
Exposure - Zaguka - Culmination - Dissection - and - Epilogue (not required).
Eh: story about the heroes of the older generation, the characteristic of the younger generation.
Z.: Nastya, the servant Lisa meets A. Berestov and tells about this Lisa. Random acquaintance of Nastya with A. Berestov entails a well-planned "random" acquaintance Lisa with Alexei.K.: Random meeting with Liza - sharul in her house. The climax is preceded by another chance: the fall of Muromsky from the horse and the salvation of his Berestovoy - the eldest.
R.: No: "The reader will relieve me from an excessive duty to describe the interchange ..."
Is the chance of chance? Reflect on this issue at home.
Essay - miniature "The role of the case in the story of A.S. Pushkin "Baryshnya - Peasantka".
Read the comedy "Auditor" Gogol N.V. ..

A. S. Pushkin very interested in the role of chance and predestination in human life. He believed in Rock, knew that there were fatal circumstances, which were beaten by the will of man and his plans. Own life more than once gave him a reason to think about what strange trifles fate depends on.

Many works of Pushkin are full of thought about the incomprehensible game, which the creator leads with a man.

Heroes of "Misley" The county dreamy and sentimental young lady and a poor ensign on vacation. They are in love with each other, parents against, and here Masha and Vladimir, according to the classic canons of the genre of the novel, decide to run and secretly get married. Everything is planned and designed, the faithful servants are ready to help, the friends of the groom agreed to become a witness and even "life for him", the father agreed to marry ... and nothing happened! Intervened the case, fate judged in his own way. The blizzard rose, he skidded in the bridegroom, and he was late for "his own wedding. And the same blizzard led to the village church of the passage officer of Burmin, who was under a crown with an unfamiliar lady. It seemed to him a joke, leprosy, and only then he realized that he was dangerous to joke with fate! Two unfamiliar friends of the Man-river are connected by the Uza marriage, but they cannot hope for love and marital life. They cannot even find 1Fug friend.

Fate intervened again, giving the heroes to meet truly and love each other. This is an incredible union that began a wedding, and continued in a few years with acquaintance, maybe happy, according to Pushkin. And the blizzard is a symbol of fate, that incomprehensible, bizarre and the wayward player who keeps in the hands of the map of our life.

Belkin's story, despite the fact that the Boldinskaya in the fall of 1830 was written, on days are not the most joyful and bright for the poet, are permeated with love for a person. In addition, in these works the author very affordably showed the discrepancy between the nature of man and the role imposed on him by society and social status.

Take at least a young lady-peasant. Based on the work of the relationship between two young people: Lisa Muromseva and Alexey Berestov. In order to somehow get acquainted with young Berestov, Glory about the mind and beauty of which was separated throughout the district, Lisa, the daughter of Gregory Ivanovich Muromtsev, the first ease of senior Berestov, dressed up with a peasant girl and went early in the morning in the forest as if mushrooms. In fact, a well-known habit of recently appeared in those edges of the seductant, maiden hearts ride in the morning for hunting. Entering into the forest, Lisa, who started this joke, was incredibly worried, her heart beat himself, he doesn't know why ... as a girl, and supposed Alexey Beresov soon appeared. Here, in the forest, there was a conversation between young people, who served as the beginning of their great love.

Alexey liked everything in the peasant girl, he was in admiration, he thought about his new acquaintance for his whole day; At night, the image of the dim beauty and in a dream pursued his imagination. Lisa was also conquered by the beauty, charm and nobility of a young man. They began to meet, and over time, the thought of inseparable UzAs often flashed in their mind, but they never talked about each other with each other. Lisa was sought, what hate existed between their fathers, and did not hope to hope not mutual reconciliation, but Alexei, no matter how tied to Mila Akulin, everything remembered the distance existing between them and the poor peasant. Despite the fact that happiness was so close, it, at the same time, was very far away. And wine in all conventions, prejudice of heroes.

Alexey despair has reached the limit after his father began to insist on marrying. Moreover, the girl who walked his father, did not like him at all, although there was one class with him. Before the young man faced the problem of choice or agree with the requirements of the Father and live in wealth, or marry a peasant without paternal blessing and mined funds for life with their work. For a long time, Alexey did not have to: the nobility and the power of love for the peasant girl were so strong that the decision immediately came to marry acouhin, and the more he thought he was about the decisive act, the more prudence found in him. None of a minute, Alexey wrote a letter to Akulin, in which he offered her his hand and heart. Putting a letter in the hollow, as they agreed, young Berestov lay down very satisfied with him. Soon, Alexey's junction followed and the akulin is not really sharina, but Lisa. His beloved is not a peasant, but the same as he is, the nobleman.

Very interested in the role of chance and predestination in human life. He believed in Rock, knew that there were fatal circumstances, which were beaten by the will of man and his plans. Own life more than once gave him a reason to think about what strange trifles fate depends on.

Many works of Pushkin are full of thought about the incomprehensible game, which the creator leads with a man.

Heroes of "Misley" The county dreamy and sentimental young lady and a poor ensign on vacation. They are in love with each other, parents against, and here Masha and Vladimir, according to the classic canons of the genre of the novel, decide to run and secretly get married. Everything is planned and designed, the faithful servants are ready to help, the friends of the groom agreed to become a witness and even "life for him", the father agreed to marry ... and nothing happened! Intervened the case, fate judged in his own way. The blizzard rose, he skidded in the bridegroom, and he was late for "his own wedding. And the same blizzard led to the village church of the passage officer of Burmin, who was under a crown with an unfamiliar lady. It seemed to him a joke, leprosy, and only then he realized that he was dangerous to joke with fate! Two unfamiliar friends of the Man-river are connected by the Uza marriage, but they cannot hope for love and marital life. They cannot even find 1Fug friend.

Fate intervened again, giving the heroes to meet truly and love each other. This is an incredible union that began a wedding, and continued in a few years with acquaintance, maybe happy, according to Pushkin. And the blizzard is a symbol of fate, that incomprehensible, bizarre and the wayward player who keeps in the hands of the map of our life.

Belkin's story, despite the fact that the Boldinskaya in the fall of 1830 was written, on days are not the most joyful and bright for the poet, are permeated with love for a person. In addition, in these works the author very affordably showed the discrepancy between the nature of man and the role imposed on him by society and social status.

Take at least a young lady-peasant. Based on the work of the relationship between two young people: Lisa Muromseva and Alexey Berestov. In order to somehow get acquainted with young Berestov, Glory about the mind and beauty of which was separated throughout the district, Lisa, the daughter of Gregory Ivanovich Muromtsev, the first ease of senior Berestov, dressed up with a peasant girl and went early in the morning in the forest as if mushrooms. In fact, a well-known habit of recently appeared in those edges of the seductant, maiden hearts ride in the morning for hunting. Entering into the forest, Lisa, who started this joke, was incredibly worried, her heart beat himself, he doesn't know why ... as a girl, and supposed Alexey Beresov soon appeared. Here, in the forest, there was a conversation between young people, who served as the beginning of their great love.

Alexey liked everything in the peasant girl, he was in admiration, he thought about his new acquaintance for his whole day; At night, the image of the dim beauty and in a dream pursued his imagination. Lisa was also conquered by the beauty, charm and nobility of a young man. They began to meet, and over time, the thought of inseparable UzAs often flashed in their mind, but they never talked about each other with each other. Lisa was sought, what hate existed between their fathers, and did not hope to hope not mutual reconciliation, but Alexei, no matter how tied to Mila Akulin, everything remembered the distance existing between them and the poor peasant. Despite the fact that happiness was so close, it, at the same time, was very far away. And wine in all conventions, prejudice of heroes.

Alexey despair has reached the limit after his father began to insist on marrying. Moreover, the girl who walked his father, did not like him at all, although there was one class with him. Before the young man faced the problem of choice or agree with the requirements of the Father and live in wealth, or marry a peasant without paternal blessing and mined funds for life with their work. For a long time, Alexey did not have to: the nobility and the power of love for the peasant girl were so strong that the decision immediately came to marry acouhin, and the more he thought he was about the decisive act, the more prudence found in him. None of a minute, Alexey wrote a letter to Akulin, in which he offered her his hand and heart. Putting a letter in the hollow, as they agreed, young Berestov lay down very satisfied with him. Soon, Alexey's junction followed and the akulin is not really sharina, but Lisa. His beloved is not a peasant, but the same as he is, the nobleman.

The main character of the story Alexei Beresov became higher than prejudice or to say more precisely was ready to become, he was ready to cross through the conventions that his nobleman imposed him and who did not put up with his inner world, his morality and consciousness. The denial of these prejudices, expose them, a good view of life and a person in this, it seems to me that the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story of the lady-peasant woman is concluded.

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Homework on the topic: The role of chance in the story of A. S. Pushkin.

We offer to familiarize yourself with such a well-known piece of Pushkin, like a "lady-peasant". The summary of this story is presented in this article.

Murom and Berestov

The work begins with the fact that it is described how two neighbor was described - Muromsky Grigory Ivanovich and Beresov Ivan Petrovich. The latter owns the estate Togilovo, and the first one is insertion. Berestov has been prudently and reasonable. He removes quite good income from him. Ivan Petrovich refers to the hostility towards innovations, so often ridiculed Murom, which most of the estate droked, but continues to continue to mad. Gregory Ivanovich tries to imitate the British in everything. In his estate there is an English garden, which absorbs the bulk of its income. At the same time, it is dressed as English jockeys. He, in addition, discharged for his daughter the English governess. Muromsky tries to agriculture to adhere to the methods that have been developed in their beloved country. However, tangible profit does not bring it. Muromsky is forced to even lay out his estate. Between the two neighbors, the relationship is hostile, so they do not go to each other.

Alexey Beresov

The following events continue the work of the "young lady-peasant" (a summary, of course, describes only the main of them). Pushkin tells us that Muromsky has a daughter of Lisa, and Berestov is a son Alexey. The latter graduated from the University and wants to become a military. However, his father hinders this plans, as it wishes to see his son official.

Alexey wants to imagine himself sad and disappointed, than heavily impressive county young ladies. The black ring, as well as the mysterious correspondence, as if existing, are attributes of his game. But the author destroys this romantic gloomy image. He tells about it with a tint of irony, and then takes away at all with Alexey mask.

Liza's trick

Muromsky's daughter, Lisa, like other local young ladies, is eager to get acquainted with the son of a neighbor. But the fathers do not want to communicate. What should she do? Nastya comes to revenue, her maid. Lisa trust her own secrets. Having been in a visit to the village of Berestov, Nastya his Mrs. says that the young barin is by no means thoughtful and sad, but a cheerful and cheerful young man. Nastya and Lisa immediately invent, how to introduce a lady with him. Lisa will go to the estate of Berestov, changing the peasantry.

Acquaintance Alexey and Akulins

As if the heroes meet randomly. Throwing around, goes along the path in the forest of the young lady. A summary of further events foreseen this girl. Suddenly, a dog runs up to her, which scares Lisa with his lame. Here appears Alexey Berestov, the owner of the dog. Masquerade Lisa was able to glory: a young man thinks that in front of him Akulina, a peasant from the neighboring village, the daughter of the blacksmith of Vasily. Alexey is accustomed to espolate himself with pretty girls, but he inspires a new acquaintance with his behavior, so he leaves his attempts to hug aculin. Alexey craves to see her again. He promises to come to Vasily. Fearing that her own way will be revealed, the girl promises to be in the same place the next day.

Development of relations between Alexei and Akulina (Liza)

It is safely returned to the parent house of the young lady. A summary will continue the description of how its relationship with Alexei developed. Governess and father are not suspected of anything. However, the girl thinks that her prank is risky. She decides not to go on a date, but to keep the promise forces her fear of exposure. Lisa, having met again with Alexey, says that they should not meet more, because it is frivolous and before the good will not bring. The depth of the feelings and thoughts of the peasantry is striking Alexey, and the hero is already fascinated. Berestov asks her to meet him at least occasionally and agrees not to look for other dates except those that Akulin himself will appoint him. They communicate for a while. Gradually fall in love with each other, these heroes, who created Pushkin ("Baryshnya-peasant"). The brief content of the work becomes more interesting.

Reconciliation of fathers

The case changes the fate of the heroes. Once in the morning, the fathers Lisa and Alexey are accidentally faced. Muromsky, shook behind the hare, fell from a horse. Alexey's father invites a neighbor in his estate. That in response invites him the next day to come along with her son in his estate.

Lisa, having learned about it, frightened that Alexey recognizes her. She says that the guests will not come out. The father laughs that the daughter feeds the hereditary hatred of neighbors, as if the heroine of Romanov. However, Lisa is on its own. Father stops a senseless dispute, realizing that it is not convicted.

New Lisa Plan

The new plan of Lisa describes Pushkin ("Baryshnya-peasant"). A brief content of the tricky tricks, we will not describe this heretary. You will learn about her a little later. Lisa is advised with Nastya, as you should do. They are together developing a plan and put it into action. What exactly came up with girls? You will learn about this by reading the summary of the story of the "Lady-Peasantka". In the morning, Lisa declares that the guests will take, but the father should not be outraged or wondering to her actions. Suspecting a new trial of his daughter, his father agrees.

Berestov Visiting Murom

Berestovs come. Muromsky, they demonstrate their little girl and the park. All these whims on the calculating landowner have no favorable impression. However, he is silent from politeness, and this is indifferent to his son - he wants to see the owner's daughter. Although Berestov and fascinated by the mysterious peasant, it is interesting for him to look at the lady. Then guests and the owner come to the house. Muromsky and Berestov talk about their departed youth. Alexey thinks how he should behave in the presence of Lisa. Again, he puts on a mask: scattered and cold look. Here appears Lisa. Seeing his daughter in an unusual appearance, the father is amazed. Lisa plays a secular boiled lady. She made a hairstyle from fake curls, scored, put on the front dress and diamonds. Of course, in this doll, Alexey will not recognize his beloved. The Englishwoman, realizing that her pupil took Belil without demand, is angry with her. Lisa and Alexey during lunch continue to play their roles. He keeps himself thoughtfully and scattered, and Lisa pretends the boiled young lady.

Akulina learns literacy

Disguised by the peasant girl the next day meets Alexey. She asks him about the impression of the young lady on him. Alexei assures that Akulin is much better than the young man. However, the girl crushes that he does not know the diplomas. Then Alexey proposes to teach it to write and read. The girl after 3 classes is reading Karamzin, inserting his comments.

The upcoming marriage Lisa and Alexey

There is a correspondence between young people after a while. Oak wooker acts as a mailbox. Meanwhile, the fathers decide to marry children. The summary of the story of Pushkin "Baryshnya-peasant" approaching the climax. The landowners quickly agreed among themselves about marriage, but they needed to persuade children now. Muromsky believed that the son of a neighbor and his daughter did not like each other. However, he hoped that this would change with time for the better. His neighbor looked much easier to this matter. He called his son and asked why he no longer wants to go to Gusara. The son replied that the Father is against, so he does not insist. Berestov praises his humility and says that he will not force Alexei to be forced to the State Stat Service, but intends to marry him first at a neighbor's daughter.

Decision Alexey.

There is a dispute between the Father and Son. Alexey tries to refuse this marriage. Father says he will deprive his inheritance in this case, and gives 3 days on thought. Alexey decides to marry Akulin, the peasant, with which he has not seen from rain for several days. He writes a letter to a letter, describing the current situation. Berestov offers sharul hand. He puts a letter in oak hollow.

Happy final

The summary of the story of the "Baryshnya-Peasantka" is completed, as well as the work itself, the happy finals. The young man is traveling to a neighbor for the next day to talk frankly about the alleged marriage on Lisa. But the Muromsky servant reports that Barin went. Alexey asks if it is possible to see his daughter. Having learned that the girl at home, he decides to talk to her. However, when Alexey enters, he recognizes the peasant of Akulin, who traded him with his heart, in Lizawa Grigorievna.

Lisa just at this time read his letter. The girl seeing Alexey, trying to escape. However, barks hold it. Lisa is still trying to behave, as the blagograpan young lady. She breaks away from Alexey's hands, speaks French. Present at this scene and in full confusion of the Englishwoman. Suddenly, the father of Lisa appears at this time, which is glad that Alexey's feelings and his daughters coincide with his plans. It is clear that Alexey and Lisa will marry.

Cycle "Tale of Belkin"

This ends with a summary. "Baryshnya-peasant woman" - Belkin Ivan Petrovich Tale. You will probably be surprised - because the work wrote Pushkin! This is true. However, it is included in the "Tale of Belkin" cycle. The "young lady-peasant woman", the brief content of which was considered by us, is the fifth, the last story from this cycle. Other works of it: "Shot", "Coffin", "Stationander", "Blizzard".

In 1830 he wrote Pushkin "Test Belkin". The "young lady-peasant woman", the brief content of which you just read, as well as other works from this cycle were first published in 1831.

The story of A. S. Pushkin "The Literary Baryshnya-Peasovanka" in literary criticism is most often considered as a work of parody and find a lot of plot lines parodying literary masterpieces, for example, "Romeo and Juliet" V. Kespir, "poor Lisa" I.Karamzin and Others.

But for some reason I never wanted to look at this story as a parody of anything. It is impossible in 5-6 classes, as neither Shakespeare, nor Karamzin children still know. For reading the parody needs erudition and considerable readership experience.

It should also be understood that Parodist wanted to convey to the reader, to keep in mind that the parody can be not only a means of criticism, but also give a positive aesthetic estimate, such as style.

Such a parody is a smile, because the reader has the joy of recognition. Perhaps, in high school, you can compare the Pushkin Tale with Romeo and Juliet and "Poor Lisa" and it will get an interesting research work, but for six classes you need something else, more affordable and understandable. This is "something else" I will try to show in my material.

The "young lady-peasant woman" is a very kind and optimistic story. I think it's not by chance that it completes the cycle of the "Agenda of Belkin", which make us sad, worry, reflect on the issues of being and pony mother: Whatever happened in life, whatever turns did the fate, always the main support is love, home , a family …

Let it see that modern teenagers will see and read and read the thought of the briefness of human relations and the marital unions, let them be fond of and be happy with Pushkin heroes, will appreciate their love, let them finally plunge into the atmosphere of "beautiful far away", where it was Place and shame, and a young laughter ...

The story students read on their own, and we begin a lesson, it is dedicated to her, with a request to call the associations that they cause the word Masquerade.

The guys remember masks, carnival costumes, fun, recognition and not recognition of acquaintances, raised mood. We specify the value of this word.

Masquerad is called any phenomenon in which there is a change in the appearance in order to decorate, surprise, deception and other things. Since the XVIII century, any event, whose members acted in special costumes or masks began to call Masquerad in Russia.

And now think why I, before you begin the conversation about the story of Pushkin, the "young lady-peasant", asked you about Masquerade.

Pay attention to the epigraph of Tale: "In all of you, doubt, the dresses are good" (although we will give a concept about the epigraph: a quote, placed at the head of the composition or its part in order to indicate its spirit, its meaning, attitude to the author him, etc. ). Who does it apply to?

Of course, we remembered the masquerade not by chance. After all, the main character of the story more than once appears to us in different costumes, and the epigraph refers, of course, to it. Her outfits correspond to the role that she chose for himself in each case.

Remember what roles played Lisa Muromskaya. (Peasant and chemmers, that is, a sweet-sophisticated, mannered, deprived of the simplicity of the young lady.)

Let's look at it in these two roles. (Two small fragments are shown from the eponymous film Alexey Sakharov - the acquaintance of Lisa and Alexey in the forest and Berestov at dinner at Murom.)

Did Lisa managed these roles? Why? What role did you like more? Did she always followed her? Did you like the role of Lisa actress Elena Korikov?

Children really like Lisa Murom in the interpretation of Elena Cinnikov. In fact, it wonderfully transmits the living and mischievous character of Pushkin heroine. In its execution, Lisa is convincing in any guise and suit. The heroine has successfully coped with both chosen roles, as she liked they.

The role of the peasant - because he allowed the girl to be natural and not to fade himself in communicating with a young man with secular conventions; The role of the ladies - because she wanted to see Alexey.

Of course, the role of the boiled lady was easier: after all, Lisa was well known all the manners of the girls of her circle, so all Masquerade passed without a bitch without a zadyrinka. But from the role of the peasant during the first acquaintance, she almost came out when Alexey wanted to kiss her: "Lisa donounced him and accepted such a strict and cold look that although Alexey laugh, but he kept him from further assassinations .

"If you want us to be forward to friends," she said, "then do not mind forget." - "Who taught you this wisdom? - Alexey asked, crumbling with the importance. - Isn't Nastya Lee, my friend, isn't your young lady? This is what ways the enlightenment is applied! ""

The act of young Berestova was for Lisa so unexpected (she did not assume that he would lead himself with her as with all the peasant girls) that she almost gave themselves the behavior and the words that the peasants do not speak ... why the girl dressed ... changes Your appearance?

At first, she really wanted to see Alexei Berestov, who only said all the surrounding young ladies, but she could not see him, since their parents did not support relations because of hostility to each other; So I had to resort to the masquerade. And when unexpectedly parents came up and Murom invited Bersers to visit, the girl had to urgently come up with something to remain unrecognized.

How do you think in what role she was better, nicer and easier? Why?

Better, it was pretty and easier for her in the role of aculin, because it was possible to behave naturally. And although Lisa had to be remembered about the peasant adverbs and manners, it was still easier than to imagine the kind of strict and educated young lady and talk about what it is customary to speak in the noble environment and that it seems to be bored ...

And what was Lisa herself? How does the narrator describe it?

Before you introduce us to her, it gives the overall characteristic of the county ladies. Find it. "Those of my readers who have not lived in the villages can not imagine that the beauty of these county ladies!

Pupil in clean air, in the shade of their garden apple trees, they know the knowledge of light and life with the books. Privacy, freedom and reading early in them develop feelings and passions, unknown to scattered our beauties. For the young lady, the ringing of the bell is already an adventure, a trip to the Middle Town is relieved by epoch in life, and the visit to the guest leaves a long, sometimes eternal memory.

Of course, all the way to laugh at some of their oddities, but the jokes of the surface observer cannot destroy their essential advantages, from which the main thing is: a feature of character, originality, without which, according to Jean-field, there is no human greatness. In the capitals, women get, maybe better education; But the skill of light will soon smooth out the character and makes the soul as monotonous as hats. "

He smiles when he says that the young lady "knowledge of light and life is true of the books" that for them the ringing of a bell or a trip to the city "Already an adventure" or "Epoch in life", but at the same time he admires the purity and The strength of their feelings, identity.

In the capitals, all the young ladies are similar to each other as "hats", in the provinces, each individual. Is it possible to say so about Liza Murom?

Sure! "She was seventeen years old. Black eyes revived her dark and very pleasant face. She was the only and investigators of the bald child. Her superstitiousness and commemorative leprosy admired her father and put her Madame Miss Jacinson in despair ... "She is friendly with Nastya, which discusses and exercises all its" ventiy ".

That is, it is very live, emotional, mischievous. And attend it with dressing seeds witty and original.

Who else plays different roles? What kind?

In different roles appears before us and Alexey Berestov. He plays the role of a disappointed young man's life: "He is the first in front of them (ladies) was gloomy and disappointed, the first spoke by him about the lost joys and herself of his youth; Moreover, he wore a black ring with the image of the dead head. " Then he is trying to play before shark the role of a chamberrine of a young barina.

Why does he play these roles? (He wants to like girls.) What role does he manage more? (Frustrated: "All this was extremely new in that province. The ladies went on it crazy").

And in fact, what? Find that the narrator says about him.

"He was brought in *** the university and intended to join military service, but his father did not agree to this. To the Stat Service, the young man felt completely unable ... Alexey was really well done. The right would be sorry if his slim mill never tightened the military uniform and if he were, instead of drawing on a horse, he spent his youth, bent over the stationery papers.

It depends on the first hunting hunt always the first, not sacrificing the roads, the neighbors said according to that he would never come out of a central partner. " (The columnist is an official who headed the so-called table; the lowest position of central and local government agencies.)

The writer tends over his hero, to like his desire, wearing a beautiful military uniform. Of course, such a young man is not interested to be an official and sit in the office for securities. This first characteristic complements Nastya, who had a chance to get acquainted with the young Barin.

According to Nastya, Alexey "Radiant" Barin ... Beautiful: so kind, so funny. One is not good: for girls loves to chase too much. " That is, there is no disappointment in the life of Alexey and in the risen there is no, the hero is full of vital energy, and the disappointment of just a mask for the young lady to arouse their interest.

Further, the narrator adds to its characteristic such lines: "Alexey, despite the fatal ring, on a mysterious correspondence and on gloomy disappointment, was kind and ardent small and had a pure heart, able to feel the pleasure of innocence."

Are there any irony in them? (Irony is the use of words in a negative sense, just the opposite literal, hidden mockery).

Here, a direct score of the hero is kind small, had a clean heart. It is ironicized by the author only when Alexei shows in relations with the young lady who looked at him. Mask disappointed made his business. And what is the role of the Cameryner managed to him? Why?

Lisa Akulina immediately exposed him: "But Lisa looked at him and laughed. And falsely, "she said," didn't hit the fool. I see that you are Barin himself. " - "Why do you think so?" - "Yes throughout." - "However?" - "How like a barrina with a servant is not recognizing? And it's not so much, and Baish is different, and I don't have a dog. "

Pay attention to how perfectly Lisa owns a simple people's speech (Baish, click, not to daruned).

Where did it come from?

Lisa communicates with the maid, as with a girlfriend. They discuss the events of their life, trust each other their secrets; Lisa admirates manners from Nastya, knows the language of the people well. Therefore, she is so easily given the role of the peasant.

Is there anything common between Liza and Alexey?

Yes, they are both open, kind, alive, funny, both love different arrows. Both produced a strong impression on each other: "Alexey was in admiration, he thought about his new acquaintance for a whole day; At night, the image of the dark beauty and in a dream pursued his imagination. " Lisa "In his thoughts, he repeated all the circumstances of the morning date, the whole conversation shark with a young hunter."

"There was also no two months, and my Alexey was already in love with memory, and Lisa was not indifferent, although his silent. Both were happy with the present and thought little about the future. "

So, the heroes are resorted to masks to find the way out of their young energy: one I want to like, the other is to just see what they say so much and whom she cannot see otherwise, since their parents will be enemy.

What are their parents - fathers, people are already elderly, solid?

I look at them better: Are they not participants in Masquerade?

Re-read the characteristics that the narrator gives them. What intonation does he describe them?

In the story about both heroes, Irony is clearly felt: Ivan Petrovich Berezov, increasing his income, read "herself a smarter person in the whole sobotka, in
What and did not stop him the neighbors who came to him to visit his families and dogs. " But this "intelligent person" "did not read anything other than the" Senate Vedomosti ".

Grigori Ivanovich Muromsky "There was a real Russian Barin," but in his estate, it was made to English Lad: "He spread the English garden, who spent almost all other income. His stables were dressed in English jockey. The daughter had Madame English. He processed their fields in the English method ... "

"The incomes of Grigoria Ivanovich were not added; He and in the village found a way to enter new debts; with all those worshiped man not stupid ... "His teacher's classes
Picks up.

What kind of synonym one could choose to this word? (Fun.) And Muromsky considers himself an "educated European", and therefore he is English.

What do Gregory Ivanovich like this project? (Innovations, and himself - the role of the reformer, Europeans.)

Alexei's father, on the contrary, was an opponent of all kinds of innovations ("hatred for innovations was a distinctive feature of his character") and read "herself the smartest

He could not even indifferently talk about the Englishman of his neighbor and remembered the case to criticize him. Whether the guest showed his possessions, in response to the praise of his economic orders: "Yes - s! - he spoke with a smile smile, - I don't have that neighbor Grigoria

Ivanovich. Where to break English in English! We would be Russian in Russian. " These and similar jokes, by zealous neighbors, were brought to the attention of Grigoria Ivanovich with an addition and explanations.

Angroman endured criticism as impatient as our journalists. He shared and called his Zoila Bear and Provincial "(Zoil is a Greek speaker, critic of the IV-III centuries BC. Er).

Is it a reason for hostility and mutual dislike?

Of course not, he even simply funny: everyone has the right to their tastes and hobbies. And therefore, in the description of the Englishman of Muromsky, and in the active rejection of its Berestov, the author's irony feels.

Case (or fate?) Found two enemies in the departure field (field for hunting) and gave them the opportunity to play favorite roles: Muromsky - educated Europeans ("If B. Grigory Ivanovich could foresee this meeting, then, of course, it was from him in Distance pistol shot ")

There was nothing to do. Muromsky, as an educated European, drove up to his opponent and welcomed it. "): Berestov - the role of the winner and the Savior (" Berestov returned home with Gleovoy, holding a hare and leading her opponent with the wounded and almost prisoners of war ").

And the enmity of their "the old and deeply rooted, seemed to be ready to stop the grave of the kard of the Falket."

How does this phrase sound? Why does an enmity ends so easily?

the phrase sounds ironically: the host is called "an old and deeply rooted", but it is so reliable and fetched that it easily stops "from the aim of Kutsa Kobyck."

What kind of friend of Berestov and Muromsky neighbors saw each other? A cinemaeposis will help us to answer this question. (Demonstrated by the episode "Muromsky Visiting Berestov")

Although the director's dialogue was brought to the film by the director, he is so Russian and consonant with Pushkin prose, which does not cause renewal, but, on the contrary, it helps to understand the audience that there are two real Barin in front of them, but something similar: both in Russian Hospitable, wide by nature, can be grateful, both love their children and wish them happiness, etc.

Parents of young heroes came up and so became friends that they decided to marry their children. "Hooray!" - We say readers. We rejoice that everything goes to a happy junction. But how to get out of the situation that created the situation with young characters? After all, Alexey does not realize that Akulin is Lisa ...

By the way, why? Why he and at dinner at Muromsky will not recognize Akulin in Lisa and when then Lisa in the image of the peasant people directly asks him, does she look like a young lady, indignant: "What nonsense! She is in front of you freak freak! "

He is so in love with sharul, which does not see anyone, except for her. Although no, youth remains youth. Pay attention to how he is preparing for a meeting with Liza Murom: "Alexey pondered how role to play him in the presence of Lisa. He decided that the cold scatlet was in any case, and because of this prepared. The door turned away, he turned his head with such an indifference, with such a proud negligence that the heart of the most unfinished coquetki would certainly have to shudder. "

The young lady struck him and caused his rejection by his appearance, he "with annoyance" came to kiss her hand, but "when he touched her white fingers, it seemed to him that they trembled.

Meanwhile, he managed to notice the leg, with the intention of the exhibited and teaching with all sorts of coquets. It ate him a few with her other outfit. " That is, despite the fact that his heart is occupied by the peasant, he notices something in another girl ... However, it does not change things.

Yes, Alexey will have a difficult choice: the father promised to deprive his inheritance, if he does not fulfill the parental will and does not marry Lisa. "Alexey knew that if his father takes that he had a head, he was so ... he did not beat the nail; But Alexey was in the father, and it was as difficult to worry. He went to his room and began to reflect on the limits of the power of the Parental, about Lizawa Maggorevna, about the solemn promise of the Father to make him a poor and finally about Aculin.

For the first time he saw it clear that he was passionately in love with her; The novelty thought was married to the peasant and live with his works came to his head, and the more he thought about the decisive act, the more prudence found it. "

What is Alexey before us in this decision?

He is a decisive, brave and courageous man who is ready to sacrifice material benefits, position in society for love.

What is Liza? Try to imagine that she feels, learning about the intention of Berestov-senior.

She is awkward and shame. How will she explain their visa with dressing up? It will be necessary to admit it that she wanted to see Alexey, to meet him, which was deceiving and stupid him. The behavior is very frivolous and indecent for the young lady of that time ... It does not occur to her that for a loving person all this is already little things and cute leprosy ...

Thank God, everything was allowed safely. "In all you, doubt, outfits are good!" - We remember the epigraph of the story. Who could say such words? Love Alexey, who fate prepared such a wonderful gift.

And who else could say so?

These are the words of the author-narrator who admires his charming, cheerful heroine ... The Father Lisa could say them, who always admired her. What do you think would end the story so well and joyful if Akulina was actually a peasant?

Probably, the final it would be dramatically: his bold act (marriage on the peasant), Alexey would challenge the challenge to society, would be the subject of the Obiden, perhaps would have lost their usual communication with the people of his circle. In addition, he would have to look for ways to exist: because his father refused to be inherited.

Many tests would damage the young people, and they would have to prove their right to love without social borders. But it would have been another story ... Pushkin left us witnesses a happy junction, which gives us hope and faith in happiness, in love.

The history of the marriage of Alexei Berestov on Lisa Murom was so unusual that, probably retained them and their children and grandchildren as a favorite family legend.

Try to imagine how many years later, Alexey and Lisa who told this story after many years. Or maybe their grandchildren - their children ... try to tell her so that they listened to her, hopping his breath, empathized with the heroes, rejoiced and laughed with them. And when the story is over, they would think: "And we will have such

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