Sergey Yesenin. Psychological Types Meaning of the word Yesenin

One of the most stunning Russian poets Sergei Yesenin was killed in one of St. Petersburg hotels in 1925. The killers wanted to furnish everything in such a way that later to issue what had happened for suicide: holding the body of Yesenin to one of the rooms of the Angletter Hotel, they tied it to the pipe, which was under the ceiling, thus joining the body already a dead poet for her.

Murder of Sergey Yesenin

More than 70 years, after the collapse of the USSR, many scientists, historians and simply not indifferent to the work of the poet, people began to seriously talk about the possible murder of the poet. Perhaps so much time did they manage to open his death the mystery?

In 1925, when Yesenin's body was found, announced that the poet had committed suicide. For decades, Soviet law enforcement agencies were trying to conceal the truth about the circumstances of the case, not allowing even their own employees to doubt the truthfulness of the official version. Only with respect to recently, various information and the facts that the inviolability of the official version of suicide shall begin to flow into the hands of researchers and historians and made it seriously talking about the murder of Yesenin. But, without taking into account all the existing materials proving the version of the intentional murder of the poet, civil servants also continue to resist the conduct of an objective and thorough investigation, the assessment of the circumstances under which he died.

Details of the murder of Yesenin

The body of the poet Sergei Yesenin was found to be found for the pipe in one of the rooms of the Angleter Hotel in St. Petersburg 28.12.1925. Thousands of people were shocked by a message about his death. Many familiar poet were not surprised by such a finals of the life of Yesenin, since he had many unfriendlies. The suicide of the poet was accepted in the circle of writers, as they were sure - representatives of Soviet power were brought to this action. But even at that time there were people who did not accept the official version and assumed that in fact Yesenin was killed.

The first information about the happening appeared on 12/29/1925 on the pages of Leningrad newspapers, and the next day the news that the famous poet Sergey Yesenin had committed suicide in one of the rooms of Anglestaire, she had committed suicide. The so-called "friends" of the poet, his comrades and familiar one after another began to publish their own memories of friendship with Yesenin and his character: about drunken, hooliganism and countless women who surrounded him. Many critics that hour began to find confirmation of his desperate state in poet verses, seeing disappointment in them in life, serious deviations in the psyche. Newsipers published the so-called suicide letter of Yesenin, which he, according to journalists, wrote blood in the hotel room before his own death. After some time, it turned out that the poem appeared only in newspapers, and in the calculation of the investigation did not take. During the meeting of the newsarets with the mother of the poet, it was possible to find out that the letter was written a couple of months before the death of the poet and was addressed to a friend Yesenin - Alexey Ganin (who was under arrest in those days, and later was executed in prison). Poet's mother Tatiana Fedorovna also admitted that Sergey was killed by "bad people." But all the subsequent years, this poem was presented with newspapers as an irrefutable proof of Yesenin suicide.

But the true writers who doubted the official version began to conduct independent investigations. Later, all this information and the results of the research were published in magazines and newspapers, but have not been analyzed by the underlined specialists in order to confirm the authorship of documents by those persons who subscribed to them. Most of the documents before our time are stored in archives under the vulture "Secret" and their study is impossible.

Errors of the consequence or deliberate cover of the crime?

Many historians and independent investigators have doubts the quality of the investigative actions in the case of Yesenin. The speed with which the investigation was conducted was impressive - law enforcement officers conducted several interrogations, made a couple of acts and protocols. On this, all investigative actions ended. It is surprising that there was no protocol in which there was also a description of the scene, and law enforcement officers did not conduct an investigative experiment. After a month, the investigation stopped, and the thickness of the business folder about Yesenin did not increase any new page and was not replenished with a new document.

Viktor Kuznetsov, Member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor of the Academy of Culture in St. Petersburg, contributed to the investigation of the circumstances of the death of Yesenin's death. In his writings, the author more than once expressed his opinion that the poet was actually killed. He believed that in fact there is not a single evidence that Yesenin committed suicide, but the facts that they say that he was killed - many.

According to Kuznetsov, on the day, when Sergey Yesenin arrived in Leningrad, Chekist Blumikin, who knew the poet well and in the circles of the literary tip, invited Yesenin to the hotel to celebrate the meeting of comrades. But the poet so independently and did not cross the threshold of the hotel. In the documents on visitors "Anglester", that night, there was no information about the poet. After communicating with those who worked at that night, the institution was also established that Nobody met Yesenin in the hotel building. It is known that the poet, by virtue of his character, was a man very sociable and with the "notable" behavior, so it seems unlikely that all the staff of the hotel did not notice his presence. And it came across Kuznetsov in search of an answer elsewhere. That version he voiced in his writings, tells readers a completely different history of murder. Upon arrival in Leningrad Poet Yesenin was arrested at the interpretation of Lion Trotsky. Four days of the poet were interrogated in the house number 8/23 on Mayorow's avenue. Chekists intended to make Sergei Yesenin secret officer of the main politico. It is very doubtful that Trotsky ordered to kill the poet, most likely the murder occurred by negligence during interrogations. Immediately after the murder, Blumikin called Trotsky, who gave instructions to prepare everything and expect that tomorrow in the newspapers a message about a mentally unbalanced, fallen poet, which committed his life suicide will appear. And that's why everything happened.

In his book, Kuznetsov also suggests that the "director" of the pseudo-chiege of Yesenin was the film director P. P. Petrov (Makarevich). He, waiting for the Cheekists to postpone the body of the Dead Yesenin's body from the Prison Building of the Main Political Office in the "5" Room of the Angletter Hotel, opened it for inspection. The director himself trusted to Gpushniki and did not check - how they prepared a staging room. As a result of such uncoordinated actions, Chekists had a lot of misses: the rope was wrapped around the neck of just a half times, and the loop was absent at all. Also, after what he saw many, it became incomprehensible how Yesenin was all in the blood with chopped hands was able to build such a pedestal on the table, climb on it, and after that hang. From the room disappeared by the jacket of the deceased, but most of all in the future of the researchers alerted a huge sacrificent trace on the face of the poet - the official investigation claimed that this was an ordinary burn.

About the strange wound on the face of Yesenin wrote and known at the time of the doctor I. Okssenov. He also recalled in his book P. Lucnitsky in his book.

There were many photographs on the crime scene, all of them are now stored in the poet Museum. In it, everyone can see Esenin's posthumous masks. All these materials convincingly prove that the poet not only did not commit suicide, and also very stubbornly and hard fought off his own killers. In addition, the growth of Yesenin (1, 68 m) was questioned the possibility that the poet would be able to hang on the pipe under the ceiling, the height of which in the "Angletter" accounted for 4.5 meters.

Why did Yesenin killed?

What is the reason become so weighty to kill the publish the public, one of the most prominent poets of Russia of that time? What exactly was the suspension of Soviet power in verses of Yesenin?

The main reason for the tragic end of the poet was the rejection of the Yesenin Revolution and its faith in God. For the state system, the popularization of poems Yesenin meant faith in God for ordinary people, the Communists were seriously afraid of it, since the doctrine of communism assumes faith only in communism himself, all religions have rejected them. In some verses, the young poet allowed himself to turn the power of the Soviets. Sergey Yesenin is often negative and without fear spoke in letters to his friends who collaborated with OGPU or openly supported their work. It was these facts that, in the opinion of many researchers, served as the reasons for the foolishness of the poet, the submission of Yesenin as a hooligan, an alcoholic, an immoral man and, to the whole, mentally ill.

Some time after the murder of Yesenin, his verses were banned by the Soviet government. For storage and reading his works, people condemned the 58th article. The whole struggle with Essenchina took back from Soviet power for many more decades after his death.

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(Lirik, IEI, intuitive-ethical introvert)

Yesenin often gives the impression of a person, on the one hand hovering in the clouds, detached from the outside world, and on the other hand, an incredibly contact, responsive, experienced cardiovascular and deep. The mystery of the Yesenin mysteriousness attracts many, but they open Yesenin chosen, a small circle of loved ones who will be close or more important than their soul movements.

Yesenin can be called an idealist, a collector and an overpowering of spiritual ideals of different eras. And these are ideals filled with experiences, deeply personal response on what is happening and events that happened.

The little things of everyday life in the perception of Yesenin retreats to the background, and the main, fundamental, internal, hidden flows of their own mental life become the main. The response from the feelings on what is happening around, from the young age experiencing a deepestly happening inside, Yesenin see the feelings and mental experiences of other people, can recognize them on the slightest manifestations and predict.

Usually, Esenins are easy and pleasant in communication, they follow the bushes adopted in society, do not seek to stand out, be in sight, but for ourselves always leave the right to a private inner life, the right to evaluate people in their internal values, the inner laws of morality and morality that Yesenin creates himself during his life, based on feelings and observations.

Time, events and people in them are the areas of attraction of the interests of Yesenin. Life dramas, tragedy, comedy, farces, taking place daily and what happened always, from the very first steps of mankind, events connecting people and separating them, the infancy of fate, shifts of epochs, minds, the authorities - in this mixed stream of history and real life, Yesenin is greatly oriented . The shadows of the past do not interfere, but rather help to see the present and future, create a background of the intimate meaning of existence.

Easy to break away from reality, Yesenin loves to dive into the irrational world of dreams. Great plots for such travel gives him art, literature first. Following his imagination for literary heroes, Yesenin compets, enriches his life experience, decorates the rude reality with elegant beautiful plots.

Cinema, literature, painting or psychology is an excellent reason for Yesenin to expand and deepen the range of their sensory experiences. Events of culture, works of art are perceived by him deeply personally, information is adopted, primarily a heart and imagination.

And, of course, it is of great importance, in which environment the personality of representatives of this type is developing, is the spirituality in this environment, is it possible to break away from a purely household side of life.

Yesenin is given the ability to predicate and predict. He is in invisible contact with the sentiments of society, separating them from its own. The brewing of events leading to change, the dynamics of such events Yesenin may feel very accurate. Particularly subtle, he perceives the approximation of crisis situations. And usually warns his loved ones about it. Reports that there is a danger and it's time to act. And he himself knows how to avoid and bypassing trouble, without analyzing events, but feeling them. Or wait, expect a suitable moment to act quickly.

Yesenin is most often soft, pensive, careful in their statements, prefer to adapt to others, without creating conflicts, conflicting the principle "Live himself and let us live another." But at the same time, Yesenin remains with her opinion or in its stream of feelings and reflections. And at the same time - open and susceptible to new information, changing their ideas if it is necessary in terms of the situation. Change readiness, the ability to easily change plans for solving the urgent tasks and change the future to themselves, include those surrounding in their internal rhythm - these are the strengths of Yesenin.

Most people of this Tim complement the everyday life by self-pressing and the desire for self-knowledge, to self-improvement. Understanding yourself, the answer to the question "Who am I?" - Very important components of the life of Yesenin. Moreover, this question arises again and again throughout life, and the question itself, as well as those feelings, that sincere response, which this question causes, more importantly, an accurate, clear and final reasonable answer. It is more important to be in contact with internal changes, feel them. And felt, mentally go to the future, in the "beautiful far away," because the future of Yesenin looks with optimism, is configured to be light. And the surrounding helps believe in a bright future, which is especially important in troubled times, when there is no clear answer, how to do it here and now.

To the actions necessary in a certain situation, Yesenin surrounding encourages the emotional impact on them. He knows how to influence the mood of people, but not in words, not persuasion, but an emotional splash.

Yesenin shows emotions at the moment when they can and should be shown. And this is often not so much a reaction, the answer to what is happening, namely the active impact. When crying, and when to laugh - in the conscious administration of Yesenin. Feelings will be completely sincere, but the right moment (and this may be the highest intensity of feelings, and there may be a situation in which the existing feelings become active) Yesenin will wait.

Staying in contact with the feelings of a loved one, right up to penetration into the most intimate parts of its inner world, or feeling the emotional mood of the group, Yesenin is able to create people's moods - and relatives, and distant. Without constraint, showing his feelings surrounding his feelings, he can infect others with his mood, contributing to their emotional liberation.

Separately, I would like to say about the very important quality of Yesenin - the ability to make the emotional life of a close person as it is. And only smoothly, unobtrusive and gradually try to harmonize it, make socially more acceptable. Sam, being a man of intensive emotions and a wide emotional range, Yesenin compets the feelings of another and provides spiritual and emotional support, understands and accepts partners. And even can justify some negative gusts, relying on their internal value system, their understanding of morality and its vision of the dynamics of future changes for the better in man.

In a favorable environment, in a friendly company Yesenin sparkles emotions, a lot of jokes, causing a friendly laughter around. He appreciates humor and is able to see funny in everyday situations, in everyday life notes many fun moments and loves to share them with friends, raising them mood.

The mood of people of Yesenin sees perfectly. And distinguishes the social mask from the true, present state of the soul. In communication, it is drawn to the present state. May be cheerful, instigate optimism, set up on combat way. Despite the fact that he himself is a dreamy and lyric nature, having fun on the whole coil also he also peculiar.

But the true feelings of the Yesenin himself for many remain a mystery, since he is greatly able to create an image suitable for the situation and allows you to hide your mood. This happens in many ways because Yesenin lives intensely emotional life, most of which flows inside, and wants to investigate their mysterious inner world from outside encroachment.

This world is so thin, fragile, elevated and wound that Yesenin even being the center of attention, can selectively keep a distance with not very pleasant people who are not able to take elevated and subtle feelings. And this invisible border is sometimes practically impossible to overcome if he himself does not want to let him be closer. Moreover, to predict the behavior of people for Yesenin is not difficult.

The pronounced Esenin's pronounced gravity is manifested not only in his relationship with people, interest in art, literature, poetry, but in the desire to look worthy. External appearance and in particular clothing is of great importance for it. The clothing is also the component of the image, the reflection of the inner world and good taste. Dressing Yesenin is trying elegant, and although it is quite difficult for him as things, the style is usually chosen unmistakable. Even following the fashion or standards adopted in society, Yesenin necessarily contributes to a particle of its individuality.

And the lack of ability to create comfort and comfort of dwellings he is more thanks to another - the ability to maintain emotional comfort, attention to man, tact and wise understanding of the features of the other.

No less difficult for Yesenin business activity. Practicality is not his strong quality, things often depend on the mood. And Yesenin will be very happy if a person is very purposeful, with a business grip and firmly standing on material soil. A person who will take and make instead of explaining how. Help not recommendations, but specific assistance. And I must say that Yesenin attracts people strong, influential, decisive. He introduces optimism into their lives, the ability to create a fun atmosphere, fill the life with spirit and feeling, smoothing conflicts and anticipate trouble. Next to such a person Yesenin is able to show his own gift of foresight.

Equally comfortable Yesenin will feel if the random course of his life will be directed to the volitional and active partner, which needs a lot and really wants much. Penetrating an active and assertive approach to life, legitimacy of rights to their own desires, Yesenin will feel much more confident and sustainable. It will be better to understand your needs and find your way to implement them.

It will do everything you need for such an important and valuable person, it will try to ensure that his fate is as successful as possible so that life is not fresh, monotonous, and was filled and spiritually, and emotionally. The ability to awaken in people the spiritual principle, turn to the better in them, placing to themselves, cause sympathy, to encourage to strong and beautiful actions - this is what generously gifted to the representatives of the Esenin type from nature.

In childhood, Yesenina is very different. From shy, modest and obedient to delicate, capricious and daring. Much depends on the home furnishings and style of parenting. But with the whole spectrum of emotions, parents will definitely have to meet, while the child masters his own feelings and experiences feelings of others. Unites children like Yesenin and a huge interest in everything new, great curiosity for life. Such children help loving parents who are authoritative to the eyes of the child. And the little Yesenin is able to melt the heart of the most strict parent.

At school, Yesenina usually learn well, although rarely, which of them has very high ambitions regarding knowledge. Many learning diligently in order not to upset their parents. Humanitarian objects prefer. Early begin to be carried away by literature: poetry, adventure novels and books about love.

They have a lot of friends, communicating with peers gives great pleasure. Having fun with everyone, participate in a variety of leprosy, but they go out of water, not receiving punishments and reproaches from teachers. Often there are pets of teachers, but the relationship with classmates is not spoiled because of this.

And they themselves, becoming parents, behave softly, with understanding relate to the desires of children, know how to create warm and close relationships. But the freedom does not surrender into permissiveness. For the external softness of such parents hides inner stubbornness, thanks to which they are peacefully, but firmly conduct their educational policy.

Attaching great importance to cultural values, Yesenin's parents seek to awaken in their children to the beautiful. They themselves love literature, painting, music, history and create houses the appropriate atmosphere, at which it is impossible to pass by spiritual components of life, not to touch the delicate aesthetic experiences. Encourage interests and hobbies of children, they are proud of their successes. Many Yesenina love nature and children instill the same love.

Yesenin is quite often a soul of a small company. Many retain children's still friendship, bringing it throughout life. And, gathering with friends in the company, Yesenin just sparks charm, tells funny stories, it is ridiculously joking, paying attention to the funny sides of the events. He myself like to communicate, people are interesting, their stories, news. He is interested in and listening carefully, refers to those people who can raise the mood, and carefully listen to everything that is in the soul.

Yesenina people are attracted extraordinary, unusual, bright, capable of beautiful actions. And although he is waiting for the other to be initiative, all the conditions for its manifestation creates himself, sometimes delicately using small tricks.

Yesenin - a special Tim, carrying all the content of our national mentality. The value of feelings and culture, connection with history and tradition, the mysterious soul, which is impossible to understand Western pragmatic mind - all this is close and familiar to every person living in Russia.

Yesenin seems to be located aside from the fashionable roads to success, from the celebration of technology, rationalism of Western culture, but does not remain in the past, but it goes with its special expensive, relying on an intuitive feeling, not afraid of unknown and change. Yesenin knows that there will be a holiday on his street, believes in a good future, no matter how tragic is the past. More than any other Tim socion, Yesenin feels the power of our roots, the depth and wealth of our culture, feels its inseparable communication with the traditions of national Russian spirituality.

Contemporaries knew him not only as one of the first poets of Russia, but also as a notable scandal. Glory about his antics often went ahead of his poetic recognition.

Yesenin and Jews

One of the most problematic those in the perception of Yesenin is his attitude to the Jews. The poet was more than once accused of anti-Semitism. During the life of Yesenin in Moscow, 13 criminal cases were instituted. In most cases, except for the debaches and the fight, they appeared the impartial statements of the poet of Jews. According to the "Jewish question" above the poet and three friends, even "Friendly Court" took place over the poet and Klychkov. They were accused of being behind the conversation in the beer about the publication of the magazine, they insulted a stranger, calling it a "Zhidovsky muzzle."

The case was allowed by public censures. Yesenin denied his anti-Semitism. He spoke Erliha: "What did they meet, or what? Anti-Semit - Anti-Semite! You are a witness! Yes, I have a Jewish children! .. "

All cases of Judophobia were provoked. Often, getting involved in a fight, he did not even know that his offender was a Jew, but in the end it was exposed to anti-Semitism in the key.

Provocations followed one after another. Yesenin has repeatedly expressed critical comments against Trotsky and even introduced it to the "Country of the National Country" under the pseudonym of Chekists. Essenin's injury was with the filing of Trotsky, who clearly understood that Yesenin becomes dangerous. His unpredictability and its stubborn inconsistency.

Yesenin and Pasternak

The relationship of Yesenin with other poets could not be called simple. So, Yesenin did not take poems Pasternak. The rejection of poetry has repeatedly overwhelmed into an open confrontation. Poets even fought.

There are memories of Kataeva about it. Yesenin in them - Korolevich, Pasternak - Mulatto.

"Korolovyza held an intelligent Mulatto for breasts with one hand, and the other tried to give it to his ear, while Mulat - on the walking expression of those years, similar to Araba and on His horse with a blazing face, in a fluttering jacket With bitten buttons with intelligent inefficientness, he was tuned to poke the Korivichy fist in the scarlet that he could not have succeeded. "

Yesenin and theater

The first wife of Yesenin, Zinaida Reich, was an actress. The second husband of the first wife of Yesenin - Meyerhold. Actress was and Augustus Miklashevskaya.

Bohemian life, in which Yesenin and Yesenin was involved, somehow spinning around the theater ... and in the theater.

So, Yesenin, during one of the productions of the Small Theater, penetrated the scene and in one of Grimoyrook began to connect wine with Vsevolod Ivanov. When the actress returned to the dressing room, then it did not work independently to pay the poets, I had to call the police. Seeing the policeman, Yesenin ran. On the way, twice came up, but was twisted and brought into the office of the administration, where the protocol began to be. Making a protocol, the policeman brought the poet from the theater.

Yesenin and Mayakovsky

The most acute relationships were near Yesenin with Mayakovsky. Two talented poet shared a literary pedestal, constantly joined the controversy. At the same time, the significance of each other soberly assessed. Mayakovsky has repeatedly said that one Yesenin will remain in history from all the IMAZINTS. Yesenin also highlighted Mayakovsky from Lefovtsev and envied his "political grip".

It was a fight of equal. Yesenin claimed that he did not want to share Russia with such as Mayakovsky, Mayakovsky had witness to "take it to himself. Eat it with bread. " The poets argued both in verses and in life. Mayakovsky convinced Yesenin:

Throw away your roasted and fangs! What are you taking this clay on your feet? "
- I'm clay, and you are cast iron and iron! From clay, a person is created, and from cast iron what?
- And from cast iron monuments!

Yesenin and Police

Yesenin did not like the police. Even more - I was afraid of her. In this, he repeatedly recognized the same Ganin. At the same time, in its Moscow branches, Yesenin was regulant. In Moscow, the poet was on special control. In the cafe that he usually visited, an employee was always in civilian clothes.

The poet's scandals that became a logical end of drinking alcohol, invariably led Yesenin in already familiar branches. Before the trial, however, the cases of Yesenin did not reach. I saw the glory of the poet and useful dating.

Each genius has life - and there is fate. Real biography with dates and facts - and many legends and myths with versions, speculation and fiction. Especially if the genius did not die in his bed, "with a notary and the doctor," and killed himself or was killed. This is "or" since the end of the 80s of the 20th century and the subject of discussions and research, the reason for approval, which in 1925 in Leningrad in the hotel "Angletter" a 30-year-old poet killed security officers. Although this version was born almost immediately after his death. The newspaper "The Word" immediately announced the murder of Yesenin, the writer Boris Lavrenev called in a necrologist to "call his executioners and murderers," even the book "Murder of Yesenin" came out.

In addition, the poet then secretly sent off the homeland, in the village church, although suicide is prohibited. And on October 3, 1991, on the birthday of Yesenin, on him already "officially" served a panezhid in Moscow, Leningrad and Konstantinov. Another fact "for" murder.

But why was the "remove" Yesenin? Yes, and leave traces and creepy posthumous photos of the poet with a disheveled face, wounded on her hand? Did he disturb power? However, in 1929, it closes his museum, and in the 50s Yesenin was "forbidden", my father was kicked out from the university for reading his "falncal" poems. At Yesenin (by the way, the "case" from September 6, 1925, closed only posthumously, and Chekists were afraid of the Chekists in the last years of life, although he was friends with them. After the death of the poet, his sister Catherine was repressed, and in 1937-1938 his coming friends, especially recent years, and son from the first marriage 22-year-old Georgy (Yuri) were shot. And there was also a disgrace in 1939 with Zinaida Reich, his second wife ... She was going to write memoirs, the whole truth about Yesenin, who, how she screamed at his funeral, no one knows.

"When I'm drunk, it seems to me God knows that," the poet himself admitted. That's just that he could have disliked him alone (in Moscow, they tried not to leave him one), in an unspoiled cold Leningrad number? Yes, and whether he was drunk - not to drink in Leningrad, but to work, asked to send the first to the first in the life of the essay meetings. And in general he wrote a lot in 1925, and everything is the best.

It can be said that the truth about the death of Yesenin nobody knows and today, after 85 years: the other version also cause too many issues. The poet himself wrote: "In a green evening under the window on the sleeve, I will hang out." But there are other lines: "And I need to hang my first to hang me, crosant my hands behind my back: for the fact that I interfered with the song of a hoarse and no longer."

From "Cherub" to hooligan

The individuals of this scale inevitably under lifetime are subjected to "retouching", and even "painting". So, a rustic boy with Ryazanchina, who arrived in the capital for glory, quickly began to paint "under the lubok": rural cherub, seeing a shepherd-shell, "yellow-haired, with blue eyes", writing poems "ringing and clean", according to Alexander Blok, The first to the peasant nugget. Yesenin, taped by the "Men's" rusticist writers, willingly played at first - spoke, I walked on "Oh", baptized, wearing lapties, boots and shirts, pounds, adored tea from Samovar, played on the harmonica-Talianka and sang Ryazan chastushki. Then Yesenin did not drink so much. Early married, in 19 years old became a father.

Best days

Yesenin was perceived as the Peasant Orpheus, a Light, Pure Singer of Russia, Village, Pokucchy Yves, who fell kleons and white birch, poet "for good gentle girls." And the crowd of girls screamed on his speeches: "Dushka Yesenin!" He later called "God's Dudka": "This is when a person spends out of his treasury and does not replenish." Togo, Early Yesenin Mayakovsky called the "decorative man", the creep, butfoot, and his voice is "revived with lamp oil." Yesenin soon threw "Lapty and Petushki-scallops." Yes, and "Divine" ... He wrote a pile of poems on the wall of the passionate monastery and, breaking the icon, could turn her samovar, could and searcate from the lamp.

He headed the IMAZHINISTS (a new volunteer current in poetry), began to wear a jacket and a tie, cylinder, cane, hats and trendy stages. He performed a lot with verses and poetic declarations, edited, read a lot, wrote smart, brilliant articles on style.

There are friends around him again, more often - in quotes, who sought them again to make it "their own", - the IMAZHINISTS, WAPPOVTS, LEFOVTSE ... Where are they with their "creativity" now? His all his life was dragged in all directions - the halipers, adhesives, the evidence and those who drank, provoked it to the noisy Kabatsky scandals and with a smogless, small pleasure, contemplated awaken in him in Hmly "Black Man", and then spreading gossip about him all over Moscow. He was envied - the idol of the public, the loved holders of the lady, married the Duncan's Isader, went abroad, returned fashionable, elegant.

"No wife, nor friend"

In essence, all his life he was alone and with all his publicity and the overthrone of real devotees did not have: "And there is no wife, no wife, no friend," he predicted. And in the last poem, he turned to a friend with an unknown and desired than the real: "Goodbye, my friend ..." And before I wrote: "I have no friendship, I have no friendship."

It was even more difficult with women and wives. He loved him all and always, of any - brown, black and hangover, loved both tender, and Ham (and he, alas, could be: "Sergey - Ham," said Galina Benislavskaya, who shot his grave). "Despite all the wounds, for the whole pain, it was still a fairy tale," this girl admitted in the memories, which became close to Yesenin in recent years. She was nobody to him - and all: a friend, assistant, mistress, nannika, wanted on the kabaks and beer and literally a wolf trusted her home - he had heard her and never raised her hand on her. He lived with her, until the death of the apartment, of its own angle, is before marriage to S. A. Tolstoy, the granddaughter of the "Great Leo".

This marriage surprised many: no beauty and clearly not for the Yeseninsky taste. But she was the granddaughter of "beard" - this was not without irritation of Yesenin Tolstoy: in the apartment of Sophia, there were portraits of a grandfather, and she, according to the comment of friends, was poured, only without a beard.

However, she loved Yesenin devotionally and deeply - like the first civilian wife, a modest worker printing house Anna Foreroznova, like a frantic agent iceedor, like the beauty of REYX (despite marriage with her "serious smart husband" - Meyerhold). Sophia Andreevna was kept all his life all his life (which actually broke up with her before leaving Leningrad in December 1925), became the keeper of his archive and his cheap copper ring was worn before his death, he gave her to her.

Yesenin in everyday life, in love was, to put it mildly, not easy. I performed real pogroms, killed the furniture, beat the dishes, fought and sometimes I got insane and unmanage. Three of their children was not interested (there was also the fourth, extramarital, Alexander, from Hope Volpin, dissident later). "The black man", whom he with such a terrible, terrible realism described in the poem, lived and in it always, and especially tormented him into the crumpled periods.

According to his friend (others consider - an evil genius and a distorter of his image) Anatoly Mariengofa, the author of a sensational "Roman without lies", in recent months of his tragic existence of Yesenin "was a man no more than one hour per day" and already "went to the country , tried to throw out of the window, cut the glass into the vein, shake the kitchen knife. " That's just in these recent months, Yesenin and Mariengoof almost did not communicate. And close to Yesenin, including sisters and Galina Benislavskaya, who lived with him in the same room belonged to Benislavskaya, did not mention anything like that. There are no evidence about this and the last wife of the poet Sofia Andreevna Tolstoy.

What to judge - he was a great poet, and poetry, according to Pushkin, above morality, and to the poet "you can not approach the same measure, with what suitable people are prudent" - this has already argued Anatole France. "I wanted a rose white with a black toak on Earth," I wrote to Yesenin himself, as if trying to justify the fact that "Kohl devils in the soul nestlish, it means that the angels lived in it."

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