Where lives the Queen of Great Britain. Royal life: all houses Elizabeth II

Being a residence of British monarchs since 1837, the Buckingham Palace is likely to be called the most recognizable royal residence in the world. Every year during the warm months of the year, the palace opens its doors to visits. This year, the season, which began on July 25, will last until September 27. At this time, visitors to the palace for the first time seem to enter it through the front entrance, where only those who received an official invitation from the Queen itself are usually held, including heads of state and prime ministers of other countries.

During the visit, you can find out how in the Buckingham Palace welcomes noble people as preparing for state visits, starting with the preparation of clothing for reception, and ending with the choice of dishes and dishes.

Also, visitors will be able to visit the Royal Stables, which are famous for their decoration. In the stables still engage in training horses, which will then be harnessed in the royal carriages. In addition, there are houses of the royal family.

This palace is the official residence of the Duke and the Duchess of Cambridges. Earlier there were such specials of the "blue blood" as a sister of the reign Queen of Princess Margaret, Princess Wales Diana, and in the XVII and XVIII centuries, there was exactly the "heart" of the royal yard.

Not so long ago, the palace was undergoing large-scale renovation with a total cost of 12 million pounds, thanks to which the impressions of the guests who visited him after the update would be truly unforgettable.

One of the permanent expositions placed in the building of the Palace is "Unknown Victoria" (Victoria Revealed), which tells about the life and love of Queen Victoria. She is the only one in addition to the ruling queen by the British monarch, who celebrated the so-called "diamond anniversary", which marks 60 years of government.

The palace and park complex Hampton Court is known for his difficult fate. The initial palace was built here at the beginning of the XVI century by the British king by Heinrich VIII from the kind of Tudors for Cardinal Thomas Walse. After Cardinal fell into disfavor, Heinrich took the palace to himself. After that, already in the next century, after the revolution and restoration of the monarchy, British monarchs Wilhelm III and Maria II took up a large-scale restoration of the palace, after which it was decorated in the Baroque style.

Today, guests of this ensemble can visit the beautiful royal chapel, the kitchens, on which food prepared more representatives of the kind of tyudors, the magnificent parade dining room, as well as the picturesque, stretching at 24 hectares of gardens, where you can take a walk among fountains, many colors and trees. Waterloo's travel station from London Station will take no more than 35 minutes.

Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire County, South of Central England

Windsor Castle is the largest and old castle of the currently existing, in which representatives of the royal family live in our day. Also, the castle is one of the favorite residences of the Royal Queen.

The walls of the castle "Take" in themselves 900 years of the history of the British state. Along with the mandatory to visit the castle building, there is a famous gothic chapel of St. George, in which there are tips of ten British rulers, including Henry VIII.

Clarence House, London

The official residence of Prince Wales Charles, Duchess of the Cornish Camilla and Prince Harry. Prince Charles first turned out to be in this residence at the age of one year, when Elizabeth II, being another princess in those days, and her husband Duke Edinburgh, moved here after the wedding and birth of the child.

Also, the residence became the last house of the queen-mother. From August 1 to August 31, the residences are conducted individual and group excursions, during which guests visit Lancaster, the "morning" and "garden" room, a library and a dining room, where Prince Charles and Camilla arrange official techniques.


Castle Balmoal, County Aberdeenshire, Northern Scotland

Arranged among those who fascinating with their beauty, the valley of the Di River, this castle in Northern Scotland and the ownership adjacent to him occupy more than 20,000 hectares covered by heather of hills and ancient Caledonian forests.

This castle was very loved by the Queen Victoria and Prince Albert and had since retained his status with the favorite summer residence of the royal family. The territory adjacent to the castle, gardens and exhibitions that pass here are open to visits from April 1 to August 2. The entrance ticket allows you to visit the gardens around the castle conducted on the territory of the exhibition lock, as well as the ballroom - the largest room throughout the building. The nearest railway station and the international airport are located in Aberdeen, 80 kilometers east of the castle.

Royal Yacht Britain, Edinburgh

Earlier, Britain's yacht was a "floating" residence of the British Queen. Now she has become popular among the guests of the country's museum, which is anchored in Edinburgh. Not so long ago, the yacht noted his 60th birthday. For his long life, the ship transported a lot of famous people from all over the world, and 40 years ago she moved to the use of the British royal family.

Now anyone can get on board this famous yacht and arrange a traditional British tea party right on the deck. The yacht is moored in the port of Leit, within walking distance from the main shopping street of the Scottish capital - Princess Street.


LLWINIVERMOD (LLWYNYWERMOD), County Karmarthenshire, Southwest Wales

This country house becomes the residence of Prince Charles during his visits to Wales. When the prince does not live here, cottages can be rented by anyone. Thus, each person appears a chance to live in the House of the Operations of Royal Blood.

The house belongs to a private company that subsidizes the public, charitable and private activities of Prince Wales and his family members. The house is managed taking into account the compliance of the Environmental Standards Important Charles and the Principles of Environmental Conservation.

For example, it is insulated by sheep wool, wooden chips are used to heat the water, and electricity comes from renewable sources.

Cottages are located near the foot of the mountains and picturesque waterfalls of the Bracon-Bracon National Park. The road from London will take about 3.5 hours by car, and it's quite difficult to get a public transport.

Northern Ireland

Hillsboro Castle, Down County

The official Residence of the Queen in Northern Ireland, this mansion of the XVIII century was built in the 1770s Wils Hill, the first Marquis of Downshire. Earlier, he was the house of the governor of Northern Ireland, and now there is a residence of the Northerland State Secretary.

The state living room, canteens, furniture items, and silver from the ship of Her Majesty "Nelson", built in the period between the two world wars, deserve special attention.

In the garden of the castle grows the largest rhododendron bush in Europe. Castle and garden are open to visits every Saturday and Sunday from April 2nd to September 27th. Down county is a 40-minute drive by the machine to the south of Belfast.

Take a look at the places where the most famous British family lives. Have you ever wondered where the queen holds Christmas holidays? Or what did Henry VIII look like? Then you will be pleasantly surprised by learning that the royal family is not so closed and closed. You have a small guide to 10 the most famous places associated with the life of this most famous family in the UK.

  • Buckingham Palace

The Buckingham Palace is one of the most famous and recognizable attractions of London, the official residence and the Queen of Elizabeth Queen II. Every year in August and September, the Queen opens the doors of his palace for visitors who can enjoy the luxurious decoration of his halls and masterpieces of the royal collection. And do not forget to look at the spectacular ceremony of changing the Royal Guard - from May to July daily, the remaining months in a day.

  • Kensington Palace

The Kensington Palace was a house for many members of the Royal Family, including Queen Victoria, Diana, Princess Wales, and now the Duke and Duchess of Cambridges. Visit the Palace and hear stories from the life of Queen Victoria, told to her, at the thematic exhibition Victoria Revealed; Pere in perfection of the court rituals and etiquette in its Majesty's apartments; Take a look at one eye on the life of a modern princess of the English crown, visiting the exhibition of the princesses of Diana, and discover the secrets of the fragile royal dynasty in her majesty apartments.

  • Windsor castle

Windsor Castle is not only a favorite residence of Queen Elizabeth II, but also the most ancient and largest castle in which people still live. Do not miss the opportunity to admire the decoration of the magnificent public chambers, the chapel of St. George (the burial place of 10 monarchs), art gallery, and a puppet house of Queen Maria - the most famous puppet house in the world.

  • Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey has more than a thousand-year history. Here the coronation of each British monarch is held here. From 1066, 16 royal weddings were held here, including the Queen's wedding with the Duke of Edinburgh, as well as the very recent marriage of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridges.

  • Castle and Manor Balmoal

The acquired Queen Castle Balmoral in County Aberdeenshire has become the private Scottish Residence of the Royal Family. The queen and her family usually spend the end of summer in the estate near the castle. The territory of the estate, gardens and the ballroom of the castle are open to the public from April to July every year.

  • Sandringem Palace

Sandringem Palace in the county Norfolk is one of the favorite Residences of the Queen. Here she and her family love to spend Christmas. Sandringem is a private residence of British monarchs in four generations, and it is often responded about him about the "comfortable castle in all of England." You can make sure of this - the palace, gardens and the Sandringem Museum are open to visitors from April to November.

  • Holyodsky Palace

It is impossible to imagine a trip to Edinburgh without a visit to the Holyroy Palace - the official residence of the royal family in Scotland. Most of the Palace is known as the residence of Mary Stewart - her wedding was here, and her secretary was killed in her eyes. The tour of the palace will hold you through the state chambers, gardens and the Queen's art gallery, where masterpieces from the royal collection are exhibited.

  • Hampton Cort.

The magnificent Palace Hampton Court in Richmond, London, was the favorite residence of King Henry VIII. Transfer to the past and try the time of tyudors in royal cuisines; Light in the famous labyrinth in the park in front of the palace; Wide in the service in the beautiful royal chapel and enjoy the beauty of local gardens, recognized as one of the best all over the world.

  • Edinburgh castle

Located on the top of the foolish volcano at the end of the famous royal mile, this castle is a calling card of the Scottish capital. He became the main castle of Scotland in the Middle Ages, and now the Crown of Scotland is kept in it, Skansky Stone, Mons Meg - the famous 20th century gun, as well as other guns and guns in the National Military Museum of Scotland.

  • Tower of London

One of the most famous in the world, which, at one time, the Royal Palace, Prison, Armory Chamber, and even the Zoo. Today he is a list of UNESCO World Heritage Site. Here the royal regalia of British monarchs are stored; Walking along the castle in the company of famous guards in Scarlet Camzoles - Bifuters - you can find a place where Heinrich VIII flawed his wives, and see more than a 500-year-old collection of weapons and armor in the Royal Arsenal.

Based on materials: http://www.visitbritain.com

10 places associated with the royal family Bright Take a look at the places where the most famous British family lives. Have you ever wondered where the queen holds Christmas holidays? Or what did Henry VIII look like? Then you will be pleasantly surprised by learning that the royal family is not so closed and closed. You have a small guide to 10 the most famous places associated with the life of this most famous family in the UK.

Where does the Queen of Elizabeth II live? Posted by the author Europeanoid The best answer is Initially, the British Kings occupied the Westminster Palace, which was built in the existing abbey specifically for monarchs.
Then British kings changed many palaces. Buckingham Palace, where the Queen of Great Britain lives in our time, became the residence of kings in 1837 when he joined the throne of Queen Victoria. Previously, the Palace belonged to the Duke of Buckingham, but in 1762, Georg III was bought, which stopped sitting nearby in the center of London Saint-James Palace. Up to the top of the Queen Victoria Palace, the Palace was completed, as a result, the right square of four combined buildings was formed, in the center of which is a beautiful courtyard. But this is not the only residence of British monarchs.
In the city of Windsor, where the Queen of Great Britain lives in the summer and during visits to this city, where important political meetings are held, the Windsor Castle is located. This castle became known for the whole world in June 2008, when the helicopter of President Bush landed on one of the well-kept lunas than the Queen of Elizabeth II was very unhappy.

The Queen and other members of the Royal Family continue to spend in most of their free time. The castle remains an important meeting place in the course of ceremonial visits of heads of foreign countries. His luxurious interiors are decorated with the most outstanding paintings and works of art from the Royal Assembly.

The most famous castle in all Scotland, although not the most ancient, of course, is the castle of Balmoral (Balmoral Castle) - the summer residence of the British royal family since the days of Queen Victoria. At the rest of the year, when the royal family does not live in the castle, it is open to visitors.

Where does Elizabeth live? As it should be the Queen, Elizabeth lives in the castle. Balmoral Castle Castle, one of the residences of the British Queen, is located in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, close to Crathie village, 6.2 miles (10.0 km). In 1852, the castle acquired Queen Victoria and her spouse, Prince Albert.

Immediately after the purchase of the castle, Balmoral it turned out that the building was too small for the king and had to be disassembled. On the vacated place, the Scottish architect William Smith in 1856 built a new castle, which is mainly preserved to the present day.

Castle - Queen's private property, not included in Crown Estate.

Crown Estate - real estate belonging to and inherited royal family with some limitations of property. The Queen has no right to sell real estate from the CROWN ESTATE list, and the revenues from the operation of this property are enrolled in the state budget.

In 1760, the King of George III handed part of his castles to the state, and in return received the forgiveness of debts and took off responsibility for the repair and maintenance of real estate. This was the beginning of the formation of a huge Real Estate Fund Crown Estate, the total value of which exceeds the billion pounds.

In turn, the state, from the income from the operation of royal palaces and residences, has formed an annual grant for members of the Royal Family, known as Civil List.

In the United Kingdom, Civil List covers the cost of the royal family to official visits to foreign countries and the countries of the Commonwealth, as well as ceremonial functions, solemn events, the content of royal residences and wage costs serving the queen of personnel. In addition, additional government grants are allocated for the costs of ensuring the security of the royal family.

Queen Elizabeth II with his dogs breed Corge.

Now Balmoal is a huge land ownership of 49,000 acres (20,000 hectares), including hunting grounds, where the herds of wild deer graze and lives a lot of different types of game and birds, including the alerts, on which the royal hunting is traditionally satisfied.

On these lands also grow large cattle, several forest farms are equipped.

Inside the castle of Balmoral.

In the main living room of the castle Balmoral, where the guests of Elizabeth II receives guests, a simple and sufficiently modest decor.

According to the British tradition, rather more inherent poor people, against the background of an old fireplace and rare antique hours of work JAPY Freres, a cheap electron radiator from a local business store. Separating furniture in the covers scattered throughout the living room of children's toys and if non-portraits of the royal monasters on the walls, one would think that we were in one of the ordinary English aristocratic houses.

Queen Elizabeth II in Living Room Balmoral. A rare opportunity to see Her Majesty in a casual home setting. Opposite the former Prime Minister of Scotland.

We marked the most interesting details of the royal living room.

1. Portrait of a young queen Victoria, the work of the Hungarian painter Charles Brocky, 1841. Queen Victoria Pra - Prashushka Queen Elizabeth II.

2. Portrait of a young prince Alberta, the same artist. Prince died in 1861 aged 42 years.

3. Princess Evgenia and Princess Biatraix.

4. Duke and Duchess Cambridge (Kate and Prince William) with the Son Prince George, born in July of this year.

5. Here you sleep your favorite royal dogs breed Corgi.

6. Soft toys for Little George Prince, Queen's Little.

7. Instead of an old fireplace, electric heater operates 28 pounds.

8. Royal Tartan. Traditional National Scottish pattern, intersecting cross on the cross horizontal and vertical stripes of different colors. Tartan is made of genuine sheep wool.

In the spirit of the reigning personnel of the Queen of Great Britain, Elizabeth II has a house almost every case of life. Some residences acquired with the title, others - by law inheritance. We present to your attention all the royal real estate, which appeared from her during the reign. And this list is not only the Buckingham Palace.

Buckingham Palace

But we start a story about royal real estate. We are still with the official London residence of the British Crown - Buckingham Palace. Traditionally belongs to the ruling monarch since 1837. The palace has 775 rooms, 19 public numbers, 52 royal and guest bedrooms, 188 rooms for staff, 92 office and 72 bathrooms! The adjacent territory of the gardens occupies as many as 17 hectares. In the halls there is a collection of works of the Queen with the works of Rubens and Rembrant. For two months - in August and September, the Queen leaves the Buckingham Palace, and this time the front beds are open to visitors.

Windsor castle

For the first time, Queen moved here with his sister Margaret during World War II for security reasons. Currently, Elizabeth II often visits this place on the weekend, and the castle itself serves as a country house. Windsor also belongs to the ruling crown and is an unshakable symbol of the monarchy. The residence covers 13 hectares, and 1000 rooms are located in the interior, which makes it potentially the most populated castle in the world.

Holyodsky Palace

The Holurodsky Palace is the official residence of the British Crown in Edinburgh. Initially, the monastery of the Augustinian Order was founded in 1128. In the Holurodsky Palace, the Queen stops during his traditional trips to Scotland, as a rule, in the first week of summer. Here the queen appoints the first minister of the country and conducts techniques.

Castle Balmoral

In a private estate, Balmoral Queen spends several weeks at the end of each summer. Scottish castle is considered a favorite among all residences Elizabeth II. Built in 1852 by the architect William Smith in the style of Scottish barons. The castle covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 20 hectares, including forestry and rural areas, as well as controlled herds and pony.

Sandringem Palace

The Sandringem Palace is often used to relax during the holidays. Queen Elizabeth II nourishes attachment to the house. Here it will retire with their relatives on the anniversary of his own coronation and death of the Father, as well as for the New Year. The private palace in Norfolk, the United Kingdom, was acquired by the Windsor Dynasty in 1862.

Castle Hillsborough

Both the Holurodsky Palace in Scotland and Hillsboro Castle serves as the official residence of the Queen during her visits to Northern Ireland. On part-time, the castle is the residence of the country's government. Built in Georgievsky style in the XVIII century.

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