How to quickly learn geography. Geography training online

Geography is a general education subject that begins to be studied in middle school. Geography program includes three blocks - general geography, physical geography and economic geography. All these sections are very important for those who want to discover a new world and understand the processes that take place in it. Moreover, many school subjects are in one way or another based on knowledge of geography.

Compact and clear

It is impossible to imagine studying this subject without visual materials - tables, diagrams, diagrams and, of course, geographical maps. is compiled in such a way that it provides time for self-education of schoolchildren. The necessary material for this can be found in textbooks, but often it is not enough to understand the topic well. The training also involves writing essays on various topics. Many schoolchildren study geography via the Internet, obtaining the missing information from various resources. To help schoolchildren study geography online, there are special websites with video lessons and text information generated in accordance with the geography program for secondary schools.

Such resources do not offer ready-made work on the subject - such sites are intended for distance learning. They give schoolchildren the opportunity to attend lessons and receive information on the subject that they missed or did not understand. This is a great help in self-education. The main advantage of video lessons is clarity. This is not dry textbook text or an article from a website. The material in the video lessons is given by the teacher exactly as it happens in classes at school. In a selection of video tutorials on geography online the entire program for the subject is reflected, which eliminates the need to move from resource to resource in search of material and saves students time.

In search of information - on the Internet

The school curriculum in geography covers a huge layer of material that no student can master independently. The hours allotted for studying the subject in the classroom do not allow the teacher to fully cover all the topics; schoolchildren have to independently analyze the misunderstood material. Just 10-15 years ago, the only help for children in studying geography were textbooks and encyclopedias.

In the modern world, you can acquire knowledge without leaving your home by simply connecting to the Internet and typing the query “ geography online" To write an essay, information still needs to be collected bit by bit from different resources, and to fill gaps in knowledge, you just need to attend video lessons. This training option is also suitable for those who cannot constantly go to school for some reason. Often these are health difficulties that serve as a prerequisite for studying only at home. Although many schoolchildren simply prefer to study remotely, without attending a classroom.

The skill of geography will help you discover the world in all its diversity. With the help of this ancient science, you will travel to other cities and countries without leaving your apartment or classroom. Comprehension of this school subject contributes to the formation of skills about planet Earth.

You will need

  • textbook, atlas, games


1. Change your attitude towards the subject. Geography is not only dreary contour maps and cramming data on the number of suitable minerals in one place or another. This is also an understanding of the planet on which you live, the laws of separation of natural components and methods of their combination. Due to geography, you will be better able to imagine a map of the world and will be able to create a route for traveling to other countries. If in the future you want to study economics, politics, or ecology, you cannot do without this subject.

2. Manage your time correctly. To learn more efficiently and quickly, master the laws of time management. Know how to distinguish the main from the secondary. Start your homework with more difficult questions and leave the easy ones for last. Make a personal schedule and stick to it. Do not be distracted by empty conversations, watching TV shows and surfing the Internet while preparing for lessons. To do this, take time to rest.

3. Comprehend the atlas. Purchase it in paper or electronic form. The maps contain a lot of information about countries and cities. In addition to the physical part showing the terrain, it includes economic, political, climatic, religious and social parts. The atlas talks about the spread of different religions in the regions of the world, about population density and the average tier of income, birth rates, deaths, and the formation of branches of industry. Learn to read them correctly. If you have better developed visual memory, then mastering geography using an atlas is your strong point.

4. Use interesting games and riddles to understand the subject. The exciting element will make learning glorious and fun. Discover geography quizzes. Install them on your computer or phone and learn while having fun. In addition, you can buy literature on geography, which differs from textbooks in its strange presentation of material.

For many students, rushing through homework seems like an overwhelming task. However, making it easier to prepare lessons and reducing the time it takes is acceptable. To do this, it is absolutely enough to adhere to some rules.


1. Before everyone else, it’s worth learning how to plan your day. To do this, it is not necessary to draw up a schedule in which everything is written down minute by minute - it would be enough to just roughly calculate what needs to be done and how long it might take. At the same time, you need to consider that after school you should really take a break for 1-1.5 hours, and then start doing your homework.

2. In order to accustom yourself to start doing your homework at the allocated time, you can set an alarm clock. In addition, with the help of an alarm clock, you can take 10-minute breaks at a certain time interval, for example, after an entire hour.

3. You can save a lot of time needed to complete your homework if you concentrate on it. Therefore, before sitting down to study, you need to get rid of everything that could distract you: turn off the TV and radio, “forget” your mobile phone in the next room, put your favorite magazines away, and so on. Also, if when completing tasks there is no need to search for any information on the Internet, you must also turn off the computer.

4. Then you need to remember what items need to be done and decide in what sequence. To make it easier to concentrate, you can arrange your textbooks and notebooks in neat piles and, while doing your homework, put those that have already been completed aside. At the same time, what items to start with - light or heavy - depends on individual characteristics. Those who start work without difficulties, but quickly get tired, should start with more difficult tasks. Those who find it difficult to concentrate at the beginning of work should start with easier tasks.

5. It is worth noting that it is faster to complete homework exercise different pushes help. So, for example, you can start going to some extra classes or work hard, so that after completing your homework, there will be time for your favorite hobby.

Modern geography is a whole complex of ordinary and social sciences. Today, scientists have collected a large amount of knowledge about the Earth, and the science of geography has its own, long and fascinating history of origin.

Geography in antiquity

Geography can be considered one of the most ancient sciences, since no other knowledge was as significant to man as knowledge about the structure of the surrounding world. The knowledge to navigate the terrain, look for sources of water, shelters, predict the weather - all this was necessary for a person to survive. Indeed, the prototypes of maps - drawings on skins depicting the layout of the area - were still among primitive people; geography was not a science in the full sense for a long time. If science formulates the laws of phenomena and answers the question “why?”, then geography, over the long period of its existence, rather struggled to describe phenomena, that is, to answer the questions “what?” and where?". In addition, in ancient times, geography was closely related to other sciences, including the humanities: often the question of the shape of the Earth or its location in a clear system was more philosophical than natural science.

Achievements of ancient geographers

Despite the fact that ancient geographers did not have many opportunities to experimentally study diverse phenomena, they still managed to achieve certain triumphs. So in Ancient Egypt, as a result of regular astronomical observations, scientists were able to accurately determine the length of the year, and a land cadastre was also made in Egypt. Many significant discoveries were made in Ancient Greece. Let's say the Greeks assumed that the Earth was spherical. Aristotle made significant arguments in favor of this point of view, and Aristarchus of Samos was the first to indicate the approximate distance from the Earth to the Sun. It was the Greeks who began to use parallels and meridians, and also learned to determine geographical coordinates. The Stoic philosopher Crates of Malla was the first to make a model of the globe. The most ancient peoples energetically explored the surrounding world, setting off on sea and land voyages. Many scientists (Herodotus, Strabo, Ptolemy) tried to organize the existing knowledge about the Earth in their works. For example, in the work of Claudius Ptolemy “Geography” data was collected on 8,000 geographical names, and the coordinates of about four hundred points were also indicated. It was also in Ancient Greece that the main directions of geographical science emerged, which were later developed by many brilliant scientists.

Video on the topic

You can also make lists of names or terms that you need to remember. For this purpose and is used.

Here is an example of using the logical connections method.

The general geography course provides a list of the nine planets of the solar system in the following order, starting from the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

To memorize this list of planets, French schools offer the phrase: “Mere viens terminer ma iupe, sa couture ne tient plus” /Mom, come finish my skirt, I can’t get the seam right/.

The Russian version could be the phrase: " Mer yal Ven I Zem lju Mar mustache yub whoa sat new yes Uranus ow, nep he's cool rogue".

In order to make it easier to re-read the material, keep a note that will contain the tables, logical and other mnemonic phrases you have compiled. This summary will serve you to apply the cumulative repetition method.

By following these methods, you can enrich your memory with more information within a few months. You will also notice that the cumulative repetition method will relieve you of the excessive mental stress that 95% of students experience when preparing for exams.

The geographer Paganel, before his journey in The Children of Captain Grant, was an armchair scientist for twenty years and studied geography while sitting in an armchair. At the same time, he knew the whole world thoroughly. Is it possible to repeat his path today? It turns out that it is possible! And not only him, but also Thor Heyerdahl, Marco Polo and others... For me, last year’s find was the online geographical seminars of Asya Vanyakina (author of the popular books “Iceberg on the Carpet”, “Miracles in the Pocket, or the Search for Santa Claus”). Asya's idea is that the seminar participants go on a journey through space and time together with one of the great travelers of past years. During this journey, two to three months long, there is a complete immersion in the customs, culture, and sights of the countries through which the route passes.

In the autumn we traveled with Marco Polo across Central Asia to China. He appeared to us as a 14-year-old boy who sent a new diary message with interesting tasks once a week. We followed his movements on the map, played out tasks: observed animals and created our own bestiary, made aqueducts, perched on the half-meter heels of Venetian ladies, caught flying fish with frying pans, wrote with a pen, sculpted a mosaic from clay and laid out Arabic patterns, and much, much more. other. We had a complete sense of presence, and Marco became our best friend, whom our son eagerly went to modern Venice to look for. On March 15, Marco went on a trip with the second group of participants. You can still join them.

And we are going to set off on March 28 with Thor Heyerdahl on the Kon-Tiki raft across the ocean to the shores of Polynesia. And I know that it will be very interesting, because we have a month-long “voyage” ahead of us.

We will participate in the construction of a raft, meet giant fish, desalinate water, battle reefs, get acquainted with underwater volcanoes, and dive into Peru and Ecuador. We will make Inca masks, recognize clouds, find out what bionics and bioluminescence are, who the stickies are and whether squids can fly. And also listen to the sound of the ocean and the music of the Incas, look at Gauguin’s paintings and stunning schools of fish.

The most wonderful thing is that Asya approaches everything with a huge soul, works out tasks in detail for different ages and introduces children and adults to real geography. Full of field life, adventure and discovery. I say this as a geographer whose soul sings when I read the assignments of her online seminars. Adults are no less interested in participating in them than children.

The format of the seminars is very convenient for parents with any type of employment. Once a week on the Learnart forum, Yulia Rempel publishes a story with pictures, photographs, videos, riddles, assignments and master classes. Each participant on the forum has his own diary, where he writes down his travel observations, posts photographs and drawings. Everyone visits each other, gets inspired and inspires. It turns out to be a very educational and friendly team trip to distant continents

Geography is a discipline that includes many sections. Mastering this science helps a person get an idea of ​​the world in which he lives and better understand it. Studying this subject also awakens interest in travel and new cultures. How to learn geography? How to avoid getting confused by numerous place names? Where to begin?

How to learn geography: choosing an approach

It is customary to distinguish two main approaches to the study of this discipline. The student can move from small to large and vice versa. In the first case, a person, for example, begins studying from the area in which he lives. The framework expands until he has a general picture of the world. In the second case, the student first gets an idea of ​​the planet as a whole, and then moves on to narrower areas of knowledge.

How to learn geography if the “from particular to general” approach is chosen. First, you should get an idea of ​​your city or area. Then you can move on to your region or region and study nearby regions. When the whole country has been studied, you can move on to getting to know neighboring countries.

The “from general to specific” approach assumes that a person begins studying geography with the continents and oceans. Next come countries, then their regions, largest cities and capitals, and so on.

Study maps

How to learn geography and not get confused by names? Maps will help you cope with this task. They come in varying degrees of detail. You need to choose those that contain all the information necessary at a certain stage of learning.

Contour maps are also an effective tool for learning geography. You can put the names of countries, regions, cities on them. First, this is done to better assimilate information, then to test your own knowledge. It is better to fill out cards with a pencil, this allows you to use them repeatedly.

Deepening knowledge

How to learn geography and get an idea of ​​the world? It is not enough to remember the name of the state and its position on the map. It is imperative to make connections between the country and the people who inhabit it. Learning about the culture of local people will help make the learning process more effective and interesting.

Civilizations have always been born near water, so attention should be paid to exploring waterways. Most large populated areas are located near oceans, seas and rivers. You can imagine what sea travel and shipping were like in different historical periods.

Attention should also be paid to the borders between states. Often borders between countries have a long history of conflict. It will be useful to learn about the ancient names of states and cities, and the reasons why they changed.

Visual images, associations

How to learn a paragraph in geography? If a person limits himself to memorizing names, this will not bring him the expected results. First, you should understand what is being discussed in a particular paragraph and try to retell the information in your own words. Then you can refer to the visual image. For example, find the location of a specific country on the map, watch a documentary film dedicated to it, study photographs of local residents and tourists.

Associations will simplify the memorization process. For example, many people associate London with Big Ben.

How easy is it to learn geography? Success depends on regular practice. It is better to sit down with textbooks for 30 minutes every day than to devote a whole weekend to it. The student will also be helped by the ability to highlight the main points and shorten texts. You should not try to remember everything, nothing will come of it, it will lead to fatigue and disappointment. First of all, you can remember what arouses the greatest interest.

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