Classic Turgenev threshold history of writing. Threshold poem by Ivan Turgenev

Read poetry on this page "Threshold" Russian poet Ivan Turgenev written in 1878 year.

I see a huge building.
In the front wall a narrow door is wide open; outside the door there is a gloomy darkness. A girl stands in front of a high threshold... A Russian girl.
That impenetrable darkness breathes frost; and along with a chilling stream, a slow, dull voice is carried out from the depths of the building.
- Oh, you who want to cross this threshold, do you know what awaits you?
“I know,” the girl answers.
- Cold, hunger, hatred, ridicule, contempt, resentment, prison, illness and death itself?
- I know.
- Complete alienation, loneliness?
- I know... I'm ready. I will endure all the suffering, all the blows.
- Not only from enemies - but also from relatives, from friends?
- Yes... and from them.
- Fine. Are you ready to make a sacrifice?
- Yes.
- To an unnamed victim? You will die - and no one... no one will even know whose memory to honor!..
“I don’t need gratitude or regret.” I don't need a name.
-Are you ready for a crime?
The girl lowered her head...
- And I’m ready for a crime.
The voice did not immediately resume its questions.
“Do you know,” he finally spoke, “that you can lose faith in what you believe now, you can understand that you were deceived and ruined your young life for nothing?”
- I know that too. And yet I want to enter.
- Come in!
The girl crossed the threshold - and a heavy curtain fell behind her.
“Fool!” someone rasped from behind.
“Holy!” came the answer from somewhere.

I.S. Turgenev. Favorites. Classical library "Contemporary". Moscow: Sovremennik, 1979.

Other poems by Ivan Turgenev

"With absent eyes...

With absent eyes I will see the invisible light, With absent ears I will hear the chorus of silent planets...

" Hourglass

Day after day it goes away without a trace, monotonously and quickly. Life rushed terribly quickly, quickly and without noise, like a river stirrup before a waterfall.


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I was sitting by the open window... in the morning, early in the morning of the first of May.

Dawn had not yet broken; but the dark, warm night was already turning pale, already growing cold.

The fog did not rise, the breeze did not wander, everything was monochromatic and silent... but one could feel the proximity of awakening - and the thinning air smelled of the harsh dampness of dew.

Suddenly, through the open window, a large bird flew into my room, ringing and rustling lightly....

» Last date

We were once short, close friends... But an unkind moment came - and we parted like enemies.

Many years passed... And then, having stopped by the city where he lived, I found out that he was hopelessly ill and wanted to see me.

Turgenev showed that there are a variety of situations when crossing the threshold is important. Just like politicians and other ordinary people, there are such situations. And only the person himself can decide whether he needs this - to cross his threshold in a certain place - the threshold of difficulties, something new, or not. For example, the author did a good job of describing mini-situations in which people are shown especially in risky situations. When you need to save someone, but you understand that you can sacrifice your life, and this is only for the sake of another.

The same thing, love, self-interest, or friendship. What is more valuable is your own “I”, or another person, and not even a friend or brother, but simply a person.

Analysis of the poem Threshold according to plan

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Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

I see a huge building.

In the front wall a narrow door is wide open; outside the door there is a gloomy darkness. A girl stands in front of a high threshold... A Russian girl.

That impenetrable darkness breathes frost; and along with a chilling stream, a slow, dull voice is carried out from the depths of the building.

“Oh, you who want to cross this threshold, do you know what awaits you?”

“I know,” the girl answers.

- Cold, hunger, hatred, ridicule, contempt, resentment, prison, illness and death itself?

- I know.

— Complete alienation, loneliness?

- I know. I'm ready. I will endure all the suffering, all the blows.

— Not only from enemies, but also from relatives and friends?

- Yes... and from them.

- Fine. Are you ready to make a sacrifice?

- Yes.

- To an unnamed victim? You will die - and no one... no one will even know whose memory to honor!

“I don’t need gratitude or regret.” I don't need a name.

-Are you ready for a crime?

The girl lowered her head...

- And I’m ready for a crime.

“Do you know,” he finally spoke, “that you can lose faith in what you believe now, you can understand that you were deceived and ruined your young life for nothing?”

- I know that too. And yet I want to enter.

- Come in!

The girl crossed the threshold - and a heavy curtain fell behind her.

- Stupid! - someone rasped from behind.

- Holy! - came the answer from somewhere.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was quite an interesting and comprehensively developed personality for his time. The lyrics in the works he wrote were very diverse. His works most often discovered and examined problems that concern people today. The author wrote about everything, be it feelings of betrayal or feelings of love. Love for the Motherland also appeared in the lines of many of his works. Turgenev did not recognize the fact that a person can easily live away from his native land without remembering it. His soul at such moments should simply be filled with torment and torment.

Ivan Sergeevich wrote the poem “Threshold” after one incident. The motive for writing the work was the story of a revolutionary girl who shot at the mayor as a sign of protest and injustice. Despite the fact that the girl was acquitted by the court, her story was made public. Impressed by what was happening, Turgenev created his masterpiece. He, like many other poets, discussed the topic of revolution a lot, as well as its impact on the lives of ordinary people.

The main character of the poem is a simple girl, she fights so hard for rights and justice that she is ready to give up everything and make self-sacrifice just to punish the oppressor and offender. As the basis for the theme, the writer decides to take a description of the girl’s sacrificial soul and her suffering. A selfless soul is ready to go to the end, ready to endure and endure pain and suffering, if only in the end the people find peace and happiness. The author brings everything to the point that a person must think and decide for himself whether to cross the threshold or not. The threshold itself is a kind of barrier, once crossed there will be no way back. The main character nevertheless decides to cross the ill-fated threshold, in the hope that someone will soon find happiness and freedom. The girl is not at all afraid of imprisonment and even death that will follow her action; she believes in her idea, although in her heart she understands that pain and suffering cannot be avoided.

Thanks to the expressiveness used by the author in writing the poem, the image of the main character appears to us quite clearly. You can subtly feel all the sadness and confusion that lie like a stone in the heroine’s soul. The girl seems to hear a voice, he asks if she is ready to go through this difficult path by crossing the threshold? The girl is determined, nothing can stop her. Gathering her strength, she does what is destined for her. The threshold is a symbol of the choice that each of us faces over time, and the main character is no exception. Her act, the sacrifice made by the girl, in the author’s opinion, will most likely be unnecessary, many will not appreciate it. It is at such moments that feelings of nobility and honor are born, and this is the most important thing.

I see a huge building.

In the front wall a narrow door is wide open; outside the door there is a gloomy darkness. A girl stands in front of a high threshold... A Russian girl.

That impenetrable darkness breathes frost; and along with a chilling stream, a slow, dull voice is carried out from the depths of the building.

O you who wish to cross this threshold, do you know what awaits you?

“I know,” the girl answers.

Cold, hunger, hatred, ridicule, contempt, resentment, prison, illness and death itself?

Complete alienation, loneliness?

I know. I'm ready. I will endure all the suffering, all the blows.

Not only from enemies - but also from relatives and friends?

Yes... and from them.

Fine. Are you ready to make a sacrifice?

To an unnamed victim? You will die - and no one... no one will even know whose memory to honor!

I don't need gratitude or regret. I don't need a name.

Are you ready for a crime?

The girl lowered her head...

Do you know,” he finally spoke, “that you can lose faith in what you believe now, you can understand that you were deceived and ruined your young life for nothing?

I know this too. And yet I want to enter.

The girl crossed the threshold - and a heavy curtain fell behind her.

Stupid! - someone rasped from behind.

Holy! - came from somewhere in response.

I see a huge building.
In the front wall a narrow door is wide open; outside the door there is a gloomy darkness. A girl stands in front of a high threshold... A Russian girl.
That impenetrable darkness breathes frost; and along with a chilling stream, a slow, dull voice is carried out from the depths of the building.
- Oh, you who want to cross this threshold, do you know what awaits you?
“I know,” the girl answers.
- Cold, hunger, hatred, ridicule, contempt, resentment, prison, illness and death itself?
- I know.
— Complete alienation, loneliness?
- I know... I'm ready. I will endure all the suffering, all the blows.
— Not only from enemies, but also from relatives and friends?
- Yes... and from them.
- Fine. Are you ready to make a sacrifice?
- Yes.
- To an unnamed victim? You will die - and no one... no one will even know whose memory to honor!..
“I don’t need gratitude or regret.” I don't need a name.
-Are you ready for a crime?
The girl lowered her head...
- And I’m ready for a crime.
The voice did not immediately resume its questions.
“Do you know,” he finally spoke, “that you can lose faith in what you believe now, you can understand that you were deceived and ruined your young life for nothing?”
- I know that too. And yet I want to enter.
- Come in!
The girl crossed the threshold - and a heavy curtain fell behind her.
“Fool!” someone rasped from behind.
“Holy!” came the answer from somewhere.

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