Great commanders of Russia. The holy Great Russian commander Suvorov thought deeply in God

Wars march shoulder to shoulder with the civilization of mankind. And wars, as we know, give rise to great warriors. Great commanders can decide the course of a war with their victories. Today we will talk about such commanders. So we present to your attention the 10 greatest commanders of all times.

1 Alexander the Great

We gave the first place among the greatest commanders to Alexander the Great. Since childhood, Alexander dreamed of conquering the world and, although he did not have a heroic physique, he preferred to participate in military battles. Thanks to his leadership qualities, he became one of the great commanders of his time. The victories of the army of Alexander the Great are at the pinnacle of the military art of Ancient Greece. Alexander's army did not have numerical superiority, but was still able to win all the battles, spreading his gigantic empire from Greece to India. He trusted his soldiers, and they did not let him down, but faithfully followed him, reciprocating.

2 Great Mongol Khan

In 1206, on the Onon River, the leaders of the nomadic tribes proclaimed the mighty Mongol warrior as the great khan of all Mongol tribes. And his name is Genghis Khan. The shamans predicted Genghis Khan power over the whole world, and he did not disappoint. Having become the great Mongol emperor, he founded one of the greatest empires and united the scattered Mongol tribes. The Shah's state and some Russian principalities conquered China, all of Central Asia, as well as the Caucasus and Eastern Europe, Baghdad, Khorezm.

3 "Timur is lame"

He received the nickname “Timur the lame” for a physical disability that he received during skirmishes with the khans, but despite this he became famous as a Central Asian conqueror who played a fairly significant role in the history of Central, South and Western Asia, as well as the Caucasus, Volga region and Rus'. Founded the Timurid empire and dynasty, with its capital in Samarkand. He had no equal in saber and archery skills. However, after his death, the territory under his control, which stretched from Samarkand to the Volga, very quickly disintegrated.

4 "Father of Strategy"

Hannibal is the greatest military strategist of the Ancient world, a Carthaginian commander. This is the "Father of Strategy". He hated Rome and everything connected with it, and was a sworn enemy of the Roman Republic. He fought the well-known Punic Wars with the Romans. He successfully used the tactics of enveloping enemy troops from the flanks, followed by encirclement. Standing at the head of a 46,000-strong army, which included 37 war elephants, he crossed the Pyrenees and the snow-capped Alps.

Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich

National Hero of Russia

Suvorov can safely be called a national hero of Russia, a great Russian commander, because he did not suffer a single defeat in his entire military career, which included more than 60 battles. He is the founder of Russian military art, a military thinker who had no equal. Participant in the Russian-Turkish wars, Italian and Swiss campaigns.

6 Brilliant commander

Napoleon Bonaparte French emperor in 1804-1815, a great commander and statesman. It was Napoleon who laid the foundations of the modern French state. While still a lieutenant, he began his military career. And from the very beginning, participating in wars, he was able to establish himself as an intelligent and fearless commander. Having taken the place of the emperor, he unleashed the Napoleonic Wars, but he failed to conquer the whole world. He was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo and spent the rest of his life on the island of St. Helena.

Saladin (Salah ad-Din)

Expelled the Crusaders

Great talented Muslim commander and outstanding organizer, Sultan of Egypt and Syria. Translated from Arabic, Salah ad-Din means “Defender of the Faith.” He received this honorary nickname for his fight against the crusaders. He led the fight against the crusaders. Saladin's troops captured Beirut, Acre, Caesarea, Ascalon and Jerusalem. Thanks to Saladin, Muslim lands were liberated from foreign troops and foreign faith.

8 Emperor of the Roman Empire

A special place among the rulers of the Ancient World is occupied by the well-known ancient Roman statesman and political figure, dictator, commander, and writer Gaius Julius Caesar. Conqueror of Gaul, Germany, Britain. He has outstanding abilities as a military tactician and strategist, as well as a great orator who managed to influence the people by promising them gladiatorial games and spectacles. The most powerful figure of his time. But this did not stop a small group of conspirators from killing the great commander. This caused civil wars to break out again, leading to the decline of the Roman Empire.

9 Nevsky

Grand Duke, wise statesman, famous commander. He is called the fearless knight. Alexander devoted his entire life to defending his homeland. Together with his small squad, he defeated the Swedes at the Battle of the Neva in 1240. That's why he got his nickname. He recaptured his hometowns from the Livonian Order at the Battle of the Ice, which took place on Lake Peipsi, thereby stopping the ruthless Catholic expansion in Russian lands coming from the West.

Do you know who can cheer you up at a time when it seems like everything has gone to hell? Warlord. The best of them had enough speech apparatus not only to give orders, but also to say the right words. And not only in wartime.
We have collected the statements of the most famous commanders in world history, whose tongues were sharper than weapons.

Alexander Suvorov

The great Russian military leader was a real “father to the soldier” and a very wise man in everyday life. Therefore, Count Rymniksky was always treated with great attention and respect.

“The smaller the army, the more brave men there are.”

“A soldier must be healthy, brave, firm, decisive, and fair.”

“For a soldier - courage, for an officer - courage, for a general - courage.”

“With severity, mercy is needed, otherwise severity is tyranny.”

“One should not think that blind courage gives victory over the enemy, but the only thing mixed with it is the art of war.”

“Speed ​​and pressure are the soul of real war.”

“Although courage, vigor and courage are needed everywhere and on all occasions, they are only in vain if they do not flow from the soldier.”

Napoleon Bonaparte

Who is Napoleon? Cake? Pompous dwarf? Lover Hero? First of all, he is a wise ruler and a talented commander, and it doesn’t matter whether you consider him as such or not. As an emperor, he also had to “steer” the social life of the country, and therefore not all of his phrases relate to war. Some of them are very dubious, but should we argue with the dead?

“Religion is an important subject in girls' schools. She, no matter how you look at her, is the most reliable guarantee for mothers and husbands. School should teach a girl to believe, not think.”

“A man should sleep four hours, a woman six; Only children and stupid fools sleep more than six hours.”

“A man who allows himself to be pushed around by a woman is neither a man nor a woman, but simply nothing.”

“The people, like women, have only one right: to be governed.”

“Revolution is a conviction backed by bayonets.”

“Public opinion is a public whore.”

“The Russians turned out to be worthy of being invincible.”

“There are two levers for managing people: the first is personal gain, and the second is money.”

“A fool has a great advantage over an educated man: he is always pleased with himself.”

“A leader is like a merchant who has invested his money in a business and expects profit.”

“Coups are made with the belly.”

“What does a million human lives mean to a person like me?”

“What is history if not a lie that everyone agrees on?”

“Keep it short and unclear.”

“A coward runs from someone who is more evil than him; The weak are defeated by the strong: this is the origin of political law.”

“Of course, there was no gospel Christ. There was some Jewish fanatic who imagined himself to be the Messiah. Such people are finished off everywhere, at all times. I myself had the opportunity to shoot them.”

“Women should not be treated as equals, for they are only machines for producing offspring. The best woman is the one who has the most children.”

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great was so cool that he is revered by Muslims as a prophet. Mastery of a sword and innate toughness helped him not only cut down all sorts of knots and enemies, but also conquer an empire, the size of which was almost half of the world known to the Hellenes. Thanks to Oliver Stone's film, most people think of him as a big-browed sodomy, but in reality Alexander is incredibly cool.

“I see that there will be a great competition over my grave.”

“There are countless worlds in the universe, and I haven’t conquered one yet!”

“Wars depend on glory, and often a lie that is believed becomes the truth.”

"If I had not been Alexander, I would have become Diogenes."

“There cannot be two suns in the sky and two rulers on earth.”

“There is nothing more slavish than luxury and bliss, and nothing more royal than labor.”

“The more you have, the more greedily you strive for what you don’t have. Your war is born from victories.”

"I'm dying from too many doctors."

Gaius Julius Caesar

Gaius Julius Caesar became, probably, the main pop star of ancient Rome. We say: “Rome,” we mean Yulik, we say: “Caesar,” we mean Rome. For us there is only one Caesar, although there were countless Caesars. The great commander left behind not only the right to name salad, but also hundreds of catchphrases that have long come into use, and we don’t even know what it is. It is especially interesting to read his sayings about sudden death and betrayal, remembering the story of his death.

“The greatest enemy hides where you least look.”

“I would rather be first here (in a poor town) than second in Rome.”

"To gain fame."

“It is easier to find people who voluntarily go to their death than those who patiently endure pain.”

“I came, I saw, I conquered.”

“Making your own way by force.”

“People willingly believe what they want to believe.” (Libenter homines id, quod volunt, credunt)

"Divide and rule." (lat. Divide et impera)

“It’s better to die right away than to live waiting.”

“This is the vice inherent in our nature: things invisible, hidden and unknown, give rise to both great faith and the strongest fear in us.”

“I love betrayal, but I hate traitors.”

And finally, the most famous:

“I came, I saw, I conquered.” (Veni, vidi, vici);


Russian commanders.

Major events in the history of mankind resonate with military actions, and breakthroughs in science with the need to win. The world's greatest commanders, such as Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and Alexander Suvorov, amazed the world with their military genius and personal qualities, and Napoleon Bonaparte and Hitler with their large-scale thinking and organizational skills. Russia has always been famous for its military talents. Its commanders surprised their enemies with strategic decisions and invariably won. So today we present to you the list great commanders of Russia.

Great commanders of Russia.

1. Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov.

A brilliant commander and a brilliant military theorist. A surprisingly frail and sickly child, born into the family of a man distinguished for his erudition and energy, did not agree with his future in civil service. He was constantly engaged in self-education and strengthening his own health. Historians speak of Suvorov as a commander who did not lose a single battle, despite the numerical superiority of the enemy.

2. Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov.

The decisive and strong-willed commander won victories, despite losses in his ranks, for which he was constantly condemned by critics. His strategy was characterized by active actions and counterattacks in response to enemy operations. Without receiving a specialized education, he learned the secrets of military art on his own, which, combined with natural talent, led to stunning results.

3. Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky.

His name includes the most important victory in his life, which brought him enormous posthumous popularity. The real political figure of Kievan Rus and the legendary commander are closely intertwined in his image. Moreover, the attitude towards his victory was not always unambiguous. He was canonized by the Orthodox Church.

4. Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov.

His whole life was spent in the war. He, like Suvorov, did not believe that it was possible to lead from the rear. His personal merits brought not only awards, but also two wounds to the head, which doctors considered fatal. The restoration of the commander's combat effectiveness was considered a sign from above, which was confirmed in the war with the French. The victory over Napoleon made the image of Kutuzov legendary.

5. Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky.

The son of a railway worker and a teacher was born in Poland and was left without parents at an early age. Having credited himself with a couple of years, he volunteered for the front. He was distinguished by his composure and ability to correctly assess the situation, which saved the situation more than once. He had practically no military education, but he loved his job and had the corresponding talents.

6. Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov.

With his light hand, the formation of the Black Sea Fleet began, its first traditions were born. Ushakov’s baptism of fire was the Russian-Turkish war, which glorified him thanks to his determination and ability to make extraordinary decisions. The maneuver tactics he created were completely different from the generally accepted ones, and helped to achieve victory even with a significant numerical superiority of the enemy. The great admiral was recently canonized. In the capital of Mordovia, the city of Saransk, a temple named after the Holy Righteous Warrior Theodore Ushakov was built.

7. Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov.

Hero of the defense of Sevastopol. Of the five brothers who graduated from the Naval Cadet Corps, he is the only one who glorified his family name. He was distinguished by his love for military affairs and the sea. His passion was so strong that he forgot to get married and start a family. All the ships he commanded eventually became exemplary, and his subordinates became infected with his love for the fleet.

8. Donskoy Dmitry Ivanovich.

It got its name in honor of the great Battle of Kulikovo, which became a turning point in relations between Kievan Rus and the Golden Horde. For services to the Fatherland and outstanding personal qualities, he was canonized.

9. Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev.

Despite numerous military achievements, he always tried to avoid casualties during military operations. He treated the soldiers with respect, understanding that the final result of the battle depended on their personal qualities. For his personal qualities, as well as for his command in a snow-white uniform and on a snow-white horse, he was called the “white general”.

10. Alexey Petrovich Ermolov.

The great Russian commander who became a legendary figure. He not only participated in many wars of the Russian Empire and won victories, but was also selflessly devoted to the emperor.

On the path to progress and evolution, humanity has always faced wars. This is an integral part of our history and you should know about the greatest warriors, laws, battles. This time we offer a rating that presents the greatest commanders of all times. No one will dispute the fact that history is written by the winners. But this speaks of the greatness and power of leaders who were able to change attitudes towards the world. This list will highlight the greatest leaders who have played a significant role in the history of the Earth.

The most outstanding commanders in history!

Alexander the Great

From early childhood, Macedonsky wanted to conquer the whole world. Although the commander did not have a massive physique, it was difficult to find equal opponents for him in battle. He preferred to participate in military battles himself. Thus, he showed his skill and delighted millions of soldiers. Setting an excellent example for the soldiers, he strengthened the morale and won victories - one after another. That's why he received the nickname "Great". Was able to create an empire from Greece to India. He trusted the soldiers, so no one let him down. Everyone responded with devotion and obedience.

Mongol Khan

In 1206, the Mongol Khan, Genghis Khan, was proclaimed the greatest commander of all time. The event took place on the territory of the Onon River. The leaders of the nomadic tribes recognized him unanimously. Shamans also predicted power over the world for him. The prophecy came true. He became a majestic and powerful emperor, feared by everyone without exception. Founded a huge empire, uniting devastated tribes. Was able to conquer China and Central Asia. In addition, he achieved submission from the inhabitants of Eastern Europe, Khorezm, Baghdad and the Caucasus.

"Timur is lame"

Another one of the greatest commanders, who received the nickname due to his wounds against the khans. As a result of the fierce battle, he was wounded in one leg. But this did not stop the brilliant commander from conquering most of Central, Western, and South Asia. In addition, he managed to conquer the Caucasus, Rus' and the Volga region. His empire smoothly flowed into the Timurid dynasty. It was decided to make Samarkand the capital. This man had no equal competitors in saber control. At the same time, he was an excellent archer and commander. After the death, the entire area quickly disintegrated. Consequently, his descendants turned out to be not so gifted leaders.

"Father of Strategy"

How many have heard of the best military strategist of the Ancient World? Surely not, which is due to the extraordinary behavior and thinking of Hannibal Bark, who received the nickname “Father of Strategy.” He hated Rome and everything connected with this Republic. He tried with all his might to defeat the Romans and fought the Punic Wars. Successfully used flanking tactics. He was able to become the head of an army of 46,000 people. He completed the mission perfectly. With the help of 37 war elephants, he crossed the Pyrenees and even the snow-capped Alps.

National Hero of Russia

Speaking about Suvorov, it should be noted that he is not only one of the great commanders, but also a national Russian hero. He managed to complete all military attacks with victory. Not a single defeat. Throughout his entire military career, he did not know a single defeat. And during his life he carried out about sixty military offensives. He is the founder of Russian military art. An excellent thinker who had no equal not only in battle, but also in philosophical reflection. A brilliant man who personally participated in Russian-Turkish, Swiss and Italian campaigns.

Brilliant commander

An excellent commander and simply a brilliant person who ruled from 1804 to 1815. The great leader at the head of France was able to achieve amazing heights. It was this hero who created the basis for the modern French state. While still a lieutenant, he began his military career and developed many interesting ideas. At first he simply took part in hostilities. Later he was able to establish himself as a fearless leader. As a result, he became a brilliant commander and led an entire army. He wanted to conquer the world, but was defeated at the Battle of Buterloo.

Expelled the Crusaders

Another warrior and one of the greatest commanders is Saladin. We are talking about an outstanding organizer of military operations, the Sultan of Egypt and Seria. He is the "defender of the faith." It was thanks to this that they managed to gain the trust of a huge army. He received an honorary nickname during battles with the crusaders. Was able to successfully complete the battle in Jerusalem. It was due to this leader that the Muslim lands were liberated from foreign invaders. He delivered the people from all representatives of foreign faiths.

Emperor of the Roman Empire

It would be strange if the name Julius did not appear on this list. Caesar is one of the greats not only due to his analytical thinking and unique strategies, but also due to his extraordinary ideas. Dactator, commander, writer, politician - these are just a few of the merits of a unique person. He could perform several actions simultaneously. This is actually why he was able to have such an influence on the people. A gifted person has practically taken over the whole world. To this day, legends are made about him and films are made.

Wars are an integral part of human existence. And there are people whose tactical and strategic genius is fully revealed only during military operations. They are called the best commanders in history. We present 10 of the greatest of them to your attention today.

One of the famous military leaders of the Victory was the only person in the history of the USSR who became a marshal of two countries at once: Poland and the Soviet Union.

During the Great Patriotic War, Rokossovsky led such important operations as the Battle of Moscow (1941), the Battle of Stalingrad and the Battle of Kursk (1942 and 1943).

However, his talent as a commander was fully revealed during the liberation of Belarus in 1944. At the suggestion of Rokossovsky, the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front attacked two main directions at once, depriving the Germans of the opportunity to maneuver their reserves. And well-prepared disinformation gave the German command a false idea of ​​the location of the general offensive.

According to many historians, during Operation Bagration, German troops suffered their biggest defeat in World War II.

General, First Consul, and eventually Emperor of France, won many battles, mostly against the rest of Europe. He was proclaimed king of Italy, obliged Spain to help France with money and a fleet, and gave Holland into the possession of his brother Louis. And this is only a small part of his military achievements.

Napoleon's luck changed in 1812 when he invaded Russia. After the first successes, the capture of Smolensk and the deserted Moscow, Napoleonic army suffered a series of defeats, largely due to the large-scale partisan movement. Napoleon fled back to France, losing most of his army.

Forced to surrender after the titanic Battle of Leipzig in 1813, and abdicate for the first time in 1814, Napoleon was exiled to the island of Elba. However, he managed to return to the French throne for 100 days in 1815, was defeated by Blücher and Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo, and spent the rest of his life on St. Helena trying to explain to anyone who would listen why he was still the best general in history.

One of the greatest commanders in Russian history was not a “nugget from the hinterland.” He acquired his military experience under the command of such military stars as P.A. Rumyantsev and A.V. Suvorov.

Kutuzov's military talent was revealed most clearly in the confrontation with another great commander - Napoleon Bonaparte. He preferred to take care of the soldiers and not engage in large-scale battles with the French, giving the only general battle near the village of Borodino. Modern historians believe that the lack of victory at Borodino was one of the main factors in Napoleon's defeat.

Napoleon Bonaparte did not respect his opponents too much, not sparing a strong word for them. However, for Kutuzov he made an exception, explaining the failure of the Russian campaign by “merciless Russian frosts.”

One of the best military leaders in the world did not lose a single battle in his entire military career. And he took part in more than 60 major battles.

Suvorov's most famous military campaigns included the capture of Izmail and the Italian and Swiss campaigns.

  • Izmail, a Turkish fortress built according to the latest (for that time) requirements of serfdom, was considered impregnable. Suvorov ordered the creation of a training camp imitating the moat and rampart of the Izmail fortress. After eight days of training, Russian troops took Izmail by storm.
  • During the campaign in Northern Italy, Russian troops under the command of Suvorov liberated the Italians from the rule of the French Directory. And the count himself received from the Sardinian king the magnificent rank of “Grand Marshal of the Piedmontese troops.”
  • During the 17-day Swiss campaign, Suvorov's famous crossing of the Alps took place. After the assault on the Saint Gotthard Pass and the capture of the Devil's Bridge, exhausted and hungry Russian soldiers reached the town of Altdorf, from which there was no further road through the mountains. Suvorov and his miracle heroes had to cross the Rostock ridge and the Muoten Valley without any climbing equipment, with wounded comrades, provisions and weapons. Unfortunately, due to numerous betrayals by the Austrians, the Swiss campaign could not be completed as planned in St. Petersburg. The French were not defeated, but the Russian corps of General Rimsky-Korsakov was completely destroyed.

Having doubled the territory of Prussia during his reign, Frederick, nicknamed the Great by his contemporaries, fought with the Russians, Saxons, French, Swedes and Austrians. At the battles of Rosbach and Leuthen, he valiantly defeated forces more than twice his own size, mainly thanks to two skills that he considered the key to victory: the speed of decision-making and the lightning speed of their implementation.

Napoleon, during the invasion of Prussia, said of Frederick: “If this man were still alive, I would not be here.” Frederick died peacefully in his sleep in 1786.

This Czech commander and leader of the Hussites can rightfully be called the “honey badger man” of his time, for his fearlessness, severity and ingenuity. Judge for yourself.

  • Before becoming the leader of the Hussites (representatives of the Czech reform religious movement), Zizka managed to fight for the Poles, the Hungarians, and the British (but this is not certain, since there is no reliable information about his service to Henry the Fifth). And in his free time from the war, he was the leader of robbers, after which he was amnestied by the Czech king Wenceslas the Fourth and accepted into his service.
  • Having lost his second eye during the siege of Rabi Castle and being completely blind, Zizka continued to lead the army. He was carried in a cart, in full view of the soldiers, so that they would not lose their presence of mind. History is silent about where Ian lost his first eye.
  • Žižka's "tanks", also known as "wagenburgs" or "tabors", were carts held together by chains, behind which were hidden crossbowmen, spearmen, shield bearers and landing troops. In the face of such all-round defense, the knight's cavalry was powerless.
  • Žižka led the Hussites in numerous wars for many years before dying of the plague. Before his death, he asked to remove his skin and stretch it onto a drum, so that even after death he could terrify his enemies.

Under the leadership of this brilliant commander, the Mongols captured China, Central Asia, the Caucasus and even Eastern Europe. Genghis Khan (named Temujin or Temujin at birth) was often merciless, slaughtering the entire population of many cities that did not surrender to him.

On the other hand, he was also religiously tolerant, a tactical genius (he perfected the "feigned retreat" ploy), and a master at maintaining supply lines for the largest continental empire in human history.

He is probably the most famous of all the ancient Romans. After the conquest of Gaul, which extended Roman territory to the English Channel and the Rhine, Julius Caesar became the first Roman general to cross both of these water barriers. Under his leadership, Roman legions invaded Britain.

These achievements gave the great Roman general unsurpassed military glory that threatened to eclipse Caesar's former triumvirate ally, Gnaeus Pompey. Pompey accused Caesar of disobedience and treason and ordered him to disband his army and return to Rome. Caesar refused and in 49 BC. led his army into a civil war, which he won.

Thanks to Caesar, Rome became the largest empire in the Mediterranean.

The assassination of Julius Caesar occurred shortly before he was to set out on a campaign against the Parthian Empire.

One of the greatest generals of antiquity went down in history as the man who brought Rome to its knees during the Second Punic War. He defeated the Romans on Lake Trasimene, and lost only about 1,500 soldiers, which was incomparable with the losses suffered by the Roman army (15 thousand soldiers were killed, 6 thousand were captured).

At Cannes, Hannibal demonstrated one of the earliest examples of pincer tactics. Most of the Roman army found itself in a cauldron from which it could not escape. The Battle of Cannae entered the military annals as one of the bloodiest; according to various estimates, from 60 to 70 thousand Romans died. Hannibal captured Tarentum, Syracuse and Capua - the most important city in Italy after Rome.

Unfortunately for Hannibal, the Romans quickly realized that the tactic of "refusing to fight" and liberating the cities captured by the Carthaginians meant that the Carthaginian army was left to chase Roman troops throughout Italy, creating trouble for the local population, but gradually exhausting its strength. Ultimately, Hannibal was forced to retreat to Carthage, where he was defeated by Scipio at the Battle of Zama.

In Western historiography, this Macedonian king is known as Alexander the Great. He conquered an incredibly vast territory for his time - from Asia Minor, Syria and Egypt to Persia, Central Asia and the banks of the Indus - founded twenty separate cities in his name, and continued for centuries to be revered as God in many of the lands he conquered.

For the greatest commander of all time, it was not only the ability to win that was important, but also the ability to know what to do with victory. Alexander recognized the importance of the people he defeated and did not seek to assimilate them. He brought Greek culture, philosophy and technology to the defeated peoples.

Alexander the Great died at the age of 32, before many of the other famous military leaders on this list achieved their first victory.

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