Mendeleev. Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

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PRESENTATION ON THE TOPIC: “D.I.Mendeleev” Completed by 9th grade student “G” Larchenko Daria

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D.I. Mendeleev Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev was born on February 8, 1834, in Tobolsk in the family of a gymnasium director. After graduating from the Tobolsk gymnasium, he was admitted to the department of natural sciences of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Main Pedagogical Institute in St. Petersburg.

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In financial need, Mendeleev gave lessons and was engaged in literary work. In 1855 he graduated from the institute with a gold medal, but due to poor health he was forced to go south as a teacher at the gymnasium at the Richelieu Lyceum. Having recovered, Mendeleev defended his master's thesis in St. Petersburg in 1856 and began reading a course in organic chemistry at St. Petersburg University.

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In 1859-1861 he was on a business trip to Heidelberg “to improve his science.” Upon his return, Mendeleev wrote Organic Chemistry, the first Russian textbook on this discipline, which was awarded the Demidov Prize.

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In 1865, Mendeleev defended his doctoral dissertation, in which he laid the foundations for a new theory of solutions, and became a professor at St. Petersburg University. Mendeleev also taught at other higher educational institutions.

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He took an active part in public life, speaking in the press with demands for permission to give public lectures, protesting against circulars restricting the rights of students, and discussing a new university charter. Mendeleev was one of the organizers of the Russian Chemical Society (1868).

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In 1865, the scientist acquired the Boblovo estate in the Moscow province, where he was engaged in agrochemistry and agriculture. In 1869, Mendeleev discovered the periodic law of chemical elements and by 1871 he wrote the classic work “Fundamentals of Chemistry”. In 1880, Mendeleev was nominated as an academician, but was voted out, which caused public outrage. In 1890, he left the university in protest against the oppression of students.

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In 1890-1895, Mendeleev was a consultant to the Scientific and Technical Laboratory of the Naval Ministry; in 1892 he established the production of the smokeless gunpowder he invented. Organizer and first director (1893-1907) of the Main Chamber of Weights and Measures.

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Mendeleev led a large expedition to study the industry of the Urals, participated in the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900, and developed a program for the economic transformation of Russia. In his last major works, “Treasured Thoughts” and “Towards Knowledge of Russia,” Mendeleev summarized his ideas related to social, scientific and economic activities. Already during his lifetime he enjoyed worldwide fame.

  • DI. Mendeleev was born on January 27 (February 8), 1834.
  • in Tobolsk, the 17th child in the family of the gymnasium director Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleev and his wife
  • Maria Dmitrievna (from an impoverished merchant family).
  • Origin
  • DI. Mendeleev studied at the Main Pedagogical Institute (1850-1855)
  • 1855 (age 21)
  • DI. Mendeleev graduated from the institute with a gold medal
  • In 1856 (22 years old) he brilliantly defended his graduation thesis on the topic: “Isomorphism in connection with other relations of form to composition”
  • The first publications and dissertations of D. I. Mendeleev (1855–1858)
  • 1854 – first printed article
  • "On the structure and chemical structure of Finnish orthites"
  • 1855 – 1856
  • Thesis presented at the end of the course at the Main Pedagogical Institute
  • "Isomorphism in connection with other relations of form to composition"
  • 1856
  • Master's dissertation:
  • “About specific volumes”
  • 1856 – publication in the Mining Journal of the first part of the master's thesis
  • "Specific volumes"
  • 1856 – 1857
  • Dissertation for the right to lecture (pro venia legendi)
  • “On the structure of silica compounds”
  • 1858 – printed work reflecting the essence of the second part of the master's thesis
  • “On the connection between certain physical properties of bodies and their chemical reactions”
  • St. Petersburg University. D. I. Mendeleev taught (1857-1890) and lived (1866-1890) in this building
  • 1857 (January)
  • DI. Mendeleev (23 years old) was approved as a private assistant professor at St. Petersburg University in the department of “Chemistry and beginnings of teaching”, where he began teaching courses in theoretical and organic chemistry
  • As a result, Mendeleev established the existence of a critical or absolute boiling point of a liquid.
  • This allowed us to further understand the conditions under which it is possible to liquefy gases such as oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and helium.
  • D.I. Mendeleev opened the door to cryogenic technology and cryogenic synthesis, which is important today.
  • study of the surface tension of liquids at different temperatures.
  • Since 1861 – D.I. Mendeleev (27 years old) is active in teaching, research and literary work.
  • Based on the course of lectures, the first textbook on organic chemistry in Russian was created, for which in 1862
  • DI. Mendeleev was awarded the Demidov Prize of the Academy of Sciences in the amount of 1000 rubles.
  • Teaching activity of D. I. Mendeleev in 1861 - 1867.
  • From 1862 (28 years) – adjunct, associate professor at St. Petersburg University
  • Since 1864 (30 years) – professor at the Technological Institute
  • “For a long time I did not pursue a doctorate for the reason that there was no place, no need and no time. He had to earn bread, since they were not given anything to live on. And there was no time to work. Having become a professor at the Institute of Technology, I got the opportunity and presented my first work as a dissertation.”
  • DI. Mendeleev
  • 1865 – D.I. Mendeleev (31 years old) defended his doctoral dissertation “On the combination of alcohol with water” and was elected full professor of physical chemistry at St. Petersburg University.
  • “...I consider the decisive moment in the development of my thought about the periodic law to be 1860 - the congress of chemists in Karlsruhe, in which I participated.”
  • DI. Mendeleev
  • Together with N.N. Zinin and A.P. Borodin D.I. Mendeleev took part in the First International Chemical Congress in Karlsruhe (1860). It established relative order in chemical nomenclature and clearly defined the fundamental concepts of atom, molecule and atomic weight.
  • Congress of Chemists in Karlsruhe
  • 1868 D.I. Mendeleev (34 years old) began to write the book “Fundamentals of Chemistry,” which for the first time harmoniously presented inorganic chemistry. The book went through 13 editions until 1947.
  • “There is a lot of independent detail here, and the main thing is the periodicity of the elements, which was found precisely during the processing of “Fundamentals of Chemistry.”
  • DI. Mendeleev
  • Scientific and pedagogical activities
  • Creation of the periodic table of elements
  • and periodic law
  • 1869 D.I. Mendeleev is 35 years old.
  • “... the whole essence, the whole nature of the elements is expressed in their weight, i.e. in the mass of the substance entering the interaction. The physical and chemical properties of elements, manifested in the properties of simple and complex bodies formed by them, are periodically dependent ... on their atomic weight"
  • D. I. Mendeleev
  • “The properties of simple substances, as well as the forms and properties of compounds of elements, are periodically dependent on the charges of the nuclei of atoms of the elements”
  • 1871 – D.I. Mendeleev (37 years old) summarized the research related to the establishment of the periodic law in his work “Periodic Law for Chemical Elements”:
  • developed ideas of periodicity;
  • introduced the concept of the place of an element in the periodic table as a set of its properties in comparison with the properties of other elements;
  • corrected the values ​​of atomic masses of many elements (Be, In, U, etc.),
  • predicted the properties and location in the periodic table of still undiscovered elements (eka-aluminum, eca-boron, etc.).
  • 1875 French scientist
  • P. Lecoq de Boisbaudran discovered gallium,
  • which was predicted
  • D.I. Mendeleev called ekaaluminium.
  • 1879 Swedish chemist
  • L. Nilsson announced the discovery of scandium, which turned out to be identical to Mendeleev's ecaboron.
  • Research on the elasticity of gases 1871 – 1875
  • 1874
  • DI. Mendeleev (40 years old), clarifying the dependence of the state of a gas on temperature discovered by physicist B. Clapeyron, proposed a general equation of state for an ideal gas:
  • pV = nRT.
  • the equation
  • Clapeyron-Mendeleev
  • The doctrine of solutions
  • The results of master's and doctoral dissertations were used by D.I. Mendeleev in his work on the theory of solutions, which he actively pursued in the period 1865–1887.
  • 1887 – D.I. Mendeleev (53 years old) writes the book “Study of Aqueous Solutions by Specific Gravity,” in which he formulates the principles of the hydration theory he proposed, substantiates the idea of ​​chemical interaction between the components of the solution and develops ideas about the existence of compounds of variable composition.
  • “Chemical theory” of solutions D.I. Mendeleev and the “physical theory” of solutions by J. van’t Hoff and S. Arrhenius form the basis of the classical doctrine of solutions.
  • Russian Chemical Society
  • 1868 – creation of the Russian Chemical Society
  • D.I. took part in creating the main provisions of the future Charter of the company. Mendeleev:
  • “This charter was drawn up in my apartment by a meeting of chemists and is remarkable for its brevity.”
  • From 1956 to 1892, D. I. Mendeleev devoted a lot of time to teaching.
  • He teaches at St. Petersburg University,
  • Institute of the Corps of Railway Engineers,
  • Nikolaev Engineering Academy and School,
  • in the 2nd Cadet Corps,
  • at the Institute of Technology,
  • at women's courses, etc.
  • D. I. Mendeleev wrote textbooks:
  • "Organic chemistry"
  • "Fundamentals of Chemistry" (13 editions until 1947)
  • DI. Mendeleev is a member of the Commission to discuss the project of the future Siberian University, the Commission on Higher Technical Education.
  • The result of the work of these commissions was the establishment of polytechnic universities in St. Petersburg, Tomsk, Kyiv and Yekaterinburg.
  • D.I. Mendeleev became a member of the Board of Trustees of the Higher Technical School in Moscow.
  • D. I. Mendeleev and higher education
  • Recognition of the scientific merits of D. I. Mendeleev
  • DI. Mendeleev was awarded the academic title of doctor:
  • University of Edinburgh and University of Glasgow
  • Cambridge and Oxford Universities
  • University of Göttingen
  • Princeton University
  • DI. Mendeleev was elected a member of a number of academies:
  • Accademia dei Sciences dei Lincei and Turin Academy of Sciences
  • Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
  • British Royal Society of Chemistry
  • Paris Academy of Sciences
  • US National Academy of Sciences
  • Czech Academy of Science, Literature and Art
  • Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • Royal Academy of Sciences in Copenhagen
  • Belgian Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Sciences, etc.
  • 1882 London Royal
  • the society awarded D.I. Mendeleev (48 years old) with the Davy gold medal, which was awarded annually for the most outstanding discoveries in chemistry.
  • 1884 At the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the University of Edinburgh
  • DI. Mendeleev (50 years old) was awarded the title of honorary doctor.
  • DI. Mendeleev in the robes of a doctor at the University of Edinburgh
  • (Ilya Repin. 1885)
  • Md Recognition
  • 1955
  • Nobel Prize winner G. Seaborg proposed element No. 101 to be called mendelevium, in recognition of the greatest merits of the Russian scientist.
  • “The Mendeleev system served for almost a century as the key to the discovery of the elements.”
  • (G. Seaborg)
  • Recognition of merit
  • 1962
  • Academy of Sciences of the USSR
  • established
  • Gold medal
  • them. DI. Mendeleev
  • for outstanding work
  • in Chemical Science and Technology
  • Portrait of D.I. Mendeleev
  • (Ilya Repin, 1907)
  • DI. Mendeleev

DI. Mendeleev studied at the Main Pedagogical Institute (years) 1855 (21 years old) D.I. Mendeleev graduated from the institute with a gold medal. In 1856 (22 years old) he brilliantly defended his final dissertation on the topic: “Isomorphism in connection with other relationships of form to composition” 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev

The first publications and dissertations of D. I. Mendeleev (1855–1858) 1854 – the first printed article “On the structure and chemical structure of Finnish orthites” 1855 – 1856 Dissertation presented at the end of the course at the Main Pedagogical Institute “Isomorphism in connection with other relations of form to composition” 1856 Master’s thesis: “On specific volumes” 1856 – publication in the Mining Journal of the first part of the master’s thesis “Specific volumes” 1856 – 1857 Dissertation for the right to give lectures (pro venia legendi) “On the structure of silica compounds” 1858 - a printed work reflecting the essence of the second part of the master’s thesis “On the connection of some physical properties of bodies with their chemical reactions” 175 years since the birth of D.I. Mendeleev

St. Petersburg University. In this building D.I. Mendeleev taught (years) and lived (years) 1857 (January) D.I. Mendeleev (23 years old) was approved as a private assistant professor at St. Petersburg University in the department of “Chemistry and the Beginnings of Teaching,” where he began teaching courses in theoretical and organic chemistry 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev

As a result, Mendeleev established the existence of a critical or absolute boiling point of a liquid. This allowed us to further understand the conditions under which it is possible to liquefy gases such as oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and helium. D.I. Mendeleev opened the door to cryogenic technology and cryogenic synthesis, which is important today. In Heidelberg, D.I. Mendeleev studied the surface tension of liquids at various temperatures. 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev

Material problems were resolved, and D.I. Mendeleev proposed to his future wife. Since 1861 – D.I. Mendeleev (27 years old) is active in teaching, research and literary work. Based on the course of lectures, the first textbook on organic chemistry in Russian was created, for which in 1862 D.I. Mendeleev was awarded the Demidov Prize of the Academy of Sciences in the amount of 1000 rubles. Return to St. Petersburg 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev

Teaching activity of D. I. Mendeleev in 1861 - 1867. From 1862 (28 years old) - adjunct, associate professor at St. Petersburg University Since 1864 (30 years old) - professor at the Technological Institute “For a long time I did not pursue a doctorate for the reason that there was no place, no need and no time. He had to earn bread, since they were not given anything to live on. And there was no time to work. Having become a professor at the Institute of Technology, I got the opportunity and presented my first work as a dissertation.” DI. Mendeleev 1865 – D.I. Mendeleev (31 years old) defended his doctoral dissertation “On the combination of alcohol with water” and was elected full professor of physical chemistry at St. Petersburg University. 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev

Assessment of the distribution of D.I. Mendeleev’s works by area of ​​knowledge “In total, more than four subjects made up my name: the periodic law, the study of the elasticity of gases, the understanding of solutions as associations and the Fundamentals of Chemistry” D.I. Mendeleev 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev

“...I consider the decisive moment in the development of my thought about the periodic law to be 1860 - the congress of chemists in Karlsruhe, in which I participated.” DI. Mendeleev Together with N.N. Zinin and A.P. Borodin D.I. Mendeleev took part in the First International Chemical Congress in Karlsruhe (1860). It established relative order in chemical nomenclature and clearly defined the fundamental concepts of atom, molecule and atomic weight. Congress of Chemists in Karlsruhe 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev

1868 D.I. Mendeleev (34 years old) began to write the book “Fundamentals of Chemistry,” which for the first time harmoniously presented inorganic chemistry. The book went through 13 editions until 1947. “There is a lot of independent detail here, and the main thing is the periodicity of the elements, which was found precisely during the processing of the Fundamentals of Chemistry.” DI. Mendeleev Scientific and pedagogical activities 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev

Creation of the periodic system of elements and the periodic law in 1869 D.I. Mendeleev is 35 years old. “... the whole essence, the whole nature of the elements is expressed in their weight, i.e. in the mass of the substance entering the interaction. The physical and chemical properties of elements, manifested in the properties of simple and complex bodies formed by them, are periodically dependent ... on their atomic weight" D. I. Mendeleev "The properties of simple substances, as well as the forms and properties of compounds of elements are periodically dependent on charges nuclei of atoms of elements" 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev

140 years of the Periodic Table of Elements by D.I. Mendeleev 1871 – D.I. Mendeleev (37 years old) summarized the research related to the establishment of the periodic law in his work “Periodic Law for Chemical Elements”: - developed the ideas of periodicity; - introduced the concept of the place of an element in the periodic table as a set of its properties in comparison with the properties of other elements; - corrected the values ​​of atomic masses of many elements (Be, In, U, etc.), - predicted the properties and location in the periodic table of yet undiscovered elements (eka-aluminum, eca-boron, etc.). 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev

1875 The French scientist P. Lecoq de Boisbaudran discovered gallium, which was predicted by D. I. Mendeleev under the name eka-aluminium. The Swedish chemist L. Nilsson announced the discovery of scandium, which turned out to be identical to Mendeleev's ekabor. 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev

Research on the elasticity of gases 1871 – 1875 D.I. Mendeleev (40 years old), clarifying the dependence of the state of a gas on temperature discovered by physicist B. Clapeyron, proposed a general equation of state for an ideal gas: pV = nRT. Clapeyron-Mendeleev equation 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev

The doctrine of solutions The results of master's and doctoral dissertations were used by D.I. Mendeleev in his work on the theory of solutions, which he actively pursued in the period 1865–1887 - D.I. Mendeleev (53 years old) writes the book “Study of Aqueous Solutions by Specific Gravity,” in which he formulates the principles of the hydration theory he proposed, substantiates the idea of ​​chemical interaction between the components of the solution and develops ideas about the existence of compounds of variable composition. “Chemical theory” of solutions D.I. Mendeleev and the “physical theory” of solutions by J. van’t Hoff and S. Arrhenius form the basis of the classical doctrine of solutions. 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev

Russian Chemical Society 1868 - creation of the Russian Chemical Society D.I. took part in creating the main provisions of the future Charter of the society. Mendeleev: “This charter was drawn up in my apartment by a meeting of chemists and is remarkable for its brevity.” 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev

1865 D.I. Mendeleev (31 years old) bought the Boblovo estate near the city of Klin, Moscow province. This estate later became an experimental site for agricultural research. Work in the field of agriculture 1866 – D.I. Mendeleev (32 years old) at a meeting of the Free Economic Society made a report “On the organization of agricultural experiments,” which became the beginning of his research work on agriculture. 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev

Works in the field of agriculture Works of D.I. Mendeleev, even in a narrow area, were distinguished by their versatility: - soil science and agricultural chemistry; -technology of processing of agricultural products; - mechanization of agricultural work; - agricultural economics; -issues of agricultural education. DI. Mendeleev showed that only with the integrated use of various fertilizers, taking into account the composition of the soil and irrigating dry lands can high crop yields be achieved. 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev

1887 Balloon “Russian”, on which D.I. Mendeleev (53 years old) flew to observe a solar eclipse and take meteorological measurements. Works in the field of aeronautics 175 years since the birth of D.I. Mendeleev 1878 – D.I. Mendeleev (44 years old) publishes the work: “On the resistance of liquid and gaseous media.” NOT. Zhukovsky singled out this work as a fundamental guide to the study of shipbuilding, aeronautics and ballistics.

Industry Since the early 1880s. DI. Mendeleev is developing a program for the industrial development of Russia, paying main attention to heavy industry. He considered its base “... the extraction of fuel, especially... coal, the extraction of metals, especially cast iron, iron and steel, the production of machines and all kinds of metal tools.” DI. Mendeleev points out: the need to promote industry to the East; creation of industrial areas in Siberia and the Southeast; the importance of industrial development in the Urals; industrial development of the shores of the Pacific Ocean and Sakhalin. Participants of the expedition to study the state of the Ural industry From left to right: K.N. Egorov, S.P. Vukolov. DI. Mendeleev, P.A. Zamyatchensky. 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev

CoalOil 1882 - D.I. Mendeleev (48 years old) began to deal with the development of the coal industry and in 1888 in his work “The Future Power Resting on the Banks of the Donets”: he put forward the idea of ​​underground gasification of coal and the construction of gas pipelines; predicted the fruitfulness of intersectoral cooperation between enterprises in the city - D.I. Mendeleev (29 years old) conducts the first research in the field of oil refining. “Oil is such a rare, exceptional gift of nature that burning it as simple fuel is simply a sin... You can also burn it with banknotes.” The basic conditions for the development of the oil industry are formulated: – development of drilling technology and inclusion in development, in addition to the Caucasus, of other oil regions; – transition to complete oil refining; – continuous and fractional distillation of oil was proposed; – entry of Russian petroleum products into the world market. 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev

In his economic studies, among which the most famous are “Treasured Thoughts”, “Towards Knowledge of Russia” and “Intelligent Tariff...”, Mendeleev deals with specific problems of the country’s economy: the organization of industrial production (location, transport, production technology), the study of natural resources and their all-out development, industrialization of Russia, development of means of production, protectionist customs policy, widespread education of the population. Emphasizing that 1/3 of Russia’s borders lies on the shores of the northern seas, D.I. Mendeleev wrote about the need to study and develop the Arctic Ocean. 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev D. I. Mendeleev - economist

D. I. Mendeleev and metrology 1892. Beginning of the service of D. I. Mendeleev (58 years old) in the position of “scientific keeper” of the Depot of Model Weights and Measures. Works of D.I. Mendeleev in the field of metrology: “On methods of precise or metrological weighing” (1895) “Experimental study of the fluctuation of scales” (1898) Since 1893 - D. I. Mendeleev, manager of the Main Chamber of Weights and Measures, created a network of verification institutions, and also: developed the original design of the rocker arm and arrester; created the physical theory of scales; proposed the most accurate weighing methods; developed the most accurate standards of scales; created an accurate time service; introduced the optional use of international metric units 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev

From 1956 to 1892, D. I. Mendeleev devoted a lot of time to teaching. He teaches at St. Petersburg University, the Institute of the Corps of Railway Engineers, the Nikolaev Engineering Academy and School, at the 2nd Cadet Corps, at the Technological Institute, at women's courses, etc. D. I. Mendeleev wrote textbooks: “Organic Chemistry” “ Fundamentals of Chemistry" (13 editions until 1947) D.I. Mendeleev is a member of the Commission to discuss the project of the future Siberian University, the Commission on Higher Technical Education. The result of the work of these commissions was the establishment of polytechnic universities in St. Petersburg, Tomsk, Kyiv and Yekaterinburg. D.I. Mendeleev became a member of the Board of Trustees of the Higher Technical School in Moscow. D. I. Mendeleev and higher education 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev Recognition of the scientific merits of D. I. Mendeleev D.I. Mendeleev was awarded the academic title of doctor: the University of Edinburgh and the University of Glasgow, the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford, the University of Göttingen, Princeton University D.I. Mendeleev was elected a member of a number of academies: the Accademia dei Sciences dei Lincei and the Turin Academy of Sciences The Royal Academy of Sciences of Sweden The British Royal Society of Chemistry The Paris Academy of Sciences The National Academy of Sciences of the USA The Czech Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts The Hungarian Academy of Sciences The Royal Academy of Sciences in Copenhagen The Belgian Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts fine sciences, etc. 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev

1882 The Royal Society of London awarded D.I. Mendeleev (48 years old) with the Davy gold medal, which was awarded annually for the most outstanding discoveries in chemistry. At the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the University of Edinburgh, D.I. Mendeleev (50 years old) was awarded the title of honorary doctor. DI. Mendeleev in the robe of a doctor from the University of Edinburgh (Ilya Repin) 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev

Md Recognition of merit 1955 Nobel Prize winner G. Seaborg proposed element 101 to be called mendelevium, in recognition of the greatest merits of the Russian scientist. “For almost a century, the Mendeleev system served as the key to the discovery of elements” (G. Seaborg) 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev

Portrait of D.I. Mendeleev (Ilya Repin, 1907) “You will say, this is history, but you cannot escape from history, history is an inevitable track along which any scientific or social progress moves...” D.I. Mendeleev 175 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev


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Life and scientific feat. The birth of a future genius. Father. In the same year he became blind and soon lost his position (died in 1847). Mother. A woman of outstanding intelligence and energy. She managed to run a small glass factory and take care of children at the same time. Tobolsk gymnasium. Mitya read a lot and drew a lot from books. I became interested in foreign languages. Pedagogical Institute. Pedagogical activity. Scientific activity. Trip abroad. In January 1859, Mendeleev was sent on a two-year business trip abroad. "Organic chemistry". Career growth. Job. Solutions. Gases. Awarded the medal of the French Society of Aeronautics. - Mendeleev.ppt

Chemistry of Mendeleev

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Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev. Life and science. Objectives of the work: To get acquainted with the scientific activities of D.I. Mendeleev Bring to the attention of students the obtained data. Use this material to teach lessons. Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleev is the father of D.I. Mendeleev. Smart and energetic woman. She had no education, she completed a gymnasium course on her own. Suitcases of D.I. Mendeleev. Chronicle of the creative life of a scientist. Scientific activity. He is the author of the first Russian textbook “Organic Chemistry. Periodic law. The first handwritten version of the periodic law. February 18, 1869. - Chemistry of Mendeleev.ppt

Life of Mendeleev

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Life and work of D.I. Mendeleev. “If you do not know names, then the knowledge of things will die” K. Liney. 1834, January 27 (February 6) - D.I. Mendeleev was born in the city of Tobolsk, in Siberia. Maria Dmitrievna Mendeleeva (1793 - 1830), mother of the scientist. Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleev (1783 - 1847), father of the scientist. On July 18, D.I. Mendeleev graduated from the Tobolsk gymnasium. August 9, 1850 - June 20, 1855 while studying at the Main Pedagogical Institute. Discovery of the periodic law. Family. 1907, January 20 (February 2) D.I. Mendeleev died of heart paralysis. - Life of Mendeleev.ppt

Mendeleev biography

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D.I.Mendeleev is the pride of Russia. Author of the famous textbook "Fundamentals of Chemistry". Conducted extensive research on solutions and properties of gases. He took an active part in the development of the coal and oil refining industries of Russia. Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev. Mendeleev in the traditional garb of a Doctor of Laws from the University of Edinburgh. Portrait by I.E. Repin. 1885 Portrait of the great scientist with an autograph. Pages of the biography of D.I. Mendeleev. Members of the commission for the inspection of the Ural mining plants. D. Mendeleev sits on the right. 1899 Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev (left) and Clemens Wiikler. - Mendeleev biography.ppt

Mendeleev Dmitry Ivanovich

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The great Russian scientist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834-1901). Dmitry Mendeleev is 17 years old. Since 1861, Dmitry Ivanovich taught in St. Petersburg. Periodic Law (March 1, 1869). The structure of the atom (1911 E. Rutherford). Which element is missing? Which of the following substances exhibits the most pronounced metallic properties of Li, Cs, Na? Which of the following substances exhibits the most pronounced non-metallic properties of F, I, Cl? “He worked hard and became a genius!” said Dmitry Ivanovich. Including V.I. Vernadsky and K.A. Timiryazev. D.I. Mendeleev flew in a hot air balloon during a solar eclipse in 1867. - Mendeleev Dmitry Ivanovich.ppt

Biography of Dmitry Mendeleev

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Mendeleev. Biography. Origin. Theological school. Childhood. Family and Children. Heidelberg period. Permission to travel to Europe. Laboratory equipment. Takes part in the first International Chemical Congress. Founders of the Russian Chemical Society. Scientific activity. Definitions of physical constants. Author of fundamental research. In 1880 he put forward the idea of ​​underground gasification of coal. Periodic law. Basics of chemistry. Individual scientists. Specific volumes. Cover of the first publication. The first works of D. I. Mendeleev. Multifaceted research. - Biography of Dmitry Mendeleev.pptx

Life and work of Mendeleev

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Life and work of D.I. Mendeleev. “If you do not know names, then the knowledge of things will die” K. Liney. 1834, January 27 (February 6) - D.I. Mendeleev was born in the city of Tobolsk, in Siberia. Mendeleev's parents are of Russian origin. Maria Dmitrievna Mendeleeva (1793 - 1830), mother of the scientist. Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleev (1783 - 1847), father of the scientist. On July 18, 1849, D.I. Mendeleev graduated from the Tobolsk gymnasium. Boblovo village. In 1865 he bought the Boblovo estate in the Moscow region. The building burned down in 1919. Discovery of the periodic law. Family. 1907, January 20 (February 2) D.I. Mendeleev died of heart paralysis. - Life and work of Mendeleev.ppt

Mendeleev and environmental protection

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DI. Mendeleev. The problem of environmental protection. Offers. Works of a scientist in atmospheric chemistry. Literature analysis. DI. Mendeleev on the problems of nature conservation. Atmospheric chemistry. Chemistry of the hydrosphere. Requirements for production processes. Using "substances all over the place" Reduce losses in the production process. Selection of combustible material. Processing of production residues (waste). The greatest Russian scientist. Contribution to solving the problem of environmental protection. -

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Discoveries and contributions to SCIENCE.

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Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev was born on January 27, 1834 in Tobolsk in the family of Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleev, who at that time held the position of director of the Tobolsk gymnasium (he later lost this position due to severe illness).

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The childhood of D. I. Mendeleev coincided with the time of the exiled Decembrists in Siberia. The family lived for a long time in Yalutorovsk next to I. I. Pushchin. Also, his uncle V.D. Korniliev, the manager of the Trubetskoy princes, who often invited the Mendeleevs to visit their house and many famous writers and scientists, had a great influence on the worldview of the future scientist.

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Education and positions held
1843 – graduated from the Tobolsk gymnasium. 1855 - Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Pedagogical Institute. 1855 - senior teacher of natural sciences, 1856 - brilliantly defended his dissertation “for the right to give lectures”, October 10 - master of chemistry, 1857 - January 9 privatdozent, 1863 - professor.

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Scientific achievements
D.I. Mendeleev studied the phenomena of isomorphism, as well as the dependence of the properties of elements on the size of their atomic volumes. He discovered the “absolute boiling point of liquids” in 1860. He is the author of the first Russian textbook “Organic Chemistry”. In 1859 he designed a pycnometer, a device for determining the density of a liquid. Created the hydration theory of solutions in 1865-1887. Found in 1874 the general equation of state of an ideal gas.

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Periodic law
On February 17, 1869, D.I. Mendeleev discovered one of the fundamental laws of nature - the periodic law of chemical elements. On March 6, 1869, the famous report of D.I. Mendeleev “Relationship of properties with the atomic weight of elements” was read at a meeting of the Russian Chemical Society and was soon published.

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Scientific contribution
This discovery marked the beginning of a new era in the development of chemistry and other related sciences - atomic physics, geochemistry. Before the discovery of the periodic law, discoveries in chemistry of new elements, new substances, new chemical reactions, as a rule, were unexpected and accidental. When chemistry received its leading theory in the periodic law, its development took on a systematic character. The existence of previously unknown elements is predicted.

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