The difference between the DSB and the Airborne Forces: their history and composition. Flag of "56 Brigade of the Airborne Forces" 56 Separate landing brigade

Military troops are one of the strong components of the army of the Russian Federation. In recent years, due to a tense international situation, the VVV value increases. The size of the territory of the Russian Federation, its landscape variety, as well as the borders, practically with all conflict states, suggests that it is necessary to have a large supply of special groups of troops, which will be able to provide the necessary protection in all areas what are the air force.

In contact with

As the structure of air forces Extensive, often the question of the Airborne Forces and the LCB of the same troops arise? The article disassembles the differences between them, history, goals and military training of both organizations, the composition.

Differences between the troops

Differences are lurking in the names themselves. DSHB is a landing assault brigade, organized and specializing in the attacks of the enemy's near rear in case of deploying large-scale hostilities. Rangered assault brigades The Airborne Forces are subject to airborne troops, as one of their divisions and specialize only on assault grip.

Airborne Airborne Forces, whose tasks are capturing the enemy, as well as the capture and destruction of enemy weapons and other air operations. The functional of the Airborne Forces is much wider - intelligence, sabotage, assault. For greater understanding of differences, consider the history of the creation of the Airborne Forces and DSHB separately.

History of the Airborne Forces

The Airborne Forces begins his story since 1930, when the city was operated under the city of Voronezh on August 2, where 12 people on parachutes were landed from the air in the part of the special unit. This operation then opened his eyes to leadership for new opportunities for parachute troops. Next year, based on Leningrad Military District, a detachment is formed, which received a long name - aircraft and accounted for about 150 people.

The effectiveness of paratroopers was obvious and reviable makes the decision to expand it by creating airborne troops. The order saw the light at the end of 1932. In parallel, in Leningrad, the instructors training was conducted, in the future they were distributed to the county on special purpose battalions in aviation.

In 1935, the Military District of Kiev demonstrated to foreign delegations all the power of the Airborne Forces, having arranged an impressive disembarking of 1200 paratroopers, which quickly captured the airfield. Later, similar teachings are held in Belarus, as a result of which the German delegation is already impressive than the disembarkation of 1800 people, I decided to organize my airborne detachment, and then the regiment. In this wayThe Soviet Union is rightfully home to the Airborne Forces.

In 1939, our landing troops There is an opportunity to show yourself in practice. In Japan, the 212nd Brigade was planted on the Khalkin-goal river, and after a year 201, 204 and 214 brigades will be involved in the war with Finland. Knowing that we are no longer affordable for us, 5 air buildings were formed at 10 thousand people and the Airborne Forces acquires a new status - Guards troops.

In 1942, he was marked by the largest airborne operation during the war years, which took place near Moscow, where about 10 thousand paratroopers were reset in the German rear. After the war, the Airborne Forces was decided to attach to the VGC and appoint the commander of the Airborne Forces of the USSR, this honor drops the Colonel-General V.V. Glagolev.

Big innovations in airborne The troops came with "Uncle Vasya." In 1954, V.V. Glagolova replaces V.F. Margelov and holds the position of commander of the Airborne Forces until 1979. With Margelov, the Airborne Forces is supplied with novelties of military equipment, including artillery installations, combat vehicles, special attention is paid to working under the conditions of a sudden attack by nuclear weapons.

The units of the Airborne University took part in all the most significant conflicts - the events of Czechoslovakia, in Afghanistan, Chechnya, in Nagorno-Karabakh, North and South Ossetia. Several of our battalions performed UN peacekeeping tasks in Yugoslavia.

In our time, about 40 thousand fighters are included in the ranks of the Airborne Forces, when conducting special operations - paratroopers make it the basis, since the Airborne Forces is a highly qualified component of our army.

The history of the formation of DSB.

Rangered assault brigades Started their history after it was decided to rewind the Tactics of the Airborne Forces in the conditions of unleashing large-scale hostilities. The goal of such LCBs was to disorganize opponents by mass fallows close to the enemy, such operations were most often performed from helicopters with small groups.

Closer to the end of the 60s in the Far East, it was decided to form 11 and 13 brigades at the helicopter shelves. These shelves were involved primarily in hard-to-reach areas, the first attempts of landings took place in the northern cities of Magdachi and Zavitinsky. Therefore, in order to become a paratrooper of this brigade, the strength and special endurance was needed, since the weather conditions were practically unpredictable, for example, in the winter the temperature reached up to -40 degrees, and in the summer an abnormal heat was present.

The location of the deployment of the first dshb It was not just that the Far East was chosen. It was the time of complex relationship with China, which were even more aggravated after the collision of interests on the island of Damascus. The brigades were given an order to prepare for the reflection of the attack by China, which could attack themselves.

High level and significance of DSHB It was demonstrated on the exercises in the late 1980s on the island of ITUPU, where 2 battalions and artillery were planned at the MI-6 and Mi-8 helicopters. The garrison, due to weather conditions, was not warned about the teachings, as a result of which the fire was opened, but due to the highly qualified preparation of paratroopers, none of the participants suffered.

At the same year, LCHP numbered 2 regiments, 14 brigades, about 20 battalions. On one brigade They were attached to one military district, but only to those who had a way out to the border on land. Kiev also had his brigade, another 2 brigades were given to our parts that were abroad. Each brigade had an artillery division, subdivisions of the rear and combat destination.

After the termination of the USSR of its existenceThe budget of the country did not allow the mass content of the army, so there was nothing else to disaglace some parts of the DSHB and the Airborne Forces. The beginning of the 90s was noted by the removal of DSHB from the subordination of the Far East and the transformation into complete submission to Moscow. Team assault brigades are converted into separate airborne brigades - 13 OTDBR. In the mid-90s, the ADV reduction plan disbanded the composition of 13 OTDBR.

Thus, from the above, it can be seen that DSB was created as one of the structural divisions of the Airborne Forces.


The composition of the Airborne Forces includes the following divisions:

  • airborne;
  • ardent assault;
  • mountains (which act exclusively on mountain hills).

These are the three main components of the Airborne Forces. In addition, they consist of a division (76.98, 7, 106 Guards archery), brigades and shelves (45, 56, 31, 11, 83, 38 Guards airborne). In Voronezh, a brigade in 2013, obtained number 345.

Personnel composition of theun Prevised in educational institutions of military reserve Ryazan, Novosibirsk, Kamenets-Podolsk, in Kolomensky. Training was conducted in the directions of the parachute-landing (ardent assault) platoon, commanders of reconnaissance platforms.

The school produced annually about three hundred graduates - it was not enough to satisfy the personnel demands of the military-airborne troops. Consequently, the airborne faculties in the military servicemen could get into military servicemen in special areas of schools such as general and military departments.


The Commander's composition of DSHB was chosen most often from the Airborne Forces, and Kombatov, Deputy Combatov, Roth Commander from the nearest military districts. In the 70s, due to the fact that the leadership decided to repeat his experience - create and equip LCB, expands planned set in educational institutionswho trained future airborne officers. The mid-80s was noted by the fact that the officers were issued to the service in the DSH, being prepared by the educational program for the Airborne Forces. Also during these years, the complete permutation of officers is being conducted, it was almost all decided to replace in the DSH. At the same time, excellent students went to the service mainly in the Airborne Forces.

To get to the service in the AirborneAs in DSB, it is necessary to comply with specific criteria:

  • growth 173 and higher;
  • secondary physical development;
  • secondary education;
  • without medical restrictions.

If everything corresponds, then the future fighter begins to prepare.

Particular attention is paid to, of course, physical training of air packers, which is carried out constantly, begins with a daily lift at 6 am, hand-to-hand combat (special training program) and ends with long marchs of 30-50 km. So every fighter has a huge excerpt And endurance, besides, the guys who engaged in any sport, which develops the most endurance is selected in their ranks. To check it out, the endurance test is passed - in 12 minutes the fighter must run 2.4-2.8 km., Otherwise, there is no point in the Airborne Service.

It is worth noting that not in vain they are called universal fighters. These people can act at various locations into any weather conditions absolutely silently, can be masked, own all types of weapons both their own and enemy, manage any kind of transport, communications. In addition to excellent physical training, psychological, as the fighters have to overcome not only long distances, but also "work head" to get ahead of the enemy throughout the operation.

Intellectual suitability is founded with the help of tests compiled by specialists. Communicably taken into account psychological compatibility in the team, the guys include in a certain detachment for 2-3 days after which the old-workers give an assessment of behavior.

Psychophysical training is carried outwhich implies a task with an increased risk where physical and mental tension goes. Such tasks are aimed at overcoming fear. At the same time, if it turns out that the future paratrooper does not feel, in general, feelings of fear, then he does not take on further training, since this feeling is quite naturally taught to control it, and not eradicate at all. The preparation of the Airborne Forces gives our country a huge advantage in the face of fighters in front of any enemy. Most doubles already have a familiar lifestyle even after retirement.

Armament of aircraft

As for technical equipment, combined exercise equipment and specially designed for the nature of this kind of troops are involved in the Airborne Forces. Some of the samples were created in the USSRBut the bulk was developed after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Soviet periods include:

  • a landing combat machine - 1 (the number reaches - 100 units);
  • BMD-2M (approximately 1 thousand units), they are used both in ground and in parachute methods of disembarkation.

These technicians have been tested over the years and participated in multiple armed conflicts, held in our country and abroad. Nowadays, in the conditions of rapid progress, these models are outdated and morally, and physically. A little later, the BMD-3 model came out and today the number of such equipment is only 10 units, as the production is discontinued, it is planned to gradually replace the BMD-4.

The Airborne Forces also owns armored personnel transporters of the BTR-82A, BTR-82AM and BTR-80 and the most numerous caterpillar armored personnel carrier - 700 units, and it is the most outdated (mid-70s), it gradually replaces the armored personnel carrier - MDM "Shell". There are also anti-tank guns 2C25 "Sprut-SD", armored personnel carrier - RD "Robot", and PTRK: "Competition", "Metis", "Fagot", and "Cornet". Fortune defense represented by rocket complexes, but a special place is given to a novelty, which not so long ago appeared in arms of the Airborne Forces - Verba PZRK.

Not so long ago, new techniques appeared:

  • armored car "Tiger";
  • Snowmobile a-1;
  • cargo car KAMAZ - 43501.

As for communication systems, they are represented by local developed complexes of radio electronic struggle "Leer-2 and 3", Infaun, system administration is represented by air defense "Barnaul", "Andromeda" and "Flight-K" - automation of control of troops.

Weapon Presented by samples, for example, Yarygin's gun, PMM and a silent PSS pistol. The Soviet AK-74 automatic machine is still a personal arms of paratroopers, but gradually replaced with the latest AK-74M, and a silent machine "Shaft" is used on special operations. Parachute systems are also of both the Soviet and post-Soviet type, which can land large parties of soldiers and all the above-described military equipment. A hard technique includes automatic prescription grenadents AGS-17 "Flame" and AGS-30, SPG-9.

Armament of LMS

DSB has places with transport and helicopterswhich numbered:

  • about twenty Mi-24, forty Mi-8 and forty Mi-6;
  • the anti-tank battery was in service with a machine anti-tank grenade launcher 9 md;
  • mortar battery included eight 82-millimeter BM-37;
  • in the anti-aircraft platoon, there were nine PZRK Strela-2M;
  • also included several BMD-1, infantry combat vehicles, armored personnel carriers for each landing assault battalion.

The armament of the brigade-artillery group consisted of Hubitz GD-30, PM-38 mortars, GP 2A2 guns, Maltka anti-tank missile complex, SPG-9MD, anti-aircraft installation ZU-23.

More severe technique Includes automatic prescription grenades AGS-17 "Flame" and AGS-30, SPG-9 "Spear". Air exploration is carried out with the help of the domestic nonsense "Orlan-10".

One interesting fact took place in the history of the Airborne University, quite a long time, thanks to the erroneous information of the media, the special competition fighters (SPN) were not rightly called paratroopers. The thing is, that in the air forces of our country In the Soviet Union, as in the post-Soviet did not exist, there were no SPN troops, but there are divisions and part of the SPN of the General Staff of the General Staff, which arose in the 50s. Until the 80s, the command was forced to completely deny their existence in our country. Therefore, those who were appointed in these troops learned about them only after putting the service. For the media they were masked under motorized rifle battalions.

Day of the Airborne Forces

Marine parathers celebrate Airborne Birthdaylike LSHB from August 2, 2006. This is a kind of gratitude for the effectiveness of air units, the decree of the President of the Russian Federation was signed by the same year. Despite the fact that the holiday is declared our government, the birthday is noteworthy not only in our country, but also in Belarus, Ukraine and most CIS countries.

Every year the veterans of the Airborne Forces and the active fighters are found in the so-called "place of meetings", in each city it is its own, for example, in Astrakhan "Brotherly Sadik", in Kazan "Victory Square", in Kiev "Hydropark", in Moscow "Poklonnaya Mountain", Novosibirsk "Central Park". In major cities, they arrange demonstration performances, concerts and fairs.

56th Separate Guards Assault-Assignment Red Banner, Kutuzov and Patriotic War of the Brigade (56th GW. Oddshbr) military formation Ground ForcesSun of the USSR , Ground ForcesSun of Russia and the Airborne Forces of Russia. Birthday formation is June 11, 1943, when they were formed7th and 17th Guards airborne brigades.

Combat Way during the Great Patriotic War

On the 4th Ukrainian Front A strong grouping of the Airborne Forces in the 4th, 6th and 7th Guards Airborne Brigades was deployed. She was planned to apply under the liberation of the Crimea.

In December 1943, the 4th and 7th Guards Airborne Brigades were replicated in Moscow Military District.

January 15, 1944 in accordance with the order of the Commander of the Airborne Forces of the Red Army No. 00100 dated December 26, 1943, in the city of Stupino, the Moscow Region on the basis of the 4th, 7th and 17th individual guards airborne brigades (brigades were stationed in Vostryakovo, Vnukovo, Stupino) was formed 16th Guards Airborne Division. In the division on staff there were 12,000 people.

In August 1944, the Division was replied to the city of old roads Mogilev region and on August 9, 1944 he became part of the newly formed 38th Guards Airborne Corps. In October 1944, the 38th Guards Airborne Corps entered the newly formed about thdes Guards Airborne Army.

On December 8, 1944, the army was reorganized in 9th Guards Army, The 38th Guards Airborne Corps became the Guards Rowers.

Order The rates of the Supreme Commander No. 0047 of 12/18/1944 The 16th Guards Airborne Division was reorganized in 106th Guards Rifle Division The 38th Guards Rifle Corps. 4th Separate Guards Airborne Brigade was reorganized in the 347th Guards Rifle Regiment, 7th Separate Guards Airborne Brigade - In the 351st Guards Rifle Regiment, 17th Separate Guards Airborne Brigade - in 355- th Guards rifle regiment.

The 106th Guards Rifle Division included:

    • 347th Guards Rifle Regiment;
    • 351th Guards Rifle Regiment;
    • 356th Guards Rifle Regiment;
    • 107th separate Guards anti-aircraft artillery division;
    • 193th Separate Guards Communication Battalion;
    • 123rd Separate Guards Anti-Tank Division;
    • 139th Separate Guards Safety Battalion;
    • 113th separate guards explode;
    • 117th separate guards chemical company;
    • 234th Separate Guards Medsanbat.

The division also introduced the 57th artillery brigade of the three-bed composition:

    • 205th cannon artillery regiment;
    • 28th Gabble Artillery Regiment;
    • 53rd mortar regiment.

In January 1945, the division as part of the 38th Guards Rifle Corps was redesigned by the railway to Hungary, by February 26, the Eastern city of Budapest focused in the area: Solnok - Abon - Soyal - Terilye and in early March became part of 3rd Ukrainian Front.

March 16, 1945, breaking through the defense of the Germans, 351st Guards Rifle Regiment Released on the Austro-Hungarian border.

In March-April 1945, Division participated in Vienna operation, coming in the direction of the main strike of the front. Division, in collaboration with the compounds of the 4th Guards Army, broke through the defense of the enemy north of the city of Tekesfehervar, went to the flank and rear to the main forces 6th Tank Army SSstunned into the defense of the troops of the front between Lakes Velenze and Balaton. In early April, the division hit in the north-western direction bypassing Vienna and in cooperation with the 6th Guards Tank Army broke the opponent's resistance, put forward to the Danube and cut off the opponent's path to the west. The division successfully led battles in the city, which continued until April 13.

Decree Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from 29.03.1945 for participation in the defeat of eleven enemy divisions south-west of Budapest and taking the city of Mor Division awarded kutuzov II degree.

For a breakthrough of the fortified defense strip and mastering the city of Mor, all the personal composition was grateful Supreme Commander.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated April 26, 1945, the division was awarded for participation in the capture of Vienna order of the Red Banner. Since then, April 26 is considered an annual holiday part.

In the course Vienna operation Division has passed with battles over 300 kilometers. In some days, the pace of offensive was reached 25-30 kilometers per day.

From May 5 to 11, 1945, division as part of troops 2nd Ukrainian Front took part in Prague offensive operation.

On May 5, the division was raised on the alarm and made a march to the Austro-Czechoslovak border. Entering the opponent with the enemy, on May 8, she crossed the border of Czechoslovakia and with the move of the city of Znochmo.

On May 9, the division continued the fighting on the persecution of the enemy and successfully developed the offensive on the REC, pisks. Division made a march, pursuing the enemy, and in 3 days passed with battles of 80-90 km. At 12.00 on May 11, 1945, the advanced detachment of the division came to the Vltava River and in the village of Olesnya, met with the troops of the American 5th Tank Army. Here ended the combat route of the Division in the Great Patriotic War.

History 1945-1979

At the end of hostilities, the division from Czechoslovakia returned to Hungary. From May 1945 to January 1946, the Division was located in the forests of South Budapest.

Based on the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1154474rs from 3.06.1946 and directives General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR NORP / 2/247225 dated 06/04/1946. By June 15, 1946, the 106th Guards Rifle-Balanted, Cutuzov Order Division was reorganized in 106th Guards Airborne Red Snimped, Cutuzov Orden Division.

Since July 1946, the division was deployed in Tula. The division was part of the 38th Guards Airborne Vienna Corps (body headquarters - Tula).

Based on the director of the head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of September 3, 1948 and dated January 21, 1949 106th Guards Airborne Red Snimped, Cutuzov Orden Division As part of the 38th Guards Airborne Vienna Corps, he became part of the airborne army.

In April 1953, the airborne army was disbanded.

Based on the Directive of the head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces dated January 21, 1955 by April 25, 1955, the 106th Guards Airborne Division came out of the 38th Guards Airborne Vienna Corps, which was disbanded, and moved to a new state of the Trete Composition with a crocated battalion (incomplete composition) in each parachute, landing shelf.

From the composition of disbanded 11th Guards Airborne Division part 106th Guards Airborne Division was accepted 137th Guards Parachute Regiment. Deployment item City Ryazan.

Personal composition participated in military parades on Red Square in Moscow, participated in great teachings of MO and in 1955 landed near Kutaisi (Transcaucasian VO).

IN 1956 The 38th Guards Airborne Viennese Corps was disbanded and the division was directly submitted by the Airborne Commander.

IN In 1957, the regiment conducted indicative teachings with landing for military delegations of Yugoslavia and India.

Based on the Directive of the USSR Defense Minister of March 18, 1960 and the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces of June 7, 1960 to November 1, 1960:

    • in the composition of 106th Guards Airborne Red Snimped, Cutuzov Orden Division was accepted 351st Guards Parachute Regiment (city of Efremov Tula region);
    • (without the 331rd Guards Parachute Regiment) was redeployed in Turkestan Military District to the city of Fergana Uzbek SSR;
    • The 351th Guards Parachute Regiment was stationed in the city of Chirchik Tashkent region.

In 1961 after earthquake in Tashkent Personal composition of the 351th guards Parachute assisted the residents of the city affected by the elements helped the local authorities in maintaining order.

In 1974. 351-J. guards Parachute Tent into one of the regions of Central Asia and participates in large-scale Turkvo teachings. Being an advanced part of the Airborne For the Central Asian region of the country, the regiment participates in parades in the capital of Uzbekistan in Tashkent.

Based on the Directive of the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces from August 3, 1979 by December 1, 1979 105th Guards Airborne Division It was disbanded.

From the division remained in Fergana 345th Separate Guards Parachute-landing Order Suvorov Regiment significantly more composition (it was added to it gaubic Artillery Division) than the usual and 115th Separate Military Aviation Squadron. The rest of the personnel of the division appealed to the replenishment of noncompliance in other airborne compounds and on the recycling of newly formed landing assault brigades.

On the base 351th Guards Parachute Regiment 105th Guards Airborne Vienna Red Banner Division In N. Azadbash (Chirchik district) Tashkent region Uzbek SSR was formed 56th Separate Guards Assault Brigade.

For the formation of the brigade, military-ridden stock were urgently mowed - the so-called "partisans" - from among residents of the Central Asian republics and the south of the KAZSR. They subsequently will compile 80% of the personal composition of the brigade when entering the troops in the dra.

The formation of the brigade units was simultaneously carried out in 4 mobilization items and completed in the city of Termez:

Wars, stories, facts.:

"... formally a brigade is considered to be formed in Chirchik on the basis of the 351th GW.PDP. However, de facto, its formation was carried out separately in four centers (Chirchik, Kapchagay, Fergana, Iolatan), and is reduced to a single whole before the input itself in Afghanistan in thermosis. The headquarters of the brigade (or officer frame), as formally and its frame, apparently was stationed initially in Chirchik ... "

On December 13, 1979, the brigade divisions plunged into the echelons and were replicated to the city of Termez of the Uzbek SSR.

Participation in the Afghan war

In December 1979, the brigade was introduced in Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and became part of 40th All-Army Army.

On the morning of December 25, 1979, the first in the territory of the dramed was shipped 781th separate intelligence battalion 108 MSS. Followed by him crossed 4th ardent assault battalion (4th dshb) 56th GW. Odshbrwhich was tasked with the safety of the Salang pass.

From the Termez 1st pDB and 2nd dSB. At helicopters, and the rest in the column - the city of Kunduz was replied. 4-y. dSB. stayed on the salang pass. Then from Kunduza 2nd dSB. was translated into the city of Kandahar where he entered the composition of the newly formed 70th separate guards motorist brigade.

In January 1980, the whole composition was introduced 56th OGDSHBR. She was posted in the city of Kunduz.

Since the transfer of the 2nd dSB. In the composition of the 70 OGMSBR, the brigade was actually a trottery regiment.

The initial task of the brigade units was the security and defense of the largest highway in the Salang Pass, ensuring the promotion of Soviet troops to the central and southern regions of Afghanistan.

From 1982 to June 1988 56th GW. Odshbr It is deployed in the city of Gardes, conducting hostilities throughout Afghanistan: Bagram, Mazar-Sharif, Khanabad, Panjscher, Logar, Alikheil (Paktya). In 1984, the brigade for the successful performance of combat missions was awarded the turning red banner of Turkvo.

By order of 1985, in the middle of 1986, the entire regular air-air brigade armored vehicle (BMD-1 and BTR-D) was replaced with a more protected armored vehicle with a large motorway:

    • BMP-2D - for intelligence company, 2nd, 3rd and 4th battalions
    • BTR-70 - for 2-y. and 3rd parachute 1st battalion (y 1st day BRDM-2 remained).

Also, the feature of the brigade was an enlarged staff artillery A division that consisted not from 3 fire batteries, as was taken for parts of deployed in the USSR, and out of 5.

On May 4, 1985, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Brigade was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War I degree No. 56324698.

From December 16, 1987 to the end of January 1988, the brigade took part in operations "Mainer". In April 1988, the Brigade took part in the Barrier operation. The paratroopers blocked the caravanways from Pakistan to ensure the withdrawal of troops from the city of Gazni.

Full-time number of personnel 56th GW. Odshbr As of December 1, 1986 was 2452 people (261 officers, 109 ensigns, 416 sergeants, 1666 soldiers).

After the fulfillment of international debt, on June 12-14, 1988, the Brigade was derived in Yyolotan Turkmen SSR.

BRDM-2 in the brigade there were only 3 units. As part of reconnaissance. However, another BRDM-2 was in Himvzvod and 2 more pcs. In OPA (propaganda and agitation detachment).

From 1989 to the present

In 1990, the brigade was reorganized into separate airborne (OSTBR). Brigade held "Hot Points": Afghanistan (12.1979-07.1988), Baku (09-19.01.1990 - 02.1990), Sumgait, Nakhichevan, Megry, Julf, Osh, Fergana, Uzgen (06/06/1990), Chechnya (12.94-10.96, Grozny, Pervomaisky, Argun and from 09.1999).

On January 15, 1990, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR after a detailed study of the situation decided "On the declaration of a state of emergency in the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region and some other regions". In accordance with him, the Airborne Forces began operation carried out in two stages. At the first stage, from 12 to 19 January, parts of the 106th and 76th airborne divisions, the 56th and 38th airborne brigades were landed at the airfields under Baku 217 Parachute Regiment (For more information, see the article Black January), and in Yerevan - 98th Guards Airborne Division. 39th Separate landing brigade entered B. Nagorno-Karabakh.

From January 23, the Airborne Division began operations to restore order in other parts of Azerbaijan. In the area of \u200b\u200bLenkorani, Priship and Jalilabad, they were held jointly with border troops, restored the state border.

In February 1990, the brigade returned to the location of the permanent deployment.

From March to August 1990, the Brigade divisions were supported by the cities of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

On June 6, 1990, disembarking at the airfields in the cities of Fergana and Osh, the 104th parachute regiment of the 76th airborne division, the 56th airborne brigade, and June 8 - 137th parachute 106th Airborne Division In Frunze. Having committed the march on the same day through the mountain passes of the borders of the two republics, the paratroopers occupied Osh and Uzgen. The next day 387th Separate Parachute and divisions 56th Airborne Brigade They took control of the situation in the city of Andijan cities, Jalal-Abad, took Kara-Suu, mountain roads and passes throughout the conflict.

In October 1992, in connection with the sovereigntation of the republics of the former SSR, the brigade was replicated to the village of Zelenchuk Karachay-Cherkhestsia. From where the route came to the place of permanent deployment in the village of Podgor under the city of Volgodonsk Rostov region. The territory of the military campus was a former road trip to the builders of the Rostov NPP, located 3 kilometers from the nuclear power plant.

From December 1994 to August - October 1996, the Summary Battalion of the Brigade fought in Chechnya. On November 29, 1994, an order was sent to the brigade to form a summary battalion and transfer it to Mozdok. ArtDivizion Brigades participated at the end of 1995 - early 1996 in the operation under the Chateau. A separate platoon of AGS-17 brigade from March 1995 to September 1995, as part of a consolidated battalion of the 7th GW.VDD participated in a mining company in Vedensky and Shatoy district of Chechnya. For manifested courage and heroism, military personnel are awarded medals and orders. In October-November 1996, the consolidated battalion of the Brigade was derived from Chechnya.

In 1997, the brigade was reorganized in 56th Guards Rangent Assault Red Banner, Organs of Kutuzov and Patriotic War Regimentwho became part of.

In July 1998, by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, in connection with the resumption of construction of the Rostov NPP, the regiment began redeployment to the city of Kamyshin of the Volgograd region. The regiment was placed in the buildings disbanded in 1998, the Kamyshinsky Supreme Military Construction and Engineering School.

On August 19, 1999, the archer assault detachment from the regiment was aimed at strengthening the consolidated shelf 20th Guards Motor Stores Division And he was sent to the Republic of Dagestan by the War Military Echelon. On August 20, 1999, the ardent assault detachment arrived in the village of Botlich. In the future, he took part in hostilities in the Republic of Dagestan and in the Chechen Republic. The battalion tactical group of the regiment was fighting in the North Caucasus (the location of the dislocation is Hankal).

In December 1999, the regimental divisions and DSHMG FPS covered the Chechen section of the Russian-Georgian border.

From May 1, 2009 56th Guards Rangent assault regiment again became a brigade. And from July 1, 2010, she moved to a new state and became referred to as the 56th of a separate Guards arrest-assault-storm-stocky, the orders of Kutuzov and the Patriotic War of the Brigade (easy).

Tripping brigade

In connection with the reform of the Airborne University, all landing assault formations are derived from the land forces and are subordinated to the management of airborne troops at the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

"In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 776 of October 11, 2013 and the Directive of the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, three landing assault brigades were included in the airborne troops, stationed in the cities of Ussuriysk, Ulan-Ude and Kamyshinapreviously included in the Eastern and South Military Districts "

- Business newspaper "VIEW"

From the specified date of the 56th GW. Oddshbr is part of the fall of the Russian Federation.

Battle Banner Brigade

In the period from September 1979 to the fall of 2013 as Martial banner used Martial banner 351th Guards Parachute Regiment 105th Guards Vienna Airborne Division, on the basis of which was formed.
At the specified period, the fourth rename part:

    1. in 1979 in the 56th separate Guards Assault-assault-granted, Kutuzov orders and the Patriotic War Brigade
    1. in 1990 in the 56th separate guards airborne red-known, orders of Kutuzov and the Patriotic War Brigade.
    1. in 1997 in the 56th Guards Rangent Assault Red Banner, the Order of Kutuzov and Patriotic War Regiment
    1. in In 2010, awarded in the 56th separate Guard arranged assault-storm-stocky, orders of Kutuzov and the Patriotic War Brigade.

Commanders of the 56th Separate Guards Tent-Storm-Storm-stocky, Orders of Kutuzov and Patriotic War Brigade

    • Poor, Alexander Petrovich - 1980-1981, commander 351th GV.PDP From October 1976
    • Karpushkin, Mikhail Alexandrovich - 1981-1982
    • Sukhin, Viktor Arsentievich - 1982-1983
    • Chizhikov, Viktor Matveevich - 1983-1985
    • Raevsky, Vitaly Anatolyevich - 1985-1987
    • Enevich, Valery Gennadevich - 1987-1990
    • Sotnik, Alexander Alekseevich - 1990-1995
    • Mishanin, Sergey Valentinovich - 1995-1996
    • Stepanenko Rustam Alievich - 1996-1997
    • Timofeev, Igor Borisovich
    • Lebedev, Alexander Vitalevich - 2012-2014
    • Valitov, Alexander Khusaynovich - August 2014-N.V

Personalia 56th GW. Odshbr

    • Leonid Vasilyevich Khabarov - commander 4th ardent assault battalion Since the formation of the brigade until April 1980. Chief of staff Brigades from October 1984 to September 1985.
    • Enevich, Valery Gennadevich - Chief of staff Brigades 1986-1987, and since 1987 - commander Brigades.

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And personally director of the museum, Salmina Nicholas Anatolyevich.

Part history

56th GW. Separate assault brigade

. Brigade formed by 1.10.1979 in state No. 35/901 (approved by NGS 11.9.1979) on the basis of the 351th GW. PDP disbanded 105th Guards airborne Division in Chirchik (Uzbekistan).The commander was appointed former com. 351th GW. PDP GV. P / P-K bad A.P.(commanded the regiment from October 1976);The brigade was part of the ground forces and is subordinated to the commander of Turkvo.

. The basis of formation - the 4th ardent assault battalion is equipped with l / s from three PDB 351th GW. PDP; 1, 2, 3rd PDB - Soviet servicemen in autumn 1979, scatch up the 351th GW. PDP, artillery division - l / s artpolka 105th division.

. The composition of the brigade - 4 battalions (3 PDB, DSB) and ADN, 7 separate mouths (explode, copyright, engineering and spernaya company, Rottening service, repair company, rota Communication, Medro), 2 separate batteries (PTur battery, anti-aircraft rocket-artillery battery), 3 separate platforms - RHR, Commandant and economic, orchestra.


11.12.1979 - Brigade is in full combat readiness (oral telephone order com. Turkvo).

12.12.1979 - Released on redeployment from the COP-SU station on station Jarkurgan, Termez district (except 2 battalions - 3rd PDB on helicopters from the airfield Chirchik on the site in R-N.P. Sandicachi 150 km from mary, Turkmenistan, 1st PDB - at the Kokayda Airfield, Rr. Termez).

12/18/1979 - Brigade (except for the 3rd battalion) focused on 13 km northeast Kokayda.

12/27/1979 - 4th DSHB crossed the state border with Afghanistan and took under protection Pass Salang on the highway Termez - Kabul.

12/28/1979 - The 3rd PDB is overcome by helicopters to Afghanistan and captured passing slati-mirza on the highway Cook - Herat.

13-14.1.1980 - by order com. The brigade Turkvo switched to the border and focused near the Culduz airfield.

january 1980 - the 3rd PDB is replicated at the Kandahar airfield; changed numbering of battalions The 3rd PDB received No. 2nd PDB, 2nd PDB-number 3rd PDB.

february 1980 - The 4th DSHB is replicated in Charikar Parwan Province.

By 1.3.1980 - from the team of the brigade, the 2nd PDB was excluded (from L / s formed by DSHB 70th gv. OMSBR: Kandahar airfield);

The 3rd PDB is reformed in the LCB (armored vehicles were obtained in the 103rd GW. VDD in Kabul and it was transferred to the brigade).

? .1980 - the 4th DSHB is replicated to the PPD near the Culpuz airfield.

30.6.1980 - Brigade assigned field postal number - V / h p / p 44585.

? .1981 - formed the company of material support (RMO) on the basis of authors and Hozvzvod.

1. -6.12.1982 - Brigade is replicated for Gardenz Pacty Province; 3rd dSHB is deployed about N.P. Souffles Logar Province, on the road Kabul - Gardes.

1984 - the staff of the battalions include full-time interval (GS directive from 11.11.1984);

the brigade was awarded the passing red banner of the Military Council of SV (order GKSV № 034 of 11/21/1984)

1985 - Minbatter of the 3rd and 4th DSHB and Optabatr of the 1st PDB are reformed into the Sabatr (From "Nona"), the brigade is re-equipped on BMP-2

4.5.1985 - Decree of the Presidium of the WED USSR Brigade was awarded the OrderPatriotic War I degree № 56324698.

10/23/1986 - the fourth battalion was introduced into the brigade (ardent assault): 4th dShB received No. 2nd DSHB, a newly formed battalion - No. 4th dsb.

From December 1, 1986 - New State No. 35/642 according to the Directive Headquarters of Turkvo No. 21/1 / 03182. The staff number of the brigade is 261 officer, 109 ensigns, 416 sergeants, 1666 soldier.

10.6.1988 - the beginning of the output of the main part of the brigade from Afghanistan.

12-14.6.1988 - the brigade divisions switched to the border.

14.6.1988 - Brigade is stationed in the new PPD (Iolatan, Turkmenistan).

Commanders of the 56th GW. ODSBR (12.1979-5.1988):

1. P / P-K, P-K Bald A.P. (12.1979-6.1981)

2. P / P-K Cipkin MA (6.1981-4.1982)

3. P / P-K Suchin V.A. (4.1982-4.1983)

4. P / P-K Chizhikov V.M. (4.1983-11.1985)

5. P / P-K Raevsky V.A. (11.1985-8.1987)

6. P / P-K Yevnevich V.G. (8.1987-During withdrawal)

Combat Operations (1980-1988)

1980 year

1. January 1-12, 1980. Divisions 1, 2nd PDB - January 13 - 14, 1980 g. -
Brigade (without 2, 4th battalions) is stationed
near Kunduz

4. January 26-28, 1980. 3rd dsb, adn; Imamsahib PR, Zrabatra

14. April 7-24, 1980. 3rd dsb Akhtam Valley, Khanabad, Khojaar, Sami Mama 15. April 9-16, 1980. 4th dshb Valley r. Panjscher

16. May 3-7, 1980. 3rd DSB (without the 7th DShR and the Ministry of Bank); Baglan pp.

28. August 27-30 1980. 3rd DSB (without the 8th DShR),Mr., Ortabulaki, Alefberd, Karaul 4-ydshb; 3rd ababrat / adn, pp, IPR

33. October 10-14, 1980. 3rd dsb Imamsahib, Alchik, Khozarbach, Khojagar

38. pp. Hody Goltan

40. November 25, 1980. 1st PDB, 4th DSHB (without Mountain 10th DShR and the Ministry of Bank);

41. December 2-3, 1980. 1st day / 1, 11th DShR / 4 Mark 1028.0 (province?) 42. December 5, 1980. 7th DShR / 3 Zarbar.

44. December 16-19, 1980. 3rd dsb (without 8, 9th DShR)Majar, Beshkapa, Ishkim, Shahravan, Bassiz, Karaul 11th DShR / 4, 2nd Abater / Adner, take sr


1. January 20-31 1981. 3, 4th dshb, adn; Imamsahib, Khojaar, Nanabad pp.

2. February 11-12 1981. 1st PDB (without the 1st day), the 4th lie (without a minbiller); Aksalan, Yangarykh

3. February 17- 4th dshb Maymen, Tashkurgan March 14, 1981.

7. March 22 - June 5, 1981 brigade (without the 1st PDB and ADN); Lashkaryah, Darweshak, Marja

12. August 19- 4th dshb Bagram, Dech Calan September 2, 1981.

14. August 20, 1981. 8th DShR / 3, 2nd DTR / 1, Kunduz, Sherry 1st Ababara / Adner

15. August 27 2nd DRD / 1 Mazar Sharif September 6, 1981.

17. August 31- 3rd PDR / 1, 9th DShR / 3 Ain Ul Madzhar September 1, 1981.

23. October 23- 4th dshb Akcha, Mazar Sharif, BallNovember 5, 1981.

27. December 6, 1981. pp. Baglan December 1 - 5, 1981 - Administration of the Brigade for Gardenz Province Pakti.

1982 year

1. April 14-25, 1982. 4th dsb; Guandai and back) pp; take Reasanators, take up sr

2. May 27 - 4 June 1982 4th dsb; Soufla, Kalasayid, Gosharan, Calamuft, Badas Kalay, Gaday Hale, Hairabad (on the route Gardenz - Kabul - Gazni) rR, IPR, 3rd Ababara / Adner, take Reasanators, take up Zu-23-2

3. June 17-24, 1982. 3, 4th dsb; Baracki, Muhamadaga-Wool, Dahomara 3rd PDR / 1, PP, IPR, react, 2nd ababrat / ad; take Zu-23-2

4. September 19-21, 1982. 1st PDB; Guard, Melan, Sipahihel 10th DShR / 4

5. September 20-25, 1982. 4th dsb, Gardes, Narai, Alikheil, Gul Gundai (march in rn gul Guandai and back) pP, 2nd DAF / 1, 2nd Abater / Adner take Reasanators, take up Zu-23-2.

6. October 4-15, 1982. 1st PDB, 4th dsb; Muhammedaga-Wollywali, Dech Calan, Hairabad rR, 8th DShR / 3, IPR, 2nd Abater / ADN, react

7. November 23-26, 1982. 4th dsb; Matvar, Nonnamkala rR, 2nd ababrat / ad; take Zu-23-2, W.

8. November 27-28, 1982. 1st PDB; Ushmanheil, walked Saidcaras, Kosin take 2nd? Ababrat / ADN, take-off. Reasanators, take up Zu-23-2, W.

9. December 16-18, 1982. 1st PDB, 3rd DSHB (without Padhabi Shan, Dadokheil Malikhail 7th DShR); rR, 2nd ababrat / ad; take Reasanators, take up Zu-23-2.


1. January 12-22, 1983. 3, 4th dsb; Barracks rR, IPR, 2nd PDR / 1, 3rd Abater / ADN; south Color Kabul take Reasanators, TV

2. February 27- 4th dsb; Gardes, Narai, Alikheil, Gul Gundai March 5, 1983. isv.

3. March 28-30 1983. 3rd dsb (without a company); Kutubheil, Dech Manaka, Malicheil pp; take ? Abater / Adner

4. May 16-17, 1983. 3rd dsb (without a company); Nyazi, Babius, Dadokhail, Shashkal, Safedsang pp, take Reasanators, take up ? Abater / ADN, WRV, TV

5. June 2-3, 1983. 3rd dsb (without a company); Muhamadaga-Woolwali, Kalashikha, Calasayid pp; wRV, TV

6. July 9-12, 1983. 1st PDB, 4th dsb; Maintenance route: Tera Pass - Muhammedaga-Wool) rR, IPR, RS; tV

7. August 8-11 1983. 1st PDB (without a company) Skoldow, Parmashi, Glood, Mozp, Bar Sidjanak 4th dsb (without a company), adn (without a battery); pp; take Zu-23-2, WRV, TV

8. September 12-26, 1983. 1st PDB, 4th dsb (without a company); On the route: rR, 2nd ababrat / ad; Gardes - Alikheiltake PSU-23-2, TV, WES

9. November 28- 3, 4th dsb; On the route: December 4, 1983. pp; Sufla - Muhamadaga-WarlsawnedwRV, TV


1. January 5-28, 1984. 1st PDB (without a company), 4th dsb, adn (without a battery); County Urgun zrabatr (without platoon), RR, RS, RMO, RDO, Rem. company; take Optback / 1?

2. February 13-19, 1984. 1st PDB, 3rd DSHB (without a company), adn (without the 2nd ababrat); 15 km southeast Kabula 10th DShR / 4, RR, RMO, Rem. company; take Zu-23-2

3. March 5-9 1984. 4th DSHB (without a company); Hilikhan, Narai rR, 3rd ababrat / ad, RMO, RS, Rem. company; take Zu-23-2, Comand. take

4. May 27 - June 12, 1984 4th dsb; Maintenance route: take Ministry of Bank / 1, WRV, TV Naray - Alikheil

5. July 4-16, 1984. 4th DSHB (without a company); Zurmat Valley, rR, 2nd ababrat / ad; Zara Sharan. wRV, TV

6. July 27-29, 1984. 4th dshb Martial landing in the r-not height 3667 (province?)

7. August 3-27, 1984. 1st PDB (without a company); narai. 3rd ababrat / ad; take Reasanators, WRV, TV

8. August 11-16 1984. 3rd dsb; Province of Logar. 10th DShR / 4, 1st Abater / ADN; tV

9. September 3-15, 1984. 4th dsb; DUBAND 2nd Abater / ADN, take Reasanators, TV, Comand.

10. 23 September- 3, 4th dshb, adn; Dubani, Pocharats, Kabul October 10, 1984. rR, IPR, RS, RMO, RDO, Rem. company;tV

11. 20-31 October 1984. 1st PDB (without company), 4th dsb, Urgunskaya Valley adn (without a battery); rR, IPR, RS, RMO, RDO, Rem. company

12. November 21-26, 1984. 3, 4th dsb; Province of Logar. 1st Abater / Adner, RR, IPR, RS

13. December 7-24, 1984. 1st PDB (without a company) narai, Alikheil, Kharsal 4th dshb, adn (without battery); rR, IPR, RS, RMO, RDO, Rem. company; tV, take up Zu-23-2, Comand. Rev., opa


2. February 13, 19853rd ababrat / ad, RMO, Rem. company;

3. March 4-18, 19854th dsb; Urgun rR, 2nd ababrat, / ad, sabatr / 1, RS, RMO, RDO, Rem. company take Reasanators, ITS, VSV, TV, Comand. take

4. April 10-23, 19851st PDB; narai. 2nd Abater / Adner, RS, RMO, RDO, Rem. company; take Reasanators, WES, TV, SPV, Comand. take

5. May 19 - 12 June 19853, 4th dsb, Asadabad - Barirot. adn (without a battery); zrabatr, RR, ISR, RMO, Rem. Rota, RDO; tV, Comand. Rev., opa

7. August 2, 1985 adn (without the 2nd Abater); zrabatr, IPR, RS, RMO, RDO, Rem. Rota, honey. company; tV, Comand. Rev., opa

9. September 3, 1985adn (without a battery); rR, RS, RMO, RDO, Rem. Rota, honey. company; tV, sight, command. Rev., opa

11. September 18, 19854th DSHB (12.-18.9.);r-non-host iSR, PC;comand. take

12. September 23-October 5, 1985 1st PDB (without a company), 4th dsb, adn (without the 2nd ababrat); 20 km southwest Kabul, Baracki rR, IPR, RMO, RDO, Rem.ROt,honey. company; tV, sight, command. take

13. November 19-December 11, 19851st PDB, 4th dsb, adn (without a battery); Dukhana, Kandahar. rR, IPR, RS, RMO, RDO, honey. Rota, Rem. Rota, Zrabatr, Optabatrcomand. Rev., opa

14. 23-31 December 1985 1st PDB (without a company), 4th dsb Parwan Province, Kapisa - Green Sea Zone (without a company), 3rd DSHB (without 2mouth), adn (without battery); rR, IPR, RS, RMO, RDO, Rem. Rota, honey. company; tV, sight, command. Rev., opa


1. January 22- 1st PDB, ADN (without battery); narai. February 2, 1986. rMO, RDO, Rem. Rota, honey. company; oRV / 4, TV, WW, SPV, Comand. Rev., opa

2. March 4-23, 1986 1st PDB, 4th dsb (without a sabatr), adn (without 2 batteries); Host pC; comand. take

3. May 12-24, 1986. 1st PDB (without a company), 4th DSB, ADN (without 2 batteries); narai, Alikheil pp, part of PC, RMO, RDO, Rem. Rotes and honey. companies; wRV, SPV, TV, take-off. Ptti, Comand. Rev., opa

4. June 14th on July 12 4th dsb; Province of Kunduz part of the PC, IPR; take RHZ.

5. July 27 - 2 August 1986 4th dsb, adn (without 2 batteries); Province of Vardak 1st day / 1, Rem. company; wRV, TV, VRV, Comda Rev.

6. August 9-14, 1986. 3, 4th dshb, adn; Province of Logar. rR, PC; oRV / 1.

7. September 5-12, 1986. 2nd dsb, part of the adn; Kabul province pP, IPR; oRV / 1, TV

8. September 28-14, 1986 1st PDB (without a company), 2nd DSHB (without a company), adn; narai, Alikheil rR, RS, IPR, RMO, RDO, Rem. company; tV, Comand. Rev., Woman, Oops

9. December 10-25, 1986. 1st PDB (without a company), 2nd DSHB (without a company); Province Logar, Gazni rR, IPR, RS, part of the RMO and Rem. Rotes, opa


1. March 2-21, 1987. 1st PDB (without the 1st PDR), Provinces Wardak, Pact 2nd lie (without the 6th DShR), ADN (without the 1st Abater); rR, IPR, RS, RMO, RDO, Rem. company; tV, Comand. Rev., opa

2. April 6-25 1987. brigade - 1st PDB (without the 1st PDR), 2nd DSHB (without the 4th DShR), ADN (without the 1st Abater); Nangarhar Province - Basic Rd Melava and Turning Base Marulgad rR, IPR, RS, RMO, RDO, Rem. company; tV, Comand. take

3. May 21 - 14 June 1987 1st PDB (without the 2nd PDR), 2nd DSHB (without the 4th DShR), ADN (without the 1st abast); Chakmani, Alikheil, Bayanhayl rR, IPR, RS, RMO, RDO, Rem. Rota, Zrabatr; tV, Comand. take

4. June 25-July 11, 1987 1st PDB (without the 2nd PDR), 2nd DSHB (without the 5th DShR), ADN (without the 1st abast); Basic rn Sanglah rR, IPR, RS, RMO, RDO, Zrabatr; take RHZ, Comand. take

5. July 17-28, 1987. 1st PDB, 2nd dsb, adn (without 2 batteries); On the route: Kabul - Gazni - Shahjoy - Calat - Kabul rR, IPR, RS, Rem. company; tV

6. September 1- 1st PDB, 2nd dsb; Pacty Province October 12, 1987. rR, IPR, RS, Rem. company; tV, Comand. take

7. October 12-14, 1987. 2nd dsb (without the 6th DShR), 3rd DSHB (without 7, 8th DShR), 1 and 2nd abater / ADN; Province of Logar. iSR, RS, Rem. Rota, honey. Rota, Zrabatr; take RHZ, OP.

8. December 16, 1987-21 January 1988 1st PDB (without the 3rd PDR), 2nd DSHB (without the 4th DShR), ADN (without 1, 4th abast); Basic rn Sling; Along the road Gardes - Host: on the plot Saidhal - SavikotrR, PR, IPR, RS, RMO, Rem. company, ORV / 3, 1 / 7th DShR; TV, sight, take-off. RHZ, Comand. take

9. January 21, March 19, 1988 2nd dsb; Satendav Pass ministry of Bank / 1; take Reasanators, Isv.

10. March 10-25, 1988. 2nd PDR, RR ,? / 7th DShR; ? oRV / 1, ODS and GRV / 3, WRV, take-off. ? Abater / Adner

11. 3-30 April 1988. 1, 2nd PRD / 1, RR,? Abater / ad; Maintenance on routes - to Host, Alikheil, Gazni oRV / 1, ORV / 2, take-off. Ministry of Bank / 1, W.

12. May 10-15, 1988. 2nd dsb Alikheil May 15 - June 15 - Preparing Brigade to Conclusion

13. 25-30 May 1988. 1st PDB (without a company), 2nd dSB (without a company), 3rd dSB (without a company) Gaznia Province

14. May 31, 1988. 2nd PDR and ORS / 1, Manara 4th DShR / 2

Flag of the Airborne Forces 56th DSHB - an unexpected gift for those who served in this part. Let us tell you in detail about the battle way of 56 DSB.


  • 56 DSB.
  • Jolotan.
  • c / h 33079

Airborne 56th dsb

Today we continue the story of the glorious compound of the Airborne For 56 DSHB. In this review, in more detail we analyze the period of the war in Afghanistan and the events of the 80s - 90s of the twentieth century.

Airborne For 56 DSHB - Heritage 351 GW. PDP

The 56th Brigade was formed by early October 1979 on state No. 35/99 based on 351 Guards Parachute-landing shelf from 105 GW. The airborne division unexpectedly disbanded before entering the Soviet contingent to Afghanistan.

The commander of the part was GW. Lieutenant Colonel Bad A.P., commanded 351 GW. PDP since the autumn of 1976. Initially, the brigade came into submission of the commander Turkvo

The 4th ardent assault battalion was completed with a personnel of three battalions of 351 GW. Wavup regiment. The basis was the conscripts of the fall of 1979.

The composition of the moment of formation is 4 battalions (three parachute battalions and an ariant assault battalion) and an artillery division. Also, the brigade includes 7 separate mouths (explode 56 DSHB, engineering and spernaya company, autoke, repair company, communications company, amphibious support, medical rat.). Supplements completed the recruitment 56 DSHB 2 separate batteries (anti-aircraft missile-artillery battery and battery) and 3 separate platforms - Commandant and economic, RHR, Orchestra platoon.

56 DSB: Salang, Kandahar, Gardes ...

On December 11, 1979, at the interpretation of the commander of the Turkway, the Brigade goes into a state of complete combat readiness. December 12, the Advanced to the Jarkugan station begins. On the same day, 3 PDB is being thrown on helicopters in Sandikachi village, and 1 PDB at the airfield 56 DSHB Kokaida.

On December 27, 4, the archer assault battalion crosses the border and ranks Salang's pass, the most important transit point on the Kabul Termez highway.

On December 28, 3 parachute-landing battalion on helicopters is transferred to the slat-Mirza passage and sets control over the herat-erait highway.

By mid-January 1980, the brigade divisions focus in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kunduz airfield. Also in 56 DSHB 2nd and 3rd PDB changed the numbering. The 3rd battalion is replicated in Kandahar.

In February, the 4th DSHB translates into the province of Parwa Charikar. In March 1980, the 56 Brigade of the Airborne Forces has undergone changes: the 2nd PDB is transmitted 70 GW. A separate motorized rifle brigade, the 3rd PBB is reorganized into an ardent assault battalion. Armored equipment for battalion was obtained in 103 GW. VDD.

In December 1982, the Airborne Forces 56 of the DSHB is replicated to Gardenes, with the exception of 3 DSHB, aimed at the province of Logar to control the track of Kabul Gardes.

In 1984, the brigade is awarded by a red-based red banner. Also, divisions include regular reconnaissance platforms in addition to the reconnaissance of 56 DSB.

In 1985, the Brigade receives a new technique: BMP-2 and self-propelled guns "Nona". Mortar batteries are reorbed into self-propelled artillery batteries. In the same year, the 56th Airborne Brigade is awarded the Order of the Patriotic War I degree.

In 1986, the Brigade receives another landing assault battalion.

On June 10, 1988, the conclusion from the territory of Afghanistan begins. By mid-June, a new place of permanent dislocation 56 DSB - Iolatan in Turkmenistan.

For the years spent in Afghanistan, the brigade covered themselves with glory and earned a reputation as one of the best compounds in airborne troops. Only in 1980, 44 combat operations were conducted by the brigade.

56th Guards Separate Assault Brigade (Kamyshin)

At the end of 1989, the brigade was reorganized into a separate airborne (OSTBR). Brigade held "Hot Points": Afghanistan (12.1979-07.1988), Baku (09-19.01.1990 - 02.1990), Sumgait, Nakhichevan, Megry, Julf, Osh, Fergana, Uzgen (06/06/1990), Chechnya (12.94-10.96, Grozny, Pervomaisky, Argun and from 09.1999).
On January 15, 1990, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR after a detailed study of the situation decided "On the declaration of a state of emergency in the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region and some other regions". In accordance with him, the Airborne Forces began operation carried out in two stages. At the first stage, from 12 to 19 January, parts of the 106th and 76th airborne divisions, the 56th and 38th airborne brigades and the 217th parachute regiment were landed at the airfields under Baku. . Article black January), and in Yerevan - 98th Guards Airborne Division. The 39th separate landing assault brigade entered Nagorno-Karabakh.

56 DSHP (landing assault regiment) in Chechnya, 2001
year. Part 2.

From January 23, the Airborne Division began operations to restore order in other parts of Azerbaijan. In the area of \u200b\u200bLenkorani, Priship and Jalilabad, they were held jointly with border troops, restored the state border.
In February 1990, the brigade returned to the location of the permanent deployment.
From March to August 1990, the Brigade divisions were supported by the cities of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

56 DSHP (landing assault regiment) in Chechnya, 2001. Part-3.

On June 6, 1990, disembarking at the airfields in the cities of Fergana and Osh, the 104th parachute regiment of the 76th airborne division, the 56th airborne brigade, and on June 8 - the 137th parachute regiment 106th Airborne division in Frunze. Having committed the march on the same day through the mountain passes of the borders of the two republics, the paratroopers occupied Osh and Uzgen. The next day, the 387th separate parachute-land regiment and the division of the 56th airborne brigade took control of the situation in the city of Andijan cities, Jalal-Abad, took Kara-Suu, Mountain Roads and Passals throughout the conflict.
In October 1992, in connection with the sovereigntation of the republics of the former SSR, the Brigade was redesigned to the village of Zelenchukskaya, Karachay-Cherkhestsia. From where the route came to the place of permanent deployment in the village of Podgor under the city of Volgodonsk Rostov region. The territory of the military campus was a former road trip to the builders of the Rostov NPP, located 3 kilometers from the nuclear power plant.
From December 1994 to August - October 1996, the Consolidated Battalion of the Brigade fought in Chechnya on November 29, 1994, an order was sent to the formation of a summary battalion and transfers it to Mozdok. ArtDivizion Brigades participated at the end of 1995 - early 1996 in the operation under the Chateau. In October-November 1996, the consolidated battalion of the Brigade was derived from Chechnya.
In 1997, the brigade was reorganized in the 56th Guards Rangent assault regiment, which was part of the 20th Guards Motor Stores Division.
In July 1998, by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, in connection with the resumption of construction of the Rostov NPP, the regiment began redeployment to the city of Kamyshin of the Volgograd region. The regiment was placed in the buildings disbanded in 1998, the Kamyshinsky Supreme Military Construction and Engineering School.
On August 19, 1999, the landing assault detachment from the regiment was aimed at strengthening the consolidated regiment of the 20th Guards Motor Storeline Division and was sent to the Republic of Dagestan by the Valentine's Military Echelon. On August 20, 1999, the ardent assault detachment arrived in the village of Botlich. In the future, he took part in hostilities in the Republic of Dagestan and in the Chechen Republic. The battalion tactical group of the regiment was fighting in the North Caucasus (the location of the dislocation is Hankal).
In December 1999, the regimental divisions and DSHMG FPS covered the Chechen section of the Russian-Georgian border.
From May 1, 2009, the landing assault regiment became a brigade. And from July 1, 2010, she moved to a new state and became referred to as the 56th separate landing assault brigade (easy).the dorm of reforming from the brigade in the regiment and subordination of the infantry division, in 1999. February-March, 56gv.DSHP Recommended in Kamyshin,
It should be noted that in all these years a combat banner of the 56th separate landing assault brigade, despite all 4 renaming and 4 re-formation of a regular structure - remains the same. This is a combat banner of the 351th parachute regiment.

In July 1998, by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in connection with the resumption of construction

Rostov NPP 56th Guards A separate landing assault brigade began redeploying to the city of Kamyshin of the Volgograd region. The brigade was placed in the buildings disbanded in 1998 of the Kamyshinsky Supreme Military Construction and Engineering School.

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