Sun on 2. Astronomers predicted a quick appearance in the sky of the second sun

Published 05/18/16 12:16.

The outbreak of the second sun for earthlings announced seismologists in the near future.

Astronomers predict that in the near future the second sun will break up in the sky. Star Bethelgeuse is preparing to become a supernova. According to scientists, at first she will become a red giant, and then a powerful explosion will follow, the flash from which will illuminate the light half of the galaxy. Moreover, the flame ball will be shining for two weeks and day and night, according to the world24.

However, when it comes to - scientists idhumbuses Difficult to answer. Initially it was assumed that the explosion will occur in 2012, but this never happened. But the star Betelgeuse exceeded the sizes of the Sun already a thousand times. Astronomers are confident that she is about to explode.

Scientists still do not know exactly how dangerous is the explosion of supernova. Evaluations are based on - from the complete destruction of life to easy pollution of the atmosphere. Naturally, the distance at which an explosion occurred is important in assessing the probable damage. Death is considered 30 light years. And safe, alas, not defined. But, according to Walner, those two explosions, sprinkled with the land of iron-60, occurred about 325 light years from us. The ancestors were not destroyed. Only climate on time was spoiled - caused a sharp cooling, writes "KP".

Therefore, and Bethielgei's explosion is hardly fatal - it's even further. But without a trace, the cataclysm will not pass. Scientists do not exclude that the radiation associated with it is capable of at least causes mutations in organisms. The two previous explosions may even benefit - they accelerated the development of a reasonable life. Just about 7 million years ago, the evolution branch was divided into man monkeys and people. And about 2 million years ago, our ancestors have increased the brain, hoomo began to prepare food on fire and almost lost wool on the body. And our descendants can be reborn. But not necessarily for the better.

Star Bethelgeuse- One of the brightest in the sky is close to becoming supernova. That is, she is about to explode, turning into a colossal fireball. By calculations Brad Carter(BRAD CARTER) - Physics from the Australian University of Southern Queensland in Australia), an universal scale cataclysm can already happen this year. And it will seem that the "second sun" broke out in the sky - so bright and huge there will be a fireball supernova. It will laugh at the sky for about two weeks. And even longer. It will be shining even at night, which will turn on day.

Frame from the film D. Lukas "Star Wars".

Double sun Tatina from "Star Wars"- Possible reality for us in case Bethelgeuse will explode.
Yes, yes, we can see a double sunset and enjoy this spectacle for several weeks. Feel yourself in fantastic reality.

A new scenario of the end of the world appeared

Star Bethelgeuse- One of the brightest in the sky is close to becoming supernova. That is, she is about to explode, turning into a colossal fireball. By calculations Brad Carter(BRAD CARTER) - Physics from the Australian University of Southern Queensland in Australia, the eclocal scale cataclysm can happen already this year. And it will seem that the "second sun" broke out in the sky - so bright and huge there will be a fireball supernova. It will laugh at the sky for about two weeks. And even longer. It will be shining even at night, which will turn on day.

Bethelgeuse is located in constellation Orion- This is a big red star, "hanging" just above the line of three bright blue stars -
Orion belt. Now she spending thermonuclear fuel in
His depraces are in the stage of the Red Giant. Next
Stage - explosion and transformation into a supernova
. There are no other options.
All astronomers agree with this. The only question is when?
Carter, coal signs of an impending catastrophe, responds that the explosion can occur in the very near future. The farthest period, in his opinion, 2012.

Those who have a number 2012 It causes a thrill and makes you remember the Maya Indians who have appointed this year, if not the end of the world, then some kind of health cataclysm, it seems to be not worried.
First, Bethelgeuse is in 640 light yearsfrom the earth. It is too far so that we will get the "explosive wave".
Secondly, if we do it, it is neutrino. But these particles penetrate freely through matter. And through us imbued, without causing harm.

There are, of course, fears. But they frighten the "non-traditional" physics. If you believe their incense hypotheses, powerful neutrino streams are capable of accelerating nuclear and thermonuclear reactions. That is, atomic stations, and the reserves of nuclear weapons are under threat, and our sun itself. Suddenly, too, will explode, hitting the radiation of the exploded Bethelgeuse? Then the end of the world is not avoiding.

The "traditional" physics of gloomy perspectives reject, assuring that their "non-traditional" colleagues are mistaken. And they promise only an unprecedented spectacle - the most ambitious and impressive for the existence of our planet.

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So do we see two sun in 2012 in 2012?

Here are some other versions of the upcoming event.
In the right shoulder, the Constellation Orion is located one of the brightest stars visible in the sky - Bethelgeuse (Translated from the Arabian Twin Hand).

And this star Bethelgeuse, red supergigant, is now in the final stage of his life, it changes the form, sprays its forming substances in huge quantities. From 1993 to 2009, as reported in University of Berkeley.(USA), the stars diameter significantly reduced, by 15%.
There is no clear clarity about the scope of the show. Scientists - from among the careful - believe: It is unlikely that the supernova in brightness is likened to the sun. Rather, it can be compared with our moon.

At the same time, some say that the supernova will be visible in the sky in the form of a shining disk, others believe that a very bright star will simply appear, even in the afternoon. It will gradually be pale, while nebula will not appear in her place.

But the thick of the fog around the terms of the cataclysm.
Now Bethelgeuse has squeezed by more than 15 percent. This is also scared by Australians who announced the imminent beginning of the Universal Show. But they hurried.

Without a doubt, this star will soon explode.
But, the fact is that "very soon" in the astronomical time can be decades, centuries and even thousands of years - they say scientists !!
- It is not exactly known when - after dozens, hundreds or thousands of years - Bethelgeuse will turn into a supernova, - explains A.Storguyev - Doctor of Science, head of the department of studying the galaxy and variables of the astronomical institute of Moscow State University.

In addition, compression is not an unconditional symptom of the preparing explosion, - soothes rabbes, - perhaps, there is only a ripple. Or the star itself is not a round, which happens when it begins unevenly - from different sides - to lose substance.

A little about supernova

Vintage chronicles and chronicles tell us that the stars of exceptionally large brightness suddenly appeared in the sky. They rapidly increased the brightness, and then slowly, for several months it was fading. Near the gloss's maximum, these stars were visible even during the day.
It - Supernovae.
Supernovae stars - stars who experienced a catastrophic explosionBehind which there was a huge increase in their gloss for dozens of star values \u200b\u200bwithin a few days.
Explosion supernova It happens when the old massive star depletes the stock of nuclear fuel. In these conditions the kernel becomes unstable and collaps.

The most famous supernovae stars

The most vivid were outbreaks at 1006 and 1054 years, information about which is contained in Chinese and Japanese treatises.
In 1572. year such a star broke out in the constellation Cassiopeiaand observed outstanding astronomer Quiet Brage, and B. 1604 year a similar outbreak in constellation Stemmanwatched Johann Kepleler..

Australian scientists promise that in the near future residents of the Earth will be able to see the second sun. The fireball on the sky, formed during the explosion of Bethelgei's stars in the Constellation of Orion, will shine during the day and night for two weeks.

The fact is that Bethelgei Star in the Constellation of Orion will soon become supernova. At first she will be a red giant, and then a powerful explosion will happen, the flash from which will light half the galaxy. As expected, the explosive wave and radiation from the dead star will destroy everything in its path.


According to Komsomolskaya Pravda, the fireball will shine and at night for two weeks during two weeks. The star is at a distance of 427 light years from the Earth, so the inhabitants of the planet will not make a significant impact on themselves. At the same time, the accurate deadlines of this phenomenon are not called astronomers.

Previously it was assumed that Bethelgei's explosion will occur in 2012. But only now the star has grown to the sizes that are thousands of times more than our sun. As scientists assure, now Bethelgeuse is located at the most concluding stages of his life. Some researchers believe that the star has already exploded, but the earthlings still do not see this glow, since it is necessary for more than 400 years so that the energy from the explosion overcame the distance to the sun.

Dear site visitors Site!

I want to introduce your new blog to you: "Second Sun and Blue Star"
This blog I will break two (perhaps three) parts, because The information provided is very extensive.

In the first part, we will look at which bodies of the Universe can become the second sun in the near future, as well as characterize myths and prophecies to the Planet Nibiru.

I dedicate the second part of the blog to a blue star and conclusions regarding the first and second part of the blog. And I will write and show that it is a blue star.

Sincerely, Neo

Part 1

Many people on the planet Earth are dreaming about the second sun.

neo: Here are some of the dreams taken from our forum:

yarkov89 writes: «…. I go to the university, perhaps the month of May - June, all the excited walks go, then look at the sun, and there as if second Sun. Nearby, everyone says that it is the moon, and then I show on the opposite direction, there is a pale moon! Then, someone here says that in the news they said that this is some star exploded and here is the result! .... "

guest_Maximpins: «…. Behind the horizon I see aircraft, the sunset is strange not as always, with one sun in the south, just 5 less than our usual sun., and the second as usually falls in the west .. "

1. About two Suns in the sky mentions Nostradamus: "The Great Star will sparkle for several days, the cloud will make it appear two Suns: The giant dog will throw all night when the great pontiff will change the earth "

2. In one of the prophecies that can be read in the book of Indians of Central America "Chimam-Balam Chumayel" (Ralph Ji. Royce), it is directly alleged that terrible disasters on Earth will be caused by some celestial Teast: "Circle will appear in heaven (Sun ), And the earth will fire fire. Kauil will be re-revealed as he has already been revealed at the beginning of time. In Katun (date), the fire will begin on the whole earth. "

3. In one treatise, Cicero told about double Sun.which people suddenly squinted in the sky. Such a spectacle shocked the then observers. What it was - never turned out, and the phenomenon considered some sign. Simply in the first century BC did not know that binary and triple star systems were not uncommon. After all, there are a lot of them.

".... The eventful exotic star system was discovered astronomers. This time in one system is immediately two Suns And at least two giant gas planets. With all this, scientists say that all detected objects are exactly the same system, since they are all interconnected between themselves .... "

· Chenneling Crane through Lee Carrolla (Act or wait? Questions and answers)

A source:

The universe itself is the same everywhere. There are planets with reasonable beings that exist as a balance in the system of the Universe, but are not part of divine experience, unlike you. They have no Divine Energy Scheme, and they do not reincarnize. They are sick, they are respected, but not at all like you.

Earth is the only planet with creatures similar to you. You present the only place with the choice of your own vibration as a planet, and at your request can change the time frame. You are the only creatures that can achieve spiritual skills if they wish. You are the only creatures capable of changing matter or destroy the disease in their cells through internal processes in DNA. You represent the only planet of the free choice, and the election you do affect other planets!

You will be boxed that all others are not a steering wheel? Not. Each way has its own goal within the system. Others are so far from you that the majority do not even suspect your existence. You are well hidden, since you have only one sun (most of the two Suns, for it contributes to the early development of life in the system).

Your extra sun was lost a long time ago. Those who are able to visit you go to the big risk, because they know that your own thoughts and fear can incite them! The joke is that you are afraid of them and do not know about your power. They take some of you and try to figure out what drives you, but after 100 years they give up. Multidimensively you are very different, although they cannot see this part. But they are under the impression of your power - the power of which we speak without end to you, but which you denier even in your questions

· Book of Urantia (English. The Urantia Book) - a book of religious and philosophical character:

Part 2. Local Universe. Inhabited worlds: «…. The oldest inhabited world of Satania, the world number one is called Anov; This is one of the forty-four satellites that appeal around a huge black planet, but illuminated by light. three adjacent sun. Anov is at the high stage of development of its civilization. "

A source:

neo: As you can see, our land is preparing for the next stage of transformation ... ..

Bethelgei as the second sun

On Bethelgei, I think we will not dwell, we can read about it on our website blogSASH:

http: // www .2012 god. RU / Vtoroe - Solnce - Nad - Zemlej - Betelgejze - VSPYSHKA - SVERXNOVOJ - ZVEZDY /

Betelgeuse is preparing to the explosion (C Arab. "Twin House") red Supergiant Constellation Orion(The brightest stars: , and) . One of the largest among famous astronomers . Updated Betelgeuse and the moon will be equal in brightness for several months. But with the night luminaire you do not confuse it. The star will be similar to the sparkle glass of hot glass at night, and it will also be easily noticeable in the daylight.

I will add that if on the site data (-6.01931, -91.5903), it turns out that the Constellation of Orion is closed with a black square.

Jupiter as the Second Sun

· Here are two topics on the site as Jupiter becomes the Sun:

· Scientists that Jupiter will soon become the Sun:

· The galactic federation also prepares Jupiter:

· And they will repel Yeshua on

Yeshua, tell about the second sun - when it appears? His role and influence? What energies it will bear? Will it be Jupiter or will it be the central sun, about which they say so much in all channeling? And will we have a night at two suns?.

I welcome you with love and reverence! Second Sun.What you ask is that a fundamentally new light object, which will appear in the transformed solar system in the ascension process and move it along the development spiral to the central galactic sun (CGS). And this role of your converted solar system, which will be rebuilt, will perform that planet, which moves in your solar system called Jupiter.

Jupiter is now actively preparing for transformations, and this question employs a large number of different galactic services and those spiritual universe services that are responsible for this object.

Energies that would support new transformed material bodies that supported a new creative potential that will exist in humans. In this regard, in addition to your sun, which will also change its programs and change the spectrum of energies that will come from it to the entire 4th level solar system, another object will appear about which we are talking now. This is the second sun - Jupiter who will supply a certain spectrum of energies to implement the creative potential of a new person.

Not only the person of your planet, but also a reasonable life, which will appear on other planets, also the 4th level, in the ascended solar system. Those civilizations that will develop there will also need this energy. Thus, in the new solar system on a new round of development, there will be two bright objects that will radiate energies and programs that will ensure the further development of a reasonable life in the transformed solar system. When will the second sun turn on? This is largely dear, depends on how the processes of your spiritual development will develop. The inclusion of the second Sun - Jupiter may occur in 2011. But it can not be the exact date, since now the work that is held on your planet and in the solar system, these inclusion dates will be adjusted. The emergence of a new one by the properties of the object, a new star with completely new energies, is intended to support the assumed souls, support the assumed people, support the restructuring of their bodies, support their creative potential and support their new opportunities in their converted bodies.

So, in your solar system on 4 UCS and 4 Mind, for those people who will be ascended to a new planet, two shines will be present for them, which will be converted to the energy and program spectrum. In addition to the main shining of your system, an additional glowing object will appear, the second sun will appear, which will emit blue energy, and it will be Jupiter, which remains in the new level of the new level.

· Sel Rachel - Land change and 2012 (Book 2):

"The gaseous structure of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune makes these planets particularly sensitive to changes in the electromagnetic field of the Sun. Scientists observe changes in the atmospheres of these planets and are not able to explain what is happening. Perhaps those who have high sensitive equipment, saw the connection between solar flashes and changes, but the results are still disputed. Some scientists went further and suggested that Jupiter turns into second sun. And although it is scheduled for a remote future (transformation of the solar system into a binary structure), we do not see that this process will occur in your current lives. According to the most modest estimates, it will occur through 1.943.674.800. There are several variables that can contribute to the fact that within the Jupiter there will be partial ignition of the reactor system, but not a complete merge response.

You might think that such advanced creatures, as we can specify a more accurate time for the conversion of Jupiter, but it should be understood: we consider us the next two billion years of human evolution to the date presented. You are powerful, creative and spiritual creatures. And during the two nearest billion years, many will develop to the level of the Gods. Having achieved this level of awareness, you will gain the ability to influence such things as a fusion reaction in gaseous planets. "

neo: In this matter, about Jupiter, I'm more leaning towards the version Sel Rachel, because Followable information (second blog) is like him truth.

Venus as the Second Sun

I confused me in this matter Elena Ivanovna Roerich.

· 685. (Mother's Mother).

Visited in the morning star on the blue sky - the star of the mother of the world. My star stands over the earth and the earth sends rays. Thought, aspiring to her, these rays attract and makes accessible. Think about the morning star, just thoughts sending about her. The time of great shifts is coming. In the spirit, be prepared and pushing the aspiration towards the walking rays.

A source:

· (E.I. Rerich. Letters, T.1, 84. 11.01.35.)

« The star of the Mother of the world is Planet Venus. In the 24th year, this planet for an extraordinarily short time approached the Earth, and the rays of her sprinkled the land, creating many new powerful intimate combinations, which will give new consequences. Many female foci was lit under these powerful rays! ".

· 04/14/1947 (letters E.I. Rierich in America T.4)

I read a description of Sleep Wyda about a new star. Sleep it can be considered prophetic. The native can indicate him in the second part "L [East] with [Hell] M [ORIU]" page 67, where in §11 it is definitely said about the approaching new star. Of course, the star is not Venus mentioned there, but a different shine, which has not yet appeared in our field of view. Lighting it appeared more than once during the time of Atlantis. In close, very close to the future it will visit our solar system. Predated this star was associated with the mother of the world, and, of course, the coming era of the Mother of the world should be headed by her star.

The first mention of it was given in April of the 24th year, the second you will find in the first part of the "inflammation" from the 29th year. Read the first paragraph and a string of 13 from above: "and the term begins to bring up (new) planet from the infertility, and therefore observe the cross internship."

The strength of these rays, I experienced when Great Vladyk] sent a condensed beam of this planet on me, but, of course, weakened so much so as not to damage the body. But it was not easy, and now these rays already act. These rays will accelerate vibrations, it means that the acceleration of evolution, and will significantly change the life of our Earth.

The full name of this star of Urusvati, but I did not want to give it in the book and even some interested me, I said that this star Venus, because the Venus was truly at that time approached our land. The new star is invisible to us. I apologize either not to notify the full name of this star. So cosmic justice begins to act, and the worship is already seeing many signs, soon and this sign, apparently, will shine on our horizon and leaves to return, too, not in the distant future and settling as a new member in our solar system. Planet this triple voltage and really shines like the sun.

A source:

Nibiru (Nibir) / Nemesis / Tiff

· In 1982, information from NASA appeared that another planet of the solar system was discovered. The heavenly body is defined as larger than Jupiter. It was found in the direction where you can observe the constellation Orion!

To May 2011, Nibiru can be observed with the naked eye to all people of the planet. December 21, 2012 Nibiru (Nibir) will be held through the ecliptic of the planet in the form bright red star And it will look like second in size sun. Earthquakes will be held and unbearable heat will begin.

A source: Revelations Mother Shipton:

"... ... Gabriel will grow in heaven and earth.
The death of the world of old he will protrude into his horn,
And the world will come to bother the term.
And the flame dragon of the Heavenly Arch cross
Six times, the old world will die.
I hear how the trembling earth cried
From these six precursors finals ... "

"The husband from the Flood will run away,
Raving sister and daughter and mother.
And blood streams are poured from thousands of hands,
And burns land all around.
When a dragon tail from heaven will leave,
I will forget the laughing husband, and his anger will pass.
It does not show, but still:
What will happen to him - already predregated
Estracy of ordinary earthly sons
Whether the wrath of the gods was extinct.
And again the dragon will bring his flame
And on the slices of the tail all the Earth breaks.
All oceans will go deep into the ground.
And the king, and the slave - from the thirst everything will die .... "

"... not every soul in the darkness volume
Disappear under a dragon tail, ... "

"... Burning Dragon Sign - This sign is:
Padena Spirit, all human sins "

Full text here:

http: // Website / Forum / 2012 / Topic-112 / Page-7 / (Message 102)

Nibiru and Typhon are described as fiery planets:

· According to the descriptions of the ancient Suchmers, when the Planet Nibiru at the minimum distance approached the Earth, there were visible in the sky two Suns Day and two moon at night, and at night Nibiru luminous bug-blooded lightAnd the day looked like an extinct, the gloomy sun.

· "And it will be after the isat from my spirit on all flesh, and your son and your daughters will prophesy. Elders will dream of dreams, and your young men will see vision. And also on the slaves of my and on the slave in those days the isat from my spirit. And I will show signs in the sky and on Earth: blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun will turn into darkness and the moon - in the blood before, than the day of the Lord, the Great and Scary will come. And anyone who calls the name of the Lord, will be saved "(Ioil 2: 28-32).

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