In which part of the composite verb faith is expressed. Composite verbal legend

Predicate Along with the element of the grammatical basis of the proposal. The attacked indicates the action that the subject performs, as well as its condition or a sign, therefore, the legend answers questions what to do? what to do? What happens to the subject? What is the subject? What is he? who is he? As a rule, the legend is expressed by the verb, but there are other ways of its expression - noun, adjective, pronoun, communion, etc.

The Russian language is represented by three species - simple verbal leaky, composite verb and composite nominal. In order to quickly and correctly determine the species of the faith in a separate case, it is necessary, first, to represent the scheme of the composition of the faded, secondly, to be able to apply the theoretical scheme in a specific language material. Consider the types of the fadedes, briefly describe each of them and follow the implementation by the example.

1. Simple verbal leaky.

This is the easiest type of faugible - it is expressed by the verb in any inclination. For example, he plays; I would come early et al. Most often, this type is remembered by the formula: one word in the taught, it means that the failed simple verbal. It is not difficult to guess that this formula is erroneous: this type includes the faugables, which contain 2, 3 and even more words. For example:

It will be long remember About the past (Future complicated).

Let be Stars forever light Your long-long winter path (imperative mood).

It went out of myself (phraseologism).

They are waited, waited and did not wait (Repetition of one verb in different forms).

Spring waited, waiting nature (Repetition of identical verb forms).

Get offended do not be offended, but still will be in my opinion (Repetition of one verb with a particle is not).

I'll go string (a combination of different verbs in the same form).

2. Composite verbous legend.

This faugible is built according to the scheme: auxiliary verb + infinitive. All these elements must be present in a fault so that we can call it composite verbal! Again, it is not necessary to think that this legend consists of 2 components - there may be more.

It wants to come in the Institute.

I'm long could not with them meet.

You must learn.

It there was a hunter to have fun.

I was not able to think about it.

Note that the auxiliary element most often the phase verbs (those that denote the phase of action - Start, continue, become, throw) or modal words ( must owes, wants).

3. Compound nominal leakage.

Such a faithful consists of a verb-bundle and a name. The most common verb bunch beBut you can meet other bundles. The registered part is expressed by adjective. Nouns, adorption, communion, pronoun, etc.

Weather it was good.

The book is faithful friend.

His character little become.

Grass smeshen.

Evening quiet.

Error it was obvious.

Two by two - four.

This notebook my.

As you can see, the definition of the type of faithful simple task, you only need to confidently and absolutely know the material and, most importantly, be able to navigate in it.

the site, with full or partial copying of the material reference to the original source is required.

The faithful is one of the main members of the proposal, consistent with the subject (among the number, face, face) and answering questions: "What does it matter?", "What is he?", "Who is he?", "What is he?" "What happens to him?"

Syntax in Russian gives ample opportunities to compile proposals. The verb, adverb, adjective, and even nouns can be tamed.

Verbal faithful

Most often, the legend can be expressed by the verb. At the same time, a simple verbal leaky, verbal leaving and composite nominal ledge is distinguished. Simple verbal faults include:
- verbs in an imperative, withdrawal or subjunctive tilt (for example: "Do not touch the toy!", "Rain is going", "stroll with friends");
- phraseological turnover based on verbs ("he went out of himself");
- phrases of two verbs of the same form, the first of which denotes the action, the second is the goal of the action ("I will go, whether everything is in order").

The composite verbal faithful is phrase, the grammatical and lexical significance of which is expressed by different words: auxiliary and main verb, the latter is used in the form and carries the lexical value of the tag ("I wanted to talk about you"). A composite verbal legend can be complicated if it consists of several auxiliary words ("he decided to stop angry").

The composite nominal leaky is expressed by the phrase from the verb ligament and the nominal part. The verb ligament can act:
- the verb "to be", devoid of in this case its lexical meaning "to exist", "in stock" ("she was a student");
- the semi-significant verbs "seem", "to be", "to" be "," to "become", "to become", "to hear", "reckon" and some others ("he is a hero");
- Motionous verbs, expressing, movement, condition ("The children came to guests are already chumased").

Other parts of speech, as a sure

The faithful can only be pronounced by adorption, without the use of a bundle, if there is no need to clarify the time of what is happening ("This is just monstrous!", Compare: "It was monstrous!").

A brief adjective is often used as a faithful in conversational and artistic styles ("Our grandfather is not yet old"). The use of such a reception allows you to vary the composition of the proposal, improve the readability of the text.

The name of the noun becomes a leakable in sentences and is often separated from the subject to dash. For example: "My mother is a cook," "Book is a storehouse of wisdom."

Also, sometimes the name is also the name ("Twice three to six").

The purpose of the lesson is to get acquainted with a composite verbal faith; Find out how it can be expressed.

Topic: Two Supplements. Main members sentences

Lesson: composite verb

Composite fadies - These are the fampted, in which the lexical meaning and grammatical meaning (time and inclination) are expressed by different words. The lexical value is expressed in the main part, and the grammatical meaning (time, inclination, etc.) - in the auxiliary part.

The composite verbal legend consists of two parts:

but. auxiliary part(verb in the hidden form) expresses grammatical meaning (time, inclination, etc.);

b. main part (The indefinite form of verb is infinitive) expresses lexical importance.

Composite verbal leaky \u003d auxiliary verb + infinitive

I started singing; I want to sing; I'm afraid to sing.

The scheme for building a composite verb faith.

But not any combination of the hidden verb with infinitive is a composite verbal led! In order for such a combination to be composite verb to the lean, must be performed two conditions:

1. Auxiliary verb should be lexically incomplete, that is, one (without infinitive) is not enough to understand what is about the proposal.

I started - what to do?; I want - what to do?

Do not confuse! A composite verbal faithful with a combination of the infinitive faith, which in the sentence is the circumstance of the target!

She sat down (for what purpose?) Relax.

2. The infinitive should be referred to.

I want to sing. I want to sing - Composite verbal led (I want - I will sing I - I).

Do not confuse!If the effect of the infinitive refers to another member of the sentence, then the infinitive is not part of the facred, but is a secondary member.

I asked her to sing. Posil - Simple verbal leaky, sing- Supplement (requested - I will sing - she).

3. The table presents the main auxiliary verbs, as well as brief adjectives and an example of phraseologism, which can be part of a composite verb.

The main auxiliary verbs

Brief adjectives as auxiliary verbs Frameological combinations
Start, end, continuation of action Desirability, possibility, need to action Emotional valuation of action








be fear to be ashamed


For example:

(he) burns impatience (participate)

I can sing. I want to sing. I love to sing. He began to prepare for departure. He continued to prepare for departure. He gave up smoking.

Compound Issign Sampling Plan

1. Specify the type of faith.

2. Specify than the main part is expressed; What value has auxiliary part and which form of the verb is expressed.

Sample analysis

The old man started chewing again.

Russed to chew - composite verbal leaky. Main part ( chew) expressed infinitive. Auxiliary part ( empty) It has the value of the start of action and is expressed in the verb in the past time of expressing inclination.

1. Tutorial: Russian: Tutorial for 8 CL. general education. institutions / TA Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranov, L.A. Tostentsova et al. - M.: Enlightenment, Moscow Tutorials, 2008.

1. Simple proposals (collection of material on the subject of the lesson) ().

2. Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources ().

3. Unified collection of digital educational resources ().

4. Vinogradov V.V. The main questions of the syntax (on the material of the Russian language) ().

5. Russian philological portal ().

6. Presentations "Taken" ().

1. Highlight the grammatical foundations of the proposals.

Do not let the shower be lazy!

So that the water in the stage is not thrown,

The soul is obliged to work

And day and night, and day and night!

Do not allow her to sleep in bed

With the light of the morning stars,

Keep lazy in black body

And do not remove the ulcers from it!

Kohl give her up to the congestion,

Free from work

She is the last shirt

With you without pity there will break.

She is slave and queen,

She is a worker and daughter,

She is obliged to work

And day and night, and day and night!

N. Zabolotsky

2. Entertainment about Russian.

Interesting questions:

1. From what letters can you cook delicious food?

2. In the name of which day of the week there is a double consonant?

3. In which words are three letters e.?

4. What words begin with four consonant letters?

5. What letter to enter in the name of the boy so that it turns into the name of wooden pointed poles?

6. In which words are written contract 3 letters e?

2. To properly allocate the failed in the sentence, you must remember that

The legend depends on the subject and answers questions what does the subject do? What is the subject? What happens to him? Who is the subject? What is the subject?

- tauts are there simple and composite.

- phraseologism: It Participated in In the conference (\u003d participated).


- A simple verbal faithful is most often expressed in one word (verb), but may consist of two words if the verb is used in the form of a future difficult time ( will read) Or in the form of an imperative ignition (let it read).

- Common errors should be avoided when highlighting a simple verbal faithful:

often, students forget to include in the composition of the taent particle, let them, form, form forms of imperative and conditional (subjunctive) inclination: Let the sun always shine (Leaving let him shine.) Let's talk about it tomorrow. (Take a leap let's talk.) I would not go.(The faugible would not go.)

errietary include secondary members: Seeds Ripen in fruits. (In this proposal, it is impossible to allocate a combination of words as a fant "Ripen in the fruits", as "Fruits" - circumstance place.)

2) Compound verb predicate:

- auxiliary verb + infinitive: It Began to say excitedly.

A) beginning, end or continued +.infinitive: It He began to cough. She is continues to laugh. we Finished perform the exercise. I stopped running In the morning.

B) auxiliary verb with meaning inclinations, habitual action + Infinitive: I want to lot travel. You Could talk Not so loud? we trying to OK to study. She is strive lot train.

B)auxiliary verb with value thoughts, feelings + Infinitive: It I was afraid of late on the exam. we Do not love lot travel. They are thought comeduring.

- the brief name is adjective (happy ready, must, obliged, is able, intended, I agree, forced) + infinitive: I Glad to visit at the conference. we Ready to fit in the dining room. She is Agree to leave for him marry. They are need to live far from homeland. You should immediately Leave.

- It is necessary necessary, it is necessary + infinitives: We need to wash Hands before meals. To me need urgent Leave. You must be passed Work by date. rules Do not teach, it is enough to practice.

Note: Common errors should be avoided when the composite verbal is allocated:

- often, the disciples incorrectly determine the boundaries of the composite verbal faithful and instead of the entirely awarded only one part of it: They will begin to prepare for competitions. (In this sentence, only one word cannot be allocated as a faraway. "Start", Since it does not call the main action that commits "they are", And only points to the phase of its flow (start of execution). The fague will be a combination of words "Start prepared": auxiliary "Start" expresses grammatical meaning (indicates that the action will occur soon), and infinitive "Prepare" -lexical, that is, directly calls the action.)

- infinition is not included in the facility, but is a secondary member., if a

A)infinitives and auxiliary verb denote the actions of different persons: Everyone asked her to sing something. (Subject to "they are" Makes only the action called the verb "Asked" (everyone asked, and she should sing). Infinitive "sing" In this case will be supplement.)

The infinitive-supplement depends on the faraging with a certain value - the significance of the will: ask, order, persuade, begging: begging about what? come to visit; proposed what? Go to the disco.

1) Simple verbal The faithful can be expressed:

- the verb in the form of expressing, imperative or conditional inclination: She is sings. She is Will sing. She is Spet. Let be she is Self! Let's sleep! Selly would be you.

- infinitive: Live homeland serve. How will music play, boy immediately dance.

B) Infinitive depends on the verb of the movement: He came to find out information about the upcoming translated exams. (Infinitive "discover", driving "Came", is the circumstance of the goal.

to infinitive, you can ask a question? Hunting wander attacked him. (Hunting (What?) Whether Before us, infinitives as an inconsistent definition.)

So, the infinitive in the proposal may be part of a composite verbal faith, and may act as a minor member of the sentence. To determine the syntax role of the infinitive, it is necessary to ask it a semantic question. If it succeeds, before us is a secondary member of the sentence (the circumstance, the addition, definition), but if there is no part of the composite verbal fag.

3) Composite name predicate

Verb-bunch + nominal part (noun, adjective name, numeral name, pronoun, communion, adverb): A task It turned out to be difficult.My father - doctor.

The verb bunch expresses the grammatical meaning of the facility.

The nominal part expresses the lexical value of the fad.

2. the verb bunch to be in the form of one of the chances (was, it would be, let it be) + Name: Let Dobrym will be mind you and heart smart will be.

Note: In the present time, the verb bunch to be in zero form: he student. It He was a student. He will soon will be a student.

B) the verb bunch to be, appear to become, become, to become, stay, to be, reckoned, look + registered: Plot Romanait turned out to be original. She is He is a hostess This car. On the street It becomes cold. His character also has changed: He became heavy, irritable.

3. verb bunch with meaning movement, position in space + Name: Fall Rainy came. It left soothered.

Methods for expressing the name

What is the name of the registered part of the composite name



My brother became an economist. Snow as sugar.

The name is adjective (full, brief, in the form of a comparative degree)

Illumination during the carnival It was magnificent. This process Intensive. One thoughtful word more expensive Thousands of lightweight.


Two by two - four. Their isa There was a third on the edge.The idea of \u200b\u200bthe "auditor" was suggested Pushkin Gogol. Air today intoxicating.


how Nearby was This is a memory!

Note: Common errors should be avoided during the allocation of the composite name of the facility: often the disciples incorrectly define the boundaries of the composite name of the faugible and instead of the entirely award emphasize its part of it: Plot comedies It turned out to be original.

In this proposal, only one word cannot be allocated as a faith "It turned out", Since it does not give an exhaustive characteristics to "plot". It is important that the plot was new, unusual. The fault will be a combination of words "It turned out to be original": verb - bunch "It turned out" expresses grammatical meaning (indicates that the event was in the past), and the adjective name "Original" - Lexical, that is, directly characterizes the subject.

Everyone knows that the faithful is one of the main (according to many scientists, even the most important) member of the sentence. We can meet the previous three different types. Let's talk now about a simple verbal faith.

Features of a simple verbant faith

In Russian syntax, there are usually three types of tamers; This material of schoolchildren is studied in grade 8. To compare them, look at the samples in the table.

As can be seen in samples, a simple verbal legend and in fact simple - it consists of one verb.

It must be remembered that in the Russian verb system there is a composite form of a future time from the verb of an imperfect look - I will teach, I will say, etc. This is one verb, just in composite form. The faithful is simple verbal.

In a simple verb faith and semantic, and the grammar role performs one word - verb in any personal form.

The faithful of this type can be found both in twisted and in a single-main proposal of any kind, except for the call.

What can be pronounced simple verbal leaving

In a proposal, a simple verbal legend can be expressed by any verb in any form, that is, in the form of any inclination, of any time, of any person and number.

But not an infinitive! Infinitive (an indefinite shape of the verb) cannot be a simple verbal fault.

Infinitive cannot express grammatical meaning, then he and an indefinite form, therefore independently, without auxiliary words, to play the role of not under power to him. But it is necessary to be attentive: after all, the composite time is also consisting of the verb "to be" in the right form and infinitive, and this whole is one simple verbal legend. But there is no contradiction here, because two words of the composite future are one verb in meaning, it can be replaced by one synonym for a perfect species: i will read - I will read, I will say - I say, etc.

So, a simple verbal legend can be expressed by different forms of one verb:

  • With expressive inclination in any time, any face, number and genus;
  • Imperative inclination in any form, including composite (let them tell, etc.);
  • Called ignition also in any form.

In theory, the forming particles are part of the verb shape, so they are most often emphasized with the faithful; So in this case, two words may be emphasized, and the faithful is simple verbal. Just the word verb composite.

Examples of simple verb

In the zealing challenge:

I will sing. I will sing Aria. I sang at a school evening.

In imperative challenge:

Read! Let it read! Read what it is! Let's read text.

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