Chronology of German history. History of Germany The history of Russian Germans briefly

The history of Germany is doubly interesting because this state has played a huge role in the life of the whole of Europe. Many decisions of German rulers still have their own impact on the life of Europeans.

Antiquity and era of the barbaric kingdoms

People lived on the territory of modern Germany from ancient times. The barbaric tribes, who gave the beginning of modern Germans and the Scandinavians, came here in the middle of the 1st millennium BC. e.

The militant Germans quickly subordinate their neighboring tribes. If initially they lived in the Baltic region, then by the beginning of our era, the Germans moved to Central and South Europe. However, their further promotion was stopped on the border of the Roman Empire. Both sides were aggressively in relation to each other and on the outskirts of the empire regularly took place between the Roman and German detachments.

The official date of the beginning of German history is considered to be 9 g. E. When the German prince, the Army broke in the battle of three Roman legions in the Battle of the Turtoburg Forest. Thanks to the success of Roman, the Romans had to abandon the continuation of the conquest of Central and Northern Europe. Since the II century, the Hermann raids on the Roman Empire are becoming more frequent and successful. Two centuries later, after the start of the great resettlement of peoples, the Germans began a fierce struggle for Roman territories. At the end of the V century, Rome Pal and on the territory of the former empire began to occur the barbaric kingdoms:

  • Burgundy;
  • Swivel;
  • Langobard;
  • Osthots;
  • Anglo-Saxon;
  • Kingdom of Vandals and Alanov;
  • Westgot;
  • and playing a key role in the region - Frankish.

At the end of the V century, Frank was inhabited by the North of modern Germany, but, conclusing the neighbors, they constantly expanded their possessions. By the beginning of the IX century, with Carlo, the French kingdom has reached the peak of its power. Its territory extended from the North Sea to the central part of the Appeenin Peninsula and from the Carpathians to Pyrenees. The core of the kingdom, while modern Germany remained. However, the descendants of Karl the Great failed to preserve their inheritance, the state of the francs began to decay. In 843, the kingdom of francs was divided into three parts between the grandchildren of Karl:

  • Lothar I received the Middle Kingdom (the historical core of the Frankish state and Northern Italy), which was considered the most desired piece. However, this kingdom did not exist long and after the death of Lotter was divided into parts;
  • The West Frankish kingdom, in whose territory France appeared later, went to Karl II Lysoy;
  • Ludwig I German became the host of the East Frankish kingdom, later became a new strong state - Germany.

The Sacred Roman Empire and the era of fragmentation

The first years of the existence of the empire

In 936, the King of East Frankiya became Otton I. The new king sincerely believed in his exclusivity and that a special mission is entrusted to him to him. Really Otton I, later, like his famous ancestor - the emperor Karl, nicknamed Great, managed to seriously affect the entire history of Europe. Brilliant commander and convinced defender of Christian values, after the conquest of Northern Italy in 962, he was crowned with the dad himself, becoming the first emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire and the spiritual heir of the Roman rulers.

But most empires sooner or later begin to experience the crisis. German emperors constantly had to fight the growing appetites of the bishops and local nobility. With the first signs of feudal fragmentation, Friedrich I rule in the XII century, the first signs of feudal fragmentation arose. During the life of Friedrich I and his son, Henry VI - the country still remained united and even expanded its borders. Two talented emperors managed to restrain those centrifugal forces that threatened the empire with a split. Gajenstaufnes created a developed bureaucratic system and made a lot to strengthen the vertical of power.

Feudal fragmentation

After the death of Henrich VI in 1197, a civil war began in the Empire for the power and the uprising of the Italians who did not want to obey Hohenstaofenam. Only in 1220, the son of Heinrich VI - Friedrich II became the emperor. He managed to subjugate Italy again and made a successful crusade, as a result of which he was proclaimed by the king of Palestine. However, due to the constant need to deal with the Italian affairs, Friedrich II could not follow German bishops and to know. In order not to conflict once again with its subjects, the emperor was forced to recognize their sovereign rights within the boundaries of the possessions of each senor. These concessions caused the formation of many independent principalities on the territory of the empire, many of which have been existed until the end of the XIX century.

Gajenshtaofen dynasty stopped after the death of Friedrich II. About 20 years lasted the era of intermediaries, during which chaos reigned in the empire and unions of strong independent cities began to arise. In 1273, a new dynasty came to the imperial throne - Habsburgs. The first representatives of this dynasty have no longer had such an influence as Gajenstaofen. They depended on the decisions of the Reichstag, Kurfürst (local princes that had the right to choose the emperor) and other noble German names, for example, Luxembourgs and Vittelsbach.

The empire entered the crisis strip. Italy came out from under the control of Germany, and the Duchy of Burgundy became Vassal France. However, despite the deepening of the internal political crisis, Germany continued to be one of the strongest states of Europe.

The era of the lifting came under the emperor Carla IV (1346-1378), which belonged to the Luxembourg dynasty. The emperor published the Golden Bulla, legally issued the rights of Kurfürst. They could:

  • choose the emperor;
  • lead war among themselves inside the empire (but not against the emperor);
  • check your coin.

On the one hand, the document strengthened the position of regional rulers, but on the other, he excluded the intervention of the Pope of Roman into internal affairs. In fact, the Sacred Roman Empire became the union of independent principalities. At the same time, the emperors actively fought with the appearance of cities coalitions that could withstand the highest power.

From the second quarter of the XV century, the imperial throne began to be permanently held by the representatives of the Habsburgs dynasty. The Habsburgs of this era have little influenced politics, while their own financial, judicial and tax systems were created in individual principalities, as well as full-fledged armies. At the end of the 15th century, thanks to a series of dynastic marriages, the core of the genital possessions of the Habsburgs took shape. This area included Hungary, Czech Republic and Austria, and the latter was the center of the entire empire. Very soon, the Habsburgs began to understand that it is no longer possible to carry out a single policy on the territory of the entire empire, so the emperors began to take care, first of all, about their possessions, and in the second - about the good of all Germany. In the same period, the official name of the state began to sound as "the Sacred Roman Empire of the German nation."

Peasant War and Reformation

The famous "95 theses" (1517) Martin Luther was becoming a reason for the beginning of the reform movement in Germany, where he condemned the practice of selling indulgences and abuse of the Catholic clergy. Luther's ideas found a response to all the layers of the population, since many were unhappy with the existing position of things:

  • huge wealth accumulated by monasteries and churches;
  • serf neot;
  • high cost of religious rites;
  • condemnation of banking and trade affairs on the part of the Church.

By the XVI century, residents of Germany needed a new bourgeois ideology and desired to abandon the old feudal orders imposed on the Catholic Church. Humanism played a big role in the reformational movement. The reformation was supported by the best minds of that time - Erasmus Rotterdam, Ulrich von Gutten, Philip Melanchton and others.

In the environment of people with sufficient popularity, the ideas of Luther and his associates were used. In the peasant medium, their reformers appeared, which did the main emphasis on dogmatic subtleties, but on the need for social transformations. Under the slogans of the liberation of peasants from serfdom and establishing universal equality, the peasant war began (1524-26). However, due to the lack of military training, supplies, arms and the development of actions, the peasants were defeated.

Emperor Karl V was an opponent of the Reformation. He sought to return his subjects under the authority of Pope. However, many counties and cities turned out to be ready to oppose the king and the Catholic faith. They even turned to support for a long-standing rival of Germany - France - and together with the French king began the war against their emperor.

The result of the Reformation was the signing of the Augsburg religious world (1555), according to which freedom of religion was proclaimed in the empire.

Thirty-year war (1618-48) and its consequences

For about 50 years after the signing of the Augsburg World, Catholics and Protestants managed to coexist peacefully, but at the beginning of the XVII century, the established balance was broken. The Protestant Czech Republic began an uprising against the convinced Catholic Ferdinand Stiff, who was to first become the Czech king, and then - and the lord of the whole empire.

The regional religious and political conflict is very quickly converted to the pan-European war of progressive national states against the hegemony of conservative Habsburgs. The fight against Habsburgs was rallied France, Denmark, Czech Republic, a number of German principalities, Russia, England, Sweden and many others. On the side of the Austrian emperors, the powers were held, where the positions of the Catholic clergy were strong - Poland, Spain and Portugal, as well as Bavaria, Saxony and Prussia.

Thirty-year war went with varying success. Many historians consider it the first real world war, because all European countries and many colonies were drawn in it. During hostilities, 5 million people died. Many died from typhoid, plague and dysentery, which raged at this time in Europe. The war graduated from the Westphalian world, according to which:

  • from the Sacred Roman Empire, many areas will fall off;
  • protestants received equal rights with Catholics;
  • there were secularized lands of the church;
  • a restructuring of the financial, tax and judicial systems of the Empire was carried out;
  • reichstag and German princes were significantly expanded. The latter even got the opportunity to enter into international treaties with other powers.

After the defeat of the Sacred Roman Empire, France began to play a major role in the lives of Europe. But the new Gegemon also soon fell during the War of Spanish Legacy (1701-1714). The key role in the victory of the anti-brass forces was played by Habsburg. Thanks to this, the Austrian rulers began to enjoy great authority and influence. The XVIII century has become a new golden age for Habsburgs. The emperors led successful wars, patronized sciences and arts, joined new territories to their possessions and were international arbitrators. But despite this temporary rise, the empire slowly collapsed.

Walking in Prussia

In 1701, the Prussian kingdom with the capital in Berlin appeared on the territory of the Sacred Roman Empire. The first Prussian kings managed to accumulate considerable wealth and create a powerful army, considered in the XVIII century the strongest in Europe. A very fast young kingdom has become a full-fledged rival Austria. The Prussian King of Friedrich II in 1740-45 held a number of successful military operations against the Austrian Erzgertzogi Maria Teresia. The Prussian rulers began to declare themselves with defenders of German freedoms from the encroachments of the despotic Habsburgs, which united about 350 different states and principalities by the time under their authority.

In the need to get rid of the Habsburgs, many representatives of the German nobility were convinced with obsolete orders. The final collapse of the Empire survived in the era of Napoleonic Wars. The French army took the heart of the empire - the city of Vienna. Many German princes not only did not have to defend their ruler, but also supported Napoleon Bonaparte. In 1805, Emperor Franz II was forced to agree with the conditions of the Presburg world, according to which France went out of extensive possessions in Italy, Austria and Germany, and Bavaria and Württemberg became sovereignty kingdoms. A year later on the territory of the Empire, the Profitęzus Rhine Union aroused 39 independent states and several free cities. Soon, members of the Union declared their exit from the empire. Frank II did not have anything other than agreeing with the decision of his subjects and to remove the title of Emperor. So the history of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation ended.

Despite the fact that during Napoleonic Wars, Prussia also failed, the kingdom continued to fix and grow. At the beginning of the XIX century, a number of reforms were conducted here, as a result of which serfdom was eliminated, the Prussian industry began to develop, the management system was improved. Prussian kings did not join the Rhine Union and continued to lead an independent policy.

Formation of a single German state

The disintegration of the empire, however, did not mean a complete break of the relationship between its former parts. Rivalry Prussia and Austria did not prevent them from uniting efforts to revive a single state. After the defeat of Napoleon near Leipzig in 1813, the Rhine Union broke up. Its members began to join the confederation of German states that operated until 1866 under the auspices of Austria.

In the course of the revolution of 1848-49, an attempt was made to create a single power. However, neither the Austrian nor Prussian emperors were ready to cooperate with revolutionary. Meanwhile, the relationship between the two largest countries of the Confederation was increasingly aggravated. In 1866, the Austro-Prussian war began, from which Prussia came out by the winner. After the end of the war, the North-German Union had emerged, the center of which was Berlin. But the Franco-Prussian War, ended in 1871, became a real triumph of Prussia. According to the results of the war, a number of major southern principalities were forced to join the North-German Union. After that, the Prussian King Wilhelm I and the Minister-President Otto von Bismarck were able to solemnly declare the revival of the German Empire.

Germany in the era of two world wars

World War II (1914-18)

German emperors were the powerful rulers of Europe. But in 1888, Wilhelm II closed to the throne - a convinced supporter of aggressive foreign policy and German dominion over the whole of Europe. The new emperor removed from the post of Chancellor Bismarck and very soon set up the English and Russian crowns against himself. In 1914, the First World War began. Germany and its allies made great successes in the Russian front, but tolerated defeat on West. Despite the powerful economy and the exit of Russia from the war, Germany could not more resist England and France. In November 1918, the revolution began in Germany. The population could no longer be transferred to the war and demanded the resignation of the emperor. Wilhelm II was forced to leave the throne and flee into the Netherlands.

Weimar Republic

World War I was completed by the signing of the Versailles Agreement (1919), according to which Germany lost a huge part of its territories, was transformed into the Weimar Republic and was forced to pay the Contribulations.

In autumn 1918, hyperinflation broke out in Germany, almost completely devalued national currency. The conditions of the Versailles world made the situation even more hard. Although the Weimar Republic nominally was considered a democratic state, in Germany rapidly increased its influence radical parties - both right and left. The centrist democratic parties almost did not have any weight, and the poorer the population was becoming, the less supporters remained at the Democrats. Governments constantly replaced each other, chaos and poverty reigned in the country. Finally undermined the confidence of the people to power the global economic crisis, which began in the United States in the late 1920s.

The Germans dreamed of the revival of the former empire and the "strong hand". The most sympathy of the population at that time was the use of the NSDAP party, headed by the former Efreitor Adolf Hitler. In 1932, Hitler's party received most votes in parliamentary elections. NSDAP support is beginning to provide not only workers, but many large industrialists, as well as the army top. In 1933, Hitler becomes Reichskanzler. He immediately introduces hard censorship in print, announces the Communist Party outlawing, takes a coupling for the militarization of the whole life and begins to create concentration camps for its political opponents.

In addition, Hitler began to strengthen the federal ruling apparatus. Germany became a unitary state, and the rights of individual land were eliminated.

World War II (1939-45)

In the fall of 1939, the Second World War began. Literally in two years, the German army managed to occupy almost the entire Central and Eastern Europe. In the occupied territories, the terror policy was carried out, many people were destroyed physically, and representatives of the rest of the population were used as a depletive working force. But on the territory of the USSR, Hitler was waiting for a failure, already in 1941, the offensive plan "Barbarossa" was rided, and in the second half of 1943, the German parts were rapidly retreated to the West. The position of Germany was aggravated by the fact that the military factories lacked raw materials and workers. In May 1945, the Red Army and allied troops occupied Berlin.

Post-war Germany

After the victory and holding a military tribunal in Nuremberg, the winning countries took up the registration of a new political system in Germany. So arose:

  • in the West - Germany with the capital in Bonn;
  • in the east - GDR with the capital in East Berlin.

Germany joined NATO and, in general, developed on the capitalist path. A strong economic base was rapidly created here, and a number of social reforms of democratic order were conducted.

The GDR was the same part of the socialist camp. However, Soviet financial assistance allowed East Germany to create a developed infrastructure and industry. In order to stop among the eastern Germans, anti-communist sentiment, which, according to the Soviet leadership, was cultivated by the West, Berlin Wall was built between the GDR and Western Berlin.

In 1989, the Berlin Wall fell, and a year later, Germany and GDR united.

Modern Germany

The legal basis of the life of modern Germany is still the Constitution of the FRG, which includes several amendments. The country's policies are determined mainly two parties - the Social Democratic Party (A. Thesis) and the Christian-Democratic Union (A. Merkel).

Since the early 1990s, two main tasks have stood before the United Government:

  • destroy all the boundaries between Eastern and West Germany, mainly due to the introduction in the former GDR of Western orders;
  • integrate into pan-European political and economic processes.

Today, both of these tasks are successfully implemented. Germany managed to take his place of the pan-European leader again.

The word "German" has long been on Russia meant "Some". So the foreigners did not know the Russian language or poorly owned them. However, since it was historically developed that the overwhelming majority of the people from Europe turned out to be natives of German lands, then with the "Germans" in Russia, they began to call people, historical homey of which Germany was.

Relations between Russia and Germany begin their counts back since the reign of Olga Princess (945-964). In 957, she visited Constantinople, where Christianity adopted. Two years later, she sent the German king to the German king (912-973) as a request for the direction of Christian missionaries to Kiev. At the direction of the Ottone of the monk Adalbert from the monastery of St. Maximilian in Trier, built to the San "Bishop of the Russians".

In 961, Adalbert arrived in Kiev for missionary activities, but soon due to the opposition of the Son Olga Svyatoslav was forced to stop her. Nevertheless, Adalbert's mission still laid the relationship between the two countries.

Grandson Olga - Prince Vladimir continued friendly contacts with Germany. He laid on the bishop Bruno Background Cverfurt, holding peace negotiations with steppe nomads, which was successfully implemented.

During the reign of Yaroslav the Wise in Kiev - as a shopping center - the Catholic community of Poles, Italians and the Germans, which allowed to practice their faith, provided that the Orthodox appeal.

Along with the trading, dynastic ties developed closely. So, the son of Yaroslav Wise - Svyatoslav married the sister of the bishop burgaront from Trier, two other Yaroslavichi were married - one on the daughter of the Saxon Marcgraf Ottone, the other - Leopolda count from Stauden. And the daughter of Prince Vsevolod - Eupraxia became the wife of the German Emperor Henry IV.

In xii c. The colonization of the German crusaders of the addicts led to a direct military clash with Russia, completed by the defeat of the Teutonic Order on the Lake Church in 1242 by the troops of Alexander Nevsky.

Cooperation of Russia and Germany continued in the XV century. In 1491, two German rally were invited to Russia, which discovered the seedings of silver ores on the Pechora. In the period from 1517 to 1521. Of the German lands, several Pushkur scorers arrived, who played a significant role during the Tatar invasion of 1521. In Moscow's defense, Pushkar Nikolai from Speayer was distinguished. Among the defenders of Ryazan was another Pushkar - Johann Yordan, whose name among other heroes was carved on a special board in the Ryazan Kremlin.

Daughter Yaroslav Wise

Actively led trade with Russia German merchants. They came across the western borders of Russia, but the main thing for them was the sea route from Lübeck, Danzig and, especially, Hamburg, through the Arkhangelsk port, from where they came to Moscow. In 1551, Ivan IV sent to the German lands of the recruiter Shlitte, who scored 123 people who wished to go to Russia. These were doctors and pharmacists, theologians and lawyers, architects and Kamnetsa, Master's Golden Affairs, experts from the casting of bells and others.

In 1558, Ivan Grozny sent his troops to Liflandi against the Livonian Order. During the Livonian war, in the mid-60s. The XVI century, the Russian troops were occupied by the city of Derpt, Narva, Felleng, Wolm, et al. On March 5, 1562, the Livonian Order was dissolved and his land was divided between Russia, Sweden, Denmark and Poland. Many residents of German cities who have departed to Russia were evicted in Kostroma, Vladimir, Uglich, Nizhny Novgorod, Tula, etc.

Invitation to Moscow Duke Magnus from Schlesvail and his alliance with Ivan IV immediately changed the position of the Germans in Russia. In 1570, they were collected in Moscow and a small amount - in Nizhny Novgorod.

The Germans lived in Moscow from the end of the 20th century, that is, before that time the urban suburb arose, named after the German Sloboda. Over time, more and more people from the German lands settled in the city, many remained in Moscow only for a short time, but there were a lot of those who, together with their families, lived here for several generations.

Relatively favorable conditions for the occurrence of foreign Slobod in Moscow were formed by the end of the XV - the beginning of the XVI centuries. During the rule of the great princes of Ivan III and his son, Vasily III ended the collection of Russian lands under the rule of Moscow and the formation of a single Russian state - Russia. A radical change occurred: from policies specific to politics national, state. The ownership of the Grand Duke began to border the holdings of the rulers of other nationalities and other religions.

The great princes of Moscow acquired the status equal to other European sovereigns, which the important role was played by the marriage of Ivan III on the niece of the last Byzantine emperor Sophie Paleologist played. At the courtyard there is a whole state of workshops, military, doctors and pharmacists from different countries of Western and Northern Europe. Constant diplomatic contacts are tied. In 1486 and 1488. The Messenger of Friedrich III III Nichaus Coppel, who performed some orders of the Russian self-container came to Moscow. Later Georg Background Tour from the Austrian courtyard Maximilian I in 1490, Austrian Messenger Sigismund Gerberstein in 1516 - 1517 came, arrived.

Ivan III. Portrait of a titular. 17th century

Thanks to the active recruitment to Russian service, Masters of Mining, gunsmiths, car wash, guns, gold and silver business masters, technicians on the explosion of serfs are coming to Russian. They lived presumably their yards. In general, foreigners who came to the service of the Russian king were destroyed on various Russian yards in the city. At the same time, with Vasilia III, it was created below the city on the right bank of the Moscow River, in the town of Tileka, the Sloboda, in which the Personal Guard of the Tsar, who consisted of Lithuanians, Poles and Germans. Foreign merchants and artisans lived, as before in the city in the courtyards, it was scattered, which confirm the descriptions of the Italian Messenger in Moscow in 1476 - 1477. Contarini and the already mentioned Gerberstein.

The arrival of foreigners to Moscow intensified even more after the ruin of the Novgorod Hanseatic Trade Office in 1495, which was accompanied by the confiscation of the property of German merchants and their detention.

Inrogenous German Sloboda was created only at the end of the 1550s. With Ivan Grozny. The appearance of this settlement was determined by the emergence of a large number of prisoners and civilians during the Livonian war. The resettlement of several hundred captive in Moscow would cause protest and Orthodox Church, and Muscovites because of possible property and land disputes, competitions in crafts.

During the eviction of foreigners for the trait of the city throughout the XVI - XVII centuries. Not all of them had to move there, and a large number continued to stay in the city. In turn, foreign settlements created in Zamoskvorechye, and in the XVII century. On Jauza, adjacent to other subdobes. So, based on Ivan IV, the Sloboda in Dwelvanovka adjacent to the Armenian, Tatar Slobodami on the Balchug and Persian Sloboda. An ingenic Sloboda on Jauza was near the pottery and Kuznetsk Slobodami, as well as with barns on Jauze, who surrendered to the reasons. Presumably in 1558, when Derpt and Narva took place during the Livonian war, a Sloboda was created for prisoners of Livons, among which were also French, Scots and Danes, in Zamoskvorechye, in Dolvanovka, in two versts from the Kremlin.

For a long time, this Sloboda did not have the church and only in 1575. By the petition of Prince Magnus, the Lutheran Church was built, which later became called the Church of St. Michael. In 1578, Ivan Grozny in retaliation for failures in the Livonian War, and under predicate the speculation by foreigners vodka, gave an order to ruin the settlement. The church and houses were destroyed, and the inhabitants were expelled to the street and many died.

With Boris, a new ingenic Sloboda, which was on the Yauza River and the Kokui River. It was characteristic that Slobodskoe settlement was characteristic not only for foreigners. Near the ingenic Sloboda were other handicraft settlements. The inhabitants of German settlements were mainly engaged in crafts and flour fishing, as evidenced by Mills on Jauze.

At the request of Lutheran doctors in Sloboda, the church was rebuilt, and Woldemar Gullepleman from Westphalia and Student Martin Beriz from Neustadt were invited to her service. The practice of inviting the servants of the Church from Germany will continue until the beginning of the First World War. But in a new place, the Slobod has suffered misfortune: at the end of the summer, 1610 it was burned by Tushiny, supporters of Falseedmitriy II.

At the end of the "troubled time" and with the entry into the Russian throne, Mikhail Romanova (1613 - 1645), which failed to foreigners, the foreign population of the city is gradually going and replenished by newly arrived in the service. This process was slow. By 1622, in Moscow there were only 35 foreign farms. According to social composition and professional affiliation, foreigners almost do not differ from before arriving. Legal position is determined: their cases are headed by two orders. All foreign military leaders were in foreign orders, from a large order to all foreign experts issued monthly and annual salary. From this time, among the Germans of the capital, division on Storelov and came after 1613

Boris Godunov. Portrait of 17 cent.

In the 1620s. The church of St. Michael was restored and the Church of St. Peter and Paul was built. By this time refers to the mention of German courtyards on the streets of Pokrovskaya, Frolovskaya, later meat.

German communities over time have significantly improved their economic situation and bought the best lands from the Orthodox parishes, which caused displeasure and complaints of Orthodox hierarchs. As a result, Mikhail Fedorovich ordered to carry both German, as well as the Dutch reform church. But after a few months, at the request of the Germans, the church was restored be restored outside the city, outside the earthen shaft.

From November 4, 1652 the period ended when foreigners freely lived in the city among the Russian population. By order, Alexei Mikhailovich, a new foreign or German slobal, was founded in the old place, where she was in Boris Godunov. Such a decision was primarily caused by the complication of relations between the Orthodox Church and the Secondary Power, patronized by the "Inoverts". The Cathedral Code of 1649 limited the right of innovants to buy houses from the Russian population. And the next step was the decree on the resettlement of foreigners for the earthlings. Such a resettlement allowed the Russian government to relieve tensions in relations with Orthodox hierarchs and at the same time, to leave foreign specialists in the public service, in whose knowledge was interested. In addition, trade relations with European states, including Germany, were in the hands of foreigners.

In 1652, the "state of the Earth" was allocated under the German settlement, which was called in the commoner of "Cukui" by the name of the Cock's Creek flowing through Sloboda.

  • ABOUTb Delta of the Earth under the structure in German Sloboda

The territory inhabited by foreigners was declared "white", i.e., exempt from duties and taxes, which gave foreigners legal and material advantages over Russian landing people and merchants. The yard plots in Sloboda were distributed to foreigners for free. Their sizes depended on the position and military rank of the owner. The merchants received put on equal left in Moscow. Special sections under the church were allocated, the cemetery, on which foreigners were buried independently of their religion and nationality since 1652. Germans - Lutherans and Calvinists - received a real opportunity to arrange their temples, the maintenance of pastors, the creation of church-parish schools and the activities of church-parish councils. As for the German Catholics, they, as well as the Catholics of other countries, were allowed to adhere to their religion, but the pastors were allowed to have only from the 1680s. On the board of Sofia Alekseevna.

Since its founding and throughout its existence, the German Sloboda has never been divided into the streets and quarters on a national, religious or professional principle, although Lutherans, Calvinists, Catholics, representatives of the Anglican Reformed or Dutch faith lived in it. They were part of two Lutheran, reform and Catholic communities regardless of their nationality. Germans, British, Dutch, Danes, Swiss, Italians, French, Swedes, "Cessarians" - the subjects of the sacred Roman nation, which included Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, a number of German lands and free cities - communicated among themselves in Russian or the most common among Sloboda residents are German, since it was talked by people from Germany, the Baltic States and "Tsesaria" (that is, the sacred Roman Empire, the derivative name from the word Caesar, the emperor).

The territorial separation of the German settlement, inhabited by people from Western European states, allowed them to recreate national traits and traditions in their everyday and development, since the previous restrictions on the construction of houses and temples in Moscow were removed from Inomers. In the second half of the 20th century. The German Sloboda according to the reviews of contemporaries acquired a view of the "German city, big and crowd." The houses were built on the "Dutch and German Become", in one, two, three floors, with sloping isochi roofs covered with TESE. Houses drowned in the gardens of gardens, were decorated with flower beds, wooden arbors, ponds. On the outskirts of Sloboda, on the banks of the Yauza operated the water powder mill, built in the 1670s. German German levkin, which then crossed in the 1690s. Rudolf Maeer.

The similarity with the German city was intensified by the fact that the inhabitants of the German settlement in accordance with the decree of 1652, we wore a Western European dress, dressed their inrogenous, and sometimes Russian servants. Women and men preferred to wear modest and practical clothes, stitched "on the manner of German nobles" and only the richest Sloboda residents who followed French fashion, dressed in a French dress.

M. oskawa. German Sloboda at the end of the 17th century.

Engraving A. De Witta.

The internal decoration of the houses of the German Sloboda was also fitted with the Western European appearance. Walls of residential rooms decorated the candelabra, engravings, wall mirrors and clocks, picturesque portraits and paintings. The furniture consisted of tables with wooden and stone table tops of different shapes, wooden or coherent chairs and chairs, carved wooden cabinets, beds, other utensils. Large distribution among the residents of Sloboda received printed books, written accessories, tobacker. All things of Western European origin and sample could be ordered from Slobodsk artisans or buy both in the German Sloboda and in Moscow. Three markets existed in Sloboda: the top or large, medium and lower, as well as numerous shops and "chalashes", located on the streets and in the alleys.

Over time, German Sloboda began to play an increasingly prominent role in economic, cultural, life not only the capital, but also the whole country. Stressing the historical role of Inozem residents of Slobods, the outstanding Russian philosopher S. M. Soloviev called the German Sloboda step to St. Petersburg, like the city of Vladimir was a step to Moscow.

The official functions of foreigners in Russia were quite diverse. The military carried the service in the Russian regions of the "New Build" as the infantrymen, artillerymen, cavalrymen. Medics - Doctors, Lekari, Pharmacari, served the royal courtyard, state pharmacies that were in Moscow, army shelves. Masters-artisans: gunsmiths, blacksmiths, locksmiths, jewelers, painters, - being "sovereign people", were part of the Golden, Silver, Armory and other Palace Chambers, and translators (Tolmachi) - the Embassy Order. Masters of the Mint and Foundry worked on the Moscow cannon and money courtyards.

Among the German masters, Hans Falk out of Nuremberg, who took part in the casting of bells and guns, and in the 40s of the XVII century. I became one of the founders of the Duchean Glass Plant near Moscow in the Dmitrievsky district. Weapon masters, owned by the technique of gold and silver "vendor" (applying for metal with gold and silver of a thin picture), father and son Kinema left a noticeable trace in the Armory of Russia The second half of the XVII century. The main weapon of the work of kinemans, as well as the products that Jeweler-German Jury Forbos worked on, who served with the palace workshops of the chambers from the 1660s., Were extremely popular with the royal yard. The latter created the royal regalia - richly decorated dishes - "Tareli", the objects of royal consideration, jewelry, which are now in the collection of the Museum of the Armory.

The first painters - artists who knew the paintings on canvas on canvas are portraits, "perspectives" - images of a park landscape, who worked a lot over the decoration of the royal chambers, furniture were German masters who served in the middle and in the second half of the 20th century. With the Armory Chamber: "Tsezareke" Danil (Daniel) Vuzhtex, Erofey (Jeroimus), Helly, "Hamburstz" Peter Inglis (Peter Engels).

Andreas Engelart (Engelhardt), a native of G. Amersleben in Lower Saxony, who came to Russia to serve Russian kings to Russia was famous from German Mediks. One of his successors - Dr. Lavrenty Alfierevich Bluetrost, a native of Mühgausen, was located on the post of court leiba physician from 1672 to his death in 1705, having received the title and position of Architerat - Senior Doctor, whose duties were not only the provision of medical care , but also "examination", i.e. examinations and selection of foreign physicians adopted in the Russian service.

Pharmacist Johann Guttemsh was the founder of the lower, or main, state pharmacy of Moscow. Opened in 1672 in a white city, she became the first state pharmacy of Moscow, where the medicines were sold to citizens on the recipes of doctors. At a pharmacy had the "Dahtur" chamber in which the reception and inspection of the patient was conducted. For their merits, Guttmansha was granted by the title of court medicine and the overseener, that is, the pharmacy manager. In 1682, in the midst of Streletsky Bunta, Gutterensha was accused of poisoning the king Fyodor Alekseevich, he was killed.

German specialists were obliged to transfer their knowledge and skill. This condition was indispensable when hiring foreigners into service. Thus, activities in Moscow "sovereign" foreigners and, in particular, German masters, military specialists ensured a positive contribution to the development of Russian military affairs, crafts, manufactory, medicine and art.

At the same time, the royal yard, if necessary, appealed to those German masters, which were not related to the sovereign service by private entrepreneurship. When in 1668, the sovereigns of the glass plant in Izmailov, masters were first invited by foreign experts from the Duchean Plant, including the Germans Y. Kunkel and I. Martin, later were "designed" from abroad Glass masters: I. Arcipuhor, P. Baltus, I. Lerenk, L. Moets - All comments from the top of the Rhine .

In 1672-1675 For the creation of the first German-Russian court theater, students of one of the Lutheran schools of German Slobodi were attracted together with her Master Master, Pastor and Teacher Johann Gotfrid Gregory. The native of the Saxon city of Merzeburg, Gregory showed himself as a wonderful preacher, school teacher who has an idea of \u200b\u200btheatrical case, with whom he met in Germany. As the head of theatrical "troupe," he was engaged in writing and handling the text of the plays, which were learned and were performed under his leadership by German young men, and then the Russian servilative people affected them, gave instructions on the manufacture of costumes and scenery.

  • Description of the Germans made by Adam Shlasing in 1680

Especially it should be said about the Germans of the Baltic States (Ostseei Germans) that make up a special national cultural group. Starting from the XII century, the Bremen merchants led trading at the mouth of the Daugava River. In 1185, Missionary Mayanard arrived there, preaching Christianity to local Liv's tribes. In 1186, he built the castle of Ikskul and was soon appointed by the bishop.

Several armed clashes with Liva and the murder in 1198 the successor of the Mainiard, Bishop Bertold served as a pretext for the start of the crusades in the Baltic States who contributed to the resettlement to the region of a large number of Germans. The third bishop of Livonia Albert Bekeschedee (Buksghevden) founded the city of Riga in 1201 and held several successful conquesting campaigns in 1201.

Livonian Confederation

In 1236, the Order of the Mosenoshetsev was defeated in the battle of Saul by the Lithuanian King of Mindaugas (Mindovg). Restakes orders united with the Teutonic Order, created in 1237, forming a branch - the Livonian Order, who continued conquering policies in the Baltic States. In 1299, the last stronghold of the indigenous population fell - Zemgalov Sidrasta Castle. At the captured by the Order, the lands were founded by Riga, Ezel-Vicki, Derptte and Kourland-pilten bishopric. In 1346, the Danish King owned by Estlandia sold it to the Livonian Order.

Knight of the Orden of the Middle Easterns Teutons

Thus, several states were established on the territory of the Baltic states, the leadership in which the Germans played, first of all, the nobility. The most prominent childbirth (Ikskuli, Tisengauses, Wrangels, Ungern-Sternbergs, Buksgeveden, etc.) held a leading place in the political life of the region all subsequent centuries until the beginning of the twentieth century. At the same time, the German Burgerty (urban population, artisans and merchants), clergy (Lutheran pastors) played an important role. The indigenous population of the Baltic was mainly the peasantry. For a long time, constant cultural contacts of the Baltic Germans with Germany were carried out.

As a result of the Livonian War 1558 - 1583. Baltic was under the rule of Sweden and Commonwealth. During the war, 1601 - 1629. The land was carried out, according to which Sweden began to belong to the territory north of the Daugava River, and the south was formed by Kurneda Duchy, which was in vassal dependence on the speech by the compulciety.

The Baltic Empire entered the Russian Empire after the victorious completion of Russia of the Northern War of 1700 - 1721. The Baltic German nobility swore to the Russian emperor on the conservation of its dominant role in the region, the priority of the Lutheran Church and German. Many accelets entered the Russian public service, both civil and military. The overwhelming majority of their faith and the truth served as a new homeland, glorifying their names in Russian history, making a huge contribution to strengthening the power and prosperity of Russia.

At the same time, the Ostzaians were always proud of their origin, their autonomy and never considered themselves Russian Germans. Therefore, as well as taking into account the fact that today the Baltic state has gained independence and is not part of Russia in the future, we will not consider the lives of this particular German national group as a whole, and we will only cover our parties and aspects that have been all-Russian importance.

The book "Path of One End" will be present in Moscow. Its exit is timed to the 75th anniversary of the deportation of Russian Germans. The basis of this book was the diary records of one of hundreds of thousands of Russian Germans deported in September 1941 - Dmitry Bergman. The author began his diary on that day when a decree was published on the deportation of the Germans, and the last records were made a few days before his death. Dmitry Bergman lived with his family in the Volga region, but he was taken out of him from, then another, the Republic of Germans into the deaf Siberian village.

In 1941, the autonomy of the Volga Germans ceased to exist. Although this territory has been inhabited by the German people for many years. The most massive settlement occurred thanks to Catherine II. At the beginning of the second half of the 18th century, Empress invited the inhabitants of some European countries to move to the banks of the Volga.

Manifesto on the permitting to all foreigners, to Russia entering, to set in which the provinces they wish about the rights given to them.

We, by the space of the land of our Empire, by all of the time we see the highest human useful places in the population and habitat, to this another idle, considerable number, of which many in their depths hide the inexhaustible wealth of different metals; And both forests, rivers, lakes and commerce to the seas are pretty, the reproduction of many manufactories, factories and other plants the ability of the Great. This applied us to the reason for all our loyal issues to publish manifest ...

In his documents, the Empress wrote that life in Russia for visiting foreigners became a dream: "With the presentation of them more favorable conditions for a better life than they had in their homeland."

The colonists were provided with money, they promised not to apply banners for religion, they gave the opportunity to take a loan from the state. At that time, the ordinary inhabitants of Germany experienced difficulties - they were subjected to imperative from the landowners, they experienced economic needs. Therefore, the invitation of the Empress of the Russian many was happily. Most immigrants settled in the territories of the current Saratov and Volgograd regions. These places were well suited for agriculture, and hardworking Germans quickly burned there.

In the Volga region, the Germans managed to preserve their culture and customs. Although they treated with respect for Christian holidays, but they celebrated them in their own way. In Easter, they, for example, put gifts in chicken nests, and children said that they were brought by "Easter hare" (from this may be, the expression was entrenched in Russia, "" This is from a bunny, "when children bring deals).

By the twenties of the colonies, which inhabited 407.5 thousand people were in the Volga region. Of these, immigrants from Germany were most of them. By this time they were known as the "Germans of the Volga region". In their homeland nickname die wolgadeutschen.

German Sloboda

But the Volga region was not the first to let the Germans in their territory. Inomes from Germany settled in Moscow and other Russian cities in the XV-XVI centuries. Their settlements were called German Sloboda. The first Sloboda in Moscow appeared at all during Vasilia III. But she survived his flourishing during the reign of Peter the first. Sloboda attracted a young king - it was interesting for him to communicate with people who knew how to build ships, who knew how fun to spend time and skillfully care for the ladies.

It was there that Peter Alekseevich met the maritime teachers - Franz Timmerman and Karsten Brandt. New German Sloboda (the old burned during the attack of Khan Devlet Gurya in 1571) over time became the socio-cultural center of Moscow: the Kremlin did not please the Kremlin with his old Palaces of Peter.

Ancient Rus with the Germans

If you dig even deeper, then a lot of German roots can be found in ancient Russia. On the territory of East Slavic Principles were German masters and artisans. Some came voluntarily, and someone had to leave their own land on the orders: for example, the son of Yuri Dolgoruky - Prince Andrei, Emperor Friedrich Barbarossa sent his architects for the construction of a part of Suzdal (the first half of the XII century).

Actively in ancient Russia was bilateral marriages between aware who allowed the relations with Europeans to strengthen Russian princes. For example, Prince Vladimir Red Sunshine took the daughter of German Count Kuno von Enningen. And the German princesses were married to three sons of Yaroslav Wise. So the German familylike trees have a very long history in Russia.

Century xx. Post-war life

A large imprint on the fate of the Germans in Russia, of course, put the Great Patriotic War. After the events of 1941-1945 in the territory of the USSR, there were 2,389,560 Germans (this is according to Soviet data, there were other numbers in Germany - more than three million). The theme of their life in the post-war USSR was closed for conversations. They restored the destroyed cities, lived in camps. It is worth noting that their work was benign - they could not even understand the meaning of the word "Haltury".

Temporary placement of the Volga Germans in Kansas, 1875

In the years of Khrushchev "thaw" the picture changes slightly. At this time, the institutions of national culture were even started. But full freedom Germans still did not feel. For example, they were allowed to carry out their cultural events, but only those that did not contradict the policies of the party.

Freedom of the Germans were inhaled during the restructuring. In this period, it was the fact that they began to write about them in newspapers.

Closer to our days

In early 90s, the German Society of St. Petersburg was organized in St. Petersburg. The publication of the newspaper resumed "St. Petersburgische Zeitung ». The social movements of the Russian Germans begin to emerge, who were engaged in the issue of national revival. One of the leaders of such a movement was the well-known scientist Academician Boris Rauhenbach. He made a considerable contribution to the formation of Soviet cosmonautics. However, with the Germans in the history of Russia, many events, discoveries, works of culture and art are connected. The artist Karl Bryullov, the navigator Ivan Kruzhenstern, the outstanding pianists Svyatoslav Richter and Rudolph Keris, the poet of Athanasius Fet, Denis Fonvizin and many other outstanding personalities.

Russian Germans today

In early 2010, according to the All-Russian census of the population in Russia, more than three hundred thousand Russian Germans lived. These people relate with great respect to their ancestors, honor their traditions and culture. They collect historical facts, hold festivals in Russia.

Today in Russia there are a large number of associations of Russian Germans at the local, regional and all-Russian level. In major cities of the country there are cultural German centers. So, the German Cultural Center. Goethe has many of its branches in Russian cities. The Russian-German House in Moscow is actively working. In social networks there are communities, such as the German community in Russia, "Russian Germans", "Society of Russian Germans". So, if you enter the search for "VKontakte" the phrase "Russian Germans", then the result will give about 40 of the found groups.

In one of these groups we talked with Russian German Marina Essen, who lives in the city of Orenburg. In 1765, her distant ancestor, on the basis of Manifesta Catherine Great decided to move to Russia. He came from South Germany and founded a colony called Galka in the Volga region. Marina's ancestors lived there until 1941, then everyone was deported. To the history of his family, as many other Russian Germans, Marina Essen refers with deep respect, but, according to the girl, revive the culture is extremely difficult.

"Unfortunately, deportation inflicted great damage and forever changed the lives of the Germans in Russian Earth. The history of the Germans is tragically completed and almost impossible to revive something: to preserve their life, culture, traditions in such a huge country. In my opinion, after a while, the Germans can completely disappear from Russia. We do not have our own territory, we are scattered not only throughout Russia, but also to Kazakhstan. Mixed marriages dissolve the Germans in other numerous nationalities, "says Essen.

Ekaterina Herbst lives in Tyumen. Her ancestor Johann Herbst. Immigrated with his wife from the city of Mecklenburg. They arrived in Russia approximately 1762-1763, already in their children were born.

Several generations from kind Herbst. lived in the Volgograd region. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the family of grandfather Ekaterina - Viktor Herbst (who was still a child) - was repressed in the village of Mirny Tyumen region. Grandfather Ekaterina, his mother and brothers managed to survive, and his grandfather and father were shot.

Subsequently, three brothers were sent to the Gulag for 10 years. After the grandfather of Catherine's grandfather came out of the camp, they married and took the names of Women. Only Grandfather Ekaterina Herbst - Victor left his German surname. He lived in peace until 1985, then moved. Now this village does not exist - the last residents were Germans - Grandma and Grandfather on the maternal line of Catherine Herbst. When they died, there was no village.

Catherine says that her grandfather moved to Lenin's village of Tyumen region and lived there until his death. Sometimes she comes to this village. There, according to the story of Russian Germans, they still celebrate Easter in Lutheran tradition and bury people in German customs: "This is all that remained from German culture and everything that I observe as a representative of this nation. And when these two grandmothers, Germans and Grandfather of 78 refen people, I think about what will happen next. The young generation of Russian Germans lives in this village, but few of them honor the traditions of German culture, "says Catherine.

"For my family, all this is very important, since this is my story, the history of my kind. I understand that our customs are forgotten over time. My grandparents were freely spoken in their own language and read the tradition, in the post-war time - about the 50s, when my parents were born - they were the stamp "Fascists." Not only of my parents, but at the entire generation of that time. Someone was ashamed, and someone got married or married and took the name of the spouse. The traditions were gradually lost. In my family on both sides, all the Germans, but such as we, the units remained. And I am very positive about the revival of German culture - we also have our customs, traditions, as well as Caucasians, Chuvash, Russians, "adds Russian German.

Own among others and others among their own. The beginning of the history of their life in Russia, it seems not to find. Maybe their history does not have borders at all. It is clear that many Russian Germans very much honor their traditions and feel their belonging to some special culture, whose people love Russia and respect their German roots.

Oksana Anatsheva

The resettlement of the Germans to Russia was and remains an amazing fact of history. The phenomenon is that Rus and in Dopurerovsky times actively looking for allies outside the country, invited foreigners to themselves. A significant contribution to the culture of the country to make Greeks, whose faith, architecture, writing organically entered the culture of the Russian people. But the Greeks themselves, although those who lived in Russia at the kings did not become an influential and numerous group, were not included in the policy and the economy of their country. Another people who had a deep influence on the history of Russia became the French. The Russian nobility took for a sample of the work of literature and art, and the French language was a long tongue, which was told by the elite of the state. But the "envoys" of France, who came as home teachers or serve people, did not remain in Russia as an independent and numerous people - they were assimilated or returned to their homeland.

And only the Germans whose habits and customs seem to be completely not suitable for the customs of Russians, not only "delayed" in the endless expanses of the Russian Empire for the century, but also felt here at home. German punctuality and Russian recklessness gave that alloy of an intercultural wealth that could not destroy even the cruel XX century.

When a strong migration movement began in Europe and from their emerged places - from Württemberg, Bavaria, Saxony, Holstein and other German principalities began to leave the Germans, then many countries opened the doors in front of them. They were invited to the overseas lands of South America, the United States, the warm countries of the African continent. But a significant number of people who went on the road for a new life, for their happiness chose an unknown, cold, vigorous Russia. This choice causes to be surprised. It could not be a mistake of history, it was fate and for those who were driving, and for those who met them.

The history of the Germans in Russia is striking also in the fact that there are very few migrating communities in the world, with such a working person who entered the structure of the country adopted, as they could, in the end, not only in their own way to organize their local ethnic world, but also created with support States own autonomy. Not in one other country, where the Germans lived compactly, they did not have their own republic.

This was preceded by the fact that in the economy and politics of Russia, in its science and culture, the Germans began to occupy an important place over time, they were a kind of lively evidence, participants in the formation of European civilization, where the role of Russia was attractive and important. The Germans occupied those industries where people were required free in their estate, they are in public service and in science, in business and in trade, in education and in culture.

The emergence and rooting of foreigners became one of the factors of political and economic emancipation of Russia, the subsequent release of its exemption from obsolete forms of the internal organization of the state. Petrovskaya modernization, the era of enlightenment in Catherine and the abolition of serfdom under Alexander II was made with the participation of the Germans. And the peasant life on the Volga, in the Black Sea and other regions of the Germans of the Colonists was a permanent source of the country's development as a whole. Agriculture - the basis of the foundations of the times of Russia - was the sphere of intensive exchange of experience, adaptation of new technologies, the introduction of the machine method of processing the Earth, harvesting. The Germans with their seeders and the cams were eagerly taken to divorce the plants bred in Russian villages, studied on the Russian manner to adapt to natural conditions, to put on their service that they gave fields and forests.

And this also manifested the originality of immigrants from the German Principles: the amazing ease of adopting the values \u200b\u200bof other peoples was combined with astounding perseverance in preserving their own ethnic heritage.

The Labor Communes of the Volga region, proclaimed in 1918, which then became the autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of the Germans of the Volga region, - convincing confirmation of this. All the troubles and the achievements of the Soviet authorities were reflected in the device and practical activities of the republic, but at the same time, contrary to the civil war, the repression, which began there from the very moment of the formation of autonomy, hunger, the Republic on the Volga turned into a powerful center of economic and cultural undertakings, became Factor of national cohesion and development. This remained after the 1941 deportation and the abolition of the NP ASSR in the collective memory of the Russian Germans, scattered by the fate throughout the vast territory of the Soviet Union.

That is why after the Great Patriotic War, when the leadership of the USSR was elected a line to refuse to restore the German republic. The national movement of Russian Germans was ralling precisely around the demand to revive autonomy on the Volga, return what was illegally taken away.

The German national movement has never been protest, his leaders have always been looking for contacts with the official authorities of the USSR, they tried to defend their demands at reasonable principles. Unlike other repressed peoples, many of whom in the 1950s began to leave the place of reference and return to their "small" homeland, the Germans were patiently waiting for the Kremlin to allow them to return to the Volga and other places of pre-war residence.

The problem of Russian Germans has never been an internal problem of the Russian Empire, and then the USSR. The leadership of the country and the Tsarskoy, and in Soviet times, every time it built their policies with respect to its own citizens (subjects) of German nationality, taking into account relations with Germany. This especially appeared in the post-war period when the actions of the Federal Republic of Germany became annoying, and then, from the mid-1980s and the decisive factor in the central line. Requirements to change the position of the Russian Germans, which came from outside, were perceived, in the end, as a convenient form of rehabilitation of the people: departure to Germany was considered by many, including those who opposed the change in the situation in the Volga region, as an act of rehabilitation.

Years of change did not bring those changes about which many Russian Germans dreamed of in the post-war. By the beginning of the Third Millennium, they simply created the conditions for the starting positions of the new generation as if equal. It was this that helped talented people from the Russian Germans, to enter into a political, economic, scientific and cultural spectrum of Russia, to become a twiend with representatives of other peoples. Unfortunately noted, unfortunately, does not mean that the National Culture of the Russian Germans has been revived in full, that its wealth has become an integral part of the new Democratic Russia.

The fate of Russian Germans could have a positively affect those who during the years of restructuring and political reforms in Russia took over the courage to speak on behalf of the entire people. However, the inexperial distribution in the environment of the leaders of national community organizations did not allow consolidation efforts to overcome the layers of the past. The main work on the restoration of culture, learning the language moved to the local level - where people of German nationality live and work.

Unfortunately, the history of the Germans of Russia, even the most newest, does not yet provide space for optimism, and therefore our tutorial is no longer a logical completion when all points would be placed over I. The question that was worried during the post-war period of the Germans of the USSR and Russia remains relevant today, after the mass relocation to Germany hundreds of thousands of German nationality citizens: Do those of those Germans who did not leave Russia here, here are their future?

The authors of the study guide take over the courage to declare that the provision of a safe future of Germans in Russia is the task, above all, the Russian Germans themselves. It is the future - only then maybe the people are when he won't hope to help from the part, and he himself takes it to build it with his own hands.

It is impossible not to see those positive shifts that have occurred in recent years in the field of practical revival of German culture, language and traditions. Hundreds of cultural centers throughout Russia, language training courses, active practical workers - all this symptoms of confident adoption on the way to overcome the destroyed heritage of the Germans in Russia.

Russian Germans can only be in the condition of the development and strengthening of Russia. Today, finally, everyone has a real chance with their work, enterprise, persistence, the initiative to change our common life, achieve success. Do not hope for help from outside, not to live the expectation that everything will be fixed by itself, it will be better, but just work, to achieve the goals. This applies to all citizens of the country, including Russian Germans.

Usually, the ethnogenesis and the ethnography of the Germans of Russia are associated with their appearance on the lower Volga in the second half of the 18th century. However, if you trace the entire historical process of ethnic groups of the Germans in Russia, then the centuries-old period of their settlement in Russia will be revealed on a wider scale.

In 961, i.e. More than 1000 years ago, the delegation of Germans appears in Kievan Rus, headed by Albert's priest. At 11 c. German-Russian communications are strengthened by religious channels, German chrirges are being built in Russia. B12 in. The Germans in Russian cities are intensive trading with Novgorod and Pskov merchants.

Some part of the current Russian Germans are descendants of German knights, which in 11-12 centuries. They invaded the Baltic lands. However, it is much more likely to substantiate the Germans in Russia in the XII-XVII centuries. It was happening at the invitation of Russian princes, which in that period often tied relatives through the marriage unions with the Germans.

The first Russian ruler, who established close contacts with the Germans, was Yaroslav Wise (1019 - 1054). He married his sons on the Germans.

Novgorod merchants had business contacts with their colleagues, who did not know the Russian language, they were depressed, in general, were Germans. Pretty soon, artisans and merchants from German lands appeared in a number of Russian cities. Under Ivan Grozny in Moscow, the German settlement appeared on Jauza.

In the next attack of anger, the Russian king burned her, but the German settlements appeared in many cities of Russia, and the Moscow Cukui became the "city in the city". Peter I invited specialists from Germany, promising them great privileges. No wonder he was called the student of the German settlement. Already with the name of Peter, the appearance of mining engineers and masters from Germany in the Rudny Altai. From the same overseas edges in 1786, Philip Reidder "was sent to the party for the reception of various types of ores and stones and for the description of those places on the kille and ulb rivers." And the river Filippovka (the influx of Ulb) Ridder was found, the richest deposit of polymetallic ores. Over time, a combine was built here, and the city was named by Ridder (after 1941 - Leninogorsk).

The history of the Russian Germans during the reign of Catherine II (by the way, the German princess of Sophia Frederica Augustus) is well known. 1764 - the beginning of the mass resettlement of the Germans to the unjited areas of Russia. It was carried out at the invitation of a number of Russian rulers. Russia needed immigrants, therefore immigrants were a great help and a variety of benefits.

According to the census of 1897, in total in the Russian Empire there were about 1.9 million Germans. By 1914, the number of people whose native language was German, approached two million. Where the Germans of the Empire lived with their settlements, such as Sarepta or Pokrovsk in the Saratov province, Lustdorf near Odessa or Elendorf (next to Ganjay in the present Azerbaijan), the area of \u200b\u200bSabalak nearby, from the most Frame buildings, mills, chirks, taverns.

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