Speech therapy "Sound and Letter". Acquaintance of children of senior and preparatory age with the letter and with sound (and brief)

Anna Panina
"The sound [th] and the letter." Node abstract in the preparatory group for children with TNR

Abstract Node.

Topic: "Sound and Letter".

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication".

Types of childhood activities: Communicative, productive.


Correctional educational:

To give children a concept about the mechanism of formation of sound;


Automate the sound in syllables, words, sentences;

Develop overall, small and articulating motility;

Develop graphotor function;

Develop phondatic hearing;

Develop analysis and synthesis processes;

Develop attention, memory, thinking;

Correctional educational:

Educate in children a respectful attitude towards each other;

Equipment: Plock images of heroes "I hear, Bukovka"; Pictures on the studied sound; image of the letter th; syllable table; cards with printed syllables and individual letters; magnetic alphabets; Working notebooks "Whom"; CD "ABC"

I. Orgmant.

Consider image "Yogi".

Who is it? What can he do? Today we have complicated and serious work, practice as yoga. (The game is on the attention of "polite PRSA".

II. Main part

1. Topics message.

Today we are visiting our friends to hear and beaks with a new story. Once I hear and the beech conducted our weekend in the park, in which there were huge swings. Of course, our friends wanted to ride them. But only they approached closer, like a shaggy dog, who walked the swing, grunted:

P-R-R, Stand, Pass is closed.

But why? - Surprised Bukovka. - Won how many children are coming together on these swings.

R-r-r, - replied Dog, - I miss only those visitors who can fulfill my tasks.

We are ready to fulfill them, - I said to hear.

Ok, say, quickly and not mistaken, cleanup:

"Once firewood, two firewood, three firewood."

I hear repeated the cleaner without a single error. And you guys can so?

The game "Repeat Spear". Suggest children to repeat the cleaningory three times, without confusing.

I hear performed tasks, and the dog missed friends. I hear and bucching sat on huge swings. Bukovka sat on the bench, I hear firmly took the handle, and began to rock the swing.

They swathe at first slowly and low, and then they began to swing faster, stronger and higher. Swing was cooked up, and then went down to a cheerful whistle: "Y-y-y", "y-y-y"! Friends captured the spirit, and they wanted to shout from joy and happiness, the wind swept their clothes, whistled in the ears, and swing all squeaks: "Y-y-y". When friends rolled out, they went to Earth, thanked the shaggy dog \u200b\u200band went to walk in the park.

I hear remembered the song of the swing. He saming his cheerful tongue, remembering several exercises.

2. Development of articulation motility.

Exercise for tongue. Let's and, together with you hear the tongue. (Exercise 5-7 times.)

"Big swings" - smile, open your mouth, raise the tip of the tongue to the upper lip, omit to the bottom.

"Little frames" - smile, open your mouth, raise the tip of the tongue for the top teeth, omit for the bottom.

3. Demonstration of acoustic-articulate sound image.

Y-y-y, "said I hear. (The language did not want to pass the air - he arched the back, pressed it to the nebu, but the air still had fun.)

The task is "saying sound." Guys say the sound [th | Without an error, in accordance with the described articulation. Keep track of the right position of lips, language, work of the neck and breathing.

I hear wanted to learn more about the new sound, and he tried to describe him.

Task "Describe sound". Let's help you hear the sound [th].

When do we pronounce the sound, the air meets the obstacle on the way?

If the air when pronouncing this sound, it meets the barrier, what is the sound? " (Consonant.)

What prevents air from passing freely (the air interferes with the tongue, which is pressed against the sky).

And this sound is ringing or deaf? " (To answer your question, the children closes the ears with palms and pronounce the sound [th]. If the ears are "buzzing", this sound is ringing, if not buzz - deaf. You can also apply your palm to the neck for checking).

Listen to those and tell me, this sound is pronounced soft or firm? (To draw the attention of children to the fact that this sound is always soft).

And now let's give the full characteristic of the sound of the th and dress our sound (call a child to the board): This sound is consonted, ringing, can only be soft.

4. Development of phonderatic hearing. (Work in working notebooks).

Bukovka painted pictures. (Name everything).

Color the green color of the circle if the sound of the sound is heard in the Word

5. Acquaintance with the letter J.

I hear asked at the beak: "Can you write the letter that means this sound?" And the beak took his magic pencil and wrote the letter J. (Demonstration of the Card with the letter).

What does the letter look like?

The letter is called "and-brief"

J, as in your notebook.

To not be confused with

Top tick write. (V. Stepanov).

What elements consist of?

Designing the letter using pencils; Printing the letters in the working notebook. (Before writing the letter - Charging for the Eye).

III. Dynamic pause(current "Yoga").

IV. Fastening the material.

1. Reading syllables. (according to the syllable table ah, oh, yy, hey, y).

2. Reading words Yoga (T-shirt, parrot, outline from the letters of magnetic alphabet.

Bukovka wrote the letters oh, g, y. Think, what word can you make up of them? (Wrote syllables ka, May; software, Pu, Guy).

Print this word in a magnetic alphabet.

V. Final part.

What new letter got acquainted with?

What sound does it indicate?

Set the letter to the desired house.

Listening to a song about the letter J.

Assessment of children's activities.

Publications on the topic:

"The sound of [P] and the letter R. to us spring steps with rapid steps." Occupation in the preparatory speech therapy group for children with ONR Objectives: develop children's speech in various activities. To form and systematize the knowledge of children about the characteristic signs of spring.

The abstract of the frontal speech therapy classes with the children prepared to school of the group with TNR (ONR) "Sound and Letter H"

Objective: to promote the formation of ideas about the sound and the letter of C. Tasks: Correctional-educational: - to promote the formation of the image.

The speech of the speech therapy in the preparatory for school the speech therapy group for children with TNR "sound [b]. Letter B » Lesson 3 Correctional educational purposes. Activation and actualization of the dictionary on the topic "Clothing, shoes, hats". Improvement.

COMPOSTI of NOD for literacy in the preparatory school group "Sound [D] and Letter D" An abstract of classes for learning children by diploma in the preparatory to school group. Topic: Sound and Letter "D". Software content: 1. acquaintance.

Objectives:Fasten the correct sound pronunciation j. In speech, learning to determine the position of sound in words, to form an adjective from the noun, coordinate the adjective with the nouns, to form the ability to draw up a descriptive story.

Structure occupation

I. Organizational moment.

The speech therapist offers to sit to the one who will answer:

  • what is the difference between the sound from the letter;
  • what are the sounds (vowels, consonants);
  • why they are called vowels;
  • who will name the word in which the first sound is vowel;
  • tell about consonant sounds;
  • come up with words on a consonant sound.

II. Studying a new material.

1. The assistant teacher imperceptibly launches a paper airplane into the office. And it depicts a map where the chest with a treasure is located. According to the specified route (for example: from the window two steps forward, one step right, three forward, etc.) Children find a chest.

2. The speech therapist proposes to guess the riddle to open the chest:

"Tail in the yard,
Nose in a cone.
Who will turn the tail,
That inner will fall

3. Children alternately get out of the chest of pictures (T-shirt, snakes, watering can, glue, tram, bench, balalaika, hive, parrot, sparrow, coffee pot, yogurt) and exhibit to Molbert, saying the picture shown in the picture.

Speech therapist. What kind of sound is found in these words? (Sound j.)

4. Sound characteristic j. : This sound is consonted, ringing, always soft.

5. Determine the position of the sound j. In each word.

Each child on the table "Speech line" 1 . Children work independently, one child comments.

Words for references: glue, ant, parrot, T-shirt, bench, sparrow, iodine, kettle, shed, ruler, tram, trolley bus, dunning, yogurt, hero.

III. Acquaintance with the letter j..

1. The speech therapist proposes to consider the letter and answer, what it looks like what letter.

    J. as AND In your tetrade
    To J. do not confuse AND,
    Top tick write. "

2. "Print" letter j. In the notebook.

3. "Guess the word" (letters are different in height).

    BUTky. M.and Mike

Speech therapist. The resulting word "printed" in the notebook.

4. Sound-syllable analysis of the word "T-shirt".

The word at the board disassembles one child. At the same time, all children are laid out with him. The child at the board is intonationally divides the word on the syllables, sequentially distinguishes sounds, calls it isolated, characterizes them (vowel, consonant solid or soft) and indicates the corresponding chip.

Speech therapist. Which of these sections are: "Dishes", "Furniture", "Clothing", "Transport", belongs to the word Mike? ".

IV. Fizkultminutka.

Imitation of worn movements: caps, handkerchief, coat, scarf, mittens. Buttage with lightning, buttons, laundry tie.

V. Fastening knowledge on "Clothing":

1. Game "What weighs? What is? "

The speech therapist distributes pictures with the image of clothes. The flannelhemph is placed the picture with the image of the closet. Each child calls clothes in her picture, while indicating its location in the cabinet (hang it or put on the shelf).

  • Description of one piece of clothing according to the scheme (1. Color; 2. Material; 3. parts of clothing; 4. Seasonality of clothing; 5. For whom clothes are intended; 6. Actions with clothing 2. The task is performed on the chain (one child starts, and the other continues).
  • The speech therapist offers children to listen to the offer, find a mistake in it and pronounce it correctly.
  • a) Oli / Winter / Cap and Shub.
    b) Masha / spring / coat.
    c) in the summer of Anya Maddle / White / Dress.

Vi. Outcome.

Speech therapist. What sound did we meet today? ( j.) Remember the words in which there is this sound.

1 "Speech River" is a card, with the imposition of chips to determine the position of sound in the word (beginning, middle, end)

2 Tkachenko T.A. If the preschooler speaks poorly. - SPb.: Accident, 1998. - 112 p., 33 l. Il.: Li.

Correctional and developing tasks.

Learning the child carefully listen to the speech of an adult, correctly understand the logic-grammatical structures.

Teach the child to correctly pronounce the sound [th].

Improve the skills of analytical synthetic activities, develop sound-sound ideas of the child.

Learning to analyze proposals, find a preposition and words with a certain sound in the proposal.

Learn to convert words.

Learning to write short sentences under the dictation in compliance with the elementary spelling rules.

Exercise 1. Didactic exercise "How correct?". Adult reads a child offer. The child listens attentively, determines the proposal correctly or incorrectly. If an error is made, then the child corrects it.

The cart is lucky. Cat caught a mouse. The horse is lucky. The mouse caught a cat. The lamp is illuminated by the street. Street covered with a lantern.

Task 2.. Acquaintance with sound [th]. Adult offers a child to listen to a number of words and name the last sound in words:

sparrow, Creek, Ray.

The adult shows in front of the mirror and explains the child's articulation of the sound [th]:

  • sponges slightly in a smile;
  • teeth are brought together;
  • tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is raised to a solid sky, forming a slot through which a air jet passes;
  • gorelshko "works".

Characteristic Sound: sound consonant (tongue creates an air barrier), ringing, solid. Designation: Blue circle with a bell.

Task 3. Phonetic exercise.

How to scream from fright? - Oh! Oh! Oh!

Task 4. Consider a number of drawn items, call them, choose only those in the name of which there is a sound [th], determine the sound of the sound [th] in words:

t-shirt, fly, books, house, tea, shed, seagull, burdock.

Task 5.. Finish the word with a syllable. What is the same last sound in the first syllable of all words?

Ka: May ..., Guy, tea ..., Lai ...

Task 6.. Guess the riddles, define the sound of the sound [th] in all words-guessing, divide them into syllables, come up with every word offer.

From a hot well

Through the nose of the water pour. (Teapot)

Grew up in the field, evil and stitching,

In all sides of the needle. (Ray)

Task 7.. Remember the types of transport, in the names of which there is a sound [th] (tram, trolleybus). Divide words to syllables, determine the sound of the sound [th] in these words.

Task 8.. Adult calls 3-5 words with sound [th], and the child must listen carefully and repeat all the words in the same sequence.

Task 9.. Call a unnecessary word in a row (according to the presence in the words of sound [th]):

mike, Seagull, Nut, sofa;stupid, young, big, city.

Task 10. Pick up as much as possible signs that answer the question "What?". What is the same last sound in all these words?

Cheerful, bold, good ...

Task 11.. Remember as more words as possible with sound [th].

Call words with sound [th] consisting

from one syllable (May, ..),

of two syllables (bunny, ...),

of three syllables (trolleybus, ...)

of the four syllables (Balalaika, ...).

Task 12.. Replace the third sound in words sound [th]. What words did it happen? Make up from each pair of word sentences:

Cup - Seagull, foot - ..., Lesk - ..., River - ..., Cap - ..., midge -...

Task 13.. Answer the question: what words will happen if you remove the sound [th]?

T-shirts - Maks, Reiki - ..., Likes - ..., Coyki \u200b\u200b- ...

Task 14.. Learn cleaningors:

Ay-ah - Soon May.

Ui-uy - wind, Duy.

Oh-oh-oh - take me with you.

Hey-hey hey - Water Pope.

Task 15. To learn the poem, and then reclaim it, clapping in the palm for each syllable.

What sound is often heard in the poem?


Iodine good, iodine is not angry.

In vain you shout: "Oh-oh-oh!" -

Slightly envy the flask.

Iodine, sometimes, of course, burns,

But heal faster

Iodine lubricated wound.

V. Lunin

3 admission 16. Make up sentence words. (Analysis of proposals, finding the pretext and words with sound [th], determining their place in the proposal, recording the proposal scheme.)

Bunny, sit, bush, under; Seagull, sea, fly, over; Tram, ride, city, software.

Task 17.. Acquaintance with the letter J.

Here is a brief, look.

Three needles, thread top.

V. Korshikov

What else looks like a letter?

Games with the letter. Differentiation of letters and - y.

Task 18. Independent sound-syllated analysis of words, letter with printed letters, reading words:

may, tea, kettle.

Transforming words with letters of split alphabet:

bunny - Mike - Nut - Shaka - Seagull.

Records for dictation, reading:

Who is here? Here Zina. Zina hare. Here is Dima. Dima T-shirt. Here is Sima. Syma seagull.

Topic: Agreement [th], Letter J. New Year's adventure with heroes of favorite fairy tales.

Objectives: acquaintance with the sound [th] denoting his letter y; Managing the skill of a clear pronunciation of sound [th]; development of phonderatic perception; learning the ability to highlight the sound [th] from a number of sounds, syllables, words; draw up proposals with a given word; learning to read the syllables by syllable tables and words with sound [th]; development of memory, attention, thinking; Education of discipline, skills work in the team.
Equipment: Sound houses; Pictures of words with sound [th] (Koschey Immortal, Emely, Snake Gorynych, Thumbelina, Lesy, Water); Cards with windows, to determine the place of sound in the word; Lanterns of red, blue, green with bells and without; colour pencils; Pictures of a snowman, Baba Yaga, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, Christmas toys with syllables and words with the letter. Allowance "Merry Train".
Travel course.
I. O.N.Z. Surprise moment.
- Hear, guys, someone sighs and calls us. Yes, this is our familiar snowman.
- What happened, a snowman?
- Oh oh oh! - Ah ah ah! Hey Hey hey!
Guys, a snowman is so scared that can no longer say anything. Who scared him so much?
- Oh oh oh! - Ah ah ah! Hey Hey hey!
Probably he wants to call the name of the fairytale hero, who scared him so much.
Let's listen again that he says, and we define what kind of sound is repeated more often than others.
- Oh oh oh! - Ah ah ah! Hey Hey hey!
II. Acquaintance with new sound.
Characteristics of sound [th] on articulation and acoustic features.
- That's right, this is the sound [th]. What is he?
Let's say this sound. Will it come to touch it? What prevents us from? (Barrier - the tongue wounds the back). What is the sound? (Consonant). Is it soft or solid? What do you want to do, squeeze the cams or stroke your palm? (soft). The sound [th] is always soft. Listen to your neck, ringing or deaf this sound? (voiced). The sound [th] - consonant, ringing, always soft.
III. Development of phonderatic perception.
- To find out the name of the fairytale hero that frightened our snowman, you need to learn how to determine the sound [th] among other sounds. What color is the magic flashlight we will light up when I heard the sound [th]? (green with bell)
1. Determining the sound [th] in a row of sounds.
And y y n y y p n y ...

2. Definition of sound [th] in a series of syllables.
Ai Oha Ma Ali Ayi ...
3. Determining the sound [th] in words.
- We learned the sound to determine the sound, now we can determine the name of the fabulous hero, which scared a snowman.
Cat in boots, giant, shrek, kimair, Baba Yaga.
- That's right, it is Baba Yaga.
IV. Work with new sound.
Determination of the sound of the sound [th] in the word.
- Baba Yaga hid Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. And will help us to find fabulous heroes, in the title of which there is sound [th]. In search of Grandpa Frost and Snow Maiden, they will go on our cheerful train. In the first carriage, those heroes will go, in the title of which the sound [th] stands at the beginning of the word, in the second - in the middle, in the third - in the end of the word. (Koschey Immortal, Emelya, Snake Gorynych, Thumbelina, Lesy, Water) All of them really want to meet New Year with us.
V. Acquaintance with the letter J.
- While our heroes are looking for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, we will prepare them invitation cards. The sound [th] we know, what do you need to know to write it? Letter J. The sounds we hear and pronounce, let's we write and read.
The book is called "and brief."
J, as in your notebook.
So that th not to be confused with and,
Top tick write.

Vi. Work with a new letter.
1. Allocation of the letter th in the text.
"Stress in the invitation card, all the letters y. What a pencil will emphasize the letter? (green)
New Year!
Koschey Immortal, Emelya, Snake Gorynych, Thumbelina, Lesy, Water Come to my kindergarten for New Year's holiday.
2. Reading the syllables with a new letter.
But Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden. They came to our holiday to us, they brought the Christmas tree.
To decorate the Christmas tree, you need to read syllables and words with a new letter.
Ay oh uyi mi my
VII. Fizminutka.
The Christmas tree was dressed up, and now we will play with it. The game of attention "Christmas trees is big and small."
- Let's show how big the Christmas trees are (hands raise up), and as small (lower hands down). (Children should show large and small Christmas trees, not paying attention to the fraudulent movements of the speech therapist, and listening to only his verbal instructions).
VIII. Fastening learned.
1. Expansion of the vocabulary stock.
"Change the word."
Fun on our holiday. Baba Yaga also asks us. I asked her Santa Claus to the task, but without us she could not cope. Let us help her. Need to
Change the word so that there is sound [th]: T-shirt - T-shirt, hare - bunny, bench - bench, grooves - sparrow, egg - egg, Lineshka - ruler, Solovushka - nightingale ...
2. Work with cleanlates.
"Read and board":
Oh - oh is my bunny
Ah - baked we looked
Ay - in the cage parrot
Oh - oh - we go home

3. Drawing up proposals.
What words with sound [th] heard? (bunny, loaf, parrot, home, mine)
Make up proposals with them.
IX. Outcome.
It's time for Santa Claus with fabulous heroes to return to her fairy tales. And the sound [th], with us in the city of sounds remains. Let's remember what kind of sound is it? (consonant, soft, ringing). Well done!

And again a heading for you Learn letters. How did you guess today we have consonted letter "Y". Why consonant? And say the sound. Well, how easy is the sound? Of course, the obstacles meet, prevents the tongue and teeth.

At the beginning of the word, this sound will meet you not so often, but in the middle and in the end of the word as much as you like. So start with, come up with words with the sound "th". Lay out or cut the letter.

I only offer you to help practical material: artistic word, games, species, riddles.

Letter "Y"

Merry poems

Iodine good, iodine is not angry.

In vain you shout: "Oh-oh-oh!" -

Slightly freezing with iodine flask.

Iodine sometimes, of course, burns

But heal faster

Iodine lubricated wound.

V. Lunin

Flies over a gate bird,

But it does not sit on the gate.

E. Tarlap

I have a needle and thread,

I study at my mother to sew.

If the finger is ukol

Iodine Rank I'll fill.

Oh-oh and ahhh

- Oh oh oh! Said Ohh. -

I, my friend, very big!

- You go, take a walk,

All will pass! - said Ayh.


Because comma

On her shoulders sits.

V. Kozhevnikov

Yoga Ivan would help

Yes, lives behind the sea yoga.


Digured forty

Returns from the lesson.

The whole lesson chatted with joy

And home returned with a twos.

Proverbs and sayings

1. Do not have a hundred rubles, and have a hundred friends.

2. Find new friends, but old do not lose.

3. Cold Do not be afraid. After my belt.


The game "Who more."

Come up with words with sound [th] at the beginning (iodine, yoga, yot), in the middle (T-shirt, watering can, snake), In the end of the word (May, tea, edge).

The game "Turning words."

Change the words so that they designate the request, the order, the urge to action: worth ( stone), washes ( my), builds ( stroy), sings
(sorry), decides ( decide), plays ( play), repeats ( repeat), swims ( flame), thinks ( think).

The game "Where Sound".

The teacher invites children to determine the position of the letter "y" in words: strong, jockey, washer, iodine, line.

Game "Find out the sound."

Slap your hands once if you hear the sound [th] in words: fox, husky, player, face, washbasin, nightingale, bus, trolleybus, scissors, machine, snake, name, tea.

Game "Board Lream".

The game is "curious."

- What's your name? (Andrew.)

- What do you like for breakfast? (Egg.)

- What kind of transport prefer? (Tram, trolleybus.)

- Where do you like to go on the weekend? (To the museum.)

- What do you pick up the water to pour flowers? (In watering can.)

- What fruit do you like? (Quince.)

- What drink do you like? (Tea.)

The game "Letter is lost."

Insert the missed letters in words:

sha - Ba, Hero -, Tram -, study - those.

The game "Turning words."

1. Insert the missed letters to words:

About T in E T: t-shirt, nut, bunny, husky, gut;

lake, Reika.

2. Change each word so that in it the letter "th".

Builder ( construction), pour ( watering can), hare ( bunny), reader ( read), winter ( winter).

The game "Entertaining Models".

Make words on the following models.

1. - - - (May, Lai, Tea, howl, fight.)

- - - - - - (T-shirt, T-shirt, Seagull, Coyek, Nut.)

2. - - ah (Edge)

- - - ah (Shed, deprive.)

- - - - ah (Custom, case.)

- - - to her (Museum, Lyceum, Jockey, Frame.)


Well, my dear, your practical advice replenished another letter, it Letter "Y".

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