Maxim Dorofeev LJ. Maxim Dorofeyev: The main principles of the Gedi technology of empty inbox

I went to the lecture and the training of Maxim Dorofeeyev about the organization of cases. Maxim told about irrationality in the work, about the correct formulation of the task, work with e-mail.

I read a lot about Maxim and his Jedic technique of empty Inbox, and here went to the seminar. The seminar was about everything immediately, but it turned out interesting. Longily, this is due to an exemplary organization lecture: slides, style, jokes, practice - all this was perfect. I go a lot to lectures and conference, but for the first time I received such pleasure from the organization. Going to the training was worth just for the sake of this feeling.

Led the summary of the seminar, the public. I warn you that this is just a summary for yourself, and not a detailed retelling.

  1. The rules do not guarantee us the result, and can only influence its likelihood.
  2. Most of us know very well how we must behave. The problem is not the lack of knowledge, but execution.
  3. In our head there is an ideal of Aristotelian man: every action of a person has a reason, aims to result. Nowarily, most of the time we are irrational, impulsive, act on the machine (overestimate your level of awareness). But we do not consider this behavior of the norm.
  4. Think - hurt.
  5. We all work on urgent matters. Well, why work on indispensable affairs until they become urgent?
  6. At the responsible person, Pendel comes from the inside, in irresponsible - from the leadership.
  7. Evaluating the task, we often put the buffer "just in case". It must be done in two days, we estimate the term per week. But we consider such a task indefinition. The completion date of the task turns into a date before which does not happen.
  8. When a person give a task for the task, he solves them easily in the allotted time. Give them all at once - she begins to invent planning and part does not have time.
  9. The phrase "expand priorities" sounds like "draw up a list of my only ass". When people arrange priorities, they choose between important and urgent. But in fact choose understandable.
  10. Memory works crookedly: short-term prevents thinking, in long-term badly burn.
  11. Human memory has no authentication. There is a psychological experiment when people showed their exclosed children's photos. Already in the third interview, people in detail remember the events in which they did not participate.
  12. To do more, you need to save mysteriously. To do this, you need to minimize "repeated thoughts" - to correctly formulate the tasks. You need to unload the work memory - transfer all the data to the computer. You still need to reduce external switching.
  13. Who weakly come to Ikea for batteries and buy batteries?
  14. There is even an application for a smartphone for meditation. People three thousand years somehow did without it.
  15. If you want to save at work with mail, handle letters with a bundle.
  16. Processing the letter means to highlight the semantic parts from it, to split. After reading, you must have tasks, meetings, new information.
  17. There are no correct and incorrect people. There are people whose picture of the world is different from yours.
  18. The correct wording of the task is as if you are telling a sequence of actions not a very smart maid. Only this maid is you yourself.
  19. A good task answers the question "What should I do?". It is important not to show off, but to write simple. Do not "deal with the annual report", and "Add a table to the last slide."
  20. "Build a house" is not a task, but a project. In the project "Build a house" a bunch of tasks: "Call Bank", "call a construction company".
  21. A good task contains a verb in initial formfailed.
  22. A good task sounds so that you can grab it at any time and do.
  23. The wording of a good task coincides with the first step that needs to be done for its execution.
  24. Useful task: "Mail for 15 minutes on the topic." It's just that you just think about the task, not climbing at once.
  25. Terms must be in projects, there are no time tasks.
  26. If you do not want to make a task, it is useful to think about what will happen if not to do it. Sometimes it becomes clear that you can and not do. Sometimes you want to take and do.
  27. If people come to you and distract, and this happens regularly - agree on regular meetings. Let the man sails the ideas and brings them as a list.
  28. No need to confuse multitasking and multidity. Read five books is simultaneously hard, it is multitasking. And read the book, charge the phone and build a house - you can.
  29. Method of a small magic fair. Take the task, look at it and think: what would I do if Fairy arrived and gave me only 20 minutes to perform this task?
  30. Generation of ideas and their assessment are two different processes.
  31. The company has calendar harassment: people themselves book time at meetings in the calendar of other people. It is useful to score yourself at work.
  32. A comprehensive assessment of the project is described by questions: What? What else? For what? Who and for what? How else?
  33. Often, choosing between "do well" and "do bad", we can actually only affect when the work is done through the ass. A huge reservoir projects cannot be done right away.
  34. Instead of "you in the ass" you need to say "you have a potential for growth."
  35. Enough to telee an adventure!

Blog Maxim Dorofeeva - One of the most popular blog blogs. Head of the Department of Development of IT Department in Kaspersky Lab at its lectures, it proves: it is not difficult to overcome procrastination. So, we present you valuable practical advice How to stop laying your life for later.
Few ability to perform a simple exercise. For example, to say: "I will answer you on Wednesday" and reply to Wednesday. 90% of all of our tasks are "almost made" and forever remain in this state. "It is very important to be able to feel the difference between doing and do", "says Maxim.

Signs of restless brain

Maxim often suggests that people need to use the technique of "nail-breed". But we will tell about it a little later. And now - about what is a "restless brain."
Let's imagine the situation. You are sitting at work, and you have a long thought process in your head: you are thinking over any task. But suddenly you comes SMS. There is a desire to immediately respond and answer. As a result, we get a bunch of unfinished affairs by the end of the working day. They say, I'm tired, disturbed, etc. The tasks were fulfilled only half or 90 percent. Or, for example, you are again engaged in performing any task. And a thought arises in my head: "Does not buy home milk". The brain immediately begins to look for options, and think what milk to buy, in which store. The result is disappointing: the working attitude is completely killed. Take a more serious and sad example. You go for a walk with your family and think about the appointed meeting, which is to be in the evening. Come to work and think about it again. But it makes no sense for the performance of serious tasks, it seems to you that you still do not have anyway. You postpone all the work for later. As a result, at the meeting you think about walking with your family because you understand that I was nahamilized my wife, I did not play with the child, etc. You came to that very important meeting, but you can not focus on the conversation: you are distracted by the thoughts about walking with your family. You go to bed, and suddenly you think an important thought comes. It seems that it is necessary to solve any problem right now. But you understand that it is time to sleep and that tomorrow it will be difficult to get up. The thought does not leave you until the dawn. As a result, you are not at all falling down and feel broken.

"Such situations are not rare for me. It happens, you sit at work, little tasks. Or there are tasks, but very small and minor. "Then I will do," you think. Only sat for the execution of an uninteresting, trivial task - the phone calls. The wife asks what to cook for dinner today. You leave the office, get distracted. Then they sit down again for the computer, but in the head of thought about the upcoming grilled meat and how rather I want to go home. You look at the clock - already 18:00, the working day is over. The task is not remained. You think I will come tomorrow morning and I will do everything right away. On the way home I remember that I forgot to fulfill a small assignment of the chief. Feel some strange whom in my soul. The mood below the plinth, also swear with his wife it is not clear because of what. You come the next day to the office, and you set new tasks that require urgent execution. And those small, which you postponed yesterday and remain unfinished. Such unpleasant situations happen to me very often, so the "restless brain" familiar to me as anyone else. Unpleasant this feeling, I advise everyone to carry out small and not difficult tasks, as soon as possible. ", - says the programmer Roman Alekseev.

Think whether it is worth it to postpone the solution of small tasks for later? Minor, it would seem tasks, accumulate and form a huge ball of problems. If you continue to live in such a rhythm, you just lose your health, quarrel with your home and you will constantly feel an infallible person.

About the features of the brain

"The brain for the working day thinks a maximum of 2-3 hours. And can save attention to a maximum of 30 minutes - quanta attention ", - He speaks Maxim Dorofeev. But sometimes the brain is in a state of "stream" when the quant of attention can be about 6 hours. If at this moment do not think about any other than work, the brain can begin to throw away the extra thoughts. You begin to want to drink tea or sit in the social network to relax and relax. But reading news and correspondence with friends even more strains your brain, so if you want to relax, just drink the water and try not to think about at least a couple of minutes.

"I don't know how to rest at work at all. When a free minute is issued, I immediately go to all social networks, I pour myself a coffee and try to make a bunch of things at the same time. At first it seems that the brain turns off and seems to be resting. Recently watched pictures of friends who returned from vacation. They were in Portugal, rode surfies. Here I suddenly realized that I also want to visit this country. And then my brain tells me: "Let's look at the tours in Portugal!" I looked, upset, began to look for other vacation options, although I don't even plan to leave. As a result, she was engaged in this unnecessary business about two hours and completely forgot about work. I wanted to distract, and in the end it turned out that it was loaded even more. Neither rest did not work, nor choose a place to relax. Two hours of life were spent perfectly wasted. He read Dorofeyev and realized that it was necessary to rest at a very different way. Now I will just look into the window and walk on the office during a small break "- Programmer shares his experience Igor Ilyukhin.

Maxim Dorofeyev assures: "Our most precious resource is energy". You can be able to perfectly dispose of your time and do everything to do everything on time, but at the same time feel tired and depressed.
You certainly familiarize the situation when you all have time at work, the boss praises you, but inside you feel broken and notch. Usually such an unpleasant state occurs when you work too much and the only thing you live is work and the desire to go to the career ladder. There is nothing wrong with that, but when a person lives only work and refuses himself in small joys of life, he begins to destroy himself from the inside. You think that now the moment when you need to show yourself to the maximum and show the boss how good you are. First, everything is really good, but then you just lose confidence and own power. Never forget about rest. No work, even the highest paid, is not worth thinking about her days and nights. Sometimes you need to arrange the "unloading" days, that is, completely free from work and any serious thoughts. Let's relax at least once a week. Prepare something delicious with your family, stay in nature, lie in the bathroom, sleep, finally. Learn to restore your strength and energy.

More recently, Maxim Dorofeev was a steep engineer, led the development department at the IT department in Kaspersky Lab and would laugh in the face of anyone who would say that he would soon be a personal effectiveness consultant.

Today Maxim advises first persons large companies. His mystery management system is increasingly recommended by each other pumped experts, for example, for example, also recommended. Or Tina Kandelaki, by the way. In general, Glory sank to Maxim imperceptibly.

Three characters live in our head

Man responsible for rational decision makingWith it, everything by name is clear, he is always trying to be logical and rational, thinks what will do everything according to plan.

Monkey aiming pleasure Thinks only to enjoy right now. For her, the most important thing is not to do anything complicated. There is, when I want to eat, sleep when I want to sleep, sit in the FB, when I want to sit in the FB. That is always.

AND panic monster - This is the fear of Deadline, the fear of losing a face because of the unfulfilled task, only he can drive a monkey from the steering wheel and return the control of the rational man.

The rational man is trying to manage the process, but he does it feel bad, because the monkey pulls out the steering wheel all the time. And just a panic monster can scare this monkey. Here such a zoo is going on in our head, when we sit, for example, in Facebook, instead of cooking an important report.

"In general, where did I go towards the monkey in my Jedi technology? From one simple allegation, which is a supposition in general, on what I base. It lies in the fact that most of the time most of people are impulsive, illogical, irrational and at the same time consider such behavior abnormal. Think to ourselves: "I came out again illogically, but all the rest are normal, logical, lucky to them, and I am some kind of fool in general." But it is not.

For example, I can sit choose a tariff for a mobile to save myself 50 or 100 rubles per month and at the same time sell a hundred thousandth project. And who can say that nothing like him happens to him?

Here we are. And we cannot do anything about it, we can only adapt to it. We will not become 100% rational people. We have a rational man at the helm is not so much time. For the most part, we are managed by this monkey. "

Key thoughts

    • Why David Allen no longer works and you need to make one list of cases, not a few.
    • How to completely clean your head with a 31 trigger.
    • What questions need to be asked to get out of a dead end and find a breakthrough idea for your project or business.
  • What 20 questions need to ask yourself every day and every week so that there is a full order in the affairs.

Pick the webinar Maxim Dorofeeva, which will help you master the equipment of empty inbox in 2 hours

And we prepared for you a free webinar Maxim Dorofeeva, which will help you master the equipment of empty inbox. Take, download and implement for 72 hours.

III Listen!

Names and names mentioned in the podcast

  • Tim Urban, Waitbutwhy Blog. Why am I always late


The book "18 minutes. How to raise concentration, stop distracted and make really important things »Peter Bregman - buy on Book 18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distractoin, and Get The Right Things Gone with fast shipping | 978-5-91657-893-5

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And here he is a free webinar Maxim Dorofeeva, who will help you to master the equipment of empty inbox. Take, download and implement for 72 hours.

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