Platonov “Flower on Earth. Summary of a literary reading lesson with the presentation “Flower on Earth” by A.P.

Lesson objectives: 1. To teach text analysis and division into semantic parts. To develop the ability to write a character description according to a plan based on the text. 2. Develop the skills of correct, expressive reading, competent oral speech of students, its enrichment through vocabulary work, and the ability to work with text. 3. Foster a sense of kindness and compassion, respect for older people, hard workers, and responsibility for another person. Definition of the concept of moral beauty of human life, filled with work, through analysis of the story.

Andrey Platonovich Klimentov Nickname: Andrey Platonovich Platonov

Literature: 1. Sample program for academic subjects. Elementary school at 2 o'clock. Ed., revised. – M.: Enlightenment, p. (Second generation standards). – ISBN Work programs “Literary reading” L.F. Klimanova, M.V. Boykin "School of Russia" grades 1-4. Manual for teachers of general education institutions. – M.: Education, Planned results of primary general education / [L.L. Alekseeva, S.V. Anashchenkova, M.Z. Biboletova and others]; edited by G.S. Kovaleva, O.B. Loginova. – 2nd ed. – M.: Enlightenment, – 120s (New Generation Standards). – ISBN Literary reading: textbook for 3rd grade. four-year beginning school At 2 p.m. Part 2/ [Comp. L.F. Klimanova and others]. – 6th ed. – M.: Education, – 223 pp.: (School of Russia) – ISBN – 9.

“The work “Yushka” by Platonov” - “Yushka”. Efim. Conquer evil with good. Yushka and a passerby. Yushka and adults. Platonov. Yushka and children. Good. Let's look in the dictionary. The secret of the name. Travel motive.

"Platonov's Return" - Demobilization of Captain Ivanov from the army. Development of action. Genre of the work -. A. and S. Tkachev “Life Again”. Exposition. Meeting with Masha. Andrey Platonovich Platonov (1899 – 1951). Climax. Story idea. The beginning of the action. Ivanov's moral insight (catharsis). "The Bared Heart" The decision to leave the family and return to Masha.

“Platonova Yushka” - Yushka and children. Life. And Platonov. B. Pasternak. Love to motherland. 7. “The girl doctor remained in our city.” The attitude of adults towards Yushka. 3. “I can’t die, and I’m helping your father in the forge.” Consider the culminating episode - Yushka’s meeting with a passerby. 4. “Every summer...he went on foot to a remote, remote village.”

“Platonov’s “Cow”” - What character trait of Vasya is emphasized in the description of his meeting. Why does the driver add money to buy a cow? Why did the cow die? Find a description of the cow. Shorten - here: stop or return, call back. The power of love in the story “Cow” by A.P. Platonov. What is the reason for the cow's grief?

“Writer Platonov” - War and post-war creativity. Platonov (Klimentov) Andrey Platonovich. In the thirties, Platonov's talent manifested itself with greatest force. Since the 1980s, the artist's vibrant identity has generated a huge wave of interest throughout the world. Sokurov's painting was not counted by the leadership of the institute (VGIK) as a diploma.

“Yushka Platonov” - Educators: To educate a spiritual and moral personality who knows how to compassion. Father - Platon Firsovich Klimentov - was a mechanic in railway workshops. Monument to A. Platonov Tombstone of A. Platonov in Voronezh. Mother is a housewife. In S. Ozhegov’s “Dictionary of the Russian Language” there are two meanings of the word torment: 1. To tear into pieces. 2. Torture morally.

There are a total of 38 presentations in the topic

Slide 1 Literary reading lesson in 3rd grade. Topic: “A. P. Latonov. "Flower on the ground." Prepared by: Andreeva Valentina Vasilievna Gymnasium No. 1798
Slide 2 Lesson topic by A. Platonov “Flower on Earth.”
Slide 3 Read an excerpt from A. Shibaev’s poem. A name is given to everything - Both the beast and the object. There are a lot of things around. But there are no nameless ones! And everything that the eye can see is Above us and below us, And everything that is in our memory is Signified by words. They are heard here and there, On the street and at home: One has long been familiar to us, The other is unfamiliar.
Slide 4 Answer our questions. - What would you call this poem? (The author calls it “Words, words, words.”) - How to understand the word “nameless”? (No names, no titles) - Read with speed; with slowdown; with sadness; angrily; funny; expressively.
Slide 528 August 1899 (1899-08-28) January 5, 1951 (1951-01-05) (51 years old) Andrei Platonovich Klimentov was born on August 28, according to the new style, 1899 in Voronezh (Yamskaya Sloboda). Father - Klimentov Platon Firsovich (1870-1952) worked as a locomotive driver and mechanic in Voronezh railway workshops. Mother - Lobochikhina Maria Vasilievna (1874/75 - 1928/29) - daughter of a watchmaker, housewife, mother of eleven (ten) children, Andrey - senior. Andrey, as the eldest, takes part in raising and, later, feeding all his brothers and sisters. Both parents are buried at the Chugunovskoye cemetery in Voronezh.
Slide 6Platonov died on January 5, 1951 in Moscow from tuberculosis, which he contracted while caring for his son who had been released from prison, who in turn already had his own child; Platonov managed to become a grandfather. He was buried in the Armenian cemetery. The writer left behind a daughter, Maria Platonova, who prepared her father’s books for publication. Memorial plaque on the building of the Literary Institute in Moscow (Tverskoy Boulevard, 25 Monument to Andrei Platonov in Voronezh
Slide 7 Guys, have you ever thought about the name of any objects? What about their purpose in life? Give examples. Today we will get acquainted with Platonov’s story “Flower on Earth.” How do you understand the title? What a story?
Slide 8 Vocabulary work tired tired today today eyes closed closed angry angry
Slide 9 Read syllable by syllable Pro-s-pa-et-sya Rav-no-show-no De-revyan-nogo Stingy-horse-ki-pu-ka-y-live Not-understood -li-vy
Slide 10 Read the story. Did you like the story? How? The author calls Afonya a kind grandson, what do you think?
Slide 11 Read the proverbs and sayings. Explain their meaning. Until the age of sixteen, the blood warms, until the age of seventy - a fur coat, and then I don’t know what. And old age is not scary if the young help. Youth flies like a bird, but old age crawls like a turtle. Don’t offend the little ones, respect the elders - you yourself will be held in high esteem.
Slide 12Work on the content of the text. Why did Afona become “bored of living in the world”? We talked about how Afonya treated his grandfather very well. Read passages about it. Read expressively the dialogue between Afonya and grandfather. What questions do you ask adults, what do you want to know? What amazing miracle did Afonya learn about from his grandfather? Read the episodes in which a grandfather talks about a flower to his little grandson. Explain how you understand the meaning of such words: “Grandfather... stroked his grandson’s head and looked at him as if he were a flower growing in the ground.” What was grandfather thinking?
Slide 13 Dividing the text into parts. Read the text and divide it into parts. Athos is bored with living in the world. Grandfather Titus. It's boring to live in the world again. I woke up briefly. On the stove next to my grandfather. Let's go for a walk. A flower is a worker, it works life out of death. A comb for grandfather.
Slide 14 Determine the main idea of ​​the story. (This flower is the hardest worker, it creates life out of death. People are plowmen, they help bread to grow. Labor makes life, creates it.)
Slide 15 Lesson summary. In today's lesson I learned...... In this lesson I would praise myself for...... After the lesson I wanted to........

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Text content of presentation slides:
April 2, 1805 Hans Christian Andersen was born in Denmark, in the small town of Odense. It was a country of forests, mountains, and water world. Odense street in Odense, where G.H. Andersen lived. He lived in the family of a washerwoman and a shoemaker. He heard his first fairy tales from his father. The boy remade the fairy tales in his own way, decorating them, and told them again in an unrecognizable form. Andersen was the only child in the family and, despite the poverty of his parents, he lived freely and carefree. The house where G.H. Andersen spent his childhood. He was never punished. He did only what he had always dreamed of. And he dreamed about everything that could come into his head. Hans had homemade toys and a cardboard puppet theater. He hid in a corner and composed and acted out plays for himself. He did a lot of things in his youth: he repaired shoes, was a singer, and went to a dance school. In 1819, when he was 14 years old, he went to Copenhagen to become an actor. But the theater management was attracted not by his acting talent, but by Andersen’s gift as a writer. In 1835 (at the age of 30) he published three collections of his works, “Fairy Tales Told for Children.” Gradually, fairy tales took a central place in his work. Then the most wonderful fairy tales come out: “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”, “The Nightingale”, “The Ugly Duckling”, “Thumbelina”, “The Swineherd”. In total, Andersen wrote 170 fairy tales. Here is a quiz on Andersen's fairy tales. Answer the questions! And we will find out how well you know Andersen's fairy tales. In 1819, having earned some money and bought his first boots, Hans Christian Andersen went to Copenhagen. Hans Christian decides to write a play. His works attracted the attention of the director of the capital's theater, thanks to whom Andersen received a royal scholarship and went to Slagelse in 1822. In Slagels, the seventeen-year-old writer was enrolled in the second grade of the Latin gymnasium. In 1826-1827, Andersen’s first poems (“Evening”, “The Dying Child”) were published, receiving positive reviews from critics. In 1828, Hans Christian Andersen entered the University of Copenhagen and upon graduation passed two exams for the title of Candidate of Philosophy. Copenhagen The heroine of Andersen's fairy tale, to whom a monument was erected in Copenhagen, has become a symbol of the capital of Denmark. Who is she? What fairy tale is the little mermaid from? Among the works of Hans Christian Andersen are novels, stories, plays, short stories, short stories, philosophical essays, essays, poems, and more than 400 fairy tales. Poems were set to music: romances were written by Schumann and Mendelssohn. In Russia, Andersen's fairy tales were first published in 1844 (“The Bronze Boar”), and in 1894-1895 the first collected works of Andersen were published in 4 volumes. Monument to Andersen in Copenhagen Monument to the Little Mermaid Monument to the Steadfast Tin Soldier Hans Christian Andersen lived his entire life as a bachelor. Two months before his death, the writer learned in one of the English newspapers that his fairy tales were among the most read throughout the world. Hans Christian Andersen died on August 4, 1875 in Copenhagen. August 4, 1875 Andersen's grave, Assistance cemetery. Copenhagen Tell me, who was the son of the old tin spoon? . What fairy tale are these lines from? “Your children are nice!” said the old duck with a red patch on its leg. “Everyone is very nice, except for one... He is very big, and kind of wonderful...” Who is this wonderful child, who later turned into a beautiful swan? What wonderful things did the swineherd prince make? Pot with a bell. When something was cooked in it, you could find out who was cooking in what kitchen. What was the name of the girl who was born from a wonderful flower that looked like a tulip? What fairy tale are these swans from? What were the names of the boy and girl from the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”? What fairy tale begins with these words? “A soldier walked along the road: one-two, one-two. A satchel behind his back, a saber at his side. He was walking home from the war. On the way he met an old witch.” Which of the heroes of Andersen's fairy tale gave up his home, his relatives, his grandmother and father, agreed to accept torment and even die for the sake of his beloved prince and find an immortal soul? Who helped Gerda from the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”? get to the royal palace? From which egg did this handsome guy hatch? “What is it?” the emperor was surprised. “A nightingale?” But I don’t know him! How? In my state and even in my own garden there lives such an amazing bird...” What fairy tale are these lines from? What fairy tale are these lines from? “How cold it was that evening! It was snowing and dusk was deepening. And the evening was the last of the year - New Year's Eve. In this cold and dark time, a little beggar girl walked through the streets with her head uncovered and barefoot.” One night, when Thumbelina was sleeping in her cradle, she climbed in through the open window. Who is she? Do you know the hero of this fairy tale?

Slide 2

Lesson objectives:

1. Teach text analysis, division into semantic parts. To develop the ability to write a character description according to a plan based on the text. 2. Develop the skills of correct, expressive reading, competent oral speech of students, its enrichment through vocabulary work, and the ability to work with text. 3. Foster a sense of kindness and compassion, respect for older people, hard workers, and responsibility for another person. Definition of the concept of moral beauty of human life, filled with work, through analysis of the story.

Slide 3

And old age is not scary if the young help.

Youth flies like a bird, but old age crawls like a turtle. Do not offend the little, respect the old - you yourself will be held in high esteem.

Slide 4


“Afonyushka is bored on someone else’s side.”

Slide 5

“Pick one berry at a time, you’ll get a box.”

Slide 6

Andrey Platonovich KlimentovPseudonym: Andrey PlatonovichPlatonov

  • Slide 7

    Slide 8

    Vocabulary work.

    close your eyes - ... thick veins - ... clock pendulum - ... Russian stove - ... angry - ...

    Slide 9

    This flower is the hardest worker, it works life out of death. People are plowmen, they help bread to grow. Labor makes life, creates it.

    Slide 10


    · On the stove next to my grandfather. · Athos is bored with living in the world. · Grandfather Titus. · Life in the world is boring again. · Let’s go “torture the white world.” · A flower is a worker, it works life out of death... · Woke up for a short time. · Comb for grandfather.

    Slide 11

    Athos is bored with living in the world. Grandfather Titus. It's boring to live in the world again. I woke up briefly. On the stove next to my grandfather. Let's go "torture the white world." A flower is a worker, it works life out of death... A comb for grandfather.

    Slide 12

    When a flower fades, it produces a seed. A grandson is a continuation of life. A person remains for generations in his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren.

    Slide 13

    For Platonov, the thought is especially dear: “That life is not a desire for pleasure, but a difficult and joyful matter, a matter to which one must devote all the strength of the mind and soul.”

    Slide 14

    Andrey Platonov was never bored. After all, it becomes boring when a person still does not know how to truly see people, nature, things, and even himself.

    Slide 15

    I would like A.P. Platonov to be remembered by you, because he was an extraordinary writer.

    Slide 16

    Monument to the writer Andrei Platonovich Platonov, a native of Voronezh

    Slide 17

    Thank you for attention!

    Slide 18


    1. Sample program for academic subjects. Elementary school at 2 o'clock. Part 1. -4th ed., revised. – M.: Education, 2010- 400 p. (Second generation standards). – ISBN 978-5-09-021952 - 5. 2. Work programs “Literary reading” L.F. Klimanova, M.V. Boykin "School of Russia" grades 1-4. Manual for teachers of general education institutions. – M.: Education, 2011. 3. Planned results of primary general education / [L.L. Alekseeva, S.V. Anashchenkova, M.Z. Biboletova and others]; edited by G.S. Kovaleva, O.B. Loginova. – 2nd ed. – M.: Education, 2010. – 120s (New generation standards). – ISBN 978-5 09-023809 - 0. 4. Literary reading: textbook for 3rd grade. four-year beginning school At 2 p.m. Part 2/ [Comp. L.F. Klimanova and others]. – 6th ed. – M.: Education, 2010. – 223 pp.: (School of Russia) – ISBN 978-5-09-024292 – 9.

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