Rare space icons. Series "Soviet Studies of Space" Part 1

Part 1. Attempt to systematization

Instead of epigraph, I will give a description of the series from the Ilyinsky-Kuzina-Succa catalog.

Each icon is the right pentagon with a side of 20 mm. In his center, a circle of 23 mm with a diameter of 23 mm, which depicts various stages of space research and the inscription. On the back of the icon designated a month and year of events. The exception is the title sign of the series - it carries only the inscription in three lines.

The series made the Mytishchi plant of experienced and souvenir products in 1973 in two versions: anodized and copper aluminum. Image of details embossed, pin mount.
<описание сюжетов 11-ти значков с номерами XVI.39 – XVI.49>

In early 1974, the release of this series with a new capital icon was continued.
<описание еще 12-ти значков с номерами XVI.50 – XVI.61>

Instead of preface

In total, there are 23 icons in the series, two of which are capital.

The full list of other icons of the series is given at the end of the article.

The series icons have undergone numerous repeated releases and flooded the "pore" market. They were sold, as a rule, sets on the cardboard - the title in the center, and five more are attached around. The cartons themselves were either sealed in a plastic bag, or placed in a plastic box.

The composition of the sets varied. Speaking in modern language, a successful marketing move - the buyer needs only one icon, and forced five more in addition. I remember the prices, whether, 70 kopecks and 1 ruble 5 kopecks, respectively.

Only once, I saw these scratch icons, a copper version, in the Soyuz-Protection Moscow Kiosk showcase in August 1973. The kiosk was not yet open, so I did not bought the icons, you then regretted a lot of years. Copper icons occur much less often anodized. As for the sets, I acquired them in the period from 1974 to 1982, and almost all departures to Moscow, in the department of Huma icons. Of course, my personal consumer experience is far from an indicator, but it can distort validity only towards the accuracy of the "disaster scale", that is, an incredible number of icons released.


As we know, in 1973 the first part of the series was released, in 1974 - the second. There was a change mark between these events in the Mytishchinsky factory. I conventionally named the old stamp letter "M", the new - "subcovery".

Naturally, in the first releases, the first part icons had a stigma "M", the icons of the second part - the stamp "Horseshoe".

But in repeated releases since 1974, all the icons of the series was affixed by the "Horseshoe".

Numerous repeated releases spawned many species, flats and other related phenomena, and about this conversation ahead, but one aspect is of particular importance.

Golden icons

The first thing that rushes into the eye, the presence of icons with differences in the degree of anodization - from light to a pronounced golden color. I do not know what is due to golden color. It is unlikely that the result of technological deviations is most likely another technology. Perhaps another chemical composition of the coating. And perhaps a method - current or ultrasound, for example. You can guess as much as you like, but in any case, at least for the psychological health of the collector (save from the torment of choice, which of the two anodized icons to leave, what a duplicate) I consider it right to allocate a golden coating in a separate option.

Thus, evaporate

Three coating options

To illustrate these options, I use the first in order, not counting the title, the icons of each part. According to the catalog numbering it is XVI.40 and XVI.51.



In my experience only golden coating are inherent in all re-release of icons.. The question remains open, was the golden coating in the first releases? The presence of a golden embodiment with the stigma "M" does not contradict such an assumption, at the same time, the use of old stamps in early repeated issues is not excluded.

In any case, in this place we bring an intermediate trait and introduce the term

Classic options

To them, I relate to the above options, highlighting the main distinctive features:

  • three coating options;
  • the smooth surface of the reverse with a rounded concavity in the center;
  • trademark over a pin;
  • price under the pin.

Late repeated releases

In these versions, in addition to the "Horseshoe" stamp, three main distinguishing features can be distinguished:

  • golden coating;
  • the grainy surface of the reverse;
  • lack of price.

But valences of varieties are given the opportunity to expand the classification by additional signs of the revolutions submitted below.

For convenience, I assign general number 4 for convenience, and the examples show only reverses without specifying specific icons.

It should be noted that only common varieties are given, and along with them there are separate deviations, for example:

Capital icons also occupy a separate location, having a flat reverse and varieties only by the location of the stamp.

To be continued

Yuri Volobuev (WOL)


List of icons series

Catalog number Inscription on obverse Inscription on reverse.
XVI.40 Luna-3. october 1959.
XVI.41 Satellite of the Space Series march 1962.
XVI.42 Mars-1 november 1962.
XVI.43 Lightning-1. april 1965.
XVI.44 Proton Station july 1965.
XVI.45 Luna-9. january 1966.
XVI.46 Satellite Moon march 1966.
XVI.47 Venus-5. january 1969.
XVI.48 Luna-16. september 1970.
XVI.49 Lunohod-1. november 1970.
XVI.50 Soviet studies of space
XVI.51 First Artificial Satellite of Earth october 1957.
XVI.52. Second artificial satellite november 1957.
XVI.53. Third Artificial Satellite of Earth may 1958.
XVI.54. East-1 april 1961.
XVI.55 Spacewalk march 1965.
XVI.56. Spaceship "Soyuz" april 1967.
XVI.57 Cosmos 186-188. october 1967.
XVI.58. Zond-5. Zond-6 september 1968 November
XVI.59. Union-4 Soyuz-5 january 1969.
XVI.60 Mars-2 may 1971.
XVI.61 Mars-3 descent may 1971.

Everyone knows that the USSR is the first country that rushes a person into space. It is not surprising that in the award system of the Russian Federation and the USSR, a large niche is assigned to cosmonauts for medals. However, in this section you will see exclusively space icons, among which nevertheless there are awards that are not inferior to the popularity of the medal for the development of space.

Did you know that the Russian Falaistov Community considers a collection of space icons most popular among all reward topics? All this thanks to the fact that during the existence of the USSR, these honors paid special attention. As a result, so many awards were established that the opinion of Fallistov regarding the attribution of certain signs to cosmic subjects was divided.

There are adherents of "pure space", which believe that the segment of these awards should not include signs issued in honor of the celestial bodies, spacecraft or missiles. Their supporters believe that everything that relates to space should be in the collection of space icons. We are adherents of the second approach, so we can find signs with the attributes of first satellites or rockets. Moreover, we have international icons in honor of the first person on the moon, as well as in honor of the soft landing on the Earth satellite. We, as an online store, consider our duty to convey to our descendants the entire history of the country.

Despite the fact that the first flight in space was performed on April 12, 1961, a sign that opens a niche awards to astronauts, was established back in 1957. It was this year that the first space satellite was launched. In addition, the party leaders of that time decided to submit scientists, excreted by success in the development of a new niche of science, the medals of the Name of Tsiolkovsky.

If you consider the 20th century from the point of view of the breakthrough of mankind to the stars, then each sign of space can be considered a symbol of a new page in the history of the planet Earth. Such signs of honor were a reflection of the desire of mankind to new altitudes and a happy future and were awarded those who achieved success on the Niva space of space. It is for this reason that the Space Space Icons are almost in almost every collection of phallovers of modern Russia.

Award-winning cosmonautovostowed servicemen, civilians, scientists and researchers in the sphere of science on space, public figures or veterans of the Cosmonautics of the USSR. The price of the icon depends on how small the circulation it was released. The rare signs of the differences of VKS are sold more expensive than those who were awarded a large number of people.

More than half of all boys and young men, who studied in the Soviet Union, dreamed of becoming a cosmonaut. So, this section of the Awards "Voalmag" is dedicated to those who managed to implement a children's dream.

What Space icons can be bought in Military Military

In the catalog of icons, space of our online store you can find a large number of ICS icons as government and established by public organizations.

Many of you are probably known that in Russia since 2001, the Space Forces existed for ten years. Incoming before that, the structure of RVSN, the decision to allocate these troops into a separate species was due to the increase in the role of "star" tasks in the welfare of the country as a whole.

However, in 2011, this genus of the troops was disbanded and became part of the ABC (cosmic defense troops), and four years later it was decided to return everything into place. So in the Russian Federation again appeared space troops. This time, not as a separate unit, but as part of the VKS (aerospace forces). By the way, the ICS icon with a collet fastening is available in free access in our directory, you can buy for funny money. Do not miss this opportunity.

It is impossible to overestimate the contribution of the cosmic troops into today's well-being. After all, they are responsible for neutralizing threats from space. This is not about the invasion of aliens, but about satellites of other countries and nuclear attacks. Moreover, this kind of troops is responsible for the development and launch of new missiles into space, both military and civilian purposes. In addition, military personnel as part of space troops support satellites, as well as tools for their launch and control in combat readiness.

If you wish to mention the work of a military employee who close to you in the composition of the Space Forces of Russia, we are pleased to offer you signs for the merit of the VKS. You are also entitled to stop your choice on the "Excellent Space Forces" icon, which is sold at an amazingly low cost in our online store.

If we talk about the era of the USSR, the first part of the cosmic destination (which were later transformed into the RVSH) formed in 1955. In that year, the decision was made to build a landfill for research work in the field of space exploration. Later, this polygon was named Baikonur. In honor of this "Star" town, a memorial sign is produced every anniversary anniversary. All of them you can buy in Voentorga "Voireag". We are talking about Baikonur icons for 40 years, 45 years, 50 years, 55 years. We have a whole series of awards in honor of this legendary "Star" Place. There is a simple metallic icon on this subject with a rocket against a blue globe.

Three years later, after the launch of the Baikonur project, the Soviet government announced its intentions to build another polygon - this time to start the ballistic missiles of intercontinental destination. We are talking about the world famous cosmodrome Plesetsk. Unfortunately, the icon was not released in honor of this cosmodrome. But we have a medal for those who served on the famous polygon.

It is not worth reminding the first launch of a person into space - Yuri Gagarin on the East spacecraft - this date crashed into memory not only of all of our compatriots, but also by most foreign citizens. In honor of this event, followed by the entire Planet, the jubilee space icon on Pims was released, dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the flight of Yuri Alekseevich. On this event, our managers can recommend buyers a number of icons. For example, a memorial sign "East 1961", or the Icon of Yuri Gagarin. Falling the pages of our catalog, you will find a lot of awards in honor of the first person who visited space.

From school, we all know that the first people saw two dogs - squirrel and arrow. Here you can order the space icon in honor of their prosperous return to Earth.

The current VKS as they were created in 1992. In direct submission to this family of troops were given to the cosmodrome Plesetsk, Golitsyno-2, free and legendary Baikonur.

In our catalog, the signs of the vocabulary of the USSR and Russia are presented - from the first to the third. All icons are released at prices not exceeding 300 rubles.

When the day of space troops is celebrated

In 2002, the President of the Russian Federation adopted a decree on the celebration of the Day of Space Forces on October 4. Why exactly this date? Because in 1957, it was on October 4, the first artificial satellite of the Earth was launched, which was opened by Russia the door to the world of military and civil cosmonautics.

By the way, we are pleased to offer our customers an icon released in honor of the first satellite of the USSR. In the circle of this icon, the date of its launch is indicated.

What emblems of space troops exist in Russia

In the same 2002, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation ordered the creation of special heraldic signs symbolizing the space troops. In the people, this attribute was called simply - space icons. A small, medium and large emblem of space troops was developed.

  • A silver rocket is captured in the form of a triangle against the background of our planet in the shape of a ball separated by strips of the Russian tricolor horizontally. It symbolizes the significance of the achievements of our power from the point of view of world cosmonautics. From above, two equivalent triangles depict antennas, with which the cosmic troops monitor intergalactic space.
  • On the second - depicted a golden double-headed eagle with the arrows of Perun (pagan god) in the right paw, and a silver rod to another. The arrows are directed down and this means that space troops can at any time reflect the attack from other states, as they are all visible as on the palm. Upstairs captured a rocket with antenna. The eagle's chest is decorated with a red shield with a rider who came in a fight with a dragon.
  • On the third emblem (differently, on the coat of arms), a small, first emblem, which is enclosed in a dark blue heraldic shield. The latter is framed by a wreath, at the top of which - the emblem of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. This wreath symbolizes the courage and the courage of the fighters of the cosmic front.

What makes space icons presented in the "military"

Our hypermarket collaborates with the manufacturers of medals and badges that have long proven themselves in the market. All lots are made of high-doping brass. Paints on space icons are applied by organic enamel of hot coating technique. This technique is successfully applied in the industry for several decades. It allows you to achieve the perfect quality of products thanks to a reliable clutch of paint with a blank.

Our buyers for all 100 percent can be confident that they order high-quality products that will serve them for a long time. All engraved details are applied by our manufacturers using high accuracy engraving machine. All, even the smallest details, are polished to shine. There is no defect on any medal or the icon, because all the finished products carefully inspect all the sides.

Cosmos icons to buy in the "military" can always be!

To do this, you just need to make an online application or leave us a request for a callback (button "buy in one click"). Our consultants will quickly contact you at the telephone you left and verbally take an order.

If you urgently need the USSR icons. Cosmos - buy in Moscow these rare signs of honor is easier than simple. You just need to call us and we will send you the courier for the next day (valid only for residents of Moscow and the near Moscow region). Order Space Space Icons in "Voarag" - the price is the lowest on the Internet!

Interested space Icons? Want to choose decent copies for an adored collection or put on sale available? Always happy to help the Internet auction of Colon.ru - all the tasks are solved as simple as possible, profitable and even without leaving the house! There are many valuable in our catalog, for example, rare icons of the USSR or sports icons, etc.

Space phallestic in the USSR

There is an opinion that contemporaries slowly comprehend events, being their witnesses, and time is required to assess certain events. Meanwhile, the Space Era, which began in the fall of 1957, the contemporaries immediately appreciated. Almost every flight of satellites, as well as the "Sunrise" and East ships, was accompanied by postcard issues, postage stamps, table medals. Of course, the USSR produced and icons on the subject of space.

They rushed in the footsteps of the Space Odysseas and collectors, the rapid assembly of the new theme, which quickly took one of the leading places. Over the past years, over one thousand names were released on the space theme. Many adherents of an exciting topic include all products on which there are mentions or images of any "space" details: orbits, missiles, celestial bodies, etc. In everyday life there is a term "cosmic symbolism". It distinguishes "pure space", and there are Soviet icons with portraits of cosmonauts, launch dates, images of concrete satellites, wells, ships.

Stamped things with a small buttons in size. Very often, Soviet fashionmen and fashionmen, they even replaced jewelry. As materials for the manufacture of most products served:

  • wood
  • alloys and metals (brass, bronze, stainless steel, aluminum, duralumin)
  • glass
  • self-color stones
  • different types of plastics
  • enamel, varnishes.

Special interest icons on the topic of space, the price for which today is the most different, represent depicting portrait V. V. Tereshkova called "Hero of the Soviet Union. Tereshkova V. V. Petchik-cosmonaut of the USSR ", as well as images of spacecraft" Vostok-3 "," Mars-2. Mars-3 "," East-12 "," Sunrise-2. March 18, 65, "Luna", "The first space Soviet devices. Proton-1965, "Luna-10.1966", "Salute-6", "Soyuz-39". In addition, an instance dedicated to the international space flight is noteworthy - it is called "USSR-MNR. March 22-30, 1981.

You can buy icons on the topic of space today at a very different price - both inexpensive and at high cost. The price, as a rule, consists of many components, among which the circulation, preservation, the presence of engraving, and the like. According to the price scale, they are customary to divide into several groups:

  • very mass issues (over 10 thousand copies) that have a simple performance
  • mass series, but differ
  • rare products, but minor informative
  • rare belts with an interesting history and design, with documents
  • rare, having significant sample samples with complex design
  • exclusive options.

If it is generally about the cost, then aluminum products, released after 1960, indicating prices for them, are little appreciated. All things until 1960 (conditionally) are of particular interest, especially if the circulation does not exceed one million copies. When evaluating, perfect safety is very important.

We wish profitable shopping and sales!

On January 15, 2015, at 18-00, an exhibition of Nizhny Novgorod Falist Vladimir Viktorovich Zharinov "Space Era - Icons and Signs" opened in the House of Scientists.
Photo 1 - exhibition in the lobby of the house of scientists VNIIEF

Formally, the exhibition is devoted to the 60th anniversary of the Baikonur cosmodrome, but actually illuminates the entire history of space development from the beginning of the space era (1957) and manned cosmonautics (1961) before the celebration of the Jubilee Baikonur (2015). Olga Olga Olga Olga Olga Ostapeseva opened the exhibition - one of the main organizers of this extraordinary event. She presented the Nizhny Novgorod collector to a few participants - Sarov Fallistam and Filatelists, presented a bouquet of flowers by V. Zharinov.

Photo 2 - Olga Alexandrovna Ostapsyva opens the exhibition

Vladimir Viktorovich himself is a very interesting person! The colonel of the KGB retired he looked half a major. He was investigating the tragic explosion in Arzamas on June 4, 1988. Today, he is the executive director of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Public Foundation "Cosmonautics".

Photo 3 - V. V. Zharinov in her apartment (Collage Natalia Tankina)

Photo 4 - V. V. Zharinov in their workshop (photo: Natalia Plakina)

Even before the official opening of the exhibition Vladimir Viktorovich, our journalists and televisers and televisers were taken.

Photo 5 - V. V. Zharinov listens to questions

Photo 6 - and answers them

Photo 7 - Interview Channel 16, in the foreground Dina Pavlova

Vladimir Viktorovich loves to tell how he began collecting space badges. Being a 8-year-old boy, he learned from the "Pioneer truth" that on October 4, 1957, our country launched the first satellite in the world, and that it would be possible to observe in the night sky. And, of course, thousands of boys of the USSR as he saw the first satellite! But not everyone wrote about it in the "Pioneer Truth", and Volodya wrote! And received a gift from the newspaper the most valuable icon "For participation in observations"!

Photo 8 - Icon "For participation in observations" (1957)

Photo 9 - Rolver side of the Icon "For Participation in Observations"

With the pride of Volodya, this sign was carried not one month, and so faded that it began to collect all the badges dedicated to the development of space in the USSR! Vladimir Viktorovich demonstrated a box of pocket to journalists with the first badges dedicated to Yu. A. Gagarin (1961).

Photo 10 - the first icons of the USSR, dedicated to Yu. A. Gagarin

Especially valuable first fully metallic icon with hot enamel.

Photo 11 - First Metal Sign with Gagarin

And round badges with the photo of the first Soviet cosmonauts were sold in Sarov (Arzamas - 75), in the store "Landysh" on the avenue of the world, starting from 1961, 11 kopecks. The first detachment of the cosmonauts of the USSR could be easily assembled if desired on the icons of this type.

Photo 12 - The first icon of the famous series of the first cosmonauts

After opening and numerous questions, Sarov collectors were photographed with V. V. Zharinov.

Photo 13 - Participants in the opening of the exhibition and collectors of Sarov

with V. V. Zharinov (he second left with flowers)

Now, in more detail about the exhibition itself. The exhibition is located on 10 standard exhibition stands from the Museum of the Yao Rfyz-VNIIEF.

Photo 14 - Exhibition Stand "Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin"

Photo 15 - Exhibition Stand "50 years old Flight of a person in space"

Photo 16 - Exhibition Stand "Baikonur" and "Star"

On the stands are 46 glazed frames of horizontal tablets in the size of 470x370 kV. MM (4 - 6 pieces on each stand). On each tablet to one hundred icons, signs or medals from the 13-thousand collection of the author. That is, is exhibited, about the third part of the collection (about 4 thousand pieces). Each tablet is dedicated to a separate topic or, if the topic is large, it takes several tablets (for example, "Flight Yu. A. Gagarin").

Photo 17 - Tablet "First Artificial Satellite of Earth - OUR"

Photo 18 - first badges dedicated to the first satellite

Photo 19 - Tablet "First Flight of a Man in Cosmos"

Photo 20 - Tablet "Hero Yu. A. Gagarin"

Photo 21 - Tablet "Y. Gagarin - 50 years of the first flight of a person in space "

Photo 22 - Tablet "Baikonur - the main cosmodrome of the country - 60 years old"!

Photo 23 - Tablet "Space Complex" Energy - Buran "» »

In addition to the tablets with icons there are 4 tablets of "design elements" (for example, a portrait of Gagarin from the cover of Ogonosk magazine in April 1971)

Photo 24 - Vertical tablet 270x370 square meters. MM with the cover of the April Road number 1971

Each tablet has rare, and even unique signs!

Photo 25 - Sign "Department of the FSB of Russia in the Center for Cosmonaut's Training. Yu. A. Gagarin "

Photo 26 - Sign "Air Force Academy. Yu. A. Gagarin "

Photo 27 - Sign "For Merit" Center for the training of astronauts. Yu. A. Gagarin

Photo 28 - Sign "Gagarin ROVD"

Photo 29 - One of the options for the CPRF Zyuganov medal to the 50th anniversary of the first flight to space

Photo 30 - sign "From Soviet Cosmos Conquerors"

Vladimir Viktorikovich claims that foreign icons dedicated to space he does not collect! "Import", even dedicated to Soviet cosmonautics, he does not take due to the "impetusion of the topic"! However, we managed to see on the tablet "Buran" right in the center - a purely American icon - the ship reusable "Challenger"!

And here are interesting signs dedicated to Baikonuri!

Photo 32 - one of the first Baikonurovsky icons

Photo 33 - sign "Honorary Builder Baikonur"

Photo 34 - sign "1 measuring point" 50 years -1955-2005

Photo 35 - Icon "55 years Baikonur" 1955 - 2010

Photo 36 - Baikonur sign - Cosmoport XXI century »

In a word, the meeting presented in Sarov is unique in Sarov. The exhibition will act in the foyer Du until the end of January! Hurry to watch the cosmic pharmalist of our country, starting from the first copies of Soviet icons! You will be pleasantly surprised and amazed.

And the owner of the collection V. V. Zharinov we say many thanks and wish to find and acquire more than 4 thousand space icons that I have only in the photos, and, most importantly, to carry out a cherished dream, publish a color catalog on Space Falleting of the USSR and Russia from 1957 until 2015!

Alexey Demidov - SNS IFM RFYC-VNIIEF,

collector icons with 45 years old

sarov, January 2015

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