Conservatory and music universities so that. Musical universities of Russia

This section contains information on theatrical, circus, musical state universities Moscow.

The host country's university training specialists from film, video, television and other screen arts according to higher, medium and additional education programs. VGIK is the only domestic state-owned film school, which has a training film studio with a full technological cycle for the production of film and video.

Higher Theater School (Institute). M.S. Shchepkin at the State Academic Small Theater of Russia is the oldest Theater School of Moscow. The history of its creation dates back to Moscow Imperial Theater School, officially established by Emperor Alexander I December 28, 1809. Today I will visit them. M.S. Schepkin One of the leading theatrical universities of Russia is a school of Russian scenic realism. Small theater and his school - national heritage of Russia.

State Music Pedagogical Institute named after MM Ippolitov-Ivanova is one of the leading professional music educational institutions of the country, which determine the high level of Russian executive culture, along with the Moscow and St. Petersburg Conservatory, the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesinic.

The State Specialized Institute of Arts is the only educational institution in the world, which gives the opportunity to people with disabilities to obtain a full-fledged higher education in the field of art - Music, theater, painting.

Moscow Conservatory is the only higher educational institution in its class, preparing the highest level specialists. It is unique with its pedagogical, artistic, educational, scientific achievements. Here you will receive all academic musical specialties.

As part of the Institute - Institute of Music (University), Children's Music School named after Yu.A. Shaporin and Music College. Currently, work is underway to create new structures focused on postgraduate vocational education and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of music.

One of the oldest and famous music universities of the country. From our academy there was a lot of high-profile names of the world-class - Z. Dolukhanova, E. Svetlanov, M.Tariverdiev, V.Pedseyev, T.Kokashser, L.zykin, K.Ivanov, E. Kisin, Yu.Casakov, I. Kobzon, N.Nekrasov, A.Rudin, V. Dashkevich, D.Tukhmanov and many others, a number of famous choirs, orchestras, ensembles - such as the Moscow State Chamber Choir under the control of V. Minin, folklore ensemble under the direction of D.Pokrovsky and others .

Gityis is one of the most famous and famous theatrical universities of Russia. The prestige of guitis was out of the names of famous actors, known to the whole country, which graduated from our university. The classical, well-known school of Russian theatrical arts is presented today in our walls. Education received at our university is a guarantee of high mastery in his profession. Higher theatrical educational institution.

Boris Shchukina Theater Institute - Institute with a big history and one of the leading theatrical universities of the country preparing actors and directories. Our graduates work in the most prestigious theaters of Russia.

Our graduates will be best for our graduates - the recognized masters of the Russian Theater and Cinema - Lev Durov, Leonid Armored, Oleg Basilashvili and Mikhail Kozakov, Valentin Gaft and the tragic deceiving on the shooting of Yevgeny Urbansky, Oleg Tabakov, Tatyana Doronina, Dmitry Barnynikin, Anastasia Voznesenskaya, Owned Davydov, Natalia Egorova, Vyacheslav Zholobov, Evgeny Kindinov, Sergey Kolesnikov, and Raisa Maksimova, Irina Miroshnichenko, Andrey Soft, Vyacheslav Innocent, Viktor Sergachev and many-many others.

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Mise in theory and in practice. The first conservatory appeared in Italy in the middle of the XVI century. Initially, educational institutions were preparing singers for church choirs and only a century later became the highest level of musical education for composers, performers and musicologists.

St. Petersburg Conservatory. ON THE. Roman Corsakov. The oldest in Russia. Opened in 1862 on the basis of the musical classes of the Russian music society formed at the initiative of Pianist, composer and conductor Anton Rubinstein. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov devoted to an educational institution for almost 40 years. The composer became the author of the first training programs on harmony and the theory of composition. The first gold medalist in the class of composition was Peter Tchaikovsky, whose name wears the Moscow Conservatory.

Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky, although younger than St. Petersburg for four years, but is connected with her blood bonds. Idea inspirer and first-director - Nikolay Rubinstein, Brother of the famous pianist. And among the first teachers - Peter Tchaikovsky. One of the most famous creative universities of the world brings together an educational institution, a scientific center, a library, a museum and a concert organization with numerous teams. In 2000, the Conservatory received Mozart Medal from UNESCO for his contribution to the global musical culture.

Saratov State Conservatory. L.V. Sobinov is the first music educational institution in the Russian province, openly in 1912. In the center of Saratov, under the arches of the gothic building of the beginning of the twentieth century, not only prepare professional musicians, but also perform one of the main tasks of the conservatory - care about musical enlightenment. In the city that a day is a concert of classical music. Every year about 300 concerts are held in the halls of the Conservatory: from the professorship-teaching to the speeches of creative teams - they are ten in an educational institution.

Novosibirsk State Conservatory. M.I. Glinka. The only conservatory outside the European part of Russia and the first in Siberia celebrates the 60th anniversary this year. Music history keeps the museum. Six thousand exhibits - rare posters and photos, publications and manuscripts, chronicles of festivals. Funds are replenished and due to musical and ethnographic expeditions. Simultaneously with the opening of the conservatory, work began to study the traditions of the indigenous and resettled peoples of Siberia and the Far East.

Russian Academy of Music. Gnesinic. From a small private school - to the whole musical conglomerate with the initial level of the highest level of education. History of Gnesinka has 120 years. Pupils can pass the whole big musical path: to get acquainted with the basic skills, become a professional and, finally, an artistic personality. The institute was established in 1944. Among the famous graduates - composers Aram Khachaturian, Mikael Tariverdiev, Conductor Vladimir Fedoseev, Opera singer Lyubov Kazarnovskaya, Pianist Evgeny Kisin.

Kazan State Conservatory. N.G. Zhiganov - Rowers of Victory. Higher Music Educational Institution was created in 1945 for residents of the Middle Volga region and the Survival. 70 years later, students are studying not only from Russia, but also China, Japan, USA, in the walls of four buildings. Seven thousand graduates of musicians scattered around the world. Many names became loud: Oleg Lundstrem, Sophia Gubaidulin, Renat Ibrahimov. The conservatory is proud of the music library - the largest in the region. Funds contain 420 thousand books and musical collections, audio and video recordings.

Petrozavodsk State Conservatory. A.K. Glazunov. Initially, the branch of the St. Petersburg Conservatory, since 1991 - an independent music university. Today, the conservatory entrenched the status of the Concert-Executive and Research Center in Karelia and all European North. Since 1994, the first music department of Finno-Ugric peoples in Russia has been operating in the school, whose specialists preserve the traditions of the ethnos and provide frames and all of Karelia, and other ethnically related regions of the country.

The opening of the history of the higher educational institution was the opening of the People's Musical School No. 4. In 1923, she was assigned the name of Ippolitov-Ivanov - the rector of the Moscow Conservatory, which helped the development of the school. In the 20s, a division of school and a school occurred, and in 1961, at the school, the first part of the Department of People's singing was opened in the USSR. Thirty years ago, an educational institution received the status of a university. Among the famous Ippolitsev, Lyudmila Zykina, Ekaterina Shavrina and Alla Pugacheva.

Institutional history originates from the opening of the People's Musical School No. 1. The status with time changed from the music college to the university. He studied here, and then taught Alfred Schitke. In 1999, the institute was assigned the name of an outstanding composer. At the university, there is a Schnitke Center and the only Museum of Alfred Harrievich. Among the exhibits are notes, musical literature, video and audio recordings, archive of articles, films with composer music.

Academy of choral art. V.S. Popova. Father-founder of the Great Children of All-Union Radio and Central Television Victor Popov in 1991 created the Academy of Choral Art - on the basis of the Moscow Choir School. A.V. Swashnikova. The pride of the educational institution is a consolidated chorus consisting of seven teams. Especially for the Choir of the boys in the early 1950s, Sergey Prokofiev was written by the oratorio "on guard of the world" and Dmitry Shostakovich - Cantata "Over the birthplace of our sun shines." Today, graduates of the Academy, including Dmitry Korchak, Vasily Ladyuk, Sergey Romanovsky, perform on the best concert venues in the world.

In the nearby past in Moscow there were only two universities who were preparing professional musicians. Today, future singers, instrumentalists and conductors a choice appeared.

Music faculties opened in several state and non-state universities, and in addition, the status of higher educational institutions received some musical schools.

In the preparation of musicians, system education is played with an important role: music school, school, university, graduate school. In the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins (Ram them. Gnesinic) and Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky has all these educational steps, in (GMPI) - college, university and graduate school, in (MGIM) - everything except graduate school. State Classical Academy. Maimonide (GKA. Maimonide) offers only higher education and graduate school.

I'll sleep

Specialty "Vocal Art"

The most popular specialization is academic (opera) singing. It is presented in almost all music universities, and there are simply no other specializations in the conservatory. Future opera singers study musical literature, work with text, stage speech, are engaged in developing and formulation of voting and, of course, opera vocals. It is important for them to know a foreign language, desirable Italian, as it is widely used in the vocal parties. At the State Academy of Slavic Culture (GASK) you can teach Italian, French, German, vocal on the exclusive Italian methods of the National Academy of Santa Cecilia in Rome. As for the teachers, there are loud names in each university: the soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Vladimir Matorin works in Gas, in the conservatory - Zuran Sotkilava. Almost all music universities invite teachers from the Conservatory and Gnesink.

"People's singing" is also in many universities: Ram them. Gnesini, Moscow State University of Culture and Arts (Mguyk), (MSI) and others. From academic singing, this specialization is quite different: "populists" study the singing styles of various regions of Russia, folk dances, the tools of the national orchestra. Even ways to extract sounds of them are others - not every voice is suitable for the performance of folk songs.

At the departments of pop and jazz vocals in Gnesink, GKA. Maimonide, (ICI), learn many already famous performers. And the names of teachers for hearing are not only from specialists: in the GKA. Maimonide Jazz Vocal teach the soloist of the ensemble of Lyceum Anastasia Makarevich and Anna Syrov, and in Gnesinka - famous singers Irina Otiyev and Valentina Tolkunova.

Vocal graduates can work in opera, folk ensembles, pop groups, church choirs, vocal educators.

From piano to shock

Specialties "Instrumental Performance" or "Musical Art of Astrada"

Score, remote and wand

Specialties "Conditioning" or "Choral conducting"

For violin with orchestra

Specialty "Composition"

In future composers, the choice is small: MHK, Gnesinka or GMPI. In addition to the overall culture and gifting, composer activity requires knowledge of many special disciplines: theories of music, harmony, polyphony, analysis of musical works, orchestration, etc.

The composer must be familiar with all musical styles, both classic and modern. Therefore, for example, in the conservatory, students will learn how electronic and computer is created. musicAnd on the Optional will be able to learn English musical terminology. In Ram them. Gnesins have even a separate department of computer music and computer science.

Listening and tours

For admission to the specialty "Vocal Art", "Musical Art of Estrada" and "Instrumental Performance" is not necessary (with the exception of the Conservatory) to present a diploma on the end of the music school, but it is necessary to have preparation at the level of its graduate: to know the foundations of solfeggio and musical literature, be able to prepare Program for listening. It is much striking the requirements for future composers and conductors - they need to finish the music school.

As a rule, musical specialties require an individual form of training, so the groups are closed small, and the introductory competition in state universities is very high.

Entrance exams differ not only in different specialties, but also on each specialization. However, there is a so-called "mandatory minimum":

1. Solo program. For vocalists, these are arias, romances and folk songs, for instrumentalists - musical works of different forms, for composers - own writings, for conductors - possession and piano, and vocals, and choir management skills.

2. Colloquium. The Commission has to demonstrate their cultural level, musical erudition, understanding the content and forms of executable works, knowledge of their authors.

3. Music and Solfeggio theory. The basic requirements in universities are almost the same, the difference is in the complexity of tasks: to write a musical dictation, sing or play with a sheet melody, analyze a simple musical work or a fragment (determine the tonality, way, chords, rhythm, etc.).

The future military conductors to the whole of physical training will have to do everything.

Opinion experts

How to choose

Natalia Dmitrieva, Dean Vocal Faculty Ram them. Gnesins:
- The quality of the singer's preparation depends not as much from the university as, above all, from the teacher. It is he who can identify the "voice nature" and help her develop. And maybe on the contrary. Even in our university there was a case when the teacher tried to remake the young man in the tenor, and "broke" him. So if the student with the teacher does not fold work, it is better to change the mentor. Before entering, you can join on exams And roughly decide which teacher you would like to learn. Perhaps (although not necessarily), your desire will take into account when they will distribute first-year students to the masters.

The Russian music school was highly valued in the world in centuries - and, fortunately, continues to maintain this level and so on, periodically giving the world of next geniuses.

TOP 10

Today, there are 46 higher musical educational institutions in Russia, of which 8 are in Moscow, 3 - in St. Petersburg, as well as in the amount of one to three in other areas and federal districts of the country.

The most prestigious and famous in the world are with a large margin of 3 of them (possessing in their composition with a whole bed of individual scientific centers, recording studios, music libraries, and even museums). it

  1. St. Petersburg State District Offer named after Rimsky-Korsakov.
  2. The famous Moscow "Gnesinka" -.

The remaining universities of this orientation are more or less inferior to this triple and in the material base, and in the teaching staff, and in the development of scientific and educational literature (GEF for musical universities, by the way, were created by the Council of the Council from representatives of these three educational institutions). Nevertheless, it would be unfair not to allocate some more of them, which, in addition to the 3rd first, could rightfully enter the top 10 of the highest "musical Olympus" of Russia. This can be safely attributed to:

  1. (Moscow).
  2. (Moscow).
  3. St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts.

Training features

Particularities of learning in Russian universities of musical orientation, of course, is emphasis mainly to receive professional knowledge in the selected subject (whether it is a vocal or instrumental direction, the skill of sound engineering, the art of conducting, etc.). As for the other training cycles defined by new GEFs for musical HPO, the content of the training plans in them as follows:

  • in an economic, humanitarian and social cycle, students teach history, philosophy, Russian language and speech culture, as well as foreign languages;
  • the pedagogical cycle includes classes on the method of teaching all related to musical art, disciplines, as well as musical psychology and pedagogy;
  • a separate cycle for universities of this orientation is a cycle devoted to the study of the history of the development and theoretical foundations of Russian and foreign musical arts, as well as aesthetics of art, mandatory piano classes and the basics of life safety;
  • the profile preparation cycle includes - depending on the selected specialty - objects for music, musical journalism, the study of the ethnic volume and folklore. A separate line is ancient Russian singing art, working with scores, studying the characteristics of the arrangement, computer processing of sound and, finally, management management in the music industry.

Quality of learning

As already mentioned above - despite the proper level of financing and some other problems, even the average quality of education in high school universities in Russia remains very high. And, along with pop-circus and theatrical arts, graduates of these educational institutions can boast the highest attention and respect for them in any, seriously related to musical art, the country of the world.

One of the reasons for this level is a high degree of continuity adopted in musical families. Thanks to which the grandchildren often go in the footsteps of fathers - like those in their time, went at the footsteps of grandfathers. As a result, the influence of another, Soviet school and vocal, and choral, and instrumental schools and the vocal, and choral, and instrumental schools and the vocal, and choral, and instrumental schools and the vocal, and the only problem today is the aging of the teaching elite to date in the music of the Academy and Conservatory.

Most popular specialties (undergraduate)

The bachelor's line among the specialties related to the music, which have the highest demand (and, as a result, the highest competitions in place) are leading:

  1. music art pop (specialty according to GEF 071600);
  2. vocal art (073400);
  3. musical instrumental art (073100);
  4. musical and applied art and music aquest (073000);
  5. choreographic art (071200).

Prospects for learning

The main prospects for completing training in music universities continue to be the opportunity to make a favorite and at the same time high-profit business (especially in the field of the demand of the specialties listed above). Since the demand for good singers, musicians, musical critics, directors and musical business managers not only remains consistently high - but when the specialist reaches the corresponding level allows not to worry about tomorrow. Not to mention fame and glory for the most talented.

It is no secret that the capital of Russia is an attractive place in terms of obtaining higher education, including musical. Much relatives from the choice of educational institution: not everywhere there are all specialties, not everywhere - budget places. Where better to do in Moscow?

Musical universities of Moscow

In Moscow 12 where you can get this or that musical education:

  • Russian State University. Kosygin provides a variety of educational services, including musical. Here you can study the pop art, the game on common musical instruments, get the formation of a conductor or vocalist. The university provides 50 budget places, and paid training costs from 248,000 rubles / year.
  • There are musical programs and at the Institute of Contemporary Art. Piano, the art of pop and academic vocals - what is available for studying in this university. There are no budget seats, and the training tag starts from 120,000 rubles / year.
  • Get paid training on the "Music Art of Estrades" and "Academic Singing" can be in Moscow. Price per year begins from 101,000 rubles. Similar educational programs provides the Moscow Pedagogical State University, it's worth this pleasure, however, more expensive - 133 100 rubles / year.
  • Moscow State Institute of Music. A. G. Shnitke looks like RGU. Kosygin in the plan of educational programs, except such a specialty, like musical journalism. There are almost as much places - 47, but paid training is much more expensive - from 451,000 rubles / year.
  • State musical and pedagogical im. M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanova provides a greater selection of educational services. 55 budget places are distributed among the performing (tools, conducting, folk singing) and theoretical specialties (musicography, composition).
  • There are among music universities in Moscow and highly specialized. A rather specific musical education can be obtained in the Orthodox Holy Tikhonian Humanitarian University (conducting, no budget, 70,000 r / year) and the military university of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (conducted by the military orchestra, there is no budget, and the cost is strictly classified).
  • At the Academy of Choral Arts. B. C. Popova can be a specialist in the artistic leadership by an academic choir. Sites for training at the expense of the budget of only 9, and the cost of the year of study is 321,750 rubles.
  • More popular musical universities of Moscow for admission are "Gnesinka" and MHK.

Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky

The Moscow Conservatory is one of the oldest in our country (the first conservatory was St. Petersburg, founded in 1862 by Artur Grigorievich Rubinstein). Moscow Music University founded in 1866. The conservatory became famous for the fact that the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky had once been taught in it.

The music university is considered one of the leading in our country and the world. Educational programs are quite varied. Here you can learn to play on any tools, even quite rare, such as harp, organ, harpsichine. There is a specialty musical journalism, sound engineering, you can get acquainted with ethnic musical art. Higher Educational Institution provides 198 budget places, and paid training is quite expensive - 539,000 for the year of study on any specialty.

Russian Academy of Music. Gnesini

A wide variety of specialties is present in the plan of instruments, in addition to the harp and organ, there are huslies and there is a pop-jazz direction. At the Academy can also be a professional composer or master computer music and arrangement. In the university 225 places, and cost begins from 225,000 rubles. For the academic year.

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