International Space Station (ISS). What height flies the ISS? Orbit and MKS speed inside the space station

2014-09-11. NASA announced plans to launch six installations in orbit, which will conduct regular monitoring of the earth's surface. These instruments Americans intend to send to the International Space Station (ISS) until the end of the second decade of the XXI century. On them, according to experts, the most modern equipment will be installed. According to scientists, the location of the ISS in orbit opens up great advantages to monitor the planet. The first installation, ISS-Rapidscat will be sent to the ISS using Spacex private company not earlier than September 19, 2014. The sensor is collected on the outside of the station. It is intended for observing the ocean winds, weather forecasting and hurricanes. The ISS-Rapidscat is built by the laboratory of reactive movement in Pasadena (California). The second device, CATS (Cloud-Aerosol Transport System), is a laser tool that is designed to monitor the clouds and measure the content of aerosols, smoke, dust and pollutant particles in them. These data is necessary for understanding how human activity (primarily burning hydrocarbons) affects the environment. It is expected that Spacex will send it to the ISS in December 2014. Cats gathered at the center of Goddard Space Flights in Greenbelte (Maryland). Launches ISS-Rapidscat and CATS along with sending in July 2014 to the orbit of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 probe, designed to study carbon content in the planet's atmosphere, make 2014 the most tense in the NASA Earth research program over the past ten years. Two other installations Agency is going to send to the ISS by 2016. One of them, Sage III (Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III), will measure the content of aerosols, ozone, water vapor and other connections in the upper layers of the atmosphere. This is necessary to control the processes of global warming, in particular, for ozone holes above the Earth. The Sage III device is designed in the Lengley Nasa Research Center in Hampton (Virginia) and assembled by Ball Aerospace in Boulder (Colorado). In the work of the previous mission of Sage III - METEOR-3M - participated Roscosmos. With the help of another device that will be launched into orbit in 2016, the LIG sensor (Lightning Imaging Sensor) is detected, the coordinates of the lightning over the tropical and medium latitudes of the globe will be detected. The device will have a connection with ground services to coordinate their work. The fifth device, GEDI (Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation), with the help of a laser will explore the forests and conduct observations over carbon balance in them. Experts note that large amounts of energy may be required for the laser operation. GEDI is designed by scientists from Maryland University in College Park. The sixth device - ECOSTRESS (Ecosystem SpaBorne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station) - is a thermal imaging spectrometer. The device is designed to study the processes of water cycle in nature. The device was created by specialists of the laboratory of reactive movement.

The size of the ISS is sufficient for its observation by the naked eye from the surface of the Earth. The station is observed as a very bright star, quickly flying across the sky from the west to the East (the angular velocity of about 4 degrees per minute). However, it is not possible to observe it everywhere and not always, even if you do it in the dark. Since the orbit of the International Space Station is constantly changing (the factors affecting this, we will consider below), then to clarify the places on Earth, where the ISS can be observed at a certain point in time, you need to watch this website or site Roscosmosa . And these changes occur the observation areas That's why ...

First, the ISS may be at a height from 280 to 460 kilometers. Even in such a high orbit, it constantly experiences the impact of the upper, very discharged layers of the Earth's atmosphere. Yes, and in the near space there are particles of air! Each day of the ISS loses about 5 cm / with its speed and about 100 meters of height. Therefore, it is possible to raise the station periodically, burning the fuel of space trucks "progress" and other incoming ships. And why you can not raise the station right above to avoid these costs?

The fact is that the range laid down when designing and the current real position of the orbit is determined by several reasons.

The first: every day our astronauts, as well as astronauts of other countries (USA, Europe, Canada, Japan, etc.) are obtained at this orbit quite high doses of radiation. But over the mark of 500 km, its level increases sharply and it becomes just deadly

By the way, the Soviet crew of Belyaeva and Leonov in 1965, when, contrary to calculations, their spacecraft "Voskhod-2" was thrown into orbit 495 kilometers, so the USSR could receive two dead astronauts instead of the heroic Leonovsky exit.

The limit for a semi-annual stay for astronauts is installed only in 1/2 of the sieve, and only the ziver is allowed to the entire space career (each ziver radiation radiation increases the risk of oncological diseases by 5.5 percent).

On the ground from the deadly cosmic rays, people are protected by the radiation belt of the magnetosphere of our planet and its atmosphere, but in the near space, protection is already much weaker. In some parts of the orbit (the South Atlantic Anomaly, for example, is such a stained radiation) Sometimes strange effects can occur: a person can appear with eyes closed eyes. It is believed that cosmic particles pass through the eyeball. This can not only interfere with sleep, but is once again unpleasantly reminded of a high level of radiation on the ISS.

In addition, Russian "unions" and "progress", which are now the main ships of the crew and supply ships, are certified to work at an altitude of up to 460 km. The higher the ISS is, that, accordingly, less cargo can be delivered. But, on the other hand, the lower the "hanging" of the ISS, the stronger it is inhibits, that is, more cargo delivered should be fuel for subsequent correction of the orbit.

Plus (or rather, minus) - before the ISS was not exhibited at the height even in 390-400 km, since American shuttles could not climb into such an orbit. Therefore, the station was held at altitudes 330-350 km by more frequent periodic correction by engines. In connection with the end of the shuttle flight program in 2014, this restriction was finally removed.

Scientific tasks can be completed, thus, the most ideal at an altitude of 400-460 kilometers. That is why the average height of the ISS orbit is currently approximately 420 km. Naturally, the higher the height, the most part of the land can simultaneously observe the station. True, in this case, it will fall and its visible value!

Finally, the position of the station affects the space trash: the rockets, satellites, their fragments that have a huge speed relative to the ISS, which makes a collision with them destructive.

Spacecraft, located in the rear of the station, can accelerate the ISS: these are progress trucks (mainly) and ATV (less often), if necessary, the "Star" and Cygnus service module (extremely rare). The station is often raised and slightly: the correction takes about once a month with small portions (about 900 seconds of the engine), and the lifting itself can reach, for example, 100-200 meters.

Some orbit parameters are dictated not only by technical features, but also by political realities. Space apparatus when starting from the Earth it is possible to give any orientation, but the most economical will use the speed that the Earth rotates. Thus, it is cheaper to start the device into orbit with an inclination equal to latitude. Any maneuvers and the transition to another tilt will require additional fuel consumption: more to move to the equator, less when moving to poles. The ignition of the ISS orbit of 51.6 degrees may seem strange: NASA devices that are launched from the Cape Canaveral traditionally have an inclination of about 28 degrees. This is because when the location of the future ISS station was discussed at the end of the nineties, it was decided to take the Russian orbit parameters. However, if the Baikonur cosmodrome is located on a latitude of approximately 46 degrees, why is then usual for Russian launches is the inclination of 51.6 °?! The case here is solely that the neighbors (Mongolia and China) are east, which, of course, will not be delighted if they begin to fall from space to them. And when regular launches, missiles would have happened constantly ...

Observation of the ISS station, flying on our sky, a bright star, always admire and please. After all, today she is the main cosmic achievement of humanity, which has been successfully operating for more than 20 years. We will believe that the International Space Station will give the highest possible positive balance of its existence. And, of course, let him be fully exhausted when the resource of it in it will be fully exhausted, a new similar one, an even more perfect project of international cooperation will be replaced by the current ISS. After all, space can only be developed by the efforts of all states and people of the Earth!

Alexey Korolev, historian of cosmonautics

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ISS. Photo: / NASA

The International Space Station (ISS) is a piloted orbital station, which is used as a multi-purpose Space Research Complex. 14 countries are involved in the scientific and technical project: Russia, USA, Japan, Canada, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, France, Spain, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland.

The creation of an ISS in an near-earth orbit began on November 20, 1998, when, with the help of the Proton-K carrier missile, its first module was launched: a functional and freight block (FGB) "Zarya", created in the State Space Scientific and Production Center. M. V. Khrunichev. In the following years, other connecting modules and nodes were delivered to the member countries. After the construction of the station is completed, its weight amounted to approximately 400 tons.

Why do IS need?

The ISS is used for:

- conducting medical and biological research;

- production of high-tech materials and biopreparations;

- study behavior of the human body in conditions of long-term space flight;

- conducting research of microgravity and astrophysics;

- study of the atmosphere and the surface of the Earth in the interests of fundamental sciences and for applied purposes;

- development of construction technology in space of large structures.

Who manages the ISS?

The management of the ISS is carried out: the Russian segment is from the Center for Space Flight Management in Korolev, the American segment - from the center of flight management named after Lyndon Johnson in Houston. Laboratory modules management is carried out from the European Columbus and Japanese Kibo.

How much will the ISS operation last?

Operate the ISS is planned at least until 2024. After that, the work of the laboratories will be completed or extended for another four years. Partners on the ISS (primarily US, Russia, EU and Japan) have not yet taken a final decision.

What will I replace the ISS?

A Russian orbital station may come to replace the International Space Station after 2024, which will not have restrictions on exploitation. It will consist of modules, any of which can be replaced. It is planned that flights to the orbital station will be performed on new "Federation" ships.

The ISS is the succession of the World Station, the largest and most expensive object in the history of mankind.

What size orbital station? How much does it cost? How do cosmonauts live and work on it?

We will talk about it in this article.

What is MKS and who belongs to

The International Space Station (MKS) is an orbital station used as a multipurpose space complex.

This is a scientific project in which 14 countries take part:

  • The Russian Federation;
  • United States of America;
  • France;
  • Germany;
  • Belgium;
  • Japan;
  • Canada;
  • Sweden;
  • Spain;
  • Netherlands;
  • Switzerland;
  • Denmark;
  • Norway;
  • Italy.

In 1998, the creation of the ISS began. Then the first module of the Russian missile "Proton-K" was launched. Subsequently, other participating countries began to deliver other modules to the station.

Note: In English ISS is written as ISS (Decoding: International Space Station).

There are people who are convinced that the ISS does not exist, and all the cosmic flights are removed on Earth. However, the reality of the piloted station was proven, and the theory of deception was completely refuted by scientists.

The structure and sizes of the International Space Station

The ISS is a huge laboratory designed to explore our planet. At the same time, the station is home to the astronauts operating in it.

The station has a length of 109 meters, the width is 73.15 meters and a height of 27.4 meters. The total weight of the ISS - 417 289 kg.

How much is the orbital station

The cost of the object is estimated at $ 150 billion. This is certainly the most expensive development in the history of mankind.

The height of the orbit and the speed of the ISS

The average height value on which the station is located is 384.7 km.

The speed is 27,700 km / h. A full turn around the land is performed in 92 minutes.

Time at the station and crew mode

The station works in London time, the working day in astronauts begins at 6 am. At this time, each crew establishes communication with its country.

Crew reports can be listed online. The working day is completed at 19 hours in London .

Flight path

The station is moving around the planet for a specific trajectory. There are a special card that shows what section of the way the ship is currently in time. Also on this map shows different parameters - time, speed, height, latitude and longitude.

Why doesn't the ISS fall on Earth? In fact, the object falls on the ground, but flushes, because it is constantly moving at a certain speed. It is required to regularly raise the trajectory. As soon as the station loses part of the speed, it approaches closer to the ground.

What is the temperature overboard the ISS

The temperature is constantly changing and directly depends on the black and white environment. In the shade, it holds at about -150 degrees Celsius.

If the station is located under the influence of direct sunlight, the temperature overboard is +150 degrees Celsius.

Temperature inside the station

Despite the oscillations overboard, the temperature inside the ship is average 23 - 27 degrees Celsius And fully suitable for human accommodation.

Astronauts sleep, take food, are engaged in sports, work and rest at the end of the working day - the conditions are close to the most comfortable for finding the ISS.

What breathe astronauts on the ISS

The primary task when creating a ship was to provide cosmonauts the conditions necessary to maintain full breathing. Oxygen is obtained from water.

A special system called "Air" takes carbon dioxide and throws it overboard. Oxygen is replenished due to the electrolysis of water. Also at the station there are oxygen cylinders.

How much to fly from the cosmodrome to the ISS

By time, the flight occupies just over 2 days. There is also a short 6-hour scheme (but it does not fit for cargo ships).

The distance from Earth to the ISS is from 413 - 429 kilometers.

Life on the ISS - what the cosmonauts do

Each crew conducts scientific experiments on request from their country.

These studies are several types:

  • educational;
  • technical;
  • environmental;
  • biotechnology;
  • medico-biological;
  • study of living conditions and work in orbit;
  • study of space and planet Earth;
  • physical and chemical processes in space;
  • study of the solar system and others.

Who is now on the ISS

At the moment in orbit, the composition continues to carry the Watch: Russian cosmonaut Sergey Prokopyev, Serena Aunon Chensellor from the USA and Alexander Gersh from Germany.

The next launch was scheduled from the Baikonur cosmodrome on October 11, but because of what happened the accident did not take place. At the moment it is still unknown, who from astronauts and for what time will fly to the ISS.

How to communicate with the ISS

In fact, any person has a chance to contact the International Space Station. To do this, you will need special equipment:

  • transceiver;
  • antenna (for a frequency range of 145 MHz);
  • rotary device;
  • a computer that will calculate the ISS orbit.

Today, each cosmonaut has high-speed Internet. Most experts are associated with friends and relatives through Skype, lead personal pages in Instagram and Twitter, Facebook, where there are amazingly beautiful photos of our green planet.

How many times the ISS is flying land per day

Ship rotation speed around our planet - 16 times a day. This means that for one day the cosmonauts can meet dawn 16 times and the sunset is 16 times.

The speed of rotation of the ISS is 27700 km / h. This speed does not allow the station to fall to the ground.

Where is the ISS at the moment and how to see it from the ground

Many are interested in the question: Is it possible to see the ship with a naked eye? Thanks to the permanent orbit and large size, anyone can see the ISS.

Consider the ship in the sky can also day, and at night, but it is recommended to do it at night.

In order to find out the flight time over its city, you need to subscribe to the NASA newsletter. Monitor the movement of the station in real time is possible thanks to the special TVIST service.


If you see a bright object in the sky - this is not always a meteorite, a comet or star. Knowing how to distinguish the ISS with a naked eye, you are definitely not mistaken in the heavenly body.

Read more to learn the ISS news, you can see the object move on the official website:

In 2018, there are 20 years old one of the most significant international space projects, the largest artificial inhabitants of the Earth's satellite - the International Space Station (ISS). 20 years ago, an agreement was signed on the creation of a space station in Washington, and already on November 20, 1998 the construction of the station began - from the Baikonur cosmodrome, a successful launch of the Proton carrier missile was carried out with the first module - the functional freight block (FGB) " In the same year, December 7, with the FGB "Zarya" a second element of the orbital station was docked - the connecting module "Uniti". Two years later, a new replenishment is the service module "Star".

On November 2, 2000, the International Space Station (ISS) began its work in manned mode. Spaceship "Union TM-31" with the crew of the first long-term expedition docked to the "Star" service module.The rapprochement of the ship with the station was carried out according to the scheme, which was used in flights to the Mir station. Ninety minutes after docking, the hatch was opened, and the crew of the ISS-1 first stepped on board the ISS.The crew of the ISS-1 included Russian astronauts Yuri Gyzenko, Sergey Krikalev and American Astronaut William Shepherd.

Arriving on the ISS, the astronauts were detached, retrofitting, launching and configuring the "Star" modules, "Uniti" and "Zarya" modules and established a connection with flight control centers in Moscow Region Korolev and Houston. For four months, 143 sessions of geophysical, biomedical and technical research and experiments were performed. In addition, the ISS-1 team provided docks with Progress M1-4 cargo ships (November 2000), "Progress M-44" (February 2001) and US Endeavor Shuttle ("Indebore", December 2000) , Atlantis (Atlantis; February 2001), Discovery (Discovery; March 2001) and their unloading. Also in February 2001, the expedition team integrates the Destini laboratory module to the ISS.

On March 21, 2001 with the American Space Shuttle, Discovery, who delivered the Crew of the Second Expedition on the ISS, the team of the first long-term mission returned to Earth. Place of landing was the Space Center named after J. F. Kennedy, Florida, USA.

In the following years, the Quest Camera, the docking compartment "Pierce", the "Harmony" connecting compartment, the "Columbus" laboratory module, the Cybo, the Small Research Module "Search", were docking the "Pierce" connecting module The residential module "Tranquiliti", the survey module "Domes", the Small Research Module "Dawn", the Multifunctional Module "Leonardo", Test Transformable Module "Beam".

Today, the ISS is the largest international project, a piloted orbital station used as a multi-purpose space research complex. Space Agencies Roskosmos, NASA (USA), Jaxa (Japan), CSA (Canada), ESA (European countries) are involved in this global project.

With the creation of the ISS, it was possible to perform scientific experiments in the unique conditions of microgravity, in vacuo and under the influence of cosmic radiation. The main directions of research are physicochemical processes and materials in space, the study of land and technology for the development of outer space, a person in space, cosmic biology and biotechnology. Considerable attention in the work of astronauts at the International Space Station is given to educational initiatives and popularization of space research.

ISS is a unique experience of international cooperation, support and mutual support; Construction and operation at the near-earth orbit of a major engineering structure, which is of paramount importance for the future of all mankind.

The main modules of the International Space Station

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