We live in the real world. We live in the matrix and our world is not real

When the founder of Tesla and Spacex Elon Mask raised the hype during Code Code 2016, stating the high probability that humanity exists inside the artificial, virtual universe, the public responded very sharply. Fans of "Matrix" were delighted, and someone came to the most real horror. Alas, new studies have shown that no supercomputer supporting the existence of millions of people in reality simulation is not and cannot be. It is not about philosophy or a special look at life - only about bare facts.

"Matrix" - lie?

A recent study of physicists of theorists from Oxford University, which was published in the journal Scientific Advances. Only last week, finally confirms that life and reality are not computer modeling products. Researchers under the leadership of Zojara Ringel and Dmitry Rods came to this conclusion, noting a new relationship between gravitational anomalies and the complexity of quantum computing.

Supporters of the simulated universe theory, such as Mask and the popular astrophysicist Nile Tyson, often indicate the all-growing possibilities of modern computer systems as evidence that reality can emulate. In concept simulated universewhich became popular thanks to the British philosopher Nick Bostrom back in 2003, the likelihood that in the hypothetical future, highly developed civilizations will develop realistic virtual simulations, creating the illusion of past epochs. For us, this past is quite real, and the simulation themselves will be appropriate to compare with computer games, also recreate interactive pictures of ancient civilizations.

However, according to a new study, the creation of such a complex simulation is seen by scientists impossible even in theory. The reason is simple: in the part known to us, the universe is simply there are no elements capable of forming mechanisms such a high computing power to simulate something such as colossal.

Reality or simulation: physics against speculation

The team from Oxford wondered: Is it possible to build a computer simulation quite powerful and complicated so that the quantum effects of many physical bodies appear in it? For those who are poorly understood in quantum physics, explain that in our universe the number of interactions of quanta with each other is so great that simply cannot be described. In particular, scientists checked an anomaly, known as the liner's quantum effect, using the Monte Carlo method - computing method, which uses random sample to explore complex quantum systems.

The researchers found out that for accurate modeling of quantum phenomena taking place in the substance, the system should be extremely complex. The complexity of this increased exponentially as the number of particles needed to model the full picture increases. As a result, it became clear that this impossible Purely physically - and this is despite the fact that physicists included only a part of the world famous to humanity in their calculations, and not the entire universe entirely. Scientists have particularly noted that for the storage of complete information, even a pair of hundreds of electrons requires computer memory with a large number of atoms than in the world. "However, it is impossible to exclude the possibility that some kind of physical property (meaning the characteristic of hypothetical simulation) specifically creates an obstacle to the effective classic modeling of multiparticle quantum systems," they are written.

The physical restriction demonstrated by the researchers is quite enough to reduce all hypotheses about the superphanage, forcing people to live in a huge computer simulation. Contrary to the statements of the mask or tyson, the achievements of humanity, apparently, are still the merits of the people themselves and their painstaking labor, and not a previously prescribed program, leading the development of mankind according to the above-mentioned course.

However, it is impossible to argue that a person has learned the universe so well to make such statements with 100% confidence. Probability assumption, even fantastic - one of the qualities, thanks to which people and make new and new breakthroughs in science, once again delaying the border of "impossible" further.

Physical realism

Everyone heard about the big explosion, but if the physical universe in front of us, how did it start? The completed universe should not be changed at all, since it has nowhere to go and come now, and nothing can change it. Nevertheless, in 1929, Astronon Edwin Habble discovered that all galaxies expand away from us, which led to the thoughts about the Big Bang, which happened at the point of space-time about 14 billion years ago. Opening a cosmic microwave background (which can be seen as white noise on the TV screen) confirmed that our universe not only started at the point, but also space, and time appeared with her.

So, when the universe appeared, she already existed before its creation, which is impossible, or was created with something else. There can be no such that the whole, complete and solid universe appears in itself from nothing. Nevertheless, most physicists of today believes this strange idea. They believe that the first event was the quantum fluctuation in vacuo (in quantum mechanics, the pairs of particles and anti-particles appear and disappear everywhere, that is, there is no absolute void). But if the matter just appeared from the space, where did the space come from? How could a quantum fluctuation in space Create space? How could time start to go in itself?

Quantum realism

Each virtual reality begins with the first event, together with the space, and time. From such a point of view, a big explosion occurred when our physical universe booted, including its space-time operating system. Quantum realism assumes that the big explosion was actually a big launch.

Our universe has the maximum speed

Physical realism

Einstein came to the conclusion that nothing could move faster than the light in vacuum, and over time it became a universal constant, however, it is not completely unclear why so. Roughly speaking, any explanation is reduced to the fact that "the speed of light is constant and limited,". Because there can be nothing straightforward.

But the answer to the question "Why things cannot move faster and even faster", which sounds like "because they cannot" can hardly be called satisfactory. The light slows down (refracted by) with water or glass, and when it moves in the water, we say that its environment is water when glass is glass, but when it moves in an empty space, we are silent. How can a wave vibrate in emptiness? There is no physical foundation for the movement of light on the airless space, not to mention the determination of the highest possible speed.

Quantum realism

If the physical world is a virtual reality, then the speed of light is a product processing product. Information is defined as a sample of a finite set, so its processing should also be carried out at a final rate, and therefore our world is updated with the final speed. The conditional supercomputer processor is updated 10 quadrillion times per second, and our universe is updated into trillion times faster, but the principles are mostly the same. And if the image on the screen has pixels and the update frequency, in our world there is a plank length and plank time.

In this case, the speed of light will be the limit, because the network cannot transmit anything faster than one pixel per cycle, that is, a planacian length for a single plank time, or about 300,000 kilometers per second. The speed of light in reality should be referred to as space (space).

Our time is quite fatty

Physical realism

In Einstein Paradox, twins, one of them travels on a rocket at almost speed and returns in a year to find that his twin brother is an eighty-year old old man. None of them knew that their time was going differently, and everyone was alive, but the life of one comes to an end, and the other - just begins. In objective reality, it seems impossible, but time for particles in accelerators is really slowed down. In the 1970s, scientists launched atomic clock around the world on the plane to confirm that those tickly are slower than synchronized with them initially hours on Earth. But how time, judge of all changes, can itself be subject to change?

Quantum realism

Virtual reality depends on virtual time, where each processing cycle is one "tick". Each gamer knows that when the computer hangs as a result of the lag, the playing time slows down a bit. In the same time, in our world, slows down with increasing speed or next to massive objects, which indicates virtuality. The twin on the rocket aged only for a year, because all the cycles of processing its system would fool in order to save. Only its virtual time has changed.

Our space is twisted

Physical realism

According to the general theory of Einstein's relativity, the sun holds the land in orbit due to the curved space, but as a space can be curved? In space, by definition, movement occurs, therefore, so that it is twisted, it should exist in another space, and so indefinitely. If matteries exists in the space of emptiness, nothing can move or twist this space.

Quantum realism

In the "idle mode" mode, the computer does not actually idle, but performs a zero program, and our space can do the same. The casimira effect manifests itself when the space vacuum puts pressure on two plates that are close to each other. Modern physics claims that this pressure causes virtual particles that arise from nowhere, but in quantum realism, the empty space is filled with processing, which causes the same effect. And the space as the processing network can represent a three-dimensional surface capable of being curved.

Accident happen

Physical realism

In a quantum theory, a quantum collapse is random, for example, a radioactive atom can be chopped by a photon when he swallows. Classical physics does not explain the randomness of events. Quantum theory explains the physical event by the "collapse of the wave function", so in each physical event there is an element of chance.

In order to prevent the threat of this championship of physical causality, in 1957, Hugh Everett suggested that the unverified idea that each quantum choice generates a new universe, so each version of the event occurs somewhere in the new "multiple universe" (MULTIVERSE). For example, if you have chosen sandwiches for breakfast, nature creates another universe in which you have breakfast peaches and yogurt. Initially, a multi-family interpretation was laugh, but today physicists increasingly prefer this theory to other things to dispel the nightmare of accidents.

Nevertheless, if quantum events create new universes, it is easy to guess that the universes will accumulate at a speed that goes beyond any concepts about infinity. Multi-volume fantasy does not just bypass the side of the Okkama razor, but also abruptly over it. In addition, the multiple universe is the reincarnation of another old fairy tale about the clocking universe (Clockwork Universe), which the quantum theory debunk in the last century. False theories do not die, they turn into a zombie theory.

Quantum realism

The processor in the online game can generate random meaning, and our world is also. Quantum events are random, since they are associated with client-server actions to which we do not have access. Quantum accident seems meaningless, but plays the same role in the evolution of matter, which genetic accidents played in biological evolution.

Antimathery exists

Physical realism

Antimatterium refers to subatomic particles, appropriate electrons, protons and neutrons of ordinary matter, but with opposite electrical charges and other properties. In our universe, negative electrons rotate around positive atomic nuclei. In the universe antimatter, the positive electrons would rotate around the negative nuclei, but the inhabitants of this universe would seem that everything is in order with physical laws. Matter and antimatter are annihile when contacting, that is, mutually destroyed.

The equations of the Dirac field predicted antimatter long before it is detected, but it was not clear to the end, as something annigulating matter is generally possible. Electron Meeting Feynman Chart with Antiolectron Shows that the last, facing, returns back in time! As it often happens in modern physics, this equation works, but its consequences have no meaning. Matters do not need antipod, and the opposite time of time undermines the causal basis of physics. Antimatium is one of the most mysterious finds of modern physics.

Quantum realism

If the matter is the result of processing, and the processing sets the sequence of values, it follows that these values \u200b\u200bcan be reversed, thus obtaining antiques. In such a light, antimatterium is an inevitable by-product of matter created during the processing process. If time is the completion of primary processing cycles, for antimatter it will be the completion of secondary cycles, which means it will go in the opposite direction. The matter has an antipode, because the processing process that creates it is reversible, and the antiverea exists for the same reason. Only virtual time can go back.

Experiment with two slots

Physical realism

More than 200 years ago, Thomas Jung, who still puts in the impasse of physicists: missed the light through two parallel gaps to get an interference picture on the screen. Only waves can do it, so the light particle (even one photon) should be wave. But the light can get on the screen and in the form of a point, which can occur only if the photon is a particle.

To test it, physicists sent one photon through Jung's gaps. One photon issued the expected point of the particles, but soon the points lined up in the interference picture. The effect does not depend on time: one photon passing through the slots each year gives the same picture. No photon knows where the previous one got, so how does an interference picture appear? Detectors placed on each gap, only wasted by time - the photon passes either through one slot or through another, never through both. Nature mocks us: When we do not look, the photon is a wave when we look - a particle.

Modern physics calls this mystery by corpuscular-wave dualism, "deeply strange" phenomenon explained only by esoteric equations of non-existent waves. Nevertheless, we, sensible people, we know that the point particles cannot spread like waves, and waves cannot be particles.

Quantum realism

Quantum theory explains the Yung experiment with fictional waves that pass through both slots, interfer, and then collapse to the point on the screen. It works, but waves that do not exist cannot explain what exists. In quantum realism, the photon program can distribute on the network as a wave, and then start first when the node is overloaded and rebooted as a particle. What we call physical reality is a number of reboots explaining quantum waves, and quantum collapse.

Dark Energy and Dark Matter

Physical realism

Modern physics describes the matter that we see, but the universe also has five times more than what is called dark matter. It can be found as a halo around a black hole in the center of our galaxy, which binds the stars together more firmly than can afford their gravity. This is not the matter, which we can see, because the light does not take it; This is not antimatory, since it does not have a gamma radiation signature; This is not a black hole, because there is no effect of gravitational linzing - but without the dark matter of the star in our galaxy would be ruined away.

None of the known particles describes dark matter - hypothetical particles were proposed, known as weakly interacting massive particles (Wimp, or "Wimpes"), but did not find any of them, despite. In addition to this, 70% of the Universe is represented by dark energy, which physics also cannot explain. Dark energy is a kind of negative gravity, a weak effect that patches things, speeding up the expansion of the universe. It does not change much over time, but something floating in an expanding space should weaken over time. If it was a property of space, it would increase with the expansion of space. At the moment, no one has the slightest concept of what dark energy is.

Quantum realism

If the empty space is zero processing, "sleep mode", then it is not empty, and if it is expanding, the empty space is constantly added. New processing points, by definition, take input, but do not give any output. Thus, they absorb, but do not emit, exactly as a negative effect that we call dark energy. If the new space is added at a constant speed, the effect will not change much over time, so dark energy is due to the continuing creation of space. Quantum realism assumes that particles that can explain the dark energy and dark matter will not be discovered.

Tunneling electrons

Physical realism

In our world, the electron can suddenly jump out of the Gaussian field through which it cannot penetrate. It can be compared with a coin in a completely closed glass bottle, which suddenly appears beyond. In a purely physical world it is simply impossible, but in our - quite.

Quantum realism

Quantum theory assumes that the electron must accidentally do the above described, because the quantum wave can spread regardless of physical barriers, and the electron can suddenly collapse at any point. Each collapse is a film frame that we call physical reality, except that the next frame is not fixed, but is based on probabilities. The electron, the "tunneling" through the impassable field is like a film that hides from the view, as an actor coming out of the house.

It may seem strange, but teleportation from one state to another is how the entire quantum matter is moving. We see a physical world that exists regardless of our observation, but in quantum theory, the observer effect describes the effect of the game species: when you look left, one species is created when the other one is created. In the theory of Boma, the ghostly quantum wave directs an electron, but in the theory we consider the electron and is this ghostly wave. Quantum realism permits a quantum paradox, making the quantum world real, and the physical world is its product.

Physical realism

If the cesium atom emits two photons in different directions, so if one is spinning from the bottom up, the other is from top to bottom. But if one accidentally turns around, as another can instantly learn about it, at any distance? For Einstein, the discovery of the fact that the measurement of the back of one photon instantly determines the spin of another, wherever he was in the universe was "terrible action at a distance." An experimental verification of this was one of the most thorough and accurate experiments in general in the history of science, and the quantum theory was again right. Observation of one confusing photon leads to the fact that the other receives the opposite spin - even if they are too far even so that the light signal can notice them about it. Nature could make that the spin of one photon would be the top, and the other - the bottom, from the start, but this, apparently, was too difficult. Therefore, she allowed the back of one to choose any random direction, so when we measure it and determine one thing, the spin of another photon immediately changes to the opposite, although it seems physically impossible.

Quantum realism

From this point of view, two photons are confused when their programs are combined to share two points. If one program is responsible for the upper spin, and the other for the lower, their association will be responsible for both pixels, wherever they were. The physical event of each pixel randomly restarts the program, another program responds to this accordingly. This redistribution code ignores distances, because the processor does not need to go to the pixel to ask him to turn over, even if the screen is large, like the universe itself.

The standard model of physics includes 61 fundamental particles with set charge and mass parameters. If she were a car, she would have several dozen levers to start each particle. It would also need five invisible fields that generate 14 virtual particles with 16 different "charges" for work. Perhaps you seem complete this set, but the standard model cannot explain gravity, proton stability, antimatter, changes in quarks, neutrino mass or its spin, inflation, or quantum accidents - and these are very important questions. Not to mention the particles of dark matter and dark energy, of which most of the universe consists.

Quantum realism in a new way interprets the quantum theory equations in terms of one network and one program. Its main assumption is that the physical world is a conclusion of processing, but this does not detract from his reality - we simply do not see it. The theory suggests that the matter appeared from the light as a stable quantum wave, and therefore quantum realism assumes that the light in vacuo can generate matter in a collision. The standard model claims that photons cannot encounter, so a cardinal experimental approach is necessary for testing the virtual reality of our world. When the light in vacuum makes matter in a collision, the model of elementary particles will be replaced by the information processing model.

For reference: Brian Worth, the creator of the theory of quantum realism, left a detailed guide to the terminas, so if you have questions - ask, I will try to answer according to his materials.

Based on Listverse.com.

Today, the world of high technology and virtual reality is so closely intertwined with our life, which is increasingly the assumptions that the planet on which we live is not a reality, but part of a huge simulation. Moreover, not only ordinary people, but also known scientists, cosmologists speak about it.

Is it worth thinking about the question that we live in virtual reality, seriously? Or assumptions relate to the discharge of fiction?

Are you really real? And I?

Recently, these questions were purely philosophical. Many scientists set themselves the goal to understand the structure of the world and the role of a person in it. Now these requests have gained different meaning. Scientists of many destinations suggest that our universe is a virtual reality, a large-scale computer model. A person in it is only a small part of the matrix. This may mean that we really live in an imaginary world, truly believing that he is real.

Naturally, our intuition does not want to agree with this. How to believe in a false impression, if we feel a mug with hot tea in your hand, feel the smell of a fragrant drink, hear sounds that hover around us. Is it possible to reproduce such sensations?

But here it is worth remembering what a jump occurred in the field of computer technologies over the past 10-15 years. Computer games have become so real, independent heroes of games are able to reproduce any of our movements and actions. And, plunging into this world, we involuntarily make sure in the possible unreality of what is happening in life.

Life or movie?

For the first time, the plot of the habitat of people in the fictional reality was presented in a blockbuster of Hollywood origin. The history of people limited by the framework of the invented reality looks so convincing that the heroes, and the audience, perceive it as reality.

After the other films appeared, trying to answer the questions where the truth, and where the fiction. What half of humanity is right: considering universe fiction, or convinced that we are all part of a big game?

For example, the famous businessman in the field of computer technology Elon Mask believes that the ratio of the fictional world and reality is approximately 1,000,000: 1.

And no less famous Ray Kurzvale, a researcher of an artificial mind, makes the assumption that the Universe is nothing more than a large scientific experiment, which conducts one of the young scientists in another universe.

Interesting is the fact that some scientists agree with such an opportunity. This question even became the subject of discussion of one of the meetings in the New York Museum of Natural History.

Is there evidence?

The theory of virtual reality has a minimum of two evidence in favor of its existence:

  1. Alan Gut, a famous scientist and cosmologist, puts forward a version that our planet can be real, but at the same time is something like a laboratory experiment. He believes that the creation of our world is similar to the actions of biologists for the cultivation of microorganisms. And deals with such experimentation of someone with superintellite. It does not exclude the likelihood of the appearance of the world as a result of a large-scale explosion caused artificially. At the same time, the planet, the ancestor of the new world, did not destroy completely. Just played a new space-time template template. After that, it was possible to restart him from the original source of the universe and break all the contacts with him. Such a plot could have different development options. For example, a new world could be born in some equivalent of test tubes.
  1. There is another proof that is able to destroy the ideas of a person about reality. The theory contains the assumption that we are not real people, and fictional, simulated by some creatures. This may mean that humanity is only a small string in a huge computer program. And she manipulates us like heroes in the game.

Should I believe in the virtual world?

Should I believe that our world is a virtual reality - an abstract question. But it has arguments in their favor.

After all, we produce modeling. We create fictional models not only for the sake of the game, but also for scientific research. Many scientists create models of the world at different levels. It is the models of the subatomic world and the creation of huge societies and galaxies.

We design animal models. With the help of computer modeling, it was possible to learn about their development, hagging. Forward stimulants give us a chance to deal with the formation of planets, galaxies, stars.

You can reproduce humanity with simple agents capable of making your choice, guided by clear instructions. This gives us the opportunity to understand how the cooperation of a person and the company is committed, as the development of cities, traffic rules and economic laws are working.

Every day the complexity of the models rises. Scientists make more and more conclusions about the functioning of our brain. A significant amount of quantum computing is carried out. All this suggests that, perhaps, once we can create a virtual character with obvious signs of consciousness. This will make it possible to create a large number of models that will work for the benefit of a person. Gradually, they can be much more than the real inhabitants of our planet.

If humanity slowly goes to creating a large-scale virtual reality around him, so it prevents to assume that this has already done another mind of the Universe, and we are part of this computer reality?

And yet about reality

Of course, the approval of the cosmologist Kurzvale about the young genius, which by programming created our planet, can be considered a joke. But many statements of theories about the virtual world are based on the fact that we live in the 21st century and are able to create computer games with the effect of reality, so why doesn't someone else do anyone else?

Doubt that most supporters of large-scale modeling are large fans of films with a science fiction story, do not have. But somewhere in the hidden corners of the soul, each of us knows that reality is not a fictional world, but what we experience.

Today, humanity lives in the world of high technologies, but over the raysterity of the issue of reality, the philosophers fought for centuries. More Plato doubted, and isn't the reality only a shadow that falls on the walls of the cave.

Immanuel Kant was convinced that the world is nothing but a thing that is the basis of what we see.

René Descartes once said: "I think, therefore, I exist." This phrase he tried to prove that the ability to meaningful actions is the only significant criterion of being, which a person can fix. This philosophical idea has become the basis of the idea that our world is just a modeled game.

Do not be afraid of new technologies and the appearance of hypotheses. This is only part of the philosophical mysteries that make us look different to our beliefs and assumptions. But today there is no one hundred percent evidence that our universe is virtual. Therefore, no newest ideas are capable of changing our views on reality.

And in proof of its existence, it is possible to give an example of the act of Samuel Johnson, the English writer. In 1700, for the approval of the philosopher George Berkeley, that the world is just a hoax, an illusion, he drove a stone and said: "I refute it like this!

Virtuality of our world - Religion of our time


Recently, popularly began to say that our world can be simulation. Videos on this topic are filmed, notes are written. At the same time, it is argued that, they say, the virtuality of our world is proved by science. As evidence, some observable phenomena are given, which are difficult to explain within the framework of modern science. But their explanation from the point of view that our world is virtual, is very simple. In most cases, the same alignments with a small variation are laid out on sites. The topic is directly related to esoteric, such concepts as predestination, fate, etc. Therefore, it deserves attention on our website. In addition, as a person who loves computer games and at the same time engaged in science by the site WWW.etzell. Com. I could not pass by such a topic. The following is the analysis of this worldview.


The fact that the world can be an illusion was known to the ancient philosophers and not only Indian. Of course, they were not talking about simulations, but that everything that we see and hear, there is an illusion and sooner or later (after death) "fog" will fall and the real world will open. The basis of their lifestyle and behavior lay this idea. As for the simulation in its right sense, then the first who began to write about it and speak, were the fiction of the second half of the 20th century. Since the time, philosophical directions appeared. It is also worth noting that the topic has become very popular after the filming of such masterpieces as a "matrix", "13th floor", "Dark City". At the moment, this Trinity is the best films about the simulation and the virtuality of our world in my opinion.

Fig. 1. Frame from the film "13th floor". The simulation of the world has borders.

Fig. 2. Frame from the movie "Matrix". The source code of the world is visible - "matrix".

Fig. 3. Frame from the film "Dark City". The simulation is carried out by a developed civilization.

In recent years, another article "Do we live in computer simulation have been widely popularized?" famous Swedish philosopher Nick Bostroma. In Ov philosophical The article argues that our world is a computer simulation. In addition to his article on the Internet, notes and articles in the style of "10 scientific signs are walking, that our world is virtualized." This notification is devoted to the article by these signs and article. Consider all this in detail.

Virtuality of our world - philosophical principles

Fig. 4. The gods of the ancients always have a human or animal appearance.

A person almost always was inherent to attribute to someone or something of the properties with which he is endowed. Well illustrates this idea approval "If the cats had their god, they would attribute him to catch mice." Gods of all nations initially had a human or animal appearance, and some have such gods and now. Man has intelligence and mind. Therefore, it is not surprising that he is trying to attribute the rationality and intelligence nature and the world around the emergence of civilizations on Earth. After the invention of computers, the topic of this article appeared, and naturally not earlier. Thus, from the point of view of the foregoing, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe virtuality of the world is a kind of look at the essence of the world of our era, due to the development of computer technology. Therefore, this very subjective point of view, in principle, like any direction in philosophy. At the same time, it is closely related to the creationism or theories of conspiracy, since logically it follows that the simulation, someone created God or developed civilization. Justice must be said that some of the philosophical teachings of the ancient Greek philosophers were embodied into scientific achievements of modernity. Therefore, we will pay time by some natural conclusions from this idea.

Fig. 5. Computer game in which thousands of worlds in the universe are generated.

Fig. 6. Computer game "Skyrim" in which you can do almost all that you want.

1) "To simulate our world - you need powerful computing machines" - the main conclusion of this philosophical idea. I watch the history of the development of computer games since the 90s and see how the graphics and the possibilities in them are developing. Now there are games with an open world ("Do what you want"), such as the Elders Scrolls series or procedurally randomly created universe with thousands of worlds in the game "No man" s SKY ". There is no doubt that in the future the game will become all More similar to our world. I remember in this regard, one of the first episodes of the series "Mahabharata", where Shanta (Shah) plays with his son to the desvorant in a board game with bones and figures. Father asks whether the gods play in the dice? Son It is responsible for yes, but the figures are people, and the lot throws time.

Fig. 7. Frame from the film "Mahabharata", where the Son tells the Father on how to play the bones of the gods.

2) The second conclusion is based on the fact that any slope technology for failures. Any technique is not performed, so "glitches", "hanging" are possible. "Bugs" can be rarely observed and non-periodic anomalous phenomena. In our macromir in which we live, everything obeys the laws of Newtonian mechanics, where many macroprocesses are strongly deterministic. Any deviation from them in macromir can be explained by this concept.

Fig. 8. The famous bug in Skyrim's game when the corpses of the dead NPC (characters) come to your wedding. What is not an abnormal phenomenon ???

3) Resonant is the question of modeling purposes. If you follow formal logic, the following can be assumed. If simulation covers a small scale, such as a solar system, then possible goals are: a) art, entertainment, hobby; b) Scientific research is computer simulation. Here it is assumed that the creators of the simulation did not grow much in personal development and their mind comprehend. Therefore, the simulation is fully directed to the simulation of humanity and for this you are selected the necessary physical parameters so that life arose or continued to exist on Earth. Here you can also say that the fate of every person is a written plot that each of us must pass, deciding some quests. Such a concept is very similar to the plot in the marked three films above.

If the simulation covers the whole universe, and humanity is not a target, then probably their technology is ahead of our millions, and maybe billions of years. Therefore, it is stupid to even assume about their true purposes if they even have. Their mind for us is incomprehensible.

The remaining conclusions that are also given on popular sites about the virtuality of the world are too subjective and illogical, they contradict each other.

Physical view of the world

Physics studies the phenomena of nature and gives a scientific explanation to many observable phenomena of nature. Supporters of the virtuality of the world lead arguments that confirm this concept in their opinion. Such arguments can be divided into the following two parts:

1) quantum phenomena

Here usually we are talking about the fact that there are phenomena that are very strangely interpreted within the framework of modern quantum theory. In this regard, to mention the experiment with two slots and uncertainty in the quantum world. Justice must be said that at present there are many interpretations of experimental data within scientific theories. However, the so-called Copenhagen interpretation is generally accepted. She is really unusual for our usual look at the world. In general, two shocking facts can be distinguished from the quantum world, which are trying to apply to our macromirus, which is incorrect.

The first major conclusion of quantum theory is that the world is inherent accident Or she is "sewn" into it, so we cannot definitely determine the behavior of particles in the micrometer we cannot, and we can specify some probability of their behavior and determine where and when it is greater or less. Why this is so fundamentally we can not answer, but we will reveal with the fact that the micromir is just so arranged. And this is unusual for our everyday experience and feelings. This is due to virtuality or not - the case of the faith of everyone. In popular articles trying to bind this accident to the macromir, which is in the root incorrect, as it is the prerogative of the micrometer.

Fig. 9. Electrons or photons behave like waves (distributed) when fixing on the screen, and when measured, about one of the slots as particles.

The second conclusion is associated with the fact that certain properties of particles are born only due to their measurement. Before the measurement, they are in several states or in state superposition. This concept and causes a template break. The electron can be here and there, and even on the edge of the universe. However, after the measurement has a distribution in a specific place (localized). In the experiment with two slots, the electron (or photon) passes through two slots and behaves like waves, since the interference pattern (the properties of the waves) is recorded on the screen. For this, of course, a series of measurements on the screen (fix the set of electrons). As soon as they try to monitor one electron, fixing the sensor about one slot, the electron behaves as a particle (passes through one slot localized). The authors are not familiar with physics at all, argue that, this behavior of microparticles is direct evidence of the virtuality of the world. In computer games to reduce the load on the system, the environment is drawn in detail, which the player directly observes. The rest of the locations, or not drawn at all, are either drawn very roughly. As soon as you start to look in the other side, the computer draws the items in the area where you start to watch. Of course, that's philosophical interpretation.However, very interesting. From the point of view of modern quantum physics, the measurement is the interaction of the classic instrument with a quantum particle. Therefore, this interaction leads to the fact that of the entire set of quantum states, the particle acquires one definite. This is in principle and reflects the Copenhagen interpretation. As they say the function of the superposition of quantum states of the particle is collected or reduction of the wave function. Why? The answer is the same, so the world is arranged. This explanation also has its own problems (causality), which are descended here. It is thanks to him in theoretical physics, all new theories appear in theoretical physics, which are trying to give this property to the superposition of states a logical sequential view and avoid these problems. Usually in such theories for comparison, they like to use a mental experiment with Schrödinger cat. When interacting with a box where a cat is located, with an equal probability of a cat can be dead or alive. In other words, initially it is in a plural - simultaneously alive and dead. Only after the measurement (interaction) it goes into a certain state (alive or dead). This example again reflects the Copenhagen interpretation of this quantum phenomenon. In this regard, a more metaphysical theory is also popular in which it is believed that after measuring the cat goes into one of the universes. In one of them, he was dead, and in another alive. Such a theory wears the names of the hypothesis about the multivels. Naturally check it is not possible. It is worth noting that people who poorly know physics think that this concept is applicable to our macromir. Therefore, they think that when we look at the subject, we create it. Before that, it was simply not. Or another example, where the authors indicate that the house can be anything (many states), but we see, then what we are prone to and, for example, we do not see hippopots and elephants. Such conclusions are physically incorrect, since the principle of the superposition of quantum states refers to the micromeru, in the macromir, it does not have force.

Fig. 10. Skat cat in the superposition of two states - alive and dead

Fig. 11. Spoons of which is not - a frame from the movie "Matrix".

2) exotic modern physical theories

Currently, there are many mysteries of the world, which science is still uniquely and reliably explained. There are enough problems with microme, as well as with macromir (dark matter, dark energy, etc.). Therefore, physical theories that are trying to solve these problems are constantly nominated. Some of them are very exotic. For example, there are theories in which the world is created by multidimensional fluctuations in strings or superstrun, some mathematical objects. In other theories, the world is a projection or hologram, etc. And some famous physicists of theoristics in their works find an analogy with the work of computer browsers, such as Opera, Mozilla, etc. From the point of view of psychology, such analogies are easily explained, since modern scientists can use unconscious principles of computers in their theories, and then find them and surprise it. In this regard, it is necessary to keep in mind that now there are many theories that cannot be verified experimentally or somehow confirm. I call them "virtual" theories. Most of them are clearly incorrect and will be refuted in the future, and some can confirm. However, at present there is no problem to interpret the phenomena of physics logically, and the interpretation based on the "virtuality of the world" is metaphysical and philosophical. And it is more philosophical than the hypothesis about the multiverse.

Fig. 12. Abstract image of multi-dealers and transitions between them.

The main output

Fig. 13. Comparing the size of spatial structures.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe virtuality of the world is purely philosophical. It is very beautiful, but at the same time strongly subjective. Yes, we can assume that "quantization" or the grit space (10 ^ -48m) is similar to pixels of which pictures in computer images are built. The speed limit or the propagation of signals with a final velocity in the Universe is a limitation associated with the power of the simulation technology. A set of certain multidimensional oscillations of strings or other mathematical objects in the theory of strings or superstrun corresponds to the source code on which the simulation is built. There is no superposition of states, just with specific interactions the simulation system spends large or less resource power. However, all this is only philosophical interpretationwhich is in no way connected with physics, mathematics. This is a look at the world, which is more metaphysical than modern generally accepted and checked physical theories. This concept emerged in our time when virtual worlds can visit (play) each of us. I note that before our era, the ideas about our world and otherworldly were very simple and for our understanding are completely primitive and curious. In paradise you live in the garden, do not work at all, and all the pleasure is that you eat national food, copulate with young girls, etc. Variations were very insignificant in pleasure. The land stood on three whales, etc. For us, these ideas seem very primitive now. No technology in the form of televisions and computers in paradise ancient philosophers did not describe. Similarly, in the future, the theory of the virtuality of the world will seem primitive and funny. However, at present the theory of peace simulation is the best religious concept. It completely reflects the level of development of our society.

Sincerely, Etzell

He sometimes spoke of his belief that the earth is not even real and we most likely live in computer simulation: "The chances that we live in the basic reality is a billion to one."

Ilon Mask is the only silicon valley who manifests a deep interest in the "simulation hypothesis", according to which we perceive as a reality, which is actually a massive computer modeling created by more sophisticated intelligence. If after these words you have experienced a dejum and began to compare the world around the "matrix", then it is. There is a long-standing philosophical and scientific story with the main thesis that reality is an illusion.

One popular argument in favor of the "simulation hypothesis", outside of acid trips, came from Professor Oxford University Nika Bostroma In 2003, although the idea itself was initially expressed by the XVII century philosopher René Descartes. In the article entitled "Do you live in simulation?" Bostr suggested that members of the advanced "post-deceive" civilization with a huge computing power could choose the launch of the simulations of their ancestors in the Universe. This argument is extrapolated from observing current tendencies in the field of technologies, including the increase in the popularity of virtual reality.

If we believe that there is nothing supernatural in the origin of consciousness, and this is just a product of a very complex architecture in the human brain, we can reproduce it. "Soon there will be no technical obstacles to the creation of cars with their own consciousness," says Richard Territory, a scientist in the laboratory of reactive movement.

At the same time, video games are becoming more and more complicated, and in the future we will have the opportunity to simulate conscious entities within them.

"Forty years ago we had Pong - two rectangles and a point. That's where we were. Now, 40 years later, we have photorealistic, three-dimensional simulations with millions of people playing at the same time, and every year they become better. Soon we will have a virtual reality, we will have augmented reality, "the Ilon Mask said earlier. This point of view shares Richard Territory: "If progress is developing in existing rates of several decades, then very soon we will live in a society with artificial beings that live in simulation."

The reasons believe that the universe is a simulation, includes the fact that it behaves mathematically and is divided into subatomic particles like a pixel video game. "Even time, energy, space, volume - everything has a finite limit. If so, then our universe is simultaneously calculated and finite. These properties allow the universe to be modeled, "adds the territory.

So who then created this simulation? "Future We," Richard Terry responds.

However, not everyone is supporters of the hypothesis. "Is it logically possible that we are in simulation? Yes. Are we really in simulation? I would say no, "says Max Tegmark, Professor of Physics in the Massachusette Institute of Technology. In order to bring a convincing argument, it is necessary to understand the fundamental laws of physics, thanks to which the simulation is launched. "And if we live in simulation, then we do not have the slightest idea what the laws of physics are. Then the fact that I teach Mit will be simulated by the laws of physics, "adds Max.

Physico theorist Lisa Randall from Harvard University more skeptical: "I do not see any real evidence."

Richard Territory considers recognition of the fact that we live in simulation will change the rules of the game just as when Copernicus realized that the Earth is not the center of the Universe. "It was such a deep idea that she was not even considered as an assumption." Scientists to Nikolai Copernianpywood explain the peculiar behavior of the movement of planets with complex mathematical models. "When they threw to assume, everything else became much easier to understand," the territory emphasizes.

What we can live in simulation may be, according to Richard, is a simpler explanation of our existence than the idea of \u200b\u200bevolving in self-conscious creatures. The hypothesis of simulation also takes into account the oddities in quantum mechanics - in particular, the measurement problems, as a result of which everything becomes defined only during observation. For a tagmark, it does not make sense: "We have problems in physics, and we cannot dump the failures in their solution to simulation."

How can I check the hypothesis? On the one hand, neurophysiologists can check whether it is possible to imitate the human mind. Until now, cars played chess well, but can the car achieve consciousness? We do not know. On the other hand, scientists can detect signs of simulation.

For Richard Territory, the simulation hypothesis has "beautiful and deep" consequences. First, the hypothesis provides a scientific basis for a kind of life after death or the field of reality outside of our world: "You don't need a miracle, faith or something special to believe in it. This occurs naturally from the laws of physics. " Secondly, humanity in the future will have the opportunity to create their own simulations and populate them.

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