Humility. “You can come to terms with everything if you don’t give up slack.” - Lawrence Block

Canonical text

Accomplishment. A noble person should have completeness.

  1. The humble of the humble is a noble man. - We must cross the big river. Happiness.
  2. Declare humility. - Fortitude is fortunate.
  3. Work on humility. - For a noble person - to have completeness. - Happiness.
  4. Nothing unfavorable. Raise your humility.
  5. You won't get rich because of your neighbors. - It is favorable and it is necessary to attack and attack. - Nothing unfavorable.
  6. Declare humility. - It is favorable and it is necessary to move the army into punitive campaigns against cities and countries.

Possession of a great asset, the entirety of the world, could be the ultimate goal if the world allowed the possibility of stopping. But the main point is the doctrine of variability, of the continuous mobility of the world and how a person should harmoniously be included in this movement. Therefore, a stop in development is not a stop, a lag, causing a conflict with world development. Therefore, if we stop even at the height of the greatest achievements, then even in such a stop there will be no correct attitude towards the world. But it is no longer possible to move forward in a straight line, for at the previous stage everything that had to be achieved was achieved. Consequently, only a complete rejection of what has already been achieved can guarantee the possibility of further development, keeping pace with the development of the world. Such a necessary rejection of personal achievements is called "humility" and is expressed in the image of the hexagram itself, in which the sign of the mountain is placed under the sign of the earth. The mountain should generally rise above the ground, then the image of humility is expressed with the utmost laconicism. Such a situation should not scare a person off, for only in him is further development possible here, and this development should be fruitful: it must be brought to the end, to completion. In this sense, the text says: Humility. Development. Completion awaits the noble man.


At the first stage, humility is shown in the most intense, but also in the most general form. Therefore, it is impossible to concretize it in a specific way. It is possible only to point out that a person with this property will have to overcome enormous difficulties, because thanks to this property he is predisposed to such overcoming. This is understandable, because here this property is considered in its unrevealed state, and therefore its practical application is not indicated; on the other hand, judging by the composition of the Book of Changes, it is inherent in a person who has already achieved tremendous results in the previous stages and is therefore capable of overcoming the greatest difficulties. The text expresses it like this: At the beginning is a weak point. The humble of the humble is a noble man. He needs to wade across the great river. Happiness.


In the second position, something like a conflict arises between the specifics of the entire hexagram (humility, i.e. non-detection, retreat into the shadows, etc.) and the nature of the second position, the meaning of which is that it reveals personal traits... The resolution of this contradiction is also influenced by the fact that this position precedes the next one, on which the content of the concept of humility is most intensely manifested. As a result, it turns out that the identification of an internal property still occurs here, but this property is humility, i.e. that which cannot express itself, but is expressed only in self-giving, in consonance with that which expresses itself. At the same time, the harmony of development here can be easily disturbed by the fact that the attention paid to the expression of one's own property will be stronger than the property itself - humility: non-expression of oneself in the first place. Therefore, only persistent and unshakable humility leads to a happy outcome here, or, as the text says: The weak point is in second place. Consonant humility. Fortitude is for happiness.


The moment of crisis is here already expressed in the very image of the trigram. In the image of "mountain" the third line, as the most ascended, depicts the specifics of the towering mountain. But it is at this position that the “mountain” comes into contact with the “earth”, and it is precisely the highest point of the mountain with the lower region of the earth. Thus, the content of humility is especially powerful here; but precisely because of this, and for the possession of such humility, the greatest tension is needed. Only by intense labor is humility achieved; it can truly be expressed in the image of a mountain (its meaning is to rise), but inclined below the earth, which should be below everything. And only a person who possesses such a developed humility can bring his work to the end and, having done everything that is required by time and position, to stand in the right attitude to world fulfillment, i.e. achieve happiness. If such a person has already achieved complete victory over all evil for himself in the past, then here he again enters into a struggle with it in order to set an example for others by his struggle. Therefore, the text also says: Strong line in third place. Resignation from his labors to a noble man is to be completed (of his deeds). Happiness.


We have seen that the property of the previous position affects the property of the second position. But in the third position, this property is developed only through certain efforts. In the fourth position, it has already been worked out, and if at the previous stage humility turned out to be acting outwardly due to efforts (which is in accordance with the symbol of the line), then here (where the position is occupied by a weak line) the influence of force and coercion is no longer possible. But in the fourth position, the very presence of a developed property can have an impact on something else. This property acts as a fascinating example. Therefore, all actions here are free and do not encounter any obstacles. That is why the text also says: Weak line in fourth place. Nothing unfavorable. Alluring humility.


The properties expressed in the third position found support in their environment. From within, there acted "consonant humility", creating a resonance, from the outside, there acted "inviting humility", which is further development properties of the third stage. Here, in the fifth position, the circumstances are different: the fourth position operates from within, devoid of own forces, and outside - the sixth, which, as a rule, symbolizes already the loss of the properties of this hexagram. Therefore, it is impossible to expect support from the environment, from the "neighbors". Activity here is possible only as a completely independent one. But by virtue of the entire previous process, the quality of humility has already been brought to such completeness and perfection that even for actions opposite to the action of humility, the latter is still the most characteristic, and therefore even such activity does not come into conflict with general situation and does not meet anything unfavorable to her. It finds the following expression in the text: Weak line in fifth place. You will not get rich from your neighbors. The need to carry out a punishing attack is favorable. Nothing unfavorable.


In the sixth position, the situation and its specific traits come to an end, lose their specificity. So here too, humility remains only as an echo of the past, of those works that are mentioned in the third position. But the aggressiveness that began in the previous, fifth position, here gets even more development, especially as the need to subjugate what has gone out of obedience, because here neither the power of efforts, as in the third position, nor the temptation of the example, as in the fourth position, are acting. Here the basic tone of humility already only sounds, but does not work, and the restriction that comes from humility recedes, because it must give way to the further situation of Liberty, which is characterized by the absence of restrictions. Therefore, the environment here is conducive to actions that are far from humble. In the text it is expressed as follows: Above is a weak point. Sounding humility. Favors the need to move troops and go to cities and kingdoms.

Fulfillment and dedication in the external, Stay and firmness in the internal. Firmness is something that can only end by chance, something that does not end by itself, and in combination with complete predetermination in the external, this is humility. But humility is obedience not to another person, but to fate and the natural course of events. And if the appropriate situation develops, then it is favorable to attack and attack.

Interpreting Hayslip

The snow that fell to the ground bent the branch of the tree; but soon everything will change and she will straighten up again. Your circumstances are now moderately favorable. But you can become the master of the situation if you exercise restraint. Failures, including financial ones, give you anxiety. But don't worry, everything will change for the better. And financial affairs will get better. If you do not neglect the help of others, your desire will come true.

The situation indicated by the Qian hexagram teaches a person two things - hard work and humility. This is exactly what is so often lacking for those who dream of happiness, but cannot achieve it in any way. But here it is very important that both of these components - work and humility - are correctly understood, otherwise everything will turn into obedience to the fate imposed by other people.

Many people cannot understand what hard work means, so they confuse it with the banal “hard work”, when a person works, which is called “like the damned,” and the result, in terms of benefits, turns out to be scanty. In fact, hard work is a pure need to do what you enjoy. Work not in the name of some principles, but because the soul itself seeks to embody some ideas in a material form. Hard work is the ability to make the world a better place. A person cannot be forced to be hardworking, because hardworking is a combination of labor and love for what the individual does.

In this case, only he will achieve something now, who can only do what he likes, which allows him to feel the meaning of his own, personal being, and not just work.

Humility is not submission to some circumstances, but acceptance of reality as it is, with all its "minuses" and "pluses". Only this creates a reliable basis for taking an effective step forward and significantly closer to success. Acceptance is just to stop dreaming and fantasizing and begin to behave adequately to the current situation.

The Qian hexagram gives a person the opportunity to synthesize hard work and humility, which will allow him to do what he likes, focusing on real facts rather than their own interpretations of events. As a result, the one who works from the heart and clearly sees what is happening will move more effectively towards his happiness, without loss, and rising from one peak to another.

Having understood the nature of hard work and humility, having learned to combine them harmoniously in yourself, you will thereby create a fertile soil in order to radically change your destiny for the better.

Now there is a danger of the precariousness of the financial situation, but you should not worry too much about this, if you use the funds you have wisely and do not indulge your weaknesses, then everything will be relatively good.

A branch of a tree bent to the ground under the weight of the snow, but soon it will straighten up again and take its former position. Your circumstances at the moment can only be called "moderately favorable." If your behavior is now distinguished by moderation and restraint, later you will become the master of the situation. You are currently experiencing some confusion and anxiety for a number of reasons, including financial ones, but don't worry, things are about to change for the better. If you do not reject the help of others, your desire will be fulfilled. In the future, financial affairs will get better.

Possession of a great asset, the entirety of the world, could be the ultimate goal if the world allowed the possibility of stopping. But the main point is the doctrine of variability, of the continuous mobility of the world and how a person should harmoniously be included in this movement. Therefore, a stop in development is not a stop, a lag, causing a conflict with world development. Therefore, if we stop even at the height of the greatest achievements, then even in such a stop there will be no correct attitude towards the world.

But it is no longer possible to move forward in a straight line, for at the previous stage everything that had to be achieved was achieved. Consequently, only a complete rejection of what has already been achieved can guarantee the possibility of further development, keeping pace with the development of the world. Such a necessary rejection of personal achievements is called "humility" and is expressed in the image of the hexagram itself, in which the sign of the mountain is placed under the sign of the earth. The mountain should generally rise above the ground, then the image of humility is expressed with the utmost laconicism.

Such a situation should not scare a person off, for only in him is further development possible here, and this development should be fruitful: it must be brought to the end, to completion. In this sense, the text says:

Humility. Development. Completion awaits the noble man.

At the first stage, humility is shown in the most intense, but also in the most general form. Therefore, it is impossible to concretize it in a specific way. It is possible only to point out that a person with this property will have to overcome enormous difficulties, because thanks to this property he is predisposed to such overcoming.

This is understandable, because here this property is considered in its unrevealed state, and therefore its practical application is not indicated; on the other hand, judging by the composition of the Book of Changes, it is inherent in a person who has already achieved tremendous results in the previous stages and is therefore capable of overcoming the greatest difficulties. The text expresses it like this:

In the beginning, a weak point. The humble of the humble is a noble man. He needs to wade across the great river. Happiness.

In the second position, something like a conflict arises between the specifics of the entire hexagram (humility, that is, non-detection, retreat into the shadows, etc.) and the nature of the second position, the meaning of which is that internal qualities are revealed on it. The resolution of this contradiction is also influenced by the fact that this position precedes the next one, on which the content of the concept of humility is most intensely manifested.

As a result, it turns out that the identification of an internal property still occurs here, but this property is humility, i.e. that which cannot express itself, but is expressed only in self-giving, in consonance with that which expresses itself. At the same time, the harmony of development here can be easily disturbed by the fact that the attention paid to the expression of one's own property will be stronger than the property itself - humility: non-expression of oneself in the first place. Therefore, only persistent and unshakable humility leads to a happy outcome here, or, as the text says:

Weakness comes second. Consonant humility. Fortitude is for happiness.

The moment of crisis is here already expressed in the very image of the trigram. In the image of "mountain" the third line, as the most ascended, depicts the specifics of the towering mountain. But it is at this position that the “mountain” comes into contact with the “earth”, and it is precisely the highest point of the mountain with the lower region of the earth. Thus, the content of humility is especially powerful here; but precisely because of this, and for the possession of such humility, the greatest tension is needed.

Only by intense labor is humility achieved; it can truly be expressed in the image of a mountain (its meaning is to rise), but inclined below the earth, which should be below everything. And only a person who possesses such a developed humility can bring his work to the end and, having done everything that is required by time and position, to stand in the right attitude to world fulfillment, i.e. achieve happiness. If such a person has already achieved complete victory over all evil for himself in the past, then here he again enters into a struggle with it in order to set an example for others by his struggle. Therefore, the text also says:

Strong trait in third place. Resignation from his labors to a noble man is before the completion [of his deeds]. Happiness.

We have seen that the property of the previous position affects the property of the second position. But in the third position, this property is developed only through certain efforts. In the fourth position, it has already been worked out, and if at the previous stage humility turned out to be acting outwardly due to efforts (which is in accordance with the symbol of the line), then here (where the position is occupied by a weak line) the influence of force and coercion is no longer possible. But in the fourth position, the very presence of a developed property can have an impact on something else. This property acts as a fascinating example. Therefore, all actions here are free and do not encounter any obstacles. That is why the text also says:

Weakness in fourth place. Nothing unfavorable. Alluring humility.

The properties expressed in the third position found support in their environment. From within, there acted “consonant humility”, creating resonance, from the outside, “alluring humility” acted there, which is only a further development of the properties of the third stage. Here, in the fifth position, the circumstances are different: the fourth position, devoid of its own strength, acts from the inside, and the sixth position outside, which, as a rule, symbolizes the loss of the properties of this hexagram. Therefore, it is impossible to expect support from the environment, from the "neighbors". Activity here is possible only as a completely independent one. But by virtue of the entire previous process, the quality of humility has already been brought to such completeness and perfection that even for actions opposite to the action of humility, the latter is still the most characteristic, and therefore even such activity does not come into conflict with the general situation and does not meet anything unfavorable her. This finds the following expression in the text:

Weakness in fifth place. You will not get rich from your neighbors. The need to carry out a punishing attack is favorable. Nothing unfavorable.

In the sixth position, the situation and its characteristic features come to an end, lose their specificity. So here too, humility remains only as an echo of the past, of those works that are mentioned in the third position. But the aggressiveness that began in the previous, fifth position, here gets even more development, especially as the need to subjugate what has gone out of obedience, because here neither the power of efforts, as in the third position, nor the temptation of the example, as in the fourth position, are acting. Here the basic tone of humility already only sounds, but does not work, and the restriction that comes from humility recedes, because it must give way to the further situation of Liberty, which is characterized by the absence of restrictions. Therefore, the environment here is conducive to actions that are far from humble. This is expressed in the text as follows:

Upstairs is a weak point. Sounding humility. Favors the need to move troops and go to cities and kingdoms.


A branch of a tree bent to the ground under the weight of the snow, but soon it will straighten up again and take its former position. Your circumstances at the moment can be called only moderately favorable. If your behavior is now distinguished by moderation and restraint, later you will become the master of the situation. Currently, for a number of reasons, including financial ones, you are experiencing some confusion and anxiety, but do not worry, everything will change for the better soon. If you do not reject the help of others, your desire will come true. In the future, financial affairs will get better.


for more information, move the mouse over the name of the hexagram

No. 15 - Qian. Humility

[Accomplishment. The noble man has to finish]

I. At the beginning of the six.
The humble of the humble is a noble man.
- We must cross the big river. Happiness!

II. Six second.
Declare humility!
- Fortitude is fortunate.

III. Nine third.
A humble noble person is to work on completing affairs.
- Happiness.

IV. Six fourth.
Raise your humility! Nothing unfavorable!

V. Six fifth.
If you are not rich, contact your neighbors.
The need to carry out a punishing attack is favorable.

Vi. There is a six at the top.
And then (lulling the enemy's vigilance and completing the necessary preparations) it is favorable and necessary to move the army into [punitive campaigns] against [cities] and countries.


Qian (Humility): humble thoughts and restrained speech; voluntarily give way; polite, modest, simple, courteous; accommodating, compliant, respectful. The hieroglyph depicts a spoken word and a sign of unity, implying words associated with facts.


This is the time for humility and closeness to simple things and main truths. Get over pride, get rid of complexity. Let your words be simple and clear, and thoughts modest. Voluntarily take a subordinate position. This will lead to success. In doing so, you will free yourself and be able to use the power of your opponent against him. Use the oracle to stay in tune with the natural course of events. Keep your ideas clear and clear. In this situation, you are connected with the power of the Earth, helping to release tension and stiffness. Be mobile and alert. Balance everything in your life carefully to avoid excesses. This is the time of connection, when the Sky moves towards the Earth. Reducing excess and humble service creates a sense of inner worth. Through humility, you can come to fulfillment and achieve what you want.


An immodest person is often more dangerous than an evil one, for the latter attacks only his enemies, while the former harms his enemies and his friends.
Joseph Addison




Compliance. Happy character. Modesty. Humility of pride. Self-deprecation. Compliance. Politeness.

Explanation of the structure

In the flatness of the Earth, the greatness of the mountain is lost. Much is taken away, little is added, this is modesty.

The structure of both gua



Poverty vow, its fulfillment. Man is his own shepherd.


Education of modesty from an early age, pride in modesty.


In place. Through labor, values ​​are created, by community, this is how happiness is achieved.



Fulfillment of all commandments, preservation of moral values, not acting for personal gain, doing for others, for society, social labor. Consonance with the city of the Sun of Campanella.


The defiant can be punished, including those who rebelled against modesty.


Military action can help neighboring states; cultivating modesty by any means.

The main thing in gua

Any situation has a beginning and an end. To get to the end of a situation, it is necessary to have endurance, without which it is difficult to move from one situation to another. The beginning is always associated with the end.

The main thesis

The process of creation and transformation is evident. Spirits-demons and Spirits-deities. Work in humility and share the benefits to others. Protect your goods if necessary.

Divine aspect

The main thing is a creative attitude, work for the benefit of society, society.
All beginnings end happily.
Those who turn into stingy knights without a trace do not deserve a peaceful attitude. Frightening events are possible - the expropriation of wealth by armed methods.
Those who use wealth not for good can be imprisoned, subjected to punitive operations.

Conformity with the Tarot

Here there is a reasonable reconciliation of the material and the spiritual. Correct use of the values ​​that life gives. This is Arcanum III, the Empress. At the level of the Minor Arcana, this is the suit of Pentacles and Wands: Ace of Wands - Good Deeds and Ace of Pentacles - Retribution.

There is a protection of the values ​​of the nation or personal ones. This is Arcanum VII, the Chariot, with the intentions of change. Ace of Swords - Arcanum of protection and Ten of Pentacles - Arcanum of material.

If, having cultivated modesty in yourself, you have a great fortune, be ready to spend it on instructions from above, from here comes Gua sixteenth, YUI, READINESS, ATTITUDE.

Summary. Divination interpretation

1. Social status, politics.

In all areas - a creative attitude. Labor for the good of society. Success in politics. But even here - in the name of ideals, moral principles, for the good of one's neighbor, and not for the sake of self-satisfaction and prestige.

2. Business (everything related to the material world, Taurus, Pentacles).

Business success is modest, beginnings are successful, but nothing more. The business garden requires to be cherished and cherished until harvest time.

3. Relationships (love, gender relations, family life)

In personal relationships, love relationships - "slipping", great determination is required. Relationships at the "like" level.

4. Interpersonal relationships.

Relations with people are calm, trusting, respectful. A fortuneteller can demand respect for himself and expect it from others.

5. Health (on the physical and subtle planes).

There may be problems with the thyroid gland, pancreas, but in the initial stage. In women, bartholinitis (inflammation of the Bartholin gland) is possible.

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