Atlantis what is known about it. History of Atlantis: myths, speculation, mysteries and real facts

The lost continent of Atlantis has been exciting the minds of millions of people for almost 2500 years. A mystery covered with a fog of millennia, hundreds of theories and hypotheses. Even in spite of modern technical means and scientific progress, it has not yet been possible to find not only the location of Atlantis, but also to prove its existence. It is worth noting that on the way to the secrets of the Atlantean civilization, scientists and researchers made many other discoveries. Which sometimes do not fit in the head because of their fantastic nature. Many have heard of Atlantis, but not many thought about the culture that this great civilization supposedly distinguished.

The very first mentions of Atlantis are considered the "Dialogues" of the ancient Greek philosopher and historian Plato. In them, he casually mentioned the location of the mainland in the area of ​​the Strait of Gibraltar. But for the most part he focused on describing the life and culture of the Atlanteans. The accuracy with which Plato describes Atlantis is surprising. Its rich cities and civilization that has risen to highest level development. According to him, the Atlanteans are the descendants of Poseidon. Who, in turn, was their supreme deity.

The wealth and grandeur of the disappeared continent is striking. But one can only judge about it from the words of Plato. Besides, other information is more interesting. It is proven that Plato himself borrowed stories about the mainland from his uncle Solon. He heard them while in Egypt. The story of Atlantis was told by one of the priests of the goddess of the firmament and the mother of the Sun - Neith. At the same time, he showed the inscriptions in the temples, testifying to the reality of the existence of the perished continent. It turns out that the Atlanteans knew in advance about the imminent death of their homeland. And they did their best to preserve the great secrets and gene pool of mankind.

Before talking about the possible location of the sunken mainland, it is worth focusing on the achievements of the Atlanteans. The information is extremely interesting, albeit somewhat obscured by the eternal search for the continent itself. The researchers were so carried away by the search that they completely forgot what they were all about. In ancient sources there is evidence that the Atlanteans preserved their knowledge for posterity. Moreover, they saved not only information, but also themselves. Shortly before the terrible catastrophe that plunged the country into the ocean, representatives of the great race went to Egypt, Greece and even Tibet.

The information of the famous British esotericist Labsang Rampa is interesting. He claims that in Tibet, there are secret caves under the Potala Temple. In them, Tibetan monks protect three Atlanteans who are in a state of "samadhi". The state itself is mentioned in all religions of the East, so its reality can be taken on faith. Another thing is interesting. Labsang claims that the inhabitants of Atlantis possessed unique abilities... With the help of the "third eye" they could move heavy objects, possessed advanced science and technology.

His statements coincide with the words of the famous Russian occultist Helena Blavatsky. In her writings, she wrote that in construction Egyptian pyramids the Atlanteans took part, who moved huge blocks of stone with the help of magic. In addition, Blavatsky said that the Great Pyramid of Cheops is a repository of Atlantean knowledge. Her words are partially confirmed modern research... Scientists have discovered hidden rooms under the base of the pyramid. Their age can be safely attributed to the tenth, and possibly the twelfth millennium BC.

Secrets of Atlantis. The Disappeared Continent If you leave esotericism unattended for a while and focus on more material things, then it is interesting to find the place where Atlantis is today. As for this aspect of research, there are many theories and it makes sense to dwell on more real ones. In the process of searching for a submerged continent, scientists have explored the entire Earth and received information that makes us look at the history of mankind in a new way. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that these finds were not always in any way connected with Atlantis. Although they had a character no less important for science.

The most real among modern versions is the location of the disappeared mainland in the Aegean Sea. Researchers argue that Atlantis was associated with the Minoan civilization and existed until the 16th century BC. Around this time, a volcanic eruption occurred on the island of Santorini, and the legendary Atlanteans sank into oblivion. Geological research confirms the theory. Scientists have discovered several tens of meters thick underwater volcanic ash deposits in this area. But whether the remains of a great race were preserved under the ashes, science is unable to answer. It remains to be hoped that "so far" is not able to.

The disappeared continent Another interesting theory is the finding of the disappeared continent under a two-kilometer layer of ice in Antarctica. On closer inspection, the theory no longer seems fantastic. To begin with, you should pay attention to the ancient maps of our planet. In 1665, the work of the German Jesuit Athanasius Kircher saw the light of day. Among other things, it featured a reproduction of an Egyptian map. The map showed Antarctica without ice in detail. Such, according to the Egyptians, it was 12,000 years ago. Surprisingly, the configuration of the island on the map is strikingly similar to the outlines of Antarctica obtained with modern equipment.

In addition, ice-free Antarctica is found on many later maps. The fact remains. In the memory of the ancestors, Antarctica was present without ice. She will never be seen like this again. It is worth noting that many of the ancient maps depicting Atlantis are incredibly detailed and accurate to the minute. How this certainty was achieved also remains a mystery.

Any variations on the theme: "Where to find Atlantis?" - should prove how this continent could disappear in an incredibly short time. According to Plato, Atlantis went under water within 24 hours. Obviously, no cataclysm can produce such a destructive effect. One out of two:

Either Atlantis went into the depths of the sea longer than the stated time;
... or the death of the Atlanteans came from outside.

The statement of the same Lama Labsang Rampa fits very smoothly on this hypothesis. In his writings, he stated that the catastrophe was due to a planetoid that collided with the Earth. Thus, displacing it from orbit and forcing it to rotate in the other direction. Let scientists judge the possibility of such an event, but this really explains both the shift of continents and the disappearance of the first civilization.

The Atlantean Empire is fraught with many secrets, the clues of which are so desirable for enthusiasts. And it's safe to say that research will not subside until Atlantis is found. There is no smoke without fire. This means that there is hope that the disappeared continent will come out to meet its descendants.

For the first time Atlantis was described by the Greek philosopher Plato - 2000 years ago he argued that this prosperous, powerful civilization perished as a result of the aggression of the Athenians and the wrath of the gods, who drowned the island in the depths of the ocean. One could consider this country an invention of the writer, however, Herodotus, Strabo and Diodorus of Siculus also mention Atlantis - philosophers who would hardly have begun to exaggerate deliberately false rumors. During the Renaissance, the myth of Atlantis captured many minds: in search of mysterious country whole caravans of ships were sent, some of which simply did not return. Naturally, this only generated a new wave of interest.

In the middle of the last century, researchers decided to develop a new teaching - Atlantology. For a couple of decades, quite serious developments were carried out, but then the scientific community again awarded Atlantis the status of a myth. Is it really?

Italian writer and expert on ancient civilizations, Sergio Frau, announced his discovery. He claims to have found the remains of a city hidden under water. The research was carried out in the southern part of Italy, off the coast of the island of Sardinia.

What happened to the Atlanteans

Naturally, such a statement caused a wave of skepticism from serious researchers. ancient history... However, after much discussion, scientists have come to the conclusion that Atlantis could indeed have been destroyed by a huge tidal wave. The tsunami caused a meteorite to fall in the second millennium BC.


Sergio Frau and his team have already provided several antiques allegedly raised from the bottom of a drowned state. Frau argues that the southern tip of Sardinia looks like a city drowned a long time ago. This is indirectly confirmed by the past findings of researchers: back in the middle of the 20th century, metal tools, ceramics and oil lamps were discovered in the same area - objects that were not yet in the use of local tribes.

Past speculation

On the other hand, all previous explorations of Atlantis were carried out in a slightly different place. Experts believed that if the state existed, then it was located somewhere between Morocco and Spain, in the middle of the Strait of Gibraltar.

Plato and his state

Many scholars believed that Plato described this fictional civilization as an illustration of his political theories. The philosopher described the city as a large conglomeration of highly developed tribes, highly respected by their neighbors due to their huge fleet. According to Plato, the kings of Atlantis were descendants of Poseidon himself and managed to conquer most of Western Europe and Africa, before the disaster struck.

Dark Ages of Sardinia

Bad times for the island of Sardinia came around 1175. This fact attracted Frau, who was well aware that before the Dark Ages, the people of Sardinia were a very progressive tribe and used iron tools. Consequently, some kind of catastrophe happened that threw Sardinia into an almost primitive society - and Frau believes that this was the flooding of Atlantis.

Mysterious Towers

The towers on the tops of the Sardinian mountains are connected by intricate underground tunnels that have been equipped with food storage systems. Scientists have never been able to understand why this system was built. The only reasonable explanation was also offered by the ancient philosopher Plutarch, who argued that the islanders looked from high towers on how their country is sinking. Thus, these structures can be the very towers, equipped in advance in anticipation of a catastrophe.

Truth or fiction

By and large, all the artifacts found and research conducted do not prove the existence of Atlantis. Sergio Frau may well have found the remains of another small settlement, abandoned before plunging into the depths of the sea. However, there is still a good chance that scientists will eventually find the remains of a legendary civilization.

In the works of some ancient Greek historians, geographers, mythographers, mathematicians, theologians and astronomers, there is mention of one state that has sunk into eternity: the legendary island of Atlantis. About two thousand years ago, Plato, Herodotus, Diodorus and other respected authors wrote about him in their works.

Ancient writers on the sunken island of Atlantis

The main information about the lost Atlantis is contained in the writings of Plato. In the dialogues Timaeus and Critias, he talks about the island state that existed about 11,500 years ago.

According to Plato, the god Poseidon was the ancestor of the Atlanteans. He linked his life with a mortal girl who bore him ten sons. When the children matured, the father divided the island between them. The best piece of sushi went to Poseidon's eldest son: Atlan.

Atlantis was a powerful, wealthy and populous state. Its inhabitants erected serious system protection from external enemies and built a network of circular canals leading to the sea, as well as an inland port.

Big cities were distinguished by amazing architectural structures and beautiful sculptures: temples lined with gold and silver, golden statues and sculptures. The island was very fertile, with varied natural world; in the bowels of the earth, people mined copper and silver.

Atlanteans were a warlike people: the army of the state included a navy of 1000 ships, while the number of crews was equal to 240 thousand people; land force numbered 700 thousand people. Descendants of Poseidon fought successfully for many years, conquering new territories and wealth; so it was until Athens stood in their way.

To defeat the Atlanteans, the Athenians created a military alliance with the peoples of the Balkan Peninsula. But on the day of the battle, the allies refused to fight, and the Athenians were left alone with the enemy. Fearless courageous Greeks defeated the aggressor and liberated the peoples previously enslaved by him.

But early on, the Greek warriors rejoiced at their achievements: they decided to intervene in the affairs of people, who were watching last centuries for the inhabitants of Atlantis. Zeus considered that the Atlanteans had become greedy, greedy, depraved and decided to punish them to the fullest extent, flooding the island along with its inhabitants and the Athenians who did not have time to celebrate the victory.

This is what Plato writes about Atlantis in his two writings. At first glance, this is just a beautiful legend, an interesting fairy tale. There is no direct evidence of the existence of Atlantis in ancient times, nor any references to authoritative sources.

But these two dialogues survived not only Plato himself, but also two more millennia - during this time, many disputes and theories regarding the lost state arose.

Plato's disciple Aristotle, who listened to the speeches of the Platonist philosophers for about 20 years, ultimately categorically rejected the existence of Atlantis, stating that the dialogues Timaeus and Critias were just fiction, the delirium of an old man.

It was because of Aristotle that Atlantis was talked about reluctantly, in an undertone until the end of the 18th century. After all, this venerable philosopher enjoyed indisputable authority in Europe, especially in the Middle Ages. All the statements of Aristotle were perceived by Europeans as the ultimate truth.

So why was Aristotle so sure that Atlantis was fiction, because he did not have irrefutable evidence of this? Why was he so harsh in his judgments? Some sources claim that the philosopher simply did not like his mentor, so he decided in this way to spoil Plato's authority in the eyes of his admirers and admirers.

Mentions of the Atlanteans in the writings of other ancient authors

Other ancient authors wrote very little about Atlantis: Herodotus argued that the Atlanteans had no names, did not see and were defeated by troglodytes - cavemen; according to the stories of Diodorus, the inhabitants of Atlantis fought with the Amazons. Posidonius, interested in the reasons for land subsidence, believed that Plato's story was plausible.

Proclus in his writings reports on one follower of the ancient thinker: the inhabitant of Athens Krantor.

Allegedly, he deliberately went to 47 years after the death of the philosopher to find evidence in favor of the existence of an island state; returning from a trip, Krantor said that in one of the ancient temples he saw columns with inscriptions retelling the historical events set out by Plato.

Search for Atlantis

It is quite difficult to indicate the exact location of the lost Atlantis: there are many hypotheses about where the flooded state may be.

Plato wrote that a huge island was once in the ocean beyond the Pillars of Hercules (i.e., beyond Gibraltar). But his searches in the area of ​​the Canary, Balearic, Azores and British Isles have led nowhere.

Some researchers suggest looking for the remains of the material culture of the Atlanteans in the Black Sea, linking the flooding of the island with the "Black Sea Flood" that occurred 7-8 millennia ago - then the sea level rose in less than a year, according to various estimates, from 10 to 80 meters.

There is a hypothesis that Antarctica is the lost Atlantis. Scientists who adhere to this theory believe that Antarctica in ancient times was shifted towards south pole due to lithospheric shift or abrupt displacement earth axis as a result of the collision of our planet with a large cosmic body.

It is also believed that traces of Atlantis can be found in South America or Brazil. But most interpreters of Plato's dialogues are sure: the lost island should be sought only in Atlantic Ocean.

In recent decades, the perished state was looking for many expeditions, most of which returned from empty handed... True, from time to time the whole world is agitated by news about the found traces of the flooded island.

Have the Russians found Atlantis?

In 1979, a Soviet expedition, while testing a diving bell, accidentally discovered in the Atlantic Ocean some objects similar to the ruins of an ancient city.

Actions unfolded just behind the Pillars of Hercules indicated by Plato, 500 km from Gibraltar, over the Ampere seamount, which many thousands of years ago protruded above the surface of the ocean, but then for some reason went under water.

Three years later, the Soviet ship "Rift" went to the same place to study the ocean floor with the help of the underwater vehicle "Argus". The Aquanauts were amazed at what they saw; in their words, they saw a panorama of the city ruins: the remains of rooms, squares, streets.

But the expedition that took place in 1984 did not meet the expectations of the researchers: the analysis of two stones raised from the ocean floor showed that this is just volcanic rock, frozen lava, and not the creation of human hands.

The opinion of modern scientists about Atlantis

Atlantis is fiction

Most modern historians and philologists are convinced that Plato's dialogues are just a beautiful legend, of which the philosopher has many. There are no traces of this state either in Greece, or in western Europe, or in Africa - this is confirmed by archaeological excavations.

The opinion of scientists that Atlantis is only a figment of the imagination is also based on the following: the philosopher writes about a network of canals built on the island, about an internal port, but such large-scale projects in ancient times were beyond the power of people.

Plato indicated the approximate date of the immersion of the island into the ocean abyss: 9000 years before he wrote the dialogues (that is, about 9500 BC). But this contradicts the data modern science: at that time humanity was just emerging from the Paleolithic era. It is not easy to believe that somewhere in those days there was a people who outstripped the entire human race in their development by thousands of years.

Many scholars are convinced that Plato, when writing his works, took as a basis some events that occurred during his lifetime: for example, the defeat of the Greeks when they tried to conquer the island of Sicily and the flooding of the town of Gelika as a result of an earthquake, followed by a flood.

Other researchers believe that the basis for the works of the philosopher was the eruption of a volcano on the island of Santorini with a tsunami that subsequently hit the coast of Crete and other islands of the Mediterranean Sea - this catastrophe led to the decline of the developed Minoan civilization.

The version is supported by the following fact: the Minoans really fought with the Archeans who inhabited Greece in ancient times and were even defeated by them (just as the Atlanteans were defeated by the Greeks in the dialogues "Timaeus" and "Critias").

In general, many researchers of the thinker's works believe that Plato, being an idealist-utopian, with his writings only wanted to call on his contemporaries to build an ideal exemplary humane state, in which there will be no place for dictatorship, violence and tyranny.

However, the philosopher himself constantly emphasizes in dialogues that Atlantis is not just a legend, but a really existing once island state.

Plato is not lying

Some researchers nevertheless admit: there is a grain of truth in the works of the ancient thinker. Excavations carried out in last years archaeologists, helped scientists to obtain new information about the life and technical achievements of our ancestors living 5-10 millennia ago.

Modern archaeologists find the remains of grandiose structures created by ancient people everywhere: in Egypt, Sumer, Babylon. Tunnels for collecting groundwater, many kilometers of adits, stone dams, man-made lakes - all these structures operated long before the birth of Plato.

Consequently, the philosopher's dialogues cannot be attributed to fiction only on the basis that humanity 11 millennia ago was unable to build a network of canals and bridges: the latter archaeological excavations prove otherwise.

In addition, since the works of Plato, copied more than once, have come down to us, there is a possibility that a confusion with dates has occurred over two millennia.

The fact is that in the system of Egyptian hieroglyphs, the number "9000" is denoted by lotus flowers, and the number "900" - by rope knots; supporters of the existence of Atlantis believe that later scribes of dialogues could easily confuse symbols so similar to each other, thus pushing historical event several thousand years ago.

On top of that, Plato, who belongs to one highly revered in Ancient Greece family, in his dialogues refers to his ancestor: the wisest of the "seven wise men" lawgiver Solon. And the ancient Greeks were very sensitive to their roots, trying to preserve the sacred memory of relatives. Would Plato, given his moral qualities, refer to Solon in his works, because if this whole story with Atlantis was just a fiction, he would tarnish the name of the wisest representative of the family?


Atlantis has been shrouded in an aura of mystery for many centuries. People have been trying to find the suddenly disappeared state for almost two thousand years: some - wanting to take possession of the treasures described by Plato, others - from scientific interest, the third - just out of curiosity.

In the 50s of the last century, even a doctrine called "Atlantology" appeared, its main task is to reveal truthful information about Atlantis in historical sources and mythical legends.

Disputes about whether a mysterious land once existed or ancient greek thinker just invented it, do not subside to this day. Various theories are born and die, conjectures appear and disappear. Some of them are supported by science, while others are more like a beautiful fairy tale.

Perhaps our children or grandchildren will solve the riddle of Atlantis. But it may happen that will pass yet two thousand years, and the mystery of the lost island will remain unsolved, and our descendants, as well as we today will be tormented by conjectures and assumptions.


The lost mainland Atlantis has been exciting the minds of millions of people for almost 2500 years. A mystery covered with a fog of millennia, hundreds of theories and hypotheses. Even in spite of modern technical means and scientific progress, it has not yet been possible to find not only the location of Atlantis, but also to prove its existence. It is worth noting that on the way to the secrets of the Atlantean civilization, scientists and researchers made many other discoveries. Which sometimes do not fit in the head because of their fantastic nature. Many have heard of Atlantis, but not many thought about the culture that this great civilization supposedly distinguished.

The first mentions of the disappeared mainland

The very first mentions of Atlantis are considered the "Dialogues" of the ancient Greek philosopher and historian Plato. In them, he casually mentioned the location of the mainland in the area of ​​the Strait of Gibraltar. But for the most part he focused on describing the life and culture of the Atlanteans. The accuracy with which Plato describes Atlantis is surprising. Its rich cities and civilization, which has risen to the highest level of development. According to him, the Atlanteans are the descendants of Poseidon. Who, in turn, was their supreme deity.

The wealth and grandeur of the disappeared continent is striking. But one can only judge about it from the words of Plato. Besides, other information is more interesting. It is proven that Plato himself borrowed stories about the mainland from his uncle Solon. He heard them while in Egypt. The story of Atlantis was told by one of the priests of the goddess of the firmament and the mother of the Sun - Neith. At the same time, he showed the inscriptions in the temples, testifying to the reality of the existence of the perished continent. It turns out that the Atlanteans knew in advance about the imminent death of their homeland. And they did their best to preserve the great secrets and gene pool of mankind.

Atlantean heritage

Before talking about the possible location of the sunken mainland, it is worth focusing on the achievements of the Atlanteans. The information is extremely interesting, albeit somewhat obscured by the eternal search for the continent itself. The researchers were so carried away by the search that they completely forgot what they were all about. In ancient sources there is evidence that the Atlanteans preserved their knowledge for posterity. Moreover, they saved not only information, but also themselves. Shortly before the terrible catastrophe that plunged the country into the ocean, representatives of the great race went to Egypt, Greece and even Tibet.

The information of the famous British esotericist Labsang Rampa is interesting. He claims that in Tibet, there are secret caves under the Potala Temple. In them, Tibetan monks protect three Atlanteans who are in a state of "samadhi". The state itself is mentioned in all religions of the East, so its reality can be taken on faith. Another thing is interesting. Labsang claims that the inhabitants of Atlantis had unique abilities. With the help of the "third eye" they could move heavy objects, possessed advanced science and technology.

His statements coincide with the words of the famous Russian occultist Helena Blavatsky. In her writings, she wrote that the Atlanteans took part, who moved huge blocks of stone with the help of magic. In addition, Blavatsky said that the Great Pyramid of Cheops is a repository of Atlantean knowledge. Her words are partially supported by modern research. Scientists have discovered hidden rooms under the base of the pyramid. Their age can be safely attributed to the tenth, and possibly the twelfth millennium BC.

Where did Atlantis disappear?

If you leave esotericism unattended for a while and focus on more material things, then it is interesting to find the place where Atlantis is today. As for this aspect of research, there are many theories and it makes sense to dwell on more real ones. In the process of searching for a submerged continent, scientists have explored the entire globe and received information that makes us take a fresh look at the history of mankind. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that these finds were not always in any way connected with Atlantis. Although they had a character no less important for science.

Atlantean civilization in the Aegean Sea?

The most realistic among modern versions is the location of the disappeared mainland in the Aegean Sea. Researchers claim that Atlantis was associated with the Minoan civilization on the island of Crete and existed until the 16th century BC. Around this time, a volcanic eruption occurred on the island of Santorini, and the legendary Atlanteans sank into oblivion. Geological research confirms the theory. Scientists have discovered several tens of meters thick underwater volcanic ash deposits in this area. But whether the remains of a great race were preserved under the ashes, science is unable to answer. It remains to be hoped that "so far" is not able to.

Atlantis in Antarctica?

Another interesting theory is the finding of the missing continent under a two-kilometer layer of ice in Antarctica. On closer inspection, the theory no longer seems fantastic. To begin with, you should pay attention to the ancient maps of our planet. In 1665, the work of the German Jesuit Athanasius Kircher saw the light of day. Among other things, it featured a reproduction of an Egyptian map. The map showed Antarctica without ice in detail. Such, according to the Egyptians, it was 12,000 years ago. Surprisingly, the configuration of the island on the map is strikingly similar to the outlines of Antarctica obtained with modern equipment.

In addition, ice-free Antarctica is found on many later maps. The fact remains. In the memory of the ancestors, Antarctica was present without ice. She will never be seen like this again. It is worth noting that many of the ancient maps depicting Atlantis are incredibly detailed and accurate to the minute. How this certainty was achieved also remains a mystery.

How did Atlantis disappear?

Any variations on the theme: "Where to find Atlantis?" - should prove how this continent could disappear in an incredibly short time. According to Plato, Atlantis went under water within 24 hours. Obviously, no cataclysm can produce such a destructive effect. One out of two:

Either Atlantis went into the depths of the sea longer than the stated time;
or the death of the Atlanteans came from outside.

The statement of the same Lama Labsang Rampa fits very smoothly on this hypothesis. In his writings, he stated that the catastrophe was due to a planetoid that collided with the Earth. Thus, displacing it from orbit and forcing it to rotate in the other direction. Let scientists judge the possibility of such an event, but this really explains both the shift of continents and the disappearance of the first civilization.

The Atlantean Empire is fraught with many secrets, the clues of which are so desirable for enthusiasts. And it's safe to say that research will not subside until Atlantis is found. There is no smoke without fire. This means that there is hope that the disappeared continent will come out to meet its descendants.

Film about Atlantis

If interested, watch the online video film "The Lost World - Atlantis. The Mystery of the Lost Civilization".

Questions about whether Atlantis existed, about the location of the sunken Atlantis of Plato, however, like all the secrets of Atlantis, torment the minds of many generations of seekers. Some researchers have not yet decided whether it was a large island or a small mainland. Many Atlantologists are trying to find evidence of the existence of the island, other representatives of modern science believe that the "city" of Atlantis was in the west. While others believe that Hyperborea disappeared along with the disappeared Atlantis.

The first acquaintance with the continent lost more than 10,000 years ago is associated with the dialogues of Plato "Timaeus" and "Critias". This work of Plato allows some scientists to claim that they have found and identified the area of ​​the sunken island and know where Atlantis sank.

Places on Earth where archaeologists searched for the ancient sunken Atlantis

At least five points on Earth are known where the search for Atlantis was conducted:

  • Baltic;
  • Eastern Mediterranean;
  • Spain;
  • Great Britain;
  • Bermuda Triangle.

What did archaeologists find in these places?

Secrets of Swedish Atlantis

Swedish archaeologists have discovered ancient artifacts dating back to the Stone Age at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Apparently, near the place where they were found, about eleven thousand years ago, nomads could have stopped. The press immediately named this discovery of no small importance for science "Swedish Atlantis".

Atlantis of the Eastern Mediterranean

In 2004, it seemed to the American scientist Robert Sarmast that he had revealed the secrets of Atlantis. He announced the finding of a lost city between Syria and Cyprus at a depth of one and a half kilometers. The expedition, which he led, managed to find man-made buildings at the bottom, as well as canals and river beds. The scientist argued that all this coincided with the outline of Plato's Atlantis.

History of Spanish Atlantis

In 2011, Spanish scientists already announced the version of the finding of Atlantis. They believed that ancient city washed away by the tsunami off the Spanish coast. Local scholars argued that at the bottom lies a complex of buildings, which also corresponded to the descriptions of Plato. With the help of instruments, it was possible to fix the concentration of methane, which in turn may indicate the death of many people.

History of British Atlantis

British scientists did not have to lag behind their colleagues. So, in 2012, they announced the discovery of Atlantis off their coast. It was hypothesized that the "British Atlantis" had to go under water about nine thousand years ago. According to this hypothesis, it was a part of the land that stretched between Denmark and Scotland. In the center, this land was the size of modern France, and this entire part of the land was almost 900 thousand square kilometers.

Atlantis of the Bermuda Triangle

Canadian researchers near the eastern coast of Cuba using a special robot in 2012 filmed some underwater ruins. In the photo, you could see the remains of buildings similar to pyramids, a figure resembling a sphinx, as well as engraved huge slabs. However, later archaeologists considered that this drowned city was not part of Atlantis. It turned out that it was built up to two thousand years ago. Whereas, according to Plato's instructions, the island of Atlantis plunged into the depths of the sea around 9500 BC.

What did Plato write about Atlantis?

Having found the right places in the text of Plato's dialogues, you can read what he wrote about the Atlantis civilization, which existed thousands of years ago. The island where it originated was larger than Libya and Asia combined. Here a great and amazing association of kings arose. All their power extended across the island, to many other islands, and also to part of the continent. Moreover, from this side of the strait, they were the masters of Libya as far as Egypt, as well as Europe as far as Tyrrenia.

Some researchers have mentioned Solon, who recorded the story of the death of Atlantis. He visited the Egyptian city of Sais around 611 BC. There, from the local priests, he learned what had happened terrible disaster, which occurred nine thousand years BC. NS. Then there was the flooding of a huge island larger than "Libya with Asia".

Scientists, after the necessary calculations, placed an island of such volumes near Gibraltar. They decided that by now only small islands such as Cape Verde, Canary Islands, Madeira, Azores and others could remain from this huge island. Thus, the huge archipelago was in fact, and hence the Platonic civilization of Atlantis.

The Secret Cards of Christopher Columbus

Some believe that Atlantis in ancient times meant the Canaries, and complements this by the fact that Columbus had accurate navigational charts with the Atlantic ridge on all his four campaigns.

By the way, he also searched for the remains of the islands of the once existing empire. Later, some of the maps that were at the disposal of the great commander were captured by the Turks in one of the naval battles, so that they ended up at Piri Reis.

The surviving maps of Piri Reis lacked the details necessary for scientists. There were no images of the sunken mainland. Nevertheless, this did not prevent the location of Atlantis from being determined; the routes of the Columbian caravels of all four expeditions were known. It should be noted that all four of Columbus's expeditions always began with the Canary Islands.

The mystery of ocean currents

On the last two expeditions, Columbus decided to take advantage of the current that carried his ships in the right direction. The secret of such a current could hardly have been known to sailors in those days. Nevertheless, this secret was well known to Columbus himself, which means that he could find it in secret sources that could get to him along with the maps of the disappeared continent.

In our days, little attention was paid to these ocean currents, since the modern fleet is adapted to perform autonomous navigation to any length. This made the secrets of the currents, which in ancient times ensured the regularity of communications between parts of the world, irrelevant. However, in ancient maps one can find unequivocal evidence that these messages existed.

However, according to some researchers, after the global cosmic cataclysm in 1528 BC. communication between the continents was interrupted. And only because of Christopher Columbus, everything returned to normal. The great Genoese possessed maps unknown to science and, having devoted himself to them, made his great discoveries.

The fall of the great Poseidonia

According to the ancient philosophers and writers, all of its citizens were warned that Atlantis would perish. However, after nothing happened for several years, people continued to “sin”.

The collapse of the great Atlas empire began with the appearance of huge cracks, where rivers rushed. Death went on throughout the state for three days, mountains collapsed and fell into valleys, rivers rushed into the ocean. On the fourth day there was such a downpour, as if the abyss of heaven had opened, the terrible rumble of thunder did not stop.

Suddenly there was a tremor of the earth, after which part of the land began its plunge into the stunned streams. Everything that was on land began to sink lower and lower under the water.

Then everything was quiet. No rain, no crushing wind blows, no downward movement — everything snapped, as if so that the survivors could rest. For several days nothing happened. To the exhausted people hiding in insignificant shelters, it seemed that everything was over.

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