What is epithets in the literature. Epithets - what is it? The value of epithets in Russian

What is one of the main charms of interaction between people? Of course, in communication, exchange of your thoughts, emotions, feelings with each other through the language. And now imagine if all of our conversations were reduced exclusively to the transfer of one or another information, bare data without any figurative characteristics and additional meanings reflecting our attitude to what was said. It would remind this communication of machines exchanging various combinations of zeros and units, only instead of numbers - words that do not carry any emotional color. The expressiveness of speech is important not only in everyday communication, but also in the literature (and here it is "vital"). Agree, it is difficult to imagine a novel, a poem or a fairy tale, in which the figurative definitions are not used and the other in our speech, both oral and written epithets are important. What it is? It is exactly what helps to make the used words and phrases are more colorful, or rather conveying their essential features and express our attitude towards them. Next, we will consider in more detail this concept, we define the role and importance of epithets in speech, and also try to classify them depending on the purpose and features of the application.

The concept of epithet and types of its designs

Let's start with the fact that you will present a complete and deeper understanding of the word "epithet": that this is what structure has how it is used in certain situations.

Adjectives in the role of epithets

From ancient Greek "epithet" translates as something "applied" or "added" to the main one. And there is. These special expressive words will always go as a supplement to others denoting some subject (object or subject). This is usually the design of "definition + noun", where the epithet is a definition, as a rule, adjective (but not necessarily). We give simple examples: black longing, deaf night, mighty shoulders, sugar mouths, hot kiss, cheerful color, etc.

In this case, adjectives are epithets that allow us to draw a more complete idea of \u200b\u200bone or another subject: not just a longing, and "black", grazing, impenetrable; Not just a kiss, but "hot", passionate, giving pleasure - such a description makes you feel deeper to feel what the author wants to experience some sensations and emotions.

Use other parts of speech as epithets

However, the role of epithets can play not only the adjective, often in this "Amplua" there are adverbs, and nouns, and pronouns, and even involvement and verbal turns (that is, not one word, and their combination). Often, these parts of speech allow you to more accurately and brighter to transfer the image and create the necessary atmosphere than these adjectives would have done.

Consider examples of use as epithets of different parts of speech:

  1. Adcharation. In the proposal they are circumstances. Examples: "Grass Fun Blow" (Turgenev); "And I complain bitterly, and Gorky tears Lew" (Pushkin).
  2. Nouns. They give a figurative characteristic subject. Speakers in the role of applications or fad. Examples: "Oh, a Volga-Mother Cuba and reversed run!" (Tolstoy); "Spring of honor, our idol!" (Pushkin).
  3. Pronouns. They are used as epithets when expressing an excellent degree of any phenomenon. Example: "... Battle fights ... They say what else!" (Lermontov).
  4. Communion. EXAMPLE: "... I, WERABRED, CONSCIOUS REDUCED THAT ..." (Block).
  5. Involvement. Examples: "Sheet, ringing and dancing in the silence of centuries" (Krasko); "... borzopists ... who have nothing in the language, except for words that do not remember kinship" (Saltykov-Shchedrin).
  6. Tempecistry and particlepric turns. Examples: "... Playing a hide and seek, goes off with a attic" (Pasternak); "... Floying and playing, rinsing ..." (Tyutchev).

Thus, epithets in speech can be not only adjectives, but also other parts of speech, if they help convey the image and more accurately express the properties of the described item.

Independent epithets

Rarely, but there are cases when expressive means are used in the text without a basic word, epithets perform independent definitions without determined. Example: "Strange and New I am looking for on the pages of old written books" (block). Here the epithets of "strange" and "new" simultaneously play two roles - and definitions and determined. Such a reception is characteristic of the literature of the era of symbolism.

Ways to classify epithets

So, now we have a fairly clear idea of \u200b\u200bsuch an important term in the theory of literature as epithets. What is it and how used, we looked at. However, for a better understanding of this phenomenon, it is important to be able to distinguish between and classify epithets on any other criteria. Despite the fact that the main and most important purpose of using these expressive means is always reduced to one - describe, give an artistic definition of the subject or phenomenon, all epithets can be classified. They are divided into groups of different parameters that we consider below.

Types of epithets in terms of genetics

The first group divides epithets on species depending on genetic origin:

  • general-language (adorning);
  • poetic poetic (constant);
  • individually author.

Associated, they are also called adorning, represent any characteristics describing objects and phenomena and their properties. Examples: gentle sea, coffin silence, lead clouds, ringing silence, etc. Usually we use them in everyday speech, to better convey the atmosphere of the described event / subject and our sensations to the interlocutor.

People's poetic, or permanent, epithets are such words or entire expressions, which for many years firmly entrenched in the minds of people for some particular words. Examples: Good well done, red maiden, clear month, clean field and others.

Individually copyright epithets are a product of the creative thought of the author himself. That is, earlier these words or phrases were not used in the speech specifically in this sense, and therefore were not epithets. There are a lot of them in fiction, especially in poetry. Examples: "Multile Trest's face ..." (Mayakovsky); "Transparent Finding Necklaces", "Rosary Wisdom Children" (Pushkin); "... Eternal motive in the middle of life" (Brodsky).

Epitts based on metaphor and metonymy

Separate epithets on groups can be used otherwise. Since figurative epithets are often associated with the use of words in a figurative value, then depending on the type of this portable word (which is the epithet), you can allocate:

  • metaphorical;
  • metonimical.

Metaphorical epithets, as already understandable from the title, basically have "light patterns", "winter silver" (Pushkin); "Sad, sad friendship", "sad, mourning defill" (Herzen); "Niva fruitless" (Lermontov).

Metonimical epithets are based on a portable metonymic meaning of the word. Examples: "Its hot, scratching whisper" (bitter); "Berezov, Merry Language" (Yesenin).

In addition, epithets based on a metaphorical or metonimical meaning can choose properties and other paths: combined with hyperbole, personification and other

Examples: "Loudly winged arrows, damaged by shoulders, sounded / in the procession of an angry God: He was marching, the night is similar" (Homer); "Spruced, squeezed, cut / climb for someone to bite into the sides. / In the sky, red, like Marsellize / shuddered, nearby, sunset" (Mayakovsky).

Such use of epithets makes it even brighter, stronger, more precisely express the perception of some phenomena / objects by the author and transfer these sensations to readers or listeners.

Epitts from the point of view of the author's assessment

Epitts can be divided into groups depending on how the author's assessment is expressed:

  • fine;
  • expressive.

The first are used in order to express features and focus on some significant differences, the properties of the subject without expressing the author's assessment to it. Examples: "... In the autumn twilight, the transparency of the garden" (Brodsky) is gratitude; "Your fence is a cast iron / and punch of a blue" (Pushkin).

Expressive epithets (as already understandable from the title) give readers the opportunity to hear the copyright, its clearly expressed estimate of the described object or phenomenon. Examples: "meaningless and dull light" (block); "Heart - Cold Jigger" (Mayakovsky).

However, it is worth noting that such a division is very conditional, since often visual epithets also have an emotional color and are a consequence of perception by the author of those or other items.

Evolution of using epithets in literature

Arguing that such epithets in the literature should not be touched upon the topic of their evolution in time. They constantly undergo changes in both historical and cultural terms. In addition, epithets differ depending on the geography (place of residence) of people who created them. Our education, features and living conditions, experienced events and phenomena, the resulting experience - all this affects the created images in speech, as well as the meaning that is laid in them.

Epithets and Russian folk creativity

Epitts - What are these images in oral folk creativity? At the early stage of the development of literature, epithets, as a rule, described any physical properties of objects and allocated significant, key features. The emotional component and expression of the relationship to the described object went to the background or was absent at all. In addition, folk epithets were distinguished by the exaggeration of properties of objects and phenomena. Examples: Good well done, irrelevant wealth, etc.

Silver eyelid epithets and postmodernism

Over time and the development of literature, epithets became more complicated, their designs were modified, their role was changed in works. The novelty of the poetic language, and consequently, the use of epithets is particularly well traced in the literary works of the Silver Century. Wars, rigorous scientific and technical progress and related changes in the world led to changes in the human worldview. Writers and poets went into the search for new literary forms. From here - the appearance of a large number of "their" (that is, the author's words due to the violation of the usual morpheme, the bonds of the foundations, new forms of words and new methods of their combination.

Examples: "Kudri sleep on the shoulders of snow white" (ants); "Menthi ... What are laugh with laughs, that they are mixed diluted, oh, whine smiling!" (Khlebnikov).

There are a lot of interesting examples in the use of words and an unusual image of items can be found in the work of Mayakovsky. What is just worth the poem "Violin and a little gentle", in which "drum ... sleeved on the burning Kuznetsky and left," "a stupid plate was picked up", "Helicon-slower" something shouted with a violin and so on.

Noteworthy in terms of applying epithets is the literature of postmodernism. This direction (arising in the 40s and the greatest dawn in the 1980s) opposes itself to realism (especially socialism), which prevail in Russia until the end of the 70s. Representatives of postmodernism reject rules and norms developed by cultural traditions. In their work, the boundaries between reality and fiction, reality and art are erased. From here - a large number of new verbal forms and techniques, curious and very interesting use of epithets.

Examples: "Diathesis / Diasecking Golden" (Kibrov); "Acacia branch ... smells a creosote, dust of the Tambura ... in the evening on tiptoe it returns to the garden and listens to the movement of electrical trains" (Sokolov).

The works of the era of postmodernism are replete with examples of what epithets in the literature of our time. It is only worth reading the authors such as falcons (an example is presented above), stitching, Levin, Sorokin, etc.

Tales and epithets characteristic of them

Special place occupied epithets in fairy tales. Folklore works of different times and different nations of the world contain a lot of examples of using epithets. For example, for Russian folk fairy tales, a frequent use of distance epites, as well as definitions describing the surrounding nature are characterized. Examples: "Clean field, dark forest, high mountains"; "For thirty lands, in the threesteal state" ("Finist - Clear Falcon", a Russian folk tale).

But for Iranian fairy tales, for example, it is characterized by an oriental image, rich in various epithets, an orientable speech. Examples: "... The pious and wise sultan, with an extraordinary care of the state-owned ..." ("History of Sultan Sanjar").

So, on the example of the epitieties used in the folk work, you can trace the cultural features inherent in one or another people.

Epithets in the episons and myths of different nations of the world

At the same time, the folk works of different countries of the world are characterized by general features of the use of epithets serving a specific purpose. It is easy to trace the example of ancient Greek myths, Celtic legends and Russian epic. All these works combines the metaphoricity and fantasticity of events, epithets with a negative tint are used to describe frightening places, events or phenomena.

Examples: "Unlimited dark chaos" (ancient Greek myths), "Wild cries, monstrous laughter" (Celtic legends), "Idolische Pogano" (Russian epics). Such epithets serve not only for bright descriptions of places and phenomena, but also to form a special perception, the reader's relationship to the read.

What rich Russian? Epithets and their role in spoken and artistic speech

Let's start with a simple example. A short dialogue of two proposals: "Hi, son. I'm going home. How are you? What are you doing?" - "Hi, mom. Good. Ate soup." This conversation is a dry exchange of information: Mom rides home, the child was singing soup. Such communication does not carry any emotions, does not create sentiment and, one can say, does not give us any information about the feelings and the real state of affairs from the interlocutors.

Another thing, if the epithets intervene in the process of communication. What does it change? Example: "Hi, my sweet son. I'm going home tired and exhausted like a dog. And how are you? What are you doing?" - "Hello, Favorite Mommy. I had a hot day today, in a good sense! I ate soup, he was great." This example is very well answering the question of why epithets in modern speech are so important, even if it is an ordinary household conversation. Agree, it is much easier to understand from such a conversation, in which mood is each of the interlocutors: Mom will be glad that his son is fine, and pleased with the Soup, he liked; The son, in turn, will understand that mom is tired, and will warm up dinner for her arrival or will make something more useful. And all this thanks to the epithets!

Epithet in Russian: role and examples of use in artistic speech

From simple, we turn to the complex. In artistic speech, epithets are not less, and perhaps even more important. No literary work will be interesting and will not be able to captivate the reader, if there are few epithets (with rare exception, of course). In addition to making it brighter and expressively the image of the pictured phenomena, items, epithets are performed by other roles in:

  1. Stress out some characteristic features and properties of the described object. Examples: "Yellow beam", "Wild cave", "Smooth Skull" (Lermontov).
  2. Explain, specify signs that distinguish the subject (for example, color, size, etc.). Example: "Forest ... purple, gold, crimped ..." (Bunin).
  3. Used as the basis for creating Oxymoron by means of a combination of contrasting words. Examples: "brilliant shadow", "wretched luxury".
  4. Allow the author to express their attitude to the described phenomenon, to give its assessment and transfer it to the perception of readers. Example: "And we appreciate the word things, and the word russian we honor" (Sergeev-Price).
  5. Help create a live idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject. Example: "... Spring, the first ringing ... rinsing in the sky blue" (Tyutchev).
  6. Create a specific atmosphere, cause the desired emotional state. Example: "... lonely and someone else's all, lonely going through an abandoned big road" (Tolstoy).
  7. Formed readers a certain attitude towards phenomenon, subject or hero. Examples: "It goes a pussy-village, and a man sits on a good horse" (Russian epic); "Onegin was in the end of many ... / scientist Small, but pedant" (Pushkin).

Thus, the role of epithets in artistic literature is invaluable. It is these expressive words that make works, be it a poem, a poem, a story or novel, alive, fascinating, able to cause certain emotions, moods, evaluations. We can safely say that there would be no epithets, the possibility of the existence of literature as art would be questioned.


In this article, we tried to fully answer the question of whether various ways were examined by the classification of these expressive funds, and also talked about the role of epithets in life and work. We hope it helped you to expand your idea of \u200b\u200bsuch an important term in the theory of literature as epithet.

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