What are paronyms? Examples

Paronyms - These are words close to sound, but differing partially or fully meaning.

Sometimes in our speech there are words similar to the sound, but differing in shades of the value or at all different by semantics. Among the lexical errors caused by the ignorance of the exact meaning of the word are most often there are errors associated with non-trifle, or rigging paronyms. To avoid this, find out what paronyms are.

Greek for its origin linguistic term " paronymLiterally meaning "The same name": Greek. Para - Same, Onyma - Name.

Paronims can be called both single and close words, which, with all their similar, still differ with shades of the value or designate different realities of reality.

For example, diplomat - this is an employee of the embassy or consulate, and Diploma - Member of the Competition, Festival, noted for its executive skill with a diploma.

Guaranteed (secured) may be income, salary, work, circulation, but warranty (containing a guarantee) Name letter, credit, contract repair.

Frequent errors in the use of words-paronyms: " painted "And" signature «.

Noun " painted " matter:

  1. written list of something - the painting of income and expenses;
  2. diversity of records in different places - digital data painting;
  3. wall art - the painting of the walls of the temple, the painting of the Church.

Single noun " signature "This is a self-made surname at the end of the document, expressing consent to its content.

In the literary language is unacceptable, the integral phrase:

I put my painting in the agreement.

Let's also talk about the common confusion in the use of verbs-paronyms.

Verb " dress up " combined with animate nouns, so I correctly say:

dress down a child, dress a grandmother, dress up a Barbie doll.

Word " put on »Used in combination with inanimate nouns:

wear a ring on your finger, put on a hat, boots, mittens.

Before walk, I put on my dog's collar. Mom put on a jacket on her son.

Community in the value of paronyms is partial, so they have, as a rule, a different combination with other words, for example:

  • general title, uniform;
  • master plan, headquarters;
  • elected (related to elections) plot, elective representative;
  • selective (not solid, partial) check, selective land;
  • economy of the country, agriculture;
  • saving funds, resources;
  • host - related to the owners belonging to them (master courtyard, house, attitude, gift);
  • economic - busy farm related to the economy (Economic issues, cases, shops).



  • Destination - person (organization), which is addressed to postal post; recipient (accurate addressee; addressee dropped);
  • address - person (organization), sending postal departure; sender (punctual addict; addresse admin message).
  • Subscription - the right to use anything during a certain period, as well as a document certifying this right (Concert, Library, Theater Subscription);
  • subscriber - The owner of the subscription (telephone network subscriber, log order by subscriber).
  • Engine - part of the car that leads it in motion, strength (Electrical engine);
  • movement - what leads to movement, contributes to him (Society proprietor, progress).
  • Dictation - type of writing (difficult dictation, explanatory dictation, dictation with comments);
  • dictate - Requirement dictated by one strong party requiring unconditional fulfillment of another, weak party (dictate of the ruling top).
  • Speaker - random error when writing;
  • recapture - The answer that does not affect the creatures of the case.
  • Fact - True event, phenomenon, incident;
  • factor - The reason for the driving force of any process.

Paronima adjectives

  • Beregery - caring, careful (careful attitude towards mother);
  • thrifty - economical, calculating (her daughter is inhabited).
  • Hygienic - related to hygiene based on hygiene rules (hygienic measures, hygiene working conditions, hygiene);
  • hygienic - satisfying hygiene rules (hygienic suit, hygienic clothing).
  • Friendly - related to friends (Friendly meeting, friendly smile);
  • friendly - a benevolent, based on friendliness; ( friendly furnishings, friendly country, politics).
  • Skillful - skillful, well-known master (skillful jeweler, potter, carpenter; skillful hands);
  • artificial - Unfortunate (Artificial fur, Silk, Stone).

Paronima verbs

  • Immigrate - enter another country for temporary or permanent residence;
  • emigrate - leave your country, move to another country.
  • Assimilate - understand something for yourself, make knowledge to your understandable (assimilate a new topic, assimilate the rules of mathematics, learn the manners of good tones; to learn the views, fashion, custom);
  • master - master something, learn how to use something, dispose, process (master the method of quick reading, machine, equipment, earth, desert, virgin; master the production of porcelain).
  • Provide - Return, use (Provide choices, position, credit, vacation, room, information, place, freedom);
  • imagine - Hand to familiarize yourself, introduce someone with someone, put forward for promotion (present drawing, documents, report, scheme, guest, to award, scene from the play).

We will add to this list the verb pairs of words-paronyms:

  • swallow - absorb;
  • specify - discuss;
  • cool - cool.

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