Pirates ships. The main criteria of the pirate vessel

Adventure (Adventure Galley) is a favorite ship of William Kidda, English Capper and Pirate. This unusual gallery-frigate was equipped with straight sails and elevals, which made it possible to maneuver both against the wind and in a glad weather. A 287-ton vessel with 34 guns accompanied 160 people of the team and first of all it was intended to destroy the ships of other pirates.

"Revenge of the Queen Anne" (Queen Anne "S Revenge) - the flagship ship of the legendary captain of Edward Tich on the nicknamed black beard. This 40-cannon frigate was originally called" Concord ", belonged to Spain, then moved to France, until finally was captured by the black beard . Under his leadership, the ship strengthened and renamed. "Revenge of Queen Anna" was flooded dozens of commercial and military vessels who were inserted on the path of the famous Pirate.

Wida (WHYDAH) is the flagship ship of the Black Sam Bellamy, one pirates of the golden century of the marine scope. UID was a high-speed and maneuverable vessel who can transport many treasures. Unfortunately for the Black Sam, only a year after the start of the pirated "career", the ship fell into a terrible storm and was thrown into a shallow. The whole team, except for two people, died. By the way, Sam Bellamy was the richest pirates in history, if you believe the recalculation of Forbes, its condition has numbered about $ 132 million in modern equivalent.

Royal Fortune (Royal Fortune) belonged to Bartolomew Roberts, the famous Welsh Corsaire, whose death ended with the golden age of piracy. Bartolomew for her career changed several ships, but the 42-gun three-mahl linear ship was his favorite. He accepted his death in battle with the British Military Court "Swallow" in 1722.

"Fantasy" (Fancy) is the ship Henry Everie, as well as known as Long Ben and Archuprate. The Spanish 30-gun Frigate "Charles II" successfully robbed French vessels, but in the end the rebellion broke out on it, and the government went to Ever, who served the first assistant captain. Everie renamed the ship in the "imagination" and walked on it until she graduated from his career.

Happy Delivery is a small, but favorite ship of George Laterna, the XVIII century English pirate. His corona tactics was a taran of his verge of enemy with simultaneous lightning board.

"Golden Lan" (Golden Hind) - English Galloon, under the command of Sir Francis Drakes who made a world tour between 1577 and 1580. Initially, the vessel was called "Pelican", but at the exit in the Pacific Drake renamed him in honor of his patron, Lord Chancellor Christopher Hutton, who was conquered on the coat of Golden Lan.

The "Rising Sun" - a ship belonged to Christophore Moody, truly ruthless thug, who did not brave prisoners from the principle. This 35-gun frigate was horrified on Mudi's enemies, while they didn't hang out safely - but he entered the story of the most unusual pirated flag of famous, yellow on a red background, and even with the creek sanding clock to the left of the skull.

"SPEAKER) is the first of the largest ships of Corsary John Bowen, a successful pirate and a magnificent tactic. "Curious" is a large 50-gun vessel with a displacement of 450 tons, originally used to transport slaves, and after the bowen seizure - for bold attacks on the Mauritan courts.

"Retribution" (Revenge) is a decade-eyed gate Styd Bonnet, as well as the "gentleman of the pirates". Bonnet lived saturated, albeit a brief life, having time to be a small landowner, serve as a black beard, to get under the amnesty and stand on the path of piracy. A small maneuverable "retribution" sank many larger vessels.

Large and tiny, powerful and maneuvers - all these vessels, as a rule, were built quite for other purposes, but sooner or later turned out to be in the hands of Corsaars. Some graduated from their "career" in battle, others resell, the third tone into the storm, but they all so or another glorified their owners.

These ships have long been burning in the underworld stoves. All because on them the most evil pirates peak their most terrible plans.

Adventure (Adventure Galley)

Favorite ship William Kidda. This is a Scottish sailor and an English caper, famous thanks to the loud judicial proceedings - he was accused of crimes and pirated attacks. The results are disputed and to this day.

"Adventure" - an unusual gallery frigate equipped with straight sails and oars. At the expense of the latter was very maneuverable - both against the wind and in windless weather. Weight - 287-tons, weapons - 34 guns. On board, 160 people team easily. The main goal of the "Adventure" is the destruction of ships of other pirates.

Source: wikipedia.org.

"Queen Anne's Revenge" (Queen Anne's Revenge)

Flagship ship of the legendary captain Edward Tiche. Titch, he is a black beard - English pirate, acting in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Caribbean in 1703-1718.

Tich loved the "revenge" for armament - 40 guns. The frigate, by the way, was originally called "Concord" and belonged to Spain. Then he moved to France, well, and then he was captured by "black". So "Concord" and became the "revenge of the Queen Anna", sulking dozens of commercial and military vessels who were inserted on the path of the famous pirate.

Source: wikipedia.org.


"Host" - Pirate Black Sam Bellamy, one of the most famous Pirates of the Golden Age of the Sea Ubbean. "UID" was a high-speed and maneuverable vessel, able to transport many treasures. But a year after the start of the pirated missing, the ship fell into a terrible storm and was thrown into a shallow. Outcome: The whole team (except two people) died.

Source: wikipedia.org.

Royal Fortune

Roberts's possession of Bartolomew - the famous Welsh Pirate (the real name is John Roberts), which produced in the Atlantic and the Caribbean Sea. Captured, by the way, more than 400 ships. Was disting from extravagant behavior.

So, Roberts was crazy about the 42-gun 3-mast "royal good luck." On her board, he met his death - in battle with the British warship warship in 1722.

Source: wikipedia.org.

"Fantasy" (Fancy)

The owner is Henry Every, he is the architecture and long-grade Ben - pirate, called "one of the most successful bucks and gentlemen of good luck." The "fantasy" was first of the Spanish 30-cannon frigate "Charles II". Her team successfully robbed French vessels. But then the rebellion broke out on it, and the power moved to Ever, who served the first assistant captain. The pirate renamed the ship and further on it (and with him), drowned until death separated them.

Source: wikipedia.org.

Happy Delivery

Small, but from this no less favorite ship of George Louter - English Pirate of the XVIII century, "labor" in the Caribbean and Atlantic. Loweter's chip - a taran of an enemy vessel with simultaneous lightning board. Often, the pirate did it on the "delivery".

"Rising Sun" (Rising Sun)

The vessel was part of the estate of Christopher Mudi, one of the most ruthless thugs - did not care about anyone, all quickly and efficiently let go on the world. So, the "rising sun" is a 35-gun frigate, which was horrified at all, especially on the enemies of Moody. True, it lasted until the thoroughbred was hung. Separate attention deserves bright and then painfully recognizable flag of the Moody.

Ship, flag and appearance - Only these three things could put a pirate over the rest of the world. A high-speed ship, a flag with a bad reputation, and the awesome appearance - that's why it was often enough for the enemy to surrender without a fight. When success depends on how much fear you will be able to catch up for a victim, these three things had an important meaning, and they served as evidence of the luckyness of the pirate.

The ships of the pirates did not build themselves. Pirate ship It was supposed to be high-speed, maneuverable and well armed. Capturing the ship, first of all looked at its nautical qualities. Daniel Defo said that the pirate ship is primarily "A pair of light heels that will be very useful when you need to quickly grab something or even faster if you grab you". On the captured merchant ships, the trumpeted bulkheads, deck superstructures and one of the masts were often removed, they were made lower, and the additional cannon ports were cut in the board.

As a rule, pirates exceeded normal vessels, which was quite essential as to catch up with the sacrifice, so to get away from the chase. For example, when Charles Wayne hunted a ship at the Bahamas in 1718, he easily leaving marine patrols, "Making two feet on their one".

Most pirated captains did not change the ship throughout their career (which was often very short - it can even go about months, and not years; even the terror of the black beard terror existed for only a few years). However, there were those who changed the ships as gloves - Bartolomew Roberts was about six. As for the captured ships, they were usually sold or simply burned.

Pirate ship needs constant care, especially important in time to clean the bottom from seashells and algae so that they do not brake the ship's course. This procedure was done every three months. Usually, the pirates were swimming into some safe place, put guns at the entrance to the bay to reflect the possible attack, and the ship was crossed - that is, with the help of Taly, they pulled it to the shallow and cleaned the bottom. The protenigation was also applied in cases where it is necessary to repair the underwater part of the hull. The biggest threat to the ship was the mollusk and the ship worm (ancient), which was bought in the wood and could be done in it a length of up to 6 feet (2 meters). These worms were capable of complete destruction of the ship housing.

Sizes of the ship

The size of the pirate vessel was quite important. A large ship is easier to fight storms, and, in addition, it can carry more guns. However, large ships are less maneuverable, and they are harder to grove. Pirates are usually shown on big ships, such as galleons, for they look very impressive, but in fact the pirates preferred ships of small sizes, most often the slut; They were high-speed and for them was just to care for. In addition, thanks to the smaller sediment, they could swim in small waters or to take place among sandy shames, where a larger ship could pass.

It was so great that in everyday marine responsibilities could participate on everything, but in battle for one gun it was necessary to serve four, and then six, a person. The vessel with twelve guns on board had seventy people only in order to lead fire, and it was necessary to bring the nuclei and gunpowder.

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