Oxymoron - what it is, examples in Russian, as well as the correct emphasis and difference from Oksimoron (or Aksemorone)

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Oxymoron is variety of figures of speech (The phrase, consisting of usually from two words), which is "all such a contradiction" (just like a woman), which is for living beetted. No, really. In oxymeror (permissible in Russian such writing on a par with Oxymoron - emphasis on the letter) Combined, it would seem that inequate qualities and essence. This is the figures and notable data.

This term has Greek roots and is a composite of two again contradictory words - sharply (in the sense of smart, i.e. funny) and stupidly (in the sense of stupid). That you beat some kind of witty nonsense, and if you use a faster, then it is nothing but nonsense, or nonsenpitsa (the latter, probably best suits).

So what is the oxymoron (sometimes they write it wrong in requests as Aremmerev), if you try to give a definition? And this, in essence, connection of two contrasting words (Often those opposite by the value of the type "Cold as Fire"). Want examples? Yes, please, as much as you like.

Just below you will find their tens, but for now, for the seed: "Virtual reality", "truthful lies" (remember such a movie with Schwarzen?), "Flying Fall" (and this is from advertising), "Listening silence", "Loud Silence" , "Beautiful to horror" (as an option - "terribly beautiful"), "hot ice" (hockey fans will understand), "Living dead", "silent cry", etc. All these are examples of oxymoronuses, but they appear more and more, for they cling to and attract attention. Why? Let's deal with.

What is an oxymorone or why combine incompatible?

First of all oxymoron is a way to attract attention, Integrate, make a person will surprise, stop, think about ... For example, the phrase "Long MiG" or "Complex Easy" discourages somewhat, stunning (as is it possible?), It causes unusual and unexpected associations, someone can even get smile. (So \u200b\u200bwrapped!).

And where is it best to use? Well, of course, where it is necessary to attract attention with a literally several words. So oxymifiers are very often found in the names of books (examples - "live corpse", "hot ice", "honest thief", "eloquent silence", "optimistic tragedy", "end of eternity"), film names (Bright examples - "truthful lies", "Ordinary Miracle", "Old New Year", "Back to the Future", "Tomorrow was war"), in advertising slogans, verses.

Our brain stumbles with you about these expressions, it starts to process them, actively tries to imagine, awakens the right hemisphere responsible for creativity ... Literally two words excite the imagination, they begin to distort the imagination ... But this is exactly what the author of the book and the film director ( Yes, even the author of the advertising slogan and roller) - they need to awaken in you interest in their work.

I'm not talking about poets - similar speech figures give verses charm And make them unique.

Leading to the name of the work (or verses) of the oxymoron (two opposite and mutually exclusive concepts), they seek that both words lose their initial meaning, but in the end something new, unprecedented formed in the headSo, maleing and causing the desire to read this book, watch a movie, and poems read and read without end. Wonderful thing, isn't it?

The oxymoron is often used to create some drama - for example, "cruel kindness" or "deafening silence". No wonder they say that the brevity sister of talent. And then it turns out very briefly (only two words) and at the same time so emotion ... but set nearby, they often give the work of artistic brightnessFor they have a strong surprise effect and put in front of the reading their logical paradox, which each places for itself in its own way. And this is the whole charm ...

But not only here you can find examples. Look, one word that contradicts itself is tragicomedy. Or from the field of creativity: "Roman in verse." In general, they invent such phrases mostly creative people, therefore, and in their everyday life, they also settle down (for example, in painters, stylists and even culinary principle there is the principle of "combinations of incompatible", and this is nothing more than an oxymmer).

Advertisers also use oxomeron (smart nonsense, if you translate this word from Greek literally) also because this kind of phrase is very well remembered (literally enjoyed into consciousness). Yes, and not only to advertising it applies. You probably have heard the expression "dry water", which, in contrast to the official name of this chemical compound with a six-storey formula (fluorouplen), is easily laid in the head. Or "liquid nails" - bright and most importantly understandable.

Do you want more examples from the Great and Mighty Russian Language? A little below there will be a lot, but still a separate string to emphasize historical examplesThat, due to their literal perception, became peculiar dogmas, although in essence are representatives of the oxymoron family.

In a not very distant socialist past, we considered the expression "Public property", but, in fact, this phrase was composed of the concepts of concepts contradictory (public - it means indivisible, and property means separation, separation). Even from there, an example is "a certificate duty" (in relation to the service in the army) or a little later (in the dashing nineties) was in the use of the phrase "unpaid salary", although the word "fee" already means a perfect action. In general, examples mass.

Examples of oxymorons in Russian

As I mentioned above, a lot of examples of using this bright figure speech figures in the names of artwork. I already led some of them, but I will try to expand this list:

In poems poet Very often use contradictory and paradoxical phrases to strengthen the artistic brightness of their works:

Well, finally, I want to bring just examples of oxymoronovwho like me to some extent:

  1. large half
  2. scary beautiful
  3. living Dead
  4. sad joy
  5. eloquent silence
  6. liquid Nails
  7. dry water
  8. old New Year
  9. sad laugh
  10. sweet bitterness
  11. heat cold
  12. sweet tears
  13. afterlife
  14. a virtual reality
  15. stunning silence
  16. ringing sishin
  17. powerless powerlessness
  18. dull shine
  19. for a short instant
  20. original copies
  21. widely closed eyes
  22. truthful lies
  23. loud silence
  24. summer Schuba
  25. infant angel
  26. sincere Lhats.
  27. easy modesty
  28. voluntary violence
  29. drink for health
  30. unanimous disagreements
  31. friendly enemy
  32. endless limit
  33. educated Ham
  34. little giant
  35. lucky stretch
  36. married bachelor
  37. flame ice
  38. silent Creek
  39. fall up
  40. fun sadness
  41. chilling dust
  42. screaming sishin
  43. mIG.
  44. complex simplicity
  45. skunted friend
  46. wavy smooth
  47. clumsy grace
  48. powerless powerlessness
  49. public Mystery
  50. affectionate merzaver
  51. stubborn consent
  52. happy pessimist
  53. soft rigid
  54. amorphous activist
  55. muddy clarity
  56. bitter happiness
  57. unbearable charm
  58. unstoppable quiet
  59. low skyscraper
  60. swiss refugee
  61. frank politics
  62. honest politician

Do you have something to add? Sometimes very bright examples do not go to mind until someone tells them. Waiting for your examples of alogistic, but such charming phrases Ala Oxymoron ...

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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