What century is it now? Where did the general misconception come from?

Many people find it difficult to answer the question: “How to determine the century by the year in which this or that event occurred?” In general, there is nothing complicated here. Now you will see it for yourself.

our era

For events that occurred in the time period of our era (that is, everything that happened from our days to a period just over two thousand years ago), the century is calculated as follows: the last two digits of the year value are discarded, and one is added to the result. Let's say we need to find out in what century the Great Patriotic War began. This happened in 1941. We discard the last two digits (41) and add one to the remaining digits (19). The result is the number 20. That is The Great Patriotic War began in the twentieth century. Another example - Prophetic Oleg died in 912. What century was it? We discard the numbers 12, add one to nine and understand that the Kiev prince died in the tenth century.

One clarification needs to be made here. A century is a period of one hundred years. If the last two digits of the year are 01, then this is the first year of the beginning of the century. If 00 is the last year of the century. So there is an exception to our rule. If the last two digits of the year are zeros, then we do not add one. How to determine such a century by year? For example, Pius VII became Pope in 1800. In what century did this happen? We discard the last two digits of the date, but keep in mind that these are zeros and do not add anything. We get 18. Pius VII became Pope in the 18th century. And the very next year the 19th century arrived. We figured out the definition of which century includes which year, relative to our era. What if we are talking about events that happened before?


Everything is a little more complicated here. From 1 year to 100 BC - this is the first century BC. From 101 to 200 - the second, and so on. Thus, to determine the century by the year before the birth of Christ, you need to discard the last two digits of the year and add one. And in the same way, if the last digits are two zeros, we do not add anything. Example: Carthage was destroyed in 146 BC. e. How to determine the century by year in this case? We discard the last two digits (46) and add one. We get B.C. And let's not forget about our exception: catapults were invented in 400 BC. We discard the last two digits, keep in mind that these are zeros, and do not add anything. It turns out that catapults were invented in the 4th century BC. It's simple!


Since we have figured out how to determine a century by year, let's try to learn how to determine a millennium at the same time. There is nothing complicated here either. Only you will have to discard not two, but the last three digits of the date, and still add 1.

Example: Alexander II abolished serfdom in 1861. In what millennium did he do this? We discard the last three digits (861) and add one more to the remaining one. Answer: second millennium. There are exceptions here too. If the last three digits are zeros, then one is not added.

The national currency “somoni” was introduced in Tajikistan in 2000. That is, this happened in the second millennium.

That is why those who celebrated the advent of the third millennium and the 21st century in 2000 were mistaken - these events took place only the following year.

If you understand all this simple arithmetic, then now you know exactly how to determine the century by year or even find out the number of the millennium.

« Stay awake, otherwise you will fall into laziness and oblivion... Remember that you must fulfill the mission that Providence has assigned to you. When the time comes, it will open your eyes and guide you along the right path. Always be prepared for this... Listen carefully, and you will hear when the call sounds!..»
(Ancient astrologers about Saturn)

In the book by Alexei Kungurov (Tyumen) “Kievan Rus did not exist, or What historians are hiding,” there was an interesting fragment from the chapter “Arseny Sukhanov. Debate with the Greeks about Faith." I will not now discuss the authenticity of this document, but, in spite of everything, it quite reasonably explains why exactly three independent laboratories (Switzerland, Great Britain and the USA), without knowing the origin of the tissue samples under study (the Shroud of Turin), based on dating studies Using radiocarbon analysis, they gave almost identical conclusions about their age - the 12th century AD.

Astronomers also indirectly indicate the date of birth of Jesus by calculating the expansion rate of the Crab Nebula, which was called the Star of Bethlehem by the evangelists, and they gave the approximate date of its occurrence. And this is not the “zero” or the 1st century AD. This is the 12th century!

Now we read a quote from the Debate:

« Yes, you have even lost years since the Birth of Christ: you write in the current year, in the 158th year from the Birth of Christ, the 1650th year; and your Greek books accuse you of this, but you do not want to obey. - And all this came to you from the Romans, because of the Hellenic teachings, they have a printing house in their own country and books are printed for you in Rome and Venice and in England; and go and study the Hellenic scripture in Rome and Venice, and didascols (Didaskal [didaskal; Greek διδάσκαλος], lit. - teacher - my note) you all from those sciences come to you and, being there, even in In a herd of scabs, healthy cattle will become scabby, so your didascols come to you from Rome and Venice, all mangy, just as Blasius didascols of the rivers from the science of Roman customs, and they teach you this; and you listen to them in everything, because you do not have your own sciences of the Hellenic language and you accept books from them. - Otherwise, the river, that you had no good, then everything went to us to Moscow».

So, Arseny Sukhanov denounces the creators of false history and false calendar in plain text - Rome, Venice and England. But most importantly, it turns out that even in the middle of the 17th century, people remembered exactly when Jesus was born! In 1650 he would have turned 158 years old! It turns out that Jesus was born in 1492, and according to “their” chronology, our calendars should show not 2013, but only 521!

Again we have to make adjustments in our understanding of who we are and where we come from. Just recently, I believed that 5508 years were stolen from us, but now it turns out that as many as 6029 years have been stolen from humanity! And what happened during these times? Only the last 120–130 years seem more or less reliable to me. Well, 135. No one knows what happened before, because the whole history was written by the Jesuits, Freemasons, French, Germans and Bolsheviks.

A reasonable question: “How do they do this? How can you rewrite history on a global scale?” A sane person will say: “No way! There are manuscripts, archaeological finds, and everything is consistent with traditional history!” Just recently, no one even thought of checking such “evidence” for authenticity. Having learned exactly how forgeries and manipulations are committed, I dare to draw my own conclusions.

What is the value of the myth about the Library of Alexandria, in which carriages of tomes were supposedly stored, and this despite the fact that paper had not yet been invented? What are the efforts to find the library of Ivan the Terrible worth? Do you remember how the Bolsheviks simply burned the archives of the Romanov House of more than half a million volumes in vacant lots in different parts of Moscow?

I guess it goes like this:

  1. Replacing calendars. This is a reliable and proven way to bury the truth. It is enough to regularly arrange changes in the chronology system. Lunar calendar, solar, Muslim, Jewish, Slavic, Hindu, Julian, Gregorian - the devil himself will break his leg in this chaos. You can bury anything in it. You can attract any date to the “necessary” event. The Gregorian calendar is not suitable - we take the lunar one, and here you have a thousand-year history!;
  2. Substitution of geographical names is also a favorite way to falsify genuine events. They wrote that the Battle of Kulikovo took place on the Don River, and to this day everyone is sure that it was on the Don, on the Don, where “the horses roamed.” And the fact that any river was called the Don is difficult to remember. And now look for which of the dons the events took place on. But London is also a LONG DON, just a long river. This hypothesis was prompted, paradoxically, by the name of a mountain in the Falkland Archipelago. The mountain is called Longdon;
  3. Relocation of large masses of people. The most harmless thing is the organization of large projects, such as BAM, NPO Nizhnekamskneftekhim, Tselina, Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, Magnitka, etc. A huge number of visiting workers and specialists fill a certain territory with the “hum” of their traditions, old-timers die, and newcomers no longer aware of the history of the land on which they came to build something. And having become separated from their homeland, they will no longer remember the true history of the places where they were born. And the most terrible of the tools of progressors are great upheavals: wars, revolutions, crises, epidemics, etc. In such fires, not only books in libraries and archives burn, but also entire peoples, their memory and history;
  4. MASS MEDIA. The most effective weapon. It all started with wandering buffoons. The gentlemen quickly learned that satire and criticism, which was contained in the speeches of jesters and buffoons, was capable of stirring up popular uprisings. The method was adopted, and here you have it: Hollywood, a project called “William Shakespeare” (which translated into a language we understand means “Beat and Shaked with the Spear”). And now an entire literary agency is writing dramas and tragedies (read: soap operas), and hundreds of nativity scenes across all the islands and in the western part of Europe show how to speak, move, dress correctly, what houses to live in, what to strive for, what to value , whom to respect, and whom to hate and destroy as undemocratic regimes that do not know pluralism and tolerance. And Britt’s, Walles’s & Scott’s, just like modern housewives, learned the rules of behavior, sobbed into the hems of their dirty rags and thought: “Wow! We’re sitting here in a backward village... But real life is what it’s like!” Today, our compatriots see in TV series gigantic apartments the size of a basketball court, luxurious furnishings in them, clothes, cars of their favorite characters and absorb into the subconscious a special type of consumer thinking. Is there a true story here? What if in life it’s one thing, but on the screen it’s completely different?

In general terms the mechanism is clear. The main question remains to be answered: “WHY?” By the way, this is not a completely correct question. In the Russian language, before the reforms of Lunacharsky, whose native language was Yiddish, every Russian knew the difference between the questions “WHY”, “WHY” and “WHY”. These concepts are not interchangeable. Depending on the question asked, the answer to it was given accordingly, not at all identical in meaning. For example:

1st situation:

Q: - Why did you dress in black?
A: - To match the atmosphere of mourning at the funeral.

2nd situation:

Q: Why did you dress in black?
A: - Regarding the mourning for Yaroslav Vladimirovich.

3rd situation:

Q: Why did you dress in black?
A: - Because I grieve over the untimely loss.

So obviously these are not the same thing. So why, why and why do we see the application of the above four tactics to humanity to deprive them of truthful information about the history of mankind?

My version is this.

To keep “people” ignorant for as long as possible for ease of control. So that they don’t realize that they are simply bred as plants or pets. So that they carry out the given program and continue to feed their owners without complaint. So that they will never know who they really are and where they come from, what their true nature and purpose are.

All this is true for all three questions - “Why?”, “Why?” and why?". We've sorted out the motives, now the main thing is important. What exactly are the progressors hiding from the “people”? Some very important event, most likely the one thanks to which they managed to seize and maintain power. Maybe they gained power as a result of a planetary catastrophe that they themselves caused (echoes of which are the myths about the flood, the battle of the titans, Atlantis, Lemuria, Hyperborea)?

Perhaps, having learned the truth about it, humanity will be able to find ways to prevent it in the future and break out of slavery, interrupt this endless running in a circle. Let's think, not believe!

Having said that, what year was it according to the Slavic calendar if Jesus was really born in 1492? Incredibly, this is a round date - 7000 years from the creation of the world! This year is also considered the official date of the “discovery of America”! Coincidence? No, democrat guys! I don’t believe in coincidences of this order!

What else was noted in history for this year, besides the “discovery of America”? First of all - the end of the world. Yes, that's it, no more no less. The year 7000 was initially considered the last year in the history of the World, in accordance with early apocryphal prophecies that were not included in the canonical edition of the modern Bible. Let's assume that the situation developed exactly as in 1900, or in 2012, when the world eagerly awaited the end of the World. And I felt terrible dissatisfaction from not being able to watch the promised grand performance. Let’s clarify - “Doomsday”.

But in the same year the calendar changed in Moscow Tartary! Is it a coincidence that the transition from the Constantinople calendar, in which the year began on March 1, to the Byzantine calendar, where the beginning of the year was September 1? And what is the difference between “Constantinople” and “Byzantine”, if it was one country, as we are assured?

And here's another oddity - the Ensisheim meteorite. Let's start with the name. I understand that it is absurd to look for the etymology of the name of a village in Gaul in modern English, but, as practice shows, in the absence of visible connections, the essence of the phenomenon is often manifested even in words that were not in use at the time of the event.

So, this word is missing one single letter “D”, which, as if by an evil joker, was deliberately removed. "End sys game" requires translation? Yes, there are such jokes in history. There is a well-known legend that the great Albrecht Durer witnessed the fall of this meteorite. Nowadays, this is a common thing: if a plane can crash into a skyscraper, then one of the eyewitnesses will certainly at that moment “accidentally” have a video camera turned on with a view of the skyscraper. And at a time when cameras did not exist, it was necessary for some graphic artist to be in the right place at the right time.

And that’s why it seems to me that this “meteorite” is not really a meteorite. More precisely, he was not alone, and they fell in different places, otherwise how to explain the fact that Dürer drew many drawings in which the same event is depicted in completely different ways?

Here are two options:

It seems that it was even “filmed” from the same point, but why does the meteorite then fall in different directions? Or there was more than one. But it seems to me that these two engravings cannot possibly belong to the same person. Moreover, one cannot believe in the authorship of the great Dürer.

We look at a photo of the meteorite itself, which, by a strange coincidence, was not reforged into swords for kings, as was customary in those days. For some reason there are several images with the same name. In addition, heavy “precipitation” “fell” in Europe at about the same time, which never happened later.

Ensisheim meteorite/Ensisheim meteorite

I have not been able to establish the reason that both meteorites are called by the same name among researchers.

For example, over the past 200 years, not a single reliable fact has been preserved about anything larger than small meteors falling to Earth. With the exception of the Tunguska “meteorite”, which is not at all a fact that it came from the sky. Nevertheless, the meteorological service existed back in the 18th century and was a government service. She monitored not the weather at all, as now, but specifically the celestial bodies falling to Earth. However, why am I explaining this? This clearly follows from the name “METEOROLOGICAL”.

It turns out that we have reason to suspect some very important events for the history of mankind at the end of the 15th - beginning of the 16th centuries. Albrecht Dürer’s “deep immersion” into the meteorite theme is indirect confirmation. Let us remember his famous “Melancholy” (1513).

Melancholy. A. Durer 1513

A winged woman, in a state of melancholy (when it’s not just sad, but when everything is over), is surrounded by objects: measuring, carpentry tools, and a ball lies at her feet... The symbolism is easy to guess. Here you will find a set of items from the arsenal of the Freemasons, the builders of the world, and a symbol of the planet, and a bright light from above.

Alienation, a feeling of powerlessness to change the situation, is emphasized by the hourglass. A huge crystal (or meteorite), an incomprehensible creature that carries the “Melancholy” banner in its paws. Everything points to the end of times and the possible beginning of a new era. The magic square on the wall is especially attractive.

Magic square

The sum of the numbers in all lines vertically, horizontally and diagonally gives the same number - 34. Why? If we are talking about Masonic symbolism, then 33 is the highest degree of initiation. Then 34 is God?

In general, one gets the feeling that it was a difficult time! The flash of the “Star of Bethlehem”, the fall of meteorites, wars, uprisings, pestilence, the “discovery of America”, the change of the calendar, the coming of Jesus, the dawn of the Renaissance and... the beginning of the era of the Reformation!

Two questions: “What, exactly, was being revived?” and “What was reformed?” The answer to both questions may lie in the solution to the main thing - the causes of these processes. Don't look at the encyclopedia in case anyone has forgotten. And who remembers, forget what you were told about this at school and college.

It is enough to decipher the overseas terms, and much becomes clear.

Renaissance, or Renaissance (French Renaissance, Italian Rinascimento; from re/ri - “again” or “new” + nasci - “born”) - the era that replaced... (WHAT?) Distinctive feature - secular character, interest to ancient culture, there is a kind of “revival” of it.

You see how simple everything is, if you discard the “husk” invented by cultural scientists who are not very versed in history. Firstly, “Nazi” is not a fascist, but literally “RODNOVER”. Secondly, it is clearly stated that antiquity (the era of the Antes) died, and Europeans began to revive it.

Reformation (lat. reformatio - correction, transformation, transformation, reformation) is a broad religious movement aimed at reforming Christianity in accordance with the Bible.

Well then! Clearer than ever. Secular revival is an attempt to adopt and revive the technologies of a lost civilization, and religious reform is to bring spiritual government into line with new realities, such as the introduction of Jesus into Christianity as the son of God and the writing of the Bible.

If we assume that the guess is correct, then a new version of post-flood events is easily born.

Jesus was executed by the Jews when he was thirty and three years old. Exactly as they say in Russian fairy tales. It turns out that if he was born in 1492, he died in 1525. And what is remarkable about this year according to the officially accepted chronology? Yes, practically nothing. Full of “legendary” battles and milestones of the Reformation. But! This year saw the birth of the famous Pieter Bruegel (the Elder), who is known for his non-trivial depictions of biblical subjects.

If you believe cultural experts, then everything is logical. The man lived at a time when there were already the vaguest ideas about how everything happened in ancient Judea, and he portrayed characters from the time of the birth of Christianity in the image of his contemporaries. Well, how our Nikas Safronov is now swaggering, depicting pop stars and stands in costumes and armor of the late Middle Ages.

However... Bruegel is not alone. There is a whole layer of painting depicting biblical stories precisely in accordance with the level of development of civilization at the end of the 15th century. Well, look for yourself!

Pieter Bruegel the Elder. The battle of Maslenitsa and Lent. 1559 Digital reproduction is in the online museum Gallerix.ru

Here we are, first of all, concerned with the question of how during the Renaissance they could celebrate the Slavic pagan Maslenitsa in Catholic Europe! That is, once upon a time it was not we who celebrated the European “Halloween” and “Valentine’s Day”, but the Europeans who celebrated Maslenitsa!

Lucas Cranach the Elder. Flight of the Holy Family to Egypt (1504) This is generally a seditious picture. It directly confirms the version that Jesus had an older sister. It may seem incredible to some, but look for yourself - Jesus is in Mary’s arms, and to her right is not an angel, but an earthly girl who fully aspires to the role of an older sister. Well, how could it be otherwise? Previously, women at the age at which Mary is depicted already had up to a dozen children.

And most importantly - the landscape. It is European, if not Siberian.

Paolo Veronese. Finding Moses (1575)

Culturologists claim that in the center of the picture is the wife of the Egyptian pharaoh. And that, supposedly, the artist did not know what Arab women and the landscape of North Africa looked like. But our cultural experts were born in the 20th century, and they have much less ability to correctly describe biblical events from the everyday side than those who were much closer to them on the timeline. Somehow I believe more in the artists of the Renaissance. And Pavel’s surname obliges... Veronese, translated into Russian, means “Pravdivtsev”, or “Pravdin”.

Pieter Bruegel the Younger. Adoration of the Magi. XVI century

And again European architecture, flora and climate. Snow and winter. If illiterate artists, who for some reason immediately rushed to paint pictures on biblical themes one and a half thousand years later, did not know how they lived in Palestine, then why do they so unanimously depict snow on the streets and roofs? It seems to me that there is only one reason: at one time they still knew exactly when and where exactly these events took place.

Pieter Bruegel the Elder. Massacre of the Innocents (1567)

This picture gives even more food for thought. In addition to the brick buildings of the snowy city, we see a typical image of a Russian squad. They are under red banners, in armor and in the uniform of the Russian army from the beginning of the 16th century. Well, the mounted Cossacks in red caftans are a real “cherry on the cake.”

Pieter Bruegel the Elder. The Path to Golgotha ​​(1564)

This picture is a real treasure trove. She alone is worthy of a separate article, so I will not dwell in detail, I will only note that on this canvas we again see a typical Russian landscape, Russian Cossacks who are carrying the suffering Jesus on a cart to the Place of Execution, and even an indispensable attribute of the Russian village - a nest for storks in in the form of a blank from a broken cart wheel.

From what has been presented, the idea already suggests itself that in fact the artists of the Reformation era saw biblical history completely differently than we do now. If we were told that all the events described in the New Testament took place in prehistoric Palestine, where everyone wore sandals, wrapped in rags, belted with ropes, then this does not mean at all that this was actually the case!

The events described could have actually happened, but not when it is now commonly believed, but quite recently, and not in Palestine, but in Europe and (or) partially in Russia. Then a lot of questions for historians are removed. Everything becomes logical, simple and understandable, without interpretations or explanations.

In the 14th century, a tragedy erupted that went down in history as the great flood. She destroyed the civilization called ancient. And this is reflected in the paintings of witnesses to the flood.

God instructs Noah. Woodcut. 1539 Artist Amman

Another of the objects looks absolutely fantastic. Either a skyscraper is falling, or a beam is in the eye of God. This engraving was recently sold at an online auction for $60,000. The new owner did not want his name made public. And the picture has been removed from the site, so you can only see it on the Tart-Aria.info website.

Note! The picture of forty days of rain and the flood caused by it is depicted against the backdrop of real skyscrapers. One of them is the so-called. Tower of Babel. It has now been reconstructed. I think that in the same place where its biblical prototype existed - in Brussels. But who will tell us about this?

European Parliament building in Brussels.

Don’t believe that corrupted, fallen Babylon is a prototype of the European Union? And so?

Painting “The Tower of Babel”, Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1563)

And again, Pyotr Brezhnev... oh... sorry, Pieter Bruegel, of course, is aware of events. Don't you think all this is a little strange?


If we rely on the decree of Peter I, the new century should begin in 2000.

A vessel with the image of calendar signs. XVIII century BC e. Almashfüzite. Hungary.

Science and life // Illustrations

Interpretation of the design on a vessel from Almashfuzit with signs of 12 months and four solar phases.

Slavic calendar vessels. IV century. Vessel for New Year's fortune telling. Lepesovka (Ukraine). The 12 month symbols are depicted on top of the wavy line.

Slavic calendar vessels. IV century. Jug from Romashkov (Kiev region)

Slavic calendar vessels. IV century. Summary diagram of the calendars depicted on these two vessels

A design engraved on an ancient Roman stone calendar.

About 100-150 years ago, in Siberia, such homemade wooden calendars were still in use.

In 1918, the Western European (Gregorian) calendar was introduced in our country. This is what he looked like. After the day of January 31st came the day of February 14th. The year 1918 was shortened by 13 days.

The dotted line on the map shows the conventional date line.

Northern Russian embroidery of the 12th-13th centuries. Such calendars embroidered on towels with the designation of Orthodox and pagan holidays were hung in

Model of a medal about the introduction of a new chronology in Russia since 1700. (In the inscriptions on the medal, the letters “BM” mean “by God’s grace”; “AND THIS IS NEW” implies a new reckoning.)

How long is it actually until the beginning of the new century and the new millennium?

Will 2000 be a leap year?

How many calendar days in the 21st century will have to be subtracted to convert the date to the old style?

The end of the twentieth century is getting closer and closer. In the press, on the radio, on television, forecasts are heard loudly and forcefully: what the 21st century will be like - the beginning of the third millennium AD.

And preparations for the solemn meeting of this significant date are already in full swing. Some American company bought an island in the Pacific Ocean and is going to photograph the beginning of the century there: the first rays, the first sunrise of the emerging year 2000. There is a clock on the Great Wall of China that counts down the seconds until the year 2000. Every day, the radio station “Echo of Moscow” solemnly announces the number of days remaining until the beginning of the year 2000. The date is round, even very round!

All this is probably good and interesting, but it is not clear why the beginning of a round date is associated with the beginning of a new century?

And many people think that the 21st century begins on January 1, 2000. However, this deeply rooted belief is absolutely wrong.

The beginning of the new millennium AD (according to the Gregorian calendar, now adopted in most countries of the world, including our country) falls on 24.00 hours on December 31, 2000 or 00.00 hours on January 1, 2001.

Let's try to convince the reader of this. A century is a hundred years. The counting, of course, starts from year 1 (there is never a zero year). Any century ends when a full hundred years have passed. Therefore, the hundredth year is the last year of the outgoing century. The 101st year is the beginning of the next century. January 1, 1901 marked the beginning of our twentieth century, and its last day will be December 31, 2000. And finally, from January 1, 2001, the 21st century and the new - third millennium AD - come into their own.

To all these arguments one can sometimes hear the following objection. When a person turns, for example, 30 or 40 years old - a “round” date - then he moves from “twenty-year-olds” to “thirty-year-olds” or from “thirty-year-olds” to the group of “forty-year-olds,” etc. Thus, this is an anniversary this is a milestone. So why is the meeting of the year 2000 not a milestone, not a transition to a new century?

The objection may seem quite logical. But at the same time, this particular example clearly shows the reason for the widespread confusion.

And it is that a person’s age begins to grow from zero. When we turn 30, 40, 70 years old, this means that another ten years have already been lived, and the next one has arrived. And calendars, as we have already said, start not from zero, but from one (like counting all objects in general). Therefore, if 99 calendar years have passed, then the century is not over yet, because a century is 100 full years.

This is the only way to calculate chronology, which is necessary for any state, any society. The work of industry, transport, trade, financial affairs and many other sectors of life require time measures, accuracy, and order. Chaos and confusion, uncertainty in these matters are unacceptable.

The history of calendars began a long time ago. Many peoples contributed to their development. When measuring time, humanity has identified three most important concepts: era, year, century. Of these, the year and era are the main ones, and the century is a derivative. The modern calendar is based on a year (more precisely, a tropical year), that is, the period of time between two successive passages of the center of the Sun through the vernal equinox. Determining the exact length of the tropical year was very important, and this task turned out to be difficult. It was solved by many outstanding scientists of the world. It was determined that the length of the tropical year is not constant. Very slowly, but it is changing. In our era, for example, it decreases by 0.54 seconds per century. And now it is 365 days, 5 hours 48 minutes 45.9747 seconds.

It was not easy to determine how long the year lasted. But when everything was accurately calculated, we were faced with even greater, one might say, insoluble difficulties.

If there were a whole number of days in a year, no matter how many, then it would be easy to create a simple and convenient calendar. Even if there were halves, quarters, eighths of a day. They can also be folded into a whole day. And here it is 5 hours 48 minutes 46.9747 seconds. There’s no way you can make up a whole day with these “additives.”

It turns out that a year and a day are incommensurable. The remainder of division is an infinite fraction. Therefore, developing simple and convenient systems for counting days in a month and in a year turned out to be not at all an easy task. And although many different calendars have been compiled from ancient times to the present day (ancient Egyptian, Chinese, Babylonian, Vietnamese, Muslim, Jewish, Roman, Greek), none of them can be called sufficiently accurate, convenient, or reliable.

A leap year, that is, consisting of 366 days, does not exist in nature. It was invented based on the fact that the “remainder” of the 365 days of the tropical year - 5 hours 48 minutes and seconds - is very close to 1/4 of a day. In four years, a whole day is accumulated - an extra day in a leap year.

Judging by many sources, the Egyptian Greek Sozigenes was the first to think of this. The leap year was first introduced into the calendar by the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar from January 1, 45 BC.

This calendar became known as the Julian calendar. It firmly entered into life at the beginning of our era and operated for many centuries. Not only the Roman Empire and Byzantium lived according to this calendar (from where it came to Rus' in the 10th century with the adoption of Christianity), but also all the countries of Europe, America, and many states of Africa and Asia.

In the 4th century, it was necessary to make a number of changes to the Julian calendar. Christianity was strengthening, and the church considered it necessary to regulate the dates of religious holidays. A firm correspondence (for the 4th century) of the solar Julian calendar with the lunar Jewish calendar was established. So that the Christian Easter in the 4th century could never coincide with the Jewish one.

In the 6th century, the Roman monk Dionysius the Small conceived the idea of ​​introducing a new Christian era, the beginning of which comes from the Nativity of Christ, and not from the creation of the world, as in the Jewish era, or from any other events, as in various pagan eras.

Dionysius justified the date from the Nativity of Christ. According to his calculations, it fell in the 754th year from the founding of Rome or in the 30th year of the reign of Emperor Augustus.

The era from the Nativity of Christ was firmly established in Western Europe only in the 8th century. In Rus', as in Byzantium, for a long time, several centuries, they continued to count the years from the creation of the world.

Meanwhile, as a result of an inaccurate determination of the duration of the Julian year - 365 days and 6 hours, while in reality the year is 11 minutes and 14 seconds shorter - by the end of the 16th century (after amendments made to the calendar in the 4th century), a difference of 10 days had accumulated . Therefore, the spring equinox, which fell on March 21 in 325, already occurred on March 11. In addition, the holiday of Christian Easter began to approach Jewish Easter. They could get together, which according to church canons is completely unacceptable.

The Catholic Church invited astronomers, who more accurately measured the length of the tropical year and developed changes that needed to be made to the calendar. By decree of Pope Gregory XIII, in 1582, a calendar began to be introduced in Catholic countries, which was called the Gregorian calendar.

The count of days was moved forward 10 days. The day after Thursday, October 4, 1582, was prescribed to be considered Friday, but not October 5, but October 15. The spring equinox returned to March 21st.

In order to avoid such mistakes in the future, it was decided to exclude 3 leap days from the number of leap days every 400 years. So that in 400 years there are not 100 leap years, but 97. To do this, we must not consider as leap years those hundred-year years (years with two zeros at the end), in which the number of hundreds (the first two digits) is not divisible by 4 without a remainder. Thus, years 1700, 1800, 1900 were not leap years. The year 2000 will be a leap year, but 2100 will not.

The length of the year according to the Gregorian calendar is at least a little longer, by 26 seconds, but still longer than the true one. This will lead to an error of one day in only 3280 years.

Already in the 80s of the 16th century, the new chronology was introduced in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Poland, France, Luxembourg, and the Catholic cantons of Switzerland. It was much more difficult for Protestants and Orthodox Christians to accept it.

The use of different calendars, especially in countries that communicate closely, caused a lot of inconvenience, and sometimes just funny cases. For example, England adopted the Gregorian calendar only in 1752. When we read that in Spain in 1616 Cervantes died on April 23, 1616, and in England on April 23, 1616, Shakespeare died, you might think that two of the world's greatest writers died on the same day. In fact, the difference was 10 days. Shakespeare died in Protestant England, which during these years still lived according to the Julian calendar (old style), and Cervantes died in Catholic Spain, where the Gregorian calendar (new style) had already been introduced.

Calendar reforms in Russia proceeded as usual, and often with a great delay compared to Western European countries.

In the 10th century, with the adoption of Christianity, the chronology used by the Romans and Byzantines came to Ancient Rus': the Julian calendar, Roman names of months, a seven-day week. The years were counted from the creation of the world, which, according to church concepts, occurred 5508 years before the birth of Christ. The year began on March 1. At the end of the 15th century, the beginning of the year was moved to September 1.

By decree of December 15, 7208, Peter I introduced Christian chronology in Russia. The day following December 31, 7208 from the creation of the world, was prescribed to be considered the beginning of the new year - January 1, 1700 from the Nativity of Christ.

In issuing this decree, Peter was not afraid of the round date - 1700, which at that time many in Europe were awaiting with fear. With her, once again, after 1000 and 1100 A.D., after 7000 from the creation of the world and other “round” dates, they waited with trepidation for the end of the world and the Judgment of God over all the living and the dead. But these mortally frightening years came and went, and the human world remained the same as it was.

Peter ordered the Russians to solemnly and joyfully celebrate January 1, 1700, “to congratulate them on the new year and the new century.” This is where he made a mistake and misled the people that the new century supposedly begins with two new numbers and two zeros. This mistake, apparently, has become firmly entrenched in the consciousness of many Russians.

So, Russia switched to the Christian calendar, but the Julian calendar, the old style, remained. Meanwhile, most European countries have lived according to the Gregorian calendar for more than a hundred years. The difference between the old and new styles is: for the 18th century - 11 days, for the 19th century - 12, for the 20th and 21st centuries (in the 21st century - due to the fact that 2000 is considered a leap year) - 13, in the 22nd century it will increase to 14 days.

In Russia, the Gregorian calendar was adopted in 1918 by the first Soviet government not affiliated with the church. An amendment of 13 days was introduced: after January 31, 1918, February 14 came immediately.

Since the mid-twentieth century, the Gregorian calendar has been used by almost all countries of the world.

3 thousand years BC 18th century AD XIX century 1900 1950 1950 1980 1980 2000 XXI century 2000 Russia ranks third... Oil and Gas Microencyclopedia

City XXI century ... Wikipedia

- “Volga XXI Century” is a Russian literary and artistic magazine published in Saratov. Published since 2004. The magazine began to be published instead of the former Volga magazine, headed by Sergei Borovikov and closed in 2000... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Noon (meanings). Noon. XXI century ... Wikipedia

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- “Chemistry and life XXI century” File: Http://www.soamo.ru/lj/chemistry/covers/cover 1989 12.jpg Specialization: popular science Publication frequency: monthly Language: Russian Publisher (country): (Russia) Publication history: from 1965 to the present ... Wikipedia

- “Chemistry and life XXI century” File: Http://www.soamo.ru/lj/chemistry/covers/cover 1989 12.jpg Specialization: popular science Publication frequency: monthly Language: Russian Publisher (country): (Russia) Publication history: from 1965 to the present ... Wikipedia


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The chronology and history of antiquity accepted today, created in the 16th - 17th centuries, apparently contains serious errors. This was understood and discussed by many outstanding scientists of the 17th - 20th centuries. However, reconstructing the true chronology and history of antiquity has proven to be a difficult task.

Have we ever wondered how accurately history and its chronological events have been presented to us? Maybe humanity is even younger than we think?

Hypothesis about the reason for the occurrence of erroneous chronological shifts when writing the history of antiquity

Chronological shift of a thousand years as a consequence of an error in dating the life of Jesus Christ
The chronological shifts we discovered can be explained by errors made by medieval chronologists of the 16th and 17th centuries AD. e. when dating medieval events. The first cause of errors was the imperfect recording of dates in the Middle Ages. The most serious mistake of medieval chronologists was that they incorrectly dated the birth or crucifixion of Jesus Christ. They made a mistake, no less than a thousand years, and moved the life of Jesus Christ from the 11th century AD. e. in the 1st century AD e. According to Fig. 6.45, the “beginning of a new era” actually occurs in 1053 AD. e. This thousand-year shift gave rise to great confusion in the dating of many documents that used the counting of years "from the birth of Christ." As a result, the medieval events of the X-XVII centuries AD. e., described in such chronicles, were incorrectly dated and went down by about a thousand years. How exactly could there be such a big error in the dates?

Let us briefly formulate a hypothesis that can explain the reason for the occurrence of some chronological shifts.
1. Initially, dates were written down in the form of some verbal expressions and formulas, which were then abbreviated.
2. Then the original meaning of the abbreviation was forgotten.
3. Later chronologists proposed to consider these letters not as abbreviations of some names, but as designations of numbers. Let us remember that letters used to denote numbers as well.
4. By substituting numbers instead of letters (according to standard rules), chronologists began to receive incorrect “dates” that differ significantly from the genuine ones.
5. Since there were many abbreviation formulas, several chronological shifts arose.
6. Each incorrect decipherment generated its own chronological shift.

The letter "X" once meant the name Christ, but was later declared the number ten.

The letter "I" once stood for the name Jesus, but was later declared to stand for a thousand
One of the major chronological shifts of 1053, that is, approximately 1000 years, may have arisen when later chronologists compared two different ways of recording dates.

First method: shortened form of recording. For example, “III century from Christ” could be abbreviated as “X. III”, where X is the first letter of the word Christ in Greek. The letter "X" is one of the most common medieval anagrams for the name Christ. Therefore, the expression “Christ 1st century” in the abbreviated form could take the form “X. I”, the expression “Christ 2nd century” could be written as “X. II”, etc. It is possible that it was from these abbreviations that the accepted today are the designations of centuries. However, starting from a certain point, medieval chronologists proposed to interpret the letter X at the beginning of the date as the number "ten".

This interpretation automatically adds a thousand years to the original date. It turns out that the date is wrong, a thousand years older than the real one.
This hypothesis of ours is in good agreement with the well-known fact that medieval Italians designated centuries by hundreds: trecento (that is, the three hundredth years) - the 14th century, the quattrocento (that is, the four hundredth years) - the 15th century, the cinquecento (that is, the 500th years) - the 16th century ". But such names of centuries directly indicate the beginning of the countdown precisely in the 11th century AD, since they ignore the addition of “thousands of years” accepted today.

It turns out that the medieval Italians did not know any “thousand years”. As we now understand, for the simple reason that this “extra thousand years” simply did not exist.

Confronted with this “ignoring a thousand years” effect, modern historians usually shy away from explaining it. At best, they simply note the fact itself, sometimes explaining it by considerations of “convenience.” So, they say, it was more convenient to write. They say this: “In the 15th–16th centuries, when dating, thousands or even hundreds were often omitted.” As we begin to understand, medieval chroniclers honestly wrote: the 150th year from Christ or the 200th year from Christ, meaning - in modern chronology - 1150 or 1200 AD. And only then did the Scaligerian chronologists declare that another thousand years must be added to these “small dates”. And in some cases even several thousand years. This is how they “made ancient” medieval events.

Further, the Latin letter "I" may have originally been a shortening of the name Jesus. The letter I is the first letter in the Greek spelling of the name Jesus. Therefore, writing the date 1300, for example, may have originally meant 1.300. That is, “300th year from Jesus” in Greek. This method of recording is consistent with the previous one, since 1300 = the 300th year of Jesus = 300 from the beginning of the 11th century AD. e. In this regard, in our opinion, special attention should be paid to the following important circumstance.
It turns out that in medieval documents, especially from the 14th to 17th centuries, when writing dates in letters, the first letters, which are considered today to be “large numbers,” were separated by dots from the last ones, which were numbers within tens or hundreds. We provide some of the many examples here.

Title page of a book printed in Venice allegedly in 1528. The date is written as M. D. XXVIII, that is, with dividing dots

World map by Joachim von Watt, supposedly from 1534. The date is written in the form (M. D. XXXIII.), that is, with dividing dots

Title page of a book by John Drusius, allegedly printed in 1583. The date is written in the form (M. D. LXXXIII.), that is, with dividing dots

Publishing brand of Lodewyck Elsevier. The date of supposedly 1597 is written in the form, that is, with dividing dots and using right and left crescents to write the Latin letters M and D. This example is very interesting because right there, on the left tape, there is also a date written in “Arabic” numerals . The date supposedly 1597 is written as 1.597 (or 1.595). In addition to the fact that the first “unit” is separated by a dot from the remaining numbers, we see here that the “unit” is clearly written with the Latin letter I, that is, as the first letter of the name Jesus

The date "1630" is written using right and left crescents on the title pages of printed books. By the way, the title of the second book is curious: “Russia or Muscovy, called TARTARY.”

Extremely interesting is the recording of the date supposedly 1506 in an engraving by the German artist Altdorfer. The first “unit” is separated by a dot from the remaining numbers and is clearly written as the Latin letter I, that is, as the first letter of the name Jesus. By the way, supposedly the number 5 is written here very similar to the number 7. Maybe the date written here is not 1509, but 1709? How reliably dated are the engravings and paintings attributed today to Altdorfer, who allegedly lived in the 16th century? Maybe he lived later?

The date 1524 in the engraving by Albrecht Durer is striking. The date is written as follows: (i.524).
We see that the first letter is not only separated by a dot from the rest of the numbers, but is quite frankly written as the Latin i, that is, “i with a dot”! In other words, like the first letter of the name isus. In this case, the letter i is surrounded by dots on both the right and left.
But there was a second way of recording dates, when the words “from the Nativity of Christ” were written in full, and not replaced by one letter. That is, they wrote “III century from the Nativity of Christ”, and not “X. III century”. Over time, the information that the letters “X” and “I” at the beginning of the above formulas mean the first letters of the names Christ and Jesus was lost. Instead, chronologists assigned their numerical values ​​to these letters. Let us remember that previously numbers were designated by letters. That is, chronologists declared that X is “ten” and I is “one”. As a result, expressions like "H.Sh" or "1.300" began to be perceived as "thirteenth century" or "thirteen hundred years."
According to our reconstruction, Jesus Christ lived in the 11th century AD. e. and left his mark in the Scaligerian history of this period under the name of “Pope Gregory Hildebrand,” that is, “Burning Gold.”

Historians later assigned him "serial number VII", and today we also know him as Pope Gregory "VII". It is worth noting that to the right of the head of Gregory "VII" there is a dove. Let us remember that the dove is a well-known gospel image, the holy spirit. So the image of Gregory “VII” that has come down to us bears a clear trace of the Gospels, which, as we are now beginning to understand, is completely natural.
It is believed that "Hildebrand" (Burning in Gold?) was born in 1020 AD. e., was pope from 1073 to 1085.
Apparently, the Nativity of Christ took place in the middle of the 11th century. But in some documents it could have been mistakenly moved down a little and attributed to the beginning of the 11th century. This could lead to a downward shift, by approximately 1050 years or 1000 years, of some of the documents that used the expanded, detailed form of recording dates “from the Nativity of Christ III century”, instead of the abbreviated formulation - “X.III century”.
In other words, a shift of 1050 years or 1000 years is perhaps the difference between the expanded way of writing dates and the shortened one. The chronological shift generated by such an error should have been about 1000 years. And such an error is actually present in Scaliger’s chronology!
For example, let us repeat, “III century from Christ,” that is, III century from the middle of the 11th century AD. e., could be written both as “III century” and as “X.III century”. This could lead to confusion and a chronological error of about 1000 years.

NOSOVSKY Gleb Vladimirovich, born in 1958, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (MSU, 1988), specialist in the field of probability theory, mathematical statistics, theory of random processes, optimization theory, stochastic differential equations, computer modeling of stochastic processes. He worked at the Institute of Space Research (Moscow), at the Moscow Machine Tool Institute, as well as in Japan, within the framework of scientific cooperation between Moscow State University and Aizu University in the field of computer geometry. Currently working as a senior researcher at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University.

FOMENKO Anatoly Timofeevich, born in 1945, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN), full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Russian Academy of Natural Sciences), full member of the International Academy of Sciences of the Higher School (International Academy of Sciences of the Higher School), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow State University. He solved the famous Plateau problem in the theory of spectral minimal surfaces, created a theory of invariants and a fine classification of integrable Hamiltonian dynamical systems. Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in 1996 (in the field of mathematics) for a series of works on the theory of invariants of manifolds and Hamiltonian dynamical systems. Author of 180 scientific papers, 26 mathematical monographs and textbooks, specialist in the field of geometry and topology, calculus of variations, theory of minimal surfaces, symplectic topology, Hamiltonian geometry and mechanics, computer geometry.
Author of several books on the development and application of new empirical and statistical methods to the analysis of historical chronicles, chronology of antiquity and the Middle Ages.

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