Rule for ending root prefix ending suffix base. Word formation What are prefixes and suffixes used for?

These scientific words came into our language from an ancient foreign language, Latin. Translated into Russian, they mean: prefix (scientists call it another way - prefix) - “put in front”, and suffix - “substituted”.

Make a word out of parts: and, nickname, under, snow.

This is the name of the first spring flowers that begin to grow under the snow.


Let's denote the known parts of the word.

The ending is - and, since the word can be changed:

no what? - snowdrop ov,

happy about what? - snowdrop am, has changed -i.

Similar words: snow, snowy, snowball.

General part: snow - snow. At the root, the alternation of consonants ms.

In addition to the root and ending, words can have other parts: consoles And suffixes. They serve to form words.

Console- part of the word that comes before the root, and the suffix- part of the word after the root.

Let's educatewords using suffixes:

hole + k = holes To ah, holes points ah, holes looking for A


looking for

cat + ik = cat IR, cat OK, cat baby, cat yat A




Suffix naming large objects:

We observe how suffixes change the meaning of a word.

The hare from a Russian folk tale boasted like this:

- I don’t have a mustache, but whiskers, not paws, but paws, not teeth, but teeth - I’m not afraid of anyone.

Why did the hare need words with suffix -ish-: mustache, paws, teeth? To name large objects.

Suffixes with a diminutive meaning:

In the words of the poem, we highlight suffixes with a diminutive meaning.

Spring rain.

In the morning I put it on my legs

Rain crystal boots.

Where the boot will come -

A flower will open there.

Blades of grass from the rain

Straighten your backs.(N. Polyakova)

The author describes nature with love and warmth, and words with a diminutive meaning convey this attitude.

Knife To and, boot To And - suffix -k-,

boot OK, color OK- suffix -ok-,

herbs inc. And - suffix -inc-,

spin To And - suffix -k-.

Oh how I love my little cow,

How can I pick nettles for her?(Russian folk song)

Compare: cow - cows ear ah, nettle - nettle ear A.

What words sound tender, affectionate?

The suffix -ushk- gives words a diminutive meaning.

There are also suffixes -ochk-, -onk-, -enk-, -chik-, -ik-, -ek-.

We form words using suffixes.


lamp + glasses = roses points ah, lamps points ah, tapes points A

Katya + enk

fox + onk = cat yenk ah, fox onk ah, speech yenk A


tomato + chik = lemon chick, tomato chick, Crap chick

Suffixes naming animals and their young:

On a hot day along a forest path

The animals went to water.

Behind the mother elephant

The baby elephant was stomping.

For mother fox

A little fox was sneaking around.

Behind the hedgehog mom

The hedgehog was rolling.

Behind Mama Bear

A bear cub was walking. ( A. Ekimtsev)

Let's find words that name baby animals.

Elephant baby, fox baby, hedgehog onok, bear onok .

The suffixes -yonok-, -onok- helped to name them.

And also the suffixes -at-, -yat-.

Many elephant yat, fox yat, hedgehog at, bear at.

Let's find words that name animals.

Elephant their oh fox ic to her, hedgehog their oh, bear ic to her.

The suffixes -ikh-, -its- helped to name them.

Goose- gus-in-y, lion - lion-in-y, snake - snake-in-y.

The suffix -in- means “belongs to an animal.”

Suffixes naming people by profession or occupation:

Here are words that name people by profession or occupation.

What suffixes give this meaning?

Teach tel, brought up tel- suffix -tel-.

Cargo chick, years chick- suffix -chik-.

Forest Nick, yard nickname - suffix -nick-.

Football ist, tractor ist - suffix -ist-.

Kamen box, roofs shield - suffix -schik-.

Let's see what role the suffix plays in adjectives:

Velvet ist oh, gold istй - the suffix -ist- has the meaning “like velvet, gold.”

Nose at oh, beard atй - the suffix -at- gives the meaning “having a big nose, beard.”

Honey ov oh, cherry yev y - suffixes -ov-, -ev- has the meaning “made from honey, from cherries.”

Op. n oh, cloud nй - the suffix -n- gives the meaning “having a lot of juice, a lot of clouds.”

Can you say it differently, in one word?

Shore pestilence I (what?) - pestilence sk Ouch

A little white th (which?) - white ovat th

Prone to good luck e (which?) - good luck Liv th

Prone to talk y (which?) -talk chiv th

Has a lot tooth ov (which?) - tooth ast th

The suffixes -sk-, -ovat-, -liv-, -chiv-, -ast- helped to form new words.

From adjectives we form nouns with the same root:

White - ..., blue - ..., tall - ..., bold - ..., fresh - ...

Bel purl ah, sin ev a, high from ah, dare awn, fresh There is.

Suffixes -izn-, -ev-, -ot-, -ost-, -is- - this is the part of the word that is located after the root and serves to form new words.

Directory “Suffixes of the Russian language”:

Scientists have calculated that there are about 500 (five hundred) suffixes in the Russian language.

Noun suffixes:

Search-, -ik-, -ek-, -ok-, -onok- (-yonok-), -k-, -nick-, -chick-, -ikh-, -tel-, -schik-, -points -, -ushk- -yshk-, -onk- (-enk-), -ost-, -is-, -out-

Adjective name suffixes:

N-, -sk-, -onk- (-enk-), -ov- (-ev-), -chat-, -ovat- (-evat-), -liv-, -chiv-, -at-, -ast-, ist-

Verb suffixes: -e-, -i-, -a-, -o-, -i-

For example, white e t, white And yeah, cheat A oh, they say O please I t.

Each prefix carries a certain meaning. Thanks to this we understand each other.

For example:

the prefix в- means inward movement ( V ran V climbed),

prefix you- - movement from the inside ( You jumped, You walked),

prefix for- - beginning of action ( behind sang behind knocked),

prefix before- - completion of action ( before typed, before wrote),

prefix on- - direction of action towards something ( on scarecrows on rules).

Let's see how prefixes change the meaning of words

Let's make words with prefixes.

The word is given learn and prefixes: at-, once-, before-, you-, on-, pere-, under-, from-, on-, from-.

Accustom, unlearn, finish teaching, learn, teach, retrain, retrain, unlearn, teach, study.

Directory “Russian Language Prefixes”:

Scientists have calculated that there are almost 100 prefixes in the Russian language. The most frequently used are the following.

On-, behind-, above-, times-, dis-

O-, about- (about-), from- (oto-), to-, on-, under- (under-), about-, co-

S-, v-, you-, u-, from-, is-, at-, pre-

Dedicated Some prefixes are always written the same way. We advise you to remember them.

Please note that in Russian there is no prefix z-. Words that begin with the letter z- (for example, health, hello, building, here) do not have a prefix.


Root– this is the main part of the word, which contains the basic meaning of all related words of the same root. (For example: mushroom, mushroom OK, mushroom Noah, mushroom nickname - root mushroom-).

Base word- This is a part of a word without ending. The basis may include a prefix, root, suffix. ( mushroom oh, the basis mushroom-)

Ending is a variable part of a word that serves to connect words in a sentence. (at the house A, to the house y, for the house ohm).

Ending Not serves to form new words!

Console- this is a significant part of the word that comes before the root and serves to form new words. ( at ran from ran behind ran)

Suffix- this is a significant part of a word that comes after the root and serves to form new words.

(House House IR, house ov oh, home looking for e)

Algorithm for parsing words by composition:

1. Read the word. Change the form of the word. Highlight the ending.

2. Highlight the base of the word - the whole word without ending.

3. Choose a few related words. Select the common part - the root.

4. Specify the prefix.

5. Specify the suffix.

Ticket No. 4.

Rule “Testable unstressed vowels at the root of the word.”

-How to check for an unstressed vowel at the root of a word?

- How to check words with two unstressed vowels at the root of the word?

- Unverifiable unstressed vowels at the root of the word.


- To check an unstressed vowel in the root of a word, you need to choose a word with the same root or change the word so that the stress falls on this vowel.

(m O rya - m O re, p e ka - r e chka, etc.) .

To check two unstressed vowels at the root of a word, you need to select two test words (same root or change the word) so that the stress falls on these vowels. (h e l e neli - s e lazy, green e ny)

Words with an unverified unstressed vowel at the root of the word must be memorized or looked up in the dictionary. e cash, g O R And umbrella)

Ticket number 5

Spelling of consonants according to deafness-voicing at the root of a word


To check the spelling of a voiceless or voiced consonant at the root of a word, you need to select a related word so that the consonant being checked is followed by a vowel or voiced consonant (l, p, m, n). (Moro h - Moro PS, Moro zn oh, oh h ko – y ze nky)

Ticket number 6

Spelling unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word


1. To check unpronounceable consonants, you should find a related word in which the consonant sound being tested is pronounced clearly (before the vowel and at the end of the word): rope T nick - cable T glasses, cable T b, weight T nickname - weight That point, weight T b.

2. If it is impossible to find a test word, then the spelling of the consonant must be remembered: chu V to work.

Ticket number 7

Spelling of separating signs b and b


The separating ъ (hard sign) is written after consoles ending in a consonant before vowels e, e, yu, i. (By d ъ e zd, ra h ъ I snil)

Separating ь (soft sign) written after consonants before vowels e, e, yu, i, and(chair T b I nin, V b Yu ha, solo V b And)

Ticket number 8

Transfer rules


1. Words are transferred from one line to another syllable by syllable: osi-na, autumn, tea-nick, boy.

2. When hyphenating, you cannot leave one letter on a line and you cannot transfer one letter to another line: i/ma, aroma .

3. The letters J, b, b are not separated from the previous letters: war, rails, rise.

4. If a word contains double consonants (two identical letters), then one is transferred, and the second remains on the line: van-na, autumn-niy, story-tale.

Ticket number 9

Noun. Initial form.

Morphological characteristics.


Noun Who? What? and stands for objects, people, animals, natural phenomena, etc.

Initial form – I.p., singular. (answer to the question who? or what?).

Morphological characteristics:

1) Constant:

· own (indicates full names of people, names of animals, names

literary works, newspapers and magazines,

geographical names)

or common noun

· animate (denotes only people and animals, answering the question who?)

or inanimate (answer to the question what?)

gender (m.r. - he, my; female r. - she, mine; middle r. - it, mine),

· declination (1,2 or 3).

2) Non-permanent:

· number (singular or plural) (There are nouns that are used only in singular form, for example: milk, sour cream, rye,

as well as nouns that are used only in the plural form,

For example: holidays, gate, scissors.

For nouns that are used only in the plural form, gender and declension are not determined.)

Ticket number 10

What is declination? Cases of nouns.

How to determine the case of a noun.


Declension- this is changing nouns by case using questions.

There are 6 cases in Russian:

To determine the case of a noun, you need to:

1. Find the word on which this noun depends.

2. Ask a question from the main word to the noun.

3. Determine the case based on the question and preposition.

Ticket number 11

Adjective. Initial form.

Morphological characteristics


Adjective- an independent part of speech that answers questions Which? which? which? which? whose? whose? whose? whose? and stands for attribute of an object.

Initial form – I.p., m.r., singular. (answer to the question which? or whose?).

Morphological characteristics:

gender (singular only)

An adjective always has the same gender, number and case as the noun on which it depends.

Ticket number 12

Verb. Initial form.

Morphological characteristics.


Verb- an independent part of speech that answers questions what to do? what to do? And denotes action or condition of the item.

Verbs in initial (indefinite) form answer questions about what do? what to do? For verbs in an indefinite form, it is impossible to determine the morphological characteristics.

Morphological characteristics:

1) Constant:

· conjugation (1 adjective or 2 adjectives) only in the present and future tense

2) Non-permanent:

tense (past, present or future)

· number (singular or plural)

· person (1, 2 or 3) only in present and future tense

· gender (m.r., zh.r. or sr.r.) only in the past tense, singular

Ticket number 13

Pronoun. Initial form.

Morphological characteristics.


Pronoun- independent part of speech, which points to an object or person, but does not name it.

Personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd persons answer the question who?, and pronouns of the 3rd person answer the questions who? or what?

Personal pronouns are used instead of nouns.

Initial form personal pronoun – this is the nominative case.

Morphological characteristics:

1) Constant:

· person (1st person – I, we; 2nd person – you, you; 3rd person – he, she, it, they)

· number (singular or plural)

· gender (m.r., w.r. or s.r.) only in the 3rd person, singular

2) Non-permanent:

When changing a personal pronoun by case, not only its ending changes, but also the word itself.

Ticket number 14

Offer. Types of sentences according to the purpose of the statement and intonation. Common and uncommon proposals.


Offer- this is a word or several words interconnected in meaning, expressing a complete thought.

Offer for purpose of the statement It happens:

Narrative in which something is reported (narrated) ;

It is raining outside.

interrogative in which they ask about something ;

Will you be home early?

motivating in which they advise to do something, order, encourage to action .

Bring me a notebook.

By intonation there are offers exclamation and non-exclamation A sentence that is pronounced with strong feeling is called exclamatory. At the end of such a sentence there is an exclamation mark (!) What a wonderful day today!

A period is most often placed at the end of a declarative and motivating sentence, and a question mark is placed at the end of an interrogative sentence.

Based on the presence of minor members, sentences are divided into

Morphemics is a branch of the science of language that studies the composition of words and their division into morphemes.

Morpheme is the smallest significant part of a word. Morphemes include: prefixes, roots, suffixes, postfixes and endings.

Significant parts of a word

Root- this is the main significant part of the word, which contains the general meaning of all words with the same root. The root in a word is highlighted with an arc - :

Words that have a common root and are formed from any one word are called related or cognate. For example, in related words

the root is - Sol-, which contains the general meaning of related words.

Console- this is a significant part of the word that comes before the root and serves to form new words. Prefixes are designated:

Suffix- this is a significant part of a word that comes after the root and serves to form new words. Suffixes are indicated by:

Ending of the word

Ending- This variable part of word, the ending serves to connect words in a sentence and indicates the form of the word. The ending is indicated by .

elephant, elephants, about elephants

Please note that the ending may be zero; in this case, just an empty cell is placed.

Only inflected words have endings. Adverbs and immutable nouns do not have endings, not even zero endings:

hot, warm, embarrassing

metro, coat, coffee

The basis

The basis- this is the whole word without ending. The stem expresses the semantic meaning of the word. The stem may include a prefix, root and suffix. The basis is designated:

Bases can be derived or non-derivative. Non-derivative basis- this is a base consisting only of the root, for example.

Word formation- a branch of the science of language that studies the structure of words (what parts they consist of) and methods of their formation.

Composition of the word.

A word consists of a stem and an ending. The basis is: prefix, root suffix. Prefix, root, suffix, ending are parts of a word.

Base and ending.

In mutable independent words, the base and ending are distinguished, and in unchangeable words, only the base is distinguished. The basis- this is part of a modified word without an ending. The basis of a word is its lexical meaning. Ending- this is a variable significant part of a word that forms the form of a word and serves to connect words in phrases and sentences. Notes 1. To highlight the ending, you need to change the word. 2. Immutable words have no endings. When a word changes or any of its forms are formed: number, gender, case, person, the endings change. The ending expresses different grammatical meanings: for nouns, numerals and personal pronouns (without a preposition, go with it) - case and number; for adjectives, participles, some pronouns - case, number, gender; for verbs in the present and future tense - person and number, and in the past tense - gender and number. The ending may be zero, that is, one that is not expressed by sounds. It is revealed by comparing the forms of a word. In the nominative case, the zero ending (like any other in indirect cases) means that the noun horse, eagle used in the nominative case, singular, masculine, 2nd declension. At the heart of an independent word, significant parts of the word can be distinguished: prefix, root, suffix.

Root of the word.

Root- this is the main part of the word, which contains the general meaning of all words with the same root. Words with the same root are called cognate. Notes

  1. Words with the same root can refer to the same part of speech or to different ones.
  2. It is necessary to distinguish between roots that have the same sound but different meanings (homonymous). Words with similar roots are not the same root.
  3. There are relatively few words in the Russian language consisting of a root and an ending; most word stems consist of a root and a suffix; root, prefix and suffix.
  4. Some roots are not found in a “free” form (root + ending). They are found in words only in combination with prefixes, suffixes or other roots: - de -- put on, change clothes; - nya -- borrow, hire, take away; — Fri —- chick, little bird, bird; - syag -- oath, reach, encroach; - y -- take off your shoes, put on your shoes; - st -- street, alley; - th -- enter, leave, pass, enter.
  5. A word can have one root or two roots.

    Suffix- this is the significant part of the word, which is located after the root and is usually used to form words. Note. Suffixes can be used to form the forms of words.

    Ways to form words.

    New words in the Russian language are formed on the basis of words, phrases, and less often - sentences, which for a new word are original. Words in the Russian language are formed in the following main ways: prefixal, suffixal, prefix-suffixal, suffixless, addition, transition of one part of speech to another.

    Add-on method.

    When forming words prefixed way the prefix is ​​added to the original, ready-made word. In this case, the new word belongs to the same part of speech as the original word. This is how they are formed nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs, adverbs.

    Suffix method.

    Suffix method is that a suffix is ​​added to the base of the original word. In this way, words of all independent parts of speech are formed. Words formed in a suffixal manner are usually another part of speech. The suffixal method is the main one for the formation of nouns, adjectives and adverbs. It is more complex than the prefix method, since the suffix is ​​added not to the whole word, but to its base, and the base of the word is sometimes modified: part of the base is cut off, its sound composition changes, and sounds alternate.

    Prefix-suffix method.

    Prefix-suffix method consists in simultaneously attaching a prefix and a suffix to the base of the original word. Nouns with suffixes are most often formed in this way -nick, -y (e), -ok, verbs with suffix -xia, adverbs in prefix By- and suffixes -and, -oh, -him.

    Suffixless method.

    Addition as a way to form words.

    Addition of abbreviated stems.

    Many words are formed by addition of abbreviated stems of original words. As a result, compound words.Compound words are formed:

    1. adding syllables or parts of words of the full name: kolkhoz (collective farm), educational program (liquidation of illiteracy), spetskor (special correspondent);
    2. adding the names of the initial letters: Central Committee (Central Committee), VDNH (Exhibition of National Economic Achievements);
    3. addition of initial sounds: university (higher educational institution), Moscow Art Theater (Moscow Art Academic Theater);
    4. in a mixed way (adding a syllable with a sound, a sound with a syllable, letters with a sound, etc.): glavk (main committee), rayon (district department of public education).

    Complex and compound abbreviations words can serve as the basis for the formation of new words: university - university student; collective farm - collective farmer - collective farmer.

    The transition of words from one part of speech to another.

    Words are also formed by transition from one part of speech to another. At the same time, when used as another part of speech, they acquire a different general meaning and lose a number of their grammatical features. For example: we drove at a walk (word step, being an adverb, does not change).

    Words with prefix, root, suffix and ending

    Examples of parsing words that have all the basic morphemes: prefix, root, suffix, ending.

  6. cleaning
  7. astonishment
  8. harvest
  9. satellite
  10. gloomy
  11. pa' water ok
  12. translator
  13. translator chitsa
  14. re-cry to a
  15. cross the forest ok
  16. nose bridge
  17. correspondence to a
  18. rebuild to a
  19. cross street ok
  20. by white
  21. management
  22. order
  23. present
  24. under water nick
  25. ready and ready
  26. under business
  27. support
  28. on business
  29. underground
  30. duvet cover
  31. windowsill
  32. by road nickname
  33. came up
  34. friend to a
  35. under the candle nickname
  36. under the snow nickname
  37. duel
  38. could help
  39. by assistant nickname
  40. float ok
  41. on that topic
  42. walking
  43. before the thunderstorms oh
  44. before destination
  45. pre-designated
  46. very boring
  47. coastal
  48. profit
  49. at gate nick
  50. habit
  51. suburban
  52. at mountains ok
  53. roadside
  • with wings
  • when man to a
  • seaside
  • brought
  • when pe in
  • the man came
  • at school
  • about running
  • about water to a
  • conductor
  • walk
  • about writing
  • about gender
  • about guilt
  • education
  • Union
  • obezdchik
  • o drank to and
  • About the glow
  • loud
  • from the wing l
  • opening
  • outdoor
  • See examples of words with different morphemes:

    Or select the necessary words with the necessary parts of the word through a word search by morphemes.

    Base word and ending

    The morphemic composition of a word can be divided into prefix, root, suffix and ending. The word stem includes all these morphemes except the ending.

    Composition of the word

    In modified words, minimal significant parts - morphemes - are distinguished:

    Morpheme is a term of Greek origin. Translated from Greek, this word means "form".

    For example, in the word "sunny" Let's highlight the following morphemes:

    sunny - root/suffix/ending.

    Morphemics studies morphemes.

    Root of the word

    The main morpheme in a word is the root. Some non-derivative words consist only of a root and an ending:

    The lexical meaning of the word depends on the meaning of the root. Words serve us to name objects, signs or actions. What a single word means is its lexical meaning, for example:

    there is a subject "grass", and in a word "grass" called the green cover of the earth. This is the lexical meaning of this word contained in the root.

    The root contains the common meaning that all words with the same root have:

    house, house ik, houseless, houseless, oh house.

    All of the listed cognate words are connected by a common lexical meaning with home - "a building where a person and his family live permanently".

    All other significant parts of the word are grouped around the root:

    The prefix is ​​in front of the root. With the help of this morpheme new words are formed:

    heading - under the heading (additional heading);

    cloudy (covered with clouds) - without cloudy (lack of clouds);

    swim - cross (overcome the river, end up on the other side).

    The prefix introduces different shades of meaning into the original lexical meaning of a word or changes its lexical meaning.

    A suffix is ​​a significant part of a word. Like a prefix, it forms new words:

    golden - golden (slightly golden color);

    mountain - mountain (small mountain);

    grandmother - grandmother (belonging to grandmother).

    A suffix, when added to a root, changes the original meaning of words.

    Unlike prefixes and suffixes, which are derivational morphemes, endings do not form new words.

    The ending changes and forms forms of the same word, for example:

    • What? roads a - units h., name case;
    • side of what? roads and - r. p.un. h.;
    • going to what? to roads e - d.p. unit. h.;
    • think about what? about roads ah - p.p., plural. h.
    • The ending changes the form of the word, but the lexical meaning of the word remains the same.

      With the help of endings, words are formed into a complete thought - a sentence.

      Let's compare:

      cloud, grey, look out, bright, sun

      The bright sun peeked out from behind the gray clouds.

      What is the stem of a word

      All derivational morphemes of a word form its basis. The base of a word consists of a prefix, a root and a suffix. We will get the stem of the word if we do not take into account the inflectional morpheme - the ending, for example:

      The basis is the lexical meaning of a specific word:

      red, red, red, red, red.

      Let us take into account that the base of the word also does not include some formative suffixes.

      Suffix -l- forms the past tense of verbs. This morpheme, like the ending, is not included in the stem of verb forms:

      tossed the ball;

      illuminated the treetops;

      started playing the guitar.


      Morphemics is a section of the Russian language that studies the structure of words.

      Words are made up of meaningful parts called morphemes: prefixes, roots, suffixes and endings.

      Among the morphemes, there are derivational (prefix, suffix), which serve to form new words, and inflectional (ending, past tense suffix of verbs -JI9 suffixes -EE, EY, -SHEU with the help of which the simple superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs is formed), serving for the formation word forms.

      An ending is a variable part of a word that serves to connect words in a sentence and phrase.

      To highlight the ending, you need to change the word: board - boards, beautiful - beautiful, flying - flying.

      The ending expresses different grammatical meanings:

      Gender, number and case - for nouns and adjectives;

      Persons and numbers - for the verb in the present and future tense;

      Gender and number are for verbs in the past tense.

      New words are not formed using endings,

      word forms are formed.

      The ending may be zero, that is, not expressed by sounds (doctor, house); it is revealed by comparing the forms of a word.

      Unchangeable words have no endings:

      Adjectives in the comparative degree (more beautiful);

      Indeclinable nouns (depot).

      Distinguish between words with zero endings and uninflected words in which only the stem is emphasized (saying tomorrow, longer).

      The part of the word being modified without ending is called the stem of the word. It expresses the lexical meaning of the word.

      Non-derivative (no prefix, suffix: house);

      Derivative (formed from other words: house);

      Producing (from it another basis is formed: a house - a small house).

      The root is the main significant part of the word, which contains the general meaning of all words with the same root.

      A word can have one root (color) and several (color^)9 such words are called complex.

      Words that have the same root are called the same

      conquered (aquatic, underwater, “water, backwater, watery, underwater”).

      There are words that have the same root, but different lexical meanings (yoora, Mountain,

      burn out, sunbathe, burn out), they are not the same root.

      A prefix is ​​a significant part of a word that comes before the root and serves to form new words

      Prefixes add additional meaning to words.

      In addition to the original Russian prefixes (o-, ot-, sub-, over-, re-), there are also foreign ones (counter-, sub-, ad-, in-, con-, ob-).

      A word can have several prefixes: ‘hopeless.

      Among the prefixes there are synonymous (kick out - expel) and antonymous (fly in - fly out).

      In many words, prefixes have merged with the root and are not distinguished as independent parts of the word: to admire.

      A suffix is ​​a significant part of a word that comes after the root and serves to form new words (tone-

      kbstb, thinbwapbj; persecuted, driven; watery, in-

      A word can have one suffix (watery) or several (watery).

      Many suffixes are characteristic of certain parts of speech:

      Ost, -onk9 -telyu -schik - noun; -ushch, -yusch -ashch, -yashch, im, -om, -eat - participles; -yva, -ivau -ovau -eva - verbs. A postfix is ​​the part of a word that comes after the ending: -sya and -sya.

      1. Indicate in which row all the words have an ending.

      a) hare, sun, riding (jump)

      b) white, touches, approached

      c) saw, on the right, the second

      d) imprisoned, (about) moving, twice

      2. Indicate in which row all words have a zero ending.

      a) vegetable, cloak, speech

      b) Rostov, forward, wide open

      c) story, midnight, you see

      d) whip, (c) shoulders, gallop

      3. Indicate in which row all words consist of a prefix, a root, one suffix and an ending.

      a) defeat, bully, wound up

      b) extinguished, initiative, cavalry

      c) laid, stop, unload

      d) touch, tribal, conspirator

      4. Indicate in which row all words have several suffixes.

      a) getting hit, getting sick, becoming related

      b) fringe, perk up, exploration

      c) surrender, lottery, official

      d) behavior, scattered, crumpled

      5. Indicate in which row all words have 2 prefixes.

      a) aloof, unrestrained, ungifted

      b) hearsay, insensitive, taciturn

      c) little by little, unrestrained, alien

      d) doubly, unopened, not uninteresting

      6. Indicate which of these words is not a single root.

      a) burnt b) mountain

      b) burn d) carbon monoxide (gas)

      7. Indicate words that consist of 5 morphemes.

      a) remind c) shipping

      b) tension d) snuck in

      8. Indicate the errors made during morphemic parsing of words.

      a) plan-ir-ov-a-t c) magnet-ism

      b) pan d) from

      9. Indicate in which cases the morphemic analysis of words was performed correctly.

      a) auk-tsi-on c) december

      b) vel-ich-in-a d) silicon-y

      10. Indicate words whose morphemic composition corresponds to the scheme

      "root 4- ending".

      11. Indicate words in which the base is equal to the root.

      18. Morphemes are significant parts of a word. The basis of the word. Ending. Rules

      A morpheme is the smallest significant part of a word:

      The main morpheme is the root. It contains the main
      meaning of the word.

      Derivative morphemes serve to form words
      with a new lexical meaning:
      connections between words in phrases and sentences:

      Unchanged words have no endings:

      coffee, atelier, today, tomorrow.

      Modified words may also have a zero ending.

      A zero ending is a morpheme that is not expressed by sounds
      (or letters). Such an ending is revealed only when in other
      forms of the same word have an ending expressed by sounds (letters):

      Problems on the topic “Morphemes are significant parts of a word. The basis of the word. Ending"

      City, blue, tomorrow, petal, capital, window, notebook, walking.

      Big one, big one, five-story, five-story,

      s p o r t o v a r s.

      Select the endings by clicking on the letters.

      Scarlet roses, in new quarters, the sea is noisy, no rush

      p o l o g i l a.

      Choose words that end in zero.

      Houses, tables, cows, foundations, noses, watches.

      Choose words that do not have an ending.

      Choose pairs of words that represent forms of the same word.

      1) Order - to order,

      2) brave - brave,

      3) played - play,

      4) paper - paper,

      5) student - student,

      6) strong – strong.

      Choose pairs of words that contain words with the same root.

      2) build – builder,

      3) red - red,

      4) window - window sill,

      6) funny - make you laugh.

      Choose forms of the word leaf.

      Leafless, leaf, deciduous, leaf, leaf, leaf, deciduous, leaf.

Answers in Russian. 3rd grade. Test work. Kanakina V.P., Shchegoleva G.S.

Composition of the word
Console. Suffix

Answers to pages 28 – 30

1. Read. Fill in the missing words in the sentences.

Suffix- this is the significant part of the word that comes after the root. Console- this is the significant part of the word that comes before the root.

2. Read. Mark √ which significant parts of the word are used to form new words.


3 ∗ .

Read it. Find words with prefixes. Select consoles.

(L. Tolstoy)
Underline the verb in which the prefix means “repeat the action again.”

Identify the root in words with the same root.

4 ∗ . Read it. Form from each word and write down a word with the same root with a different prefix. Highlight the prefixes in the words. under/ run - y/ run behind/ scream -
y/ on the/ scream sparkle - By/ look - re/ look
from/ swim - at/ swim With/ ask - By/ ask

Underline the verbs in which the prefix means “the beginning of an action.”

5. Read. Find a verb with two prefixes. Highlight the prefixes in the verbs.

Chu, it thundered behind the cloud,

(F. Tyutchev)

6 ∗ .

Read it. Mark √ words that do not have prefixes. Highlight prefixes in other words.

7. Read. Fill in the missing letters in the words. Write down the word from which the words of each row were formed. Highlight the suffixes in the words.
Underline words with diminutive suffixes.

Write down the adjective and highlight all the significant parts of it.

8 ∗ .

Read it. Fill in the missing words.

(N. Sladkov)

Highlight the suffixes in the words - names of baby animals.

9 ∗ .

Read it. Fill in the missing suffixes in the words.

Underline the words that consist of a root and an ending. Highlight all the significant parts of the word in other words.

10 ∗ .

Read it. Write down the missing words in the memo.

How to determine the suffix in a word?

1) I select words with the same root without a suffix and with other suffixes.

2) I select the part that comes after the root. This part will be the suffix.