It's good to read where there isn't 2. Another world


Another world: It’s good where we are not (book 1 of 2) (Natalia Kosukhina)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Natalya Kosukhina
Year of manufacture: 2016
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Audiobook
Artist: Witch
Duration: 12:31:10
Find yourself in another world... Unknown, danger, fear... But Nadya was lucky - she found a wonderfully kind world. There is a magical Academy, amazing races and new difficulties. Risk is a noble cause, and Nadya took the risk. And now she is already a student at the Academy of Magic, in the same “troika” with a dragon and a werewolf. It would seem - live and enjoy. But... the picture of a cloudless future is spoiled by the teacher and part-time older brother of your friend, and even the heir to the dragon empire. He doesn’t like you, doesn’t believe you and strives to get rid of you, not disdaining by any means. Give up? Why! Let's see who wins!

Add. information:
Editing: Tatyana Rakhmanina
Proofreader: Marina Lomskova


M. Uspensky Where we are not

Genre: Fantasy, humor.
Author: Mikhail Uspensky
Performer: Andrey Zaretsky (actor of the E. Vakhtangov Theater)
Publisher: Eksmo-SiDiKom
Year of manufacture: 2007
Playing time: 11:52:55
Description: There are still many heroes on the Russian land! “Where We Are Not” is a brilliant saga about the wanderings of the Russian hero Zhikhar in search of a way to open the cursed Circle of Time. From a witty breed to dashing assertiveness, from subtle irony to reckless ridicule - Mikhail Uspensky's humor knows no bounds and hits without a miss. No wonder this novel was awarded the Wanderer...


Uspensky Mikhail Glebovich - Where we are not

Type: audiobook
Genre: fantasy
Author: Mikhail Glebovich Uspensky
Year of manufacture: 1995
Artist: Vlad Kopp (Model for assembly) ???
Playing time: 10 hours 2 minutes???
Audio: Windows Media audio_bitrate: 32
Description: Krasnoyarsk writer Mikhail Uspensky won the Golden Ostap award three times. One of these awards in the category “for the most estimated book of the year” was brought to him by the novel “Where We Are Not.” From witty parody to dashing insolence, from subtle irony to reckless ridicule - Mikhail Uspensky's humor knows no bounds and hits without a miss. Every page of the adventures of the glorious...


Little Guri 1. Where we are not expected (Moskalenko Yuri)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 56kbps(VBR)
Author: Moskalenko Yuri
Year of release: 2017
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: liters
Performer: Petr Korshunkov
Duration: 14:46:09
Description: How will an accomplished adult behave in a new unknown world? His feelings, fears, desires? What if this is a world of magic, and blood flows like wine at a feast, and the price of human life there is worth a penny? And if you also consider that he got there in the body of a stupid kid? How can he survive in this alien and hostile world? Will he be able to take advantage of the chance that everyone is given in life, and will he live to see it...


Where we are... (Eduard Reznik)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Reznik Eduard
Year of manufacture: 2015
Genre: Humor

Performer: Reznik Eduard
Duration: 06:17:25
Description: “A foreign country is a geographical concept, like a wife and a lover... It would seem that the same landscape, the same hills, the same plateau, but to this one it is hateful, and to that one it is someone else’s desired one. One can relax and frolic in it, while the other can plow, plow... looking over the fence and sighing about the non-local delights that are hated by someone and so attractive to oneself...” “Foreign” is the key word that unites the three. ..


Borderland: Where it's warm (book 6 of 12) (Pavel Kornev)

Author: Pavel Kornev
Year of release: 2017
Genre: Science Fiction, Action Fantasy, Adventures, Urban Fantasy
Publisher: DIY Audiobook
Performer: Irina Trukhanova
Duration: 14:33:45
Description: The borderlands are several regions torn from our world into the edges of eternal cold. And the Fort is both the heart of the Borderland and its bottom. A completely frozen sewer, inhabited by not the friendliest people, for whom the value of human life is often commensurate with the price of a box of cartridges or a box of stew. There is simply nowhere to fall lower, but sometimes judge...


Dedicated to all lovers / Where there is no place for you (Julia Levy)

ISBN: 978-5-699-79228-3
Format: FB2, EPUB, OCR without errors
Author: Julia Levy
Year of manufacture: 2015
Publisher: IP Strelbitsky
Genre: Romance novels
Russian language
Number of books: 2
Age restrictions: 18+
Description: "Dedicated to all lovers" - Helen is a young and attractive dancer, but her life is full of restrictions. Her mother constantly controls her, and her boyfriend forbids her to communicate with friends and dance “indecent” dances. It seemed that she was simply not destined to plunge headlong into passion and experience a real love adventure. But one day fate gives her a chance to change everything - and she...


The World of the Drop: Time Between Failures (1 book of 2) (Alexander Gromov)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Alexander Gromov
Year of manufacture: 2015
Genre fiction
Publisher: IDDK
Performer: Maxim Suslov
Duration: 09:40:07
Description: "Time Between Failures" is a science fiction story by Alexander Gromov, a Russian science fiction writer. An amazing thing is happening on the planet Procne: right before the eyes of observers, a new race of intelligent beings is born. She will die if the local government does not abandon its plans. The humble geologist takes full responsibility. To remain human under any circumstances - what could be more beautiful and difficult? ...


Where is the throne of Satan. Volume 2 (Tender Alexander)

Author: Gentle Alexander
Year of manufacture: 2015
Genre: Modern Apocrypha
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Roslyakov Mikhail
Duration: 36:40:40
Description: This is a saga about our life with its sorrows, joys, hopes and despair. This is a voluminous and vivid picture of Russia, which is going through the most painful decades of its history. This is a story about people making their moral choices at different times and in different circumstances. This is, finally, a book about the tragedy of a man who dies on the path to the truth. Magazine publications of the novel were awarded the "Ve...


Where is the throne of Satan. Volume 1 (Tender Alexander)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Gentle Alexander
Year of manufacture: 2015
Genre: Modern Apocrypha
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Gerasimov Vyacheslav
Duration: 31:50:36
Description: The action of the novel “Where Satan Throne” covers almost the entire past century. In the center is a family of clergy from a provincial Central Russian town
Sotnikov: John Bogolyubov, his three sons - Alexander, Peter and Nikolai, their wives, children, grandchildren. The revolution splits the family. The grandson of Fr. Petra Bogolyubova, Moscow Ambulance doctor Sergei Pavlovich Bogolyubov tortures...


School of Divers (SHNYR). The entrance has no exit (book 2 of 6) (Dmitry Yemets)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Dmitry Yemets
Year of manufacture: 2014
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: IDDK
Performer: Arkady Bukhmin
Duration: 10:17:56
Description: “School of Divers” is a new series of fantasy novels by Dmitry Yemets. In it, the author of the popular series “Tanya Grotter” and “Mefodiy Buslaev” creates a world that allows you to take a fresh look at the most familiar things. The main task of the Shnyrs is to save people’s lives, risking their own, and to prevent the reign of evil in the world. “The entrance has no exit” is the second book in the “School of Divers” (“ShNyr”) series. What would you say if you knew that tomorrow they would make you an offer...


Ink World: Ink Blood (Book 2 of 3) (Cornelia Funke)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Cornelia Funke
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Nadezhda Vinokurova
Duration: 19:53:12
Description: The more time passes since the last page of the book Inkheart was turned, the stronger Maggie's desire to penetrate the world under its cover. The girl’s mother spent many years there, and Dustfinger passionately dreams of returning there. Its creator himself, the poet Fenoglio, found himself in this world. When Maggie, her friends and her enemies finally meet in the Ink World, the story unexpectedly begins to...


World of Philosophy. A book to read in 2 parts. Part 1.

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96 Kbps
Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: Philosophy
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Rudnik Yuri
Duration: 40:35:36
Description: "Publishing house: Political Literature, Moscow, 1991. The book is an anthology (in 2 parts) of thematically grouped philosophical texts - extracts from the works of thinkers of different eras, including modern times. The texts of the first part of the book cover questions of the meaning and purpose of philosophy, its history, initial philosophical problems (being and knowledge), concepts and principles. Intended to help students studying the course of philosophy in the new...


Where I was happy (Mikhail Osorgin)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Osorgin Mikhail
Year of manufacture: 2014
Genre: Prose
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Evgeniy Ternovsky
Duration: 00:56:23
Description: Mikhail Andreevich Osorgin, real name Ilyin (October 7 (19), 1878 - November 27, 1942) - Russian writer, journalist, essayist, one of the active and active Masons of the Russian emigration, founder of several Russian Masonic lodges in France. All of Osorgin’s work was permeated by two sincere thoughts: passionate love for nature, close attention to everything living on earth and affection...


Where there is only the past (Malinovskaya Maya)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Author: Maya Malinovskaya
Year of manufacture: 2014
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: DIY Audiobook
Performer: Maya Malinovskaya
Duration: 16:00:00
Description: A period of quiet life begins in the lives of the heroes. Without the desire to change anything, Al tries to be human. However, despite her wishes, circumstances develop in such a way that she has to turn to her past in order to change the future. Again, a difficult choice. And an attempt to escape from circumstances and ignore her nature leads to a new turn of events in her life and the lives of her friends. Future E...


Where the River Begins (James Oliver Curwood)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Author: James Oliver Curwood
Year of release: 2018
Genre: Adventure
Publisher: DIY Audiobook
Performer: Yuri Beinik
Duration: 07:56:36
Description: A Conniston police officer has been searching for Keith, a fugitive suspect in the murder of a judge, for more than two years. Finally he manages to detain the fugitive, but on the same day he freezes his lung and will soon die. And in this situation, Keith reveals himself to be a completely different person than Conniston thought of him...

Let's take revenge for the ruined evening!

So, oil was found, and water too. Shake out the soil from the pot with the dried cactus. There are candles. The room too, although not yet dark.

What's next? Yeah. We make a circle out of earth on the floor, put scented candles, drink oil mixed with water... I forgot something. Exactly. Fire! Having run into the hallway to get my purse and turning off the light along the way, I stood in a circle with the ground and, taking out a lighter, lit the candles. So, the spell:

- Zurir elonar torik vator!

Consciousness was clouded by darkness.

Opening my eyes, I saw the blue sky. My first thought: where does the blue sky come from in my apartment?! And only a few moments later she carefully turned her head, looked around and immediately jumped up from what she saw.

I was in a small clearing. There is a forest all around. The time of year is summer. How can this be? After all, it’s winter...

So, what other information is there? The sun is one thing. The area is completely unfamiliar: a clearing in the middle of the forest, on a hill, and mountains in the background. The latter especially confused me.

- Please, Lord, let me be in Africa, on some uninhabited islands, even in Muho... just not...

Just not in another world! If I really got a transfer, then it's bad. She took revenge, so to speak!

There is still not enough evidence to support the “hit”, so I continued to look around. The leaves seem to be green and hang on the trees, but the trunks are smooth, not rough at all, and the leaves are at least similar to ours, but of a slightly different shape: round, oval and even blot-like. The only thing I found native were coniferous plants, albeit with strange needles. The grass is ordinary, there are nice bushes with berries nearby. I wonder what you can eat from this?

What do we end up with? Even to me, not God knows what kind of botany expert, it became clear: I was not on the territory of my native state. I definitely got it, but where?

The arctic fox crept up unnoticed!

After sitting for a couple of minutes trying to comprehend the monstrous truth, I looked around again. There were no animals or other local inhabitants visible. Are there? And most importantly, do I want to see them? Although it would be naive to believe that there are no toothy creatures here. More likely, they either haven’t reached me yet, or they will reach me when it gets dark. Not fun.

At that moment, I noticed the purse that was lying on the ground. There's a lot of stuff in it, so if you need it, there's a chance you'll find at least something useful. But I was dressed very practically: comfortable wide jeans, slippers, a fitted blue cotton T-shirt. If it were winter here, in a couple of hours I would have a kayak. Yes, the clothes cannot but please, and especially the slippers. I can hardly go long without them.

Thoughts about walking forced me to return to pressing problems. We need to think about what to do next. Sooner or later it will start to get dark, and then I will certainly have the opportunity to get acquainted with the local forest inhabitants. And it is unlikely that we will find a common language. They will be hungry, I will be hungry. Someone will get eaten anyway.

After looking around, I decided that the best thing was to climb a tree and look around. The clearing is located on a hill, so I can definitely see if there is a settlement nearby. True, I have not yet decided for myself whether I want to discover intelligent creatures or not. No matter how you look at it, the prospects did not seem rosy.

I climbed the tree for about half an hour, constantly trying to fall, but I only got away with abrasions and bruises. The picture that opened was breathtaking. Rare clouds floated in the azure sky, some birds soared. On the one hand, there is a forest such that our nature reserves would be envious, on the other, not far away, there are mountains and a city carved into them. Inhaling the cleanest air, I finally decided to move closer to the city and, after taking a closer look, decide what to do next.

But my plans were not destined to come true, because when I got down and turned around, I saw a healthy stick with a point at the end pointed at me and heard:

- Tvek then?

Before I had time to move to the population, the population moved to me.

Part one

Introduction to the world, or the First Arctic fox

They say lawyers have no conscience. For the money that our clients pay us, we cannot afford such an expensive thing as a conscience. If they pay more, we will buy a conscience.

Unknown lawyer

It has been snowing all day, large flakes slowly falling onto the streets and roofs of the city. It’s cold beyond words, and judging by the forecasts, it will be this way all next week. Therefore, walking down the street, I dreamed of only one thing - to quickly get home and find myself in a hot bath with fragrant foam. And also - to eat. Having recently changed jobs, I can’t get used to the new rhythm of life.

And when the house was already close, I turned into an alley...

- A-a-a... You are a vampire, I know! You are pursuing me so that I can save your soul. But I already have a lover, and I will never leave him.

“I hit the guy,” came the answer.

When I turned to find out what happened, there was a dull thud and immediately followed by obscene language. A man sat on the dirty sidewalk and held his head.

“Don’t you dare follow me anymore, you fiend of hell!” “And, turning around, the unfamiliar thin girl ran in ten-centimeter stilettos along the icy road.

I wish I could do that!

The young man tried to get up, but when he saw me, he froze. He was probably wondering if I would go and finish him off. Having made sure that everything was in order and there was no need to call an ambulance, I hurried home.

Thinking about the girl, I came to a disappointing conclusion: if you are an easy-to-suggest person, you can’t read so much fantasy and mysticism. I myself really love this kind of literature and often scroll through the plots in my head, but I never get around to it. A man, maybe he walks along this road every day from work, and then some girl says, “You’re stalking me!” At the same time, I thought that two new books were waiting at home, and tomorrow was Saturday.

Full of optimism, I ran home, washed and ate, took the first work and settled down to read.

I have a small vice: if I come across an interesting book, I can’t tear myself away from it. Therefore, after a long time turning over the last page, I looked at my watch and was horrified. The hands pointed to seven o'clock... in the morning. Glad that I didn’t have to get up early, I turned off the light and fell asleep.

I woke up in the evening and immediately remembered things that would be nice to do. But my gaze fell on the second book. Sighing, I decided to eat.

As soon as I looked in the refrigerator, I immediately realized that I hadn’t gone to the store today. But I was also a student! After half an hour of peeling and frying the potatoes, I was full to my stomach. Immediately the whole world became beautiful, and the sofa beckoned to me. Deciding that things could wait, I headed to the second book.

Alas, the book maniac’s hopes were not destined to come true. An insidious friend replaced an interesting novel with some kind of gray encyclopedia, which she bought without thinking, having looked at the handsome seller. The book included a brochure with text similar to Arabic. On the last page and on the back cover, there was something written in Russian in pencil. After running my eyes, I found a list of necessary things and conditions for moving to another world: “Dark room, oil, water, burning scented candles, earth.” Instructions for use included.

After giggling, I decided that I needed to recreate the ritual and then invent something for Sonya. Well, something like: I visited another world and stole a cool artifact. Or, as it happens, she visited another world, from where she brought a bunch of friends who are now looking at the toilet in the bathroom. Let's take revenge for the ruined evening!

So, oil was found, and water too. Shake out the soil from the pot with the dried cactus. There are candles. The room too, although not yet dark.

What's next? Yeah. We make a circle out of earth on the floor, put scented candles, drink oil mixed with water... I forgot something. Exactly. Fire! Having run into the hallway to get my purse and turning off the light along the way, I stood in a circle with the ground and, taking out a lighter, lit the candles. So, the spell:

– Zurir elonar torik vator!

Consciousness was clouded by darkness.

Opening my eyes, I saw the blue sky. My first thought: where does the blue sky come from in my apartment?! And only a few moments later she carefully turned her head, looked around and immediately jumped up from what she saw.

I was in a small clearing. There is a forest all around. The time of year is summer. How can this be? After all, it’s winter...

So, what other information is there? The sun is one thing. The area is completely unfamiliar: a clearing in the middle of the forest, on a hill, and mountains in the background. The latter especially confused me.

- Please, Lord, let me be in Africa, on some uninhabited islands, even in Muho... just not...

Just not in another world! If I really got a transfer, then it's bad. She took revenge, so to speak!

There is still not enough evidence to support the “hit”, so I continued to look around. The leaves seem to be green and hang on the trees, but the trunks are smooth, not rough at all, and the leaves are at least similar to ours, but of a slightly different shape: round, oval and even blot-like. The only thing I found native were coniferous plants, albeit with strange needles. The grass is ordinary, there are nice bushes with berries nearby. I wonder what you can eat from this?

What do we end up with? Even to me, not God knows what kind of botany expert, it became clear: I was not on the territory of my native state. I definitely got it, but where?

The arctic fox crept up unnoticed!

After sitting for a couple of minutes trying to comprehend the monstrous truth, I looked around again. There were no animals or other local inhabitants visible. Are there? And most importantly, do I want to see them? Although it would be naive to believe that there are no toothy creatures here. More likely, they either haven’t reached me yet, or they will reach me when it gets dark. Not fun.

At that moment, I noticed the purse that was lying on the ground. There's a lot of stuff in it, so if you need it, there's a chance you'll find at least something useful. But I was dressed very practically: comfortable wide jeans, slippers, a fitted blue cotton T-shirt. If it were winter here, in a couple of hours I would have a kayak. Yes, the clothes cannot but please, and especially the slippers. I can hardly go long without them.

Thoughts about walking forced me to return to pressing problems. We need to think about what to do next. Sooner or later it will start to get dark, and then I will certainly have the opportunity to get acquainted with the local forest inhabitants. And it is unlikely that we will find a common language. They will be hungry, I will be hungry. Someone will get eaten anyway.

After looking around, I decided that the best thing was to climb a tree and look around. The clearing is located on a hill, so I can definitely see if there is a settlement nearby. True, I have not yet decided for myself whether I want to discover intelligent creatures or not. No matter how you look at it, the prospects did not seem rosy.

Experience is the only property that will not go away from you.

Unknown economist

So, first floor, office. Here she is! After knocking and receiving permission to enter, I pushed the door.

An old man of about ninety years old was sitting at the table. Seeing the Talmud in my hands, he sighed and reached into the desk drawer. He took out three disks from there and handed them to me. The disks turned out to be thin, metallic, one was silver, the other two were golden and bronze.

– The discs are enchanted to prevent theft. Sign. “He opened the book in front of me.

After carefully reading the document, I wrote my name in the required column. The old man, who was watching me closely, grinned and commented:

– Educated.

And this one said the same thing. More and more interesting.

Now comes the hard part. Going out into the street, I took my bearings from the signs hanging everywhere on – were they really iron? - lanterns, and walked towards the square. I was always fine with a sense of direction and finding the right places. It’s good that they didn’t let me down in this world either, and after a while I found what I needed.

A small two-story house, reminiscent of a gingerbread house, with a modest but clean garden. From the outside I really liked it here.

I knocked, and a few seconds later the door opened, standing on the threshold was a tall, portly housewife with black skin and pointy ears. Against my will, I looked at her greedily.

- I want to rent a room.

– Why did you decide that I’m renting them out?

“I’ve been in the service for so many years, and I still haven’t learned how to introduce myself to people normally.” Come in.

I entered a small cozy hall, from which one staircase led up, the other down, and a corridor began in the middle.

“Follow me,” the hostess said, moving forward.

Walking into one of the rooms, I stopped in indecision.

-Why are you frozen? Sit down.

- Tell me, is there a toilet here?

Damn, how can I explain?

“People go there when they want to relieve themselves.”

– What need do you need to relieve? – the hostess frowned.

Well, I was clearly thinking about the bad!

What is this! I stood there for a while, trying to figure out how to explain, while my body endured with all its strength. Another five minutes and I’ll explain it clearly to her. Apparently, noticing something like that in my movements, the woman smiled and said:

- A-ah-ah... What a need you are talking about! I would have said so right away. The boulevard is directly behind the door and to the right.

“Bul? I must remember,” I thought, rushing to the indicated address. The bull turned out to be a white stone cube with a hole in the middle. However, I don’t care anymore, as long as the place justifies its purpose. The location was justified. I was glad that at least it was not on the street.

I had barely returned from an important trip when I was offered food. The smell from the kitchen was delicious, but it was scary. What if my body won't accept the food?

Noticing my tossing, the hostess grinned:

- Don't worry. So far in the entire history of Ergo, not a single Darada has been poisoned.

Or they were simply buried quietly so that no one would find them. But on the other hand, you still have to start sometime. I won't last long on air alone. And I decided...

The food turned out to be completely unfamiliar, the taste and appearance of the food being consumed was confusing. Something in the plate resembled meat, something resembled cabbage. They even offered me a local version of bread. It tasted very much like Borodino. I can’t stand this one, but without fish...

As soon as my plate was empty, they told me that the room would be rented out, and they dragged me upstairs. My temporary place of residence turned out to be a spacious, bright room, well furnished (my God!) with wooden furniture and walls... made of white stone. What a joy!

- Tell me, are the kitchen and the hallway decorated...

- A tree. “I came up with this,” the hostess proudly puffed out her chest.

- A tree. Well, yes. And under it?

– Stone walls, like everyone else.

- Everyone has? That is, everywhere? At all?

- Well, yes. You guys are strange: you don’t know basic things.

Yeah. So strange, so strange...

– Why only white stone? Are there any other building materials?

– I don’t know all these scientific theories, you’d better read it in your little book.

Sighing, I thanked the hostess and, when she left, I decided to follow her advice. I was simply suffocated from lack of information. Will I be able to find my place in this world?

The Talmud only looked scary in appearance, but inside it turned out to be very simple and understandable, much like our primer. From the fact that everyone noted my level of education and judging by the design of the book, I made a logical conclusion: not all Darads who enter this world have a high IQ.

So, the world was called Ergo. It has twelve states and the United Lands. With states, everything turned out to be simple: one race - one state. Accordingly, there are also twelve races: people, dragons, gnomes, goblins, trolls, werewolves, elves, demons, orcs, vampires, ghosts and spirits. And there was also such a state as the United Lands, where all the listed races lived and coexisted. This is the largest in area, and it was controlled by the Council of Magicians. Of course, you can live in some state, but then you would have to obey its laws, which directly depended on the characteristics of the races.

As a lawyer, I immediately noted points that needed to be clarified in more detail. Experience suggested that the better you know the rules and laws of society, the easier it is for you to live in it. In any case, there will not be enough information to communicate with a representative of any other race. To learn all the intricacies, you either need to be born here or live for some time in each state. But there’s nothing we can do – we’ll look into it as needed.

One thing is clear - you need to write down smart thoughts somewhere.

In the morning I went down to breakfast, thinking about the problem that had arisen.

Sitting down opposite the hostess, I carefully said:

- Excuse me, I didn’t introduce myself yesterday. My name is Nadya.

– Rhoda Ryder.

- Should I give you my last name?

– And you don’t have it until you register.

– Will I have the same one that was in my world?

“Whatever name you say, that’s what it will be.”

We decided on this. Then my gaze fell on the cutlery next to the plate.

- Tell me, please, can I have a fork? – I asked very politely, looking sideways at the spoon.

-What is a fork? – Rhoda looked at me with curiosity as she devoured breakfast.

It's clear…

– Is the only cutlery in your world a spoon?

– Yes, but they come in different shapes, and also a knife.

I sighed and started eating breakfast. Since I was still alive after yesterday’s dinner, I decided to trust this world and calmly began to eat. Mm... breakfast tasted like baby puree, a sort of “tropical explosion”.

“Tell me about your world,” I asked the hostess.

– What can I tell you? You're asking the wrong person!

– Yes, I need a simple view of things, and not like in this abstruse book.

“A-ah-ah...” the hostess immediately melted. - Then ask.

– I read that the Council of Magicians rules here...

– They command only the state: traders have their own Council, like scientists, judges and the like.

So... This means that this issue has been discussed truthfully in the literature. Fine.

– Why aren’t aristocrats ruling the state?

- So magicians are aristocrats.

- What, only them? – I was surprised.

I had other information.

– Well, they also include representatives of ancient families, awarded for services to the state.


– Is this the case everywhere or only in the United Lands?

- Everywhere. Why invent something new if it’s already good?

So we decided on the powers that be. It's nice to know that something doesn't change anywhere. Aristocrats are usually called lords, magicians - lers, and it is advisable to show them respect, since they are in power and may be offended, which will be fraught. The rest of the population were common people, and the polite address for men was “Maitre”, and for women – “Mister”.

“And the rules of conduct?..” I began, but Rhoda shook her head:

– Don’t ask me that! I have never been in such circles.

It's a pity. The book describes how to behave correctly in a particular society in any state. How to show respect, eat, walk, read, make friends, dress. In general, about everything. But this was not enough. I did not understand most of the movements described: more explanations are clearly needed, however, they can be put off for now as unnecessary.

– I read yesterday that I can move freely around the world. If I decide to leave, how can I change money? – I asked, carefully watching the hostess’s reaction to the word “leave”.

– Why do you need to change money? Take what you have and go,” the hostess looked at me in surprise.

This means that the only currency available was the kind of disks they gave me, from which banknotes were removed by magic. True, I still don’t understand the principle of their work. The bronze disc was the rarest and had the highest equivalent in banknotes. Then came the gold disk, and the silver one had the smallest equivalent. There is only one currency in the world of Ergo, common to all thirteen states.

Yesterday, in addition to general information, I learned a lot of important information for myself personally. It followed from it that I should go to the Council building in the next few days and register with a special department. Darads received citizenship of the state in which they ended up. The department gave me this same citizenship, something similar to health insurance, and other necessary documents. After which I am free to do whatever I please.

Having finished breakfast and having learned everything I needed, I asked Rhoda where the city center and the market were. Let's hope that everything is written in the Talmud correctly and I will find the right building without problems.

– But besides registration, I really need to go to the market. Won't you come with me?

- Why should I go with you? You're not little yourself.

– I need someone to explain everything to me: I can’t do it alone – what if I’m deceived?

- The money will be stolen.

- They won’t be able to. The disks are magically tied to you, and no one can withdraw money from them without your permission.

– What if they force me with threats?

- What are you doing?! Who wants to mess with Control?

- Control?

- A service that maintains order.

- So what, there is no crime?

– Yes, of course, but not in broad daylight, on the street, among a bunch of people.


Deciding to take a chance, I nodded to the hostess and headed outside. Looking at the warm yellow sun, I slowly walked along the pavement, wondering what I would do next.

I brought many skills from my world, but only a few can be useful here. Of course, there is something in common between our worlds, but the simplest professions do not meet my ambitions. In my world, I had a higher education, a good job, and my own home. I wanted to get a job here as well, but the types of activities that could provide me with this turned out to be out of reach, because they required special education.

And this brought me to the most desirable thing, the Academy of Magic... In the fantasy books of our world, this is a prestigious institution, which is difficult to get into, where it is easy to study, and a sea of ​​​​adventures. Here the Academy (if you believe the Talmud) is certainly a prestigious institution, which is also not easy to get into. I don’t know about studying, but most likely I don’t have any adventures in sight. And the world, judging by the information in the Darad guide, turned out to be surprisingly calm.

As I understand from the brief history of the world, the last war here was about two hundred years ago, and not with the dark army of the villain, but with zombies. Some fanatical necromancer did something (I didn’t understand what exactly), and everything got out of control for him (I didn’t understand why either). After which zombies crawled out of their graves throughout almost the entire territory of the United Lands.

Some moments confused me. Firstly, the literature did not mention what the representatives of the races looked like, there were no images. Just general characteristics in a nutshell. Secondly, while studying literature, I could read all the words, but I did not always understand the meaning of the phrases. It's like knowing what quantum physics is but not understanding how it works. Here, too, I realized only that part of the information that resonated with my world.

Therefore, we need to study again, and I will start from the very top, namely from the Academy. I can always become a cook. Maybe…

The money should be enough for about six months, and this is in addition to paying for a room with full board. And if I save, then for the whole year. Having looked at myself, I came to the conclusion that there was no point in changing my clothes, I would just buy more for a change and, of course, shoes. House slippers are a good thing, but you won’t wear them much outside.

Busy with such thoughts, I myself did not notice how I reached the main square of the city, where the Council building was located. But I found the right department with much more difficulty. Having registered and received documents, I became Roner, Nadezhda Roner. I found a new last name in the history section of the book and decided to take it so as not to stand out.

The main thing was done, now I took care of pressing problems. I carefully asked a young man in trousers, a strange jacket and a sleeveless vest made of an unusual green material:

– Thank you very much for the documents. I understand that your department is responsible for registering darads?

“Yes,” answered the young man with pointed ears and red eyes indifferently.

– And if I don’t understand everything, where to turn for help?

“You can ask me,” the interlocutor muttered, without looking up from his papers.

– Tell me, where are the daradas usually... Uh-uh... Well, who do we end up working with?

- Differently. The last darad worked as a cook.

Haha, what a coincidence!

– We don’t know who the last darad from the technical world was: there are no documents left.

– What does it take to enter the Academy of Magic?

“A magical gift, I think,” he answered, finally giving him a glance.

Apparently, I surprised the man.

-Are you not sure?

“You know, I’m not an elf of that kind and have never been interested in this, besides, I don’t have a magical gift.” The only thing I can tell you is that admission will take place in the last month of summer; three months before it, an introductory lecture is given three times for applicants.

– How much does this lecture cost?

- Not at all.

- What, at all? – I asked, squinting.

There's clearly some kind of trap here. They want to capture me and sell me to the natives. How can anything be free?

- At all. You are strange, Darads: you are surprised by the most ordinary things.

Really, what are we doing?!

“Then tell me how I can get to this lecture?”

Now everything will be revealed!

– We’ve already read one. And to get to the next one, go through the door from here and sign up there. There you will be informed about the time and place. But usually they are read in the hall of the city library.

- Not at the Academy?

Yep, gotcha!

– Outsiders can only enter the Academy on the day of admission. And there is only one of them a year. The rest of the time, only teachers and students can get there. Even the magicians of the Council have to write out a magic blanket.

- Magic blanket? – I was surprised.

– If you apply, everything will be explained to you there.

This means they are hiding something. Well, let's see, I'm a lawyer, and you can't take us with your bare hands.

Having finished my business, I went to the indicated office, where they looked at me in surprise.

- How can we help you, mistress? – asked a young woman who looked like a person, with her hair tied in a bun and an impartial gaze.

Her two colleagues, a young guy and a man with gray hair, were silent.

– I want to apply to listen to a lecture before entering the Academy.

- Do you have a gift?

- Don't know.

With this answer I put all three of them into a stupor.

– Then why do you want to sign up for the lecture? asked the younger of the two men.

– I want to enter the Academy of Magic.

– Not knowing if you have a gift? – asked the one who looked older.

– Is it a prerequisite to know that there are magical abilities?

“No, but there is a list of necessary knowledge,” the girl smiled.

– Could I have it?

- Certainly. But first, let’s sign up,” the young man noted and took out such a form that I would have to fill it out until the morning.

- Where are you from?

- I am darada.

This is where I really got them interested. All three of them glared straight at me.

- Then there is another form for you.

The gray-haired man took out a piece of paper that was only half written on. Everything there was expected: last name, age, and so on. Five minutes and I'm signed up.

– What about the list of knowledge?

We made you happy!

– When will the lecture be?

– Next week on the fifth day.

- In library?

“Yes,” confirmed the young man.

– What about the admission itself?

– Two months after your lecture.

Then I remembered that in this world, like ours, there are twelve months in a year, but there are five weeks in a month, and eight days in a week. A day consists of twenty-six hours.

– What world are you from? – an elderly employee interrupted my thoughts.

- From the technical side.

All three looked at each other.

“Then you know better where to go.” Once you have entered this world, it means changes are coming.

What is this - direct discrimination on a technical basis!

Thanking for the help and taking my papers, I headed home, especially since the sun was already setting. Lying in bed, I looked at the ceiling, but sleep still did not come. I thought about my parents, my friends, about the apartment where I would never return, about when they would miss me and start looking for me. I'll be missing. It’s good that I wrote my will, and the funny thing is, it was only recently. Now my niece will have a place to live. These thoughts brought tears to my cheeks. Although I cried very rarely, now I was saying goodbye to my world. I wonder if the people who came here forgot about where they were born, or if the melancholy lived with them constantly?

When the tears stopped, I fell asleep.

At that moment, I noticed the purse that was lying on the ground. There's a lot of stuff in it, so if you need it, there's a chance you'll find at least something useful. But I was dressed very practically: comfortable wide jeans, slippers, a fitted blue cotton T-shirt. If it were winter here, in a couple of hours I would have a kayak. Yes, the clothes cannot but please, and especially the slippers. I can hardly go long without them.

Thoughts about walking forced me to return to pressing problems. We need to think about what to do next. Sooner or later it will start to get dark, and then I will certainly have the opportunity to get acquainted with the local forest inhabitants. And it is unlikely that we will find a common language. They will be hungry, I will be hungry. Someone will get eaten anyway.

After looking around, I decided that the best thing was to climb a tree and look around. The clearing is located on a hill, so I can definitely see if there is a settlement nearby. True, I have not yet decided for myself whether I want to discover intelligent creatures or not. No matter how you look at it, the prospects did not seem rosy.

I climbed the tree for about half an hour, constantly trying to fall, but I only got away with abrasions and bruises. The picture that opened was breathtaking. Rare clouds floated in the azure sky, some birds soared. On the one hand, there is a forest such that our nature reserves would be envious, on the other, not far away, there are mountains and a city carved into them. Inhaling the cleanest air, I finally decided to move closer to the city and, after taking a closer look, decide what to do next.

But my plans were not destined to come true, because when I got down and turned around, I saw a healthy stick with a point at the end pointed at me and heard:

- Tvek then?

Before I had time to move to the population, the population moved to me.

Reflexively throwing my hands up, I said:

- Uh... I don’t understand you...

Hearing what I said, the man was surprised. After standing for a moment in indecision, he motioned to call two more. Having said something to them, he turned to me again, and the two ran away somewhere.

In the first seconds I was filled with fear. Where did those two go? What will happen to me? After a couple of minutes, I calmed down a little and decided that there was no truth in my legs. The guard tensed at my movement. But I, not paying attention to this, walked up to the tree and sat down, leaning against the trunk. My escort, without changing his position, looked at me suspiciously and even with some curiosity.

I looked at it too. An ordinary middle-aged man. No stunning looks, no long ears; fangs, wings and the like were also missing. Although you never know where he hides what. In the books, the main characters are mega-cool, although at first you couldn’t tell by their appearance.

He is dressed in red tight leggings, a long, knee-length green tunic and a red cloak. If a man appeared in this form in my world, sooner or later he would be taken away by those who arrived first. And here, maybe, this is the fashion.

About ten minutes later I heard someone running towards us, after which I saw two already familiar guards and with them a man of about fifty. This one turned out to be wearing a blue robe similar to those in the Harry Potter movie. The two stopped at a distance, and the one in the robe came closer. Having examined me carefully, he made a repulsive gesture with his hand and spoke:

- Is there a world?

I shook my head.

The man became thoughtful and, taking out some small book, leafed through it, looked at me and again made a gesture with his hand:

- Is there a world?

I shook my head again.

Similar actions continued for some time, the man was already sitting on the grass and turning over the pages of his manuscript, and my guard, judging by his appearance, was already tired of holding a weapon. Finally, the reader, without rising from the ground, again made a pass and asked hopefully:

- Who are you?

Hearing the question and understanding it, I perked up:

- I understand you!

- I am Nadya.

“Nadya,” repeated the man who looked like a magician, as if assessing the name. - Where are you from?

- Probably from another world.

– You’re not sure that you’ve entered another world?

I shook my head.

– Maybe I ended up on another planet, in a parallel world, hit my head and am now in a coma?.. Better yet, tell me where I am? I think you know.

– This is the planet and world of Ergo.

Here…! Still, it moved.

- Come with me to the city: I have no right to conduct a dialogue with you.

When I heard this proposal, I thought about it. Now I’ll go with them, and they’ll kill me and bury me. On the other hand, what's stopping them from burying me right here? Why go somewhere? Another option is that they will allow you to do experiments. But if I stay here, and it soon gets dark, then by morning there will be nothing to allow for experiments. And then, they still know that I'm here. You have to live somehow.

I am a lawyer by profession, and lawyers are Very practical people. Hence…

Having risen, I, under the gaze of the men watching me, went with them towards the mountains. We walked for about an hour, I didn’t even have time to get tired, when the trees suddenly ended and a huge white city with impressive stone gates appeared in front of us. I wonder how they open them? And then a new thought appeared in my head: it’s immediately obvious that I’m from the technical world. Here my fate is being decided, and I’m interested in how it works and how they open it?

The gates began to move and, opening slightly, let us through. The city turned out to be beautiful: all the buildings were made of white stone, and some were also decorated with wood. The roofs were covered with strange tiles that shimmered in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow. The houses next to us had blue tiles, red tiles were visible a little further, and green tiles were visible on the side. The roads are paved with gray stone - this is how we lay out paths on our private plots. There were some floral aromas in the air, but I couldn’t pinpoint them...

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