High seismicity. Increased seismicity in the region

Earthquakes are a terrible natural phenomenon that can bring numerous disasters. They are associated not only with destruction, which may result in human casualties. The catastrophic tsunami waves they cause can lead to even more disastrous consequences.

Which areas of the world are most affected by earthquakes? To answer this question, you need to look at where the active seismic areas are. These are zones of the earth's crust that are more mobile than the surrounding regions. They are located at the boundaries of lithospheric plates, where large blocks collide or move apart. It is the movements of powerful rock layers that cause earthquakes.

Dangerous areas of the world

There are several belts on the globe that are characterized by a high frequency of underground impacts. These are seismically dangerous areas.

The first of them is usually called the Pacific Ring, since it occupies almost the entire ocean coast. Not only earthquakes are frequent here, but also volcanic eruptions, which is why the name “volcanic” or “ring of fire” is often used. The activity of the earth's crust here is determined by modern mountain-building processes.

The second major seismic belt stretches along the high young from the Alps and other mountains of Southern Europe and to the Sunda Islands through Asia Minor, the Caucasus, the mountains of Central and Central Asia and the Himalayas. The collision of lithospheric plates also occurs here, which causes frequent earthquakes.

The third belt stretches across the entire Atlantic Ocean. This is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which is the result of the spreading of the earth's crust. Iceland, known primarily for its volcanoes, also belongs to this belt. But earthquakes here are by no means a rare phenomenon.

Seismically active regions of Russia

Earthquakes also occur in our country. Seismically active regions of Russia are the Caucasus, Altai, the mountains of Eastern Siberia and the Far East, the Commander and Kuril Islands, Fr. Sakhalin. Tremors of great force can occur here.

One can recall the Sakhalin earthquake of 1995, when two-thirds of the population of the village of Neftegorsk died under the rubble of destroyed buildings. After the rescue work, it was decided not to restore the village, but to relocate the residents to other settlements.

In 2012-2014, several earthquakes occurred in the North Caucasus. Fortunately, their sources were located at great depths. There were no casualties or serious damage.

Seismic map of Russia

The map shows that the most seismically dangerous areas lie in the south and east of the country. At the same time, the eastern parts are relatively sparsely populated. But in the south, earthquakes pose a much greater danger to people, since the population density here is higher.

Irkutsk, Khabarovsk and some other large cities are in the danger zone. These are active seismic areas.

Anthropogenic earthquakes

Seismically active areas occupy approximately 20% of the country's territory. But this does not mean that the rest is completely insured against earthquakes. Tremors with a force of 3-4 points are observed even far from the boundaries of lithospheric plates, in the center of platform areas.

At the same time, with the development of the economy, the possibility of anthropogenic earthquakes increases. They are most often caused by the collapse of the roof of underground voids. Because of this, the earth's crust seems to shake, almost like a real earthquake. And there are more and more voids and cavities underground, because people extract oil and natural gas from the subsoil for their needs, pump out water, build mines for the extraction of solid minerals... And underground nuclear explosions are generally comparable to natural earthquakes in their strength.

The collapse of rock layers in itself can pose a danger to people. Indeed, in many areas, voids form directly under populated areas. Recent events in Solikamsk have only confirmed this. But even a weak earthquake can lead to dire consequences, because as a result it can destroy structures that are in disrepair, dilapidated housing in which people continue to live... Also, violation of the integrity of rock layers threatens the mines themselves, where collapses can occur.

What to do?

People are not yet able to prevent such a terrible phenomenon as an earthquake. And they haven’t even learned to predict exactly when and where it will happen. This means you need to know how you can protect yourself and your loved ones during tremors.

People living in such dangerous areas should always have an earthquake plan in place. Since a disaster may find family members in different places, there should be an agreement on a meeting place after the tremors stop. The home should be as safe as possible from falling heavy objects; it is best to attach furniture to the walls and floor. All residents should know where they can urgently turn off gas, electricity, and water in order to avoid fires, explosions and electric shocks. Stairs and passages should not be cluttered with things. Documents and a certain set of products and essentials should always be at hand.

Starting from kindergartens and schools, the population needs to be taught the correct behavior in case of a natural disaster, which will increase the chances of salvation.

Seismically active regions of Russia place special demands on both industrial and civil construction. Earthquake-resistant buildings are more difficult and expensive to build, but the cost of their construction is nothing compared to the lives saved. After all, not only those who are in such a building will be safe, but also those nearby. There will be no destruction and rubble - there will be no casualties.

The territory of Russia, in comparison with other states located in seismically active regions, is generally characterized by moderate seismicity. But in our country there are also places where there is strong shaking, and therefore it can be extremely dangerous to live.

Kuril Islands and Sakhalin

The Kuril Islands and Sakhalin are part of the volcanic Belt of Fire of the Pacific Ocean. In fact, the Kuril Islands are the tops of volcanoes rising above the surface of the ocean, and volcanoes played an important role in the formation of Sakhalin. Every day, seismic stations record tremors in this area.
On the night of May 28, 1995, the largest earthquake in Russia in the last hundred years occurred on Sakhalin. Neftegorsk was completely destroyed. Despite the fact that the intensity of the tremors barely exceeded 7 points on a 12-point scale, large-block earthquake-resistant houses collapsed. 2040 people were killed, more than 700 were injured. The real tragedy was that on this day the high school students had their graduation. The building where the school ball was held collapsed, burying the graduates.
As always during earthquakes, rescuers recorded miraculous rescues. For example, one man fell into the basement of a house, where he was able to eat leftover pickles for many days and survived.


The peninsula is also part of the Pacific volcanic belt. There are 29 active volcanoes and dozens of “dormant” ones in Kamchatka. Small tremors associated with tectonic processes and volcanic activity are recorded every day. Fortunately, most earthquakes occur at sea and in sparsely populated areas.
An earthquake with a magnitude of 8.5 that occurred on November 4, 1952 in Avacha Bay was included in the 15 most powerful earthquakes of the 20th century and was called the “Great Kamchatka”. It caused a tsunami that washed away Severo-Kurilsk and reached Japan, Alaska, Hawaii and even Chile.
After this, a network of seismic stations was created in the Far East.

North Caucasus and Black Sea coast

For the danger of this region, residents should “thank” the Arabian Plate, which collides with the Eurasian Plate. Seismologists have a complex name for the region: Crimea-Caucasus-Kopet Dag zone Iran-Caucasus-Anatolian seismically active region. Earthquakes of magnitude 9 and higher often occur here. On the Russian side, the territories of Dagestan, Chechnya, Ingushetia and North Ossetia are considered dangerous.
The largest events are called the nine-magnitude earthquake in Chechnya in 1976 and the Chkhalta earthquake in 1963. Everyone who was born in the USSR remembers the Armenian Spitak, in which 25 thousand people died.
The Stavropol region is also uneasy. Tremors are felt in the cities of Anapa, Novorossiysk and Sochi. The great Crimean earthquake of 1927 is described in the famous novel “The Twelve Chairs”.

Lake Baikal is located in the middle of a huge rift zone - a fault in the earth's crust. Up to 5-6 thousand tremors are recorded here per year. On the rift line going into Mongolia, there is also its own “valley of dormant volcanoes” on the Oka Plateau in Buryatia.
The most famous earthquake on Lake Baikal, the Tsagan earthquake, occurred on January 12, 1863. Then, on the southeastern shore of Baikal, an entire valley went under water, and Proval Bay was formed.
The last strong earthquake occurred on August 27, 2008. The epicenter was located in the southern waters of Lake Baikal, the strength was 10. In Irkutsk there were 6-7 points. People panicked, ran out into the street, and cellular communications collapsed. In Baikalsk, where the temperature reached 9 points, the work of the pulp and paper mill was interrupted.
Fortunately, most strong earthquakes in this region do not cause casualties, since the area is sparsely populated and multi-story buildings are designed to withstand tremors.

Altai and Tyva

In both Altai and Tuva, complex processes lead to earthquakes. On the one hand, the region is influenced by the huge Hindustan plate, due to the movement of which to the north the Himalayas were formed, and on the other hand, by the Baikal Fault. Seismic activity in the region is increasing.
A 10-magnitude earthquake that occurred on September 27, 2003 caused a lot of noise in Altai. It reached Novosibirsk, Kuzbass and Krasnoyarsk. Six districts of the republic were damaged, the village of Beltir was destroyed, 110 families were left homeless. Buildings in the villages of Kosh-Agach and Aktash were destroyed.
In Tuva, the local population was frightened by the earthquake that occurred on the evening of December 27, 2011. In the villages of the republic, houses cracked and collapsed. Chandeliers swayed in the homes of residents of Abakan and Novokuznetsk. What added to the fear was that it was bitterly cold outside. Seismic activity continued almost throughout the winter. So, in February 2012, seismologists counted more than 700 tremors.

In the vast area of ​​Yakutia, there are two seismic zones. The northern one goes from the Lena delta to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk along the Chersky ridge, the southern one - Baikal-Stanovoi - stretches from Lake Baikal to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Every day there are two or three tremors here. The strongest earthquake is the nine-magnitude Oymyakon earthquake of 1971. The tremors were felt over an area of ​​a million square kilometers and reached Magadan. And in April 1989, between the valleys of the Lena and Amur rivers, an 8.0 magnitude earthquake occurred over an area of ​​one and a half million square kilometers! The Yakuts themselves claim that the republic accounts for almost a third of all seismic activity in Russia.

Over 300 years, 42 earthquakes with magnitudes ranging from 3 to 6.5 were recorded in the Urals.
Recent studies indicate that tremors of up to 7 magnitude are possible here. True, this happens once every 110-120 years. Now there is an increase in seismic activity.
The last strong earthquake occurred on March 30, 2010 near Kachkanar. At the epicenter, the force of the tremors was 5. Windows in houses shook, car alarms went off.

Of course, for those who live in the central regions, what is happening on the outskirts of Russia will seem distant, but it turns out that there are events that affect the entire country. So, on May 24, 2013, at the bottom of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, at a depth of 620 kilometers, an 8.0 magnitude shock occurred. The earthquake was unique: it swept across the entire country, becoming the fourth in Western Russia over the past 76 years.
This earthquake brought a lot of thrills to the inhabitants of the capital's skyscrapers. Some offices evacuated workers.

Every day, various areas of our planet are shaken by tremors. An earthquake is one of the natural disasters that humans cannot prevent.

The only thing he can oppose to the indomitable forces of nature is the achievements of science in the field of forecasting. Systematization and monitoring of seismic activity makes it possible to avoid casualties and destruction in a timely manner, as well as to identify areas of the greatest seismic activity.

Accounting for earthquake sources

The Earth's seismic activity map is a physical map of the planet that shows areas where earthquakes greater than 4 on the Richter scale have occurred over a certain period of time. The map uses the following conventions: the diameter of the area is proportional to the power of the tremors, and the color of the circle indicates the time interval. For example, red areas correspond to earthquakes occurring on the current date or in real time.

Seismic monitor, updated every 20 minutes

red circles - earthquakes in the last 24 hours
orange circles - earthquakes in the last 1-4 days
yellow circles - earthquakes in the last 4-14 days

EMSC and Google Map data

The map of seismic activity of the world allows you to select an area of ​​the earth's surface by clicking the mouse button. In this case, the selected area will be separately displayed in the window, in which the epicenters of earthquakes are indicated in detail. The online seismic monitor allows you to obtain comprehensive data when selecting any source. The table shows the coordinates of the epicenters and the power of tremors, ranging from 24 hours to 30 days. The seismic recording stations located in the selected area are also displayed on the map of the area.

List of earthquakes

To return to the beginning of the document, press Backspace or Back to the earthquake list

Seismic activity map online, updated every 20 minutes. In addition, you can always find out whether there was an earthquake today or not. This allows you to more clearly evaluate the information provided.

Earthquake map according to Google

Earth's seismic activity

The images below are from IRIS, a non-profit organization founded in 1984 with support from the National Science Foundation and a consortium of more than 100 US universities dedicated to the study, organization and distribution of seismological data. IRIS programs are aimed at scientific research, education, and reducing the consequences of earthquakes.

In the data below, the time is indicated in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), to convert to Moscow, add 4 hours.

Seismic activity scale. Richter scale. Earthquake by type of activity.

Mercalli scale Richter scale Visible action


0 -4.3

Vibration from an earthquake is recorded only by instruments


Earthquake vibrations felt when standing on stairs


Tremors from the earthquake are felt in enclosed spaces, slight vibrations of objects



The clanking of dishes, the swaying of trees, the tremors of an earthquake are felt in stationary cars


The creaking of doors, the awakening of sleepers, the transfusion of liquid from vessels



During an earthquake, people walk unsteadily, windows are damaged, paintings fall from the walls


It’s hard to stand, tiles on houses are crumbling, large bells are ringing from the earthquake



Damage to chimneys, damage to sewer networks during such an earthquake


General panic from earthquake, damage to foundations


Most buildings are damaged*, large landslides, rivers overflow their banks



Bent railway tracks, road damage, large cracks in the ground, falling rocks


Complete destruction, waves on the surface of the earth, changes in river flow, poor visibility
* Specially designed buildings with earthquake protection can withstand shocks up to 8.5 on the Richter scale

Current Atlantic Ocean seismic

This map shows the Pacific Ocean, as well as the eastern regions of Russia - the Far East and the Kuril Islands. The fault line of the Pacific ridge is clearly visible.

Seismic activity in Russia and Central Asia

Map of seismic activity in Russia and Europe

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The main factors that negatively affect the health of university teachers have been identified ("bad habits", "low personal responsibility for one's own health", "high workload", "low physical activity", "high level of stressful situations"), which can be controlled using internal (personal) and external (administrative) resources. The directions for protecting the health of teachers have been identified ("formation of a healthy lifestyle", "improving the prevention of diseases", "improving the organization of psychological assistance"), as well as measures that contribute to improving the health of university teachers ("monitoring the individual health of an employee", "more in-depth examination of carrying out medical examinations" and "equipping with modern diagnostic equipment"). Managing the health of teachers is possible by improving preventive care and organizing psychological services at the university, ensuring the formation of personal responsibility for one’s health and assistance in overcoming psychological problems associated with professional activities.

workload", "low physical activity", "high level of stressful situations"), which<...>Lisitsyn: high level (no diseases, excellent health - health group I, healthy<...>Experts from a departmental university considered the health level of teaching staff to be higher, which is understandable due to the specific nature of<...>The agreement between experts on this issue is from medium to high (W = 0.3-0.8; χ2<...>



The work sets the task of finding out the specific nature of the excess surplus product obtained on reclaimed lands, proposing a methodology for calculating it and determining the value of this product, considering the issues of relations between collective farms and the state in the field of distribution of surplus product and suggesting ways to improve them.

soil fertility, but also a factor contributing to the construction of a socialist society/ -," : : : ::\ : "High<...>Farms engaged in wasp production. cultivated lands, obtain high agricultural yields<...>proper filling with minerals; fertilizers, new technology", varietal seeds, etc. will not provide high<...>systems, government assistance to farms during the development of drained lands, etc. Only by ensuring high<...>using reclaimed lands will be able to obtain large crop yields and high



The article is devoted to the analysis of the figurative system of A. Blok's play "The King in the Square". The parallels between the central images of the drama are considered. In addition, the genre definition of the work is explained: its lyrical and actual dramatic elements

The “tall beauty in black silk” chooses the path of serving the people, and in this sense she becomes


The article is devoted to the analysis of the possibility of citizen participation in assessing the quality of work of medical institutions. The regulatory framework for such participation, criteria for assessing the activities of medical personnel and the functioning of medical institutions are analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the need to combine the vertical and horizontal axes of interaction between all subjects of the medical care system, as well as the implementation of the principles and rules of bioethics.

university teachers (“bad habits”, “low personal responsibility for one’s own health”, “high<...>workload", "low physical activity", "high level of stressful situations"), which




The purpose of the study was to study the degree of influence of new living conditions on the physiological functions of the body and economically useful traits of animals of the light aquitan breed and, based on this, determine the suitability of imported animals for breeding in the conditions of Belarus.

For imported animals of the light Akhwaten breed, the calves obtained from them are characterized by a higher salt content<...>autumn period, while among Hereford peers these indicators...remained higher<...>differing between breeds in the amount of costs, "and the low yield of calves and their low growth energy determined their high<...>The majority of imported heifers in new environmental conditions "showed high growth energy and by the first<...>-allowed suckled calves to display the high growth energy characteristic of the breed.





Purpose and objectives of the research. The goal of our work was to improve some elements of the technology for growing healthier source material for primary potato seed production, mainly health improvement and accelerated propagation.

The high efficiency of the “leaf cuttings” method has been shown separately and in combination with other methods of accelerated<...>The study showed “the high effectiveness of combining an IHV inhibitor with thermotherapy<...>culture of "piaks", allows you to increase the razmgr of the latter to T.0 km and "at the same time maintain a sufficiently high<...>their size (0.1-0.15, mm) there are very large random fluctuations in the yield of healthy regenerants and quite high<...>During this period, high intensity lighting of at least 12,000 lux was provided.





The purpose of the research: to develop proposals for increasing wool productivity, preserving and improving the quantitative and qualitative characteristics and properties of Tushino wool when restoring the Tushino breed from crossbred livestock, to clarify the directions for using the wool of Tushino and crossbred sheep.

You have identified and clearly defined quality characteristics and their indicators that determine high quality<...>Adult sheep of the Tushino breed have high (for coarse-wool sheep) wool productivity.<...>Adult sheep of the Tushino breed are characterized by high average fineness and good fiber uniformity<...>The wax content in the wool of Tushino sheep is relatively (for coarse-wool sheep) not high.<...>The elongation of down fibers is high, while that of outer fibers is much lower.





The purpose of our research was to study the state of the main spawning reservoirs of the north of the Aral Sea, to quantify the nutrition of juvenile fish in conditions of decreasing river flow, to reveal the nature of food relationships in juveniles, and also to clarify the role of the nutritional factor in low productivity of juveniles.

Its transparency in spring is quite high - 1.45-2.8 m.<...>The oxygen regime was characterized by high oxygen content - 80.7-230% saturation with some<...>In Kuylyus, rotifers also predominated in the spring, with the only difference being that they did not reach such a high<...>Juveniles of Red Perk and Aterpna have high nutritional plasticity.<...>In juvenile roach and shemai, the coefficient of similarity WRITE is high only in LARVAES 6-11 mm.





The goal is to study the feed value and efficiency of using BVD and premixes when raising replacement gilts, mainly on feed of our own production

. ;" high productive and operational,;: "quality of u.u.repair:_ :\ V*, gilts can be<...>Lna.shspruya.da:.b.e. By. balance, it should be noted that the higher its deposition was „<...>\b 2 higher dose of vitamin E.<...>Copyright JSC "CDB "BIBKOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" The higher average daily increase was<...>The animals of the experimental group were distinguished by higher reproductive qualities.



No. 4 [Healthcare of the Russian Federation, 2015]

Founded in 1957. Editor-in-chief Gennady Grigorievich Onishchenko - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Doctor of Russia and Kyrgyzstan, Assistant to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. The main objectives of the journal: informing about the theoretical and scientific justification of measures aimed at improving the health of the population, the demographic situation, environmental protection, the activities of the health care system, publication of materials on legislative and regulatory acts related to improving the work of health authorities and institutions, publication of information about positive experience the work of territorial bodies and health care institutions, new ways of this work, the presentation of specific data on the health status of certain categories of the population, the sanitary and epidemiological situation in various regions of Russia. In accordance with these tasks, materials are published on the results of the implementation of national projects “Health” and “Demography”, on improving the strategy in the field of economics and health care management, on the development and implementation of new forms of organizing health care, medical technologies, on the assessment and dynamics of the state health of the population of various regions of the Russian Federation, on the training of medical personnel and advanced training.

High technologies in medicine. 2012; 11:3-7. R E F E R E N C E S 1.<...>The highest growth rates were observed among children.<...>, 0.9-0.99 - very high.<...>The average annual growth rate of the indicator is highest among the child population (5.1%).<...>The highest level of primary morbidity was observed in the pediatric population.

Preview: Healthcare of the Russian Federation No. 4 2015.pdf (4.7 Mb)




As a result of the work carried out, pea varieties that were resistant to weevil damage were found (the existence of such varieties was not known at that time) and the reasons for this were clarified.

High cold resistance and a short growing season of peas make it possible to obtain high<...>Studies have shown the high effectiveness of the drug HCH in the fight against it. "" The results of the work were<...>Under. under the influence of high humidity under the leaf cover they “come unstuck” and are thrown off the surface<...>The number of larvae dead in the grain reaches a high percentage in some varieties.<...>The reason for the higher resistance of these varieties against weevil damage is that the beans





Purpose and objectives of the research. The purpose of the research was to develop scientific and practical foundations for improving technologies for cultivating agricultural crops, increasing the level of their adaptation to the conditions of agricultural landscapes of the Central Black Earth Region. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved: - to conduct an agroecological assessment of the effectiveness of the adaptive landscape farming system with contour-reclamation organization of the territory in conditions of erosion-hazardous landscapes;

- to study the influence of basic tillage methods of different intensity and nature of impact on the soil in combination with different fertilizer systems in crop rotations on the agrophysical properties of chernozem soils;<...>- determine the patterns of changes in fertility indicators of chernozem soils depending on crop rotation, basic tillage methods and fertilizers;<...>- establish the influence of basic technological methods and agricultural technologies in general on the productivity of crop rotations, the size and quality of crop yields;<...>- develop the main parameters of fertility models for chernozem soils in agricultural landscapes: Central Chernozem Region;<...>In our studies, the use of Kinmiks provided a high effect (94.5%).





Purpose and objectives of the research. The objectives of our research included: to study the main agrobiological characteristics of 26 varieties of black currant, some issues of its reproduction, productivity and formation of the quality of berries;

to establish the effect of foliar fertilizing with microelements on the productivity, quality and chemical composition of black currant berries. For this purpose, the role of the variety and the influence of microelements on the content of dry, pectin, tannin and coloring substances in berries were studied.<...>As a result of research, the best varieties of black currant have been identified, characterized by high productivity.<...>The variety and agrotechnical methods of growing high yields of berry crops are of no small importance.<...>Researchable; varieties in our conditions are characterized by high winter hardiness and winter hardiness.<...>The highest yield from most varieties was obtained in 1968, the lowest in 1969.

High content of soluble su.



Psychological reserves of engineering training

M.: PROMEDIA<...>Experience has shown that in 100 years those who have high scores on PP tests should be recommended,<...>There is an obvious loss in these students of those who could have reached a higher level.<...>According to the second criterion, an energetic, self-oriented person with high self-esteem was appointed commander.<...>of course, a high level of organization of intellectual processes.

The organizer must have a high, high-speed quality of thinking.


Preview: Psychological reserves of engineering training.pdf (0.4 Mb)


The main task of this;

The work was: 1) to study the dynamics of runoff, and. flushing, depending on various natural and economic conditions and show how much and how some of them can enhance, and others inhibit and stop the processes of mountain erosion;<...>2) to identify the specific features of these processes in a zonal context - in two subtropical regions that are sharply opposite in terms of moisture;<...>3) based on research conducted on best practices and literature sources, scientifically substantiate and outline the basic principles and ways to combat mountain erosion.<...>G. Vilensky needs from 3 to 5 liters of water), high field moisture content (35-15%) and quite high<...>brown carbonate soils of Tajikistan, on the contrary, have low water absorption at the top, and higher

Areas with high water permeability (>2.5 mm/min) on the Black Sea coast occupy about Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau


The runoff coefficient of melted snow water in the high foothills varies from year to year within the range of 10-38%.

A “high assessment” is given to phyto-reclamation in the mountains, carried out with the help of trees and shrubs.


Innovative technologies based on pressing [textbook. allowance]<...>Publishing house SSAU<...>Innovative technologies based on pressing. Programs used: Adobe Acrobat. Works of SSAU employees (electronic version)<...>This is the “high fantasy” that has come true, which began with the in-depth thought of student R.<...>But some manifestations in the form of individual abnormally high properties are detected.

By increasing the rotation speed ω, it is possible to achieve a high exhaust velocity Vist.


The productivity of the process is high and reaches 500 kg/hour.

Together with the extroling section, the ABP replaces a high-performance press.

Preview: Innovative technologies based on pressing.pdf (0.2 Mb)<...>Project of measures to improve the organization of providing additional services (using the example of the Marriott Grand Hotel)<...>Checked through the text borrowing search system<...>And to achieve the highest possible results, it is necessary to develop a project of improvement measures<...>High demands on heads of structural units 2.

Preview: Project of measures to improve the organization of providing additional services (using the example of the Marriott Grand Hotel).pdf (0.5 Mb)


Operation and diagnostics of hardware and software of information systems. manual for students in education. higher education programs education in areas of training 09.04.02 and 09.03.02 Inform. systems and technologies

The textbook is intended to familiarize you with the Russian market of diagnostic programs; it contains a brief description of special tools for diagnosing and optimizing hardware and software of information systems and the technology for working with some of them.

This class is complicated by a number of reasons, the most important of which are the following: a) high<...>buses over large time intervals so that rare and one-time events can be recorded; e) high<...>High performance power plan improves system performance and responsiveness<...>Select "High Performance".<...>Therefore, CCleaner should be used by anyone who wants to maintain high performance.

Preview: Operation and diagnostics of hardware and software of information systems.pdf (0.6 Mb)


A work of a unique genre. This is a philosophical satire on post-Stalin society, primarily on the ruling communist class

Between high Copyright OJSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency 50 GRA N I No. 52<...>what he was like before being treated with party pincers, and what he has become again in his hour before death - high<...>They shine high in the green twilight, like distant suns, and it seems to me that my bed is removed<...>Outside the windows the dense growth of a young park lay green, “a high cast-iron fence loomed black in the distance.<...>Her high breasts at the point of her red silk jacket shook like a banner in the wind: “And you’re saying this,


Possible approaches to long-term seismic hazard forecasting are considered in connection with the practical need to justify the safety of geological isolation of long-lived radioactive waste. The required forecast period significantly exceeds that reflected in the set of maps of general seismic zoning of the territory of the Russian Federation (OSR-97). The first geological repository in the Russian Federation is planned to be created in the Nizhnekansky granite massif in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. This area is an intraplate territory and is characterized by relatively high seismicity. The article summarizes the analysis of well-known empirical generalizations and theoretical principles underlying the forecast of seismic hazard. Real seismic events constantly violate forecast estimates even over relatively short periods of time. These and other arguments indicate that the hypothesis of the stationarity of the seismic regime, which is today the basis of long-term forecasts, has limited and uncertain applicability in time. The prediction of intraplate earthquakes is especially uncertain due to the uncertainty of the causes that form tectonic stresses in such areas. The short forecast horizon based on statistical methods can be associated with the nonlinearity of seismic geodynamic processes. It is proposed to use the fundamental patterns of geotectonic processes as a scientific basis for long-term forecast of seismic hazard in areas selected for geological repositories of long-lived radioactive waste. These processes can be reflected in models of migration of seismically active boundaries of lithospheric plates and the occurrence of seismic activity in intraplate regions.

This area is an intraplate territory and is characterized by relatively high seismicity<...>This somewhat reduces the potential danger of high seismicity for geological storage facilities.<...>, for all regions without exception, the graphs of the average annual flow rate of events indicate a higher<...>The lifetime of belts of high seismicity along the boundaries of tectonic plates and, accordingly, regions<...>The area belongs to the Alpine-Himalayan belt of high seismicity and is confined to a 7-point zone (or


Designers of Russia, USA, Japan and Germany of the 20th century. allowance

Contains theoretical material on the development of fashion and design of the twentieth century. Particular attention is paid to leading designers from Russia, the USA, Japan and Germany.

They look great with high heels.<...>"High Fashion", Kaliningrad Grand Prix. 1999<...>I am a hybrid product with a high American sensibility.<...>In his project "a-ros" Miyake raised this dialogue to an unattainably high level.<...>He insisted that he hated all these fitted silhouettes, wasp waists, high heels and so on.

Preview: Designers of Russia, USA, Japan and Germany of the 20th century.pdf (0.9 Mb)


The prospects for research that are opened by the hypothesis about the causal relationship between magmatism and seismicity in the Tien Shan are discussed. The hypothesis leads to a new look at the causes of global phenomena and the development of the Earth as a whole

<...> <...>Seismicity of the Earth.<...> <...>


COMPUTATIONAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF SOIL-REINFORCED RETAINING WALLS FOR TRANSPORT SYSTEMS UNDER SEISMIC CONDITIONS [Electronic resource] / Kasharina, Kasharin // News of higher educational institutions. North Caucasus region. Technical Sciences.- 2016.- No. 3.- P. 88-95.- Access mode: https://site/efd/520365

The issues of construction of transport systems under seismic conditions are considered. Technical solutions for soil-reinforced structures to ensure the stability of transport systems during the development of regions of the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East with high seismicity are presented. The results of experimental studies and numerical modeling are presented, as well as empirical dependencies for determining the parameters of reinforcement of the roadbed and railways.

Email: [email protected] The issues of construction of transport systems under seismic conditions are considered<...>ensuring the sustainability of transport systems during the development of regions of the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East with high<...>seismicity.<...>Caucasus, Far East, Siberia, it is necessary to take into account the complex natural and climatic conditions associated with high<...>seismicity of the region.


Ceramics for technologists, textbook. allowance

Based on modern achievements of mathematics, physics and chemistry, the latest approaches to ceramic technology are presented. Technology is considered as a sequence of nonequilibrium processes; in this regard, the significant role of synergetics is shown. The presentation of theoretical issues is illustrated with specific examples in the production of various ceramic materials.

characteristics (strength, hardness, Young's modulus), as well as high melting temperatures.<...>Such a material should have high strength with a relatively low density.<...>The term "kaolin" is a corruption of the Chinese word "kualing", which means "high mountain".<...>At lower temperatures, such migration is difficult due to the high viscosity of bound water.<...>In cases of higher bound water content, this pattern is no longer observed.

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The natural and geotechnical conditions of the main pipelines being created in various parts of Siberia are covered, which can be conditionally divided into two groups. The first group includes the built and already operating main oil pipeline Eastern Siberia - the Pacific Ocean, and the second group includes two projected gas transportation systems in Western and Eastern Siberia. In August 2015, a fundamental decision was made to create a third gas transportation system for the supply of natural fuel to China. The purpose of the article is to analyze the state and scale of transformation of the natural environment in areas of hydrocarbon transportation at sites at different stages of development and prospects for each

unique from the point of view of ensuring the reliability of the facility, achieved through the use of pipes with high<...>This makes it possible to preliminarily take into account the danger of a complex landscape structure with high seismicity<...>First of all, the danger is posed by high seismicity and dynamic permafrost conditions caused by<...>seismicity, etc.<...>seismicity and dynamics of the permafrost environment.


No. 6 [Volcanology and seismology, 2017]

The journal publishes articles containing the results of theoretical and experimental work on the following issues: modern terrestrial and underwater volcanic activity, products of volcanic eruptions, the structure of volcanoes and their roots. The journal "Volcanology and Seismology" covers the following topics: Neogene-Quaternary volcanism, the evolution of volcanism in the history of the Earth; petrology of igneous rocks, origin of magmas; geochemistry of volcanic, post-volcanic processes and associated mineral and ore formation; geothermal and hydrothermal systems of volcanic areas; seismological observations, seismicity, earthquake physics, modern movements, seismic forecast. Review articles, reports, reviews, and chronicles of events are also published. The journal “Volcanology and Seismology” is intended for volcanologists, seismologists, geologists, geophysicists, geochemists and readers of other specialties interested in the problems of volcanism and seismicity.

Towards the transfer of criteria for high seismicity of the Andes mountain belt to Kamchatka // Izvestia of the USSR Academy of Sciences.<...>On criteria for high seismicity // Dokl. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1972. T. 202. No. 6. P. 1317–1320. Gorshkov A.I.<...>about it as an outbreak of seismicity.<...>Tolud seismicity outbreak.<...>The abnormally high seismicity of the region is due to the overlap (mutual intersections) of different types of zones

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Pedagogical process in higher education. allowance

The textbook was developed taking into account the requirements for the training of highly qualified specialists and is intended to facilitate understanding of the guidelines and main directions of psychological and pedagogical activity in higher education for teachers, undergraduates, and graduate students.

The second type – (45%) – a fairly high level of productivity.<...>E.V. Bondarevskaya highlights a high level of pedagogical culture and “mass” one.<...>I had a much higher opinion of you."<...>The lowest level is primitive, the highest is spiritual.<...>A high level of communication involves communication based on the “subject-subject” scheme.

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The group of continental margins (transition zones) of the island-arc and alternative types is fundamentally different in all respects from the continental margins of the rift group. The main geomorphological and tectonic elements here are classical, quasi, suture-block and reduced island arc systems (ARS). They are distributed in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans, both peripherally and in the open ocean. Orographic, geomorphological and tectonic features of the structure of such ODS form the basis for their classification

seismicity (Espinosa et al., 1981).<...>seismicity, and the seismofocal surface is inclined under the island lines, towards the seismofocal<...>seismicity and the presence of many extinct and active volcanoes.<...>seismicity.<...>The South Sandwich ODS is characterized by high seismicity and active tectonic movements.


Development of leadership qualities in the process of professional training: psychological and acmeological aspect monograph

The theoretical aspects and practical state of the problem of leadership in the professional activity of a manager are considered. The role of the development of leadership qualities that influence the formation of the entire complex of professionally important characteristics of a manager has been determined. The features of the development of leadership qualities in the process of professional training and the psychological and acmeological conditions for their implementation in preparing students for management activities have been studied.

High demands on others. The attitude towards criticism is negative.<...>The third leadership style, “participative,” is characterized by a moderately high degree of maturity.<...>The fourth leadership style, “delegate,” involves a high degree of maturity.<...>Therefore, a leader needs high communication skills.<...>The highest correlation coefficient (0.869) was found between parameters 17 and 11.

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The continental margin (transition zone) is characterized by a complex structure in which island arc systems (IAS) play a major role. The latter are located between blocks of lithosphere with crust of continental or subcontinental type and thickened mature crust of oceanic or suboceanic origin. Block blocks are about. New Guinea, the Admiralty-New Ireland Plateau, the foundations of the Fiji basins, part of the Solomon Sea depression, the Tonga archipelago, New Zealand, etc. Blocks with oceanic-type crust include structures included in the ODS. The strikes of the island arcs repeat the outlines of the edges of the block blocks. Seismofocal surfaces are inclined in different directions, and some of them are vertical. The ODS are, as it were, squeezed from the bottom up from the base of the lithosphere to the day surface. Therefore, this group of ODS is classified as suture-block type

The structures of the New Guinea ODS are characterized by fairly high seismicity.<...>Exceptionally high seismicity is observed on the island. New Britain.<...>The seismicity of the ODS of the Solomon Archipelago is exceptionally high and manifests itself within the boundaries of a relatively narrow<...>The seismicity of the New Hebrides ODS is very high.<...>The seismicity of the Tonga-Kermadec ODS is exceptionally high, especially in its northern half.


The construction of the Kerch Bridge, already built once during the Great Patriotic War according to a temporary scheme by the heroic efforts of Red Army soldiers and bridge builders and destroyed 70 years ago by a catastrophic ice drift from the Sea of ​​Azov, is becoming a reality. The new bridge will meet modern needs and the level of development of global and Russian bridge construction. In the process of pre-design studies and drawing up a feasibility study, dozens of options were considered, and today design decisions are predetermined by the design documentation at the “Project” stage

Another problem, however solved, is the high seismicity of the area (up to 10 points, which excludes construction<...>microseismic sounding to study in detail the structure and composition of fault rocks, and on this basis to reduce seismicity<...>JSC "CDB "BIBKOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION No. 10/2015 31 IN MEMORY OF A COMRADE seismicity<...>The multifaceted work activity of Alexander Petrovich was highly appreciated.


The complex natural environment of the zone of influence of the ESPO oil pipeline, characterized by high seismicity and the complex nature of the development of frozen rocks, as well as the geotechnical features of the complex, created and operated using the latest technologies, are highlighted. It is shown that various problems associated with the complex engineering and geological situation of the oil pipeline route and the uniqueness of the pipe crossing through one of the largest rivers in Siberia, the Lena, have been successfully resolved at the operational stage. The need for mandatory geotechnical monitoring at all stages was noted

reality) The complex natural environment of the zone of influence of the ESPO oil pipeline, characterized by high<...>seismicity and complex nature of development of frozen rocks, as well as geotechnical features of the complex<...>First of all, these are high seismicity and dynamic permafrost conditions, due to a wide<...>In areas of high seismicity, in particular, special comprehensive work was carried out to assess it<...>The experience of long-term operation of the crossing indicates a high degree of reliability of the facility, which did not cause


Numerous traces of paleoseismic events (seismites) have been identified in the Mesozoic-Cenozoic marine sedimentary strata of the North Caucasus. These traces are most clearly recorded in terrigenous sandy-clayey deposits of the Middle Miocene. The impact of seismic shocks on relatively weakly lithified deposits led to disruption of the primary sedimentary structure, liquefaction of sandy material and the appearance of injection bodies of different morphologies (neptunian dikes, sills); the formation of fracturing in sediments increased their vertical permeability and contributed to the migration of diagenetic solutions into adjacent horizons, which led to the formation of subvertical carbonate bodies. The number and intensity of seismic events changed at different stages of accumulation of the strata, and also varied over the area of ​​the paleobasin. In the eastern sector of the North Caucasus region, apparently, already by the Middle Miocene, a general pattern of seismic activity close to the modern one had formed: maximum in Dagestan and weakening in the western direction. Traces of seismic activity were also noted in terrigenous deposits of the Maikop (Oligocene–Lower Miocene) and Lower and Middle Jurassic

An exhaustive analysis of the state of seismicity in recent times for the North Caucasus, the nature of its manifestation<...>The high seismicity of the region in the Middle Miocene was obviously also the reason for the appearance inside<...>Moreover, the main traces of high seismicity here are confined to the upper half of the Chokrak strata; in Karagan<...>the intensity of seismicity clearly decreases.<...>At the same time, periods of relative peace were replaced by increased seismicity, which was often due to


Engineering-geological structures are distinguished by a combination of regional and zonal geological factors. Classifications of engineering-geological structures of the Earth and Russia are given. The main engineering-geological features and patterns of spatial distribution of continental subaerial, continental subaqueous, transitional predominantly subaqueous and oceanic predominantly subaquatic engineering-geological mega- and macrostructures identified on the territory of Russia are described

Characterized by a very high degree of seismicity (up to 10 points and above).<...>seismicity (up to 10 points and above).<...>Seismic activity is high.<...>Another characteristic feature of rifts is very high seismicity, up to 8–10 points or more.<...>seismicity.


No. 4 [Automation, telemechanization and communications in the oil industry, 2018]

Development and maintenance of measuring instruments, automation, telemechanization and communication, automated control systems, information systems, CAD and metrological, mathematical, software

When working at the highest drilling speeds - 260 rpm, you can use MMG with almost any<...>Corresponds to the depth of the oil pipeline The ISOU is innovative, allowing for a high degree of accuracy<...>Using the above methods together provides a high degree of productivity and accuracy<...>Measurements must be carried out at a high sampling rate (up to 50 measurements/s).<...>Thus, the most significant parameters should have higher similarity ratio values, for example, you can

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No. 5 [Physical and technical problems of mineral development, 2009]

The journal publishes articles on current issues in mining science. Traditional topics of the journal: problems of mechanics of rocks and massifs arising in connection with human activities in the exploitation of subsoil; fundamentally new methods of rock destruction; modern technologies for extracting minerals; the fundamentals of creating and ensuring the effectiveness of the use of means of mechanization of mining operations and automation of technological process control; issues of improving underground and open-pit mining; improving mining safety; problems of mineral processing.

seismicity.<...>To compare mine seismicity data with the natural seismicity regime, the catalog was used<...>For the natural seismicity of the region under consideration, it is equal to 0.88. 3.<...>Study of excited seismicity on the river.<...>High speed corresponds to the second maximum of heat release on the DSC curve.

Preview: Physical and technical problems of mineral development No. 5 2009.pdf (0.4 Mb)


Everyone has heard about earthquakes... This is understandable, because it is natural for a person to stand firmly on his feet, and therefore the slightest vibrations in the soil are remembered for a long time, and the memory of them is passed on from generation to generation. It is no wonder that the first information about earthquakes was recorded as soon as writing appeared.

The Apennine Peninsula, on which this state is located, has long been known not only as a region of high<...>seismicity, but also as a kind of testing ground for a comprehensive study of this natural phenomenon.<...>By the way, domestic researchers made a great contribution to the study of seismicity in Italy.<...>Shenkareva published the book “Seismicity of the Apennine Peninsula and Adjacent Islands,” in which she indicated


The article makes an attempt to position explored and developed natural and economic resources on the territory of the Sughd region of the Republic of Tajikistan in order to identify the most promising and feasible objects for development from the point of view of decision-making in terms of investment, development and deployment of production forces

economy...the level of use of the resource potential of the Sughd region is influenced to a certain extent by high<...>seismicity in the region and throughout Tajikistan, causing an increase in the cost of capital construction<...>potential of the Sughd region is influenced to a certain extent by the high seismicity of the region’s territory and the entire<...>Tajikistan will not be confirmed or their production on an industrial scale will be assessed as associated with extremely high




The purpose of the dissertation work is to further develop the scientific foundations of planning, development and improvement of public centers in rural populated areas of Central Asia on the basis of studying and generalizing the patterns of their development during the period of extensive construction of a communist society, as well as the development and implementation into production practice of progressive methods for arranging centers, taking into account zonal natural features and a new settlement system.

seismicity, as well as demographics of the population, its age structure and established progressive traditions<...>The territory of Central Asia is climatically characterized by high summer temperatures,<...>Effect of seismicity.<...>Most rural settlements in Central Asia are located in areas with high

seismicity and dynamics of permafrost (permafrost).<...>, through which the gas pipeline can pass, the mountain frame of the Ukok plateau, is located in a zone of 8–9-point seismicity<...>Forces of Siberia”, allow already at the design stage of “Altai” to take into account the complex landscape structure with high<...>seismicity and dynamic permafrost conditions and provide in advance the necessary environmental protection<...>is the creation of geotechnical systems adapted to complex natural conditions, characterized by high


The article presents, within the framework of the Sakhalin-2 project, construction technologies using gabion structures and rolled geosynthetic materials to protect pipelines in places of tectonic faults. Technical solutions are substantiated to ensure frost-free and waterproof trenches, maintaining the thermal balance of pipelines

<...>seismicity of the region.<...>technological solutions for crossing the onshore main pipeline through tectonic faults in conditions of high<...>seismicity of the region.


No. 4 [Geotectonics, 2018]

Materials are published on general and regional tectonics, structural geology, geodynamics, experimental tectonics, including articles that examine the relationship of tectonics with the deep structure of the Earth, magmatism, metamorphism and minerals. Reviews of scientific articles and books, information about scientific events, new scientific publications and cartographic materials, new methods of tectonic research and processing of results are also published.

The collision process continues at the present stage, which is confirmed by the high level of seismicity<...>velocity structure of the crust with modern seismicity.<...>This process is controlled by the zone of high seismicity of the Kerch–Taman branch of the KSZ, within which<...>An area of ​​high seismicity in the depth range of 10–30 km is shown, bounded from above by a waveguide at<...>In the eastern block, such high seismicity in the crust is not observed.

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The morphostructure and heat flow in the transform fault zones of the North Atlantic and Southeast Pacific are considered. The fundamental difference in heat flow in the active and passive parts of such faults is emphasized. In the active parts located between the segments of the mid-ocean ridge (MOR) adjacent to the fault, the measured heat flow is close to that observed in the rift zones of the MOR and is considered as the total effect of conductive thermal conductivity of the oceanic crust and convective heat and mass transfer during the circulation of hydrotherms within the oceanic crust. In passive parts, the heat flow decreases with distance from the MOR to background values ​​characteristic of thalassocratons. The factors that deform the heat flow are the rate of sedimentation in the fault zone and the refraction of the conductive heat flow due to the heterogeneity of the thermophysical properties of the geological section.

Thus, magmatism of the median ridge and seismicity of the transform fault are two conjugate<...>The active part of the fault (between adjacent segments of the MAR) is seismic.<...>Latitudinal depressions are characterized by relatively stable and anomalously high values ​​(112–260 mW<...>Based on the characteristics of seismicity, underwater relief and tectonics, the zone is divided into three segments [<...>seismicity.


<...> <...>They are characterized by approximately the same crustal thickness (25-40, less often up to 55 km) and high seismicity<...>"; II "general seismicity background seismicity"; III "general seismicity aftershock sequence<...>CONCLUSION For Kamchatka, with its high seismicity, the issue of earthquake prediction is of paramount importance


temperatures, seismicity, etc.).<...>Reducing permafrost thickness to such limits requires increasing the calculated seismicity score.<...>Table 5.1 Assessment of seismicity of the construction site depending on soil properties Category<...>soil according to seismic properties Soils Seismicity of the construction site with seismicity of the area,<...>If the estimated seismicity is 8 points or less, it is allowed to carry out winter masonry manually with the obligatory

Preview: Construction of buildings in extreme conditions, planning, design and technological methods of reconstruction.pdf (0.4 Mb)



The journal publishes the results of fundamental and applied research in the field of Earth sciences (geology, geophysics, geochemistry, hydrogeology, volcanology, seismology). Magazine “Vestnik KRAUNTS. Series: Earth Sciences" is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for the publication of the main scientific results of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences.

One of the largest feathering structures of the San Andreas system is a highly seismic zone of active<...>The eastern boundary of the Bayan-Khar block (22), framed by highly seismic interblock zones, coincides<...>They are characterized by approximately the same crustal thickness (25-40, less often up to 55 km) and

Mass production of AGB in the USSR began in the late 50s. last century, when 10 factories were built, equipped with Polish equipment, with a total capacity of more than 1.5 million m3/year. The enterprises predominantly produced large-sized reinforced products with a density of 800–1000 kg/m3. Later, these factories were supplemented by factories with domestic equipment (Universal 60, Silbetblok, etc.), which made it possible to produce small blocks using cutting technology. By 1984, in the USSR there were already 99 enterprises producing cellular concrete with a total annual productivity of about 5.9 million m3, producing reinforced products and small blocks with a density of 600–700 kg/m3.

At the same time, imports of AGB products, mainly from Belarus, remain quite high.<...>In some cases, the density of manufactured products is affected by the seismicity of the region.<...>In particular, in the Southern District, the production of low-density products is difficult due to high seismicity


No. 1 [Bulletin of Voronezh State University. Series: Geology, 2007]

The journal is included in the List of the Higher Attestation Commission of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the academic degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences should be published

Around intermountain depressions, seismicity is usually high.<...>It is very likely that the higher level of seismicity southwest of the Talas-Fergana fault is associated<...>Seismicity of the Earth.<...>Island arcs are of igneous origin; along them there is high seismicity.<...>In the Northern Hemisphere (Kamchatka, Aleutian Islands, Alaska) high seismicity reaches 60°.

Preview: Bulletin of Voronezh State University. Geology Series No. 1 2007.pdf (0.3 Mb)


No. 3 [Geology and Geophysics, 2019]

The monthly scientific journal has been published by the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1960. The journal publishes general theoretical and methodological articles on all issues of geology and geophysics. It differs from other geological journals in the greatest coverage of topics in the field of Earth sciences: paleontology and regional geology, mineralogy and petrology, problems of geotectonics and geomorphology of minerals, metallogeny and geochemistry, global and exploration geophysics, various aspects of experiments in modeling natural processes. Much attention is paid to covering the latest laboratory research methods and their applied use. The magazine has subscribers in all scientific centers, large industrial cities of our country and abroad. "Elsevier" distributes our journal in English in many countries around the world. The journal "Geology and Geophysics" is indexed in Сurrent Contents

Silica experiences intense polymorphism at high pressures.<...>Characterized by high concentrations of TiO2 (2.40-3.86 wt.%), Zr (244 g/t), Nb (54 g/t) and high values<...>Yuzhakovsky granites have the highest K/Rb ratio, equal to 500.<...>Among them, varieties with very high REE contents (up to 850 g/t) were found.<...>Seismicity and seismic hazard zoning in Mongolia.

Preview: Geology and Geophysics No. 3 2019.pdf (0.5 Mb)

As you already know, most city residents live in three main types of houses: small-block, large-block, large-panel. Frame-panel buildings are, as a rule, public and administrative. Let's try to imagine an earthquake situation for each of these houses.

So, you are in a small block house. The seismicity deficit of such an unfortified house is 1.5-2 points. We only note that cracks in internal and external walls can range from hairline to 3-4 centimeters. A commission of specialists observed cracks of this size, through which the street was visible, in similar houses in the city of Leninakan after the Spitak earthquake. There is no need to panic at the sight of such violations, because the house is designed for this. You should be especially careful if the damage is very different from what we have described. For example, there will be a shift of ceilings from the walls by 3 or more centimeters. rice. 5 What elements of the house best withstand the elements?

Let us turn to Figure 5, which shows the most typical layout of a residential 2-5-story small-block building. Load-bearing (on which the floors rest) main walls 1,2 are damaged less than transverse walls 3,4,5. The latter are easier to move (cut) by horizontal seismic forces, since they are less loaded. End wall 4, which is connected to the other walls on only one side, is considered especially dangerous. Sometimes the ends of buildings even come off the building and fall out, which was repeatedly observed in the village of Gazli, the cities of Spitak and Neftegorsk. The corner of building 6, which is least connected to the building and is most susceptible to “loosening” during an earthquake, is very dangerous. Already with a 7-8 magnitude earthquake, the corners of buildings on the top floor are usually damaged, and with a 9-magnitude earthquake they can fall out. It is not recommended to be near the external longitudinal walls (1) during an earthquake, since glass can “shoot out” here, windows can fall in and out (this remark is true not only for small-block houses), and in particularly weak houses they can even tear off (longitudinal walls from transverse ones) ). The safest places during an earthquake are the intersections of internal load-bearing longitudinal walls (2) with internal transverse ones. The figure shows the most typical “safety islands”: at the exits from apartments to the staircase and at the intersection wall 5. In these places, due to the cross-shaped intersection of load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls, a core of increased strength is created, which can withstand even the collapse of other walls. This core is stronger the fewer doorways it contains. So, for example, the most reliable place will be at the right three-room apartment in the area of ​​​​the intersection of internal walls 2 and 5. Also reliable seems to be an island in a two-room apartment at the intersection of blind sections of walls type 3 and 2. As for the one-room and left three-room apartments, they have cores They have one or two openings and are therefore considered less durable than cores with blank walls. Therefore, if necessary, you can move here along wall 2. In such houses, built in the 70-80s. the doorways opening onto the staircase are framed with reinforced concrete frames, which guarantees their strength. However, in houses of earlier construction there are not frames everywhere, so these exits cannot be considered completely safe. Some general tips on behavior. As soon as an earthquake begins, you should open the doors leading to the landing and go to the traffic island. It's worth trying to run out of the building if you're on the first or second floor. From a higher floor, you may not be able to do this before serious damage begins. You need to run out of the house especially quickly and carefully so that you are not “covered” by bricks flying from the roof from destroyed pipes, or crushed by a heavy canopy. If you did not make it to the traffic island, you should remember that partitions made of small block masonry are very dangerous. They are among the first to be destroyed, even to the point of collapse. Wooden panel partitions are less dangerous, but quite large pieces of plaster can fall off from them, which are especially dangerous for small children. It is easy to distinguish a stone partition from a panel partition by the dull, very short, non-vibrating sound when hitting the wall with a fist. When arranging furniture in the apartment, make sure that bulky furniture cannot fall onto the safety island or onto a possible escape route from the apartment.

Many residents of big block homes know that their homes can withstand earthquakes quite well. Their real seismic resistance is estimated by experts at 7.7 points.

In Fig. Figure 6 shows a typical layout of a large-block house. The position of the main load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls is the same as in a small-block house. A large-block house loses its load-bearing capacity mainly due to the separation of the walls into separate blocks, which in old-built houses, unfortunately, do not have a good connection with each other. The external walls consist of two blocks according to the height of the floor: a wall with a height of 2.2 m and a lintel with a height of 0.6 m. The internal walls consist of blocks with a floor height, i.e. 2.8 m. Reinforced concrete floors with a thickness of 0.22 m are supported on the lintel blocks of external walls and directly on the blocks of internal walls. During an earthquake with a magnitude greater than 7, the blocks begin to shift out of the plane of the wall. The greatest cracks and damage to joints (11) should be expected in non-load-bearing transverse walls that are less loaded with slabs, especially in the end wall (4) and staircase walls (3). In the last walls there is a small connection between the blocks with the help of not very strong metal plates, which even during an earthquake of 7.5-8 points will begin to become very loose, breaking off pieces of concrete and plaster around them. These debris can injure people running up the stairs, so it is necessary to move closer to the railings. rice. 6. As in small-block buildings, the corners of the building are very dangerous (6), especially on the upper floors. Shift of blocks from the plane of the wall can lead to partial collapse of the end wall (4) and floor slabs. The partitions in these houses, as a rule, are wooden, panel, plastered, and you should not be afraid of their collapse. Injury, especially to a small child, can be caused by pieces of plaster falling off the partitions and pieces of cement mortar falling out of the seams between the floor slabs. Such damage occurs during an earthquake of magnitude 7.5. The figure shows the safest places in a large-block house. Unlike small-block buildings, here all the exit doors to the staircase landing are reinforced with reinforced concrete frames (9), so the likelihood of the doors jamming due to misalignment is low and the exit from the apartment is quite reliable. To the general advice - do not hang heavy shelves in the area of ​​the safety island and secure furniture; it should be added that this is especially important to do in the pantry closet (7) and in the corridor (8), otherwise there will simply be no room left for you on the safety island.

In old large-panel five-story residential buildings, the typical layout of which is shown in Fig. 7, the area of ​​the traffic islands is already much larger. Despite the fact that these houses were designed for 7-8 points, practice has shown that their actual seismic resistance is close to 9 points. Not a single such building was destroyed anywhere during earthquakes in the territory of the former Soviet Union. All external and internal walls in such houses are large reinforced concrete panels, well connected at the nodes using embedding and welding (node ​​5). Internal walls and partitions are connected to each other using welded outlets. The floor panels are the size of a room, rest on the walls on four sides and are also connected to the walls by welding. The result is a reliable honeycomb structure. Calculations of the behavior of a large-panel house during a 9-magnitude earthquake showed that the greatest damage is expected in the corners of the building (6), and in the junctions of the end panels (4), where large vertical cracks of 1-2 cm can open. The first cracks may appear already at L-7.5 points. The same cracks may appear at expansion joints between buildings. But these cracks do not affect the overall stability of the building. Unpleasant factors include the possible appearance of inclined cracks up to 1 cm wide in reinforced concrete lintels above the entrance doors to apartments, which can lead to jamming of the doors. Therefore, they must be closed immediately when vibrations begin with a force of 6 points or more. Since large-panel buildings are quite reliable, you should not run out of them during an earthquake. But during an earthquake, it is recommended to stay in the area of ​​safety islands, away from the outer walls, where window panes can “shoot out,” and from the end wall, in the nodes of which long, frightening cracks may open. You should not run out also because in the old houses of this series there are very heavy, dangerous canopies over the entrances to the entrances. Embedded metal parts with which these canopies were attached to the building. due to aging, they are heavily rusted and may not hold them up during strong seismic shocks.

During the earthquake on the island. In Shikotan in 1994, several canopies fell near similar large-panel three-story houses, which crushed two residents who were running out of one house. However, not a single person remaining in the house was injured. The house itself received no serious damage. Later large-panel houses, the so-called “improved” series, with bay windows, as well as houses of a “new” layout with large glazed balconies, were initially designed for 9 points and it is practically safe to be in them during an earthquake of such force. You need to beware of broken glass falling from above, especially from balconies, which can fly over long distances - up to 15 meters. Therefore, it is not recommended to run out of these houses, as well as to be on the street next to them. Fig. 7 Experience shows that even with strong 8-9 magnitude earthquakes, 1-2-story wooden houses practically do not collapse until they collapse. One of the authors of the book observed the behavior of panel and block houses during a 9-magnitude earthquake on the island. Shikotane. Of the nearly fifty two-story houses surveyed, there was not a single house where at least one wall had collapsed or the ceiling had failed. There were cases when the foundation “teared out” from under the house and was carried away by a landslide of 1-1.5 meters, and the house, sagging, stood! There were breaks in the walls in the corners of up to 20 cm and subsidence of the ground under the building up to 0.5 m, but the houses survived. Therefore, you should not run out of such houses, especially since bricks falling on those running out from collapsing chimneys pose a danger. In wooden houses, ceilings sway more than others and walls “crack”, which causes unpleasant sensations. Pieces of plaster may fall out of the walls and ceiling. Therefore, in such houses it makes sense to choose a place where the plaster fits tightly to the wall or ceiling, that is, it does not “bounce” in advance when tapped. It is better for children to hide under the table. And, of course, you need to stay away from external walls with windows, from heavy cabinets and shelves, especially if they are not specially secured. This is a general rule for any building.

Home training. Let's do a thought experiment. Close your eyes and imagine lying in your own bed. Imagine that at this moment the first strong seismic shock has occurred. Now mentally try to get to the door as quickly as possible, open it and take a place in the doorway. At the same time, bend your fingers in each case when, during your mental progress, you come across obstacles that actually exist. Now do the math. Each obstacle is at least 3 lost seconds. Estimate the time of pure movement and the time of opening the door lock. Add a few seconds to grab your backpack with documents and groceries (of course, it hangs next to the door, as recommended). And if you get more than 20 seconds, then give yourself a fat FAIL and let's get down to reorganizing. Make a list of obstacles discovered during the experiment. This is the minimum that needs to be done. Let's start moving in reverse order. Evaluate the door lock in terms of its ability to quickly open the door. Is it easy for you to find the lock itself and its opening device even in the dark? How many steps are required to unlock the lock and door? Try to arrange everything in such a way that the lock opens with a minimum of movements, and bring these movements to automaticity. Inspect the area around the front door. Are there objects nearby that, at the first push, could fall and block your path? If there are any, either strengthen them or find a more suitable place for them in the apartment. The corridor should be as free as possible. Very often, the passage is cluttered with things that have only recently been brought into the apartment and have not yet found their permanent place. Everyone knows that there is nothing more permanent than temporary. Therefore, without delaying “for later,” clear the path to salvation for yourself. Make sure that there are no objects along the walls that could get caught. Look at your feet to see if any shoes you are currently using have been removed from the hallway and if they are not creating obstacles to movement. Now let's turn our attention to the door from the corridor to the room. It is advisable that it be constantly open. Think about how you can lock it in the open position and install a latch. If there is carpet on the floor or there are tracks, then check how tightly they fit to the floor, whether there are any gathers, folds, or burrs. Does the track slip on the main floor covering? Pay special attention to the joints of carpets and paths. Eliminate all flaws, let the path be “silk”. In recent years, mobile interior elements have firmly entered our everyday life: tables on wheels, mobile TV stands, video and audio equipment. Make it a rule not to leave them in the evening along a possible escape route. Leave them in such a position that their spontaneous movement in the event of seismic shocks cannot occur in the direction of this escape route and does not cause objects or furniture to fall onto this route. If you use extension cords to connect electrical equipment, make sure that the wires do not cross the path of your movement to the outlet. The pride of almost every family is its home library. Check whether books are on open shelves, from which they could fall at your feet at the first seismic shock or fall on your head when you run to the door. Evaluate items on open shelves from the same perspective, especially if these shelves are located above the doors. Make sure the shelves themselves are secure. Bedside tables should also be securely fastened so as not to be the first insurmountable barrier to salvation. It is advisable to fix the table lamps standing on these cabinets. If the drawers in these bedside tables easily fall out or open when the door is gently pushed, then make sure that they are securely fixed. Clothes that periodically accumulate next to the bed can be a serious obstacle to rapid movement. Make it a rule to put away things that you will not wear that day. (It turns out that a possible strong earthquake is an important reason to keep your house in order!)

Think back to the thought experiment you conducted and pay attention to which obstacle came your way first. If it is resolved, check to see if there are still unresolved barriers on your post-experiment list and take appropriate action. Now check the exit path for each family member. If the family has small children and you move towards them first, then pay attention to those areas that you will have to cross twice in different directions. Find out if your first movement will create obstacles to the return journey. Similarly, inspect and arrange the escape route from the living room and kitchen. Please note that several people, including children, can move from these rooms at the same time. When you watch athletics competitions, while watching a steeplechase race, you often have a desire to make the path easier for the athletes and remove obstacles and a pit of water. How easily and beautifully they would reach the finish line. But the rules of the game there do not allow this. The seismic safety rules, on the contrary, tell us - don’t let things get to the point of a home steeplechase, otherwise you won’t be able to get to the finish line safely. Therefore, we advise you to remove barriers from the road and not take unnecessary risks.

Excerpt from the work of V.N. Andreeva, V.N. Medvedev “SEISMIC RISK PROBLEMS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SAKHA (YAKUTIA)” without author’s illustrations.

Killer houses on the disaster map

An alarming trend was revealed by the latest Maps of general seismic zoning of the territory of the Russian Federation: compared with previous calculations, the number of regions with increased seismic hazard has increased significantly.

The planet continues to show its violent character. Earthquakes occur there with amazing regularity. In just two weeks there were 15 of them - in Turkey and Mexico, Sakhalin and Kamchatka, Los Angeles and Alaska, the Caucasus and Taiwan, the Ionian Sea and Japan. Fortunately, this time the tremors were not the strongest - their maximum intensity did not exceed 6.2 points, but they also led to destruction and loss of life. But a strong earthquake can become an economic and social disaster for an entire country; just remember the tragedy in India on January 26 last year.
In recent decades, the danger of seismic disasters has increased sharply, which is primarily due to human economic activity, technogenic impacts on the earth’s crust - the creation of reservoirs, the extraction of oil, gas, solid minerals, the injection of liquid industrial waste and a number of other factors. And the possible destruction of large engineering structures built on the surface (nuclear power plants, chemical plants, high-rise dams, etc.) can lead to environmental disasters. An example of such a potential danger is the Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant, which can withstand an earthquake no stronger than magnitude 6, despite the fact that the Saratov region today is classified as a zone of magnitude seven seismicity.
Almost no strong underground shock passes without leaving a trace: after each, the expected seismic hazard in the affected and adjacent regions increases. For example, the earthquake in Neftegorsk in 1995 was assessed by experts as 9-10 points. But back in the 60s, this and the surrounding areas were not considered seismically dangerous at all, and the possibility of earthquakes was not taken into account when designing buildings. The same underestimated forecasts of seismic activity were made in Japan, China, Greece and other countries. Unfortunately, similar errors cannot be ruled out in the future.
So the sad list of regions where the earth can suddenly stand on end is constantly growing. The latest Maps of general seismic zoning of the territory of the Russian Federation clearly demonstrate this. Until recently, two regions of Russia were considered the most seismically dangerous - Sakhalin, Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands and other areas of the Far East, as well as the territories of Eastern Siberia adjacent to the Baikal region and Transbaikalia, including the Altai Mountains. Catastrophic earthquakes with an intensity of 9 or more are possible there (up to 8.5 on the Richter scale). By the way, the territory of the Sakhalin region is among the most earthquake-prone not only in Russia, but also in the world.
Now, on the latest maps, the threat of earthquakes of magnitude 9 or more has spread to a significant part of the North Caucasus, where about 7 million people live. And this despite the fact that until recently the construction of residential buildings and industrial buildings was carried out here taking into account seismicity of 7 points. The greatest concern is in the Krasnodar region with a population of five million. In the summer months, on a narrow strip of the Black Sea coast, the number of people increases many times over.
Another very important difference between the new maps is that zones of magnitude 10 earthquakes appeared on them for the first time. They are located in Sakhalin, Kamchatka and Altai. Previously, such areas did not exist in our country.
But the exact location, strength and time of the earthquake is impossible to predict. There are no ways to prevent a cataclysm. The main task is to minimize destruction and loss of life. The latest strong earthquakes in Neftegorsk (1995), Turkey and Taiwan (1999) showed that fundamentally new approaches are needed in the regulation and design of engineering structures.

In the meantime, experts are coming to shocking results: the main “killers” of people during earthquakes are two types of buildings. And the most common ones. First of all, houses with walls made of low-strength materials. The second type is reinforced concrete frame buildings, the massive destruction of which was completely unexpected, since until recently they were one of the first places in terms of seismic resistance. Thus, during the earthquake in Leninakan, 98 percent of reinforced concrete frame houses collapsed like an accordion, and more than 10 thousand people died in them.

In contrast to frame buildings, large-panel buildings and houses with walls made of monolithic reinforced concrete, which have maximum rigidity in all directions, have proven themselves very well.
Of course, a radical solution to the current situation: the demolition of all dangerous houses and the construction of new ones in their place is unrealistic today. Therefore, the most difficult and urgent task is to strengthen buildings built without taking into account possible seismic effects or designed for minor earthquakes. Unfortunately, in Russia this problem is extremely acute. It is not for nothing that in the Federal Target Program “Seismic Safety of the Territory of Russia”, which began to operate this year, there is a terrible phrase: “In the entire history of the USSR and the Russian Federation, national seismic safety programs have not been implemented in the country, as a result of which tens of millions of people live in earthquake-prone areas in houses characterized by a seismic resistance deficiency of 2-3 points.” At the same time, in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, even according to rough estimates, from 60 to 90 percent of buildings and other structures should be classified as non-seismic resistant.
According to the Program, more than half of the territory of Russia may be affected by earthquakes of medium magnitude, which can lead to severe consequences in densely populated areas, and “about 25 percent of the territory of the Russian Federation with a population of more than 20 million people may be subject to earthquakes of magnitude 7 or higher.
It is precisely taking into account the high seismic hazard, population density, and the degree of actual seismic vulnerability of buildings that the constituent entities of the Russian Federation were classified depending on the seismic risk index and divided into 2 groups.
The first group (see table) included 11 constituent entities of the Russian Federation - regions of the highest seismic risk. Many cities and large settlements in these regions are located in areas with seismicity of 9 and 10 points.
The second group included the Altai, Krasnoyarsk, Primorsky, Stavropol and Khabarovsk territories, the Amur, Kemerovo, Magadan, Chita regions, the Jewish Autonomous Region, the Ust-Orda Buryat, Chukotka and Koryak autonomous districts, the republics of Sakha (Yakutia), Adygea, Khakassia, Altai and the Chechen Republic. In these regions, the predicted seismic activity is 7-8 points and lower.
Moscow and the Moscow region, according to the Russian Academy of Sciences, are not a seismically dangerous area. The maximum possible fluctuations here will not exceed 5 points.

Alexander Kolotilkin

High risk area

Region Seismic risk index * Large cities (number of objects requiring priority strengthening)
Krasnodar region 9 Novorossiysk, Tuapse, Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik (1600)
Kamchatka region 8 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Elizovo, Klyuchi (270)
Sakhalin region 8 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Nevelsk, Uglegorsk, Kurilsk, Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, Kholmsk, Poronaysk, Krasnogorsk, Okha, Makarov, Severo-Kurilsk, Chekhov (460).
The Republic of Dagestan 7 Makhachkala, Buynaksk, Derbent, Kizlyar, Khasavyurt, Dagestan Lights, Izberbash, Kaspiysk (690)
The Republic of Buryatia 5 Ulan-Ude, Severobaikalsk, Babushkin (485)
Republic of North Ossetia-Alania 3,5 Vladikavkaz, Alagir, Ardon, Digora, Beslan (400)
Irkutsk region 2,5 Irkutsk, Shelekhov, Tulun, Usolye-Sibirskoye, Cheremkhovo, Angarsk, Slyudyanka (860)
Kabardino-Balkarian Republic 2 Nalchik, Prokhladny, Terek, Nartkala, Tyrnyauz (330)
Ingush Republic 1,8 Nazran, Malgobek, Karabulak (125)
Karachay-Cherkess Republic 1,8 Cherkessk, Teberda (20)
Tyva Republic 1,8 Kyzyl, Ak-Dovurak, Chadan, Shagonar (145)

*The seismic risk index characterizes the required amount of anti-seismic reinforcements, takes into account seismic hazard, seismic risk and population in large populated areas.

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