Meiendorf Gardens village (former territory of the Barvikha sanatorium). Review of the tour "Royal Road" More detailed facts from the history of the reconstruction of the castle

There are a lot of interesting places in the suburbs. Some of them are known to everyone, others are in the shadows. Some are easy to get to, and some are inaccessible to mere mortals. A few years ago, few people heard of the Meiendorf castle, but many saw it while driving along the Podushkinskoye highway past the Barvikha state farm. Now the castle is surrounded by a high fence - because after a large-scale restoration it became the official residence of the President of Russia. Now the whole country periodically hears about it, but not everyone manages to see all its beauty.

This photo series was made by me in 2006, when the castle had already been restored, but did not yet have such a huge national significance as it does now. Surely something in the atmosphere of the castle has changed, but the general impression of the castle and its interior can be made from these photos.

The castle was built in 1885-1887 under the leadership of Pyotr Samoilovich Boytsov for the daughter of General A. B. Kazakov, Nadezhda Alexandrovna.

In 1904, Nadezhda Alexandrovna married a retired officer, Baron Bogdan Yegorovich Meyendorff. So she became a baroness, and the castle received the name - "Castle of the Baroness Meiendorf", which he still bears.

The castle has been visited by many famous people. A memorial sign installed on the walls of the castle says that Emperor Nicholas II came to the castle.

In 1914, the baron and the baroness left the castle - they went abroad for treatment and never returned to Russia.

In the troubled times of the civil war, the new Soviet government managed to save the castle, placing guards around it, and then ... organized a colony in it for the orphans of the dead Red Army soldiers.

In 1935, the elite sanatorium "Barvikha" was created in the castle, where such people as M. A. Bulgakov, M. M. Prishvin, S. P. Korolev, Yu. A. Gagarin and many others were treated and rested. Later, the castle became the house of culture of the trade union of the state farm "Barvikha".

In 2003-2004, the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation carried out a large-scale reconstruction of the castle.

The interiors of the castle, stained-glass windows and wood paneling on the walls were restored.

The unique tapestry "The Flood" placed on the ceiling of the large fireplace room has been restored.

Meiendorf Castle consists of a main house and an outbuilding connected by a passage. Both buildings are 3-storey with an attic and a basement.

The main house on the ground floor has three fireplace rooms, as well as rooms for banquets and meetings.

This interior now periodically appears in various news during reports of meetings of the president with other statesmen in Meiendorf.

In general, the interiors of the castle are impressive.

Indescribable knightly romance, wonderful decoration, serious Italian and English furniture.

One billiard room is worth...

In general, I propose a few more Meiendorf interiors.

Office of the President of the Russian Federation

The emergence of a dacha settlement in Barvikha in the second half of the 19th century is associated with the name of the owner of the neighboring village of Podushkino, General A. B. Kazakov. Initially, the village was called Samynka (after the name of the river), a road was laid to it from the nearest railway station Odintsovo. For his daughter, who has been fond of chivalric stories since childhood, a loving father builds a miniature wooden castle on the bank of a small pond. The castle becomes Nadezhda Alexandrovna's favorite place, but it is more of a child's toy than a full-fledged manor house. When N. A. Kazakova marries one of the neighbors - Colonel E. A. Verigin, in 1885 - 1887 the construction of a castle house begins according to the project and under the guidance of architect P. S. Boytsov. A few years after the completion of construction, the owner of the castle died unexpectedly. Sent abroad with important papers, E. A. Verigin dropped a briefcase with documents from the ship into the sea on the way back. Rushing after him into the water, he did not drown, but caught a bad cold and died shortly after his return. Following her husband, the father of Nadezhda Alexandrovna also died.

Podushkino estate in Barvikha, architect P.S. Fighters. 1890

The owner of this castle lacked only the title, and in 1904 N. A. Verigina married a poor retired officer B. E. Meiendorf, who bore the title of baron. So finally Nadezhda Alexandrovna became a baroness with her own castle. The owners lived in the castle only in the summer, they usually spent the winter abroad or in the capitals. They were visited by the Russian emperors Alexander III and Nicholas II with their august families, as evidenced by memorial plaques on the southern wall. Prince Felix Yusupov, the last owner of the Arkhangelskoye estate, which is five kilometers away on the other side of the river, wrote in his book “Before the Exile”, recently translated from French: “Not far from Arkhangelskoye, on a hill, there was a semblance of an old German castle, as if transferred here from the banks of the Rhine. The hostess with the figure of the goddess, which the local wits called "affe popo", which means a flirtatious tail, boasted to her numerous guests that every morning she takes a bath of rose petals.

Interior of the castle of the barons Meiendorf, 1890
"Art collection of Russian architects and engineers", 1890-1892
As always, in 1914, the Meiendorfs left their castle for a short time, thinking of returning by summer. But the outbreak of the 1st World War forced them to refrain from a quick return to Russia. And the revolution of 1917 led to the fact that the owners of the majestic castle forever remained abroad. (You can read the full history of the Podushkino estate -)

Living room. Modern interior © 2007-2010 AM O. Klimova

Manor Podushkino. Meiendorf. Reception
Currently owned by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Meiendorf sometimes hosts some official meetings of the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev with heads of foreign states, heads of State Duma factions and other events.



square hall

round lobby

Living room

Manor Svyatopolk-Chetvertinsky. 1887 (now the Central House of Writers, Povarskaya Street, 50)
Architect P.S. Boytsov
Pyotr Semyonovich (Soymonovich or Samoilovich) Boytsov (1849, Nizhny Novgorod - after 1917, Moscow) - Russian architect, the largest master of manor construction in the eclectic and neo-Gothic styles. He built estates-castles in the Moscow and Vladimir regions, mansions in Moscow, Kyiv, Nizhny Novgorod. He is also known as the author of the first draft of the Moscow Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (1898), the layout of which was taken as a basis by the builder of the museum R. I. Klein.

Central House of Writers, Povarskaya street, 50 (Moscow, former estate of Svyatopolk-Chetvertinsky)

on Yandex.Photos
In the 1890s Boitsov switches to Art Nouveau, not forgetting, however, about Gothic and Renaissance reminiscences. The mansion of S.P. Berg (Money Lane, 5), built in 1898, resembles Italian or French city palaces, lined with stone on the facade. Today it houses the Italian embassy.

Berg's mansion

On the plans of 1806, on the site of this land ownership, there was a building of an estate that belonged to Countess Katerina Petrovna Zotova. The building burned down in 1812 during a fire in Moscow and was restored in 1824. In 1897 it was acquired by Sergei Pavlovich Berg. Berg decided to build a stone mansion on this site, which was built according to the project of the architect P. S. Boytsov in the neoclassical and neo-baroque styles.

In 1918, after Berg left for Switzerland, the mansion housed the German mission, headed by envoy von Mirbach, who was tragically killed in the Red Hall by two agents of the Cheka, members of the Left Esser party. In the same year, the mansion becomes the headquarters of the Executive Committee of the Communist International. Zinoviev, Trotsky, Radek and Bukharin worked here. Lenin's wife, Nadezhda Krupskaya, often came here too, Lenin visited.

After the establishment of diplomatic relations between Italy and the Soviet Union, Berg's mansion was transferred in 1924 to the diplomatic mission of Italy. At the beginning of World War II, Berg's mansion was transferred to the care of the Japanese ambassador in Moscow. In 1944 diplomatic relations were restored. In 1949, the embassy returned to Berg's mansion.

Country village Meiendorf Gardens. Service buildings. Central Checkpoint © 2007-2010 AM O. Klimova

Central checkpoint

Country village Meiendorf Gardens. Service buildings. Checkpoint 1

On June 17, 2006, the wedding of the popular Russian singer GlukoZa (Natasha Ionova) and top manager of RAO UES of Russia Alexander Chistyakov took place in Meiendorf Castle.
Among the guests were Ksenia Sobchak and her mother Lyudmila Narusova, Kristina Orbakaite, Yulia Bordovskikh, as well as their mutual friends and colleagues Alexandra Chistyakov from RAO UES of Russia, a total of more than 200 people.

After the official part, the guests were invited to a banquet, where round tables were laid, each of which had a special name - for example, "electrification", "fuse" and even "high voltage".

Even the plates were painted with high-voltage transmission lines.

The newlyweds themselves sat on a raised platform opposite the stage. The first toast was made by the parents of Alexander Chistyakov. Thanking Natasha's mom and dad for her excellent upbringing, they handed over the family tree of their family to the newlyweds.

After the guests drank and ate a little, they moved to another hall of the castle, where a festive concert and disco soon began.

Verka Serdyuchka, Ivanushki International, Diana Arbenina, Garik Sukachev and, finally, the main guest of the evening - Jamiroquai succeeded each other on the stage.

Outgoing year results. Andrey Budaev's calendar (c) lady_may yashin

View of the successor (c) Andrey Budaev

. 1875. Litovchenko A.D. (1835-1890) ©
I watched the movie "Tsar" (c) warsh

Pyotr Mamonov as the Terrible and Oleg Yankovsky as Metropolitan Philip (his last role) are certainly impressive. And the film itself - hard and at times cruel - makes you think.

In particular, where do the roots of such monstrous despotism and tyranny grow, which Peter I and Joseph Stalin later revealed? And most importantly, why do so many people almost happily rush to fulfill the smallest whims of such tyrants on the throne (and not only on the throne)?

. 1858. Khlebovsky S. (1835-1884)

Viennese Ball ~ Elenin's Walkers

on Yandex.Photos

Toast of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I.V. Stalin "For the Russian people!"

Comrades, allow me to raise one more, last toast.

I would like to raise a toast to the health of the entire Russian People.
(Stormy, "prolonged applause, cheers").

I drink, first of all, to the health of the Russian People, because they are the most outstanding nation of all the nations that make up the Soviet Union.

I raise a toast to the health of the Russian people because in this war they deserved and previously deserved the title, if you like, of the leading force of our Soviet Union among all the peoples of our country.

I raise a toast to the health of the Russian People, not only because they are the leading people, but also because they have common sense, general political common sense and patience.

Our government made quite a few mistakes, we had moments of desperate situation in 1941-42, when our army retreated, left our native villages and cities of Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, the Leningrad region, the Baltic states, the Karelian-Finnish Republic, left, because there was no other way. Another people could say to the Government: you have not lived up to our expectations, go away, we will install another government that will make peace with Germany and ensure peace for us.

But the Russian People did not agree to this, the Russian People did not compromise, they showed boundless confidence in our government. I repeat, we made mistakes, for the first two years our army was forced to retreat, it turned out that they did not master the events, did not cope with the situation that had arisen. However, the Russian People believed, endured, waited and hoped that we would still cope with the events.

It is for this trust in our government that the Russian People has shown us, thank you very much!

For the health of the Russian people!
(Stormy, long-lasting applause.)

Khmelko M.I. For the great Russian people. 1949. (In the Georgievsky hall of the BKD)
Archive inventory (c) opposto

Andrey Budaev. Head of Chukotka ~ Rokirovochka

The family loves Roma. Roma loves football

Red Square invites... ~ Phenomenon

Kremlin favorites ~ Russian

citizen Yumasheva t_yumasheva
I want to appeal to those who believe in what I am telling. If you don't believe, read no further.

My last two posts were very simple. She told about the resignation of the pope on December 31, 1999. Then I dug into the photographs, accidentally found just those taken on that very day - the patriarch in the president's office with dad and V.V. Putin, the famous pen that the former president gives to the new acting president, dad before recording a television address to the country porch of the presidential entrance, leaving the Kremlin forever... I did not give any assessments, just described how everything happened, step by step. Once again, there were many comments that all this is not true. Everything was different.

(c) t_yumasheva
Someone in their comments threw out that I was avoiding difficult questions. I describe only what is beneficial to me. I try not to touch difficult situations and complex figures. What, however, is the story of the resignation of the first president of the country on December 31, 1999, and the beginning of work as the head of the country, V.V. Putin, is beneficial to me, I don’t really understand, well, yes, these are the details.

So, I want to explain. I will definitely tell you about the most difficult and acute events of the 90s. What I think about both the first Chechen war and the second Chechen campaign of 1999. And about the default of 1998. And about the October crisis of 1993. And about the family. And about the oligarchs. We will definitely talk about everything. Because for some readers, the facts do not fit with the assessments. And I would like you to hear facts and truth one more time, not emotional squeals. About how the great Soviet Union was ruined and destroyed in the 90s. It's a lie. Or about how innocent lambs gathered in October 1993 in the White House, and from some fright they began to fire at them from tanks. And this is also a lie.

Why Roman Abramovich became a billionaire (c) t_yumasheva
I think I have already tortured you with political texts. I suggest taking a break. Quite a different story.

When I was in the Transit club, where we were talking about the nineties, at some point there was a discussion about why some people become rich and others don't. One young man, I think his name was Pavel, remembered an interesting detail, how he played something like Monopoly with the company, the meaning of the game is that in the course someone becomes rich, and someone goes bankrupt. And it turned out that no matter how they sat down, no matter how they changed the rules of the game, they always won the same ones, while others lost.

In this regard, I remembered a similar story. A long time ago, when I had just started to be friends with Roman Abramovich, he told me a funny story from his army past.

2010 is the year of the yellow metal tiger () tanya_2004
An old Burmese legend says that once the Buffalo defeated the Tiger in a fight and mocked him. Since then, the Tiger has not endured Bulls (and Cows), therefore, seeing off the year 2009, one cannot praise him. But the New Year should be met with respect and hope - this is the Tiger's liking. The tiger always goes forward, despises conventions, hierarchy and conservatism of the mind. The tiger is a sign of extraordinary action, unexpected situations and exceptional fate. In any case, the year of the yellow metal Tiger is the year of outstanding personalities and the battle of the strongest human ambitions, the year of achievements and testing the strength of all life.

© Dpa / Zuma Press
as if interested in visitors to the zoo in Eberswalde, Germany,
How much can you celebrate?

The emergence of a dacha settlement in Barvikha in the second half of the 19th century is associated with the name of the owner of the neighboring village of Podushkino, General A. B. Kazakov. Initially, the village was called Samynka (after the name of the river), a road was laid to it from the nearest railway station Odintsovo. For his daughter, who has been fond of chivalric stories since childhood, a loving father builds a miniature wooden castle on the bank of a small pond. The castle becomes Nadezhda Alexandrovna's favorite place, but it is more of a child's toy than a full-fledged manor house. When N. A. Kazakova marries one of the neighbors - Colonel E. A. Verigin, in 1885 - 1887 the construction of a castle house begins according to the project and under the guidance of architect P. S. Boytsov. A few years after the completion of construction, the owner of the castle died unexpectedly. Sent abroad with important papers, E. A. Verigin dropped a briefcase with documents from the ship into the sea on the way back. Rushing after him into the water, he did not drown, but caught a bad cold and died shortly after his return. Following her husband, the father of Nadezhda Alexandrovna also died.

The owner of this castle lacked only the title, and in 1904 N. A. Verigina married a poor retired officer B. E. Meiendorf, who bore the title of baron. So finally Nadezhda Alexandrovna became a baroness with her own castle. The owners lived in the castle only in the summer, they usually spent the winter abroad or in the capitals. They were visited by the Russian emperors Alexander III and Nicholas II with their august families, as evidenced by memorial plaques on the southern wall. Prince Felix Yusupov, the last owner of the Arkhangelskoye estate, which is five kilometers away on the other side of the river, wrote in his book “Before the Exile”, recently translated from French: “Not far from Arkhangelskoye, on a hill, there was a semblance of an old German castle, as if transferred here from the banks of the Rhine. The hostess with the figure of the goddess, which the local wits called "affe popo", which means a flirtatious tail, boasted to her numerous guests that every morning she takes a bath of rose petals.

As always, in 1914, the Meiendorfs left their castle for a short time, thinking of returning by summer. But the outbreak of the 1st World War forced them to refrain from a quick return to Russia. And the revolution of 1917 led to the fact that the owners of the majestic castle forever remained abroad.

After the October Revolution, V. I. Lenin often came here to rest. Then, in the 1920s, a children's colony was organized in the castle. The life of the village changed in 1935, when the elite sanatorium "Barvikha" was created. Many celebrities were treated and rested here (M. A. Bulgakov, Yu. A. Gagarin, S. P. Korolev, I. V. Kurchatov, M. M. Prishvin, D. D. Shostakovich and others). To serve the economic needs of the sanatorium, a settlement arose (state farm "Barvikha"), the lower medical staff of the sanatorium was located in the castle itself. For a long time, Meiendorf Castle was officially the home of culture of the trade union of the state farm "Barvikha" - children's circles worked there and social events were held. In April 2002, the castle was closed for reconstruction, the investment project of which was estimated at 250 million dollars. Today, the palace has been brilliantly renovated, it now belongs to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, and is one of the residences of the head of state. Its interiors are sometimes shown on television when official events are held there. In addition, the castle hosts events on a commercial basis - weddings and other celebrations, and the rental price can be tens of thousands of dollars.

Meiendorf Castle

Meiendorf Castle needs no introduction, and yet…

Let's just say that today, and for many years to come, this is the most prestigious, best and most expensive place in Moscow and Russia for a luxurious exclusive wedding. It is located, of course, on the Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway (Barvikha).

For your wedding, the administration of Meiendorf Castle provides the main house, an outbuilding, a kitchen and other front and utility rooms. The total area is about 2.000 sq. m., as well as a closed beautiful regular park with a total area of ​​more than 3 hectares.

For the rest and accommodation of the newlyweds, as well as other VIP guests on the day of the event and the following night, you will be provided with authentic real apartments of Emperor Nicholas II - a multi-room complex in the upper part of the castle, including an amazing bedroom, a luxurious living room, a library, a bathroom and a dressing room.

For the wedding of the newlyweds, the Orthodox church in the village of Barvikha, located near the territory of the Meiendorf Castle, is often used.

Meiendorf Castle belongs to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. On the territory of this complex, the castle and the park, events of the highest level are constantly held. It is worth mentioning the constant visits to the Castle by the Presidents.

A wide variety of events can be held in Meiendorf. Small (up to 80 people) - inside the castle itself. For large-scale events, special tent structures are installed - a tent for registration, a tent-banquet hall with a dance floor and a stage, a chill out (possibly a hookah), and, if necessary, a play tent for children.

See you soon at the wedding agency "Royal Wedding"!

| At the end of the 19th century, in the Moscow region, on the territory of the estate of Baroness Meyendorff, to the west of Moscow, a castle was built, stylized as a French chateau of the early 16th century. The construction of the castle took 9 years, from 1874 to 1885, the architect and construction manager was Peter Samoylovich Boitsov. In 1914, the Meyendorffs went abroad for treatment and never returned to their estate.

| After the October Revolution, Vladimir Lenin lived and worked in the castle for some time, and in 1930, next to the castle, on the territory of a reserved forest in the Moscow region, construction began on the Kremlin sanatorium Barvikha, named after a nearby village, and intended for the treatment of senior workers and senior officials. persons of the state. View of the main building of the resort.

| The project of the sanatorium was developed by one of the leading representatives of Stalinist architecture - Boris Iofan, who created the famous "House on the Embankment" in Moscow and the author of the unrealized project of the Palace of Soviets. The construction was completed in 1935, but the sanatorium began its work only in 1937, when work was completed to equip the hospital with the latest physiotherapy equipment for those times. View from the main entrance.

| During the war years, the sanatorium worked as a military hospital. In 1965, its reconstruction began, and a couple of years before that, a monument to Stalin was dismantled at the entrance to the main building, for the creation of which materials from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior destroyed in 1931 in Moscow were used. Internal interior.

| Museum of the sanatorium

| The archives of the museum contain a collection of thanks from patients, including Leonid Brezhnev and Boris Yeltsin, Semyon Budyonny and Georgy Zhukov, Mikhail Bulgakov and Sergei Mikhalkov, Faina Ranevskaya and John Reed, Sergei Korolev and Igor Kurchatov and others.

| After modernization, the building was rebuilt and lost the form of the Stalinist Empire style of the 30s. In 1969, in front of the main building of the sanatorium, a monument to Lenin was unveiled by the sculpture of V. B. Pinchuk - a copy of the monument to Lenin, installed in 1967 in the Tainitsky Garden of the Moscow Kremlin. By the way, the monument was dismantled from the Kremlin in 1995 and moved to Gorki.

| There is also a copy of another famous monument on the territory of the sanatorium - a sculpture by Yevgeny Vuchetich "Grieving Mother" was installed at the memorial soldier's cemetery - a copy from the memorial "Battle of Stalingrad" in Volgograd. As well as many other monumental sculptures of the Soviet era.

| There is not much entertainment here - yet the specifics are not the same. One of the places of leisure is a pond, where hundreds of birds live - ducks, swans, geese. Judging by the photographs from the museum of the sanatorium, entertainment in the form of feeding has been practiced here since the 60s, which is captured on the TASS photo chronicle.

| At present, both the castle and the sanatorium belong to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. In "Meiendorf" there is "State residence Barvikha, where some official events are held.

| There are also curious artifacts of the Soviet era.

| The plate on the device is L. M. Ericsson.

| Church of the Nativity in the village of Barvikha, opposite the Meiendorf castle.

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