Portfolio examples and typical mistakes. How to make a good professional portfolio? What is a portfolio in a resume for a job

Strokes to the portrait of the applicant

“Portfolio” sounds nice, but in translation from a foreign language it means just “portfolio with documents”. But in the business world, this word means: “a list of completed works”, which gives an idea of ​​​​the applicant as a professional, a specialist in a particular field.

The task of the portfolio and its contents: photos, publications, video and audio clips is to add touches to your portrait, to show the employer what you are capable of. Sometimes it is enough to attach a couple of links to the site where your work is available to the resume. That's what a portfolio is on a resume!

Portfolio in resume. Do you need it?

Do all professionals need a portfolio for successful employment? No, not everyone! But only in cases where:

  • you are a representative of a creative profession (designer, fashion model, photographer, teacher, architect, PR manager, etc.);
  • your work is the creation of something fundamentally new (drawings, design projects, articles, codes, photography samples);
  • The employer asks to attach a portfolio to the resume.

But for those whose work is connected with clear instructions, laws, circulars, a portfolio is not required. Secretaries, accountants, waiters, personnel specialists, system administrators can successfully get a desired job without a portfolio, with only one resume.

In what order should the portfolio be presented?

It is better to place the work in chronological order - so the recruiter will see all the stages of your development as a professional. Placement of works by style, genres or directions is allowed. By choosing this placement option, place the most successful examples at the beginning and at the end of the portfolio, taking into account the psychology of perception. In a word, it is possible and so, and so.

What to put in a portfolio?

The domestic labor market does not yet have strict rules for the design and content of the portfolio. And therefore the size of the "business portfolio", its content, appearance - at your discretion. For example, designers and artists prefer albums with layouts of works or CDs, web designers and programmers put links to websites and screenshots into their portfolios, representatives of the “pen and words” “put binders with articles from various publications into their portfolios”.


In no case should a business portfolio contain family photos. The recommendation may seem ridiculous if recruiters did not observe pictures with captions in the "portfolios" of applicants: "Me and my Barsik in the country." Agree, such a picture is unlikely to contribute to a business career.

You give meticulousness!

Undoubtedly, the main thing in a portfolio is its content. And the form is nothing more than an effective addition. But nevertheless, the appearance of your "business portfolio" can tell a lot to the employer. For example, about your organization, perseverance, accuracy. Don't forget about it.

No plagiarism!

The worst thing you can find is the desire to make a good impression on the employer by using other people's work.

For example, a designer has changed only the slogan about the product in a popular package, but all the main creative part was done by another specialist. It is very wrong to pass off such a “creation” as your own, in any case, they will find out the truth, because the world of professionals is small.

In conclusion…

Do not intentionally reduce the level of your work, for fear that later the employer will always expect from you only "masterpiece work". Employers are not stupid people, they are well aware that people put their achievements in a business portfolio. And not reports from everyday creative searches.

In connection with the accelerated development of modern society and the already long-standing transition of Russian education to a new level - the level of compliance with European educational standards and a complete reorientation to the humanistic orientation of education, numerous reforms of school education have become a forced necessity. One of these reforms was the introduction of innovative technologies in the secondary and higher levels of education in our country.

The main in these technologies is student-centered learning, and one of the auxiliary technologies has become its psychological and pedagogical support. As you know, it includes a portfolio system - now a constant of the educational process of every self-respecting student, so that at the end of school all information about his personality, educational activities and achievements would be collected in one folder.

A student's portfolio is a kind of student's dossier, which he himself maintains.

Now it is known to almost everyone. But there is only one main question: how to properly arrange a student's portfolio? Since there is no absolute template and standard in its design, everyone is free to find their own version of the systematization of materials in this personal document. However, there are some rules regarding how to arrange a portfolio and the main sections that are required in it.

How to make a portfolio of a primary school student?

  • Of course, as with all documents, the portfolio contains a title page. And there is nothing complicated about how to design the title page of a portfolio. The student must indicate his name, surname, age, name of the educational institution and some other contact information. And, of course, do not forget to paste / paste (depending on how you make) your photo. You can also write a short message about your school, favorite teachers and subjects.
  • Further, the student, already on the next sheet, as a rule, even the third in a row, writes about himself - an autobiography, as a small essay - reasoning. After that, various certificates, awards for achievements in studies and social activities, olympiads and other distinctions received during the training and maintenance of this document are placed.

  • Then, after the “achievements” section, there is a section of creativity, where you need to indicate the child’s hobbies, sections or circles that he attends. It is necessary to invest there all creative works, applications, drawings, poems or prose (if the child writes) and so on. In addition, you can prepare questionnaires for his classmates, where children will write reviews about each other.
  • And the section on reviews and recommendations of the class teacher in relation to the student will be a great end to the portfolio. This will complement the general information about the personality of the child and, perhaps, help him in his further development.

As you can see, in general, there are no particular difficulties with how to write a portfolio of a primary school student. This is an easy view of this document, as it is designed for a younger student. But the portfolio for a high school student will be much more voluminous and a little more difficult to design, although the components are almost the same.

What does a high school student portfolio look like?

  • As in the previous version of this document, a portfolio for a high school student should have a title page with a first name, last name and contact information (phone, e-mail, home address). Added to everything else is a column about the purpose of compiling a portfolio. The child must himself realize the importance of this issue and, in his opinion, formulate the purpose of the compilation.
  • Next comes the section on the plans and interests of the child, where he himself predicts how and in what direction he will develop, what he will achieve in five to ten to fifteen years, and thinks over the means to achieve these goals, that is, what he must do for this. In fact, this is the section: “Who would I like to see myself, and what should I do to become so?” Here, the whole emphasis lies on analyticity, which is not in the portfolio of a younger student, since reflection is inherent to a greater extent in the rapidly developing personality of a teenager.
  • The next section provides for the student's autobiography, which is much less of a "short essay" like a primary school student's. Now almost all the texts written for a portfolio about yourself should be as widespread as possible, with the same emphasis on analytics. He must write about all the years of study: preschool life, schooling and up to the present moment.
  • Then there will be a section of own achievements with official documents attached: diplomas, certificates and thanks - as well as their copies for participating in olympiads, competitions, sports competitions, etc.
  • After that comes a section with the attachment of documents, certificates and diplomas on the completion of various additional courses that expand existing subject knowledge or develop in any other necessary area (creative, scientific, technical).
  • The next section will be a section of creative works: poetry, prose, fine arts, another kind of art in any convenient form, design work. The meaning of this section, as in a similar block of the portfolio of an elementary school student, is preserved in everything, expanded and supplemented only by the base itself.
  • The document ends again with a section of reviews and recommendations from the teaching staff, where again there is a comprehensive analysis of the personality, and recommendations are made taking into account the psychological qualities and orientation of the individual. Everything is the same as for the elementary school child, but in a more formal and more common format.

Here, however, are all the tips on the topic: "How to properly arrange a student's portfolio." You know the main sections and their necessary content, but how to arrange it on paper and then in a folder when compiling is an individual decision for everyone. You can do it manually, or you can, to save time, compose it in a graphic editor, of which there are enough in our time. Next, it's up to you. And remember: the road will be mastered by the walking one!

Student's school portfolio - video

“Please attach a portfolio to your resume” - a similar phrase can be increasingly found in job advertisements. How to prepare a portfolio? And do you really need to do it? To present your own achievements in a beautiful way, read the Superjob tips.

Strokes to the portrait of the applicant
Translated from Italian, a portfolio is just a “portfolio with documents”, but, as you know, HRs understand this word as a “list of completed work”, which allows you to get an idea of ​​​​the applicant as a specialist. And this is not necessarily a folder with photographs, sketches or newspaper clippings, it can be a presentation and a candidate's personal website. Photos, publications, as well as video and audio clips - all this will add the necessary touches to your portrait. Sometimes it’s enough just to attach a few links to Internet resources with your work to your resume.

Do you need it?
Who needs a portfolio? For successful employment, it is primarily used by people of creative professions - designers of all specializations, journalists, architects, fashion models, etc. However, today this tool is becoming more and more popular: teachers, PR managers, programmers often make up portfolios - that is, those who whose work achievements can be at least partially represented visually.

Do you need a portfolio? Probably yes if:
- you have creative work;
- in the process of your work, you create something fundamentally new every time (drawings, design projects, articles, codes, images for photography);
- Your work is project-based;
- the employer asks for a portfolio.
But for those whose work is related to strict adherence to instructions, a portfolio is usually not required. Accountants, secretaries, human resources specialists, system administrators, waiters, salespeople successfully get their dream job even without a portfolio, with only one resume.

List of achievements
Superjob provides the ability to attach a portfolio to a resume. Use it - it will be convenient for the employer to see both the resume and your work at once.

It is customary to compile a portfolio from works of different genres, different styles and directions - in this way you can demonstrate the variety of tasks that you had to face. That is, if you are a photographer, include pictures of all genres in which you shoot in your photo selection, and if you are a journalist, present different types of texts, etc.

However, there are exceptions to this rule as well. If you are applying for a position as a political columnist for a major publication, for example, you should not include your fashion notes and articles about the rules for growing tomatoes in a summer cottage in your portfolio, even if they are written absolutely brilliantly.

A portfolio is akin to the "Achievements" section of a resume - it's customary to visualize what you reported in your CV. Therefore, for inclusion in the portfolio, you need to select your best work. You should not deliberately reduce the level of work for fear that the employer will always expect masterpieces from you later. The employer understands perfectly well that a portfolio is an exhibition of your achievements, and not a report from daily creative searches.

In what order should you submit your work? You can chronologically - in this case, the recruiter will see all the stages of your development as a specialist. And you can - by genre, style or direction: in this case, it makes sense to place the best works at the beginning and end of the "folder" - taking into account the psychology of perception. How best is up to you.

What definitely should not be in the portfolio is your family photos. Surprisingly, according to recruiters, this recommendation is not in vain. Meanwhile, a picture with the caption "I'm with the cat Barsik in the country" is unlikely to contribute to a career.

Is it worth it to print?
Should I print my portfolio or is it enough to submit it electronically? There is no single answer to this question. If you have doubts about the convenience of an electronic portfolio for a particular employer, then it is better to play it safe and provide a printed version - successful projects often only benefit from high-quality printing.

Superjob wishes you a bright portfolio and brilliant employment!

Since 2011, in almost all educational institutions, the design of a student's portfolio has been mandatory. It needs to be done in elementary school. It is clear that for a first grader this will be a difficult task, so basically the preparation of this document falls on the shoulders of the parents. And it is quite natural that many of them will have a question about how to arrange a student's portfolio.

What does a student's portfolio look like?

A portfolio is a collection of documents, photographs, samples of work illustrating the knowledge, skills, abilities of a person in any activity. A children's portfolio for a student provides information about the child himself, his environment, school performance, participation in various school and extracurricular activities. It demonstrates his success in creativity, sports, and hobbies. The school explains the purpose of creating a portfolio of a primary school student by the fact that in the process of work the child comprehends his first achievements and opportunities, he has an incentive to further develop his abilities. This job will help him when he transfers to another school. In addition, the portfolio of a gifted child gives more chances for admission to a higher educational institution in the future.

There are 3 types of student portfolio:

  • portfolio of documents containing material on the achievements of the child in the form of certified documents (certificate, certificates, prizes, awards);
  • portfolio of works, which is a collection of creative, educational or design work of a student;
  • testimonials portfolio, consisting of the characteristics of the student's attitude to activities.

The most informative and common is a comprehensive portfolio, which includes all of the listed types.

How to make a student portfolio?

It is not so difficult to make a portfolio for a student with your own hands, you will need imagination and a desire to create, as well as the cooperation of the child with his parents.

The structure of any portfolio includes a title page, sections and appendices. You can buy pre-made forms at a bookstore and fill them out by hand. Alternatively, design your own in Photoshop, CorelDraw, or Word.

Over time, the child's portfolio needs to be replenished with new demonstrations of success and achievement.

How to make a student portfolio?

Portfolio for a student .


    files ... no, not right, a lot of files,

    paper A4,

    colored pencils (for making drawings by a child),


    and, of course, patience and time.

The task of parents is to help children build a portfolio. Suggest how to fill in the sections correctly, select the necessary photos, drawings.

At the moment, the portfolio has exemplary sections that can be supplemented with various interesting information:

    Title pagestudent portfolio

This sheet indicates the child's data - Surname, First Name, Patronymic, photo of the child, educational institution and city where the child studies, start and end dates of the portfolio.

    Content - on this sheet we list all the sections that we considered necessary to include with the child in the portfolio.

    Section - My world:

This section adds information that is important to the child. Sample pages:

Personal information (About me) - date of birth, place of birth, age. You can enter your home address and phone number.

My name- write what the name of the child means, where it came from, you can indicate in honor of whom it was named (for example, grandfather). And also, indicate famous people bearing this name.

My family- write a short story about your family or, if you have the desire and time, about each family member. Attach to this story photos of relatives or a drawing of a child as he sees his family. In this section, you can attach the pedigree of the child.

My city (I live) - in this section, we indicate the city of residence of the child, in what year and by whom it was founded, what this city is famous for, what interesting places there are.

Route map to school - we draw together with the child a safe path from home to school. We mark dangerous places - roads, railways, etc.

My friends- here we list the child's friends (last name, first name), you can attach a photo of friends. We also write about a friend's hobbies or common interests.

My hobbies (My interests) - on this page you need to tell what the child likes to do, what he is fond of. At the request of the child, you can tell about the circles / sections where he additionally goes.

    Section - My school :

My school- the address of the school, the phone number of the administration, you can stick a photo of the institution, the full name of the director, the beginning (year) of study.

My class- indicate the class number, stick a general photo of the class, and you can also write a short story about the class.

My teachers- fill in the data about the class teacher (full name + short story about what he is), about teachers (subject + full name).

My school subjects - give a brief description for each subject, i.e. We help the child understand what he needs. You can also write your attitude to the subject. For example, mathematics is a difficult subject, but I try because I want to learn how to count well or I like music because I am learning to sing beautifully.

My social work (social activity) - it is advisable to fill out this section with photographs where the child took part in school life (for example, performed at a holiday, decorated a class, a wall newspaper, read poetry at a matinee, etc.) + a brief description of the impression / emotions from performing social activities.

My impressions (school activities, sightseeing activities) - everything is standard here, we write a short review-impression of visiting a child with an excursion class, a museum, an exhibition, etc. Feedback can be made with a photo from this event or draw a picture.

    Section - My progress :

My studies- we make the titles of the sheets for each school subject (mathematics, Russian, reading, music, etc.). In these sections, well-done work - independent, control, book reviews, various reports, etc. will be invested in files.

My art- here we place the creativity of the child. Drawings, crafts, his writing activity - fairy tales, stories, poems. We also don’t forget about large-scale works - we take pictures and add them to our portfolio. If desired, the work can be signed - the name, as well as where the work participated (if it was exhibited at a competition / exhibition).

My achievements- we make copies, and boldly place in this section - commendable sheets, certificates, diplomas, final attestation sheets, letters of thanks, etc.

My best work (Works that I am proud of) - Works that the child considers important and valuable for the whole year of study will be invested here. And the remaining (less valuable, according to the child) material is laid out, freeing up space for sections for the new school year.

Reading technique- all test results are recorded here

Academic Year Report Card

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