Be happy with what you have. "I don't want to strive"

How many people can affirmatively say that they are satisfied and happy? Probably quite a bit. Everyday life absorbs, and there is very little time left for the awareness of being. To complete the planned work, you have to load yourself and even force yourself, promising to compensate the body for the spent energy with a pleasant rest on the weekend. Instead of pleasure, work brings exhaustion and negativity. Have you noticed how much freer and more joyful children perceive any changes taking place in life. They are not afraid to look funny because they love everything they touch and every movement is based on learning, understanding and being satisfied.

Growing up, their interest and passion for the new gradually fades away. There are standard excuses about duties, financial and moral debt to loved ones. They stop becoming satisfied, happy, satisfied. At what stage spontaneity, pleasure is lost, no one notices and a noticeable period of time passes through which a feeling of dissatisfaction appears. How to truly be happy, positive, satisfied with your life, energizing those around you, loved ones and relatives?

First steps

Here are a few first steps to take a different look at ordinary difficulties:

  • Try to appreciate every moment, have fun and live in the present day;
  • Thank fate for the trust given to be in the thick of things in the circle of close people, among members of a friendly team and understanding neighbors;
  • Pay attention to any little things: a bright ray of sunlight breaking through a thick curtain, a satisfied look of a husband or wife agreeing to an adventure, and much more;
  • Take a few minutes of time to think about the unfavorable situation that has arisen and the elements of dissatisfaction with life;
  • Stop complaining about circumstances, the world will not change and the sun will not shine brighter, and a satisfied person is always desired by loved ones and others;
  • Take note that you are an individual person, do not compare yourself with others, get positive and enjoy uniqueness;
  • The financial situation will not change the internal state, learn to be satisfied with the minimum;
  • Empathize with other people and new interesting acquaintances will help to avoid loneliness, dispel the surging sadness and sad thoughts;
  • Choose what you like the most. Throw away the condemnation, smirks and distrust.

Tangible Actions

Little Secrets of Big Achievements

It all starts with trying to be simple and organic. The thing you like becomes like a child's game, attracted by awe and novelty. Plunging headlong into an unusual activity, be satisfied with any outcome, without demanding the ideal option.
Working for money leads to moral exhaustion. Release yourself and try to highlight the desire to serve others. Getting pleasure and a surge of strength from the completed mission, you show an example of inspiration and purity.
Come up with new ideas that guide the path of the unknown, mystery and endurance. The secret path will beckon with sharp turns, sharp cliffs and unexpected results. Never be afraid to make a mistake, be content with difficulties, dealing with failures one on one.
Try to be content with life and be patient. Without noticing distrust, sharp remarks stubbornly go to the desired goal so as not to leave doubts about the lost chance. Gradually, undertakings will turn into quality abilities, you will be satisfied, and the environment will be delighted with the hidden possibilities.
Every day comprehend a new step, be satisfied with what is happening and go to the top. Do not be distracted by a bad mood, negative emotions that have appeared. Sadness and joy always go together. This is not a reason to give up big ideas.
Don't get bogged down in too many things. Choose one that brings pleasure and suits your energy and inner state. By focusing on specific and reasonable premises, see the goal to the end, and then move on to another. The brain loves completion.
Mastering knowledge will help to increase the professional level, to be competent and competent. The acquired new skills will be confirmed by practical actions, you will be satisfied and well-read. Don't stop there. Constantly improve your abilities and be able to find a connection with reality.


To call yourself satisfied and happy, you do not need to have unsurpassed skill. Simple little joys in a close family circle, having a favorite activity and achievable goals will compare with the life of great travelers exploring other countries and peoples. Emotion, mood is a fickle value. How to measure the pleasure of life, limited by financial limits, human obligations and everyday problems? To be satisfied with small opportunities, to love close people, and to remember that nothing is valued brighter than life itself.

Let's talk about our desires. Is desire itself a sin? No. We can desire something strongly and still not sin. For example, wanting to do the will of God. Is it bad? “I desire to do Your will, my God, and Your law is in my heart”(Ps. 39:9) . But desire, or more precisely, the object of desire, may be chosen incorrectly.

To desire what belongs to another, while experiencing a strong feeling of annoyance, is called envy. It is not just a desire to have something, but a desire to have it just because the other has it. This is already a sin. Envy is something that can never be satisfied. You can be very rich, but want what the poor have. Remember the parable that the prophet Nathan told David about a rich man who spared his sheep for a stranger and took a sheep from a poor man (2 Sam. 12:1-4). Or another story about King Ahab, who, being rich, wanted a vineyard that belonged to another person, and because of this he went to murder (1 Kings 21).

The desire to have wealth is not a sin. It is bad when a person thinks that happiness and joy lie in earthly wealth. Jesus warns his listeners: “At the same time, he said to them: look, beware of covetousness, for the life of a person does not depend on the abundance of his estate”(Luke 12:15). The writer to the Hebrews warns: “Have a non-money-loving disposition, being content with what you have. For I myself said: I will not leave you, I will not forsake you.”(13:5). Envy is a matter of the flesh. We cannot deal with the flesh in our own strength, but God will help us deal with the flesh. “For if you live according to the flesh, you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body then you will be alive"(Rom. 8:13). Without the Holy Spirit, the flesh cannot be dealt with. If only the Spirit of God lives in you. Pray and ask God for help from the temptation of envy. “Likewise, the Spirit strengthens us in our weaknesses; for we do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings inexpressible.”(Rom. 8:26). Humble yourself and the Lord will strengthen you. "God! You hear the desires of the humble; strengthen their heart; open your ear"(Ps. 9:38) .

It happens that a sincere desire to help a neighbor turns into sadness and pain for the one they want to help. An example can be seen in the book of Job. Three friends of Job, Bildad, Eliphaz and Zophar (old men in age) sincerely wanted to help Job. They told him the right words about the punishment for sins. About what should turn to God, repent and God will bandage the wounds of Job. Good, right words, a sincere desire to help, console. But the cause of Job's suffering is not his sins. In the eyes of God, Job was a blameless, righteous man. “And the Lord said to Satan: Have you turned your attention to my servant Job? for there is no one like him on earth: a man blameless, just, God-fearing and moving away from evil "(Job 1:8).

God tested Job's faithfulness, this is the reason for his (Job's) suffering. Friends, with their "correct" advice, only increased Job's suffering. “Are you inventing speeches for reproof? Let your words go to the wind. You attack an orphan and dig a hole for your friend. But I beg you, look at me; will I speak lies before you?”(Job 6:26-28).

For all our actions, for all our words, we will give an answer to God. Are we giving advice wisely or are we stupid? And from stupidity at hand to sin: "The thought of stupidity is a sin..."(Prov. 24:9). So, not every desire is a sin. Our problems begin when we do not control our desires, but our desires control us. "Contemplate the path for your foot, and let all your paths be firm"(Prov. 4:26).

Igor Olefira

Have you ever thought that no matter how much we have, we always want more? And it is natural that a person wants to be richer, healthier and more successful. And it is very rare to find a person who will say: I don't want more, I'm happy with what I have».

Most likely, this is the answer of a believer. Faith causes a person to be content with the things and positions that have befallen him. Through faith, a person can fully enjoy the blessings of his life and gain the pleasure of Allah.

When a person is distressed by troubles and shows patience and contentment and does not complain about his sufferings, he is a true believer. Naturally, we do not mean that those who want to be richer, healthier and more successful are not believers. Strive for the best, but be happy with what you have. Discontent is a lack of understanding of faith. Contentment does not mean that a person does not strive for the best or does not feel pain, it means a manifestation of patience and awareness of the will of the Almighty.

The virtue of contentment is closely related to the virtue of trusting in Allah. When a person shows contentment with what he has and does not show envy or hatred towards others, Allah will not let him fail and a great reward awaits him.

The virtue of contentment

With contentment, a person finds inner peace and becomes spiritually higher. When he cultivates this quality in himself, he loves others and will be loved by others. He does not compare himself with those who have better conditions, but rather remembers those who are less fortunate.

If contentment reigned in society, then there would be no place left for greedy and envious people. Contentment will lead to Paradise in eternal life.

Contentment will bring you closer to Allah in this world and the world to come. If a person shows contentment, he will not experience psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, anxiety. When a person is dissatisfied, the shaitan will build a path to his heart. Contentment, on the other hand, protects the heart from the penetration of Satan, and it will be busy pleasing Allah Almighty.

How to learn to be content

  • Don't be discouraged by everything. If you lose your job, for example, don't despair. This means that the money that you could earn is not destined for you. Your rizq will come to you from other sources.
  • Purify your heart. Always think about what can bring you closer to Allah. Let go of the little things.
  • Think of the reward that awaits you in the eternal world. Allah said: “Everything that is given to you is only a transient blessing of worldly life and its adornment, and with Allah is something more beautiful and durable. Don't you understand?" (28:60).
  • Think about today. Be happy with what you have now.
  • Be able to notice the positive side even in the bad. For example, a person had an accident but survived, and he complains that the car is in an obscene state, but does not appreciate the fact that he survived.
  • And the key to happiness lies in the phrase: "Everything is the will of Allah, and it will be as He wills it." Thus, we realize the power and authority of Allah and accept His divine predestination.

Let's talk about our desires. Is desire itself a sin? No. We can desire something strongly and still not sin. For example, wanting to do the will of God. Is it bad? “I desire to do Your will, my God, and Your law is in my heart”(Ps. 39:9) . But desire, or more precisely, the object of desire, may be chosen incorrectly.

To desire what belongs to another, while experiencing a strong feeling of annoyance, is called envy. It is not just a desire to have something, but a desire to have it just because the other has it. This is already a sin. Envy is something that can never be satisfied. You can be very rich, but want what the poor have. Remember the parable that the prophet Nathan told David about a rich man who spared his sheep for a stranger and took a sheep from a poor man (2 Sam. 12:1-4). Or another story about King Ahab, who, being rich, wanted a vineyard that belonged to another person, and because of this he went to murder (1 Kings 21).

The desire to have wealth is not a sin. It is bad when a person thinks that happiness and joy lie in earthly wealth. Jesus warns his listeners: “At the same time, he said to them: look, beware of covetousness, for the life of a person does not depend on the abundance of his estate”(Luke 12:15). The writer to the Hebrews warns: “Have a non-money-loving disposition, being content with what you have. For I myself said: I will not leave you, I will not forsake you.”(13:5). Envy is a matter of the flesh. We cannot deal with the flesh in our own strength, but God will help us deal with the flesh. “For if you live according to the flesh, you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body then you will be alive"(Rom. 8:13). Without the Holy Spirit, the flesh cannot be dealt with. If only the Spirit of God lives in you. Pray and ask God for help from the temptation of envy. “Likewise, the Spirit strengthens us in our weaknesses; for we do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings inexpressible.”(Rom. 8:26). Humble yourself and the Lord will strengthen you. "God! You hear the desires of the humble; strengthen their heart; open your ear"(Ps. 9:38) .

It happens that a sincere desire to help a neighbor turns into sadness and pain for the one they want to help. An example can be seen in the book of Job. Three friends of Job, Bildad, Eliphaz and Zophar (old men in age) sincerely wanted to help Job. They told him the right words about the punishment for sins. About what should turn to God, repent and God will bandage the wounds of Job. Good, right words, a sincere desire to help, console. But the cause of Job's suffering is not his sins. In the eyes of God, Job was a blameless, righteous man. “And the Lord said to Satan: Have you turned your attention to my servant Job? for there is no one like him on earth: a man blameless, just, God-fearing and moving away from evil "(Job 1:8).

God tested Job's faithfulness, this is the reason for his (Job's) suffering. Friends, with their "correct" advice, only increased Job's suffering. “Are you inventing speeches for reproof? Let your words go to the wind. You attack an orphan and dig a hole for your friend. But I beg you, look at me; will I speak lies before you?”(Job 6:26-28).

For all our actions, for all our words, we will give an answer to God. Are we giving advice wisely or are we stupid? And from stupidity at hand to sin: "The thought of stupidity is a sin..."(Prov. 24:9). So, not every desire is a sin. Our problems begin when we do not control our desires, but our desires control us. "Contemplate the path for your foot, and let all your paths be firm"(Prov. 4:26).

Igor Olefira

How to understand the words "we must be content with what we have"? and got the best answer

Answer from Zinaida Tarasenko[guru]
Do not envy those who are happy and rich
Dawn is always followed by sunset
With this short life equal to a breath
Treat like with this one for rent!
Source: Omar Khayyam

Answer from Alexander[guru]
Be content with what you have.

Answer from Incense for the people[guru]
do not pull the handles to the feeder, eat what the master throws

Answer from Epinrt[guru]
you have to be able to appreciate what you have to cherish what you have to be happy with what you have, if for you it means "to be content" accept this phrase, if for you to be content with the word "enough to do nothing" then you can stop developing.

Answer from Petrovna[guru]
Cherish and appreciate what you have - but you can always think about the best and strive to have it

Answer from Allan[guru]
That is, one must strive not for material, but for spiritual perfection.

Answer from Velina Matevosyants[guru]
“If we have food, clothing, and shelter, we will be content with it,” a biblical principle (1 Timothy 6:8). Money alone does not bring happiness. Jesus spoke of a simple eye focused on the essential, the spiritual (Matthew 6:22). It helps us be content with what we have. And the pursuit of material things will never satisfy a person financially, a person always lacks something, the more money, the more he wants to spend it.

Answer from Irina Sokolova[guru]
Many do not have what I or you have. You have to learn to appreciate what you already have.

Answer from With. P.[guru]
History from Benin. Draw your own conclusions...
One day, a fisherman, returning home from fishing in his pie, met with a businessman who came on business to this developing country. The businessman asked the fisherman why he was returning so early. The fisherman replied that he could go fishing longer, but his family would have enough of such a catch.
- What do you do in your free time? the businessman asked.
- I sit on the shore with a fishing rod or play with my children. In the midday heat we sleep, in the evening we have dinner with the whole family. Then I meet friends, listen to music or do something else.
- Listen, - the businessman interrupted him, - I graduated from the university, where I studied various sciences. I want to help you. Fish longer and earn a lot of money. Soon you will be able to buy a bigger boat than this pirogue. Fishing on such a boat, you can earn more money and acquire a fishing fleet.
- And then what?
- Then you will no longer sell fish through an intermediary, but will sell it directly to the factory or even buy yourself a fish processing plant. Then you can leave the village for Cotonou or Paris or New York and manage things from there. If you want, you can invest your money in stocks, and then you will receive millions.
- How much time will it take?
- 15 or 20 years old.
- And then?
- Then the most interesting will come. You will leave work, leave all this fuss in a small village.
- And then what?
- Then you will have time to sit on the beach with a fishing rod, play with your children, sleep in the midday heat, then have dinner with the whole family, and then gather with friends and listen to music!

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

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