I. Bunin "Leaf fall". The word as a means of artistic expression

Klimkina E.E.

primary school teacher

MBOU School No. 11

Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod Region

I.A. Bunin “Leaf fall”. The word as a means of artistic expression. Comparisons, epithets.

(lesson of complex application of knowledge and skills)

Target: To create conditions for the development of expressive reading skills, the ability to find means of artistic expression in a literary work.

Planned results

Personal Outcomes

1) to form the ability to evaluate their own knowledge and skills

2) to form the ability to verbally evaluate the work of their classmates in the form of judgment and explanation

3) develop reader interest in the subject

Metasubject Results

Regulatory universal learning activities:

1) recognize and accept the learning task

2) evaluate the result of their own educational activities using self-control sheets

Cognitive universal learning activities:

1) extract new knowledge: extract information presented in various forms (text, table, diagram, figure, etc.)

2) process the information received, draw conclusions

Communicative universal learning activities:

1) communicate your position to other people: formulate your thoughts in oral and written speech, taking into account your educational and life speech situations

2) listen to other people, consider their points of view, treat them with respect, be ready to change your point of view.

3) build a conscious statement in oral form

Subject Results:


express their thoughts and feelings about what they saw and read;

understand the content of what is read;

Develop skill

Highlight the main idea of ​​the piece

Find means of artistic expression in the text (personification, comparisons, epithets, alliteration)

- consciously choose intonation, reading pace and logical pauses in accordance with the characteristics of the text


multimedia projector

interactive board

a computer

Didactic tools and materials:

"Scoreboard" cards for each student

task cards (one per team)

cards with the names of means of artistic expression

drawings of children “Autumn landscape” (at the stand)

portrait of Bunin I.A.

task for teams on cards

audio recording of a poem



Lesson structure:

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Checking homework, reproduction and correction of students' basic knowledge. Knowledge update.
  3. Setting goals and objectives for the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.
  4. Fizkultminutka.
  5. Information about homework, instructions for its implementation.
  6. Reflection (summarizing the lesson).

During the classes

  1. organizational stage.
  • Our lesson is not quite normal. Today we are researchers. Like all scientists, we need to set ourselves challenges and try to solve them. And speech warm-up will help.

2. Checking homework, reproduction and correction of students' basic knowledge.Knowledge update

Teacher. Let's check our homework. With the help of a video, additional information from the Internet, encyclopedias, tell us what interesting facts from the life of the great Russian writer and poet Ivan Alekseevich Bunin you learned.

(students watch a video from the last lesson with the main stages of the writer's biography, then make presentations - 1-2 people)

Approximate content (if sent to the site)

1 student

In 1933 Bunin became the first Russian Nobel Prize in Literature.

Bunin wrote his first poems at the age of 7-8 years, imitatingPushkin and Lermontov whose work he admired.

2 student

Little Vanya and sister Masha spent their childhood with shepherds, who taught them to eat different herbs. But one day they almost paid with their lives. One of the shepherds offered to try henbane. The nanny, having learned about this, hardly gave the children fresh milk to drink, which saved their lives.

Ivan Bunin collected a collection of pharmacy bottles and boxes, which filled several suitcases to the brim.

3 student

Ivan Alekseevich admitted: “Do you have unloved letters? I can't stand the "f". And they almost called me Philip."

Bunin was always in good physical shape, had good plasticity: he was an excellent rider, he danced “solo” at parties, plunging his friends into amazement.

Ivan Alekseevich had a rich facial expression and outstanding acting talent. Stanislavsky called him to the art theater and offered him the role of Hamlet.

Speech warm-up “Find a rhyme”


Smell of winter cold

In fields and forests.

Lit up with bright purple

Heaven before sunset.

The storm blew through the night,

And with the dawn on the village,

To the ponds, to the deserted garden

The first snow fell.

And today over the wide

white tablecloth fields

We said goodbye to the belated

A string of geese.

(On the screen - a poem by I.A. Bunin in the serviceLearningApps created by studentswith missing words. You need to choose words that are suitable in meaning and in rhyme)Made Prosvirkina Vika

Check (children read the poem expressively in quatrains)

Vika, what was the name of the poem and who is its author? Why did you choose him?

3. Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.

What will be discussed in the lesson today?

You are right, guys, but to see this beauty, you need to learn how to read poetry in such a way that you want to listen and listen. And if we read in syllables, expressionless, uninteresting, then no image, no picture will come out.

- Let's define the topic of the lesson. (the teacher turns over the tablet near the portrait“Creativity of Bunin I.A.”

Yes, guys, the nature of the autumn forest is so beautifully described in the poem that you feel that you actually got to this clearing and saw everything, heard sounds, rustle of leaves. Why is the poem so colorful?

That's right, the poet used different means of artistic expression. (teacher puts a board on the board). This will be our main task in the lesson - what means of artistic expression the author uses and why. Let's repeat them.

4. Primary consolidation in a familiar situation (typical); in a changed situation (constructive).

Compiling a cluster

Let's make a cluster "Means of artistic expression".

Name the means of artistic expression.

The teacher attaches, in parallel with the answers of the children, cards with the names of the means:

comparison, personification, epithets, sound writing.

  • Define these means of artistic expression.
  • Look at the definitions given in the explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov S.I.

(students give definitions, the teacher shows definitions on the presentation by clicking, examples from poems appear, children can add their own from the studied works).

In the presentation:

An epithet is a definition added to the name of an object for

greater expressiveness.


Under its icy crust

The stream is numb. (Baratynsky E.A.)

Epithets are used to convey feelings, moods, through them the author conveys his attitude to what is happening.

Comparison - a word or expression containing the likening of one object to another.


As if in the temple I stand in silence

And I pray from the bottom of my heart. (Nikitin I.S.)

Personification - the embodiment of something in the form of a living being.


Still the earth looks sad

And the air is already breathing in spring .... (Tyutchev F.I.)

Sound writing (alliteration) - a set of techniques to enhance sound expressiveness.

Dry leaves, dry leaves,

Under the one with a fierce wind, they circle, rustle ... (Bryusov V.Ya.)

Introduction of a new term - alliteration. (card)

5. Physical education.

Let's imagine how the autumn leaves are spinning. (music by Tchaikovsky)

- Work in groups of 5-6 people. The representative of the team pulls out a piece of paper with the task. It is necessary to write out comparisons, personifications from the poem on the cards. epithets, lines with alliteration. time - 3 min.

(by hourglass).

Then one person from the team presents the joint work at the board.

(reads answers)

Feedback: If you agree with the team's response, then clap your hands.

6. T creative application and acquisition of knowledge in a new situation (problem tasks).

Guys, our main task of the lesson is to learn how to read expressively. Your work on finding means of artistic expression will help us read the poem even better. more interesting, more expressive. Let's listen. How do artists read?(audio recording)

Work on expressiveness.

Read 1 quatrain (Words are displayed on the screen, 1 passage per slide))

Forest, like a painted tower,
Purple, gold, crimson,
Cheerful, colorful wall
It stands over a bright meadow.

Describe in your own words the pictures you saw.

(word drawing)

(teacher with a marker highlights words with logical stress.)

Let's read in chorus, but follow me, set pauses, convey joy.(reception by announcer)

Who will read one?

Read 2 passages about the moth. “Playing all day today…..” to “Sunshine”.

Playing all day today
The last moth in the yard
And like a white petal
Freezes on the web
warmed by the warmth of the sun;

What picture did you see?

A moth that looks like a white petal.

This is the last moth - there are no more insects. The moth warmed itself in the sun, it is warm, pleasant, it froze on the web.

This may be his last flight.

What tempo should I choose to read this line? Fast or slow?

Loud or quiet? Why?(receptions of intonation reading)

Reading by “announcer” and 1 each.

Teacher. Now read from the lines “... today it is so light around .... and to ... hear the rustle of a leaf ... "

Today it's so bright all around
Such a dead silence
In the forest and in the blue sky
What is possible in this silence
Hear the rustle of a leaf.

Teacher. And why does the author say about silence that it is "dead"?

students - To understand that there are no sounds in the forest: neither the noise of the wind, nor the voices of birds "in the forest and in the blue height" ...

And also to hear against the background of such silence the barely noticeable sounds of a falling leaf:

What is possible in this silence

Hear the rustle of a leaf."

Teacher. Try to find words in the poem that use sounds that convey the rustling of a leaf:

What sound is repeated in this passage? (s, w)

For what? (to convey the rustle of leaves)

Reading by “announcer” and 1 each.

Remind me what this technique is called..

Sound writing (alliteration)

Read the last passage.

Forest, like a painted tower,
Purple, gold, crimson,
Standing above the sunny meadow,
Enchanted by silence;

Why does Bunin repeat the lines that were at the beginning of the poem?

Yes, autumn is joy and autumn is sadness.

Compare mood. How did we read 1 passage? And how should you read the last one, with what intonation and tempo?

Conclusion: What should be paid attention to in order to read the poem expressively?

Reading pace.

· Volume.

· Logical accents.

· Pauses.

Checking expressive reading.

In the art lesson, you depicted an autumn landscape. You were artists, and now you will become artists. Your pictures will appear on the screen, and we will hear a beautiful expressive reading.

(video clip)

Reading the poem aloud to 3 students.

Try to convey your attitude to the pictures of the autumn forest in Bunin's poem.

(students grade reading according to reading criteria)

Ivan Alekseevich has always been distinguished by vivid lyrical descriptions of his native nature. In it, so simple and at the same time immense, the poet saw the essence of all human life. Watching the passage of time, how the seasons change, how it rains or the snow falls softly, we pay tribute to the magnificence of nature. All our troubles in life fade into the background for a while. It is through nature that the deepest thoughts can be conveyed.

Dating the poem

Before starting Bunin's Falling Leaves, it is necessary to say a few words about when it was created and published. The work of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin that interests us belongs to the early period of his work. It was written in August 1900, when the poet was 30 years old. And in October of the same year, the work was published in the St. Petersburg magazine "Life" with the subtitle "Autumn Poem" and a dedication to Maxim Gorky. This poem by Ivan Alekseevich gave the name to the first collection of poetry by this author, which appeared in 1901. The collection "Leaf Fall" was awarded the Pushkin Prize (in 1903). Until the end of his life, Bunin cherished the work of interest to us.

"Falling Leaves" is a poem, the analysis of which reveals many curious features hidden in it. In the same way, the author himself finds in autumn something that opens only to an attentive gaze.

Theme of the poem

The analysis of Bunin's poem "Leaf Fall" should begin with the definition of the topic. This work belongs to the landscape lyrics. Its theme is a description of autumn nature. The author, watching how it changes, reflects on the course of a person's life. These reflections introduce philosophical motives into the poem.

Construction and rhyming

The real master of composition is Bunin. "Falling Leaves" is a poem that is distinguished by a peculiar, very unusual construction. In terms of rhyming, the work consists of 7 quatrains and 2 couplets, which are written. At the same time, stanzas 1, 3 and 5 are characterized by cross-rhyming, female and male rhymes alternate in them. Several other features have 6, 8 and 9 stanzas. They are written in a ring rhyme. As for stanzas 2, 4 and 7, they are characterized by adjacent rhymes. Many critics rightly point out that the poem is close to folklore and has a special melodiousness.

Space and time in the work

Analyzing the poem "Leaf Fall" by Bunin, one should certainly say about the space and time in it. They play a special role in the work. Bunin throughout the narrative expands its spatial and temporal boundaries. The time at the beginning of the poem is short - it is "today", that is, one day. And the action of the work is limited to a clearing. This allows readers to catch the last moments of happiness: to see the last moth, to feel the farewell warmth of the sun, to hear the thrush croaking. As the story progresses, time expands. Now it covers a whole month ("September, circling through the thickets of boron ..."). The same can be said about space - it becomes larger, accommodating the entire sky and the whole forest. Time and space at the end of the poem take on a truly planetary scale.

The image of autumn

In the poem, autumn is a collective concept. On the one hand, it's the time of year. But on the other hand, autumn appears as an independent being. This is the mistress of the forest, "quiet widow". Through a humanized image, the artist reveals to the reader the inner life of nature. Her world is filled with joy, pain and suffering.

Changing states of nature

The poet depicts the change in the states of nature, using various means. At the same time, without separating the natural environment from man, Ivan Alekseevich surprisingly subtly describes the change in the mood of the lyrical hero himself. Bunin in his poem carries out the idea of ​​the cyclical processes of the universe, as well as eternal life. To do this, he creates a ring in the poem. We see how the beauty of golden autumn is replaced by the beauty of suffering and withering of nature, and then a new beauty appears - cold, wintery and beautiful.

The image of the autumn forest

Ivan Alekseevich in the first part of his work creates a picturesque forest. To do this, he uses various contrasts and colors ("silver of the web", "lilac tower", "light, sunny meadow", "amber reflection of foliage"). The poet, drawing a fairy tale of autumn, resorts to the appropriate fairy tale vocabulary. He compares the forest with a carved tower, the clearing with a wide courtyard, and the gaps in the foliage for him are like windows.

The analysis of "Falling Leaves" allows us to notice that the bright, cheerful perception of the autumn forest is gradually replaced in the poem by a minor mood. It is connected with the fact that the image of a "quiet widow" appears in the work, as well as the motive of death. Ivan Alekseevich paints a picture of the now silent stupor of the forest, which is preparing for imminent dying.

Life and death

In the third part, dying is conveyed with the help of appropriate sounds. We see that the carnival of bright colors has already sunk into oblivion, and autumn is moving further and further south. But in the final part of the poem, a joyful event occurs. Winter winds bring new life, which again replaces death. This is how the poem created by Ivan Bunin is filled with a life-affirming meaning.

"Leaf fall": analysis of expressive means

In the work, the transfer of movement is organized using expressive means, such as inversion in the first stanza ("it's raining", "leaves are spinning"), as well as an antithesis that contrasts directed ("geese keep flying") and random movement ("leaves are spinning") .

The poem "Falling Leaves" (Bunin) is characterized by an abundance of paths. Its analysis also allows us to notice that the author uses an anaphora. In addition, Bunin uses the assonance "o" and "e", which makes the poem melodious. And the sound images of the rustling of leaves and silence are created by the alliteration of the sounds "s" and "sh".

Bunin's poem is full of comparisons. A moth, for example, he compares with a white petal. And the fabrics shine like a "net of silver." In addition, the work contains metaphors ("a colorful tower", "among a wide courtyard"), personifications (autumn enters "one's own tower"), epithets ("frosty silver", "dead silence", "quiet widow").

Bunin's skill

Concluding the analysis of the poem "Falling Leaves" by Bunin, we note that its author is a real artist. In the work, he managed to put into words and convey the diversity of the world around us, the grandeur and beauty of nature. The opinion of many literary critics agrees that "Falling Leaves" is the standard of landscape lyrics. In this poem, words are masterfully chosen, which accurately and simply, to the point of genius, reveal the processes taking place in nature. One gets the impression that not just some abstract creature is wandering through the forest, but a real witch woman who mourns that life is ending, says goodbye to possessions. Moreover, the reader seems to be involved in everything that happens, becomes its protagonist. Like autumn, he can hide from loneliness and rain in a painted tower.

We invite you to complete a brief analysis of Bunin's "Falling Leaves" verse. Surely you can find interesting features of the work. Probably, it will prompt you to your own thoughts. After all, Bunin's poem leaves no one indifferent.

What epithets did Bunin use in the poem "falling leaves"?

    The school year has begun and teachers of literature will definitely give assignments to determine the means of artistic expression in literary passages. Therefore, let us first recall what EPITHET

    epithets help convey additional information, convey emotions and decorate speech. Without epithets, speech would be poor.

    Epithets are:

    In a poem by I.A. Bunin leaf fall, written in 1900, each stanza has a wonderful means of expressiveness (these are epithets, personifications, and metaphors and other tropes: anaphora, assonance, alliteration) The poem is quite large, it is no coincidence that Bunin called it Autumn Poemquot ;, therefore, we will analyze only an excerpt : first quatrain.

    Forest, like a painted tower

    • this comparison (the author compares the autumn forest with a fairy-tale tower);

    Lilac, gold, crimson - epithets(the foliage on the trees and bushes turned into different colors and from afar it even seems purple and gold. Well, the crimson color is the color of fire, flame);

    (this is a metaphor, transfer by similarity);

    glade light(epithet light conveys the very feeling of fabulous light, which happens from the golden autumn decoration of trees, from the already cool, but very bright autumn sun during the golden autumnquot ;, from an unusually blue sky).

    Actually, the entire first quatrain is a common metaphor - personification. The forest is alive, cheerful, stands like a wall, as if protecting itself and its inhabitants. And in the outline of the text - epithets-decorations.

    To make it easier and easier to recognize epithets in the text, remember that

    But one should not think that all adjectives denoting a sign are epithets. Read more about epithets here

    Let's first determine that epithets mean artistic and expressive primas used to express the essential features of an object, phenomenon, action or person.

The poem "Falling Leaves" refers to the early period of I. Bunin's work. The 30-year-old poet wrote it in August 1900, and in October a poem with a dedication to M. Gorky and the subtitle "Autumn Poem" was published in the St. Petersburg magazine "Life". The work gave its name to the poetry collection of 1901, which was awarded the Pushkin Prize in 1903. The poet himself cherished the poem until the end of his life.

"Leaf fall" is a work of landscape lyrics dedicated to the description of autumn nature. Observing the changing picture of nature, the author reflects on the course of human life, introducing philosophical motives into the poem.

"Leaf fall" is distinguished by an unusual, peculiar construction: according to rhyming the poem consists of seven quatrains and two couplets written in iambic tetrameter. The first, third and fifth stanzas of the work have cross-rhyming with alternating feminine and masculine rhymes. The sixth, eighth and ninth stanzas are written in ring rhyme, and the second, fourth and seventh stanzas are in adjacent rhymes. The peculiarity of the poem is its melodiousness and closeness to folklore.

Throughout the narrative, Bunin expands its temporal and spatial boundaries. At the beginning of the poem, the time is short - one day, "today", and the action is limited to a clearing, which allows you to catch the last moments of happiness - to notice the last moth, to feel the farewell warmth of the sun, to hear the clucking blackbird. Gradually, time expands to a month ( "September, circling through the thickets of boron ..."), and the space covers the whole forest and the whole sky. At the end of the poem, time and space take on a planetary scale.

Autumn in the poem acts as a collective concept: it is both a season, and Autumn is an independent being, "silent widow", mistress of the forest. Artist through humanized the image of Autumn reveals the world of the inner life of nature, filled with joy, suffering and pain.

The poet depicts the change in the states of nature with the help of various artistic means and techniques, at the same time, without separating nature from man, surprisingly subtly conveying the change in mood of the lyrical hero. Carrying out the idea of ​​eternal life and the cyclicity of all processes of the universe, Bunin creates a ring in the poem, going from the beauty of golden autumn through the beauty of withering and suffering of nature to a new beauty - winter, cold and beautiful.

In the first part of the poem, Bunin creates a magnificent image of autumn forest using a variety of colors and contrasts ( lilac tower, silver cobwebs, amber reflection of foliage, bright, sunny meadow). Drawing an autumn fairy tale, the poet resorts to fairy tale vocabulary, comparing a clearing with a wide courtyard, a forest with a carved tower, and gaps in the foliage with windows.

The cheerful, bright perception of the picture of the autumn forest is replaced by a minor mood associated with the appearance in the poem of the image "silent widow" Autumn and death motive. The poet paints a picture of the silent stupor of the forest on the eve of imminent dying.

In the third part, the picture of the dying of nature is conveyed with the help of sounds, the carnival of bright colors has sunk into oblivion, and autumn is moving further and further south. However, in the final part, life, brought by the winter winds, again replaces death, and nature regains joy ( “How happy sables, and ermines, and martens will be”).

The transmission of movement in the work is organized using a variety of expressive means: inversion in the first stanza ( the leaves are turning, the rain is pouring), an antithesis that opposes disorderly ( leaves swirl) and directed motion ( geese keep flying).

"Leaf fall" is distinguished by abundance trails. Bunin uses anaphora, assonance "o" and "e", giving melodiousness to the poem, alliteration of the sounds "sh" and "s", creating sound images of silence and rustling of leaves.

The poem is full of comparisons (“a moth ... like a white petal”, “... fabrics shine like a net of silver”), metaphors (among a wide courtyard, a motley tower), personifications (“Autumn ... enters its own tower”), metaphors-personifications ( “smoke rises in pillars”), epithets (quiet widow, dead silence, frosty silver).

A real artist, Bunin in "Falling Leaves" managed to verbalize and convey all the diversity of the world around him, all the beauty and grandeur of nature.

  • the formation of the skill of analyzing a poetic text, to promote students in comprehending the artistic image of a work, to teach the correlation of verbal and visual images of works, to gradually lead children from an elementary perception of poetry to an understanding of their stylistic features, to enrich students' vocabulary;
  • developing: to develop speech on the example of the analysis of a poetic work, to develop sensory perception, imaginative thinking, creative fantasy and imagination, the ability to reason and justify one's judgments, to develop the individual characteristics of students;
  • educational: to cultivate a sense of beauty, to arouse a desire and interest in observing nature, love for native nature, a careful attitude towards it, to arouse the joy of communicating with poetry.

Equipment: portrait of I.A. Bunin. Reproduction of I. Levitan's painting "Golden Autumn", drawings depicting autumn, slides for the poem "Falling Leaves" by I.A. Bunin.

During the classes

Checking homework.

Reading a poem by I.S. Nikitin "In the blue sky they float over the fields:".

What epithets were written out from the poem?

1. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Listen to an excerpt from the poem and think about what the lesson will be about.

The autumn artist waved her brush,
Yellow sprinkled light leaves,
The sky pierced with gray-lilac,
The river was covered with lead varnish.
From variegated patterned maple leaves
She spread the carpet on a green background.

Who guessed what will be discussed at the lesson today? (about autumn, we will read poetry, we will consider autumn pictures).

Children, we have been reading poetry for several lessons. Are you bored with this activity? Why? (the poems are beautiful, they are easy to read, they are quickly remembered, they describe the beauty of native nature).

Is it really necessary to read poetry in order to admire the beauty of native nature, wouldn’t it be easier to go outside and see this beauty? Why do we not always notice the beauty in the nature around us?

3. Message of the topic of the lesson.

Today we will again go to the wonderful world of poetry, we will try to see some pictures of the autumn forest through the eyes of I.A. Bunin, to understand his feelings and moods.

4. Acquaintance with the biography of the poet.

Student message:

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was born in 1870. in Voronezh in a noble family. Childhood years were spent in the family estate on the Butyrka farm in the Oryol province. In 1881 entered the Yelets gymnasium, which he left after 4 years due to illness. He appeared in print for the first time at the age of 17. He left a rich legacy of his literary work about the joy of life, human love. In 1933

Bunin was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, the money from which he donated to needy writers.

5. Work on a poem.

a) -There is snow, frost outside, and we will go to the autumn forest. Listen to the poem and think about the mood in which the author wrote it. Expressive reading by the teacher. - What feelings did you experience? Which of you wanted to visit the autumn forest that Bunin describes, wander along the autumn forest paths, feel the smells of the autumn forest, hear its sounds?

b). Reading to yourself. Find unfamiliar words.

in) Lexical work. Work in groups with an explanatory dictionary. Terem - in Ancient Russia, a tall rich house with a sloping roof, with outbuildings (p. 795).

  • Lilac - the color of violets or dark lilac inflorescences, purple (p. 327).
  • Crimson - red of a thick, dark shade (p. 33).
  • Azure - light blue, blue (p. 318). Slide 2.

G) Selective reading.

Analysis of the poem.

1. - Read the poem again and enjoy the beauty of the autumn forest. Try to imagine what Bunin writes about.

Into what parts can this passage be divided? Prove your point.

2.Analysis of the first part of the passage. Slide 3.

Let's take a closer look at the first picture of the autumn forest. How did the author depict the forest? Read the description of the forest. What did the autumn forest remind Bunin? What especially surprised him? Why does he compare the forest with a painted tower? What do they have in common?

Who in natural silence is animated? What is this technique called in fiction?

What is called personification? (Personification is the transfer of meaning by the similarity of signs from an animate object to an inanimate one).

What other language means does the author use? (epithets). (Repeat in pairs).

Group work. Students find epithets. Game "Who is more?"

Fizkultminutka "In the forest". Slide 4. 3.

What are the walls of Bunin's tower? (trees). What else in the forest looks like a tower? (birches with yellow carvings). Explain this expression.

What does the author write about Christmas trees? Why does the author use such a comparison? What do Christmas trees look like? (on the towers of the tower). What other trees does the author use as a building material for his tower? (maples). So, the tower is almost ready: the walls are trees, the towers are Christmas trees, the carvings are birches with their yellow leaves.

What is missing in this forest chamber? (windows). Read how the windows of Bunin's tower look like? What did you notice? (the author uses a comparison). Why did these windows appear? Why does the poet use similes in the poem?

What is the author of the window called? (windows). What quality of a poet does this indicate? Where else can you find confirmation of this idea? (Christmas trees). How will you read these words (affectionately, with love). - Now close your eyes and imagine this picture of an autumn forest..

Tell us what you saw, what smells in the autumn forest? Read what smells did Bunin smell? You see, and it smells in the autumn forest, as in a new tower.

So let's try to open I.A. Bunin, to understand his mood.

Find the lines in which you feel his attitude to this picture

1) he is surprised, admires "the forest, like a painted tower"

2) he admires, loves what he writes about "windows", "Christmas trees"

3) he rejoices, he has fun: "cheerful, colorful"

6. Conclusion in 1 part. - In what way did autumn appear?

7. Physical education for the eyes.

8. Analysis of the 2nd part of the passage. Slide 5-7.

Now let's look at another picture of the autumn forest. What is autumn like here? (sad) How did you guess? (and autumn as a quiet widow). What is sad about autumn? Find a word that is repeated several times. What did the author want to show with this repetition? (that all this beauty will soon end). Is it by chance?

What words-colors in this part does the author use to describe autumn?

Read the epithets that help to imagine a picture of an empty autumn forest (an empty meadow, a white moth, the last petal).

And how do comparisons change in this part? Read (airy webs of fabric, glisten like a net of silver, like a white petal). Highlight them.

How does he write about silence? Find the words that help us imagine, hear this silence (enters like a quiet widow, the moth freezes, dead silence). - Have you noticed which word enhances this silence? (Yes, such). So, nothing breaks this silence? (no, violates).

Prove (that you can hear the rustle of a leaf in this silence).

Now read these lines in chorus so that the leaves rustle under your feet. Have you noticed what sounds help to hear rustling? (w, w, h). Such a technique in fiction is called " ALLITERATION"

What is it? Read. (reading the rule). slide 8.(A special selection of consonant sounds to create a specific picture, a more accurate description of the image is called sound recording, or alliteration.)

What picture, drawn by Bunin in this part, arose in your mind? (I represent:)

In what way does autumn appear in this part?

9. Work with a reproduction of I. Levitan's painting "Golden Autumn", 1895.

What did the artist depict? What is this picture about?

What trees take center stage here?

What is shown in the background? When is the forest like this?

How do you know it's a sunny day? Is the color of the sky different?

How did you feel looking at the reproduction of the painting?

You are right, Levitan's image of golden autumn is marvelous. A joyful perception of life sounds in his picture.

Compare the image of autumn in the poem and in the picture. What do they have in common?

10. Work on expressiveness.- What should be paid attention to in order to read the poem expressively?

1. The pace of reading.

2.Tone reading.

3. Logical stresses.

Work in pairs. Students choose the required pace and tone of reading, explain their choice, highlight the words that are logically stressed, and pause. Prepare to read the poem out loud. Try to convey your attitude to the pictures of the autumn forest in Bunin's poem.

Reading a poem aloud to several students.(students evaluate reading according to reading criteria.

11. The result of the lesson. - What poet's poem did we meet today? What do you remember about I. Bunin? slide 9.

- What language did the author use in the poem?

Did the painting by Levitan and the poem by I.A. Bunin help you to see nature in a new way? What pictures of the autumn forest did the poet draw with the help of color words?

There is no illustration for this poem in the textbook. What would you draw? (Verbal drawing of a poem by students).

What is the mood of this poem?


Expressive reading of a poem, an excerpt by heart. Draw an autumn forest (optional).

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