Factors in choosing a role-playing game scenario. RPG classification

REMINDER. Be simple.

Role Play Choice

The procedure for checking the choice of a role-playing game or the suitability of one already available is shown in Figure 4.5.

Rice. 4.5. Role Play Choice

Each type of role-playing game described in this chapter reflects the justified and effective use of technology. It is important that mentors are clear about the type of game they intend to use. If they use one type but apply techniques that are appropriate for another, then there is a real danger of alienating students from the essence of the matter, disappointing or even harming them. On the other hand, combining the right type of play with the right style creates a sensitive and accurate learning tool.


Presentation of the role play to the participants

The planning of a role play depends to a certain extent on its place in the overall curriculum. If it is arranged at the beginning of the course, then you should explain how the entire course will be structured and why you start it with a game. If the session is scheduled in the middle of the course, then it is necessary to review what has been learned, evaluate what has been achieved and choose a specific way in which the role-play will highlight certain aspects of the subject being studied. If the game is supposed to bring together material learned in other disciplines, then most likely it will fit seamlessly into the course and require minimal explanation. In any case, the amount of clarification required will largely depend on the age and type of participants. If the exercises are carried out at school, then they can be accepted without question - which, of course, cannot be said about classes in production.

Unlike many situations in which the student easily accepts a logical explanation of what the next lesson will be, the use of role-playing requires overcoming certain psychological difficulties, which will later eliminate its possible negative consequences. There are as many options as there are mentors and students. Sometimes the mentor so fearlessly starts the role-playing game that no worries and doubts arise in the minds of the students. They willingly and enthusiastically undertake to play their parts in front of their peers, sometimes risking real or hypothetical criticism from the audience. In other cases, however, the mentor may run into serious obstacles before a group of middle-aged businessmen or immature self-confident youths are ready to genuinely share in the pleasure that the game promises them. Most mentors agree that the first entry into a role-playing game should be taken seriously.

Game methods of adult education

2. Business games

3. Role play

4. Organizational and activity games in adult education

1. The role of play in adult learning

The game is a unique mechanism for the accumulation and transfer of social experience - both practical (mastering the means of solving problems) and ethical, associated with certain rules and norms of behavior in various situations. The emergence of the game method of teaching is due to the requirements to increase the effectiveness of training through more active involvement of students in the process of not only obtaining knowledge, but also their direct (here and now) use.

For the first time, the business game was used in the 1930s in Leningrad by a group led by M. M. Birshtein in the training of managers of large enterprises, but did not receive further development in the socio-economic conditions of that time. In the 50s, business games began to spread in the United States. Currently, hundreds of variants of business and educational games have been developed.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the development and use of business games in the USSR became widespread, and the Council on Active Teaching Methods began to work at the USSR Ministry of Higher Education. Specialists involved in the development of organizational and educational games note that learning in the game is the most important condition for the development of professional activity, provided by recreating the context of a specific professional situation in the learning environment.In the course of the game, there is an accelerated mastery of objective activity due to the transfer of an active position to the participants - from the role of the player to the co-author of the game.

Some teachers and adult students consider the game a means of recreation and entertainment in the classroom, an unproductive type of learning activity. Butthe value of the game to a greater extent lies not so much in achieving didactic goals, but in socio-psychological impact on the playing participants and the effects that are observed in this case.

So, the game as a method of teaching adults makes it possible to:

    form motivation for learning (and therefore can be effective at the initial stage of learning);

2) assess the level of preparedness of students (and for this it can be used both at the initial stage of training - for input control, and at the completion stage - for final control of the effectiveness of training);

3) assess the degree of mastery of the material and transfer it from a passive state - knowledge to an active state - skill (and therefore can be effective as a method of practical skill development immediately after discussing the theoretical material);

4) get the participants their own experience of educational and gaming activities, develop the ability to design and organize educational games;

5) activate self-education of students;

6) to form a pluralism of opinions and actions, the multivariance of mental operations, an interest in a more effective construction of professional activity;

7) develop individual professional thinking, the ability to analyze and predict.

The use of play in adult education also has the following additional effects:

Freedom: the game is not a task, not a duty, not a law, but a free recreational action. It is impossible to play by order, the game goes only voluntarily;

The destruction of boring everyday life with its utilitarianism, monotony, rigid determination of the way of life. The game is extraordinary;

Exit to another state of mind. The game removes that hard tension in which a person lives in real life, and replaces it with a voluntary and joyful mobilization of spiritual and physical forces;

Order develops this quality, which is very valuable now in our unstable, disorderly world. The system of rules in the game is absolute and undeniable. It is impossible to break the rules and stay in the game;

Enthusiasm. There is no partial gain in the game. It intensely involves the whole person, activates his abilities;

Opportunity to create and rally a team. The attractiveness of the game is so great and the play contact of people with each other is so complete and deep that the play communities show the ability to persist even after the end of the game, outside of its framework;

The element of uncertainty, which excites, activates thinking, sets up the search for optimal solutions;

The concept of honor. For her, it is not important who exactly wins, but it is important that the victory be won in accordance with all the rules and that courage, intelligence, honesty and nobility be shown with the maximum completeness in the struggle;

The concept of self-restraint and self-sacrifice in favor of the team, since only a “played” team achieves success and perfection in the game;

Compensation, neutralization of the shortcomings of reality, opposing the hard world of reality with an illusory harmonious world - the antipode. The game gives romanticism;

The development of imagination, which is necessary to create new worlds, myths, situations, rules of the game;

Persistent interest in knowledge, since role-playing and business games are created by modeling it;

The opportunity to develop your thinking, because it is necessary to build an intrigue and implement it;

Development of psychological plasticity. This is not only a competition, but also theatrical art, the ability to get used to the image to the end;

The joy of communicating with like-minded people. It is a way of group upbringing and education;

Navigate in real life situations, playing them repeatedly mentally;

Psychological stability. The game develops an active attitude to life and purposefulness in achieving the goal;

The right to make mistakes in the learning process, which, in turn, makes it possible to avoid mistakes in real practice.

As you can see, the results and effects of game learning are impressive, and it is no coincidence that in all developed countries the share of game teaching methods in the process of training and retraining of specialists is very large.

Game methods are interactive and integrative because they include elements of training, and analysis of specific situations, and discussions - depending on the goals of the game.

2. Business games

In the pedagogical literature there is no unambiguously accepted classification of learning games, but according to the type of processes (characteristics, timing, forms and areas of modeling, the role of the game leader, the degree of assignment of roles, forms of decision-making by game participants, assessment systems during the game), games are divided into three main categories:

Business games (imitation games);

Role-playing games (dramatization games);

organizational - activity games - ODI (their variants: organizational-thinking, modeling and design games).

Business games among the methods of interactive learning occupy a leading place in terms of the volume of implementation and role in the adult learning process.

The business game method originally appeared not in the education system, but in the practical sphere of management. Now business games are used in a variety of areas of practice: in research work, the process of design development, in the collective development of decisions in real production situations, in vocational training and advanced training.

In its most general form, a business game is defined as “a method of imitation (imitation, image, reflection) of managerial decision-making in various situations (by playing, acting out) according to given or

rules developed by the participants themselves. Therefore, business games are often called simulation management games.

Business games aresimulation modeling of real mechanisms and processes."This is a form of recreating the subject and social content, any real activity (professional, social, political, technical, etc.)".

The business game differs from other teaching methods in that it allows participants to "live" for some time in the studied production situation, to gain experience in professional activities in new conditions.

Yu. N. Emelyanov calls business gamesoperational, since in terms of psychological parameters (motivation, participation of intellectual resources, emotional coloring) they are similar to methods for analyzing problem situations. However, in contrast to the spontaneous discussion adopted in discussion methods and accompanied by a subjective assessment of the teacher (or manager), operational games have a scenario that contains a more or less rigid algorithm for the “correctness” and “incorrectness” of the decision being made, i.e. the learner sees the impact that his decisions had on future events. In operational (business, managerial) games, the aspect of instrumental learning is more emphasized and, at the same time, the interpersonal aspect is formalized and minimized compared to reality.

Business games can be classified: a) by area of ​​application; b) by role functions; c) by the scale of the process imitated in the game; d) by management functions.

There are four main forms of business games (BI):

1) thematic CIs related to a specific curriculum topic;

2) through DI, covering several sequentially developed topics of the training course on one production material;

3) subject complexes DI, created in the event that it is advisable to study the subject of the training course in different directions;

4) interdisciplinary complexes CIs created when a number of subjects and learning topics are combined and linked through one game.

In the educational process, various modifications of business games are used: simulation, operational, role-playing games, "business theater", psycho- and sociodramas.

simulation games. In the classroom, the activities of any organization, enterprise or its division are recreated. Events, specific activities of people (business meeting, discussion of the plan, holding a conversation, etc.) and the environment, as well as the conditions in which the event occurs or activities are carried out (the office of the boss, student audience, qualification test, etc.) can be simulated. ). The scenario of an imitation game, in addition to the plot of the event, contains a description of the structure and purpose of the simulated processes and objects.

Operation games. They help to work out the implementation of specific specific operations, for example, methods for writing a textbook, articles, reviews, solving production problems, certification of teaching staff, conducting propaganda and agitation, etc. The corresponding workflow is modeled in operational games. Games of this type are played in conditions simulating real ones.

Role-playing games. IN these games work out the tactics of behavior, actions, the performance of the functions and duties of a particular person. To conduct games with the performance of a role, a situation model is developed - a play; roles with "mandatory content" are distributed among the participants.

Business Theatre. The behavior of a person in a certain situation is staged. At the same time, the participant must mobilize all his experience, knowledge, skills, be able to get used to the image of a particular person, understand his actions, assess the situation and find the right course of action. The main task of the staging method is to improve the ability to navigate in various circumstances, to give an objective assessment of one's behavior, to take into account the capabilities of other people, to establish contacts with them, to influence their interests, needs and activities, without resorting to formal attributes of power, to an order. When using this method, a scenario is compiled, which describes specific situations, the functions and responsibilities of the actors, their tasks.

Psychodrama and sociodrama. They are pretty close to "role-playing" and "business theatre". This is also a theater, but already a socio-psychological one, in which the ability to feel the situation in the team, evaluate, change the state of another person and the ability to enter into productive contact with him is worked out.

Business games, in which the emphasis is on role-playing, are often also called role-playing.

Unlike traditional teaching methods, a business game has certain advantages that characterize it as a method of active and interactive learning.

Firstly, the simulated professional relations ensure the inevitability of the listener's involvement in the simulated professional environment. Being the subject of professional relations, he acquires the necessary skills and abilities to properly perform his production functions, which contributes to intensive professional development.

Secondly, the emotional and creative search nature of the participants' activities serves as a didactic means of developing creative (theoretical and practical) professional thinking, expressed in the ability to analyze production situations, to formulate, solve and prove (substantiate) tasks that are subjectively new for them; develops the ability to communicate effectively with a partner.

Thirdly, the business game reveals the personal potential of the listener: each participant can evaluate their own capabilities individually and in joint activities with other participants. The game method allows diagnosing not only the professional qualities of the participants, but also the typical development of individual production situations. Such classes become a kind of test of the techniques and methods of professional activity, cause a feeling of satisfaction and self-confidence.

Business game technology

The business game involves practical work on modeling various production and pedagogical situations with the help of game equipment.Modeling in the game - this is a structural element inherent exclusively in business and role-playing games for adults. In a broad sense, modeling is understood as the replacement of direct experimentation with the creation and manipulation of objects (models) that replace the real object of study. The model is implemented through rules.Rules of the game - these are the provisions that reflect the essence of the game, the ratio of all its components. Rules can be transferred to games from a cultural context, taken from life, or invented specifically for the game. Depending on the sphere that is subjected to game modeling, business games are divided into socio-economic, industrial, socio-cultural, managerial, economic, political, etc.

The stage of preparing a business game

1. Choice of topic and diagnosis of the initial situation.

2. Development of a scenario and game context, which is a specific and mandatory component in the construction of a business game.In c-holding the scriptincludes: defining goals and objectives, predicting expected results (game and pedagogical), description of the problem under study, substantiation of the task, business game plan, general description of the game procedure, content of the situation and characteristics of the actors.

Goals and objectives business games are formed on the basis of learning objectives, the content of the theoretical problems being studied and the skills that should be acquired by participants in the learning process.

When designing a business game in the classroom in the teacher training system, situations are selected that are most typical in terms of the structure of activity for a teacher, a master of industrial training, a class teacher, etc., which provides a professional context for the game.

Game context provided by: the introduction of new rules, gaming rights and obligations of players and experts; the introduction of characters; performance of dual roles; introduction of roles opposite in interests; construction of behavioral contradictions; development of a system of fines, incentives, bonuses; visual representation of the results, which is set out in the game documentation.

3. Diagnosis of the group's capabilities, playing qualities of future performers of role functions, objective circumstances that affect the course of the game.

Introduction to the game

1. Familiarization of participants and experts with the initial information.

2. Formation of mini-groups (4-5 people each), creation of arbitration (experts, 4-5 people), informing the participants about the conditions of the game, introducing game rules, handing over game documents.

3. Joint definition of the tasks of the game and learning tasks; discussion of the mode of operation. Collecting additional information, studying special literature. If necessary, participants turn to the facilitator and experts for advice.

4. Distribution of roles. It is forbidden to refuse the received role, leave the game, be passive about the game, suppress the activity of participants, violate the rules and ethics of behavior.

Implementation stage

From the moment the game begins, you cannot interfere and change its course. Only the facilitator can correct the actions of the participants if they move away from the main goal of the game. Depending on the type of business game, different types of role positions of the participants can be used (for example, “idea generator”, “imitator”, “erudite”, “analyst”, “organizer”, “trainer”, “initiator”, “conservative”, "programmer", "leader", "independent", etc.).

Possible course of the business game:

1) analysis of the initial information;

2) preparation for the performance of role functions and tasks;

3) performance by participants of role-playing functions, imitation of prepared tasks.

Analysis stage

1. Analysis of the results of the game by the participants.

2. Speeches of experts, exchange of thoughts, protection by the participants of their decisions and conclusions.

3. Summing up the results of the game by the teacher, who notes the results achieved, mistakes, formulates the final result of the lessons.

Of particular importance in a business game is a joint discussion of its results, an analysis of the experience gained.

At the same time, it is important:

Determine the problems and phenomena that took place in the game;

Determine and show the correspondence of the game to real life;

To identify the reasons for the different behavior of the participants;

Find out if similar patterns of behavior take place in real life;

Suggest what needs to be changed in the game in order to achieve a better result;

Suggest what should be changed in real life.

During the game, the teacher can take different positions: be the leader of the game (game technician); act in one of the roles (playing position) or as an assistant and consultant (facilitator); observe and evaluate at the end of the actions of the participants (the position of the expert).

The nature of the business game depends on the degree of its complexity (number of participants, duration in time, complexity of the task itself), problematic nature (conflict of the situation, confrontation of the parties), as well as on the degree of improvisation of the participants (from predetermined actions to free improvisation).

It takes time to prepare such games, but the interest of adults in them is unusually high. Very often during the game, participants in a state of emotional upsurge resort to imitation, dramatization.

Joint activity in a business game often has the character of role-playing interaction, carried out in accordance with the rules and norms prescribed or adopted during the game itself. In pedagogy, any games (business, role-playing, etc.) are associated with certain rules (conditions) for the players. Role-playing interaction in a business game makes it look like a role-playing game.

The reality of playing situations, the mechanism of joint activity and systems of communication and relations bring the method of business games closer to the conditions of practical activity of real workers of some functioning socio-economic system. This is one of the important differences between a business game and an organizational activity.

The business game as a method includes other forms of active learning. For example, in the process of its preparation and discussion of the results, methods of discussion, analysis of specific situations, actions according to instructions, parsing mail, solving production problems, etc. are used. in combination with gaming tools is significantly increased.

3. Role play

Role play as a game method is characterized by the presence of a task or problem and the distribution of roles between participants to solve it. Role play (essentially a dramatization game) is a process in which participants are invited to "play" another person or "play" a certain problem situation. In other words, role-playing games are small scenes of a planned or arbitrary nature, reflecting models of life situations.

A role-playing game is an effective development of behavioral options in those situations in which the participants of the seminar may find themselves (for example, certification, defense or presentation of any developments, conflict with colleagues, etc.). The game allows you to acquire the skills to make responsible and safe decisions in life.

The role and its acceptance are the most important components of the role-playing game. The performance of the role is an exact, literal reproduction of the activities of another person (for example, a teacher, a student, a deputy director for experimental work, a director, a methodologist of a district (city, regional) methodological center, etc.).

The acceptance of the role is carried out at the cognitive, emotional and behavioral levels.

According to M. Forverg, a person can take on a role through:

appropriation of external traits of behavior,

appropriation of norms of behavior;

assignment of social tasks facing the role.

Since in a role-playing game the participant plays the role of some character, and not his own, he can freely experiment and not be afraid that his behavior will look stupid or inadequate.

A feature that distinguishes role-playing games from business ones is the lack of a system for evaluating the campaign of the game. In role-playing games, the actions of the players are stimulated by the game complex itself, which includes elements of the environment that are external to the simulation object. Players independently analyze the situation that has developed during the game, due to which self-organization of the participants is achieved.

The leader of the role-playing game, as a rule, is not a direct participant in the gaming complex. He is a person "behind the scenes", whose task is to create and maintain conditions that represent objective reality with the help of mediated game methods: theatrical characters, newspaper publications, letters, conferences, etc.

Role playing is non-stop. This means that the game is not interrupted for discussion. In a role-playing game, there are no procedural means that influence the players, such as the opinion of experts or the facilitator. All this provides a certain naturalness and maximum immersion of the participants in the gameplay. Unlike other games in a role-playing game, depending on its goals, decisions can be made both collectively and individually.

The emotional effect of a role-playing game is based on the “living” by the participants of a new experience in a game environment, on a kind of discovery that a person makes while participating in the game.

Game actions are related to the target aspect of the game. They can be set by the scenario, game facilitators (teachers) or normative documents, or they can be formulated (chosen) by the players in accordance with their own vision of the situation. From the point of view of the independence of the actions of the players and the rigidity of the game rules, games can be divided into "hard",

"free" and occupying an intermediate position (in which a kind of compromise has been reached between the first two).

The process of play distinguishes this teaching method from situation analysis and training. The process of the game assumes the mandatory inclusion of additional inputs that can significantly affect the playing roles and actions of the participants.

Preparing and conducting a role play

When conducting a role-playing game, it is important for the teacher to take into account a number of principles.

1. The game must be meaningful to the participants. Its significance is determined by the correspondence of the situation to the participant's sphere of interests or personal plan.

2. It is necessary to choose such situations that can be solved within the framework of the lesson. These situations can be identified through interviews or preliminary diagnostics of the participants.

3. The correct selection of persons who will take part in the game is important.

Either the curator or a pre-trained listener should lead the game.

The mechanism for conducting a role-playing game (dramatization game)

1. The leader informs the topic of the game, designates the game situation, clarifies whether this is the case, whether this situation is significant.

2. Instructions are given about the course of the game. At the same time, you need to make sure that everyone understands it correctly, since participants often attribute their failures to the vagueness of the instructions.

3. Roles are assigned. Sometimes participants refuse the proposed roles, for this it is necessary to have fallback options. In the early days, it is better not to let the situation take its course. If the members of the group remain unoccupied in the game, then they can be given the task: to monitor the verbal and non-verbal behavior of the participants in the role-playing game, to observe how they interact, how they solve the task assigned to them.

4. Once again the problem to be solved is formulated. After that, the situation is organized, the space is marked and roles are introduced. In role-playing games, participants are given the opportunity to:

Show the existing stereotypes of response in certain situations;

Develop and use new behavior strategies;

Recognize and overcome your inner fears and problems.

Active participants act according to their roles and the information received. In the course of the role-playing game, the observers, as well as the invited specialist or teacher, do not interfere in the actions of the participants in any way, but keep notes for later commenting.

5. Summing up is carried out on the basis of the judgments emotionally experienced by the players, the reaction of each of the participants is recorded. The leader sets out facts, information, comparing them with the emotional reactions of the players.

An example of a role-playing business game can be "Pedagogical Council - Protection of Innovations".

Each group of teachers (department, department) is given the task: to first study any pedagogical innovation and, at the council in a concise form (10-15 minutes), present its ideas and features, get acquainted with the specific experience of using this pedagogical technology or its elements (open lessons, study of methodological materials). In addition, the group selects from among its members the performers of the following roles:

Optimists - associates of the innovator, defenders of ideas, their propagandists;

Pessimists are conservatives and skeptics, opponents of ideas;

Realists are analysts who are able to weigh all the pros and cons and draw the necessary conclusions.

Depending on the number of participants and the discussed innovations, it is possible to single out creative groups not only in the indicated areas, but also in other role areas (student - teacher - parent - administration, etc.).

As a result of a business discussion of innovation by roles, the pedagogical council comes to one or another decision on the appropriateness of its application.

4. Organizational and activity games in adult education

Organizational activity games (OGA) are a larger form of game activity and are more common in managerial practice than in vocational training. Organizational-activity and organizational-learning games (OOI) are forms of collective mental activity, during which training and design (creation) of new activity models take place. Such games are conducted by specialists-methodologists and game technicians on the basis of a deep theoretical study of the problems being solved in order to introduce new practice in some professional field.

In the course of ODI, used in management activities, as a rule, problems associated with the creation or reform of existing organizational structures are solved. For these purposes, employees of organizations with the appropriate potential and authority to solve strategic problems are involved. Sometimes the game can be used as a practical guide for solving complex problems of various kinds, as well as when it is necessary to bring together specialists from different areas.

ODI and OOG require quite a long time (several days) and additional economic costs for their implementation. Because of this, the popularity of ODI has recently declined somewhat.

Preparation of ODI should be carried out by specialists - game technicians.

For the successful implementation of the organizational - activity learning game, it is necessary to perform the followingconditions :

The game should have a common theme, should be aimed at solving a specific problem, which is formulated by the game participants acting as customers;

The game requires an organizational group that coordinates the activities of the participants and manages their interaction;

During the discussion, in the process of finding new solutions, contradictions and conflicts may arise; a specially dedicated problematization group is designed to identify problems of a social and professional nature;

During the game, situations are possible when none of the players can offer a solution to the problem; to get out of such situations, a group of methodological support is formed;

In order to maintain a favorable moral and psychological climate at the game, a psychological support group is created, which also performs a purely research function of studying the main processes of the game and the relationships between its participants;

A technical support group is also needed, which registers all the working processes of the game (recording on a tape recorder, diagrams, posters, etc.);

The above groups are part of the organizers of the game. Depending on the theme of the game, working groups are created, where both organizers and customers can sign up.

Basic requirements for the activities of ODI participants.

1. Each participant in the game is in two plans - subject and organizational - activity.

2. Everyone must personally determine himself in this situation. According to the terms of the ODI, each player puts forward goals, limited by the scope of the topic, and tries to achieve them. By accepting the terms of the game, the participant performs an act of self-education. In this state, he will have to live for several days, struggling to achieve his goals, organizing his activities, participating in the work of the group, cooperating with others.

Each ODI participant needs to make himself the subject of discussion. The organizational activity game is a game in oneself and for oneself, one's own understanding and misunderstanding.

3. Lack of framework (“play without rules”), removal of ranks allows you to change social roles, break the stereotypes of behavior and thinking of the participants, contributes to their abandonment of their outdated approaches and means in favor of new methods.

4. Work on the identification and development of the problem requires participants to enter the field of ideal objects and analyze, predict and reflect on their own activities. Reflection, in the words of Hegel, is “thinking about one’s own thinking”, that is, the initial verification of one’s thoughts and control over its course through a discussion of the actions of the participants and the results obtained at each stage. The result of reflection is a different understanding of not only the situation, but also oneself.

5. Participants are included in the team thinking activity (KMD), which requires tolerance for other people's opinions and alienation of the results of activities from the individual.

6. In the technology of problematization and "assembly" of ideas in ODI, a special design is used, the "language of schematic images", which participants have to master intensively.

7. The system of evaluation by the participants of each other, experts leading during the game is often absent. Decisions are made collectively. The goal of the game team prevails over individual aspirations, the participant must be psychologically ready for this.

8. "Compliance with the principle of cultivation, openness of game-technical ideas at the end of each round of the game (the reflection phase of the day and methodological consultations) and at the end of the game predetermine the absence of the effect of manipulating the players."

The content of the work of a game engineer. The game technician problematizes the means of the players’ activity (acting according to the rule: “For a person to understand, he needs to be hooked”), encourages them to reflect, promotes awareness of stereotypes, internal obstacles, a clearer understanding of goals and their own interests; organizes communication between the players in the group, helps to transfer the mastered method into a specific activity, attracts the methodological apparatus to problem solving. Thus, the game technician carries out research, pedagogical, organizational and communicative activities.

He controls several layers.


Organization of communication in the group, analysis of what is happening in the psychological plan, promotion of self-determination in the group regarding tasks.

Understanding and managing group dynamics. It is important to achieve agreement in the group (ritual and in content), to identify leaders in terms of content, methods, communication, to determine who will make a report from the group. If there is no leader in terms of content, the game technician helps the members of the group in self-determination in relation to the task, monitors the work of the group at the plenary meeting, but does not interfere in its work.

Tracking individual progress (the dynamics of individual development, motivation for working in the plenary) and helping the players to understand and accept the changes that should happen to them.

Generalization (access to a more abstract level, introduction of procedures for schematization and manipulation of schemas - one of the key processes of OI).

Problematization according to the method, the design of thinking. The game technician is obliged to monitor how awareness occurs and to encourage the participants.

Reflection of the way of mental activity (What has been done in the group? How did we get to this? Where have we progressed? What prevents the group from moving forward, what slows down the work? What would help the group to be more productive? How did this work differ from what we saw before? did you personally progress? What methods did you acquire? How did the schemes help?). The game technician must know how his questions affect the participants.

Work with the content (its analysis, generalization, highlighting the main, important and ranking statements in relation to the task in hand, unobtrusively highlighting the most important versions and demonstrating the inconsistency of other options).

Assistance in the design of content in the language of circuitry.


Compliance with the rules and retention of the task. If the group fails, then

1) activities are curtailed, and the leader speaks at the plenary meeting with the accumulated experience, focusing on the stages of work;

2) the group continues to work after notifying the leader.


1. Panfilova, A. P. Innovative pedagogical technologies. Active

training [Text]: textbook. allowance / A.P. Panfilova. - M. : Academy, 2009. - 192 p.

2. Panina, T. S. Modern ways to enhance learning [Text]: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions / T. S. Panina, L. N. Vavilova; ed. T. S. Panina. - M. : Academy, 2006. - 176 p.

Description: The embodiment of selected work situations that allow the group to see the variety of approaches to solving the problem. Depending on the objectives of the training, this form of training may take the form of a game or exercise. It usually includes an element of competition or role reversal. In many cases, the roles of employees of some organization (salespeople, managers, leaders, etc.) are distributed among the training participants. Participants receive data “entering the game” - a condition, a description of role behavior. Mandatory instructions for each participant.

Impact on group dynamics:

Increases: tight time frames, video camera, feedback only from the coach, illiterate feedback, if not long and clear, if there are time limits. When the game - as a result of the lesson.

Reduces: deroling (out of role), soft format, positive feedback (Feedback) from participants, humor, reaction, involvement of other participants. Stretching in time. Lack of clarity about who does what. You can not turn the game into rural amateur performance. The members start to get bored.

Number of participants: up to 5 people in one game.

Role-playing algorithm:

1) Choose an active participant. You give instructions.

2) Choose a supporting participant. Give instructions.

3) Read the tasks to the group.

4) Give time for preparation (2-3 minutes).

5) Indicate how long the game will last. (no more than 5 minutes)

6) After - deroling (denoting the exit from the role of players, "You are now not a manager, but a participant in the training - Vasya")

7) Ask active players if they did everything they wanted. You give the opportunity to “name the mistakes themselves”, to remove the negative.

8) Discussion in the group. Analysis of actions according to specified criteria (whether they followed the technology of making contact, non-verbal behavior, etc.

9) Give eco-friendly feedback.

In short, here is a summary table for the conscious use of role play during training. And not in order to "take time."

Role playing is a systemic action. It is wrong to give a role-playing game immediately after the information is given!

Remember the order of actions during the classic skill development module:

elemental exercise
complex action ROLE-PLAYING GAME
1 element: for example the phrase greeting and contact. 2 elements:
contact + question to clarify the need
3 elements:
Contact + Need + Presentation

An example of a role-playing game for the training of sales representatives: “Making contact during a visit to a sales outlet

  1. Instructions to the active participant:You are a sales representative.

You arrive at a retail outlet and find out that the owner of the outlet has suddenly left on urgent business for a month.

In his place is his son (28 years old), he is endowed with all powers. But you don't know him. The owner's son is unaware that you almost agreed to supply 100 sets.

2. Instruction to the accompanying participant: You are the son of the store owner.

You are 28 years old. You finally got the opportunity to manage your father's affairs. Today is your second working day. In the morning there was an unpleasant conversation with the tenants of the shopping complex. Now you are talking with a sales representative, you see him for the first time, and you know nothing about him, the product, or past agreements.

3.Group instruction:

Now you will see the beginning of the conversation between the sales representative and the new owner of the outlet. This is their first meeting, they must establish contact. Carefully follow the course of the conversation, note the actions of each interlocutor that contributed to establishing contact.

Example role play for retail sales training: “Fitting and closing the sale”

You need to complete the sale by offering to try on the shoes for a middle-aged man. The man liked the specific shoes, but he behaves a little strange.

2. You are a man who liked the shoes of the Sport asset line.

Would you like to try on, while there are doubts about the appropriateness of the acquisition. There is a discount card. There is a hole in the left toe. In a particular store for the first time. If your feet in boots are praised, buy. You will pay by card.

3. Group instruction:

Now you will see the communication between the client and the seller - consultant at the stage of fitting and completion of the sale. Carefully follow the course of the conversation, note the actions of the seller - consultant, which contributed to the completion of the sale.

Example role play for training retail sales: “Clarification of the need”. (Sale of air conditioners)

  1. Instructions to the active participant. You are a sales consultant.

Your task is to find out the needs of the client and offer him an equipment option that meets his needs.

2.Instruction to the accompanying participant. You are a married man. Your wife recently became ill with a heart. Since the whole week, it's hot, and the apartment is on the south side. Doctors said that this attack was weather-conditioned, that it was the elevated temperature in the room that led her to such a state. You have surrounded her with fans on all sides, but she is unhappy with her blowing hot air strongly, while, as she says, everything around rumbles and makes noise, and it is impossible for her to sleep. You need an air conditioner that suits your needs. Since the purchase is unplanned, you plan to buy a simple air conditioner. You make a decision about the purchase, depending on the actions of the seller!

3.Group instruction:

Now you will see the communication between the client and the seller - consultant at the stage of clarifying the needs and presenting the proposal. Carefully follow the course of the conversation, note the actions of the seller - consultant, which contributed to the clarification of the need and the formation of the proposal.

Example role-playing game for the training of managerial skills:"Management Conversation"

  1. Instructions to the active participant. You are a retail store manager.

You need to have a motivational conversation with the salesperson A.P. Petrova. She is regularly late for work. You are interested in this employee. She proved to be an active and competent employee. You know that she has a small child, and you assume that this is the reason for being late. However, you need to ensure that all employees, without exception, adhere to the working hours.

2. Instruction to the accompanying participant. You are the seller Petrov A.P.

You are satisfied with your work. You have a small child 3.5 years old. He does not like to go to kindergarten, often delays the fees in connection with which you are late for work. You hope that the store manager will enter into your position, because know that he is interested in you.

3.Group instruction:

Now you will see a conversation between a retail store manager and a salesperson. Carefully follow the course of the conversation, note the methods of conducting a managerial conversation.

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Business training: how it's done Grigoriev Dmitry A.

4.2.7. The main stages of the development of a role-playing game

There are five main stages in the development of a role-playing game:

1. Determining the tasks to be solved using this teaching method.

2. Providing conditions for a role-playing game.

3. Development of roles and the situation being played out.

4. Choice of the type and format of the role-playing game.

5. Development of a detailed scenario for its implementation.

Let's consider each of the stages in more detail.

Stage 1. Setting goals. Means that the coach:

Formulates the changes for which the role-playing game is being held, that is, what attitudes will be formed among the participants with its help, what skills, techniques and technologies have been worked out;

Builds a logical relationship between the game and the overall training program so that the tasks of the role-playing game follow from the previous logic of the training.

Stage 2. Analysis and provision of conditions for the role-playing game. One of the key conditions for the success of a role play is the time that can be used to conduct it. It should be enough for a preliminary discussion, coordination of tasks, briefing, conduct of the game and its analysis, generalization and summary of the coach based on its results. If there is not enough time, it is necessary to consider the possibility of replacing the role-playing game with another method, or choose a format for conducting it that will take a minimum of time.

Another important point is the analysis of the extent to which students are ready to participate in a role-playing game. In my practice, there were cases when the whole group refused role-playing games. As a rule, this happens either in the case when the training audience is old enough, has not previously taken part in trainings and role-playing is new to them; or when trainees are not motivated to participate in the training and do not want the role play to reveal that their competencies need to be developed.

This does not mean that in this case this method cannot be used in training. But such a situation definitely requires preliminary work with the participants before the training or at its beginning. Accordingly, in this case, it is important to determine whether the coach has the opportunity to carry out such work.

In addition, it is important to pay attention to the training room: whether there are necessary conditions for conducting a role-playing game. For example, in my practice, although rarely, there are still situations when training has to be carried out in rooms with a large non-movable table in the middle.

Stage 3. Definition of roles and situations of role-playing game. They are designed based on the objectives of the role-playing game. For example, if the game is aimed at developing the skills of setting tasks by a manager to subordinates, then there will be two roles in it: a manager and an employee.

The situation should be formed in such a way that it has the opportunity to develop the necessary skills, that is, so that the participant can act correctly or choose an ineffective strategy of behavior.

Suppose a customer is concerned that his managers do not set clear, specific goals for their subordinates. In this regard, the trainer wants to develop in the participants the skills of setting goals using knowledge of the SMART criteria. Then the participants may be asked to act out a situation where initially the task is formulated very broadly (for example, “as part of a personal meeting with a subordinate, the manager should set him the task of increasing sales of related products”). This will allow participants to role-play either to try to give a specific task in accordance with SMART criteria, or to set it in a general way and thereby demonstrate inefficient ways of setting tasks.

Thus, the definition of the specific content of the game includes:

Definition of the composition of roles;

Definition of the situation (content, on the basis of which the interaction of roles will unfold);

The choice of the main methods of communication (in what form the roles will interact - negotiations, meetings, rallies, etc.).

Stage 4. Choosing the type and format of the role-playing game. The formats and types of role-playing games have been discussed above. It is advisable for the coach to be guided by a set of criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of his choice:

Does the chosen type of role-play match the objectives of this training unit?

Are there resources needed for this type of RPG?

Are the roles clearly defined, will they be understood by the players?

Can the script be simplified?

Can participants meet the requirements?

Will the game affect the emotional sphere of the participants too deeply? Is the chosen format appropriate for the degree of personal risk participants are willing to accept?

Would role play as a learning method be the best way to achieve the goal?

Stage 5. Script development. Developing a detailed scenario includes determining how the role play will be set up and played step by step. At a minimum, it is important for the coach to clearly define the following:

How participants will be introduced to the topic of the role play;

How the objectives and process of the role play will be presented;

How role play participants will be identified and how role instructions will be given;

How the process of the game will be built;

How the sequence of questions will be built when discussing the results;

What key points will it be important for the coach to voice as part of the generalization of the results.

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4.3.7 Main Versions of the Game Let's list the most common versions of the ORGANIZER business game. "Single production". When using this version of the Game, all gaming organizations, having received raw materials (or components) before the “start”, produce only one product.

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4.12.4 Main stages There are three stages of the Game: 1) introductory stage (0.5–1.0 h); 2) life support stage (1.5–2.5 h); 3) summing up stage (0.5 -1.0 h). At the introductory stage, participants get acquainted with the rules of the Game, receive official positions by lot and

Features of business games

Business games are effective methods for solving production problems. Production business games are used to improve and refine existing organizational, managerial and technological processes, as well as to ensure the introduction of new organizational and management systems1. In applied psychological research, business games are used as a means of solving the problems of professional selection, psychological certification of personnel, professional training, etc.

The business game is based on the following principles: the principle of problematicness, the principle of dialogue communication, the principle of interaction between partners. Business games are multi-step procedures that simulate the dynamics of a controlled process on a compressed time scale and are characterized by the presence of feedback. The main principle of business games is the simulation of both the object and the structure of professional activity.

As a rule, any business game consists of 12 main elements1. Let's take a look at these elements.

1) Scenario - text describing the plot of the game.

2) Impulse - a problem, a controversial issue, information provided to participants during the game for the exchange of views.

3) Sequence of the cycle - a sequence that at the macro level includes the conditions of the game, the introductory cycle, the final cycle and the evaluation of the game; at the micro level - introduction, general direction, action, assessment of the cycle.

4) Stages of the game - a detailed description of the development of activities during the game.

5) Rules.

6) Roles - characters with given models of player behavior.

7) Models - accounting system techniques for tracing logical processes.

8) The sequence of decisions and connections between the actions of the players.

9) Accounting system - a set of established procedures by which the results of the game are processed.

10) Pointers - aspects of the accounting system to which the facilitator draws the attention of the participants.

1) Symbols - visual aids containing a number of characteristics of some game concepts.

2) Equipment - necessary props to ensure the game.

1 Workshop on General, Experimental and Applied Psychology / Ed. A.A. Krylova, S.A. Manichev. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000. - 560 p.

Role-playing games

A role-playing game is a simulation of a situation where participants are invited to play the role of a person in circumstances or situations that are familiar to them.

A scenario for a role-playing game can be invented or use a real situation that a person may encounter or has already encountered. In practice, most role-playing games are one-act skits without pre-written lines, where two or more participants act as different people.

Role-playing games provide participants with personal involvement and the opportunity to learn actively. Participants in an uncritical and comfortable environment act out situations from real life. Their behavior, speech, and feelings during this process form the basis for increasing self-esteem and awareness by feeding back the impression their behavior makes on others. And this, in turn, allows you to find out which behaviors, words and approaches are most effective. In a game situation, you can safely make mistakes and learn from them.

Thus, participants get the opportunity to find out what other people see, hear and feel; what kind of reaction they evoke in others with their attitude and behavior. This encourages people to analyze their own behavior and listen to the opinions of others, gives them the skills to assess the positions and needs of other people.

Role-playing games can be used in various situations and in solving various problems:

¦ The need to obtain or improve the skills of effective communication and interpersonal interaction (negotiating, business communication).

¦ The need to actively involve students in the learning process.

¦ The need to learn in practice methods of action that may be useful in future real-life situations.

¦ The need to replay a situation that could not be dealt with in the past.

The need to change the attitude towards a situation or a person.

1 Turner D.

Role-playing games. Practical guide. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. - 352 p.

Role-playing games allow you to develop the ability to conduct and control a conversation, resolve conflicts, effectively state a request and be able to correctly refuse, reach agreements or achieve commitments.

The effectiveness of role plays as a teaching method depends on the quality of the feedback. Comments should be constructive, otherwise they can reduce a person's self-confidence, create barriers in further interaction. Positive and correct remarks encourage correct behavior, give confidence and point to specific areas that need to be worked on.

Organizational and activity game1

Organizational-activity game (abbreviated as ODI) is a form of work that allows the team of the organization to create the future of the organization and learn. Each ODI is done on a specific topic, and the topic corresponds to the order of the leaders of the organization.

Such a game is used, for example, for the purpose of effective selection of personnel for a managerial position. The game is attended by labor collectives interested in personnel appointments.

Lapteva A. Forms of work. Organizational and activity game.

Organizationally, ODI participants are divided into three groups:

1) a group of applicants (divided into subgroups);

2) a group of experts;

3) working group with the function of peer review.

In accordance with the procedures, the DIA is divided into four phases. In the first phase, the game team carries out a system analysis of the situation, trying to reach the scheme of the enterprise in its diverse functional relationships with external systems. In the second and third phases of the game, the most important aspects of the situation for the enterprise are discussed, in the fourth phase - a topic related to the economic and economic policy of the future head of the enterprise.

In each phase, 2-3 hours are allotted for work in subgroups, then a general meeting is held, at which each subgroup makes a 5-10 minute report. Each report is followed by a discussion. Mandatory procedure (1 hour) - reflexive analysis of the situation, i.e. analysis of what is happening at the game, analysis of the performance of the group and the actions of each player, programming of work for the next phase.

After the completion of the ODI, the "election campaign" begins, during which the finalists present their programs in various departments and departments of the enterprise. This stage ends with the final selection of a candidate for a vacant position. The advantage of ODI is solving problems taking into account the real problems of the enterprise:

Formation of an enterprise development strategy (without a new own strategy, a change in leadership becomes meaningless);

Identification of the main production problems of the enterprise;

Formation of consolidated groups and teams within the organizational and management structure that will implement new strategies for the development of the enterprise.

The shortcomings of the ODI are the psychological rigidity of the competition procedure, when applicants who cannot withstand excessively intense mental work and require special psychological assistance and support are often “overboard”. In addition, ODIs are built on the principle of undermining the old organizational structure through deliberately provoking conflict.

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