Download a presentation about the work of M. Tsvetaeva. Biography of Marina Tsvetaeva

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Mari na Ivanovna Tsveta Eva (September 26 (October 8), 1892, Moscow, Russian Empire - August 31, 1941, Yelabuga, USSR) - Russian poetess, prose writer, translator, one of the largest Russian poets of the 20th century.

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Marina Tsvetaeva was born on September 26 (October 8), 1892 in Moscow, on the day when the Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of the Evangelist John the Theologian. This coincidence is reflected in several poems of the poet. With a red brush, Rowan lit up. Leaves fell, I was born. Hundreds of Bells argued. The day was Sabbath: John the Evangelist.

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Her father, Ivan Vladimirovich, is a professor at Moscow University, a well-known philologist and art critic; later became the director of the Rumyantsev Museum and the founder of the Museum of Fine Arts.

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Mother, Maria Alexandrovna Mein (by origin - from a Russified Polish-German family), was a pianist, a student of Anton Rubinstein. A huge influence on Marina, on the formation of her character was exerted by her mother. She dreamed of seeing her daughter as a musician.

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After the death of her mother from consumption in 1906, Marina and her sister Anastasia remained in the care of their father. Anastasia (left) and Marina Tsvetaeva. Yalta, 1905. ... The azure island-childhood is getting paler, We are standing alone on the deck. It can be seen that you left sadness as a legacy, O mother, to your girls!

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Tsvetaeva's childhood years were spent in Moscow and Tarusa. Due to the illness of her mother, she lived for a long time in Italy, Switzerland and Germany. "House Tjo" was bought in 1899 by M. Tsvetaeva's maternal grandfather A.D. Maine. After his death, his second wife lived in the house for the last 20 years of her life, whom the young Marina and Asya called "Thio". Tjo from "aunt", since not her own grandmother ordered to call her aunt. The nickname "Thio" was transferred to the house. Marina and Anastasia Tsvetaeva lived in this house during their winter visits to Tarusa in 1907-1910.

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Marina Ivanovna received her primary education in Moscow, in the private women's gymnasium M. T. Bryukhonenko. She continued it in the pensions of Lausanne (Switzerland) and Freiburg (Germany). At the age of sixteen she made a trip to Paris to listen to a short course of lectures on old French literature at the Sorbonne.

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In 1910, Marina published (at the printing house of A. A. Levenson) with her own money the first collection of poems - "Evening Album". (The collection is dedicated to the memory of Maria Bashkirtseva, which emphasizes its "diary" orientation). “This book is not only a sweet book of girlish confessions, but also a book of beautiful poems” N. Gumilyov

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The "Evening Album" was followed two years later by a second collection - "Magic Lantern". Tsvetaeva's early work was significantly influenced by Nikolai Nekrasov, Valery Bryusov and Maximilian Voloshin (the poetess stayed at Voloshin's house in Koktebel in 1911, 1913, 1915 and 1917). In 1913, the third collection, "From Two Books," was published.

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I defiantly wear his ring Yes, wife in eternity, not on paper! - His face is excessively narrow Like a sword ... His mouth is silent, angles down, Painfully magnificent eyebrows. Two ancient bloods tragically merged in his face... In his face I am true to chivalry, To all those who lived and died without fear! - Such - in fatal times - Compose stanzas - and go to the chopping block. June 3, 1914 In 1911, Tsvetaeva met her future husband Sergei Efron.

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On January 27, 1912, the wedding of Marina Tsvetaeva and Sergei Efron took place. In the same year, Marina and Sergey had a daughter, Ariadna (Alya).

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In the summer of 1916, Tsvetaeva arrived in the city of Alexandrov, where her sister Anastasia Tsvetaeva lived with her common-law husband Mauritius Mints and son Andrei. In Alexandrov Tsvetaeva wrote a cycle of poems (“To Akhmatova”, “Poems about Moscow”, and other poems), and literary critics later called her stay in the city “Alexandrovsky summer of Marina Tsvetaeva”. Sisters Tsvetaeva with children, S. Efron, M. Mints (standing on the right). Alexandrov, 1916

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In 1914, Marina met the poetess and translator Sofia Parnok; their romantic relationship continued until 1916. Tsvetaeva dedicated the cycle of poems “Girlfriend” to Parnok. Relations with Parnok Tsvetaeva described as "the first disaster in my life."

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In 1917, Tsvetaeva gave birth to a daughter, Irina, who died of starvation in an orphanage in Kuntsevo (then in the Moscow region) at the age of 3 years. The years of the Civil War turned out to be very difficult for Tsvetaeva. Sergei Efron served in the White Army. Marina lived in Moscow, in Borisoglebsky Lane. During these years, a cycle of poems "The Swan Camp" appeared, imbued with sympathy for the white movement. Ariadna (left) and Irina Efron. 1919 House in Borisoglebsky Lane, 6, where M. Tsvetaeva lived from 1914 to 1922

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In May 1922, Tsvetaeva and her daughter Ariadna were allowed to go abroad - to her husband, who, having survived the defeat of Denikin, as a white officer, now became a student at Prague University. At first, Tsvetaeva and her daughter lived for a short time in Berlin, then for three years on the outskirts of Prague. Homesickness! A long-exposed trouble! It doesn’t matter to me at all - Where to be completely alone, along which stones to walk home with a market purse To the house, and not knowing that it is mine, Like a hospital or a barracks ... 1934 Marina Tsvetaeva in 1924

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In 1925, after the birth of their son George, the family moved to Paris. Mur (Georgy Sergeevich Efron), son of Marina Tsvetaeva. Paris, 1930s. M.I. Tsvetaeva with her husband and children, 1925

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Most of what Tsvetaeva created in exile remained unpublished. In 1928, the last lifetime collection of the poetess, After Russia, was published in Paris, which included poems from 1922-1925. Later, Tsvetaeva writes about it this way: “My failure in emigration is that I am not an emigrant, that I am in spirit, that is, in air and in scope - there, there, from there ...”.

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Marina Tsvetaeva
Completed by: Surina Alexandra

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If the soul was born winged - What are her mansions - and what are her huts! What is Genghis Khan to her and about - the Horde! I have two enemies in the world, Two twins, inextricably merged: The hunger of the hungry - and the satiety of the well-fed! August 5, 1918

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Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev
Professor, Head of the Department of History and Theory of Arts, Moscow University
Maria Alexandrovna Tsvetaeva (née Maine)
Pianist, student of A. G. Rubinstein

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In 1903, Tsvetaeva studied at a French boarding school in Lausanne (Switzerland), in the fall of 1904 - in the spring of 1905 she studied with her sister at a German boarding school in Freiburg (Germany), in the summer of 1909 she went to Paris alone, where she attended a course in ancient French literature at the Sorbonne.

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The beginning of creativity
The beginning of Tsvetaeva's literary activity is connected with the circle of Moscow symbolists; she meets V. Ya. Bryusov, who had a significant influence on her early poetry, with the poet Ellis (L. L. Kobylinsky), participates in the activities of circles and studios at the Musaget publishing house.
L. L. Kobylinskiy
V. Ya. Bryusov

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In 1910, without taking off his gymnasium uniform, secretly from his family and at his own expense, he released a rather voluminous collection “Evening Album”, dedicated to the memory of Maria Bashkirtseva. He was noticed and approved by such influential and demanding critics as V. Bryusov, N. Gumilyov, M. Voloshin.
“My first book, Evening Album,” recalled Marina Tsvetaeva, “came out when I was 17 years old, poems of 15, 16 and 17 years old. I published it for reasons, outside literature, but related to poetry, instead of a letter to a person with whom I was deprived of the opportunity to communicate otherwise.

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"Evening Album"
The poems of the Evening Album were distinguished by their “domesticity”, they varied such motifs as the awakening of a young girl’s soul, the happiness of a trusting relationship connecting the lyrical heroine and her mother, the joys of impressions from the natural world, the first love, friendship with fellow gymnasium students. The Love section was composed of poems addressed to V.O. Nilender, whom Tsvetaeva was then passionate about. The poems combined themes and moods inherent in children's poetry with virtuoso poetic technique.

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In the winter of 1910-1911, M.A. Voloshin invited Marina Tsvetaeva and her sister Anastasia to spend the summer of 1911 in Koktebel, where he lived. In Koktebel, Tsvetaeva met Sergei Yakovlevich Efron.

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In Sergei Efron, Tsvetaeva saw the embodiment of the ideal of nobility, chivalry, and at the same time defenselessness. Love for Efron was for her both admiration, and spiritual union, and almost maternal care.
I defiantly wear his ring - Yes, in Eternity - a wife, not on paper. - His overly narrow face Like a sword.
Tsvetaeva perceived the meeting with him as the beginning of a new, adult life and as the acquisition of happiness.

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In January 1912, the wedding of Tsvetaeva and Sergei Efron took place.

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In September of the same year, their daughter Ariadne was born.

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Tsvetaeva dedicates the second collection of her poems “The Magic Lantern” (1912) to Sergei Efron
Sleep, princess! Already in the valley the Bell has died down, Already the blue dusk has touched your shoes. Slightly swaying birch, Fresh breeze. In a dream you will see the tears of abandoned pages. Will touch the ground with a light wave Trembling plume. About everything whispers with fear Rebellious page. There will be disputes ... and concessions, (Oh, it's impossible without them!) And someone's lips will touch your shoes. (Lullaby to Asya)

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Poems of 1916 reflect Tsvetaeva's romance with O.E. Mandelstam (1915–early 1916). Mandelstam dedicated several poems to Tsvetaeva.

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Your name is a bird in your hand, Your name is an icicle on your tongue. One single movement of the lips. Your name is five letters. Ball caught on the fly, Silver bell in the mouth. A stone thrown into a quiet pond Will sob like your name. In the light clicking of night hooves Your loud name thunders. And he will call him to our temples. A loud clicking trigger. Your name - oh, you can't! - Your name is a kiss in the eyes, In the gentle cold of motionless eyelids. Your name is a kiss in the snow. Key, icy, blue sip ... With your name - sleep is deep.

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During 1913–1915, a gradual change took place in Tsvetaev's poetic manner. Terrible and tragic themes penetrate into the poetic world of Tsvetaeva, and the lyrical heroine is endowed with both traits of holiness, is compared with the Virgin, and demonic, dark traits, is called the "warlock".
Gathering loved ones on the road, I sing songs to them as a keepsake - To be accepted somehow, What they once gave themselves. By a green path I bring them to the crossroads. You are tireless, wind, sing, You, road, do not be hard on them! A gray cloud, do not shed tears, - As if they were shod on a holiday! Injure yourself with a sting, snake, Throw, robber, your fierce knife. You, passing beauty, Be their cheerful bride. Work your mouth for me - The King of Heaven will reward you! Flare up, bonfires, in the forests, Disperse the animals of the bark. Mother of God in heaven, remember my passers-by!

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Tsvetaeva perceived the First World War as an explosion of hatred against Germany dear to her heart since childhood. She responded to the war with poems that were sharply discordant with the patriotic and chauvinistic moods of the end of 1914.
You are given to the world for persecution, And there are no counts for your enemies, Well, how can I leave you? Well, how can I betray you?

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She welcomed the February Revolution of 1917, as did her husband. She perceived the October Revolution as a triumph of destructive despotism. Sergei Efron sided with the Provisional Government and participated in the Moscow battles, defending the Kremlin from the Red Guards. The news of the October Revolution caught Tsvetaeva in the Crimea, visiting Voloshin. Soon her husband also arrived. On November 25, 1917, she left the Crimea for Moscow to pick up her children - Alya and little Irina, who was born in April of this year.

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The fronts of the Civil War separated Tsvetaeva from her husband and from Voloshin. She never saw the Voloshins again. Sergei Efron fought in the ranks of the White Army, and Tsvetaeva, who remained in Moscow, had no news of him. In hungry and impoverished Moscow in 1917–1920, she wrote poems praising the sacrificial feat of the White Army.
White guard, your path is high: Black muzzle - chest and temple. God's white is your work: Your white body is in the sand.
By the end of 1921, these poems were combined into the collection Swan Camp, prepared for publication. (During the life of Tsvetaeva, the collection was not printed, it was first published in the West in 1957).

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In May-July 1921, she wrote the Separation cycle addressed to her husband. She and the children could hardly make ends meet, they were starving. In the early winter of 1919–1920, Tsvetaeva gave her daughters to an orphanage in Kuntsevo. Soon she learned about the serious condition of her daughters and took home the eldest, Alya, to whom she was attached as a friend and whom she loved passionately. The choice of Tsvetaeva was explained both by the inability to feed both of them, and by her indifferent attitude towards Irina. In early February 1920, Irina died. Her death is reflected in the poem Two Hands, Lightly Lowered ... (1920) and in the lyrical cycle of Separation (1921).

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Two hands, lightly lowered On an infant's head! Were - one for each - Two heads were given to me. But both - clamped - Furious - as best she could! - Snatching the older one from the darkness - She did not save the younger one. Two hands - to caress - to smooth Delicate lush heads. Two hands - and here is one of them During the night turned out to be superfluous. Light - on a thin neck - Dandelion on the stem! I still do not quite understand that my child is in the ground.

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The coming NEP, Tsvetaeva, like many of her contemporary writers, perceived it sharply negatively, as a triumph of bourgeois "satiety", self-satisfied and selfish mercantilism.

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On July 11, 1921, she received a letter from her husband, who was evacuated with the remnants of the Volunteer Army from the Crimea to Constantinople. Soon he moved to the Czech Republic, to Prague. After several grueling attempts, Tsvetaeva received permission to leave Soviet Russia and on May 11, 1922, together with her daughter Alya, left her homeland. May 15, 1922 Marina Ivanovna and Alya arrived in Berlin.
“... I am not an emigrant ... I am in spirit, that is, in air and in scope - there, there, from there ...”

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In Berlin, she gives to print a new collection of poems - The Craft (published in 1923) - and the poem The Tsar Maiden. Sergei Efron came to his wife and daughter in Berlin, but soon returned to the Czech Republic, to Prague. Tsvetaeva and her daughter came to visit her husband in Prague in August 1922. She spent more than four years in the Czech Republic. In February 1925, her long-awaited son was born, named George (home name - Moore).

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Tsvetaeva adored him. The desire to do everything possible for the happiness and well-being of his son was perceived by the matured Moore as aloof and selfish; Willingly and unwittingly, he played a tragic role in the fate of his mother.

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In Prague, for the first time, Tsvetaeva established permanent relations with literary circles, with publishing houses and editorial offices of magazines. Her works were published on the pages of the magazines "Will of Russia" and "In Their Own Ways", Tsvetaeva performed editorial work for the almanac "The Ark". In 1928, the last collection, “After Russia,” was published in Paris.

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In 1930, the poetic cycle "Mayakovsky" was written
Above crosses and trumpets, Baptized in fire and smoke, Archangel-heavy-footed - Great, Vladimir for centuries! He is a carrier and he is a horse, He is a whim and he is right. He sighed and spat into his palm: - Hold on, dray glory! Singer of market miracles - Great, grubby pride, Chose a heavyweight like a stone, not being seduced by a diamond. Hello, cobblestone thunder! He yawned, saluted, and again the Shaft rows - the wing of the Archangel of the dray.

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In September 1937, Sergei Efron was involved in the murder by Soviet agents of I. Reiss, also a former agent of the Soviet special services, who tried to get out of the game. Soon Efron was forced to hide and flee to the USSR. Following him, his daughter Ariadne returned to her homeland. Tsvetaeva stayed in Paris alone with her son, but Moore also wanted to go to the USSR. There was no money for the life and education of her son, Europe was threatened with war, and Tsvetaeva was afraid for Moore, who was already almost an adult. She also feared for the fate of her husband in the USSR. It was her duty and desire to be united with her husband and daughter.

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On June 12, 1939, on a steamer from the French city of Le Havre, Tsvetaeva and Moore sailed to the USSR, and on June 18 they returned to their homeland. At home, Tsvetaeva and her family lived for the first time at the state dacha of the NKVD in Bolshevo near Moscow, provided to S. Efron. However, both Efron and Ariadne were soon arrested.
The soul is a bird that cannot live in a cage. She must float. In captivity, the soul dies.
Love is a tragedy, always next to separation. Love is a fatal duel, which is most often followed by a break.

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In the history of Russian literature, the poetry of Marina Tsvetaeva will always occupy a special place. Her lyrics are unique, which is why she so attracts the reader with her originality, restless, always looking for truth, restless soul.

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She was born on September 26, 1892 in the very center of Moscow She had absolute pitch, played the piano excellently Great influence of her mother (she read a lot to children, studied music, languages) Started rhyming at the age of four Studying at the gymnasium, then abroad After the death of her mother - loneliness, growing up

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Marina was trained as a pianist: She had perfect pitch and plastic hands. Feeling no love for musical pursuits, she never tried to elude them. Later, the poetess wrote that her own "exercises" did not bring her joy, because she early learned to love music in the beautiful performance of her mother. But she made great strides and admitted that if her mother had lived longer, she would have become a pianist.

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Marina Tsvetaeva and music... A topic waiting for its researcher. Marina has been studying music since she was six years old. From the age of seven she already performed at school concerts in Moscow, at a private music school in Merzlyakovsky Lane. After the death of her mother, a pianist of outstanding talent, a student of Rubinstein, in 1906, music lessons ceased. But the knowledge of music, its understanding, the creation of verbal music - have been preserved for life. How could a poet who is alien to music write such a "Pied Piper"? ..

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I.V. Tsvetaev with his daughter Marina. “I didn’t succeed in my family life, but I succeeded in the ministry< Родине» И.В. Цветаев с дочерью Мариной. Мос

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ASE'S LULLABY Sleep, princess! Already in the valley the Bell has died down, Already the blue dusk has touched your shoes. Slightly swaying birch, Fresh breeze. In a dream you will see the tears of abandoned pages. Will touch the ground with a light wave Trembling plume. About everything whispers with fear Rebellious page. There will be disputes... and concessions, (Oh, it's impossible without them!) And someone's lips will touch your shoes.

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"Who does Asya need more than Marina? Dear Asenka, who do I need more?" - So asked the young Marina in 1911. Marina always spoke of her sister "my inseparable". The death of the former Russia and the events of life connected with it in 1927 forever separated the sisters. Marina lived in Paris, Asya in Moscow. When Marina Tsvetaeva returned to Russia, Anastasia Tsvetaeva was in a camp in the Far East. Despite the lack of connection in reality, the sisters felt each other with souls - infinitely relatives. *** Not in a dispute, but in the world - Consenting sisters. One is a two-edged sword Between the chest and the world Having risen: I will not go out! Another, so that there is no offense to the guest - And honey and peace.

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Marina and Serezha found each other instantly and forever. The meeting with Efron was what Tsvetaeva's soul longed for: she was attracted by heroism, romance, sacrifice, extraordinary people, high feelings...

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Perhaps, without realizing it, Ma Marina immediately took Seryozha as her son's son. She took him by the hand and led him through life. Seryozha became not only her husband, but also the most difficult of her children ...

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Alya was a worthy daughter of her mother. At the age of seven, she wrote poetry, drew, corresponded with Anna Akhmatova, Voloshin ...

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Alya ... And similar to me and unlike me. It looks like a passion for the word, life in it ... unlike - the harmony, even the idyllicity of the whole being.

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Alya helps a lot ... A good, healthy, beautiful girl - Very beautiful, she is getting prettier day by day.

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You will be innocent, thin, Charming - and a stranger to everyone! Swift Amazon, Captivating lady, ……………. And the queen will pierce many, Your mocking blade, And everything that I only dream of, You will have at your feet.

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In 1937, Ariadna Efron came from Paris to Siberia. Prisons, torture, camps, exiles fell to her lot. She returned to life only after 17 years.

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In 1922 Tsvetaeva left for Berlin, two months later for Prague. In November 1925, Marina and her children arrived in Paris.

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Tsvetaeva treated him in such a way that Moore grew up in the feeling that he was the center of the universe. To outsiders, he often seemed unbearable, but she did not understand this and did not want to understand.

The mountain ash lit up with a red brush. Leaves were falling. I was born.

Hundreds of bells were arguing. The day was Saturday:

John the Evangelist

To me to this day

I want to gnaw

hot rowan

Bitter brush

M. Tsvetaeva

Maria Alexandrovna Main (1868-1906)

House in Tarusa

  • “Mom and dad were completely different people. Everyone has a wound in their heart. Mom has music, poetry, melancholy, dad has science. Lives went side by side. Not blending."
  • M. Tsvetaeva

Anastasia (left) and Marina Tsvetaeva. Yalta, 1905.

After the death of her mother from consumption in 1906, Marina and her sister Anastasia remained in the care of their father.

Everything is paler than the azure island-childhood,

We are alone on deck.

It can be seen that sadness left a legacy

You, O mother, to your girls!


1909 - studies at the Sorbonne a course of old French literature

The first collection "Evening Album" - at the age of 17

I want everything: with the soul of a gypsy To go to robbery with songs, To suffer for everyone to the sound of an organ and rush into battle like an Amazon;

Guessing by the stars in the black tower, Leading the children forward, through the shadow ... To be a legend - yesterday, To be madness - every day!

I love the cross, and silk, and helmets, My soul is a trace of moments ... You gave me childhood - better than a fairy tale And give me death - at seventeen!

Tsvetaeva in the circle of contemporary poets

B. Pasternak

V.Ya. Bryusov portrait by M. Vrubel

A. Akhmatova

V. Mayakovsky

For the path of comets is the path of poets...

Through every heart, Through every network My self-will will break through

“Do not borrow anything from anyone, do not imitate, do not be influenced, “be yourself” - such Tsvetaeva came out of childhood and remained so forever.

M. Tsvetaeva 1914

M. Tsvetaeva

Carnelian Bay in Koktebel


They met on May 5, 1911 on the deserted Koktebel coast, where Marina and Asya arrived at the invitation of Maximilian Voloshin.

Marina left the gymnasium and was going to marry dropout schoolboy

Tsvetaeva with her husband Sergei Efron.

I defiantly wear his ring! - Yes, in eternity - a wife, not on paper! - His face is too narrow Like a sword.

His mouth is silent, corners down, Excruciatingly gorgeous eyebrows. Tragically merged in his face Two ancient bloods.

He is thin with the first subtlety of the branches. His eyes are beautifully useless! - Under the wings of outstretched eyebrows - Two abysses.

In his person I am faithful to chivalry, To all of you who lived and died without fear! - Such - in fateful times - They compose stanzas - and go to the chopping block.

Behind "Evening Album" a second collection followed two years later, The Magic Lantern.

In 1913, the third collection was published - “ From two books ».

1912 Marina received her first and only prize at the Pushkin Competition

I like…

There is hardly a person who would not hear these amazing lines. How fresh and modern these verses sound, and yet they were written in 1915 and addressed to the future husband of the sister M. Mints.

In the summer of 1916, Tsvetaeva arrived in the city of Alexandrov, where her sister Anastasia Tsvetaeva lived with her common-law husband Mauritius Mints and son Andrei.

Sisters Tsvetaeva with children

S. Efron, M. Mintz (standing on the right). Alexandrov, 1916

1917 Most of the Russian intelligentsia saw in the revolution the fulfillment of their hopes, while Tsvetaeva unmistakably feels “not that”

From a strict, slender temple You came out to the squealing of the squares... - Freedom! - Beautiful Lady of the Marquises and Russian princes.

A terrible rehearsal is taking place, - Mass is still ahead! - Freedom! - Walking girl On a naughty soldier's chest!

In 1917, Tsvetaeva gave birth to a daughter, Irina

Ariadna (left) and Irina Efron. 1919

"Swan camp" (1917-1921)

S. Efron in an ambulance train 1915

The first infantry division of the Volunteer Army at the front, 1919

General Alekseev - Supreme Commander of the Russian Army, founder of the Volunteer Army

“I don’t hate them, but communism”

“I am wrapped in sadness. I live in sorrow...

Book "Separation"

The burglar enters without a key...

The house in Borisoglebsky lane, 6, where M. Tsvetaeva lived

from 1914 to 1922

In May 1922, Tsvetaeva and her daughter Ariadna were allowed to go abroad - to her husband, who, having survived the defeat of Denikin, as a white officer, now became a student at Prague University. At first, Tsvetaeva and her daughter lived for a short time in Berlin, then for three years on the outskirts of Prague.

Homesickness! For a long time

Exposed haze!

I don't care at all -

Where all alone

Be on what stones home

Walk with a market purse

To the house, and not knowing that it is mine, Like a hospital or a barracks...


Marina Tsvetaeva in 1924

Years of emigration (1922-1939)

"Poem of the Mountain"

"Poem of the End".

Cycle of poems

"Poems to Pushkin"

Prose - "The House at Old Pimen", "Mother's Tale"

“He should not suffer from the fact that I write poetry - let poetry suffer better!”

Moore (Georgy Sergeevich Efron),

son of Marina Tsvetaeva. Paris, 1930s.

In 1925, after the birth of their son George, the family moved to Paris.

M.I. Tsvetaeva with her husband and children, 1925

Years of emigration (1922-1939)

“No one can imagine the poverty in which we live. My only income is from what I write. My husband is sick and cannot work. My daughter earns a penny sewing hats. I have a son, he is eight years old. The four of us live on this money. In other words, we are slowly starving."

From the memoirs of Marina Tsvetaeva

With Ariadne in 1916

In Prague with her daughter in 1924

Ariadne 1930 (age 18)

Ariadne 1930 (age 18)

With husband and daughter Alya

With daughter Alya

In exile

Neither to the city nor to the village - Go, my son, to your country - To the region - to all the regions on the contrary! Where to go back - forward Go, - especially - to you, Rus', who has not seen my Child ... Mine? Her Child!

Georgy Efron 1940

M. Tsvetaeva and emigration.

“Nobody needs me here… Everyone is pushing me to Russia, where I can’t go. Here I am not needed, there I am impossible ... "

In dialogue with life, it is not her question that matters, but our answer. M. Tsvetaeva

1937 - Efron flees to Russia, where Alya had left two months earlier. Tsvetaeva and her son are forced to follow ...

On August 27, Ariadne's daughter was arrested, on October 10, Efron. In August 1941 Sergei Yakovlevich was shot; Ariadne, after fifteen years of repression, was rehabilitated in 1955.

During this period, Tsvetaeva practically did not write poetry, doing translations.

Sergei Efron with his daughter Ariadna (Alei), 1930s


I ask you to take me to work as a dishwasher in the opening canteen of the Litfond. M. Tsvetaeva

House-Museum of M. Tsvetaeva in Yelabuga

Russia, you to your poets

She was a cruel stepmother.

May God forgive you for this.

I didn't forgive. I could not.

M. Tsvetaeva 1941

Cross on the grave of M. Tsvetaeva

Boris Messerer: Monument to Marina Tsvetaeva in Tarusa

Homecoming 1939

The meeting with reading Russia did not take place...

What is the life of a poet without suffering?

And what is the ocean without a storm?

On August 31, 1941, M. Tsvetaeva committed suicide (under the yoke of personal misfortunes, in a state of depression, alone).

"There is only one answer - refusal"

Aseev's note:

Dear Nikolai Nikolaevich! Dear Sinyakov sisters! I beg you to take Moore to your place in Chistopol - just take him as a son - and that he study. I can do nothing more for him and only destroy him. I have 150 in my bag. and if you try to sell all my things. There are several handwritten books of poetry and a pack of prose prints in the chest. I entrust them to you. Take care of my dear Moore, he is in very fragile health. Love like a son - deserves. And forgive me. Didn't take it out.

Don't ever leave him. I would be extremely happy if I lived with you. Leave - take with you. Don't quit!

  • If the soul was born winged -
  • What are her mansions - and what are her huts!
  • What is Genghis Khan to her and what is the Horde!
  • I have two enemies in the world,
  • Two twins, inextricably merged:
  • The hunger of the hungry - and the satiety of the well-fed!
  • August 18, 1918

...Oh, black mountain,

Who eclipsed the whole world!

It's time-it's time-it's time

Return the ticket to the creator.

I refuse to be.

In the bedlam of nonhumans

I refuse to live.

With the wolves of the squares

I refuse - howl.

With the sharks of the plains

I refuse to swim

Downstream spins.

I don't need holes

Ear, nor prophetic eyes.

To your crazy world

There is only one answer - refusal.


Slides: 21 Words: 426 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Marina Tsvetaeva. Essay on life. “I was too, passer-by! Passer-by, stop! ... ". On September 26, 1982, from Saturday to Sunday, at midnight, Marina Tsvetaeva was born. Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev (1847-1913). Museum of Fine Arts. Maria Alexandrovna Mein (1868-1906. Marina Tsvetaeva with her sister Anastasia. Former nursery in Trekhprudny Lane. "Evening Album" 1910. Marina Tsvetaeva printed her poems from the age of sixteen. House in Tarusa. Koktebel. For the first time with Sergei Efron. In Koktebel she decided Marin's fate In Prague with her daughter in 1924. Ariadna in 1930 (age 18) With Ariadna in 1916. - Tsvetaeva.ppt

Tsvetaeva lesson

Slides: 31 Words: 2628 Sounds: 1 Effects: 13

“The mortal foam of the sea ...” (According to the lyrics of M. Tsvetaeva). Dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the birth of Marina Tsvetaeva ... Literature lesson. With a red brush, Rowan lit up. Leaves fell, I was born. 1892 - 1941. The purpose of the lesson: to get acquainted with the work of Marina Tsvetaeva and with the peculiarity of the poetic manner. During the classes. Who is made of stone, who is made of clay - And I silver and sparkle! My business is treason, my name is Marina, I am the mortal foam of the sea. Poet's parents. Marina Tsvetaeva and Sergey Efron. Marina and Sergei Efron got married on January 27, 1912. That they will never sing over us in church silence: hallelujah! - Tsvetaeva lesson.ppt

Tsvetaeva Marina Ivanovna

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Tsvetaeva Marina Ivanovna Biography. In 1906, her mother died, Marina and her sister Anastasia remained in the care of their father. Marina studied in Moscow, then in boarding schools in Switzerland and Germany. In 1911, Tsvetaeva met her future husband Sergei Efron. In January 1912, Tsvetaeva married Sergei Efron. In 1922 Tsvetaeva emigrated. She led an almost beggarly life, renting apartments in the suburbs of Paris. Understand that I could no longer live. The son, George, died 3 years later in 1944 from a bullet wound. Creation. Intonational-rhythmic expressiveness, paradoxical metaphor. - Tsvetaeva Marina.ppt

Marina Tsvetaeva

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Marina Tsvetaeva. “If the soul was born winged…”. The beginning of the life of Marina. She was also abroad. She attended a course in the history of Old French literature at the Sorbonne in France. From the age of 6 - she began to write, from 16 - to publish, at 18 - she released a large collection - "Evening Album". The poet's father is Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev. He died when Marina was 21 years old. Mother of M. Tsvetaeva Maria Alexandrovna Main. Marina's mother was from a Polish-German family. Nature is artistically gifted, a musician. One against all." Marriage with Sergei Efron. S. Efron was Marina's childhood friend. Honest and fair person. - Marina Tsvetaeva.ppt

Literature Tsvetaeva

Slides: 29 Words: 258 Sounds: 6 Effects: 27

Marina Tsvetaeva. With a red brush, Rowan lit up. Leaves fell, I was born. Marina Tsvetaeva's father is Ivan Vladimirovich. Marina Tsvetaeva with her father. The mother of Marina Tsvetaeva is Maria Alexandrovna Main. “I can say that I was born not into life, but into music.” Who was Marina Tsvetaeva? Marina Tsvetaeva and Sergey Efron. Marina and Anastasia Tsvetaeva. Marina Tsvetaeva in the Czech Republic in 1924-1925 In 1939, Marina Tsvetaeva finally returned to her native land ... Deportation to Yelabuga. Under the yoke of personal misfortunes, alone, in a state of depression… The house is a museum. Write an essay “My discovery of Marina Tsvetaeva. - Literature Tsvetaeva.ppt

Life and work of Tsvetaeva

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Word and fate. Life and work of Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva. My poems, like precious wines, Will have their turn! M. Tsvetaeva. With a red brush, Rowan lit up. Leaves were falling I was born ... Apparently, sadness was left as a legacy You, oh mother, to your girls! Meeting with Sergei Efron. Such - in fatal times - Compose stanzas - and go to the chopping block ... Lines dedicated to Russian poets. Anna Akhmatova. From the entrance yard - The smartest husband of Russia. Arrival of Osip Mandelstam. You throw back your head - Because you are proud and a liar. What a merry companion this February brought me! - Tsvetaeva life.ppt

Life of Tsvetaeva

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Marina Tsvetaeva. Essays on life. Biography of the poetess. Marina grew up among music and books. The creative path of the poetess. We, like you, greet the sunsets, Reveling in the nearness of the end. Everything that we are rich on the best evening, You put into our hearts by you. All paler azure island - childhood, We are alone on the deck are standing. It can be seen that sadness was left as a legacy You, oh mother, to your girls! "Oh, the muse of weeping, the most beautiful of muses! Oh, you crazy fiend of the white night! Marina Tsvetaeva did not accept the October Revolution and did not understand. PRAYER Christ and God! I long for a miracle Now, now, at the beginning of the day! You are wise, You will not say strictly: - "Be patient, the term is not over yet." - Life of Tsvetaeva.ppt

Tsvetaeva creativity

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Creativity M. Tsvetaeva. They love for nothing. Love is a blessed radiant energy. Any creativity is love... N. Berdyaev. Which Russian philosophers of the 20th century comprehended the meaning of love in human life? What place did love take in Tsvetaeva's life? And she took the whole wind into her arms - no! the whole North. From a letter from M. Tsvetaeva. Psyche. Carefully read the dictionary entry from the encyclopedia "Myths of the peoples of the world." Why does the poet say this? But she knew how to distinguish the true, genuine from the false, artificial. Whose portraits do you see? Lyric perception. - Tsvetaeva creativity.ppt

Creativity Marina Tsvetaeva

Slides: 16 Words: 831 Sounds: 4 Effects: 109

"If the soul was born winged." Annotation. The presentation can be used in literature lessons, extracurricular activities. With a red brush, Rowan lit up. Leaves fell, I was born. 1892 - 1941. Who is made of stone, who is made of clay - And I silver and sparkle! My business is treason, my name is Marina, I am the mortal foam of the sea. Poet's parents. Who was Marina Tsvetaeva? Idol Tsvetaeva. Your name is a bird in your hand, Your name is an icicle on your tongue. One - the only movement of the lips. Your name is five letters. A ball caught on the fly, a silver bell in the mouth... "Poems to Blok". - Creativity Tsvetaeva.ppt

Poetry of Marina Tsvetaeva

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The poetic world of Marina Tsvetaeva. Marina Tsvetaeva. Test. The beginning of creativity. Marina Tsvetaeva entered literature at the turn of the century, in a troubled and troubled time. “Who is made of stone, who is made of clay…”. With a red brush, Rowan lit up. Leaves fell, I was born. Hundreds of Bells argued. The day was Sabbath: John the Evangelist. Even now I want to gnaw Hot mountain ash Bitter brush. (1892-1941), Russian poetess. Daughter of I. V. Tsvetaeva. Tragedies ("Phaedra", 1928). Intonational-rhythmic expressiveness, paradoxical metaphor. She committed suicide. - Tsvetaeva poetry.ppt

Poetry Tsvetaeva

Slides: 26 Words: 2407 Sounds: 0 Effects: 163

"The soul was born winged" (the artistic world of Marina Tsvetaeva). With a red brush, Rowan lit up. Leaves were falling. I was born. Hundreds of Bells argued. The day was Sabbath: John the Evangelist. Even now I want to gnaw Hot mountain ash Bitter brush. The birth of a poet. The family was highly cultured, with rich family traditions. Tsvetaev Ivan Vladimirovich Maine Maria Alexandrovna. Marina Tsvetaeva. Oh, brave augurs! A. S. Pushkin and Marina Tsvetaeva. "My Pushkin" - this is how Tsvetaeva called one of her essays - memories. Poetics and aesthetics. Love lyrics by Tsvetaeva. Let it be. But here, in a semi-history, You drooped over the page ... -

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