Prepare a fall season presentation of your choice. Golden colors of autumn from a scientific point of view

In the 3rd grade around the world, after studying the topic about autumn, there was a task to prepare a presentation “Autumn through the eyes of an artist, poet, composer, biologist, meteorologist ....” (optional). My daughter chose to look at autumn through the eyes of an artist. Reviewed a lot of pictures on this topic, she chose the ones she liked. In the PHOTO Show program, a slide show was formed, Chopin's music "Autumn Waltz" was added. Here is the presentation.

Presentation autumn through the eyes of an artist

Autumn is a bright and beautiful time of the year. Artists admired her beauty, poets wrote about her splendor, many spoke about her captivating magic. Autumn is not only rain, dampness and cold, it is also a riot of colors, bright umbrellas, trips to the forest for mushrooms and cozy and warm evenings with the family. I propose to enjoy the work of talented artists who will show you all the beauty and mystery of golden autumn on their canvases.

Autumn is bright

Afremov Leonid Rainy evening

Autumn is pensive

Usyanov Vladimir Pavlovich Autumn Alley

Autumn is mysterious

Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich Autumn forest

And even the rain in the pictures is far from dull

Macneil Richard Arc de Triomphe (Paris)

Autumn is so different, but always attractive - this is how I saw Autumn through the eyes of an artist. In the video below, you can watch the presentation itself, which includes 19 paintings by Russian and foreign artists.

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Slides captions:

Autumn through the eyes of an artist.

Autumn is a bright and beautiful season. Artists admired her beauty, poets wrote about her splendor. Autumn is not only rain, dampness and cold, it is also a riot of colors, bright umbrellas, trips to the forest for mushrooms and cozy and warm evenings with the family. I propose to enjoy the work of talented artists who will show you all the beauty and mystery of golden autumn on their canvases.

V. Nesterenko. Autumn leaves.

E. Volkov. October - landscape of birches.

A. Kosliks. Autumn forest.

O. Shcherbakov. Park after the rain.

A. Bolotov. Autumn rain.

John E. Millais, Autumn Leaves (1856) In a famous painting, a group of girls are picking up leaves to be burned. The painting was painted near the artist's house in Scotland.

I. Levitan, Golden Autumn (1895)

E. Panov. Autumn still life.

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What autumn is like: through the eyes of meteorologists and Russian poets Now we are used to the fact that the main sign of the beginning of autumn is solemnly frightened first-graders, with huge bows and knapsacks, with bouquets of asters, dahlias, gladioli, hurrying to their first lesson. Calendar autumn begins on September 1st. This is more convenient in terms of unification and globalization. However, our ancestors, whose main occupation was agriculture, measured the seasons differently, believing that autumn begins on September 22 and lasts until Christmas. Astronomers also agree with this division: after all, in this scenario, the beginning of autumn coincides with the day of the autumnal equinox, and its end coincides with the day of the winter solstice. Meteorological Autumn Specialists in weather observation and forecasting also measure the seasons in their own way. Meteorologists are guided by daily temperature fluctuations: the autumn period is when the average daily temperature is in the range from +15 to 0 degrees. And so autumn, in their opinion, in each region comes at a different time. And every year is different. This process in the Northern Hemisphere is influenced by warm Atlantic currents and the cold Arctic. From a weather point of view, the autumn season is heterogeneous and, in turn, has five sub-seasons. And all these gradations of autumn and changes in nature are best described in the works of Russian poets. The beginning of autumn Cobwebs float Above the sleepy stubble. Blush rowan under each window. Young Cockerels wheeze in the morning. It rains lightly. Mushrooms fall out. Tractor drivers sing, Driving out into the freezing cold. Villages are getting ready for Harvest Day. Alexander Tvardovsky When the average daily temperature drops below +15 degrees, meteorological autumn begins. As a rule, in central Russia this happens after August 25th. Fogs are falling more and more often, the number of cloudy days is increasing, in the mornings it is already cool in autumn. Due to the confrontation between the Arctic cold and the air warmed up during the summer, cyclones are activated, and the weather becomes changeable - with rains and strong winds that bring cooling. Nature reacts to a decrease in temperature and a decrease in daylight hours: in the crowns of trees, like the first gray hair in the hair, yellow colors appear, insects become lethargic and sleepy. The first night frosts are already possible, which in an instant sweep bright summer flowers from the flower beds. ***** There is in the original autumn A short but marvelous time - The whole day stands as if crystal, And the evenings are radiant ... Where a vigorous sickle walked and an ear fell, Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, Only cobwebs thin hair Shines on empty furrow. The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard, But far from the first winter storms. And pure and warm azure is pouring onto a resting field ... Fedor Tyutchev The article is voluminous, continued by link -

Autumn in poetry.

The poet was madly in love with autumn, And he loved the autumn forest. He often walked among the birches and pines along the narrow stitch. I walked and admired the forest, And breathed fresh air. And he did not part with the muse, And he wrote poetry on the go.

Sad time! Oh charm! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me - I love the lush nature of withering. Forests clad in crimson and gold, In their vestibule wind noise and fresh breath, And the skies are covered with wavy mist, And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts, And threats distant from gray winter. A.S. Pushkin

Already the sky breathed in autumn, The sun shone less often, The day became shorter, The forest's mysterious canopy With a sad noise was exposed. Fog fell on the fields, A noisy caravan of geese Stretched to the south: a rather dull time was approaching; November was already at the yard. A.S. Pushkin

Forest, like a painted tower. Lilac, gold, crimson, Cheerful, motley wall Stands over a bright glade. Birches with yellow carvings Shine in blue azure, Like towers, Christmas trees darken, And between the maples they turn blue Here and there, through the foliage through. Clearances in the sky, that windows. The forest smells of oak and pine. During the summer it dried up from the sun. And Autumn, like a quiet widow, enters into his motley tower ... I. Bunin

There is in the original autumn A short but marvelous time The whole day stands as if crystal, And the evenings are radiant... The air is empty, the birds can no longer be heard, But far from the first winter storms And pure and warm azure pours On the resting field... F Tyutchev

The fields are compressed, the groves are bare, Fog and dampness from the water. The quiet sun rolled down behind the blue of the mountain. The blasted road is slumbering. Today she dreamed that there was very, very little left to wait for the gray winter ... S. Yesenin

Autumn has come, The flowers have dried up, And the bare bushes look dejectedly. The grass in the meadows withers and turns yellow, Only the winter in the fields turns green. A cloud covers the sky, The sun does not shine, The wind howls in the field, The rain drizzles. A. Pleshcheev

Cowberries are ripening, The days have become colder, And from the cry of a bird In the heart it has become sadder. Flocks of birds fly away, beyond the blue sea. All the trees shine In a multi-colored dress. The sun laughs less often, There is no incense in the flowers. Soon Autumn will wake up And cry awake. K. Balmont

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous Air invigorates tired forces; The ice is weak on the icy river Like melting sugar lies; Near the forest, as in a soft bed, You can sleep - peace and space! Leaves have not faded yet, Yellow and fresh lie like a carpet. N. Nekrasov

I. Levitan "Golden Autumn"

V. Polenov "Golden Autumn"

I. Ostroukhov "Golden Autumn"

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