Presentation on the topic of sterilization of individual instruments. Presentation on the topic "sterilization"

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Thermal: steam and air (dry heat). Chemical: gas or chemical solutions Radiation sterilization - used in industrial version Membrane filter method - used to obtain a small amount of sterile solutions, the quality of which can deteriorate dramatically under the action of other sterilization methods

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Sterilization methods approved for use in healthcare facilities.

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    Thermal sterilization

    Roasting and boiling Roasting is not currently used to sterilize instruments. The method can be used at home when it is impossible to use others. The firing of metal instruments is carried out with an open flame. Usually, a tool is placed on a metal tray, a small amount of ethyl alcohol is poured and set on fire. Boiling has long been the main method of sterilizing instruments, but has rarely been used recently, since this method achieves a temperature of only 100 ° C, which is not enough to kill spore-bearing bacteria. Tools are boiled in special electric sterilizers of various capacities. Opened instruments (disassembled syringes) are placed on a mesh and immersed in distilled water (sodium bicarbonate can be added - up to 2% solution). The usual sterilization time is 30 minutes from the moment of boiling.

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    Thermal sterilization (steam method)

    An autoclave is used to reach temperatures above the boiling point of water. An autoclave is a device for steam sterilization under pressure. The temperature of saturated steam depends on the pressure. Autoclave operating modes: 132 °C - 2 atmospheres (2 kgf/cm2) - 20 minutes - basic mode. Sterilize all products (glass, metal, textiles, EXCEPT RUBBER). 120 ° C - 1.1 atmospheres (1.1 kgf / cm2) - 45 minutes - gentle mode. (glass, metal, rubber products, polymer products - according to the passport, textiles) 110 ° C - 0.5 atmospheres (0.5 kgf / cm2) - 180 min - especially gentle mode (unstable preparations, nutrient media) Compact portable autoclave

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    Thermal sterilization

    It is often possible to achieve the same effect by fractional sterilization in fluid steam at 100°C (tyndalization). The liquid is sterilized in this case at 100°C for three consecutive days for 30 minutes daily; between heatings, it is kept in a thermostat so that the spores germinate, and then the vegetative cells are destroyed during the next heating. For many purposes, one is content with partial sterilization, i.e. destruction of vegetative forms of microorganisms. This effect is usually achieved by pasteurization - holding for 5-10 minutes at 75 or 80°C. Pasteurization partially sterilizes, in particular, milk, wines. Two methods of pasteurization are used: short-term heating (20 s at 71.5-74°C) and strong heating (2-5 s at 85-87°C).

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    Thermal sterilization (air method)

    Dry heat. Sterilization is carried out in special devices - dry-heat cabinets-sterilizers. Sterilization in a dry-heat cabinet occurs by means of circulation of hot air inside it. With dry heat sterilization, bacterial spores tolerate higher temperatures and longer than with moist heat sterilization. Therefore, heat-resistant glassware, powders, oils, etc. are sterilized for 1 hour at a temperature of 180°C. Sterilization in an autoclave and a dry oven is currently the main, most reliable way to sterilize surgical instruments, glassware

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    Thermal sterilization (glasperlen method)

    The principle of operation of the glasperlene sterilizer is based on bringing sterilized surgical instruments into contact with small glass spheres having a temperature of 250C. The sterilizer is designed for rapid sterilization of all-metal, without cavities, channels and locking parts, dental and other medical instruments and devices in an environment of glass beads heated to a temperature of 190-290ºС with full immersion of small products in them, as well as working parts of larger products. Sterilization of the instrument is carried out within a very short time - no more than 20 seconds. Due to such a short period and the non-destructive effect of sterilization (glassperlene) balls on the instrument, the negative effect of high temperature is practically absent. Sterilizes in just 5 seconds: forceps, pliers, scalpel holders, probes, spatulas, chisels, chisels, diamonds, files, burs, root elevators, retractors, contra-angles, needle holders, tweezers, gingival scissors, etc.

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    Thermal sterilization (infrared method)

    The small-sized sterilizer is intended for sterilization of dental and microsurgical instruments made of metals in hospitals, clinics, hospitals and other medical and cosmetology institutions. Sterilization is carried out by infrared powerful short-term thermal effect.

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    Chemical sterilization (gas method)

    In world practice, there are 3 main methods of low-temperature sterilization: gas ethylene oxide, gas formaldehyde and plasma. Gas sterilization is carried out in special sealed chambers. The sterilizing agent is usually formalin vapor (formaldehyde tablets are placed at the bottom of the chamber) or ethylene oxide. Instruments laid on the grid are considered sterile after 6-48 hours (depending on the components of the gas mixture and the temperature in the chamber). A distinctive feature of the method is its minimal negative impact on the quality of instruments, and therefore the method is used primarily for the sterilization of optical, highly accurate and expensive instruments.

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    When sterilizing foodstuffs, medicines and various kinds of devices, as well as in laboratory practice, the use of ethylene oxide has justified itself, which kills both vegetative cells and spores, but only works if the materials to be sterilized contain a certain amount (5-15 %) water. Ethylene oxide is used in the form of a gas mixture (with N2 or CO2), in which its share is from 2 to 50%. The ethylene oxide method provides the most gentle sterilization temperature regime.

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    Chemical sterilization (plasma method)

    The plasma method allows you to create a biocidal environment based on an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide, as well as low-temperature plasma (ionized gas formed at low pressure). This is the most modern sterilization method known today. It allows you to sterilize any medical products, from hollow instruments to cables, electrical appliances, to which in some cases none of the known sterilization methods can be applied at all. With this method, after injecting a solution of hydrogen peroxide into the sterilization chamber, a source of electromagnetic radiation with a frequency of 13.56 MHz is turned on, under the influence of which one part of the H2O2 molecules is simultaneously divided into two groups (OH-), and the other part into one hydroperoxy group (OH- ) and one hydrogen atom, accompanied by the release of visible and ultraviolet radiation. As a result, a biocidal environment is created, consisting of hydrogen peroxide molecules, free radicals and ultraviolet radiation.

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    Plasma is formed under the influence of strong electromagnetic radiation in an atmosphere of hydrogen peroxide vapor. When the electromagnetic field is turned off, free radicals are converted into water and oxygen molecules, leaving no toxic waste. The minimum processing time in a plasma sterilizer is from 35 minutes, the operating temperature is 36-60°C. One of the main advantages of this method is the absence of toxic waste, only oxygen and water vapor are formed. Plasma sterilization destroys all forms and types of microorganisms. Plasma sterilizers are promising equipment, but too expensive for most Russian medical institutions

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    Chemical sterilization (antiseptic solutions)

    Sterilization with solutions of chemical antiseptics, as well as radiation and gas sterilization, refers to cold sterilization methods and does not lead to blunting of instruments, and therefore is used primarily for processing cutting surgical instruments. For sterilization, three solutions are mainly used: triple solution, 96 ° ethyl alcohol and 6% hydrogen peroxide. Recently, an alcohol solution of chlorhexidine, Pervomur, and others have been used for cold sterilization of optical instruments. For cold sterilization, the instruments are completely immersed in the open (or disassembled) form in one of the indicated solutions. When soaked in alcohol and a triple solution, the instruments are considered sterile after 2-3 hours, in hydrogen peroxide - after 6 hours. This method is of interest for the sterilization of solutions containing medicinal substances that change when exposed to high temperature. The following are used as antiseptics: phenol, tricresol, chinosol, nipagin, nipazol, chloreton, mercurofen and cefirol. There are also reports in the literature on the use of chlorocresol, chlorobutol, phenylmercuric nitrate, quaternary ammonium compounds (benzalkonium, cetrimide) and some other substances for this purpose.

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    Carbolic acid is included in the ternary solution (Krupenin's solution). They sterilize cutting tools and plastic items. It stores sterilized needles, scalpels, forceps, polyethylene tubes. Lysol with green soap is used to wash the walls, floors, furniture of the surgical dressing unit, as well as to treat instruments, rubber gloves, objects contaminated with pus or feces during the operation. Sublimate (mercury dichloride) 1:1000, 1:3000 Gloves, drains and other items are sterilized. Mercury oxycyanide 1:10000 is used to sterilize ureteral catheters, cystoscopes and other instruments with optics. Diocide is a preparation of mercury that combines antiseptic and detergent properties. Some use a surgeon to treat the hands - they wash their hands in the pelvis with a solution of 1: 3000, 1: 5000 - 6 minutes. Ethyl alcohol is used to sterilize cutting instruments, rubber and polyethylene tubes, surgeons' hands are tanned with 96% alcohol before surgery. Although 70% alcohol is more bactericidal than 96%, however, the spore-like infection does not die for a long time. The causative agents of gas gangrene and anthrax spores can persist in alcohol for several months. To increase the bactericidal activity of alcohol solutions, thymol (1: 1000), 1% brilliant green solution (Bakkal solution), formalin, etc. are added to them.

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    The bactericidal properties of halogens have long been used. N. I. Pirogov used alcohol iodine 2%, 5% and 10%, not yet knowing about the existence of microorganisms. Iodine has a bactericidal and sporicidal effect. It has not lost its significance even today. However, its complex compounds with the surface are used more often - active substances, the so-called. iodophors, which include iodonate, iodopyrodon, iodolan, etc. They are more often used to treat the hands of the surgeon and the surgical field. Chlorine compounds have long been used for disinfection (bleach) and sterilization (sodium hypochloride, chloramine, etc.). The bactericidal activity of these drugs depends on the content of active chlorine in them. In chloramine, active chlorine is 28-29%, and dichloroisocyanuric acid - 70-80%, sodium hypochloride - 9.5%. Hydrogen peroxide (33% hydrogen peroxide - perhydrol) in 3% and 6% concentrations is used for sterilization and disinfection. It is harmless to humans. A mixture of hydrogen peroxide with formic acid, proposed by I. D. Zhitnyuk and P. A. Melekhoy in 1970, was called Pervomour. In the process of preparing C-4, performic acid is formed - it is the active principle. It is used to treat the surgeon's hands or sterilize instruments In Czechoslovakia, persteril was proposed for sterilizing rubber and polyethylene tubes. Beta-propiolactone released in Russia. At a concentration of 1: 1000 Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a 2% solution dies within 10 minutes. It is added in an amount of 0.2% to prepared nutrient media, which are then incubated for 2 hours at 37°C. If the medium is left overnight, the propiolactone will completely decompose.

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    Sterilization by ionizing radiation

    Antimicrobial treatment can be carried out using ionizing radiation (y-rays), ultraviolet rays and ultrasound. U-ray sterilization has received the greatest use in our time. The radiation method or radiation sterilization with γ-rays is used in special installations for industrial sterilization of a single use - polymer syringes, blood transfusion systems, Petri dishes, pipettes and other fragile and thermolabile products. The isotopes Co60 and Cs137 are used. The dose of penetrating radiation should be very significant - up to 20-25 μGy, which requires compliance with particularly strict security measures. In this regard, radiation sterilization is carried out in special rooms and is a factory method of sterilization (it is not performed directly in hospitals). Sterilization of instruments and other materials is carried out in sealed packages and, with the integrity of the latter, lasts up to 5 years. The hermetic package makes it convenient to store and use the tools (you just need to open the package). The method is beneficial for the sterilization of simple disposable instruments (syringes, suture material, catheters, probes, blood transfusion systems, gloves, etc.) and is becoming more and more widespread. This is largely due to the fact that the properties of the sterilized objects are not lost at all during radiation sterilization.

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    Sterilization by ultraviolet radiation

    Sources of UV radiation (wavelength 260 nm) - mercury quartz lamps. Their powerful bacteriostatic action is based on the coincidence of the emission spectrum of the lamp and the absorption spectrum of the DNA of microorganisms, which can be the cause of their death during prolonged exposure to quartz lamp radiation; with insufficiently powerful UV exposure, the processes of light and dark repair are activated in the prokaryotic cell, that is, the cell is restored. The method is used for sterilization of premises, equipment in biks, as well as for sterilization of distilled water.

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    An effective sterilizer that allows you to sterilize surgical instruments and dressings with dry heat and ultraviolet rays. It has a powerful bactericidal effect. The recirculator is designed for indoor air disinfection in the presence and absence of people in the process of forced circulation of the air flow through the housing, inside which two low-pressure bactericidal lamps are placed. Bactericidal chamber for storing sterile medical products

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    The method consists in separating the microbes from the liquid using sterile microporous filters. The filtration mechanism is explained mainly by the adsorption of microbes that takes place in the pores of the filter media, which in most cases are negatively charged. Kaolin, porcelain, paper-asbestos mass, diatomaceous earth, collodion and other porous materials, as well as glass are used as microporous filtering material.

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    Mechanical method of sterilization. Bacterial filtration

    The mechanical method of sterilization using microporous filters has some advantages over heat sterilization methods where the solution is subjected to high temperature. For many solutions of thermolabile substances, it is essentially the only sterilization method available at all. Microporous filters are widely used in chemical and pharmaceutical plants and in the production of vaccines and sera. Bacterial filters

    View all slides

    Plan Introduction Sterilization methods allowed for use in healthcare facilities Sterilization stages a) Disinfection b) Pre-sterilization treatment c) Sterilization Products to be sterilized Disinfection methods a) Boiling b) Steam c) Air d) Chemical Pre-sterilization treatment a) Algorithm of actions Types and methods of sterilization 1) Chemical method of sterilization 2) Steam method of sterilization 3) Air method of sterilization Sterilization control methods Software control is carried out using the following samples References

    Introduction One of the most important areas of work for all medical personnel is to ensure and monitor the implementation of sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic measures and the requirements provided for by the relevant orders of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Sterilization is the process of destroying all types of microorganisms, as well as spores and bacteria.

    Sterilization methods permitted for use in healthcare facilities Physical (thermal) Steam - Water saturated steam under excess pressure Air - Dry hot air Infrared - Infrared radiation Glasperlen - Medium of heated glass beads Chemical, Gas - Ethylene oxide or its mixture with other components Plasma - Vapors hydrogen peroxide in combination with their low-temperature plasma Liquid - Solutions of chemicals (aldehyde-, oxygen- and chlorine-containing)

    Stages of sterilization 1) Disinfection is a set of measures aimed at the destruction of pathogens of infectious diseases and the destruction of toxins in environmental objects. Disinfection reduces the number of microorganisms to an acceptable level, but may not completely eliminate them. 2) Pre-sterilization treatment is the cleaning of medical devices before their sterilization in order to remove protein, fat and mechanical contaminants, as well as drugs. 3) Sterilization is the complete destruction of all forms of microbes and their spores under the influence of high temperatures and other physical factors, chemicals, ionizing radiation.

    Products subject to sterilization 1) Medical and laboratory instruments of all kinds are subject to disinfection after each use. 2) All medical products that come into contact with skin and mucous membranes, organs, wound surfaces, contact with blood and other biological fluids are subjected to sterilization. 3) Disposable instrumentation (syringes, systems, scarifiers, spatulas, gynecological mirrors) is disposed of by burning in special or muffle furnaces at a temperature of at least 6000 C

    Disinfection methods 1) Boiling Applied: for glass, metal, heat-resistant polymeric materials, rubber. 2) Steam Applied: for products made of glass, metal, heat-resistant polymer materials, rubber, latex. Note: When disinfecting by boiling and steam method, products made of polymeric materials must be packed in gauze 3) Air Applied: for glass and metal products. 4) Chemical Applied: for glass products, corrosion-resistant metals, heat-resistant polymer materials, rubber. Note: After chemical disinfection, the products must be washed in running water until the smell of the disinfectant is completely removed.

    Pre-sterilization treatment Algorithm of actions: 1) Upon completion of disinfection, medical instruments are rinsed with running water for 30 seconds. Then they are soaked with full immersion in a solution of detergent at a temperature of 20-250 C for 15 minutes. 2) Washing each product in a cleaning solution with a brush or cotton-gauze swab for 30 seconds. 3) Rinsing with running water for 10 minutes. 4) Rinsing with distilled water for 30 seconds 5) Drying with hot air in an oven at a temperature of 850 C until the moisture disappears completely.

    Types and methods of sterilization 1) Chemical sterilization method This method is recommended for products made of polymeric materials, rubber, glass, corrosion-resistant metals. It is carried out with the complete immersion of the product in the solution, after which the product is washed with sterile water. The shelf life of a sterile product in a sterile container lined with a sterile sheet is 3 days. For immersion of products in dez. solution should be used containers made of glass, plastic or enameled 1) 6% hydrogen peroxide solution t = Not less than 18 0 C for 360 min 2) 10% gigasept solution for 300 min 3) 2, 5% solution of lysoformin-3000 t = 40 -50 0 С for 60 min 4) Cydex activated 2% solution of glutaraldehyde with p. H=8, 2-9, 2 t= 20-25 0 C for 240 min 5) Glutaraldehyde 2.5% p. H=7, 0 -8, 5 t= Not less than 20 0 C for 360 min

    2) Steam sterilization method Sterilization is carried out in sterilization boxes without filters or in sterilization boxes with a filter or in double soft packaging made of coarse calico or parchment, bag paper, unimpregnated wet-strength bag paper, paper for packaging products on brand E machines, paper creped in a steam sterilizer . Shelf life of products sterilized in boxes with a filter - 20 days, in the rest of the package - 3 days Sterilization mode Vapor pressure, kg / cm 2 0, 11 products made of corrosion-resistant metals, glass, rubber products 45 Recommended for products made of rubber, latex and certain polymeric materials (high density polyethylene, PVC

    3) Air sterilization method Dry products are subjected to sterilization, and it is carried out in a package made of unimpregnated bag paper, wet-strength bag paper, paper for packaging products on brand E machines, high-strength packaging paper, crepe paper, two-layer crepe paper or without packaging in an open container in air sterilizer Products sterilized without packaging are used immediately after sterilization, in packaged form - within 3 days. Sterilization mode Applicability Operating temperature, 0 С Holding time, min 180 60 150 Recommended for products made of metals, glass and silicone rubber

    Sterilization control methods 1)Physical and chemical Sterilizers operating mode parameters are monitored. Chemical methods are based on the color change of the indicators upon reaching a certain temperature. 2)Bacteriological Sterilization efficiency is being assessed.

    Software control is carried out using the following samples: 1) Azopyram test is carried out for the presence of hemoglobin, oxidizing agents, chlorine-containing substances, washing powder, rust. Prepare 1, 0 -1, 5% solution of aniline hydrochloride in 95% alcohol. It is stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months, out of it - no more than a month. Before setting up the sample, mix equal volumes of azopyram and 3% hydrogen peroxide. Use the mixture within 1-2 hours. Do not check hot instruments, do not keep the solution near heating devices and in bright light. Upon contact with a reactive blood spot, a purple color appears within one minute.

    2) Amidopyrine test is carried out for the presence of blood. Mix equal amounts of a 5% alcohol solution of amidopyrine, 505 acetic acid and 3% hydrogen peroxide solution (2-3 ml each). 2-3 drops of the reagent are applied to the controlled product. In the presence of blood contamination, a blue-green color appears (exposure 3 minutes 3). The phenolphthalein test is carried out to check the quality of washing the active substances of the washing instrument from the surface of the instrument. A 1% solution of phenolphthalein is applied. When present, a pink coloration occurs.

    References 1) San. Pi. N No. 8. 013. 03 dated 31. 01. 2003 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the quality of sterilization and disinfection of medical devices” 2) http: //ru. wikipedia. org


    Disinsection - destruction
    insect vectors
    infectious diseases
    Insecticides - preparations for
    insect extermination
    Deratization - destruction
    rodent carriers
    infectious diseases

    Disinfection -

    is the destruction of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms of vegetative
    forms in the human environment.
    The main task is to interrupt the mechanism
    transmission of infection by disinfection
    various objects.
    Destruction of infectious agents
    diseases in the environment.
    Protection of personnel handling
    medical instruments and equipment, from
    possible infection

    Types of disinfection

    - Preventive - carried out with the aim
    HAI warnings, regardless of the presence
    infections. Disinfection of drinking water and sewage
    water, dishes, rooms, objects.
    Effective with continuous use.
    - Focal - current - in the focus of infection, at the bedside
    sick, repeated, hinders
    spread of the pathogen to others.
    -Final - once after leaving
    patient (inf. department, extract) for a complete
    destruction of the pathogen in the focus of infection.

    Disinfection modes, PSO and
    regulated by order
    OST-42-21-2-85 -
    "Sterilization and
    disinfection of products
    medical purpose"

    Disinfection methods


    Classification of items by categories of risk of transmission of nosocomial infections
    Non-critical -
    in contact with
    healthy skin and
    not in contact with
    patient: canes,
    crutches, blood pressure monitor,
    thermometer, walls,
    wheelchairs, furniture.
    Cleaning and
    disinfection low
    level. (1% solution
    wiping or
    soaking at 15m)

    Semi-critical -
    in contact with
    liquids, with
    mucous membranes and
    damaged skin:
    respiratory and
    equipment, endoscopes,
    vessels, rectal and
    vaginal instruments
    Cleaning and disinfection
    medium or high
    level (3% solution
    chloramine for 60 minutes),
    PSO, sterilization.

    Critical -
    penetrating into
    body cavity
    PSO, sterilization.
    , sterile tissues and
    vessels: surgical
    implants, needles,
    vascular and urinary

    Mechanical Methods

    vacuum cleaning,
    washing and washing,
    airing and ventilation
    water filtration,

    Physical Methods

    tyndalization (fractional pasteurization),
    UV radiation
    ultrahigh frequency currents,
    radioactive radiation

    Chemical Methods

    -full immersion
    - falling asleep

    Chemical groups of disinfectants:

    SAW (HOUR)
    PhenolsProduct name
    1. Chlorine
    Dry-200 g per 1 liter, 60 min
    Rough disinfection
    secretions of the patient
    2. Chloramine
    mother liquor
    3%-60 min
    Garbage, purulent
    floors, surfaces,
    ships, baths
    Dishes, surfaces
    0.5%-30 min, 1%-15 min
    3%-60 min
    Semi-critical and

    Hypochlorites Ca, Na
    Like bleach
    1-2 tab. for 10 l. Water Premises,
    15-60 min.
    plumbing, furniture,
    Neutral anolyte
    0.03-0.05% - 60 min.
    Disinfection of medical devices,
    PSO, sterilization
    Precept (table)
    0.5g, 2.5g, 5.0g
    0.056%-90 min.
    Hepatitis 2t per 5l
    0.28% - 45 min.
    Tuberculosis 10 tons per 5 liters.


    6% peroxide
    Clean-60 min.
    With the addition of 5g
    2% 10-30 min.
    Disinfection of medical devices

    Disinfection of medical devices:

    Mercury thermometers, medical
    -1% solution of chloramine - 15 minutes. When fully immersed, then
    rinse with water, store dry.
    Metal spatula
    - Boiling in distilled water -30 minutes or treatment
    dry air at a temperature of 120 degrees C - 45 minutes.
    -The couch is completely covered with oilcloth.
    1% chloramine solution, rubbed twice or 3% solution
    chloramine, double wiping if contaminated with blood and
    its components or other biological fluids.
    - Boiling in distilled water - 30 minutes or 2%
    soda solution - 15 minutes. When fully immersed.
    Washcloths for washing patients.
    - Boiling in distilled water - 30 minutes.

    Safety precautions when working with disinfectants

    Persons over 18 years of age who have passed
    Persons with elevated
    sensitivity to chemicals.
    Specially equipped rooms for
    preparation of solutions, overalls.
    Storage in special rooms, tight
    closed, in a dark glass container.
    Labels with names,%, date of manufacture.
    Take care of your skin.

    First aid in case of contact with disinfectants on the skin and mucous membranes

    In case of contact with skin, rinse immediately with water.
    In case of contact with eyes, rinse for 10-15 minutes
    running water, drip if necessary
    albucid 30%, if pain, pain - drops with novocaine
    If the respiratory tract is irritated, go to another
    indoors or outdoors, rinse mouth and
    nasopharynx with water or 2% solution of soda, drink warm
    milk with soda, if necessary, appoint
    cardiac, sedative and antitussive
    If the disinfectant enters the stomach:
    Grind 10-20 activated charcoal tablets,
    take and drink several glasses of water. At
    need to see a doctor

    Pre-sterilization cleaning

    The purpose of pre-sterilization treatment is
    removal from medical devices
    prescription of protein, fatty, medicinal,
    mechanical impurities, including
    invisible (blood, mucus), disinfectants
    means, detergents, which provides
    effectiveness of subsequent sterilization and
    safe use
    sterilized products.

    Stages of JI

    Stage 1 - washing after disinfection
    running water over a sink for 30 seconds to
    complete removal of disinfectant odor
    Stage 2 - soaking (full immersion)
    products in one of the cleaning solutions - 15 min:
    "Biolot" 0.5% - temperature 40°C;
    hydrogen peroxide 0.5% with the addition of 0.5%
    one of the synthetic detergents (CMC):
    ≪Progress≫, ≪Lotus≫, ≪Lotus-machine≫,
    ≪Aina≫, ≪Astra≫ - temperature 50°C.

    Stage 3 - washing each product in the same
    the solution in which it was soaked,
    using a ruff or cotton-gauze swab in
    for 30 s;
    Stage 4 - rinsing with running water after
    use of ≪Biolota≫ during
    3 min, hydrogen peroxide solutions in CMC
    ≪Progress≫, ≪Marichka≫ - 5 min; CMC
    ≪Astra≫, ≪Lotus≫, ≪Lotus-machine≫ -10 min;
    Stage 5 - rinsing with distilled water
    within 30 s;
    Stage 6 - drying with hot air at
    temperature 75-87°C in ovens.

    JI quality control

    Azopyram test. Prepare a solution:
    aniline hydrochloride 1.0 - 1.5 gr
    amidopyrine 100.0 gr
    Add up to 1 liter of 95% ethyl alcohol.
    Store in a tightly closed vial at 4°C (in
    refrigerator) 2 months, and in the dark at room
    temperature (18-23°C) - no more than 1 month.
    A solution is prepared immediately before the sample:
    mixed in equal amounts
    azopyram and 3% hydrogen peroxide.

    Amidopyrine test. Prepare an alcohol 5% solution of amidopyrine
    in 95% ethyl alcohol, which
    can be stored in glass bottles
    stopper in the refrigerator for 1 month.
    30% acetic acid and 3% hydrogen peroxide solution
    prepared with distilled water. mixed
    equal amounts of 5 percent
    alcohol solution of amidopyrine, 30% acetic acid and 3%
    hydrogen peroxide before use.


    method for death
    sterilized material
    and spore forms of pathogenic and
    non-pathogenic microorganisms.

    Sterilization Methods

    thermal: steam, air;
    chemical: gas, chemical
    plasma and ozone (group

    Steam method

    - 2 atm - 132 C - 20 minutes - for
    corrosion-resistant metal, glass
    , textiles.
    -1.1 atm - 120 C - 45 minutes - products
    rubber, latex, polymers

    Search info

    air method

    180°C - 60 min;
    160°C - 150 min.

    gas method

    The gas has a sterilizing effect at normal
    temperature, with this method of sterilization can
    to be used:
    - ethylene oxide with ethyl bromide
    This method sterilizes: optics, pacemakers,
    polymeric materials (rubber, plastic, glass,
    metal; exposure time - 6 hours, t in the chamber - 35 * C)
    - vapors of 40% solution of formaldehyde in ethyl alcohol.
    This method sterilizes: endoscopic
    instruments, heart-lung machines,
    products made of plastic and catgut; exposure time: for
    plastics and rubber - 180 min.; for glass and metal - 120
    min.; t - 80 * C, formaldehyde dose - 150 ml per 1 liter
    (should be sprayed).

    Chemical preparations

    - 6% hydrogen peroxide: 6 hours - at
    room t; 3 hours - with a single
    heated (50 * C);
    - Pervomur C4: for suture material - 4.8%,
    exposure 15 min.;
    - sideks: metal products - 4 hours; products
    made of polymeric materials, endoscopes - 10
    hours; cleaning tools after


    The sterilizing agent is
    ionizing at (gamma) - and β (beta) radiation
    Sterility is maintained in such
    packaging for years

    Sterility of materials, products, shelf life:

    closed biks of a new sample - 20 days;
    Closed biks without filter
    - 3 days
    with an open bix of any sample
    sterility of materials, products
    lasts up to 24 hours;
    kraft bags sealed - 20 days;
    kraft bags on paper clips - 3 days.

    Bix laying rules

    treat the inner surface of the bix with 70% alcohol and on its bottom
    put the sheet in such a way that then cover it with the ends
    bix content;
    put in the bix sets of rubber products, dressings,
    wrap the tools in a towel or diaper and put them in bix;
    after loading the bix, place 5 indicators in it: 4 - on the inside
    side of the bix walls and 1 - in the center of the bix (indirect control method
    on the cover of the bix, fix the tag on which to mark: type
    material and medical department for which
    sterilization of instruments and materials;
    close the bix lid hermetically. At the bix of the old sample, move
    a metal belt-belt and thereby open windows on its walls,
    which after completion of sterilization must be closed;
    after sterilization, put the date and signature on the bix tag
    autoclaving nurse.
    There are various options for completing bixes: only one type
    material, kits for a typical or specific operational

    Sterilization quality control

    Technical method - thermometers in the chambers,
    pressure gauges.
    The bacteriological control method is carried out with
    with the help of a biotest - an object from a certain
    material contaminated with test microorganisms.
    Thermal For operational control earlier
    recommended by numerous chemical
    substances whose melting point is
    sterilization temperature.
    -urea (132)
    -thiourea (180), succinic acid (180-192)

    Final control of knowledge:
    1. The main task of disinfection
    2. Types of disinfection
    3. Disinfection methods
    4. Chemical methods of disinfection
    5. Stages of JI
    6. What is sterilization
    7. Sterilization methods
    8. Parameters of sterilization of products from
    steam rubber
    9. Drugs used in chemical
    10. Melting point of thiourea Presentation prepared by:


    - a method that ensures death in the sterilized material
    vegetative and spore forms of pathogenic and non-pathogenic
    Sterilization must be
    all items or individual types
    diagnostic equipment,
    in contact with a wound, blood,
    injectables, with
    mucous membranes.

    Sterilization methods.

    Thermal: steam and air (dry heat)
    Chemical: gas or chemical solutions (sterilants)
    Plasma (hydrogen peroxide plasma)
    Radiation sterilization - used in the industrial version
    Membrane filter method - used to obtain a small
    quantities of sterile solutions, the quality of which can dramatically
    deteriorate under the action of other methods of sterilization (bacteriophage,
    selective culture media, antibiotics)

    Sterilization methods approved for use in healthcare facilities.

    Method type
    sterilizing agent
    Saturated water vapor
    dry hot air
    Infrared radiation
    Heated glass medium
    Ethylene oxide or its mixture with
    other components
    Vapors of hydrogen peroxide in
    combined with their
    low temperature plasma
    Solutions of chemicals
    (aldehyde-, oxygen- and

    Steam sterilization

    carried out by supplying saturated steam under pressure in steam sterilizers
    Steam sterilization under pressure is considered the most effective method, since the
    the higher the pressure, the higher the temperature of the steam sterilizing the material; bactericidal
    The properties of steam are higher than those of air, so supersaturated steam is used for sterilization.
    steam sterilization is used for textile products (linen, cotton wool, bandages, suture
    material), rubber, glass, some polymeric materials, culture media,

    Steam sterilization modes:

    132 °C - 2
    kgf/cm2) - 20 minutes
    - main mode.
    Sterilize everything
    products (glass,
    metal, textile,
    except rubber).
    120 °C - 1.1
    kgf/cm2) - 45 minutes
    - gentle mode
    (glass, metal,
    rubber products,
    polymer products
    - according to
    passport, textiles)

    Packing materials for steam sterilization:

    The sterilization box (bix) is simple. Shelf life
    3 days after sterilization.
    Sterilization box (bix) with filter. Term
    storage 20 days after sterilization.
    Kraft bags with paper clips. Shelf life - three
    days after sterilization.
    Kraft bags are sealed. Shelf life - 20
    days after sterilization.
    Fabric (coarse calico - EXCEPT for gauze). Shelf life - three
    days after sterilization.
    Combined packaging (transparent synthetic
    film + paper) (dgm sterigard). Shelf life from 180
    days to 720 days.



    Medical craft bags for sterilization

    There are various ways to remove air from the steam chamber, from
    of which two are used in modern medical sterilizers:
    The gravitational method of removing air is when
    through the purge valve at the bottom
    sterilizer removes air, heavier than
    compared to the steam that enters through the valve
    at the top of the camera. The steam gradually fills
    chamber, replacing the air.
    In fore vacuum sterilizers, air removal
    carried out by repeated cyclic pumping
    air from the sterilization chamber. Into the camera
    saturated steam is supplied and pumped out
    a mixture of steam and air, such a removal cycle
    repeated many times from 3 to 9 times (depending on
    from the brand of the device) until the complete removal of air from
    chamber, porous loading and products with voids.
    The steam-air mixture is pumped out either
    backing pump or injector.

    Air sterilization

    For this method, dry heat
    cabinets. Sterilizing agent - dry
    hot air
    packaging: kraft bags, coarse calico.
    Materials: metal, textiles.
    advantages: cheap, simple method, not
    causes metal corrosion, does not occur
    humidification of packaging and products.
    cons: limited choice of packaging,
    slow and uneven heating
    products, the need to use more
    high temperatures, impossibility
    use rubber materials

    Operating mode: at a temperature of 180°C for 60 minutes
    Sterility period: When opened, they are used immediately.
    or transferred to a sterile table and
    saved 6 hours
    Packed in sealed bags
    metal clips - 3 days,
    sealed with special glue - 20 days

    Glasperlen sterilizers

    Glasperlen method is designed for fast sterilization
    small solid metal tools that do not have
    cavities, channels and lock parts.
    This method is mainly used by dentists to
    express sterilization of small instruments - burs,
    pulp extractors, root needles, diamond heads, etc., and
    also working parts of larger ones - probes, trowels,
    excavators, spatulas, etc. You can also sterilize
    acupuncture needles.
    Advantages of the method - short sterilization time
    and lack of consumables.

    The method is extremely simple - the tool
    immersed in the environment of small
    glass beads heated to
    temperatures 190 - 2900C (such
    way to over working
    tool surface
    there was a layer of balls of at least
    10 mm) for 20 - 180 seconds, in
    depending on size and weight
    Sterilizes in just 5 seconds:
    forceps, tongs, scalpel holders, probes, spatulas,
    chisels, chisels, diamonds, files,
    burs, root elevators,
    extensions, angled
    tips, needle holders,
    tweezers, etc.

    Chemical sterilization

    It is carried out in sterile conditions. room for
    sterilization should be equipped with a fume hood,
    bactericidal irradiator. Nurse working in sterile
    overalls, gloves, respirator.
    sterile container with a sterilant, products are immersed
    for medical purposes, which have undergone decontamination and PSO,
    close the lid tightly. The log shows the start time
    sterilization. At the end of sterilization honey. products
    removed from solution sterile
    tweezers or forceps,
    transferred to another sterile
    container with sterile water,
    washed, dried and
    laid out in bix with sterile
    diaper. End of sterilization time
    also recorded in the sterilization log.

    The following sterilizing agents and modes are used:

    6% solution of hydrogen peroxide at a temperature of + 50 ° C - 3 hours; at a temperature of + 18°С - 6 hours. Solution
    hydrogen peroxide can be used within 7 days from the date of preparation, provided it is
    storage in a closed container in a dark place. With a longer shelf life, the use of the solution may
    carried out only after control of the content of active substances. Solution temperature in
    sterilization process is not supported.
    The drug "Sydex" (glutaraldehyde) at room temperature - 10 hours. Working with the drug
    should be carried out in a well-ventilated area. Has a fairly strong unpleasant
    smell. May cause allergic reactions in personnel.
    Cydex NU preparation (peracetic acid) at room temperature - 10 min. Optimal for
    today a drug for emergency sterilization. It does not have the disadvantages of the usual Sidex.
    Previously, a 1% solution of a domestic drug was used at temperatures above + 18°C. Sterilization time 45 minutes. IN
    the latest "Deoxon-1" (peracetic acid) at a temperature of not years is not produced, and therefore
    out of use.
    A significant disadvantage of chemical sterilization of surgical instruments is the need
    thoroughly washing them from the sterilizing solution before use. 6% hydrogen peroxide
    causes burns even on intact skin. "Sydex" causes necrosis. Pervomur - hemolysis.
    The period of preservation of sterility of products sterilized by a chemical method and located in
    sterilization box lined with a sterile sheet - 3 days.
    Store sterile products in 70° ethanol or chlorhexidine alcohol solution (as
    done earlier) is impossible, because. it has no sterilizing effect and resistant
    forms of microorganisms (spores), which can lead to secondary contamination of previously sterilized

    Gas sterilization

    This method uses gas
    The sterilizing agent is formaldehyde or
    ethylene oxide.
    Packaging: laminated paper, parchment,
    kraft paper.
    Materials: polymers, glass, metal.
    Advantages: low temperature,
    use of any material.
    Disadvantages: toxicity to personnel and
    explosion hazard if not observed
    safety precautions, continuous
    sterilization cycle.

    Radiation sterilization method

    necessary for the sterilization of products from heat-labile
    - the main method of industrial sterilization. used
    manufacturers of sterile products
    single use.
    Sterilizing agent - ionizing γ and β radiation.
    Packaging: in addition to paper bags, they use
    Advantages: sterility is preserved in the package for a long time.
    Disadvantages: the high cost of the method.

    An effective sterilizer that allows you to sterilize surgical
    instruments and dressings with dry heat and
    ultraviolet rays. It has a powerful bactericidal effect.
    The recirculator is intended for disinfection of indoor air in
    the presence and absence of people in the process of forced circulation
    air flow through the housing, inside which two bactericidal
    low pressure lamps.

    Quartz lamp.

    Sterilization with infrared rays

    The small-sized sterilizer is designed for sterilization
    dental and microsurgical instruments made of metals in
    conditions of hospitals, polyclinics, hospitals and other medical and
    cosmetology establishments. Sterilization is carried out
    infrared powerful short-term thermal effect.
    t 200+3°С. Full cycle of sterilization of instruments in unpackaged
    form takes from 10 to 25 minutes in an infrared sterilizer (in
    depending on the instruments), including the stages of entering the mode and
    cooling, after which the instruments can be used for
    The design of these sterilizers
    allows you to place the entire
    sterilization chamber and
    sterilize and then leave
    for cooling even
    dental forceps.

    In addition, the sterilizer can perform the functions
    very economical and fast heater
    medicines, water, etc. up to the set temperature at
    minimal time and electrical
    energy. However, it can keep the temperature
    in the thermos mode and keep it in the mode
    Cons: no
    opportunities to sterilize
    packed tools,
    also a common disadvantage
    thermal methods limited acceptance due to
    damaging effect on
    polymer materials
    (plastics, rubbers, etc.)
    Infrared sterilizer IKS-1

    Plasma sterilizers

    This is the most modern sterilization method known today.
    day. It allows you to sterilize any medical device, from hollow
    tools to cables, electrical appliances, to which in some cases
    none of the known methods can be applied at all
    The minimum processing time in a plasma sterilizer is from 35
    minutes, operating temperature - 36-60°C. One of the main advantages
    this method - no toxic waste, only
    oxygen and water vapor. Plasma sterilization
    destroys all forms and types of microorganisms.
    Plasma sterilizers - future
    equipment, but for most Russian
    medical facilities are too costly.

    Plasma sterilization process

    Before sterilization, items are wrapped and
    placed in the chamber on racks, while using
    mechanical vacuum pump is reduced
    pressure. Plasma is formed in a strong
    electric field (pulse direct current).
    Immediately after this, a certain amount
    sterilizing steam is injected into the chamber
    sterilizer and evenly distributed,
    filling all internal cavities. In the cell
    a rack is located (to accommodate
    sterilized items), which also serves in
    as an electrode in the process of plasma formation. This rack is connected
    electrical circuit with a source of energy, which
    generates pulses and excites the plasma. combined action
    vacuum and sterilizing mixture on objects placed in the chamber, enough to
    achieve the desired level of sterilization. During the cleaning phase
    filtered atmospheric air is injected into the chamber and quickly removed.
    This process is repeated at least 2 times. The pressure is constantly reduced by
    mechanical vacuum pump. Plasma begins to form at a pressure of 0.1
    mbar, vacuum maintenance continues until sterilization conditions are reached
    (temperature around 45°C_50°C), the pressure drops to 5x10-2 mbar. door can
    open after the filtered atmospheric air enters again into
    camera. Plasma heating (up to 45°C) achieved with UV irradiation enhances
    the action of a chemical solution, which guarantees the absence of toxic waste on
    sterilized items. Plasma excitation is a simple process,
    which depends little on the type of material to be sterilized (metal, ceramic glass
    or plastic).

    The design of modern
    plasma sterilizers
    Control Panel
    alarms (including
    signal history)
    services for
    preventive care
    Level control
    operator access
    Calibration and
    technical pages
    (password protected)
    new cycles or
    modification of the standard
    loop (password protected)
    Clear texts
    Manual control
    Pages with tips for
    interface function
    Touch panel control allows
    track the following transactions
    Pressure value
    Temperature value
    Selected cycle
    date and time
    Navigate to other management pages and
    Manual action selection
    Setpoint monitoring
    There are also touch panels
    multi-language support: English,
    Italian, French, Spanish,
    Arabic, Russian, Portuguese, German,
    Turkish, Polish, Chinese, Greek,
    Romanian, Korean, Bulgarian, etc.

    Cartridge alarm
    Door close signal
    Maximum phase time
    Vacuum and pressure signal
    Power outage
    Air deficiency alarm
    Reducing the charge of the internal
    Low/high temperature
    Network systems and software
    The plasma sterilizer can be connected to
    computerized control system and/or
    sterilizer control system.
    NCS: central data monitoring system,
    archiving and messages using the interface
    data in real time.
    ITINERIS: Service Branch Management System
    centralized sterilization and tracking system
    behind the tools.
    RMS: remote service system for external
    service checks and interface.
    Automatic sliding doors
    Automatic sliding function with
    pneumatic system allows you to safely and
    smoothly open/close the door. The doors have
    window for monitoring the process and loading

    Methods for monitoring the effectiveness of sterilization

    In the complex of measures for the sterilization of medical products
    appointment, it is important to organize and conduct control
    for its effectiveness. The methods used so far
    control means do not always allow to detect sterilization defects,
    leading to an increase in nosocomial infections.
    Physical methods;
    Chemical methods;
    biological methods.

    Physical methods:

    Physical control methods are carried out using means
    temperature measurements (thermometers, thermocouples), pressure
    (manometers, pressure and vacuum meters) and time (timers). Modern
    sterilizers are also equipped with recording devices,
    fixing individual parameters of each sterilization cycle.
    vacuum gauge
    Thermometer and pressure gauge

    Chemical methods:

    carried out using chemical tests and thermochemical
    indicators that change their state of aggregation and color when
    reaching a certain melting point:
    used for steam sterilizers
    urea (urea) with pink dye temperature
    melting point 132 degrees Celsius
    benzoic acid with fuchsin - melting point 120°C;
    thermal indicator paper that changes its color under
    exposure to a certain temperature (l20 ° C-132 C);
    for air sterilizers:
    thiourea (thiocarbamide) without dye, temperature
    melting point 180°C;
    succinic acid, the melting point of which is 180 ° C
    thermal indicator paper changes color with temperature

    Since January 2002, GOST R ISO 11140-1 "Sterilization of medical products. Chemical indicators. General requirements" has been put into effect in Russia. WITH

    Since January 2002, GOST R ISO 11140-1 has been put into effect in Russia
    "Sterilization of medical products. Chemical indicators. General
    requirements". According to this document, chemical indicators are distributed
    for six grades.
    1st class are indicators ("witnesses") of the process. An example of such an indicator
    is a heat-indicating tape, pasted before sterilization on
    textile packages or sterilization boxes. A change in the color of the ribbon indicates that
    the packaging has been exposed to the sterilization process. The same indicators can
    be placed in sets of surgical instruments or surgical linen.
    The 2nd class of indicators is intended for use in special test procedures,
    for example, when performing the Bowie-Dick test. This test does not control
    sterilization parameters, it evaluates the efficiency of removing air from the steam chamber
    Indicators of the 3rd class are indicators of one parameter. They rate
    maximum temperature, but do not give an idea of ​​the time of its exposure. Examples
    such indicators are the chemicals described above.
    4th class - these are multi-parameter indicators. They contain dyes that change their color
    with the combined effect of several sterilization parameters, most often - temperature and
    time. An example of such indicators are thermo-time indicators for monitoring
    air sterilization.
    5th class - integrating indicators. These indicators respond to all critical
    sterilization method parameters. The characteristic of this class of indicators is compared with
    inactivation of highly resistant microorganisms.
    6th grade - indicators-emulators. These indicators should respond to all control
    values ​​of critical parameters of the sterilization method.

    1 class
    4th grade
    Grade 2
    3rd grade
    6th grade
    5th grade

    biological method

    Currently, for bacteriological control
    bioassays are used that have a dosed amount of test culture spores. Monitoring sterilization efficiency with bioassays
    it is recommended to carry out 1 time in 2 weeks. In foreign practice
    It is customary to use biological testing at least once a year.
    In some cases, it becomes necessary to control
    using biotests of each sterilizer load. First of all, speech
    is about the sterilization of instruments used to perform
    complex surgical interventions requiring the use of
    highly reliable sterile materials. Every download
    implantable devices must also be subjected to
    bacteriological control. At the same time, the use
    sterilized materials are delayed until receipt
    negative control results. The same principles for
    determining the frequency of control, it is recommended to adhere to
    regarding gas sterilization, which is compared to other
    more complex methods.

    biological indicators.

    They are a plastic container with
    cap containing a fragile ampoule with
    reducing medium and a paper strip,
    infected with control spores
    microorganisms. The indicator is placed
    directly in the sterilization chamber, or
    placed in containers and packages,
    intended for sterilization, in the course of their
    preparation. No prior
    do not manipulate the indicator
    required - it is completely ready for use.
    After the end of the sterilization cycle
    indicator must be removed and subjected to
    incubation to control inactivation
    spores of microorganisms contained in it. After
    removal from the sterilizer chamber
    crush the ampoule inside and
    incubate at the recommended temperature in
    within the required time - usually 24
    hours. Sterilization error appears
    discoloration and/or turbidity of the medium.

    slide 1

    Types and methods of sterilization of medical instruments and materials Kazakh - Russian Medical University Department of VK - II Course of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases and Nursing F.I.O. Student Redkina Maria Faculty General Medicine Course 2 Group 206 A Checked by Amanzholova T.K. Almaty 2010

    slide 2

    Plan: Introduction Sterilization stages Stage 1 - disinfection Stage 2 - pre-sterilization treatment: Phenolphthalein test Azopyram test Stage 3 - sterilization Sterilization methods Preventive disinfection and sterilization of various objects of the therapeutic department. Conclusion Literature

    slide 3

    Introduction: ... It is necessary to strictly observe the rules for the use of disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of medical instruments, equipment, when carrying out manipulations related to the violation of the integrity of the skin, observe OST 42-21-2-85. The polyclinic has a centralized sterilization department, where two medical workers work in two shifts. They are responsible for working out the medical instrument, as well as dressings ... (“Order No. 408 “On measures to reduce the incidence of viral hepatitis in the country” dated 07/12/89”)

    slide 4

    Sterilization methods Sterilization of medical instruments is carried out by air, chemical, steam methods.

    slide 5

    Sterilization stages Stage 1 - disinfection After use, medical instruments and gloves are immersed in a container with a disinfectant in a 3% chloramine solution for 1 hour, then washed under running water until the smell of chlorine disappears, disinfection by boiling metal instruments, glass.

    slide 6

    Stage 2 - pre-sterilization treatment The instrument and gloves are soaked in a washing solution (33% hydrogen peroxide solution - 14 g, detergent - "Lotus" - 5 g, distilled water - 981 g) for 15 minutes at a temperature of 50 ° C. each product is washed for 20 seconds, and then washed for 10 minutes under running water. After pre-sterilization treatment, control tests are carried out - for washing away from alkali (phenolphthalein) and for occult blood - azopyram. Pre-sterilization treatment

    Slide 7

    Phenolphthalein test 1% of the batch is checked, but not less than 3-5 products of each item. Sample technique. Cotton wool soaked in a 1% solution of phenolphthalein is used to wipe work surfaces and joints. The sample is considered positive (bad wash) if a pink color appears. In this case, the entire batch is subjected to repeated washing.

    Slide 8

    Azopyram test Preliminarily prepare a solution consisting of azopyram and a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution in equal amounts. The prepared solution is tested for suitability with cotton wool with blood. The appearance of a purple color, quickly turning into a pink-lilac color, indicates the suitability of the drug. The working solution can be used for no more than 2 hours. Pure solution of azopyram is stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months. When conducting an azopyram test, the result is interpreted as follows: when a purple color appears, the entire batch of instruments is reprocessed - poor-quality pre-sterilization cleaning was performed.

    Slide 9

    Rules for pre-sterilization treatment of Medical Devices 1. Upon completion of disinfection, medical instruments are rinsed with running water. Holding time 0.5 min Then: soaked with full immersion in one of the detergent solutions permitted by the authorized body in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population. The initial temperature of the solution is 20-25, the holding time is 15 minutes.

    slide 10

    2. Washing each product in a cleaning solution using a brush or cotton-gauze swab. Holding time 0.5 min. 3. Rinsing with running water. Holding time 10 min. 4. Rinse with distilled water. Holding time 0.5 min. 5. Drying with hot air in an oven. The initial temperature of the solution is 85. Until the complete disappearance of moisture.

    slide 11

    Stage 3 - sterilization For sterilization, the instrument is placed on the grids, and to control the quality of sterilization, a temperature-time indicator is laid - a vinar tape. It is sterilized by the open method in an air sterilizer for 1 hour at a temperature of 180°C. The time of the beginning and end of sterilization is noted in the journal, and a temperature-time indicator is glued, which changes color after sterilization. Dressings, cotton wool, linen are sterilized in bixes or two-layer bags by autoclaving at a temperature of 120°C at a pressure of 1.1 atm. within 45 min. The dates and hours of sterilization are put on biksah.

    slide 12

    Preventive disinfection and sterilization of various objects of the therapeutic department. Mercury thermometers, medical -2% solution of chloramine - 15 minutes. When completely immersed, then rinse with water, store dry. Metal spatula - Boiling in distilled water - 30 minutes or treatment with dry air at a temperature of 120 degrees C - 45 minutes. - Treatment with dry air at a temperature of t = 180 degrees C - 60 minutes. Couches - The couch is completely covered with oilcloth. 1% chloramine solution, 2 wipes or 3% chloramine solution, 2 wipes if contaminated with blood and blood components or other bodily fluids. Scissors - Boiling in distilled water - 30 minutes or in 2% soda solution - 15 minutes. When fully immersed. Washcloths for washing patients. - Boiling in distilled water - 30 minutes.

    slide 13

    Steam sterilization The sterilizing agent is saturated water steam under pressure. Sterilization is carried out in steam sterilizers for 20-22 minutes at a steam pressure in the sterilization chamber of 2 ± 0.2 kgf/cm2 (0.2 ± 0.02 MPa) and a temperature of 132 ± 2°. The steam method sterilizes products made of textile materials, glass, corrosion-resistant metal, rubber.

    slide 14

    Sterilization by air method It is carried out with dry hot air in air sterilizers at a temperature of 180 ° for 60-65 minutes or at a temperature of 160 ° for 150 minutes. Sterilize products made of metal, glass and silicone rubber, as well as collapsing under the influence of moisture. They are packed in kraft paper bags. The air method cannot be used for sterilization of heat-labile materials.

    slide 15

    Chemical methods Performed in closed containers covered with intact enamel, and also made of glass or plastic. The objects to be sterilized are immersed in the solution at a temperature of 18 ± 2°. Sterilization exposure time in 6% hydrogen peroxide solution - 60 ± 5 min, deoxone-1 - 45-50 min. After sterilization, the products are washed with sterile water under aseptic conditions.

    slide 16

    The sterile table is covered 2 times a day. Disinfection solutions for instruments and gloves are also changed 2 times a day. Disinfectants are prepared centrally in a separate room. For work, a 3% solution of chloramine is used to process tools, gloves, rags; 1% chloramine solution for surface treatment, thermometers, mopping, couches; 0.5% chloramine solution for hand treatment.

    slide 17

    Individual washcloth and soap. Bath - Disinfection with 3% solution of bleach, double wiping (or 1% solution of chloramine, exposure 60 minutes or other unglazed solution. - Rub with a rag with detergent-disinfectant or cleaner-disinfectant at the rate of 1-2 g per 100 sq. cm, exposure 5 minutes, then rinse in running water Rubber mats in the shower room -5% chloramine solution with 5 grams of detergent in 1 liter of solution -Total immersion for 30 minutes or rub, but do not rinse until completely dry. Shoes - 25% formalin solution or 40% acetic acid solution, put in a plastic bag for three hours, ventilate until the smell disappears. rinsing, storage in a dry place.

    slide 18

    Heating pads, ice cubes, rubber mugs. -Double rubbing with 1% solution of chloramine. - Wash with hot soapy water, rinse, dry and store in a dry place. Enema tips, catheters. -3% chloramine solution - 60 minutes. -0.5% washing solution at a temperature of 46 degrees C - 15 minutes, or boiling in 2% soda solution -15 minutes, followed by washing. -Autoclaving. Beakers. -1% solution of chloramine - 60 minutes, rinsing or boiling - 30 minutes. Gloves - 3% solution of chloramine - 60 minutes or other regulated disinfectant solution, full immersion. -0.5% washing solution - 15 minutes - Autoclave, gentle mode. Eye pipettes. - Boiling in distilled water - 30 minutes, sterilization in a gentle autoclave mode in disassembled form.
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