Lesson topic: "Architecture of Ancient Greece. Order system"

Order systemORDER
- a certain combination of carriers and
bearing parts of the rack-and-beam structure,
their structure and artistic processing.
includes load-bearing parts (column with
capital, base, sometimes with a pedestal) and
carried (architrave, frieze and cornice, in
the aggregates that make up the entablature).

There are three types of Greek orders:

Doric order.
Doric order, which appeared at the beginning of the 6th century. BC, can be considered the main
in the development of Greek architecture.
Strict and solemnly monumental Doric order, which appeared in
6th c. BC e., consists of the following parts:
three-stage base - stereobat; carrier column.
Vertically, the column trunk was divided by flutes (vertical
grooves) with sharp edges.
The column ends with a capital, consisting of an echina (flattened pillow) and
(tetrahedral plate.) of the carried part - the entablature, including the architrave
(horizontal beam resting on columns), frieze with alternating
(a plate with vertical grooves) and metopes (a plate made of
or ceramics decorated with relief or painting) and a cornice.
The Doric style of architecture developed mainly in the Peloponnese and
areas of the Greek world (Sicily).
The forms of the Doric style were influenced by Mycenaean architecture.


Ionic order
Strict geometry, massive simplicity, full of inner strength, imperious
assertion of the masculine principle in art, the Ionic order (appeared around the middle of VI
V. BC) contrasts the desire for decorativeness, for lightness of form, smoothness of lines,
its more feminine inspiration. The Ionic order differed from the Doric in proportions,
as well as the number and complexity of details.
Thin columns with a base and high, but hewn along the edges of the flutes were crowned
capitals with curls, shaped like ram's horns - volutes.
Above the volutes there was an impost (thin horizontal strip). The architrave included three
bands protruding one above the other (fascia). The frieze was decorated with a relief image. IN
on the eaves, decorations were often carved, shaped like eggs (ionics), leaves
(climitium) and beads.
The Ionic style developed mainly in Attica and in the eastern regions of the Mediterranean.
The functions of both of these orders were the same - the columns were built in order to
support horizontal floor beams. The difference was only in proportions and
decorations. Later, the famous Roman architect Vetruvius suggested that these
orders are the embodiment of the masculine and feminine principles. In support of this hypothesis, he
the fact that when the Greeks installed statues instead of columns, the Doric columns were replaced
statues of men (Atlanteans), and Ionic statues of women (caryatids).
Doric and Ionic orders were widely used in all eras of the existence of the Ancient
Greece and in the construction of residential buildings or small galleries, and in the construction of large
along the temples.

Temple of Nike Apteros

Corinthian order.
The Corinthian order appeared later than the previous two and in many ways resembled
The Corinthian order was developed from the 5th century BC and finally
took shape at the end of the 4th century. BC e.
The proportions of the Corinthian order are similar to the Ionic ones.
Its characteristic feature was a high capital, decorated
relief images
leaves of anakfa, a poisonous plant.
The great Greek soul found its perfect embodiment in the column.
with her strength and slenderness, bold take-off and precise poise in the name of
supreme harmony.

The famous symbol of ancient Greece Acropolis built by the genius Phidias on a high hill in Athens.

Acropolis in Greek means "Upper City".

In ancient times, the Acropolis in Greece served the same purpose as the Kremlin in Rus': in a fenced area were the main shrines and treasures, the treasury of the state, Those who ruled the city were also located here. The acropolis consisted of several magnificent buildings. It was placed on a hill, as if specially created by nature - a steep hill with a flat top.

Citizens who rise here on the days of great holidays first passed through Propylaea. This building with columns served as the front gate. In the side outbuildings were the spiritual treasures of Athens: an old library and an art gallery. A small but very beautiful temple was built right there. Goddess of Victory - Nike .

Parthenon Temple of Athena

Pericles, the famous ruler of Athens, under whom this Greek Kremlin was built, said very well about the Parthenon: “We love wisdom without effeminacy and beauty without whimsicality.” And, indeed, the sacred house of the Virgin Warrior is distinguished not by decorations, but by its severity and grandeur.

The last masterpiece of the Acropolis was the temple of Poseidon and Athena Erechtheion . According to legend, the temple stood on the site of the dispute between Athena and Poseidon. An ancient olive tree grew near the temple. The Greeks believed that it grew from the shaft of Athena's spear.

The main type of temple in Greek architecture was peripter (feathered), that is, surrounded by columns around the perimeter

Order- the system of relationships between the bearing and bearing parts of the building (rack-and-beam system)




column shaft


Order systems

Doric Ionic Corinthian Tuscan Composite

The capital is the top of a column.

The ancient Greek architectural theorist Vitruvius compared the Doric order "with the strength and beauty of the male body", as an expression of his strength, spiritual and physical. Sometimes, instead of a column in the Doric order, a male statue was installed, the so-called. atlas

Doric order

The plasticity and proportions of the orders reflected the search for images in the likeness of the human structure.


The Ionic order was compared by Vitruvius to "the sophistication of women, their adornments and proportionality." It is no coincidence that in the Ionic order columns were sometimes replaced by female figures, the so-called. caryatids.

Corinthian order

The Corinthian order is the lightest, most slender of the three orders of the Greek system. In the time of Vitruvius, it was customary to symbolize the Corinthian column as an image of a beautiful girl, and the order itself as an expression of her tenderness and purity.


Creative task.

Design and draw a fabulous architectural order.

Resources used:

  • http://www.vanderbilt.edu/AnS/Classics/roman_provinces/greece/Acropolis.JPG
  • http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/9/nadine462007.3/0_3cce_f7656a00_XL
  • http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/6005/sv-bozhko.0/0_643be_92b0d17e_L.jpg
  • http://www.piterra.ru/gallery/catalog/full_de3e310652.jpg

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In total there are 19 presentations in the topic

art lesson

8th grade

Baturina Lyubov Leonidovna

  • ORDER - a certain combination of load-bearing and carried parts of a rack-and-beam structure, their structure and artistic processing.
  • The order includes load-bearing parts (a column with a capital, a base, sometimes with a pedestal) and carried parts (architrave, frieze and cornice, which together make up the entablature).

Doric order, which appeared at the beginning of the 6th century. BC, can be considered the main

in the development of Greek architecture.

Strict and solemnly monumental Doric order, which appeared at the beginning

6th c. BC e., consists of the following parts:

three-stage base - stereobat; carrier column.

Vertically, the column trunk was divided by flutes (vertical grooves) with sharp edges.

The column ends with a capital, consisting of an echina (flattened pillow) and an abacus.

(tetrahedral plate.) of the carried part - the entablature, including the architrave

(horizontal beam resting on columns), frieze with alternating triglyphs

(slab with vertical grooves) and metopes (slab made of stone

or ceramics decorated with relief or painting) and a cornice.

The Doric style of architecture developed mainly in the Peloponnese and in the western

areas of the Greek world (Sicily).

The forms of the Doric style were influenced by Mycenaean architecture.

Ionic order

The Ionic order (appeared around the middle of the 6th century BC) opposes the strict geometricity, massive simplicity, full of inner strength, the imperious assertion of the masculine principle in art, the desire for decorativeness, lightness of forms, smoothness of lines, its more feminine inspiration. The Ionic order differed from the Doric in proportions, as well as in the number and complexity of details.

Thin columns with a base and high flutes, but hewn along the edges, were crowned with capitals with curls, shaped like ram's horns - volutes.

Above the volutes there was an impost (thin horizontal strip). The architrave included three bands protruding one above the other (fascia). The frieze was decorated with a relief image. In the cornice, decorations were often carved, shaped like eggs (ionics), leaves (climitium) and beads.

The Ionic style developed mainly in Attica and in the eastern regions of the Mediterranean.

The functions of both of these orders were the same - the columns were built in order to support the horizontal floor beams. The difference was only in proportions and decorations. Later, the famous Roman architect Vetruvius suggested that these orders are the embodiment of the male and female principles. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that when the Greeks installed statues instead of columns, Doric columns were replaced by statues of men (Atlanteans), and Ionic columns by statues of women (caryatids).

The Doric and Ionic orders were widely used in all eras of the existence of Ancient Greece, both in the construction of residential buildings or small galleries, and in the construction of large temples.

- Symbolizes the image of a beautiful girl, an expression of her tenderness and purity.

-In multi-storey buildings, a light Corinthian order occupies the top position.

- Apply to solemn museum buildings, concert halls, theaters, etc.

Corinthian order .

The Corinthian order appeared later than the previous two and in many ways resembled the Ionic one.

The Corinthian order was developed from the 5th century BC and finally took shape at the end of the 4th century. BC e.

The proportions of the Corinthian order are similar to the Ionic ones.

Its characteristic feature was a high capital, decorated with relief images.

leaves of anakfa, a poisonous plant.

The great soul of Greek architecture found its perfect embodiment in the column.

with its strength and harmony, bold take-off and precise balance in the name of higher harmony.

in capitals composite orders, there is some combination of the Corinthian and Ionic orders. It symbolizes lightness, elegance.

They are used to decorate the halls of palaces, to express splendor, wealth, elegance.

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