Where can I take the exam for graduates of past years. How to apply for the exam for graduates of previous years

We talked in detail about. Nevertheless, it is understandable that most of the questions arise about passing the USE among those who have already graduated from school - among graduates of previous years who wish to enter universities in 2019 and who need fresh USE results for this. How is the registration for the USE 2019 for graduates of previous years, how and where to apply to sign up for exams.

Are all graduates of previous years required to retake the exam

Not everyone. The results of the final certification are valid for four years, so if you took the exam in 2015-2018, at the same time you passed exams in those subjects that you need in 2019 for admission, and also if you are satisfied with the points obtained at the end of the exam, take the exam You do not need. Universities in your case are required to accept the results of exams from previous years.

But this is, of course, the ideal situation. In practice, there are quite a few graduates of past years entering universities who either took the USE much earlier, or did not take such exams at all, since the USE had not yet appeared in principle in their time. Someone took exams in completely different subjects that he needs now in order to consciously enter this or that educational institution. Finally, someone could take the exam in a specialized subject last year or the year before, but did not score good marks for admission and took a break for better preparation.

In all such cases, you will have to take the unified state exams again.

How to enroll in the USE-2019 for a graduate of previous years - how and where to apply

In order to register for the USE-2019, you should submit an application to the educational authorities before February 1 inclusive. In each particular Russian city, it is worthwhile to specifically specify the addresses of the places of registration for the Unified State Examination, for this you need to call the local departments of education and any other similar organizations, which in different cases can be called differently. So, in Moscow, you can register for the USE 2019 at five addresses:

  • Teterinsky lane, house 2A, building 1;
  • Zelenograd, building 1128;
  • Semenovskaya Square, 4;
  • Moskovsky, microdistrict 1, house 47;
  • Aerodromnaya street, house 9.

All indicated Moscow registration places are open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00 with a break from 12:00 to 12:30.

In exceptional cases, you can apply for the USE after February 1, but no later than two weeks before the start of the exams. But for this there must be weighty good reasons: illness and other circumstances that you can confirm with documents.

What documents are needed to register for the USE 2019 for a graduate of previous years

In order to enroll in the USE 2019, a graduate of previous years will need to provide:

  1. The passport or other document that certifies his identity;
  2. SNILS(if there is);
  3. Original document of education(if such a document was received in a foreign country, a certified translation into Russian will be required).

For people with disabilities, you will also need certificate of disability or its certified copy. If there is a recommendation issued by the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, you must also attach a copy of it.

In addition to the fact that you will need to provide these documents, you will be asked to fill out an application for passing the exam, where, in particular, you will need to indicate the subjects that you want to take. Also, in accordance with the laws of Russia, you will need to sign a consent to the processing of your personal data.

Is it possible not to sign consent to the processing of personal data when applying for the exam

You have the right not to sign such consent if you do not want to. Just inform the employees of educational authorities about this right away - they will tell you how to correctly fill out an application for passing the exam, indicating in the application your unwillingness to process your personal data.

If you are interested in what rules will be accepted in this case, your exams in Moscow, you can familiarize yourself with the relevant commission when taking exams. Other regions of Russia should also have similar documents with similar rules.

USE-2019 schedule for graduates of past years - when to take this or that exam

Graduates of previous years take the exam during the early stage. It takes place in March-April, so there is not much time left for preparation!

The schedule for the early wave of the exam for 2019 looks like this:

date of Items
March 20 (Wednesday) geography, literature
March 22 (Friday) Russian language
March 25 (Monday) history, chemistry
March 27 (Wednesday) foreign languages ​​(oral part)
March 29 (Friday) mathematics Base, Profile
April 1 (Monday) foreign languages ​​(written part), biology, physics
April 3 (Wednesday) social science, informatics and ICT
April 5 (Friday) reserve: geography, chemistry, informatics and ICT, foreign languages ​​(oral part), history
April 8 (Monday) reserve: foreign languages ​​(written part), literature, physics, social studies, biology
April 10 (Wednesday) reserve: Russian language, mathematics Base, Profile

The USE is a centralized exam conducted in Russian educational institutions. Thanks to the control measuring materials, it helps to assess the quality of student preparation. In the article we will learn how to pass the exam, which exams to take and how to get 100 points.

Since 2009, the USE has been a form of final exams at a lyceum or school, as well as a form of entrance exams to universities. The list of compulsory disciplines is presented in mathematics and Russian. The rest of the items are optional. It can be a foreign language, literature, computer science, physics, geography and others.

The number of optional items selected for delivery is not limited. When compiling a list of disciplines, students are guided by the requirements of the higher educational institution chosen for admission.

They take the exam from May to June. The legislation provides for early and additional delivery periods. The first is in April and the second is in July. The graduates of the current year who:

  • Are called to the army;
  • Go to the Russian or international Olympiad;
  • Are sent for treatment abroad;
  • They are graduating from a Russian-language school in a country with a difficult climate.

The additional period provides for the delivery of the Unified State Examination by foreign citizens, graduates of previous years, graduates of primary vocational education.

On the Russian territory, the conduct of the state exam is controlled by the Federal Service for Supervision of Science and Education with the support of the executive authorities of the Russian subjects. If testing is carried out abroad, in addition to Rosobrnadzor, the founders of an educational institution that has passed state accreditation are involved in the procedure.

Evaluation of the results of the final certification is based on a hundred-point system. For each discipline, a minimum bar is set in points, overcoming which confirms that the student has mastered the school educational program. The USE results are considered valid for 4 years following the year in which the student received them.

If the result of a participant in the final attestation in a compulsory academic discipline does not reach the established minimum bar, a retake in an additional period is provided. If the second surrender was unsatisfactory, it is allowed to try your luck again, but in the fall. In the case of the subject of choice, everything is more complicated. An attestation participant who has not scored the minimum number of points is forced to wait for a retake for a year.

Important! State testing participants who are removed from the classroom for misconduct, cheating or using a mobile phone are severely punished. Their results are canceled, as well as the right to retake in an additional period. Re-surrender is allowed after one year. So don't cheat on the exam.

How to pass the exam if you don't know anything

Pedagogical practice shows that schoolchildren, instead of preparing for exams, relax and communicate with friends. In the old days, in the absence of knowledge, hastily made cheat sheets came to the rescue of lazy schoolchildren.

The introduction of the Unified State Examination has significantly complicated the procedure for passing state testing. Members of the commission closely monitor each student, and the use of cheat sheets and electronics is severely punished. How to successfully pass the certification, if during the preparatory period the matter did not come to study? I have a few tips for this.

  • If there are still a few weeks until the day of judgment, start preparing. Use the services of a tutor and pay special attention to solving trial tasks. Learning the basic level is the key to success if you don't know anything.
  • If testing is in a few days and there is no time to study the material, take a look at the pages of the textbook. It is possible that at an important moment visual memory will come to the rescue. How to improve memory, I told in one of the articles.
  • When test day arrives, stay confident, grab your ID card, passport, some pens and pencils, a ruler and eraser, and go. Also make sure that you have a bottle of mineral water and a chocolate bar in your backpack.
  • Once in the audience, choose a seat you like, sit comfortably at the table, and take a few deep breaths. Do not worry. During the year you attended classes and for sure something remained in your memory.
  • After receiving the package with forms and tasks, slowly fill in the registration data. When teachers give the go-ahead, get down to business. You have 4 hours at your disposal.
  • Start with what you know. Once you've completed easy tasks, move on to more difficult tasks. Even if there are difficulties with the decision, do not rush to leave the audience. Stay until the very end. It is not uncommon for the correct answer to come at the last moment.

People who are well acquainted with the procedure for passing the final certification, argue that many students greatly exaggerate the complexity of the situation and lower the level of knowledge in their thoughts. It's all due to stress. If you are striving to achieve a goal, curb your panic, calm down and tune in to work. This is the secret of success.

What exams are taken in the 11th grade in 2019

According to available information, passing a test in grade 11 in mathematics and Russian is not enough to obtain a certificate in 2019. Now you need to pass an optional exam.
If you do not plan to study at the university, opt for a simple school discipline.

The full list of subjects available for selection is represented by literature, chemistry, physics, history, geography, social studies, computer science and foreign languages.

Among the innovations in 2019 is the absence of a test part, with the exception of foreign languages. Therefore, prepare responsibly, as the written exam is more difficult than the multiple-choice test.

There were rumors that in 2019, the grades for the exam will affect the grades in the certificate in the direction of decreasing or increasing. It is also planned to make the Russian language exam more difficult. This year, graduates will face more difficult tasks. As for the essay and the criteria for its evaluation, no changes are provided here.

The list of the most popular exams in universities is represented by the exact sciences, including computer science, chemistry and physics. This is due to the shortage of qualified engineers in the country and the surplus of economists and financiers.

Periodically visit the portal of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements. Documents related to passing the exam are regularly published here. There is also a table of changes that will help in compiling a complete impression of the innovations.

What exams do you need to pass for admission to universities

It is impossible to enter an institute or university without a certificate of passing the exam. It is important that a graduate who plans to become a student of one of the universities must pass exams for admission. In this part of the material, I will consider several popular areas and help in choosing school disciplines for delivery. And remember that mathematics and Russian are mandatory.

  1. If you plan to enter a medical school, prepare for the exam in chemistry and biology. Dentists need to pass the physics exam. Some universities require a foreign language test.
  2. Those who want to study psychology need to pass an exam in biology, which is considered a major. Depending on the chosen direction, the results of the Unified State Examination in a foreign language are sometimes needed. It all depends on the university.
  3. If you see yourself as a teacher, get ready to pass the corresponding subject. In particular, for admission to the Physics and Mathematics, in addition to the main exams, physics is needed. For a chemist-biologist, delivery in chemistry and biology is provided, and so on.
  4. There are many faculties available to graduates who want to study at MSU. For example, if you choose the department of "Recreational Geography and Tourism", take the exam in geography, and the department of "Philosophy" will require natural science.
  5. There are also requirements in MIPT. To enter this university, you need computer science or physics. It all depends on the direction chosen by the graduate.
  6. Educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have special requirements for applicants. They give preference to graduates who have passed the Unified State Examination in social studies, history, physics or biology, depending on the direction. Each graduate will also have to pass sports standards.
  7. For those who want to become a student of the military space academy, I recommend focusing on preparing for the exam in physics. Without this major subject, as well as without sports standards, the university will not accept.

In conclusion, I will add that each educational institution makes its own requirements for the results of the exam. If you have already decided on the university and faculty, contact the admissions office for detailed information. This will protect against a fatal mistake.

What you need to know to pass the exam for 100 points

Graduates who aspire to enter the university are preparing to pass the exam with all responsibility. Many aim to get 100 points in all subjects. It is not surprising, because the maximum score indicates that the graduate has knowledge from the school curriculum at the highest level. Such results open the way to any of the universities.

Many people think that it is impossible to pass the exam with 100 points. In reality, this is not so. With timely and proper preparation, any student has the opportunity to pass tests and get the highest score.

We will analyze the nuances of pre-exam preparation. This set of simple recommendations will help you pass the exam with 100 points in the following subjects: social science, biology, history, Russian and foreign languages, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Let's get started.

  • Stock up on textbooks for the subjects chosen for delivery from the sixth to the eleventh grade. During preparation, pay special attention to the topics that cause the most difficulty.
  • Study the exam questions to understand what questions you will face on the exam. Keep a diary, make a preparation schedule. For each item of the drawn up plan, allocate time sufficient for in-depth study of the material.
  • Keep an outline. Reading textbooks, write out the main concepts and terms. Drawings and diagrams will increase the efficiency of memorization. Between outlined topics, leave free space for fixing new or additional information on important issues.
  • Teachers like it when the student speaks. Learn to give detailed answers, argue arguments, give explanations, use terms. Meaningful answers will increase the chances of getting the highest score.
  • Visualize new information. As practice shows, cramming is a waste of time. Delve into the topic being studied, use the advantages of associative memory, imagine images.
  • Get a manual with tests in your chosen subjects and spend a lot of time working through them. Self-preparation will help to learn the material and hone the skills of solving standard problems.
  • Start preparing early. Regardless of the chosen subject, you will have to study a huge amount of information. It takes time to master this volume. Start preparing at least a year in advance. To improve the quality of knowledge, I advise you to use the services of a tutor or sign up for thematic courses.
  • Harness the time. A certain amount of time is allotted for testing in school subjects. Complete all tasks within the time frame. At the same time, in pursuit of 100 points, you have to solve problems quickly and correctly. To improve the skill, I recommend using the demo version of the exam on the website of the department.

If you set yourself a goal of 100 points in all subjects, be prepared for laborious and lengthy preparation. The above recommendations will make things easier and will be a good help.

Answers on questions

Do I need to take the exam after college and technical school?

At the initial stage of its introduction, the Unified State Examination caused a lot of different emotions among graduates of colleges and technical schools. This is justified by the status of entrance examinations to Russian higher educational institutions obtained by state testing. What does it mean?

The presence of a certificate of passing the final attestation opens the way to any university if the test results meet the requirements established by the university. People who graduated from school before 2009 do not have such a document. And if they continued their studies at a college or technical school, after graduation they are interested in whether they need to pass the exam to enter a university? Further development of the situation has two scenarios.

  • A graduate of a college or technical school who wants to continue his studies at the university in accordance with the specialty he has received is not threatened with passing the state exam. To enroll in a university, it is enough to pass a profile exam.
  • If a student received one specialty at a college or technical school, and wants to learn another profession at the university, there are two ways to solve the problem. The first provides for passing the exam, and the second - passing the entrance exams, as it was before.

The introduction of new rules has deprived graduates of technical schools and colleges of some of the benefits that help to guarantee admission to the university. But the presence of a diploma of a secondary educational institution, nevertheless, gives the student more confidence.

How to pass the exam to a graduate of previous years

It is not uncommon for a graduate who graduated from school in previous years to want to pass the state certification. This is good, because it is never too late to get a diploma of higher education. In this part of the material, we will talk about the intricacies of passing the exam by a graduate of past years.

Passing the Unified State Examination for a former graduate has a peculiarity - you do not have to take compulsory subjects, except in cases where mathematics and Russian are needed for enrollment in the chosen specialty.

Graduates of previous years pass the exam ahead of schedule or along with the main wave. To do this, an application is submitted in advance to the municipal education authority for passing an exam indicating the main and additional disciplines, a passport and a certificate.

In addition to personal information, if you studied for a long time, the application indicates the name of the completed educational institution, details, form of study and the date of receipt of the diploma. Graduates from other countries who wish to continue their studies at a Russian university present a foreign passport, the original document of education with a certified translation from a foreign language.

To obtain admission to the final certification, write an essay. This innovation does not apply to graduates of previous years. The work is written exclusively at will. However, some universities, upon admission, give several points for an essay.

Graduates of previous years take the exam at the place of application. If you live in another city, you do not need to return to your hometown in order to obtain a certificate.

In the article, we looked at how to pass the exam if you don’t know anything, gave tips for getting 100 points and answered popular questions. Rational preparation, combined with a positive mental attitude, strong motivation and absolute calmness, will help to get the highest result.

Do not panic, and in the morning before certification, concentrate on moral preparation, and not on skimming through textbooks. Such actions only aggravate the situation.

For several years in a row, the main indicator of the knowledge of schoolchildren, as well as those who have long graduated from school, but only now decided to enter a university, is the USE. Unlike those exams that many found both in the Union and in the independent Russian Federation, it differs in that it is very important to go through the registration procedure for passing in advance. Everyone knows about this, but not every potential test participant will be able to answer exactly how it is carried out and what date it starts. Therefore, we will try to cover this issue in detail.

How to register for the exam: application deadlines

At the moment, the Unified State Exam is taken in two rounds. The first of them is the main one and is intended for those who graduate from school and intend to enter a university immediately after graduation. An application for potential applicants for the Unified State Examination must be submitted before March 1, no later than. You can fulfill this requirement without any problems, since all bureaucratic formalities are settled directly at the place of study.

In the main wave, those who graduated from high school a few years ago can also take the exam. For them, the same deadline is set - March 1, but you need to apply to the regional department of education at the place of residence.

If for some reason you did not have time to apply and register before the beginning of spring, you can wait until next year, which is unlikely to suit anyone. You can also take the exam with an additional wave. In this case, it is necessary to submit an application in the period from 20.06 to 4 July. For this purpose, you need to contact the higher or secondary specialized institution in which you intend to enter.

In addition, there is such a thing as early passing the exam. This procedure does not require compliance with any deadlines at all. The only thing to do is to submit an application to the department of education at the place of residence and wait for its consideration, a decision in your favor.

Another nuance concerns those test participants who want to retake it and get a red diploma. For them, a special application form is provided, which is submitted either at the place of study or to the department of education.

Obtaining a pass: an important step in registering for the exam

Writing and submitting an application is only the beginning of the registration procedure. The next important step is to obtain a pass, which entitles you to participate in the exam and contains the following information:

  • a list of those items that you have chosen for delivery;
  • the address of the point where the test will be carried out;
  • time and date of examinations in certain disciplines;
  • codes of the department of education and the institution where the exam will be taken.

There are several nuances associated with passes that must be taken into account. If you apply for the exam in the main wave (recall, you must do this before March 1), then the document giving the right to participate in testing can be issued before May 20. There are no such restrictions for the additional wave - its participants receive a pass immediately after receiving the application for consideration.

Documents required to obtain a pass for the exam

In addition to applying for participation in the exam, the selection committee will require you to submit a fairly modest package of papers, including a general passport, a certificate or a certificate of primary or secondary vocational education.

Passing the unified state exam is an important step in the life of every graduate

How will the transfer take place?

Government innovations could not ignore such an important point as retaking the unified state exam. Although these innovations can be considered rather as positive factors that can greatly simplify the task of the “failed” graduate.

According to the rules established by the Ministry of Education, students will be able to retake not only the compulsory subjects of the Unified State Examination, but also all the rest, which will pass the exam. It will be possible to use the second attempt only in one discipline.

Graduates of previous years, as well as all those who have been convicted of violations, are not allowed to retake. If the student missed the time of the examination events, but at the same time can prove a good reason for his absence, then he can count on two additional attempts: during the autumn session and on the reserve day.

As you know, the certificate issued after the Unified State Examination can be used over the next four years, so the autumn session allows applicants to enter higher educational institutions immediately next year.

It is also possible to start acquiring a profession already in the 2019-2010 season at faculties that have a serious shortage and are ready to accept a “belated” student.

Retake the exam in order to increase the score 2019 official website: Innovations

Until 2017, the right to retake the exam was granted only to persons who did not overcome the minimum threshold for compulsory subjects, on the passing of which the receipt of a certificate depends. One of the important innovations of 2017 was the possibility of retaking any subject submitted to the exam.

Thus, in 2019 it will be possible to get a second attempt in Russian, mathematics, physics, computer science, literature, chemistry, biology, geography, social studies, history or foreign languages. It is important to take into account the following facts: You can retake only 1 exam. You can now try to retake an item twice.

You can retake one subject if there is a good reason for that (documentary evidence is required) or if you wish (in order to increase the score, you can retake the exam next year). Graduates of previous years who took part in the preliminary or main session of the Unified State Exam-2019 and received an unsatisfactory score do not receive the right to retake. If a graduate is not allowed to retake in 2019, he can retake the exam in a year ....

Features of work evaluation

Performing examination tasks, the student seeks to score the maximum number of points, which in the future are converted into the final result, based on a certain scale. Whether officials will make changes to this table is not yet known.

Most likely, the system of points already familiar to us will remain, according to which the future prospects of graduates will be determined.

The minimum score is a boundary result that gives the student the right to receive an official document on graduation from a general education institution.

It will not be difficult to fulfill such a condition: for this you just need to have basic knowledge of the subjects. As a rule, the vast majority of students gain such a number of points the first time.

A passing score is a boundary result for admission to a certain higher educational institution.

Before the start of state exams, each university on the official page posts information on the number of points that an applicant must have to start the procedure for submitting documents to their faculties.

As the practice of recent years has shown, for the successful passing of the exam, simple knowledge of the subject is not enough. An excellent result can only be obtained if you have extensive practice in solving problems of the same type, as well as significant experience in working with standard USE tickets.

Only solid knowledge and the minimum necessary skill will help you gain self-confidence and pass this difficult test.

Who will not be able to retake exams in 2019

Such a chance as retaking the exam is a great gift for all applicants in 2019. But, in some cases, graduates may be deprived of this right. You will not be able to use the second attempt if:

  1. The examinee will be removed from the audience for a gross violation of the rules (cheating, using a telephone, a programmable calculator, communicating with neighbors, etc.).
  2. The result of the exam will be canceled due to the fault of the examinee (for example, when facts of violation of the rules are revealed after watching an archived video).
  3. An unsatisfactory result was obtained in two subjects at once.
  4. In the case of a graduate of previous years gaining a score below the minimum level for the subject.
  5. In case of missing an exam without a valid reason (overslept, forgot, stuck in a traffic jam…)

Naturally, all the situations listed in this paragraph should be avoided. Rely on your own knowledge, not cheat sheets or modern technical means. Prepare well for your exam and don't let anxiety get in the way of your dream!

Every year, the most discussed among schoolchildren are issues related to future changes in the rules for organizing a unified state exam and retaking it.

This trend is quite natural, because this is the most important stage in the life of every graduate, which largely determines his prospects for the next few years. Everyone who cares about their future begins to prepare for the exam in advance, trying to find out all the details of the upcoming event.

Adding to the uncertainty is the fact that the Ministry of Education adjusts the examination procedure almost every year and makes constant changes to its program. 2019 is also no exception.

At the end of the curriculum, schoolchildren are waiting for some innovations approved by a special government commission, which must be familiarized with in advance.

Thus, anyone who wants to be well prepared for the future test will face the additional task of studying the new initiatives of education officials.

The importance of the exam for a graduate

The state exam is not just a condition for a graduate to receive a high school diploma, but also a kind of ticket to a successful adult life.

The main confirmation of this is the conditions for admission to a higher educational institution, according to which the applicant is required to have satisfactory USE results in several specialized subjects at once.

The points earned by the graduate during the state exam reflect the level of his knowledge and training. The better the result of the Unified State Examination, the higher the applicant rises in the competition for the best place in the university.

This moment is especially important for those graduates who plan to receive a specialty on a budgetary basis, receiving a scholarship for their work. Such schoolchildren begin preparation for the final test from the beginning of the tenth grade.

They attend not only planned lessons, but also go to additional courses, study with tutors and study some subjects in depth. Parents of such children give all their strength and means to find the best specialists who can improve the level of knowledge of their children.

Sometimes even the titanic efforts of moms and dads are not enough to get a satisfactory result and the child fails. The reasons for this may be different: nerves, superficial knowledge or banal bad luck.

In this case, the only way out for everyone is to retake the exam. This is a lifeboat for those who could not board the ship heading for the ocean of independent living.

How will the transfer take place?

Government innovations could not ignore such an important point as retaking the unified state exam. Although these innovations can be considered rather as positive factors that can greatly simplify the task of the “failed” graduate.

According to the rules established by the Ministry of Education, students will be able to retake not only, but also all the rest, according to which the exam will be held. It will be possible to use the second attempt only in one discipline.

Graduates of previous years, as well as all those who have been convicted of violations, are not allowed to retake. If the student missed the time of the examination events, but at the same time can prove a good reason for his absence, then he can count on two additional attempts: during the autumn session and on the reserve day.

It is also possible to start acquiring a profession already in the 2019-2010 season at faculties that have a serious shortage and are ready to accept a “belated” student.

Features of work evaluation

Performing examination tasks, the student seeks to score the maximum number of points, which in the future are converted into the final result, based on a certain scale. Whether officials will make changes to this table is not yet known.

Most likely, the system of points already familiar to us will remain, according to which the future prospects of graduates will be determined.

The minimum score is a boundary result that gives the student the right to receive an official document on graduation from a general education institution.

It will not be difficult to fulfill such a condition: for this you just need to have basic knowledge of the subjects. As a rule, the vast majority of students gain such a number of points the first time.

A passing score is a boundary result for admission to a certain higher educational institution.

Before the start of state exams, each university posts on the official page information on the number of points that an applicant must have to start the procedure for submitting documents to their faculties.

As the practice of recent years has shown, for the successful passing of the exam, simple knowledge of the subject is not enough. An excellent result can only be obtained if you have extensive practice in solving problems of the same type, as well as significant experience in working with standard USE tickets.

Only solid knowledge and the minimum necessary skill will help you gain self-confidence and pass this difficult test.

Video news

The article was written specifically for the site “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://website/

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