Literature for preparing for the exam in history. Books and textbooks to prepare for the exam in history

Having decided to continue their education in a higher educational institution and get the profession of a lawyer, philosopher, translator of oriental languages, etc., each graduate must choose to pass the exam in. This subject is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. A large number of events, wars, rulers, the subtleties of the historical process and their cause-and-effect relationships, “culture” and general erudition are far from the entire list of knowledge requirements that a student must possess. In addition, you have to write an essay, here you will already need the skills and abilities gained in the lessons of the Russian language.

The unified state exam includes topics from the entire school course. In the preparation process, it is important to identify tutorials that will help you better understand or repeat what you need if you decide to prepare.

The best textbooks for the successful passing of the exam in history

Do not rush to buy all the books in stores, first of all, think about school textbooks, in which all topics are described in detail. What is incomprehensible or forgotten can be studied from them (authors: Sakharov A.N., Levandovsky A.A., Borisov N.S., Danilov A.A., Andreev I.L., Shestakov V.A., Chernikova T.V.).

  • Baranov P.A., Shevchenko S.V. "The New Complete Guide"

Content - the history of Russia from ancient times to the present. Consists of three large sections. The structure is based on the codifier established by the FIPI, presented mainly in the form of tables, which include dates, events, historians' points of view, reasons and prerequisites for something. The goal is to systematize, deepen and generalize. The concise form makes it easier to digest, saves time when repeating. After each section, sample exercises, training options, evaluation criteria are presented.

  • Nikolaeva L.I., Safarova A.I. "Preparation for the exam"

It differs from others by the type of structure: two sections. The theoretical one consists of a reference book of facts, a glossary of terms and separate chapters on rulers (with characteristics) and the cultural aspect (architecture, sculpture, music, fine arts, literature, education, science). Practical contains 10 author's tests that test basic knowledge. Thanks to the book, you can easily find the date of interest, a specific person and quickly restore what you need in memory.

  • Itskovich M. “Full course. Multimedia tutor»

The distinguishing feature and advantage of this book guide is an additional CD that is included as a kind of electronic tutor. It works when you install a special program that checks tests compiled according to the type of exams, calculates the final scores. Thanks to him, you can independently check yourself by working through weaknesses and gaps. The written material in this publication is presented in accordance with regulatory requirements in an accessible form.

  • Pazin R.V. "Thematic tasks of an increased level of complexity for preparing for the exam"

All exercises (about seven hundred) are distributed according to their typology and time (century), for example, determining the sequence, establishing a correspondence, indicating an extra element, analyzing illustrative data, diagrams. Thus, you can prepare and work out your mistakes more effectively by using this booklet.

  • Pazin R.V. “Preparation for the exam. 10-11 cells. 150 historical figures"

This "helper" contains useful essay writing tips and detailed biographies.

  • Atlases of the Drofa publishing house

To complete part number 2, you will need the ability to work with cards: “read” information, understand the logic of the image. Therefore, when studying each section, one should use cartographic sources in parallel.

  • Zhuravleva O.N. "Historical Essay"

The recommendations and the algorithm are explained, typical mistakes and methods for their prevention are considered, as well as examples of work from previous years. Attached is a list of the most significant concepts and issues that cause difficulties and require special attention.

  • Markin S.A. "Cartographic Training"

Contains tips on card actions and practice tests, divided into periods.

  • Kirillov V.V. "Patriotic history in tables and diagrams"

Contains visual information about events, patterns, research. Some of them go beyond the main textbooks, helping to broaden the horizons of students.

USE. History. Full course. Independent preparation for the exam. Aleksashkina L.N.

M.: 2016. - 192 p.

A manual for self-preparation for the exam in history contains: - a description of the main types of examination tasks and recommendations for their implementation, formatting answers; - analysis of the answers of graduates in the exams of previous years, analysis of successful work and typical shortcomings; - training materials and materials for self-control. The author of the proposed manual is a well-known methodologist, the author of school textbooks and history books. The manual is designed for teachers and methodologists who use control measuring materials to prepare students for the Unified State Exam, as well as for students in grade 11 of secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums for self-training and self-control.

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Introduction 4
How to complete exam tasks 6
Assignments for independent work 51
1. Russia from antiquity to the beginning of the XVII century in 51
2. Russia in the XVII-XVIII centuries 74
3. Russia in the 19th century in 92
4. Russia, USSR, Russian Federation in the XX - early XXI in 112
5. Tasks with open detailed answers 161
Applications 173
1. Educational literature for preparing for the exam 173
2. Main dates and events 174

The Unified State Examination (USE) in history is a form of objective assessment of the quality of training of persons who have mastered the educational programs of secondary general education. It provides for the use of tasks of a standardized form (control measuring materials).
Control measuring materials (CMM) allow you to establish the level of development by graduates of a comprehensive school of the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary (Complete) General Education in History.
The results of the Unified State Examination in History are recognized by educational institutions of secondary vocational education and educational institutions of higher professional education as the results of entrance examinations in history.

Hello dear friends and readers! Today is not an ordinary post. This is a post answer. Such a normal and great answer to the most frequent question that the guys always ask me: “What do you recommend reading, what textbooks to prepare for the exam in history or social science?”

Let me do this. In the first part of this post, you will read what you want to hear. What they will tell you without me. OK? But the second part of the post will be for those guys and their parents who really want high scores on the exam in a few months.

Part one: what you want to hear

  • L. Katsva. The history of homeland. Handbook for high school students and university applicants. Any edition.
  • A.S. Orlov. History of Russia: textbook. Any edition
  • Kotova, Liskova: Social science. Grade 11. Modular triactive course
  • Baranov, Shevchenko, Vorontsov: USE Social Science. New complete guide

You also need to stock up on tests, they can be found on well-known sites on the Internet, everyone knows them very well. Yes, and they are too famous for us to call them here).

If you wanted to hear just such an answer to the question: what manuals and textbooks to prepare for the exam, then you can not read further. The information below is not for you at all. Feel free to take these manuals, read them, solve tests, and God help you!

The second part of the answer to the question: my real answer

No allowances to take, not worth buying at all. Here are the reasons:

  • There is absolutely no apparatus for reflection in the manual: for example, for independent work.
  • Everything in the manual is dry, it is assumed that you already have an understanding of the basic concepts. In history, these concepts are: civilization, state, apparatus of power, forms of power, surplus product, subsistence economy, and many other concepts. The same is true for social studies.
  • There are no tests in the manuals.
  • The manual does not explain how to solve tests, what are the principles for solving them. In the collections of tests themselves, at the very beginning, extremely dry information is given with a description of the test itself, there are no principles there at all.

Despite these huge disadvantages, every year millions of children buy these benefits and prepare for them. The result is very deplorable, look at the statistics of Rosobrnadzor. From myself, I can say unequivocally: 95% of the guys who read manuals and prepare for them will never pass the exam in history or society for high scores. Yes, knowledge can improve, but they will not solve the test for a high result. Maximum points for 60 out of 100.

What to do. First, read And . Secondly, if your goal is self-training: you do not want to use the services of tutors and third-party services and sites, then the training option (really correct and competent) can only be this.

STEP 1. Buy school textbooks (preferably the latest edition): on history - a textbook is bought for each period: Ancient Russia, the Middle Ages, New Time, etc. Authors on history: Sakharov, Buganov, Danilin, Kosulina, Rybakov, etc. In social science, it is similar . Take textbooks for grades 10 and 11.

STEP 2. For history, take historical Atlases and Contour maps. On society, you will need to take a plus manual, in which social science is presented in the form of diagrams.

STEP 3. In both disciplines, you are looking for where you will solve tests. Tests are needed with verification so that you can check yourself by the answers.

STEP 4. Self-preparation method:

By history

Take a textbook on the first period of Russian history. Read the chapter, look in parallel in the Atlas. Tell yourself what you understand. Next, look at the chapter that you forgot. Read it again. You retell again. Note that you missed it again. You read a third time, a fourth, until you can properly retell what the chapter is about. Then answer the questions for the chapter at the end of the chapter. Better in writing, so you sharpen the skill of formulating thoughts.

Then read the second chapter, do the same work. A day later, return to the first chapter, and check yourself that you remember. If you forgot everything, re-read it again, and do as described above.

If you have mastered in this way, for example, the period of Ancient Russia, take the thematic tests of the USE for this period and solve both the first part of the test and the second. The second part will check yourself against the answers in the manual.

Social studies

Take a textbook on the first period of Russian history. Read the chapter, look at the same time write out incomprehensible terms, look for their definitions on the Internet or in the textbook (there is a Glossary at the end). Tell yourself what you understand. Next, look at the chapter that you forgot, what terms you missed, learn them. Read it again. You retell again. Note that you missed it again. You read a third time, a fourth, until you can properly retell what the chapter is about. Then answer the questions for the chapter at the end of the chapter. Better in writing, so you sharpen the skill of formulating thoughts.

We reached the end of the section, for example, Man and Society, take out a test on this topic and decide. Solve both the first and second parts. The second part will check yourself against the answers in the manual.


Is everyone capable of such training? No, not everyone. Serious erudition, normal memory, good perseverance and determination are required. Most will run out of steam by the second week of such preparation, or they will have a nervous breakdown. Believe me, I have seen this over the years of working with children (I also worked at school)

What to do?

Modern preparation for the exam for really high scores is unthinkable without the constant support of a competent teacher. Who, when he receives your tests, your questions, will give such recommendations that will clarify the material and principles of solving tests.

The trouble is that there are no such courses on the Internet now .. Why? Because in all other courses you will be offered work in so-called groups: when the guys are driven into a webinar room, and the teacher leads such a group lesson. Homework is also checked selectively, or given at the mercy of the computer. As a result, an individual student is simply lost against the background of the others, and no one EXPLAINS HIS mistakes specifically to HIM.

To our training courses

In our courses, the mistakes of each student are explained individually thanks to the excellent preparation service. The student is watching the video. He can view it as many times as he likes, at any time of the day or night, when the student is COMFORTABLE and CONVENIENT. The student then completes the task. Any questions he can ask the teacher directly. And the teacher will give a clear, competent, professional answer in a timely manner.

All assignments are checked by an experienced teacher. Without the approval of the assignment, no student will be able to access the next lesson until the assignment is completed at the proper level. How to do this is also explained. Cool?! Yes!

USE. History. Full course. Independent preparation for the exam. Aleksashkina L.N.

M.: 2016. - 192 p.

A manual for self-preparation for the exam in history contains: - a description of the main types of examination tasks and recommendations for their implementation, formatting answers; - analysis of the answers of graduates in the exams of previous years, analysis of successful work and typical shortcomings; - training materials and materials for self-control. The author of the proposed manual is a well-known methodologist, the author of school textbooks and history books. The manual is designed for teachers and methodologists who use control measuring materials to prepare students for the Unified State Exam, as well as for students in grade 11 of secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums for self-training and self-control.

Format: pdf

Size: 2.6 MB

Watch, download:

Introduction 4
How to complete exam tasks 6
Assignments for independent work 51
1. Russia from antiquity to the beginning of the XVII century in 51
2. Russia in the XVII-XVIII centuries 74
3. Russia in the 19th century in 92
4. Russia, USSR, Russian Federation in the XX - early XXI in 112
5. Tasks with open detailed answers 161
Applications 173
1. Educational literature for preparing for the exam 173
2. Main dates and events 174

The Unified State Examination (USE) in history is a form of objective assessment of the quality of training of persons who have mastered the educational programs of secondary general education. It provides for the use of tasks of a standardized form (control measuring materials).
Control measuring materials (CMM) allow you to establish the level of development by graduates of a comprehensive school of the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary (Complete) General Education in History.
The results of the Unified State Examination in History are recognized by educational institutions of secondary vocational education and educational institutions of higher professional education as the results of entrance examinations in history.

It’s good when the textbook does not contain extra historical facts that are not needed when preparing for the exam in history. When causal relationships are traced, that is, the cause of the event, the main course of the event and the consequences of the event are determined. This is what is tested on the exam.

If the textbook is a simple statement of facts and artistically descriptive, then this textbook is not so good for preparing for the exam in history. If there are a lot of epithets, flowery expressive words in the textbook for preparing for the exam in history, then, oddly enough, it is better to abandon it.

For example, the textbook long and expressively describes Catherine the Second: “Our Mother Empress loved Russia, read many books ...” All this is emptiness and is not evaluated at the Unified State Examination. These are just facts taken out of historical context.

After all, they test knowledge of cause-and-effect relationships and the logic of historical thinking at the exam in history. History is a precise subject. Why did the event happen, what did it include, what did it lead to. Who and what role played in certain events. Everything should be in a logical and cause-and-effect relationship.

It is very important that the author of a textbook for preparing for the Unified State Exam in history be impartial in assessing historical events. There should be common sense in the textbook. At the exam in history there are questions where in any events you need to see both positive and negative sides. No matter how difficult it may be.

Why is it necessary to prepare for the exam in history using at least two or three textbooks? The fact is that each author shows his vision of the historical situation.

For example, there is a textbook for preparing for the exam in history, which we recommend to everyone:

A. S. Orlov, V. A. Georgiev, N. G. Georgieva, T. A. Sivokhina"Russian history"

In this textbook, everything is competently and clearly stated by the authors. But if we take only Orlov's textbook and prepare for the Unified State Examination in history only using this textbook, we will have difficulties. In the USE in history there are written assignments where it is necessary to present different positions on a certain historical situation (which is very important when completing USE tasks 24 and 25). Therefore, reference books are also needed to prepare for the exam in history.

For example, M.N. Zuev "History of Russia: A textbook for universities" The textbook analyzes the complex and contradictory historical processes in Russia. The appendix contains: the genealogy of Russian tsars, biographical information about the leaders of three Russian revolutions, a brief chronicle of the historical events of Russia, documents from the history of Russia, all this material can be used for a historical essay (task 25).

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