What can you take with you to the oge. What can you bring to oge

The compulsory state exam is not at all as scary as it is painted. Permitted reference materials are free to use on most subjects. Such “cheat sheets” help you quickly refresh your memory and complete tasks correctly, eliminating the need to keep a bunch of formulas and other necessary information in your head. Besides, they are somehow calmer, right?

In no case do not neglect this right. It's a shame to lose a few decisive points due to the fact that you were worried and wrote a formula or a simple word incorrectly.

What is allowed at the OGE / GIA?

The list of reference materials for each discipline is different. It is approved by the order of the Ministry of Education annually. They are included in the KIM and are issued to each test subject before the start of the test.

Russian language

Of the additional materials, you will be provided only with a spelling dictionary.


Pencil, ruler, calculator.


Ruler, formulas for calculating the roots of a quadratic equation, the n-th member of an arithmetic and geometric progression, a table of squares of two-digit numbers, as well as some geometric formulas.


Calculator, periodic table, table of solubility of acids, salts and bases, activity series of metals.


Set of geographical atlases for grades 7-9, ruler, calculator.


Calculator, equipment for laboratory work.


You can use full versions of fiction and lyrics for analysis. Only school editions are provided, that is, without prefaces and comments.

Important nuances that everyone should know about

During the exam, you cannot use a calculator that allows you to store exam questions in its memory or receive any information via wireless communication. Only those models that have only the following functions are allowed to be used:

  • four basic arithmetic operations;
  • extracting the square root;
  • trigonometric functions.

If the rules do not stipulate the use of a pencil on a given item, then you cannot take it with you. The drawings are made with a black helium pen. The presence of extraneous inscriptions on the ruler is not allowed.

From food with you, you can only take a chocolate bar in factory packaging without any signs of opening and a bottle of plain water without a label. In some cases, it is allowed to take medicine with you if its need is confirmed by a doctor.

Why can you be removed from the exam?

All items that are not provided for by KIMs are prohibited for use during the exam. These include:

  • mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, communicators;
  • "smart watch";
  • any programmable computing devices;
  • cameras, video cameras, dictaphones, microheadphones;
  • reference materials outside the list, notes, memos, etc.;
  • sheets of paper;
  • any media.

The passport must be uncovered. If it is warm in the audience, then long-sleeved clothes are handed over to the cloakroom. All personal belongings are left in a special room and locked.

During the exam, you can not leave the place and violate the established working order on the table without the permission of the observer, talk, exchange notes and assignments.

If you break the rules, the observers have the right to remove you from the audience. The results of the exam are annulled, an appropriate entry is made in the protocol. You will have the opportunity to re-pass the state final certification in August of this year. Remember that observers are financially responsible for the correct conduct of the exam, so no one will cover up violations and meet halfway for you.

The OGE is a real test that every Russian graduate of the 9th grade must pass. It is he who becomes for Russian schoolchildren a kind of ticket to life and a guarantor of further education.

The main state exam is another test. And the point is not only that it becomes for schoolchildren a kind of ticket to life and a guarantor of further education, because according to the results of the OGE, a student can go to grades 10-11 in order to then enter a university, or go to college or technical school to receive primary vocational education and junior bachelor's degree. The main "headache" is that any violations will cost the student a non-admission or even a departure from an important exam. In our article we will talk about what is forbidden to bring with you to class.

Even water at the OGE is on the prohibited list

It should be said right away that food cannot be brought to exams, however, water too. All OGEs last less than 4 hours and, according to health standards, a student can easily live such a time period without a snack and the need for water.

However, the issue of water should be addressed separately. The student must clarify in advance whether there will be a cooler in the class. If it is not provided, the student may be allowed to take a small bottle of water. Pay attention to an important point: there should not be a label on it !!!

Schoolchildren were reminded of things that are in the "taboo" section

Before entering the classroom and getting a ticket, the student has to go through the metal detector frame. Rid your pockets of unnecessary items in advance, so that later you don’t have to prove to the commission that they came to you in a completely random way.

The list of prohibited items includes:

  • - smartphones (mobile phones);
  • — smart watches (watchphones) that support IOS, Android or Windows applications;
  • — any communicators;
  • — calculators with the functions of programming, storing data arrays and transmitting them wirelessly;
  • — dictionaries and reference materials;
  • - portable translators;
  • - cameras;
  • - mp3 players;
  • - tablets;
  • - cheat sheets.

Attention!!! Withdrawal of any of the above items entails the execution of the protocol. A student caught in such a misconduct is immediately removed from the classroom, and the results of his exam are canceled. In addition, the violator is deprived of the opportunity to retake the OGE in the current year.

The final exam is an important part of the educational process and allows you to check the readiness of the student for further education. After grade 9, students take the OGE, which consists of 5 exams - 2 mandatory and 3 optional. To achieve the best result, you should carefully consider the choice of items.

Getting almost any education is accompanied by a test of acquired knowledge or an exam. This is especially important for schoolchildren: the right choice of sciences and a large number of points scored can guarantee admission to the chosen university. The most important is the USE for 11 grades and the OGE for 9 grades.

What is it about

For schoolchildren, the most important is the 11th grade and the final exam (USE). They prepare for it for several months and carefully choose items: they must match the requirements. The second most important is the OGE - the Main State Exam. Grade 9 graduates take it, after which they either remain at school or can transfer to a college or technical school.

Attention! The abbreviation "GIA" (State Final Attestation) is sometimes considered a synonym for the OGE, but in fact the GIA combines the OGE and the Unified State Examination.

The OGE is a mandatory exam for all students. Starting from 2014, it consists of 4 exams (since 2017 - of 5), of which 2 sciences (Russian language and mathematics) are mandatory for everyone, the rest are optional. The Ministry of Education plans to gradually increase the number of elective exams (one every 2 years) in order to improve the level of education of schoolchildren.

Each OGE exam must be passed no worse than the “troika”, otherwise some time is given to retake. If the student does not correct the grade or does not appear for the exam, then instead of a certificate, he will receive a certificate of completion of training. It is possible to retake the OGE only for the next year.

How to choose

Since almost all students continue to study after finishing grade 9, the OGE is not considered an important or decisive test. Its results only affect admission to a college or technical school, otherwise it is enough for a student not to get a deuce.

Attention! Colleges and technical schools can put forward their own requirements for the OGE, usually this applies to subjects taken by the OGE.

In addition to the compulsory subjects at the OGE, graduates choose additional ones at will. They are guided by different motives:

  1. Simplicity: since the main task for most students is to go to grade 10, they do not want to waste time and effort choosing the easiest sciences;
  2. Necessity for the Unified State Examination: in this way, students begin preparation for the final assessment in advance. This helps to better understand the program and prepare for graduation;
  3. Preparedness: The better the student performs in the program, the easier it will be to pass the exam. This will help to score a high number of points. This option is preferred for those leaving the school;
  4. Options required for college admission.

In each situation, the choice of motive will be different. Usually, students try to choose subjects for the USE, which they will then take for the USE. If they have not yet decided on a university, it is worth stopping at the simplest ones: this will help to score a large number of points without overstraining.

A number of features

In 2018, students will be able to choose from:

  1. Biology;
  2. Geography;
  3. Physics;
  4. Chemistry;
  5. computer science;
  6. history;
  7. Social Studies;
  8. Literature;
  9. Foreign language (English, French, German or Spanish).

Each of the options has advantages and disadvantages. Before making the final choice, you should familiarize yourself with each item separately. Below are some of the "pitfalls":

Attention! First of all, you need to choose at least a direction (humanitarian, natural science or technical) - it will be easier to choose subjects for the OGE.

What to choose

First of all, it is important to decide on the goal: if a student is going to go to college, he should choose the subjects that are required for admission. If the task is only to go to grade 10, you can stop at a simpler one.

Secondly, you will need to realize your capabilities: it is not worth taking social studies just because the majority chose it, if the student himself is poorly versed in the discipline.

Thirdly, you should try to at least roughly imagine what exams will be required at the university and focus on them.

However, the student still has to choose. For example, he can choose a story for the OGE to check whether he has enough strength for the USE in this science.

The OGE is a mandatory main state exam that students must take after grade 9. The OGE is also called the Unified State Examination for 9 grades: a similar exam structure allows examinees to better understand what awaits them at the very end.

OGE is an exam on which much depends in life. It can greatly affect the future life of a student: he will go after grade 9 at 10 or continue his studies in college. And it would be absurd to prepare for it to stay for the second year due to the fact that you, without knowing it, brought forbidden things to the exam.

For each exam, you must bring a black gel pen and a passport with you.

If you accidentally took prohibited or other things with you, you can leave them in a special storage place before entering the exam site.


You can only bring a ruler and a compass to the math exam. Reference materials with formulas, tables of squares and so on, will be given out at the actual exam.

Russian language

It is advisable to bring a spelling dictionary with you to the Russian language exam.


For the geography exam, you can bring a calculator, protractor, ruler and atlas for grades 7-9.

Social Studies

For social studies, you can only bring a gel pen and a passport with you.


It is advisable to bring a non-programmable calculator to the physics exam. Experimental equipment is also provided for the exam.


For chemistry, you can bring a non-programmable calculator, D.I. Mendeleev’s periodic table of chemical elements, a table of the solubility of salts, acids, bases and water, as well as an electrochemical series of metal voltages.


You can bring texts of works of art and collections of poems with you to the literature exam.


You can bring a pencil and a ruler with you to biology.


You can only bring your passport and a pen to computer science.

English language

In English, you can only bring a passport and a pen.

Important features of the exam

Non-programmable calculator is a conventional calculator that does not have the ability to store exam tasks in its memory or receive any information over the air. Allowed models of calculators that can calculate:

  • Four basic arithmetic operations;
  • Extracting the square root;
  • trigonometric functions.

From food, you can bring chocolates with no traces of opening, water bottles without a label. In special cases, you can bring medicines if their need is confirmed by a doctor.

Why can you be removed from the exam?

  • Mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, communicators;
  • "smart watch";
  • any programmable computing devices;
  • cameras, video cameras, dictaphones, microheadphones;
  • reference materials outside the list, notes, memos, etc.;
  • sheets of paper;
  • any media.

One day, during an exam, something like this happened. One boy was wearing a napkin in the back pocket of his pants, the observers saw this napkin through the camera and decided that it was a cheat sheet. Only after the organizer showed an empty napkin to the camera, the boy was able to continue writing the exam. Be careful in everything!

During the exam, all students will be monitored by observers. If they notice you have some kind of prohibited item, then your work will be canceled immediately.

Some children are worried and take blank sheets for Part C. This is not necessary, all drafts, answer forms, blank sheets for Part C will be given to you in the exam in unlimited quantities. You can just contact the organizer.

If you find at least one forbidden thing, then your work will be canceled and you will be able to retake the exam only next year.

Do not forget to hand over all exam materials to the organizer at the end of the exam, including drafts

It is better to prepare all things in the evening than to forget something in a hurry or take forbidden things.


The OGE is the Main State Exam for graduates of the 9th grade of general education and specialized schools in our country. The exam in the OGE format can be mandatory and voluntary. So, the OGE in the Russian language and mathematics are mandatory for passing in order to obtain a school certificate.

Tests in other school subjects are elective exams. The student himself chooses which subject to take, depending on his priorities and life goals. If you plan to continue your education in a specialized class or school in the field of Information Technology, or plan to go to college and study this specialty, or are simply interested in computer technology and programming, then you should choose computer science for delivery.

What can I take to the OGE in Informatics 2018: what is allowed?

On the eve of exams, school graduates are interested in what they can take with them to the exam? Traditionally, you will need a passport, 2 black pens, a chocolate bar without a wrapper and water without a label.

When passing certain subjects when passing the State Final Attestation (GIA), it is possible and necessary to use permitted reference and computational materials.

Below is a list of permitted additional materials:

Russian language - spelling dictionary;

Mathematics (algebra) - a table of squares of two-digit numbers, formulas for the roots of a quadratic equation, factorization of a square trinomial, formulas for the nth term and the sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic and geometric progression. Calculators are not used in the exam;

Physics - non-programmable calculator (per student) and experimental equipment;

chemistry - periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev; table of solubility of salts, acids and bases in water; electrochemical series of voltages of metals; non-programmable calculator;

Biology - no additional materials are used;

Geography - a ruler, a non-programmable calculator and geographical atlases for grades 7, 8 and 9 (any publisher);

Social studies - no additional materials are used;

History of Russia - no additional materials are used;

Literature - full texts of works of art and collections of lyrics;

English / German / French / Spanish - sound reproducing and recording equipment for listening and recording the answer to an oral question.

Informatics - for the 1st and 2nd parts no additional materials are used, for the 3rd part - a computer with software familiar to the student;

What can I take to the OGE in Informatics 2018: how to pass?

The OGE in Informatics is an exam at the end of the 9th grade, it can be taken by the student himself or can be assigned to all students at the regional level.

When passing the OGE in computer science, the student indicates in advance what software he is familiar with and in what programming language he is going to perform part 2.

To complete part 2 - with writing code - the student is provided with a computer. As variants of programming languages ​​are accepted: C or C++, Basic, Pascal or natural language.

The exam this year is no different from previous years, so many prepared for it based on the materials of both 2016 and 2017.

Exam time: 150 (2.5 hours).
Allowed materials: for the 1st and 2nd parts no additional materials are used, for the 3rd part - a computer with software familiar to the student.
Minimum score (corresponds to three): 5.
Maximum score: 22.
Number of tasks: 20

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