An aqueous solution of salt has an alkaline environment. Salt hydrolysis


A neutralization reaction is a reaction between an acid and a base that produces salt and water;

By pure water, chemists understand chemically pure water that does not contain any impurities and dissolved salts, that is, distilled water.

Acidity of the environment

For various chemical, industrial and biological processes, a very important characteristic is the acidity of solutions, which characterizes the content of acids or alkalis in solutions. Since acids and alkalis are electrolytes, the content of H + or OH - ions is used to characterize the acidity of the medium.

In pure water and in any solution, along with particles of dissolved substances, there are also H + and OH - ions. This is due to the dissociation of the water itself. And although we consider water to be a non-electrolyte, nevertheless it can dissociate: H 2 O ^ H + + OH -. But this process occurs to a very small extent: in 1 liter of water, only 1 decomposes into ions. 10 -7 mol molecules.

In acid solutions, as a result of their dissociation, additional H+ ions appear. In such solutions, there are much more H + ions than OH - ions formed during a slight dissociation of water, therefore these solutions are called acidic (Fig. 11.1, left). It is customary to say that in such solutions an acidic environment. The more H+ ions are contained in the solution, the greater the acidity of the medium.

In alkali solutions, as a result of dissociation, on the contrary, OH - ions predominate, and H + cations are almost absent due to the insignificant dissociation of water. The environment of such solutions is alkaline (Fig. 11.1, right). The higher the concentration of OH - ions, the more alkaline the solution medium is.

In a solution of table salt, the number of H + and OH ions is the same and equal to 1. 10 -7 mol in 1 liter of solution. Such an environment is called neutral (Fig. 11.1, center). In fact, this means that the solution contains neither acid nor alkali. A neutral environment is characteristic of solutions of some salts (formed by alkali and strong acid) and many organic substances. Pure water also has a neutral environment.

Hydrogen indicator

If we compare the taste of kefir and lemon juice, then we can safely say that lemon juice is much more acidic, that is, the acidity of these solutions is different. You already know that pure water also contains H+ ions, but the water does not taste sour. This is due to the too low concentration of H+ ions. Often it is not enough to say that the environment is acidic or alkaline, but it is necessary to characterize it quantitatively.

The acidity of the environment is quantitatively characterized by the hydrogen indicator pH (pronounced "p-ash"), associated with the concentration

hydrogen ions. The pH value corresponds to a certain content of hydrogen cations in 1 liter of solution. In pure water and in neutral solutions, 1 liter contains 1. 10 7 mol of H + ions, and the pH value is 7. In acid solutions, the concentration of H + cations is greater than in pure water, and less in alkaline solutions. In accordance with this, the pH value also changes: in an acidic environment, it ranges from 0 to 7, and in alkaline environments, from 7 to 14. For the first time, the Danish chemist Peder Sørensen suggested using the pH value.

You may have noticed that the pH value is related to the concentration of H+ ions. Determining pH is directly related to calculating the logarithm of a number, which you will study in math lessons in grade 11. But the relationship between the content of ions in a solution and the pH value can be traced according to the following scheme:

The pH value of aqueous solutions of most substances and natural solutions is in the range from 1 to 13 (Fig. 11.2).

Rice. 11.2. pH value of various natural and artificial solutions

Søren Peder Lauritz Sørensen

Danish physical chemist and biochemist, President of the Royal Danish Society. Graduated from the University of Copenhagen. At 31, he became a professor at the Danish Polytechnic Institute. He headed the prestigious physical and chemical laboratory at the Carlsberg brewery in Copenhagen, where he made his main scientific discoveries. His main scientific activity is devoted to the theory of solutions: he introduced the concept of hydrogen index (pH), studied the dependence of enzyme activity on the acidity of solutions. For scientific achievements, Sørensen is included in the list of "100 outstanding chemists of the 20th century", but in the history of science he remained primarily as a scientist who introduced the concepts of "pH" and "pH-metry".

Determination of the acidity of the medium

To determine the acidity of a solution in laboratories, a universal indicator is most often used (Fig. 11.3). By its color, one can determine not only the presence of acid or alkali, but also the pH value of the solution with an accuracy of 0.5. For a more accurate measurement of pH, there are special devices - pH meters (Fig. 11.4). They allow you to determine the pH of the solution with an accuracy of 0.001-0.01.

Using indicators or pH meters, you can monitor the progress of chemical reactions. For example, if hydrochloric acid is added to a solution of sodium hydroxide, then a neutralization reaction will occur:

Rice. 11.3. A universal indicator determines the approximate pH value

Rice. 11.4. To measure the pH of solutions, special devices are used - pH meters: a - laboratory (stationary); b - portable

In this case, the solutions of the reactants and reaction products are colorless. If, however, the electrode of a pH meter is placed in the initial alkali solution, then the complete neutralization of the alkali with acid can be judged by the pH value of the resulting solution.

The use of the pH indicator

Determining the acidity of solutions is of great practical importance in many areas of science, industry and other areas of human life.

Environmentalists regularly measure the pH of rainwater, rivers and lakes. A sharp increase in the acidity of natural waters may be the result of atmospheric pollution or the ingress of waste from industrial enterprises into water bodies (Fig. 11.5). Such changes entail the death of plants, fish and other inhabitants of water bodies.

The hydrogen index is very important for studying and observing the processes occurring in living organisms, since numerous chemical reactions take place in cells. In clinical diagnostics, the pH of blood plasma, urine, gastric juice, etc. is determined (Fig. 11.6). Normal blood pH is between 7.35 and 7.45. Even a small change in the pH of human blood causes serious illness, and at pH = 7.1 and below, irreversible changes begin that can lead to death.

For most plants, soil acidity is important, so agronomists analyze soils in advance, determining their pH (Fig. 11.7). If the acidity is too high for a particular crop, the soil is limed - chalk or lime is added.

In the food industry, with the help of acid-base indicators, food quality control is carried out (Fig. 11.8). For example, the normal pH for milk is 6.8. A deviation from this value indicates either the presence of impurities or its souring.

Rice. 11.5. The influence of the pH level of water in reservoirs on the vital activity of plants in them

The pH value of cosmetic products that we use in everyday life is important. The average pH for human skin is 5.5. If the skin comes into contact with products whose acidity differs significantly from this value, then this leads to premature aging of the skin, its damage or inflammation. It was noticed that laundresses who used regular laundry soap (pH = 8-10) or washing soda (Na 2 CO 3 , pH = 12-13) for washing for a long time, the skin of the hands became very dry and cracked. Therefore, it is very important to use various cosmetic products (gels, creams, shampoos, etc.) with a pH that is close to the natural pH of the skin.


Equipment: stand with test tubes, pipette.

Reagents: water, hydrochloric acid, NaCl, NaOH solutions, table vinegar, universal indicator (solution or indicator paper), food and cosmetic products (e.g. lemon, shampoo, toothpaste, washing powder, carbonated drinks, juices, etc.) .).

Safety regulations:

For experiments, use small amounts of reagents;

Be careful not to get reagents on the skin, in the eyes; in case of contact with a corrosive substance, wash it off with plenty of water.

Determination of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions in solutions. Establishing the approximate pH value of water, alkaline and acidic solutions

1. Pour 1-2 ml into five test tubes: into test tube No. 1 - water, No. 2 - perchloric acid, No. 3 - sodium chloride solution, No. 4 - sodium hydroxide solution and No. 5 - table vinegar.

2. Add 2-3 drops of universal indicator solution to each tube, or omit indicator paper. Determine the pH of solutions by comparing the color of the indicator against a reference scale. Draw conclusions about the presence of Hydrogen cations or hydroxide ions in each test tube. Write the dissociation equations for these compounds.

pH testing of food and cosmetic products

Test samples of food and cosmetic products with a universal indicator. To study dry substances, for example, washing powder, they must be dissolved in a small amount of water (1 spatula of dry matter per 0.5-1 ml of water). Determine the pH of the solutions. Draw conclusions about the acidity of the environment in each of the studied products.

Key Idea

test questions

130. The presence of what ions in a solution determines its acidity?

131. What ions are found in excess in acid solutions? in alkaline?

132. What indicator quantitatively describes the acidity of solutions?

133. What is the pH value and the content of H+ ions in solutions: a) neutral; b) slightly acidic; c) slightly alkaline; d) strongly acidic; e) strongly alkaline?

Tasks for mastering the material

134. An aqueous solution of some substance has an alkaline environment. Which ions are more in this solution: H + or OH -?

135. Two test tubes contain solutions of nitrate acid and potassium nitrate. What indicators can be used to determine which tube contains a salt solution?

136. Three test tubes contain solutions of barium hydroxide, nitrate acid and calcium nitrate. How to recognize these solutions using one reagent?

137. From the above list, write out separately the formulas of substances whose solutions have an environment: a) acidic; b) alkaline; c) neutral. NaCl, HCl, NaOH, HNO 3 , H 3 PO 4 , H 2 SO 4 , Ba(OH) 2 , H 2 S, KNO 3 .

138. Rain water has pH = 5.6. What does this mean? What substance contained in the air, when dissolved in water, determines such an acidity of the environment?

139. What medium (acidic or alkaline): a) in a shampoo solution (pH = 5.5);

b) in the blood of a healthy person (pH = 7.4); c) in human gastric juice (рН = 1.5); d) in saliva (pH = 7.0)?

140. The composition of coal used in thermal power plants contains Nitrogen and Sulfur compounds. The emission of coal combustion products into the atmosphere leads to the formation of so-called acid rain, containing small amounts of nitrate or sulfite acids. What pH values ​​are typical for such rainwater: more than 7 or less than 7?

141. Does the pH of a strong acid solution depend on its concentration? Justify the answer.

142. A solution of phenolphthalein was added to a solution containing 1 mol of potassium hydroxide. Will the color of this solution change if chloride acid is added to it with the amount of the substance: a) 0.5 mol; b) 1 mol;

c) 1.5 mol?

143. In three test tubes without inscriptions there are colorless solutions of sodium sulfate, sodium hydroxide and sulfate acid. For all solutions, the pH value was measured: in the first tube - 2.3, in the second - 12.6, in the third - 6.9. Which tube contains which substance?

144. A student bought distilled water in a pharmacy. The pH meter showed that the pH value of this water is 6.0. The student then boiled this water for a long time, filled the container to the top with hot water, and closed the lid. When the water cooled to room temperature, the pH meter read 7.0. After that, the student passed air through the water with a tube, and the pH meter again showed 6.0. How can the results of these pH measurements be explained?

145. Why do you think two bottles of vinegar from the same manufacturer may contain solutions with slightly different pH values?

This is textbook material.

Hydrolysis is the interaction of substances with water, as a result of which the medium of the solution changes.

Cations and anions of weak electrolytes are able to interact with water to form stable low-dissociation compounds or ions, as a result of which the solution medium changes. Water formulas in hydrolysis equations are usually written as H-OH. When reacting with water, the cations of weak bases take away the hydroxyl ion from the water, and an excess of H + is formed in the solution. The solution becomes acidic. Anions of weak acids attract H + from water, and the reaction of the medium becomes alkaline.

In inorganic chemistry, most often one has to deal with the hydrolysis of salts, i.e. with the exchange interaction of salt ions with water molecules in the process of their dissolution. There are 4 variants of hydrolysis.

1. Salt is formed by a strong base and a strong acid.

Such a salt is practically not subjected to hydrolysis. At the same time, the equilibrium of water dissociation in the presence of salt ions is almost not disturbed, therefore pH = 7, the medium is neutral.

Na + + H 2 O Cl - + H 2 O

2. If the salt is formed by a cation of a strong base and an anion of a weak acid, then hydrolysis occurs at the anion.

Na 2 CO 3 + HOH NaHCO 3 + NaOH

Since OH - ions accumulate in the solution, the medium is alkaline, pH> 7.

3. If the salt is formed by a cation of a weak base and an anion of a strong acid, then hydrolysis proceeds along the cation.

Cu 2+ + HOH CuOH + + H +

СuCl 2 + HOH CuOHCl + HCl

Since H + ions accumulate in the solution, the medium is acidic, pH<7.

4. A salt formed by a cation of a weak base and an anion of a weak acid undergoes hydrolysis both at the cation and at the anion.


CH 3 COO - +

Solutions of such salts have either a slightly acidic or slightly alkaline environment, i.e. the pH value is close to 7. The reaction of the medium depends on the ratio of the acid and base dissociation constants. The hydrolysis of salts formed by very weak acids and bases is practically irreversible. These are mainly sulfides and carbonates of aluminum, chromium, and iron.

Al 2 S 3 + 3HOH 2Al(OH) 3 + 3H 2 S

When determining the medium of a salt solution, it must be taken into account that the medium of the solution is determined by the strong component. If the salt is formed by an acid that is a strong electrolyte, then the medium of the solution is acidic. If the base is a strong electrolyte, then it is alkaline.

Example. Solution has an alkaline environment

1) Pb(NO 3) 2 ; 2) Na 2 CO 3 ; 3) NaCl; 4) NaNO 3

1) Pb (NO 3) 2 lead (II) nitrate. Salt is made up of a weak base and strong acid, means the solution medium sour.

2) Na 2 CO 3 sodium carbonate. Salt formed strong base and a weak acid, then the solution medium alkaline.

3) NaCl; 4) NaNO 3 Salts are formed by the strong base NaOH and the strong acids HCl and HNO 3 . The medium of the solution is neutral.

Correct answer 2) Na2CO3

An indicator paper was dipped into the salt solutions. In NaCl and NaNO 3 solutions, it did not change color, which means the solution medium neutral. In a solution of Pb (NO 3) 2 turned red, the solution medium sour. In a solution of Na 2 CO 3 turned blue, the solution medium alkaline.

The reaction of a solution of substances in a solvent can be of three types: neutral, acidic and alkaline. The reaction depends on the concentration of hydrogen ions H + in solution.

Pure water dissociates to a very small extent into H + ions and hydroxyl ions OH - .

pH value

The pH is a convenient and common way of expressing the concentration of hydrogen ions. For pure water, the H + concentration is equal to the OH - concentration, and the product of the H + and OH - concentrations, expressed in gram-ions per liter, is a constant value equal to 1.10 -14

From this product, you can calculate the concentration of hydrogen ions: =√1.10 -14 =10 -7 /g-ion/l/.

This equilibrium /"neutral"/ state is usually denoted by pH 7/p - the negative logarithm of the concentration, H - hydrogen ions, 7 - the exponent with the opposite sign/.

A solution with a pH greater than 7 is alkaline, it contains fewer H + ions than OH - ; a solution with a pH less than 7 is acidic, there are more H + ions in it than OH - .

Liquids used in practice have a concentration of hydrogen ions that usually varies within the pH range from 0 to 1


Indicators are substances that change color depending on the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. With the help of indicators determine the reaction of the environment. The most famous indicators are bromobenzene, bromothymol, phenolphthalein, methyl orange, etc. Each of the indicators operates within certain pH ranges. For example, bromthymol changes from yellow at pH 6.2 to blue at pH 7.6; neutral red indicator - from red at pH 6.8 to yellow at pH 8; bromobenzene - from yellow jari pH 4.0 to blue at pH 5.6; phenolphthalein - from colorless at pH 8.2 to purple at pH 10.0, etc.

None of the indicators work throughout the entire pH scale from 0 to 14. However, in restoration practice, it is not necessary to determine high concentrations of acids or alkalis. Most often there are deviations of 1 - 1.5 pH units from neutral in both directions.

To determine the reaction of the environment in restoration practice, a mixture of various indicators is used, selected in such a way that it marks the slightest deviations from neutrality. This mixture is called a "universal indicator".

The universal indicator is a clear orange liquid. With a slight change in the medium towards alkalinity, the indicator solution acquires a greenish tint, with an increase in alkalinity - blue. The greater the alkalinity of the test liquid, the more intense the blue color becomes.

With a slight change in the environment towards acidity, the solution of the universal indicator becomes pink, with an increase in acidity - red /carmine or mottled hue/.

Changes in the reaction of the environment in the paintings occur as a result of their damage by mold; often there are changes in areas where labels are pasted with alkaline glue /casein, office, etc./.

For analysis, you need to have, in addition to the universal indicator, distilled water, clean white filter paper and a glass rod.

Analysis progress

A drop of distilled water is applied to the filter paper and allowed to soak. A second drop is applied next to this drop and applied to the test area. For better contact, the paper with the second drop on top is rubbed with a glass shelf. Then, a drop of universal indicator is applied to the filter paper in the areas of water droplets. The first drop of water serves as a control, with the color of which the drop soaked in the solution from the test area is compared. The discrepancy in color with the control drop indicates a change - a deviation of the medium from neutral.


The treated area is moistened with a 2% aqueous solution of acetic or citric acid. To do this, wind a small amount of cotton wool around the tweezers, moisten it in an acid solution, wring it out and apply it to the indicated area.

reaction be sure to check universal indicator!

The process is continued until the entire area is completely neutralized.

After a week, check the environment should be repeated.


The area to be treated is moistened with a 2% aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide /ammonia/. The procedure for carrying out neutralization is the same as in the case of an alkaline medium.

The media check should be repeated after one week.

WARNING: The neutralization process requires great care, as over-treatment can lead to over-acidification or over-alkalination of the treated area. In addition, water in solutions can cause shrinkage of the canvas.

pH value and its influence on the quality of drinking water.

What is pH?

pH("potentia hydrogeni" - the strength of hydrogen, or "pondus hydrogenii" - the weight of hydrogen) is a unit of measurement of the activity of hydrogen ions in any substance, quantitatively expressing its acidity.

This term appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century in Denmark. The pH index was introduced by the Danish chemist Soren Petr Lauritz Sorensen (1868-1939), although his predecessors also have statements about a certain “power of water”.

Hydrogen activity is defined as the negative decimal logarithm of the concentration of hydrogen ions, expressed in moles per liter:

pH = -log

For simplicity and convenience, pH was introduced in the calculations. pH is determined by the quantitative ratio of H+ and OH- ions in water, which are formed during the dissociation of water. It is customary to measure the pH level on a 14-digit scale.

If the water has a reduced content of free hydrogen ions (pH greater than 7) compared to hydroxide ions [OH-], then the water will have alkaline reaction, and with an increased content of H + ions (pH less than 7) - acid reaction. In perfectly pure distilled water, these ions will balance each other.

acid environment: >
neutral environment: =
alkaline environment: >

When the concentrations of both types of ions in a solution are the same, the solution is said to be neutral. In neutral water, the pH is 7.

When various chemicals are dissolved in water, this balance changes, which leads to a change in the pH value. When acid is added to water, the concentration of hydrogen ions increases, and the concentration of hydroxide ions decreases accordingly, when alkali is added, on the contrary, the content of hydroxide ions increases, and the concentration of hydrogen ions decreases.

The pH indicator reflects the degree of acidity or alkalinity of the environment, while "acidity" and "alkalinity" characterize the quantitative content in water of substances that can neutralize alkalis and acids, respectively. As an analogy, we can give an example with temperature, which characterizes the degree of heating of a substance, but not the amount of heat. By dipping our hand into the water, we can tell whether the water is cool or warm, but at the same time we will not be able to determine how much heat is in it (i.e., relatively speaking, how long this water will cool down).

pH is considered one of the most important indicators of drinking water quality. It shows the acid-base balance and influences how chemical and biological processes will proceed. Depending on the pH value, the rate of chemical reactions, the degree of corrosiveness of water, the toxicity of pollutants, etc. can change. Our well-being, mood and health directly depend on the acid-base balance of the environment of our body.

Modern man lives in a polluted environment. Many people buy and consume food made from semi-finished products. In addition, almost every person is exposed to stress on a daily basis. All this affects the acid-base balance of the body's environment, shifting it towards acids. Tea, coffee, beer, carbonated drinks lower the pH in the body.

It is believed that an acidic environment is one of the main causes of cell destruction and tissue damage, the development of diseases and the aging process, and the growth of pathogens. In an acidic environment, building material does not reach the cells, the membrane is destroyed.

Outwardly, the state of the acid-base balance of a person's blood can be judged by the color of his conjunctiva in the corners of his eyes. With an optimal acid-base balance, the color of the conjunctiva is bright pink, but if a person has an increased alkalinity of the blood, the conjunctiva acquires a dark pink color, and with an increase in acidity, the color of the conjunctiva becomes pale pink. Moreover, the color of the conjunctiva changes already 80 seconds after the use of substances that affect the acid-base balance.

The body regulates the pH of internal fluids, maintaining the values ​​at a certain level. The acid-base balance of the body is a certain ratio of acids and alkalis that contributes to its normal functioning. The acid-base balance depends on maintaining relatively constant proportions between intercellular and intracellular waters in the tissues of the body. If the acid-base balance of fluids in the body is not constantly maintained, normal functioning and the preservation of life will be impossible. Therefore, it is important to control what you consume.

Acid-base balance is our indicator of health. The more acidic we are, the sooner we age and the more we get sick. For the normal functioning of all internal organs, the pH level in the body must be alkaline, in the range from 7 to 9.

The pH inside our body is not always the same - some parts are more alkaline and some are more acidic. The body regulates and maintains pH homeostasis only in certain cases, such as blood pH. The pH level of the kidneys and other organs, the acid-base balance of which is not regulated by the body, is affected by the food and drinks that we consume.

blood pH

The blood pH level is maintained by the body in the range of 7.35-7.45. The normal pH of human blood is 7.4-7.45. Even a slight deviation in this indicator affects the ability of the blood to carry oxygen. If the pH of the blood rises to 7.5, it carries 75% more oxygen. With a decrease in blood pH to 7.3, it is already difficult for a person to get out of bed. At 7.29, he can fall into a coma, if the blood pH drops below 7.1, the person dies.

Blood pH must be maintained in a healthy range, so the body uses organs and tissues to keep it constant. As a consequence, the pH level of the blood does not change due to the consumption of alkaline or acidic water, but the tissues and organs of the body used to regulate the pH of the blood change their pH.

kidney pH

The pH parameter of the kidneys is influenced by water, food, and metabolic processes in the body. Acidic foods (such as meats, dairy, etc.) and drinks (sweetened sodas, alcoholic beverages, coffee, etc.) result in low pH levels in the kidneys because the body excretes excess acidity through urine. The lower the pH of the urine, the harder it is for the kidneys to work. Therefore, the acid load on the kidneys from such foods and drinks is called the potential acid-renal load.

The use of alkaline water benefits the kidneys - there is an increase in the pH level of the urine, the acid load on the body is reduced. Increasing the pH of the urine raises the pH of the body as a whole and rids the kidneys of acidic toxins.

stomach pH

An empty stomach contains no more than a teaspoon of stomach acid produced in the last meal. The stomach produces acid as needed when eating food. The stomach does not release acid when a person drinks water.

It is very helpful to drink water on an empty stomach. The pH increases at the same time to the level of 5-6. An increased pH will have a mild antacid effect and lead to an increase in beneficial probiotics (beneficial bacteria). Increasing the pH of the stomach raises the pH of the body, which leads to healthy digestion and relief from the symptoms of indigestion.

subcutaneous fat pH

The fatty tissues of the body have an acidic pH because excess acids are deposited in them. The body has to store acid in fatty tissues when it cannot be removed or neutralized in other ways. Therefore, the shift in the pH of the body to the acid side is one of the factors of excess weight.

The positive effect of alkaline water on body weight is that alkaline water helps to remove excess acid from the tissues, as it helps the kidneys to work more efficiently. This helps to control weight, since the amount of acid that the body must "store" is greatly reduced. Alkaline water also enhances the results of a healthy diet and exercise by helping the body deal with the excess acid produced by fatty tissue during weight loss.


Bones have an alkaline pH as they are mostly made up of calcium. Their pH is constant, but if the blood needs pH adjustment, calcium is taken from the bones.

The benefit that alkaline water brings to the bones is to protect them by reducing the amount of acid that the body has to deal with. Studies have shown that drinking alkaline water reduces bone resorption - osteoporosis.

liver pH

The liver has a slightly alkaline pH, which is affected by both food and drink. Sugar and alcohol must be broken down in the liver, and this leads to excess acid.

The benefits of alkaline water for the liver are the presence of antioxidants in such water; it has been found that alkaline water enhances the work of two antioxidants located in the liver, which contribute to more effective blood purification.

body pH and alkaline water

Alkaline water allows the parts of the body that maintain the pH of the blood to work more efficiently. Increasing the pH level in the parts of the body responsible for maintaining blood pH will help these organs stay healthy and function efficiently.

Between meals, you can help your body balance its pH by drinking alkaline water. Even a small increase in pH can have a huge impact on health.

According to research by Japanese scientists, the pH of drinking water, which is in the range of 7-8, increases the life expectancy of the population by 20-30%.

Depending on the pH level, water can be divided into several groups:

strongly acidic waters< 3
acidic waters 3 - 5
slightly acidic waters 5 - 6.5
neutral waters 6.5 – 7.5
slightly alkaline waters 7.5 - 8.5
alkaline waters 8.5 - 9.5
highly alkaline waters > 9.5

Typically, the pH level of drinking tap water is within the range at which it does not directly affect the consumer quality of water. In river waters pH is usually within 6.5-8.5, in atmospheric precipitation 4.6-6.1, in swamps 5.5-6.0, in sea waters 7.9-8.3.

WHO does not offer any medically recommended value for pH. It is known that at low pH, water is highly corrosive, and at high levels (pH>11), water acquires a characteristic soapiness, an unpleasant odor, and can cause eye and skin irritation. That is why for drinking and domestic water, the pH level in the range from 6 to 9 is considered optimal.

Examples of pH values


electrolyte in lead batteries <1.0


Gastric juice 1,0-2,0
Lemon juice 2.5±0.5
Lemonade, Cola 2,5
Apple juice 3.5±1.0
Beer 4,5
Coffee 5,0
Shampoo 5,5
Tea 5,5
Skin of a healthy person ~6,5
Saliva 6,35-6,85
Milk 6,6-6,9
Distilled water 7,0


Blood 7,36-7,44


Sea water 8,0
Soap (fatty) for hands 9,0-10,0
Ammonia 11,5
Bleach (bleach) 12,5
soda solution 13,5

Interesting to know: The German biochemist OTTO WARBURG, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1931, proved that the lack of oxygen (an acidic pH<7.0) в тканях приводит к изменению нормальных клеток в злокачественные.

The scientist found that cancer cells lose their ability to develop in an environment saturated with free oxygen with a pH value of 7.5 and higher! This means that when the fluids in the body become acidic, the development of cancer is stimulated.

His followers in the 60s of the last century proved that any pathogenic flora loses its ability to multiply at pH = 7.5 and above, and our immune system can easily cope with any aggressors!

To preserve and maintain health, we need proper alkaline water (pH=7.5 and above). This will allow you to better maintain the acid-base balance of body fluids, since the main living environments have a slightly alkaline reaction.

Already in a neutral biological environment, the body can have an amazing ability to heal itself.

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Hydrolysis is the interaction of substances with water, as a result of which the medium of the solution changes.

Cations and anions of weak electrolytes are able to interact with water to form stable low-dissociation compounds or ions, as a result of which the solution medium changes. Water formulas in hydrolysis equations are usually written as H-OH. When reacting with water, the cations of weak bases take away the hydroxyl ion from the water, and an excess of H + is formed in the solution. The solution becomes acidic. Anions of weak acids attract H + from water, and the reaction of the medium becomes alkaline.

In inorganic chemistry, most often one has to deal with the hydrolysis of salts, i.e. with the exchange interaction of salt ions with water molecules in the process of their dissolution. There are 4 variants of hydrolysis.

1. Salt is formed by a strong base and a strong acid.

Such a salt is practically not subjected to hydrolysis. At the same time, the equilibrium of water dissociation in the presence of salt ions is almost not disturbed, therefore pH = 7, the medium is neutral.

Na + + H 2 O Cl - + H 2 O

2. If the salt is formed by a cation of a strong base and an anion of a weak acid, then hydrolysis occurs at the anion.

Na 2 CO 3 + HOH \(\leftrightarrow\) NaHCO 3 + NaOH

Since OH - ions accumulate in the solution, the medium is alkaline, pH> 7.

3. If the salt is formed by a cation of a weak base and an anion of a strong acid, then hydrolysis proceeds along the cation.

Cu 2+ + HOH \(\leftrightarrow\) CuOH + + H +

СuCl 2 + HOH \(\leftrightarrow\) CuOHCl + HCl

Since H + ions accumulate in the solution, the medium is acidic, pH<7.

4. A salt formed by a cation of a weak base and an anion of a weak acid undergoes hydrolysis both at the cation and at the anion.

CH 3 COONH 4 + HOH \(\leftrightarrow\) NH 4 OH + CH 3 COOH

CH 3 COO - + + HOH \(\leftrightarrow\) NH 4 OH + CH 3 COOH

Solutions of such salts have either a slightly acidic or slightly alkaline environment, i.e. the pH value is close to 7. The reaction of the medium depends on the ratio of the acid and base dissociation constants. The hydrolysis of salts formed by very weak acids and bases is practically irreversible. These are mainly sulfides and carbonates of aluminum, chromium, and iron.

Al 2 S 3 + 3HOH \(\leftrightarrow\) 2Al(OH) 3 + 3H 2 S

When determining the medium of a salt solution, it must be taken into account that the medium of the solution is determined by the strong component. If the salt is formed by an acid that is a strong electrolyte, then the medium of the solution is acidic. If the base is a strong electrolyte, then it is alkaline.

Example. Solution has an alkaline environment

1) Pb(NO 3) 2 ; 2) Na 2 CO 3 ; 3) NaCl; 4) NaNO 3

1) Pb (NO 3) 2 lead (II) nitrate. Salt is made up of a weak base and strong acid, means the solution medium sour.

2) Na 2 CO 3 sodium carbonate. Salt formed strong base and a weak acid, then the solution medium alkaline.

3) NaCl; 4) NaNO 3 Salts are formed by the strong base NaOH and the strong acids HCl and HNO 3 . The medium of the solution is neutral.

Correct answer 2) Na2CO3

An indicator paper was dipped into the salt solutions. In NaCl and NaNO 3 solutions, it did not change color, which means the solution medium neutral. In a solution of Pb (NO 3) 2 turned red, the solution medium sour. In a solution of Na 2 CO 3 turned blue, the solution medium alkaline.

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