Stages of legal education in a professional educational organization. Legal education in modern conditions

Organization of legal education at school

One of the most important areas of the modern educational process is the legal education of students. A quality education cannot be imagined without the education of young people in the spirit of modern legal ideas, views and ideas.

At the same time, the state of legal education leaves much to be desired.

At the same time, we are talking not only about ignorance of the norms of the current legislation, about the lack of proper ideas about the most important legal principles, but also about the low level of legal culture of students, about their lack of a clear attitude towards legal behavior. The main problems of the process of legal education in the Russian Federation include:

  • - strengthening in the minds of "everyday" views on the law;
  • - the unwillingness of the citizens themselves to strive for legal education and self-education (lack of motivation, lack of faith);
  • - re-statement of legal information by the media, its incorrect interpretation and presentation;
  • - lack of unified programs of legal education and upbringing at different stages of education (preschool education, school education, etc.).

Legal education and upbringing is a purposeful, organized and systematic impact on a person, forming a legal culture, legal attitudes, skills and habits of active lawful behavior, as well as with the aim of forming deep and stable legal knowledge, beliefs, needs, values ​​in the legal consciousness.

The subjects of law-forming activity are:

  • - the state (represented by specially authorized bodies)
  • - direct participants in the educational process (students, their parents, teachers)
  • - social partners (for example, public organizations)

The key goal of the legal education of students is to create conditions for the formation and improvement

The specific goals of legal education can be expressed as follows:

  • - legal training,
  • - legal information,
  • - involvement of the individual in the activities of the state (ie, in fact, the application of the acquired knowledge in practice).

The main task of legal education is to instill in the individual a conscious desire for the systematic acquisition of legal knowledge and lawful behavior.

This is done by solving particular problems on:

  • - assimilation by students of a certain amount of knowledge about legal norms; - systematic and organized legal education;
  • - active participation in law enforcement activities at school;
  • - improving the legal culture of teachers, educators and parents.

Principles of organization of legal education of students:

  • - the presence of a systematic and differentiated approach to students;
  • - activation of students' interest in acquiring legal knowledge;
  • - the connection of legal information with facts from the daily life of students, accustoming them to a conscious assessment of their actions;
  • - ensuring the conscious assimilation of legal knowledge;
  • - taking into account the psychological and age characteristics of students.

The levels of legal education correspond to the levels of school education: elementary school, basic school and high school.

The main forms of legal education are:

  • - legal training;
  • - legal propaganda;
  • - legal practice;
  • - self-education and self-education.

The necessary conditions and areas of work for the organization of effective legal education are:

  • - organization of legal general education;
  • - information and diagnostic support;
  • - training in the formation of an active legal position of the student (including through the process of co-management of the educational institution);
  • - creation of conditions for "neutralization" of factors of destructive influence (including the preventive work of the educational institution).

The following stages of legal education aimed at the formation of legal self-awareness can be distinguished:

legal awareness

legal competence

legal culture

Such a direction of legal education as legal education (legal universal education) is aimed at forming a solid base of legal knowledge and skills of the student. It can be carried out both at the level of general educational program training courses, and through a system of elective courses or electives. The volume of knowledge acquired by students depends on the level of legal education in a particular school. The above can be illustrated with this diagram:

legal education propaganda self-awareness

As an example of an elective course in law, one can cite the course "History of Local Self-Government in Russia and its Legal Basis".

This elective course (within the framework of the social and humanitarian profile) involves the study of historical aspects of the development of local self-government in Russia (in comparison with the development of foreign municipal systems), familiarization with the legal norms governing social relations in the process of local self-government (municipal law). It examines the concept of local self-government, territorial, financial, economic and organizational-legal forms of its implementation, the powers of local self-government bodies to resolve issues of local importance, certain state powers that they may be vested with, as well as issues of responsibility of local self-government. The relevance of this training course is closely related to the increased attention on the part of the state and society to issues related to the organization and functioning of local self-government.

When developing the course program, the modern legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of regulation of the rights of local self-government, the available scientific and educational and practical literature were used. The study of most educational issues was built taking into account the regulatory framework of the city of Tomsk as a municipality, which allows students to practically consolidate their general knowledge of the municipal legislation of the Russian Federation. Below is a fragment of the curriculum for this course:

Legal education is also carried out through various types and forms of extracurricular activities, for example, through extracurricular educational activities: games, quizzes, competitions, olympiads, schools and lecture halls of legal knowledge, philosophical hours, conversations, debates, discussions, conferences, evenings of questions and answers, legal labyrinths on the topics: "Society and children", "What does it mean to be a citizen", "Law in our life", "Teenager and the law". When preparing events, it is important to take into account the age specifics of students. Thus, junior schoolchildren participate in legal life somewhat passively - education is directed at them from above: they receive lessons about the rules of the road, about their native land, etc.

At the same time, children do not always clearly understand their role as a subject of legal relations, therefore, events with elements of theatricalization and games bring the greatest effect.

For middle and high school students, an important element is the presentation of their achievements outside the school, so they are most interested in working on various city educational programs, both in their pure legal form and in programs that include a legal educational component.

Such programs include, for example, the program "Children's and Youth Parliament" (below is a fragment of the plan of the meeting of the legal committee of the YUP):

An equally important area of ​​legal education, especially at the senior stage of education, is the organization of self-education and self-education of students. One of the effective forms of work in this area can be the creation of a Center for Civic Self-Education, the leaders of which can be both teachers and consultants-high school students. An example of the training course of the Center can be the course "International Law", the curriculum of which is given below:

Based on the results of the work, various reporting educational events can be held - competitions, round tables, business and role-playing games

The main forms of work in the direction of "Legal propaganda" can be:

  • - outreach hours;
  • - placement of legal information on school thematic stands;
  • - use of school printed publications, radio, information literature (brochures, leaflets, etc.), thematic library exhibitions;
  • - questioning, thematic polls. Legal education and upbringing should be practically oriented, competent, active. This goal cannot be realized without the use of active methods of promoting the self-determination of the individual, creating conditions for its implementation. Therefore, high-quality legal education is impossible without such a direction as legal practice.

Students must have the knowledge necessary for professional orientation, for the realization of personal opportunities. The whole system of legal education and upbringing at school forms the image of one's own I as an active subject, social roles are comprehended, self-esteem and self-regulation are formed, in connection with which it becomes necessary for students to participate in various practical mechanisms of legal protection and self-defense. Involving students in such activities solves two interrelated tasks: on the one hand, they participate in specific activities to maintain law and order among minors at school, on the other hand, they develop legal beliefs and skills of lawful behavior.

Priority activities, forms and methods in this area:

  • - Meetings with employees of the prosecutor's office, judicial and law enforcement agencies.
  • - Role-playing games with elements of acquaintance with the activities of judicial and law enforcement agencies, analysis of problematic situations.
  • - The work of clubs and detachments "Young friends of the police", "Young traffic inspectors", volunteer movement.
  • - Competitions of drawings, photographs: "Human rights through a photographic lens".
  • - Actions "The world in which we live, we do better" (taking care of the school, the house where we live, the street, etc.), including social design (for example, the "Children's Advocate" project).
  • - Activities of school reconciliation services.
  • - Establishment of the Institute of School Ombudsmen

Summing up all of the above, it should also be noted that the legal education of students will be effective only if certain conditions are met for the pedagogically correct organization of the educational process. These conditions should primarily include the creation of a positive emotional attitude of students to legal education and self-education, providing each student with an active position, the opportunity to show initiative, independence, self-sufficiency. The effectiveness of the legal education of students also largely depends on the purposeful and systematic work of teachers and parents to improve their own legal culture.

1.2 Content and structure of legal education at school

This concept advocates a comprehensive approach to the implementation of the idea of ​​legal education in schools. It cannot be implemented exclusively within the framework of a single training course. More effective is the inclusion of components of legal education in the subjects of various school subjects and extracurricular activities, as well as the appropriate organization of school life. The process of education and upbringing is designed to form students' understanding of civil society, its norms and values.

subject, where the basis is the courses "Civil Studies" or "Introduction to Civil Law Education" for the basic school and subsequently the courses "Social Studies";

interdisciplinary, where the main content of civil law education is included in a number of subjects of general education. Such as: history, literature, foreign languages, subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle, subjects of the artistic and aesthetic cycle, the basics of security and life, physical culture;


institutional (i.e. the organization of the school community in which civil law education is implemented);

Pedagogical teams independently choose the forms of implementation of legal education based on their own capabilities and characteristics of the children's team, educational and social environment. The most appropriate is an integrated approach that combines all of the above forms. It is he who seems to be the most promising in the civic education of students, since it allows solving many urgent tasks of modernizing the modern school: to increase the role of the educational component of the process of teaching and developing schoolchildren, to make the education of legal consciousness a single line of pedagogical influence, and finally to determine the most important competencies formed in students in school (and they are interdisciplinary in nature), to avoid overloading students in the educational process.

The cultural and educational space of the school is part of an open system associated with the future of society, state policy in the interests of childhood, the education system in the Russian Federation as a whole, the subsystem of legal education and the subject courses built into it and means of additional education in extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

The components of the cultural and educational space of the school in the context of legal education are:

Way of the school (special school environment) - traditions and norms of interaction and relationships between students and teachers in the systems "teacher - student", "teacher - parents", "student - student", "student - group of peers";

Openness of the educational system of the school to the external society and direct interaction of teachers and students of the school with it;

Socio-pedagogical and activity interaction of the school with parents, focused on the inclusion of parents in the implementation of legal education.

Assessment of educational achievements of students

The implementation of the goals and objectives of legal education is possible when creating an integral system of such education in a general educational institution, including three stages that correspond to the periods of primary (I-III (IV) grades), basic (V-IX grades) and secondary (complete) general (X -XI classes) schools. The integrity of the system is ensured by the unity of political, legal and moral ideas, the continuity of the content of legal education at each stage, as well as the unity of methodological approaches. The main content of legal education at each stage is built taking into account the age characteristics of students. See the program "Legal Education" Polivanova K.N., Khasan B.I., Spasskaya V.V., - 2002, p.47.

The development of humanitarian abilities is ensured by education in the field of social sciences and humanities, education organized as a unity of theory and practice. It is humanitarian education that creates the conditions for self-determination of the individual, the development of values ​​generally accepted in society, the formation of one's own position, the ability to live and act in a changing world.

Law has a special place within the humanities education. Being both a field of science and a field of practical activity, law provides unique opportunities for solving modern pedagogical problems, allows not only to acquire legal knowledge, but also to develop special abilities and practical skills in the social sphere. The uniqueness of law as a specific form of social consciousness and social practice also determines the significant educational potential of legal courses.

“As you know, situations that arise in the legal sphere are determined by the position of the actor himself. The choice of this or that method of action depends on his goals, values, personal predilections. Acquaintance within the framework of the educational process with legal situations as situations of choice, analysis of the position and actions of a person who is their subject creates conditions for personal self-determination - to search for an answer to the question “Who am I? What do I want? Legal regulation covers all spheres of public life. A person acting in society turns out to be the subject of many types of legal relations: civil, administrative, labor, family, etc. The use of appropriate legal material in teaching contributes to the formation of a complex multidimensional self-image. The need to act taking into account the position of other people, taking into account legal norms, becomes a condition for the development of the "I" of the child, as complexly organized relative to the "I" of other people. Thus, law as an educational content sets the conditions for the development of abilities that differ significantly from the abilities that are formed on the basis of scientific content, including materials from other courses in the social and humanitarian cycle, this is the development of self-image and self-concept. In addition, work with legal content creates conditions for the formation of a number of abilities related to the development of thinking and speech. On the one hand, in law, as in most training courses, tasks and exercises allow you to practice applying the rule, on the other hand, the analysis and resolution of each individual legal case requires its multidimensional consideration, taking into account the diversity of legislative acts, various norms, interests and positions of the parties. . When applying legal norms to each specific case, the dialectic of the universal and the individual is realized. Kozulin AI Politics and Law for Each of Us: A Teacher's Guide. - Ekaterinburg, 1995, p.26

Legal education is considered as a condition for the formation of individual abilities, the acquisition of knowledge and skills of social functioning. This involves the creation of special training courses, built in the form of social practice, which includes legal knowledge. At the same time, general educational goals, namely the development of the abilities, knowledge, skills and abilities listed above, should be ensured at all levels of education, connecting the general logic of age development, the reality of social functioning, primarily in its legal aspect, and the content of legal education. At the same time, the general tasks of development should be specified in relation to each age level on the basis of the content of the relevant law courses. Compliance with this principle will ensure the continuity and succession of legal education.

Depending on the development program, profile, real capabilities of the educational institution, the individual needs of the student, a law course from grades 1 to 11 can be built as:

Systematic course;

Modular course along with other social and humanitarian courses or an integrated course in social science;

Part of an integrated course.

The achievement of the general goals of legal education can be ensured by separating law into an independent subject within the framework of the curriculum in basic and high schools.

It is most preferable to use different "formats" of building a course at each level of general education, for example:

in elementary school - part of an integrated course or a small modular course (practical rules of behavior and actions);

in grades 5-6 - an integrated course of a propaedeutic nature, laying the foundation for studying in subsequent years not only the legal, but also other courses of the social science cycle (human behavior, interests and values, the formation of ways to regulate the relationship "person - person" and "person - society" in different historical epochs, in different cultures in the modern world, in Russia);

Grade 7 - introductory legal course (morality, law, justice, equality, human rights, rights of minors, methods of action and opportunities to protect one's rights in typical, relevant situations for a teenager);

8-9th grades - systematic course "Basics of legal knowledge";

10-11th grades - depending on the profile of the school, class, individual curriculum of the student, law can be represented by courses of various volumes and levels of complexity: an independent course "Jurisprudence", a set of specialized (modular) courses "Law and Economics", "Law and democracy”, etc., as part of the integrated course “Man, society, law”, as well as their combinations.

Regardless of the "format" of the course of law, it remains fundamental to solve certain educational tasks at each of the levels of general education.

elementary School

The educational task of the level of primary education in the field of law is the acquisition by children of:

Fundamentals of conflict competence in relation to real children's conflicts;

Practical experience of acting in real life situations, regulated by rules and norms, including the formation of the ability to change position along with the ability to maintain one's position;

Ideas about oneself and the other as special worlds;

Ideas about law as a special form of regulation of relations in human society;

Knowledge of specific rules and norms of behavior. This educational task can be solved through sections of an integrated or small modular course, in which the positions of their participants are contrasted and revealed on the basis of real life situations, children gain an understanding of law as a special sphere of society, master specific rules and norms of behavior. The study of these courses in elementary school is carried out in the classroom in the form of group lessons using a variety of forms and methods of active learning. It can be organized within the framework of the basic course or at the expense of the school or student components of the curriculum. It is also desirable to use various types of extracurricular work. The organization of propaedeutics of law courses in elementary school requires the use of hours of the component of an educational institution or the inclusion of individual topics in the subject "World around".

Main school

During the basic school, the age development of students goes through two stages - pre-adolescence and adolescence. In accordance with this, the content of legal education, as well as the conditions for its development, are divided into two courses of the basic school.

5-6th grade school.

In the first two years of basic school (grades 5-6), children discover the meaning and significance of legal relations at school; they get acquainted with the self-governing bodies of the school, get access to additional education (circles, electives, elective courses). At this stage, the activity of children is organized mainly as a class-group activity and is planned by the teacher; mastering the skills of action in the legal sphere occurs mainly on the basis of practical exercises.

The educational task at this stage is:

In the development of conflict competence, including in the formation of the ability to formulate rules for resolving situations that arise in the event of a conflict of interests, ideas, traditions, customs, and in observing these rules;

In acquiring the ability to isolate the legal content of a life situation (identifying situations regulated by law, ethics, morality; distinguishing between these situations, etc.);

In acquiring general ideas (knowledge) about law, society, the Russian state.

The conditions for solving the educational problem are:

a) an educational environment (school way of life), which provides the opportunity for a real test of oneself in quasi-legal situations and analysis of the various positions of participants in real situations;

educational and information block (law as a necessary condition for the existence and development of human society);

workshops that simulate the most typical legal situations.

At the beginning of basic school, it is preferable to organize law classes in an activity form. It is acceptable to narrow the educational and information block while maintaining the legal workshop, which ensures the formation of a special sensitivity to situations in the legal sphere and thereby lays the foundation for the subsequent systematic course of law in primary school.

The law course, as in elementary school, may be included in the basic or variable component of the curriculum. It is possible and desirable to use various forms of extracurricular work, but it is necessary that all students in one form or another receive primary legal ideas in the classroom. See Educational standard for basic general education in history // history. - 2005. - September. (No. 33) - Supplement to the newspaper "First of September" - pp. 1-3.

7-9 (10) grades of the school.

In the basic school, grades 7-9 (10), all components of legal education are fully revealed to the child. Students acquire the basics of legal knowledge, implement the project form of activity in an individual-group form, participate in school self-government, etc.

During this stage of training, the following tasks are solved:

Acquisition of basic skills that ensure the successful action of a teenager in real (not limited to school) legal relations and situations;

Transferring to children the basics of legal knowledge, including knowledge about the legal system of Russia and international law;

Formation of the ability to analyze situations regulated by legal norms, and the ability to take real action in such situations.

The conditions for solving educational problems are:

a) an educational environment (school way) that provides children with the ability to defend their rights, the opportunity to participate in the development of rules and norms governing relations at school; the possibility of a real test of oneself in social and legal situations;

b) training activities of two types:

1) a training course that includes elements of the theory of law that provide an understanding of law as a special subject-practical area, information about fundamental human rights and freedoms, about various branches of law, ways to exercise and protect one's rights;

2) workshops that provide the formation of practical skills of behavior in the legal sphere in real life.

The basic school constitutes an educational space that fully implements the tasks of legal education. During this period of school life, the main study of law falls, since a graduate of a basic school must become a full-fledged subject of social and legal relations.

With this in mind, the most adequate solution to the educational tasks of the basic school is the allocation of law as an independent academic subject.

High school

In high school, students receive (depending on the chosen profile) systematic (in-depth) knowledge in the field of law, develop and implement various social projects related to activities within and outside the school, their scope and responsibility in the school legal space is expanding. Thus, the solution of the problems of legal education within the framework of the system of legal education assumes that a special cultural and educational space will be created in the school.

The high school, having today a tendency to turn into a specialized one, should provide all students with the acquisition of:

The ability to build their own legal behavior within the existing freedoms, rights and obligations;

An in-depth level of legal knowledge (various branches of law, individual legislative acts, in the field of comparative law, etc.);

Ability to theoretical analysis of legal situations;

Skills to exercise their rights in the social sphere in a broad legal context.

The conditions for solving educational problems in high school are:

a) the educational environment (way of the school), which ensures participation in the development of rules and norms that regulate relations in the school, participation in the creation and activities of public organizations, various social projects;

b) training courses that provide, according to the profiles, the expansion and deepening of ideas about law as a special social institution, the phenomenon of culture, about its principles, various branches of law, the features of regulating various forms of social relations, especially in the political and economic spheres, etc.

“In order to provide a variable approach to the study of law in high school, it is necessary to develop at least three types of law course programs: for general education, for humanitarian profile, for socio-economic profile. Accordingly, the course of law will be presented differently in these programs: for the general education profile - as a separate module course or section within an integrated course of a social science nature; for the humanities - an independent training course or several training courses of a modular type; for a socio-economic profile - an independent training course or several training courses of a modular type. See K.N. Polivanova, B.I. Hasan. The concept of the structure and content of legal education at school. "Siberian Teacher" Issue No. 2 (26), March-April 2003, p.17.

A promising approach is also the development of courses of various levels of complexity, providing the opportunity for students to independently choose the level of study of law that suits their interests.

Based on everything that has been stated above, it follows that legal education is a need of the time. The purpose of legal education at school is the formation of legal awareness and the development of the legal culture of schoolchildren, preparing them for a conscious and active life in a market economy. The main task of legal education is to improve the quality of legal training of students. Within the framework of the school course, the meaning of legal education is to, with a consistent study of the optimal minimum of legal information, reach the development of law as the most important socio-cultural phenomenon that determines the life of society and a citizen. Thus, the gradual formation of a moral and legal position among students can be ensured, and then - the formation of legal behavior.

The implementation of the goals and objectives of legal education is possible when creating an integral system of such education in a general educational institution, including three stages that correspond to the periods of primary (I-III (IV) grades), basic (V-IX grades) and secondary (complete) general (X -XI classes) schools. The integrity of the system is ensured by the unity of political, legal and moral ideas, the continuity of the content of legal education at each stage, as well as the unity of methodological approaches. The main content of legal education at each stage is built taking into account the age characteristics of students.

Legal education is considered as the most important means enabling all members of society to acquire legal knowledge and the ability to apply them in practice.

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The upbringing and self-education of participants in educational activities is again becoming an urgent social problem in the development of the modern education system. But...

Features of the organization of legal education in grades 5-9 of a general education school

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1. Vocational training is aimed at acquiring professional competence by persons of different ages, including for working with specific equipment, technologies, hardware, software and other professional tools, obtaining by the indicated persons of qualification categories, classes, categories according to the profession of a worker or position of an employee without changing the level education.

2. Vocational training under vocational training programs for the professions of workers and positions of employees is understood as the vocational training of persons who previously did not have the profession of a worker or position of an employee.

3. Vocational training under retraining programs for workers and employees is understood as vocational training for persons who already have a worker's profession, a worker's profession or a position of an employee, positions of employees, in order to obtain a new profession of a worker or a new position of an employee, taking into account the needs of production, the type of professional activity.

4. Vocational training under advanced training programs for workers and employees is understood as vocational training for persons who already have the profession of a worker, the profession of workers or the position of an employee, positions of employees, in order to consistently improve professional knowledge, skills and abilities in the existing profession of a worker or an existing position of an employee without raising the educational level.

5. Vocational training in vocational training programs for the professions of workers, positions of employees within the framework of mastering the educational program of secondary general education, educational programs of secondary vocational education, as well as in other cases provided for by federal laws, is provided free of charge.

6. Vocational training is carried out in organizations engaged in educational activities, including in training centers for professional qualifications and in production, as well as in the form of self-education. Training centers for professional qualifications can be created in various organizational and legal forms of legal entities provided for by civil law, or as structural divisions of legal entities.

7. The list of professions of workers, positions of employees for which vocational training is carried out, indicating the qualifications assigned for the corresponding professions of workers, positions of employees, is approved by the federal executive body that exercises the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of general education.

(see text in previous edition)

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The system of legal education and upbringing in our school.

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Sagaydak Oksana Valerievna,

Commissioner for the protection of the rights of participants in the educational process

MOU "Secondary School No. 5 Volsk",

student of the CPC using the DOT "Theory and Methods of the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Participants in the Educational Process"

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Introduction……………………………………………..…………………… p. 3-4.

Main part……………………………………………………………p. 5-11.

Conclusion………………………………………………………………. With. 12.

List of used literature and Internet resources……………p. thirteen


We spend most of our childhood and youth at school. No wonder they sometimes say that school is our second home. The realization of our right to education, and hence our future life, depends on what kind of relationships we will develop with classmates, high school students, teachers, how diligent we are in learning, disciplined.

Each school has its own traditions, different rules apply, but the work of any school is built on the basis of respect for the personality of the student, his human dignity. Favorable conditions must be created in the school so that each student receives a good education and grows up a successful, worthy person and citizen.

The formation of a civil society in Russia is impossible without educating young people in the spirit of modern legal ideas, views, and ideas. Meanwhile, the state of legal culture in society leaves much to be desired. Being one of the main institutions of the socialization of the individual, the school plays a special role in the process of legal socialization, i.e. it is precisely it that is called upon to purposefully form a full-fledged member of society, able to navigate the legal environment and act with full awareness of responsibility for their decisions and actions. The process of teaching law should contribute to the education of a socially active person, capable of solving socially significant tasks, based on the priority of law.

The problem of the rights and freedoms of children is one of the eternal problems solved by mankind. The importance of its solution lies in the fact that the exercise of individual rights is one of the main conditions for the physical and psychological well-being of the younger generation, its moral development. In this regard, legal norms governing various kinds of social relations with their participation are of great importance for the positive socialization of students.

The data show that not every citizen knows the laws well and evaluates his actions in terms of the requirements of public legal consciousness.

The indifferent and sometimes disrespectful attitude of individuals to the public assessment of their actions often leads to the appearance of antisocial personality traits, which is directly manifested in illegal actions.

In our time, with frightening frequency, they talk about juvenile delinquency, this is because children often do not understand, due to their youth and ardor, the severity of what they have done. The reason for this is a number of negative factors: asocial living conditions for many families, an increase in the number of single-parent families and the weakening of traditional family ties, and a decrease in the level of spiritual needs of young people.

In this regard, it is necessary to create a system of legal education and training of minors in schools.

Main part

Legal education at school is understood as a system of upbringing and training actions, located within the framework of the educational process and organized on the basis of the idea of ​​law, aimed at creating conditions for the formation in children:

  1. respect for the law
  2. own ideas and attitudes based on modern legal values ​​of society,
  3. competencies sufficient to protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the individual and the legitimate implementation of his civil position.

The basis of the legal education of students in our school is their legal education in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. Legal knowledge contributes to a correct understanding of social phenomena, contributes to the development of social activity of citizens, makes it possible to correctly navigate in life, determine the line between what is permitted and prohibited, and choose legal ways and means to protect personal rights and interests.

The ability to correctly and consciously perceive legal information and phenomena of legal reality is a necessary condition for both legal education and legal education of the individual.

The content of legal education of minors in our educational institution includes the study of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as several branches of law, acquaintance with which is most important for young men and women entering an independent life: these are labor, marriage and family, criminal and administrative legislation . It is on their content that the meaning and significance of constitutional principles and provisions should be revealed.

In addition, there are a number of by-laws, familiarity with which is mandatory for schoolchildren. These are the following documents: School charter, Rules for students, Rules of conduct for minors in public places, etc.

The main forms of legal education for students are lectures on legal topics; excursions, during which the theoretical provisions are clearly illustrated by local material; legal conversations; use of cinema, television; get-togethers and theme nights; Q&A evenings; disputes, the subject of which is an important moral and legal problem; discussion of books and articles, which allows not only to replenish the stock of legal knowledge, but also to form one's attitude towards them; visual propaganda (thematic stands, folders with clippings of newspaper and magazine articles, special literature, video and audio recordings).

An important component of the process of legal education of high school students is their participation in active law enforcement activities. Involving students in such activities solves two interrelated tasks: on the one hand, they participate in specific activities to maintain discipline and law and order among minors in the school and its microdistrict, on the other hand, they develop legal beliefs and skills of lawful behavior. It is in the process of active law enforcement that schoolchildren learn to practically apply the norms of the current legislation in everyday life, gain experience in using them in the fight against offenses.

In our school, there are the following forms of participation of schoolchildren in law enforcement activities: a detachment of young friends of the police, "green" patrols for nature protection, a detachment of young traffic inspectors, as well as the active participation of students in the promotion of legal knowledge among the population and younger schoolchildren and etc.

The effectiveness of the legal education of students largely depends on the purposeful and systematic work of teachers and parents to improve their own legal culture.

At the heart of the educational system of the MOU "Secondary School No. 5g. Volsk" is the understanding that the acquired knowledge should contribute to the formation of a socially active personality that combines high moral qualities, creative individuality, a humanistic attitude to the world, respect for one's family, "small homeland", country, environment.

From this follow the main directions of educational work: the protection of the life safety of students, the moral and legal education of schoolchildren, patriotic and environmental education.

One of the main tasks of the educational work of our school is to improve the work of civil law education. During the year, events are held in each link that correspond to the goals and objectives of this program.

The formation of civil law aspects of education begins in elementary school. The main goal at this stage is legal education in a playful, entertaining form. These are games, quizzes, presentations using the heroes of fairy tales and animated films.

In the middle and senior levels, these are school conversations of the PDN inspector “Know your rights!” with teenagers requiring special attention; discussion "Adolescent and tolerance" in grade 8; open legal education events; conversations of the legal adviser of the Center "Family" with students in grades 8-9; meeting of the Council for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency; thematic talks, quizzes and classroom hours.

Also, the school is implementing the program "Teenager and the Law" to educate the legal culture and the formation of law-abiding behavior of schoolchildren, coordination and control of implementation, which is entrusted to the education department of the administration of the Volsky municipal district.

The main activities of this program are: conducting diagnostic studies; sociological polls; registration and updating in educational institutions of information and consulting stands on law, laws; creation of a data bank of video, audio, CD materials in this area of ​​work; coordination of interaction with the commission on juvenile affairs, divisions for juvenile affairs, the city court, the prosecutor's office in order to attract cooperation in holding parent meetings, pedagogical councils, class hours in educational institutions; organizing and conducting elective courses on the problems of legal education; holding round tables on topical issues of legal education and the formation of law-abiding behavior of schoolchildren with the involvement of the parent community, law enforcement agencies; conducting quizzes, discussions, class hours in order to master the universal norms of morality and behavior by students; consideration of issues of crime prevention, legal education, the formation of law-abiding behavior of students at the collegiums of the educational institution, pedagogical councils, prevention councils, class meetings; holding parent-teacher meetings on the problem of forming law-abiding behavior of students; organization of individual meetings of students and their parents with social educators, psychologists, law enforcement officers on the issues of legal education and the formation of law-abiding behavior of students; organization of thematic film screenings on the issues of legal education and the formation of law-abiding behavior of students; providing legal assistance to minors and their parents on the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the family, students.

Of course, there is also a plan of measures for a social pedagogue and a pedagogue-psychologist in this direction. Activities are being carried out for:

  1. prevention of delinquency and crimes among minors,
  2. for the prevention of extremism,
  3. building tolerance,
  4. suicide prevention among students,
  5. prevention of neglect and homelessness,
  6. abuse prevention,
  7. promoting a healthy lifestyle, preventing the use of psychoactive substances, drug addiction, alcoholism and smoking with the involvement of law enforcement agencies, medical workers (narcologist, gynecologist, psychotherapist).

The traditional goal of civic education in an educational institution is the formation of legal knowledge, rules of conduct in society, since every child is in society. Schoolchildren need legal knowledge not by itself, but as the basis of behavior in various everyday situations that have legal meaning.

The fundamental basis of civil-legal development and education is the content of education, primarily humanitarian. Programs in the subjects of history, social studies, literature, general life, geography include knowledge about political and legal life, about the rights and obligations of a person and citizen, about the history and traditions of our Motherland. The programs also set the task of using the acquired knowledge in everyday life to understand oneself as a representative of a historically established civil society, a citizen of Russia.

An important contribution to civil law education is made by school courses in history and social science.

These subjects form a legal culture, civic literacy through the study of the norms of social life and the laws of society.

My goals in teaching are:

Formation of skills of socially active behavior of the individual, manifested in conscious lawful behavior,

Effective realization of rights and freedoms, skillful and civilized protection,

Responsible attitude to the duties of a citizen of the Russian Federation,

The ability to act legally competently in any situation,

Actively demonstrate civic qualities, defend one's civic position,

Carefully treat the historical heritage of our people.

For this academic year, I have planned and carried out the following activities.

No. p / p

event title




Who am I? What am I?”, “I want and I need to”


5a, 5b


A lesson in mercy and kindness

Action of mercy


"Being human"


7a, 7b


"Good and evil"

Video lesson

5a, 5b


"My rights and obligations"

Conversation about the school charter


"Human rights through the eyes of a child"

Competition entries

7 - 8


"Convention on the Rights of the Child"

Classroom hour

5a, 5b


"Wheel of Rights"

extracurricular activity


"Theft or...?"


7a, 7b


"Violence and Law"

Round table with the involvement of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs


"Heroes of the Fatherland Day"


5 - 8


"Let's talk about traffic rules"

Employee Engagement Conversation

traffic police

5a, 5b


"I have the right"

Registration of a legal corner

6 - 7


"My choice"



"How not to become a victim of crime"


5 - 6


"Delinquency and Crime"

Lecture with the involvement of PDN employees

7 - 8


"I am a citizen!"

Role-playing game

5a, 5b


"Guilt and Responsibility"

Classroom hour


"If you were detained by the police"


7 - 8


The successful implementation of legal education and upbringing of students in a general education institution largely depends on the commitment and interaction of the entire teaching staff of the school.


Human development begins in early childhood. It is at school that the foundations of patriotism, citizenship, respect for one's history and people are laid. The foundations are laid not only for knowledge, but also for norms of behavior, beliefs, habits, and needs of the individual. Legal education as part of general compulsory education is called upon to play a significant role in this process.

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", fixing the priority of the interests of the personality of the student, defines Art. 14 that the content of education should ensure the formation of a person and a citizen integrated into the society of his day and aimed at improving this society, strengthening and improving the rule of law in Russia.

The upbringing of a citizen of the country is one of the main conditions for national revival. The concept of CITIZENSHIP implies the development and realization by the child of his rights and obligations in relation to himself, his family, team, to his native land, Fatherland. These problems are not only philosophical, social, economic, but also pedagogical. It is important to educate an active citizen of your homeland, and not an outside observer.

Understanding the relevance and complexity of this process, our school conducts systematic, purposeful and comprehensive work with students.

List of used literature

  1. Bolotova E.L. Rights child in school. - M.: Arsenal of Education, 2010;
  2. Basics of legal knowledge: Trial textbook for grades 8-9. In 2 books. / S.I. Volodina, A.M. Polievktova, E.M., Ashmarina et al.; Russian Foundation for Legal Reforms. Project "Legal education at school". Series "Fundamentals of legal knowledge". - M.: Vita-Press, 1999;
  3. Human rights are yours and mine (to the school library). Book one. Materials of the conference "Human Rights and School in an Open Society". M., 1999;
  4. Sirotkin S. Senior students about the law and human rights. M., 2002;
  5. The system of legal education at school and the upbringing of a Russian citizen. The second stage - the main school 5-7 (8) grades / ed. N.I. Eliasberg.- St. Petersburg: Special Literature, 1999.

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