Class hour. Competition-game "Etiquette and us"

Department of Education and Science of the Tambov Region

TOGAPOU "Agro-Industrial College"


open classroom:


Completed by the teacher: V.V. Kozharin

Reviewed and approved at a meeting of the methodological commission of class teachers

Minutes No. 1 dated "____" January 2016

Chairman of the Methodological

Commissions______________ / E.T. Markina

This methodological development is intended for class teachers who are engaged in the educational activities of students in secondary specialized educational institutions.

The topic of methodological development is designed for students of the third or fourth year of the college and should help the future specialist to learn the moral principles of communication and the rules of the culture of behavior in modern society. After all, everyone knows that the norms of behavior determine what is generally accepted and acceptable in the actions of a member of society, and what is not. Uniform and generally accepted rules ensure a high level of relationships and communication in society.

    Introduction. - 4

    Main part (classroom script). - 5

    Conclusion. - 16

    Literature. - 18

5. Application - 19

2. introduction.

Culture of behavior

Each member of society is obliged to comply with the current norms of behavior, the main principles of which are: respect for others, respect for elders and women, understanding of one's own dignity. And it is quite natural that a future specialist and leader, such as a college graduate, should know and adhere to the generally accepted rules of behavior in a given society.

The need for human contacts is especially strongly developed among young people. Emotionality, romanticism, the search for novelty connect her with many bonds and connections with the lives of other people, with society as a whole. Through social connections and relationships, a person, and a young person in particular, learns the world around him, forms his consciousness into self-consciousness, manifests and improves abilities and moral qualities, becomes a personality.

Unfortunately, moral impoverishment and the absence of an external culture of behavior are a hallmark of our time.

The main objectives of the class hour:

To increase the level of moral enlightenment of students about the problems of relationships between people;

Help in exploring your inner world;

To introduce young people to the experience of moral quests of many generations of mankind;

Appeal to the personal experience of students, to their feelings and emotions;

To encourage the expression of one's own opinion, assessment, which stimulates the formation of value orientations;

Introduction to Western culture.

Students should know:

Basic rules of cultural behavior in public places, family, everyday life;

Basic rules of business relations;

Basic requirements for a business conversation;

Basic requirements for appearance;

Basic rules of etiquette.

The classroom hour is structured in such a way that it involves many questions, answering which students learn to express their opinions in front of a large audience, correctly express their thoughts, defend their own opinions, engage in polemics with peers and the teacher.

2. The main part.

Classroom script: "Etiquette and Us".

Presenter 1. Culture of behavior is an integral part of world civilization, an integral part of the general culture of mankind.

Our daily communication in the family, at work, in transport, on the street, with “ours” and “strangers” - this is the reality in which we live, that everyday life that we rarely think about.

Lead 2. A person cannot live alone, and the need for human contacts is especially strongly developed among young people. The search for novelty connects it with many bonds and connections with the lives of other people, society as a whole. Through social connections and relationships, a young person learns the world around him, forms his consciousness into self-consciousness, becomes a personality.

Are there any universal rules that are recognized by absolutely everyone?

Lead 1. There are no such unified universal rules, but there is a general principle on which they are built. This principle, the so-called "golden rule of morality" which is the criterion of the moral behavior of all civilized peoples.

Peoples and civilizations changed, but the "golden rule" remained.

It reads as follows: “Those actions of others that a person does not want for himself, which are unpleasant to himself, let him not do to other people.”

Lead 2. The analysis of the content of the "golden rule" is one of the notable topics in the history of ethical thought. In ancient ethics, one can often find reasoning on issues that are essentially very close to the "golden rule", for example, the reasoning of Socrates is known that it is better to experience injustice than to commit it.

Lead 1. The famous Russian writer of the 18th century Fonvizin goes further in his reflections, he wrote: make it a rule not to do to another what you wish yourself, plus to do to others what you wish yourself.

It would seem that everything is easy and simple: do what you need and everything will be fine, however, in a person there is always a struggle between what you want and what you need and should do.

Each society, each social group develops its own system of values, i.e. its system of "proper" behavior.

Reader 1. The first manuals on the rules of conduct, teaching how to behave, appeared in the Middle Ages. These rules were understood as standard behavior. Each citizen had to be guided by a certain code of rules in his behavior in relation to the authorities, the church, household members, etc.

This standard of conduct is called etiquette. Not only the career, but also the life of the courtiers, and sometimes the monarchs themselves, often depended on the knowledge of etiquette and the ability to behave.

At court, this standard of behavior had, first of all, a ritual form, which was supposed to exalt the reigning person and consolidate the class division in society.

Due to violations of the rules of etiquette, diplomatic missions were often disrupted, enmity flared up between the most influential feudal lords at the court, this could serve as a pretext for wars.

Extremely strict requirements were imposed on the observance of the rules of etiquette in eastern countries, especially in China and Japan. Europeans who entered the imperial palaces had to endure a series of humiliations in order to be introduced to the reigning persons. In the late 17th and early 18th centuries, Dutch merchants began to carry out trade relations with China and Japan, they had to humbly and servilely fulfill various etiquette requirements in order to achieve the conclusion of agreements on the exchange and permission to trade European goods in these countries. One of these duties was the systematic presentation of gifts to the reigning person - the shogun, and for this, once a year, the director of the Dutch trading post and several of his subordinates had to come to Tokyo and demonstrate their loyalty and devotion.

The German doctor E. Kaempfer described such a mission in 1691-1692 as follows: “... we waited, standing for an hour, until the emperor took his place in the audience hall. As soon as our chief entered the hall, there was a loud cry: “Captain Holland!”, which was a sign to come closer and bow down to the bottom. In accordance with the instructions, he crawled on his knees, leaning on the floor with his hands, to the place allotted for him, between the gifts laid out in the proper order, and the dais on which the emperor sat. Then, without rising from his knees, he bowed so low that his forehead touched the floor and in the same position had to back away like a crab, without uttering a single word.

The requirements of etiquette were so complex that special people appeared who knew all the subtleties of court rituals - ceremonial masters. And they were so strict that even monarchs had no right to break them.

Good manners, culture, aristocracy, courtesy, the ability to behave in society - all this was taught not to everyone, but only to the elite. And good manners become a sign of superiority, enlightenment, as opposed to the rudeness and vulgarity of commoners.

In the 16-17 century. etiquette has become a hallmark of a secular person. At the same time, the first manuals on etiquette appeared in different countries, including Rus'. One of the first - "Domostroy". It reflects the entire previous life, collected in a collection of rules and instructions on how "one should live." This is, first of all, a code of moral behavior of a person. What to do, but not how to do. He teaches:

Don't steal

Don't lie

Do not slander

Don't judge

Don't frolic

Don't mock

Don't get angry at anyone

With big ones to be submissive and obedient

With the lesser and wretched - welcoming and gracious

Lead 2. Time does not stand still. Progress is always expressed in the struggle of the new against the old. The rules of courtesy and cultural behavior did not escape this fate. Along with purely formal rules, limited time frames and class affiliation, there were also those that outlived their time and were picked up by new generations as necessary rules. regulation of human relations. And we need to single out from the legacy of the past those rational grains that retain their value to this day.

Leader 1 . Even without observing the rules of etiquette, each of us can single out a cultured, educated person in the general mass, in whose presence one automatically wants to behave with dignity. Each of us is able to single out an uncultured, ill-mannered, ignorant person, who is usually called a boor.

“... there is a concept of rudeness in etiquette, this is one of the vices of a person who is morally ignorant. Ham does not feel the state of mind of another person, he is able to pour salt on heart wounds; to knock loudly with dirty boots where you need to hold your breath; to break on the door when you need to quietly and imperceptibly move away on tiptoe from this door; laugh when everyone is sad,” said V. Sukhomlinsky.

Lead 2. Observing the general requirements, it is necessary to develop your own style of behavior. But this style should express the personality of a person, and not his desire to stand out. It is very important for a person to understand that life is not a stage, and therefore one must be in one's life, and not seem. "To be" is to be oneself, such as one's own convictions, one's own conscience suggests, to be with one's own shortcomings and virtues.

Lead 1. A truly cultured person lives according to the principle of "being", no matter how difficult it is for him, he is always natural, behaves at ease, does not fawn and does not hypocrite, he is not embarrassed by the position or social position of the interlocutor. On the contrary, the one who tries to "seem" first of all tries to demonstrate his own self-invented "authority", the image of "smart and the best". Strange as it may seem at first glance, it is more difficult for those who live by the principle of "to be", moreover, it is more difficult to live and work with them, because honesty, objectivity, bold judgments, despite ... far from everyone's taste . It is much easier to coexist with a narrow-minded sycophant, a two-faced coward, an imitator who himself can do nothing and does not require much from others.

After all, even Seneca believed: "We don't want to - that's the reason, we can't - just a pretext."

Lead 2. But progress is driven precisely by those with whom it is difficult. It should be noted that in most cases it is they who are self-critical, responsible for their actions, capable of doubting and being critical of both their own and other people's thoughts and actions. The kindness and culture of such people does not climb into the eyes, it is invisible, because this is their human essence.

well-mannered man- this is not only education, not only the right habits learned in the family, but first of all an internal culture based on constant, continuous self-education and self-education, on respect for another person, on the desire to be intelligent, in the best sense of the word.

The question is often asked: what man, what woman can be called beautiful? "Miss" and "Mister" contests are held, the external parameters of beauties and handsome men are determined, techniques and recipes for increasing biceps and reducing waist, lengthening legs and shortening body hair, etc. are demonstrated. The competition ends, and now the first beauty or handsome man in smiles and flashes of photos and video cameras gives interviews - and what?

Lead 1. All charm disappears - not a single thought, not a single clever word, subtle joke and usual sincerity. Momentary gloss, an external standard, previously imposed on the viewer - that's all. Therefore, the main thing in the beauty of a person is charm, charm as an external manifestation of inner beauty.

A charming person is necessarily smart, delicate, tactful, he is exclusively one of those who live by the principle of "being" and not "appearing", his beauty lies in the beauty of his soul.

A.P. Chekhov wrote: “Everything should be beautiful in a person: the face, and clothes, and the soul, and thoughts ... Often I see a beautiful face and such clothes that my head is spinning with delight, but the soul and thoughts - My God! In a beautiful shell sometimes hides a soul so black that you can’t rub it with any whitewash.

Lead 2. It is appropriate to ask why there are still many outwardly spectacular pacifiers, toadies, sycophants and so on in society? Unfortunately, the social order is still great for them, both from imitators and hypocrites who have achieved their official position, and from high-ranking cynics. Cynicism, even in combination with intelligence, knowledge, observance of the rules of conduct, is incompatible with the concept of true culture and good breeding. The main manifestations of cynicism are impudent, shameless behavior, outright contempt for generally accepted norms of morality and ethics, disrespect for people and society as a whole.

Lead 1. It is not so difficult to come to cynicism: first - narcissism, then - narcissism, brought to the rejection of another opinion and another person in general, then - just immorality and its apotheosis - cynicism.

The problem of a well-mannered, highly cultured, noble person is gullibility combined with misunderstanding: how could it be otherwise? He does not understand how one can live in squabbles and squabbles, how one can live without high literature and genuine art, he does not understand the meaning of replacing real work with imitation, he does not understand why go for plagiarism or pseudoscience for the sake of a degree or title.

What is the basis of the behavior of an educated person?

Lead 2. Firstly, on a respectful attitude towards people, it is easier for a well-educated person to be disappointed later than to initially set himself up against everyone or against the majority.

Of course, he sees the shortcomings and miscalculations of those around him, but he must be convinced of negative qualities for a long time, because the positive principles in a person are the main thing for him. And this is second. That is, an educated person is ready for the fact that people have both advantages and disadvantages.

"Courtesy and modesty testify to the true morality of a person," said Honore de Balzac.

Lead 1. Thirdly, a well-mannered person will always try, by his behavior, by his actions, to ensure good relations between colleagues. However, a truly honest person should not tolerate rudeness, duplicity, stupidity, arrogance, and is obliged to rebuff them. But this rebuff must stop evil, and not kindle it, must be directed at mistakes and shortcomings, and not at the person himself.

The culture of behavior depends not so much on the knowledge of generally accepted norms and rules, but on the character traits that each person is obliged to manage.

"Behavior- it is a mirror in which everyone shows his true appearance," wrote John Goethe.

Lead 2.Tact- one of the main such qualities, it is based on the understanding that another person may feel uncomfortable, that someone can cause him trouble or cause hostility. A tactful person is always ready to understand the experiences of another and tries to prevent a possible incident, does not use (at least the first) raised tones, and even more so rudeness.

Lead 1. Obvious tactlessness will be a demonstrative manifestation of one's dislike, but it will also be tactless in public to pour out one's sympathy excessively. Excessive curiosity is tactless, especially if it manifests itself in peeping and eavesdropping. A tactful person will pretend that he did not notice the awkwardness, help another in a difficult situation, will never slander and gossip. It is especially unacceptable to laugh at physical handicaps and problems that have arisen with a colleague or acquaintance, to discuss his personal life.

Lead 2. A cultured person is inconspicuous in the manifestation of tact, he always considers others, but does not adapt to them.

A cultured person is always distinguished by politeness, the antipode of which is rudeness. Polite- means desiring good, not allowing even the possibility of offending another.

Coarseness- characteristic of a boor, coarseness- a manifestation of base narcissism, a desire to humiliate the interlocutor, incontinence. When there is nothing to say, there are no reasonable arguments, insults, curses and indecent expressions come into play.

Lead 1. An educated person is distinguished by modesty, which is necessarily combined with exactingness towards oneself. But modesty should not be manifested in shyness, in one's own underestimation, in fear of saying anything, inability to defend one's convictions.

A cultured person, being modest and showing tact, has a sense of dignity, the highest manifestation of which is the concept of honor. "I have the honor" - this is how self-respecting people in Russia assessed themselves in the highest way. For such a person, meanness and low deeds, his own honor, the honor of his beloved woman, the honor and dignity of the Motherland are unacceptable for him above all and in extreme conditions - higher and dearer than life itself.

"Politeness breeds and causes politeness" - said Erasmus of Rotterdam.

Lead 2. Raising positive qualities in oneself (and therefore, a strong and charming personality) can only be multifaceted and combines high morality and exactingness, respect for work and education, love for life and all its manifestations, respect for elders and women, love for children and the desire to help the weak; an important role is played by aesthetic self-education, which is expressed in the development of the ability to understand the beautiful, the need for constant communication with literature, theater, painting, music, and other forms of art.

A highly cultured and educated person always faces the problem of choice. Not only is he not afraid, but he encourages doubts and reflections on a possible dilemma, making a fundamental decision for him is a moral problem.

Lead 1. An imitator, a sycophant, a scoundrel, an egoist does not have such a problem - they are always ready to imitate, to suck up, to meanness, they are ready to love only themselves. Momentary benefit, constant weakness towards oneself, unwillingness to solve problems on the basis of high demands and self-criticism simplify life. But in the end, everyone and everything suffers from it. Useful people cannot fully realize themselves and their dignity, the common cause suffers, and the petty person becomes even smaller, his personality is destroyed no less than that of a degraded person. It is not for nothing that many giants of human thought have always emphasized that a person who, due to circumstances, finds himself at the bottom of the social ladder can retain his personality and dignity, while a scumbag and a fool who has risen to the top will not acquire these qualities from his position. Suffice it to recall the heroes of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Chekhov, Gogol, Griboyedov, Gorky.

Reader 2. Any communication begins with an introduction and greeting, the rules of which are simple and obvious from the point of view of the general principles of etiquette.

In order to get acquainted or acquaint, it is enough to name the surname, name, patronymic.

Generally accepted norms determine what is presented or presented first to a woman who is younger in age or official position than the elder. In the case when the owner introduces people of the same sex and age, he must introduce a less familiar person to a more familiar one, a relative to an acquaintance.

There are a number of features in the representation of relatives. All acquaintances, friends are introduced to their parents, first of all - to their mothers. In general, when introducing, a polite form of address is appropriate.

When introduced, the man and the young girl always stand up. When meeting (as well as greeting), it is necessary to look into the eyes, while maintaining a friendly facial expression. The woman gives her hand first, the elder gives the younger, the boss gives the subordinate. It is convenient to accompany any acquaintance with a slight bow, but without sharp, pretentious movements, and a short phrase: "Very nice", "I'm glad to meet you." It is advisable that new acquaintances exchange a few phrases, the initiator of such a short conversation should be a senior in age or position or a woman.

Reader 3. The rules for addressing each other, to society, like any rules, are not an empty formality. The generally accepted and basic in the Russian language is the appeal to "You" and by name and patronymic. Calling by name and patronymic is a characteristic, national feature and feature of Russia, it is respect not only for this person, but also for his parents and the whole family. The appeal to "you" belongs to the same category. Any appeal should be polite, carry a connotation of respect and be expressed in a calm tone. On "you" they turn to friends, relatives, but the use of this treatment requires tact and subtlety. In a formal setting, no distinction should be made and only "You" may be used. The transition to "you" without reciprocity and the permission of the elder can rightly be regarded as an attempt to show familiarity, and even humiliate; at least, the manifestation of tactlessness and bad manners will be evident. In dealing with a woman, "you" is permissible only with her proposal, and then very carefully so as not to give rise to awkwardness and a dual position.

If you are in a circle of close friends, relatives, addressing by name in a friendly tone will be quite appropriate.

The diversity of the Russian language in this case did not determine a well-established, one form of address, therefore, the most successful should be recognized as an address by name and patronymic or anonymously in the form: "let you ...", "excuse me ...", "be kind ... ".

It is permissible to address by last name in cases of obvious difference: a teacher to a student, a foreman to a worker (to an experienced, middle-aged person - better by name, patronymic), etc. The rules of etiquette when greeting are similar to those considered: the young are obliged to greet the elders first, men - women, subordinates - leaders, incoming - those present.

Reader 4. Greetings are expressed in various forms. Firstly, this is a verbal wish for health, well-being, kindness, primarily through the usual phrases: "Hello!", "Good morning", etc. Second, a handshake. Thirdly, another manifestation of attention - a bow, raising a hat.

In your greeting, you must choose the appropriate form for the moment and place, while expressing respect and goodwill. When greeting, it is uncivilized to smoke, keep your hand in your pocket, continue talking to the other person. When greeting, the woman is the first to extend her hand to the man, the elder to the younger, the leader to the subordinate. A handshake is a common form of greeting, which is expressed by a mutual shake of the right hand.

It should be short, friendly, not too strong, not lifeless. Always the first to say hello, even if it is a woman overtaking. The one who passes first greets the one who is standing.

When couples meet, women first greet, and only then men.

To greet, baring your head, is beautiful and spectacular, but not always appropriate. It is especially not appropriate to take off your hat in winter or in bad weather.

When parting, the same rules of conduct apply as when greeting.

The culture of a person primarily determines his external manners.

“Good manners are made up of small sacrifices,” said Ralph Emerson.

A person, as we have already said, must always combine generally accepted norms and his own style, an expression of his personality, without crossing the permissible line. The gait should be even, confident, emphasizing the perfection of the human figure. If you are walking together, you must step synchronously and evenly. The demeanor should emphasize good breeding and internal discipline. The bow should be performed by smoothly lowering the head with a straight body, lowered arms and straight legs set together. You should sit straight and straight, without swaying or leaning on your back. You need to sit down and get up, keeping the body straight and not creating noise and unnecessary movements. Any casual posture should be unacceptable, it is also ugly to spread your legs wide apart.

The biggest problem is the position of the hands. The recommendations are simple: fingers should be together if possible; hands should be given calmness, not will; gestures must be necessary and clear. Additional, engaging gestures such as clicking, tapping, clapping on the shoulder and, especially not on the shoulder, twitching a button or cuff, pushing with the palm or elbow, etc. inappropriate and indecent. It is possible to lower the hand into the pocket only when necessary and for a short time. Better to refrain from pointing with your finger. It is not aesthetically pleasing to keep your hands folded on your stomach.

It is necessary to laugh without offending those present and without attracting their attention. You should try to sneeze, cough imperceptibly and silently, not forgetting to use a handkerchief. Yawning is definitely indecent. It is indecent to "demonstrate" one's cold, runny nose and cough. This is not only indecent, but also unhygienic. There are several ways to avoid the embarrassment of a cough and runny nose, including lozenges, rubbing the bridge of your nose, holding your breath, and so on. By the way, in our country it is customary to say to a person who has sneezed: “Bless you”, you should not apologize in this case, however, it should be noted that paying attention to any awkwardness, including sneezing, you put the interlocutor in an uncomfortable position.

Reader 5. General rules of conduct apply to almost all occasions, although in a number of points they have a certain interpretation.

A man should let a woman go forward, but where she needs to help and give a hand, he comes out first, for example, from a transport, a car; a man must be the first to enter an empty or unfamiliar room, open the door, be the first to go down the stairs.

The woman is always to the right of the man, and the man is to the left.

A man shows respect to a woman in everything: he does not sit if a woman is standing (the subtlety of etiquette lies in the fact that one must also stand next to a sitting woman if she does not ask to sit down); carries any of her things, except for a handbag.

“In terms of courtesy, it is better to oversalt than undersalt,” wrote Cervantes.

Accuracy is an indispensable norm of culture, especially business. It should manifest itself in all aspects of business life: from arriving at a precisely specified time to the exact fulfillment of commitments made and promises made.

In a conversation, be polite, do not interrupt the interlocutor, do not make fun of others. Old anecdotes, jokes, well-known stories do not decorate communication.

If you need to walk past the seated, for example in the auditorium, do it slowly, facing the seated. The woman sits first, and then the man accompanying her. In the case when the aisle between the rows is not wide enough, the seated man must stand up, passing the walking woman, and, if necessary, the man.

While on the street, you should try to maintain your level of politeness and culture. Try to behave in such a way as not to cause inconvenience and trouble to others and protect your companion from them.

You should not walk against the movement, push and hurt those walking nearby. The bag or briefcase must be carried carefully, they should not be (if in one hand) between you and your companion.

It is indecent to smoke on the move, to look back after the passers-by, especially to comment on their appearance. It is extremely indecent to eat or drink on the go. Ice cream should also be eaten while standing, away from traffic, and in no case should you enter a vehicle or other public place with ice cream.

The street will be clean and comfortable only when everyone who is on it observes cleanliness and order.

In public transport, try to provide the best conditions for the elderly, the disabled, the woman and the child. You can read in transport, but without disturbing other passengers; it is uncivilized to look into a newspaper or a companion's book. In transport, it is unacceptable to occupy seats with bags and suitcases, to carry objects and substances that disturb others; you should not correct someone else's awkwardness and discuss it.

Reader 6. A person is beautiful with his intellect, manners, good breeding, natural external data can only complement and emphasize this inner beauty. But no external beauty and even a rich inner world will not save a sloppy, sloppy person. Untidy hair, dirty and wrinkled clothes, a greasy tie and cuffs, lack of buttons, worn-out shoes with holes, the "aroma" of an unwashed body, etc. repel anyone for a long time, if not forever, leave the worst impression.

Among other things, it is very important to have your own style, which is called "your own face" in everything, including appearance, clothes, hair, make-up. Remember to "be", not "seem". Each person is obliged to know his shortcomings, his distinctive features and be able to hide them or, if appropriate, emphasize them. The main victories of a person are victories over oneself, over one's complexes.

When dressing, choosing a hairstyle, cosmetics, remember - "... see off according to the mind", you need to stand out not by pretentiousness or vulgarity, but by impeccable taste, courtesy in handling, courtesy, delicacy.

Any business person should remember that with his appearance, clothes, manners, he represents not only himself, but also the company and the business he is engaged in. Annoying your partner, visitor or client with a poorly chosen suit and casual appearance is at least not the best way to work.

There are well-known rules that are simple, but have a great effect. Here are the main ones.

You should always look neat and tidy; everything in appearance should be appropriate.

It does not matter how long the hair is, it is important that they are clean and combed; It doesn't matter how the nails are trimmed, what matters is that they are clean and trimmed neatly. But you should not comb your hair, clean your nails in public.

“A dress both exposes and exposes a person,” wrote Cervantes.

Most of all, insufficient neatness is characterized by a wrinkled suit or unironed shirt, uncleaned shoes, a dirty tie or collar.

Cologne, eau de toilette, deodorant, perfume should be refreshing, give a subtle aroma, a special charm, and not suppress the sense of smell of others.

The headdress should be an ensemble with a coat, cloak, fur collar, take into account the hairstyle, hair color, head shape, height and other features of the figure. Do not forget about your age, but this does not mean that it should be emphasized.

The most beautiful face is smart, neat, with lively eyes and calm facial expressions. The main rule - "There are no trifles" - is very important for the appearance.

So, the attitude towards a person as a person, only in the first moments of communication is due to aesthetic appeal. When people get to know each other better in the process of communication and joint activities, the impression of a person, based only on appearance, can either be confirmed or changed. This happens because in joint activities people more fully reveal their essence, their advantages and disadvantages. In addition, our relations are beginning to be influenced by: professionalism, social position, attitude towards people.

Reader 7. Speaking about the appearance of a person, they mean not only his neatness, charm, physical beauty, but also the ability to dress in accordance with fashion and with his age.

What is fashion?

“Fashion is a short-term form of standardized mass behavior that arises spontaneously under the influence of moods, tastes, and hobbies that dominate in a given society.

Acting as a regulator of human communication, fashion is a kind of addition to traditions and customs, unofficially legitimized by the power of mass habit and protected by the power of public opinion, ”I.S. Con.

So fashion is a general need and general interest in something, arising as a hobby of the majority. It is different for different age groups and is transformed with age, taste and possibilities.

Can we not like fashion?

Certainly! You don't have to follow fashion to be well dressed. Moreover, fashion is very changeable and gives only general settings, and what is suitable for you, everyone must decide for himself.

Undoubtedly, in clothing, as in everything, a measure is needed.

“A sense of proportion is not some gray middle that leaves no impression. This is a true hit on target. When you need a sense of proportion, it will tell you: you need a lot, you need a little, etc.” Art historian I.A. Andreeva.

You can add: a sense of proportion is the ability to choose correctly: how many colors, details, finishes in one piece of clothing will be beautiful, how to combine them, etc. It is important to take into account the place and time, the environment, the situation, the people with whom you will communicate.

There are no ready-made recipes, because each person is individual; each has his own taste, his own sense of proportion, his own style.

Taste and a sense of proportion will determine who, what and where to wear.

In addition to following fashion, it is also necessary to maintain your own body in good condition. Hygiene and sportswear not only improve the appearance, but also increase self-confidence, add a good mood.

It has been proven that a person who is satisfied with his appearance feels confident both in personal and professional activities.

“There are no ugly people, there are lazy people,” says the proverb.

In this regard, it is important to remember that the culture of clothing, which is based on the already mentioned neatness, cleanliness, accuracy, is always above fashion.

When choosing a hairstyle for yourself, you need to know that it depends on the color and condition of the hair, figure, shape of the face and head, season.

A handkerchief is also a must for men. It is better to have two handkerchiefs: one to wipe your lips, nose, forehead, the other - for a situation when a clean cloth is suddenly needed, for example, to wipe fogged glasses. In hot, stuffy weather, it's good to have sanitary napkins with you; in general, a few napkins can always help you out in many cases.

Lead 2. Each member of society is obliged to comply with the current norms of behavior, the main principles of which are: respect for others, respect for elders and women, understanding of one's own dignity.

The norms of behavior determine what is generally accepted and acceptable in the actions of a member of society, and what is not. Uniform and generally accepted rules ensure a high level of relationships and communication in society.

A cultured person always knows and is ready to observe the basic norms of behavior, while he is internally convinced of their necessity. A truly educated person behaves properly not only at official receptions, does not flaunt his refined manners, but shows his good breeding in the most insignificant acts of everyday life.

Lead 1. Observance of the rules of decency, politeness, benevolence should be carried out naturally, naturally, without pretense and false modesty.

All this is not trifles, but good manners, that culture of behavior, which is caring for the people around you.

So let's smile at each other, smooth out awkwardness, stop impatience and rudeness.

Lead 2. Smile is a universal means of non-verbal communication. At a meeting, a smile relieves the alertness of the first minutes, promotes calm, confident communication and creates a positive attitude.

Presenter 1. Look is the first step on the way to the interlocutor. The look is very eloquent and expresses a variety of feelings and states. He can be tough, prickly, kind, joyful, open, hostile, affectionate, inquiring, wandering, open.

Lead 1. And in conclusion of our speech, we offer several rules of conduct from D. Carnegie, the observance of which allows people to like:

Lead 2. Rule 1. Be genuinely interested in other people.

Leader 1 . Rule 2: Smile.

Lead 2. Rule 3. Remember that a person's name is the sweetest and most important sound for him in any language.

Lead 1. Rule 4: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.

Lead 2. Rule 5. Talk about what interests your interlocutor.

Lead 1. Rule 6. Inspire your interlocutor with the consciousness of his significance and do it sincerely.

Lead 2. On this class hour dedicated to the culture of behavior came to an end. Thank you for your attention.

3. conclusion.

The purpose of educational work is the formation of a comprehensively harmoniously developed person while creating the most favorable conditions for the development of his abilities to educate a citizen capable of active life, work, creativity, tolerance.

The task of educational work in secondary schools is to continue the implementation of the educational process of the individual, carried out in a general education school, the upbringing and development of a free, talented, physically healthy individual, enriched with scientific knowledge, ready for creative work and moral behavior; ready for self-knowledge, self-determination, self-realization and self-regulation.

The essence of a person, the features of his character, temperament, needs, views, tastes, desires are manifested in behavior. Only by actions do we judge inner motives, thoughts and feelings. Behavior can be, relatively speaking, of two types: verbal and real.

“Verbal behavior is our statements, opinions, judgments. We sometimes do not attach due importance to words that are often said in a moment of irritation, fatigue, or just casually - in a bus flea market, in line, in a store.

Real behavior is our practical actions and deeds. In our behavior, we usually focus on certain rules, guided by certain moral principles, to which we subordinate our aspirations and actions. However, knowledge of the moral norms accepted in a given society does not always correspond to human behavior. It is not uncommon for people to know moral standards, but do not follow them in their behavior. So, our behavior is determined by those moral norms and principles that regulate the relations of people in society.

It is known that culture is a set of achievements of all mankind in the industrial, social, mental, aesthetic and physical terms. The basis of any culture is respect for the individual. “Cultural behavior is the behavior of a person in accordance with the norms that a given society has developed and adheres to. These are certain manners, accepted methods of communication, addressing others, which, as it were, suggest how to behave correctly and beautifully in society, to be polite and helpful with elders, with women, to understand what is decent to do in a given situation.

General culture presupposes a certain erudition of a person, a more or less wide range of interests and knowledge, external neatness, goodwill, emotional restraint and, most importantly, high goodwill. Success in any business is unthinkable without following the rules of verbal etiquette. The basis of the culture of communication is the humane attitude of a person to a person, correlation, comparison of our individual roles with the world of "eternal", fundamental spiritual, moral values, and not only with those that are accepted "in our yard" or "in our company" .

It is necessary to work on the culture of speech, which determines the level of education of a person. We do not yet know the personality, but now the person has spoken, and literally from the first phrases one can determine whether he is cultural or not. The nature of the conversation is determined not only by the lexical stock and the grammatical structure of speech, the tone of the conversation, intonation is important, because sometimes not only the words themselves, but also the intonation with which they are connected, offend and offend others. The words themselves, depending on the tone in which they are spoken, can mean and express a request and a demand, advice and a warning. Therefore, people must learn, understand and, most importantly, fulfill the "commandments" of communication in a team: to be polite, restrained, fair, not to humiliate other people's dignity, not to use other people's failures for their own benefit, because in the life of every young person there comes a period when for it becomes important how others perceive it. He begins to pay special attention to himself. As a result, a person develops or has already developed an idea of ​​what he wants to be, what he wants to become, what goal he strives for. On the basis of his life experience, he creates for himself a certain ideal image of a personality, and with such critical introspection, sooner or later he will understand that he also needs to improve his manners in communicating with others. All of the above is what this lesson is about.

4. literature.

1. Bezrukikh M. Rules of conduct for everyone. - M. Publishing house of political literature, 1998.

2. Volchenko L.B. Morality and etiquette. - M. Knowledge, 2004.

3. Kamychek. I. Politeness for every day. - M. Knowledge, 2005.

4. Carnegie D. How to win friends. - M. Progress, 1998.

5. Kurochkina I.N. Etiquette for children and adults. - M. Academia, 2001.

6. Mititello V.L. Ethics and etiquette of a business person. - M. Center, 1996.


statements for the audience.

1. "Good manners consist of small sacrifices."

R. Emerson.

2. "Everything should be beautiful in a person: both the face, and clothes, and the soul, and thoughts ...

A.P. Chekhov.

3. "Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his true appearance."

4. "People often think that they are natural, when in fact they are just ill-mannered and rude."

La Rochefoucauld.

5. Politeness is the first and most pleasant virtue.

John Locke

6. Politeness is an artificially created good mood.

Jefferson T.

7. Politeness and good manners are indispensable in order to embellish any other virtues and talents.

Hegel G.F.

8. True politeness lies in a benevolent attitude towards people.

9. Nothing costs us so cheaply and is valued so dearly as politeness.

Miguel de Cervantes

Class hour "Etiquette. Rules of etiquette.

Goals: to acquaint students with elementary norms of behavior in society, to form the ability to look decent and feel confident in various life situations in accordance with the norms of behavior; develop communication skills, the ability to analyze.

The course of the classroom.

Teacher: Guys, today we are starting a conversation about politeness, about science that studies politeness and the rules of human behavior in society. Etiquette is a French word. It means a set of rules of conduct, circumvention, accepted in certain circles.

What is etiquette? Everyone knows this:

That is impossible and that is impossible. Who is objecting?

We joked friends, there is no doubt about it

And now let's give a serious definition.

Children in chorus read the words "Etiquette is the rules of human behavior among other people"

Teacher: What is the name of a person who knows the rules of etiquette and follows them?

In the 16th century, such a person was called Vezha. Vezha is a connoisseur of the rules of conduct. And today Vezha will be a guest at our lesson (a picture with the image of Vezha is posted on the board).

Before us is a map - a maze . Before you enter the labyrinth, you must know that it is easy to enter it, and you can exit only by mastering the rules. Each stop has its own secret door, which will release the one who has learned all the rules and completed the tasks. Well, let's open the first door.

    The very first rule of etiquette that we remember from childhood is a greeting.

What forms of greeting do you know? We do not always use these "magic" words, so sometimes the following happens:

"A case from school life"

Friends, just in case

Poems about a schoolboy.

His name is ..., but by the way,

We better not name it here.

"Thank you", "hello", "sorry" -

He's not used to pronouncing

A simple "sorry"

Did not overcome his tongue.

He is often lazy

Say at the meeting: “Good afternoon!”

It seemed like a simple word.

And he is shy, silent,

And at best, "great"

He says hello instead.

And instead of the word "goodbye"

He doesn't say anything.

Or say goodbye:

“Well, I went, bye, just…”

He will not tell his school friends:

"Alyosha, Petya, Vanya, Tolya."

He calls his friends only:

“Alyoshka, Petka, Vanka. Only.”

Guys, we can't

Tell you what his name is.

We honestly warn you

We don't know his name.

But maybe you know him

And you met him somewhere,

Then tell us about it

And we... We'll say thank you.

The simplest word "hello" means: "I see you, man! You are pleasant to me. Know that I respect you and want you to treat me well. I wish you good health, peace, happiness.”

Determine the mood with which you come to school (cards for each)

You and I opened the first door and remembered that there are words of greeting and goodbye that we always use.

Here is a chair, they are sitting on it,

here is the table, they are sitting at it,

here is the school, the house where we live,

here's the store we're going to

road, transport, footpath,

forest, river, meadow, where you can relax.

Interesting, guys, how much do you need to know about how to sit down and sit on a chair? (Several approaches can be taken.

On a chair, you need to sit upright, but freely, without straining. You can not stretch your legs far from the chair, it interferes with others. It is ugly to sit with legs apart, legs should be together.

Let's open the second door, read what is written: "Respecting a person, you respect yourself." This is the main idea of ​​our lesson. Do you want to continue your journey?

  1. Vezha invites you to the table, who knows how to properly set the table? (plate, cup, spoon, mug, napkin). The game "How to properly set the table.– watching cartoon karaoke about Winnie the Pooh

What mistake did VP make?

How should you behave at the table?

Shall we open the third door?

    Here is the school, the house where we live.

Today Vezha stopped by our school. What do you think he saw? .

And now we will try to look at ourselves from the outside and correct all the mistakes. To do this, we will answer the following questions.

1. You entered the wardrobe, there are a lot of guys. There is a girl next to you. how will you do it?

2. Morning, you enter the classroom. There are several of your classmates in the class. How will you enter the class?

3. During recess, you accidentally bump into a classmate. How will you act in this situation?

4. In the morning, your teacher and the teacher of the neighboring class walked towards you along the corridor. How will you say hello?

5. If you said hello to the teacher once, do you need to say hello again?

6. The girl called you names. What will you do?

7. You saw that your classmates were fighting. How will you do it?

8. At the matinee you were asked to speak, but you do not want to. How will you do it?

9. - You stand in front of the entrance to the school, people come in and out, who should you let through?

10. -You are walking along the corridor of the school with your friend, boys are pushing nearby, one of them falls, what is your reaction?

Look, we went through the maze, but what do you think, did we remember everything about etiquette? What rules haven't been talked about yet?

Class summary:

What new did you learn in class?

Competition preparation methodology

Terms of the competition

Competition "Etiquette and Us" can be held in one or more groups;

Preparatory stage takes 15-20 days.

The organizer must:

  • think over the content of competitive tasks;
  • prepare a script (you can involve students for this);
  • to work with the teams on the culture of behavior and appearance during the competition;
  • carry out work on the design of the competition (preferably attracting students);
  • select and prepare a leader from among the students, discussing with him the culture of behavior and appearance; hold a rehearsal
  • prepare props for competitions, for this, students of the groups participating in the game are involved: posters with the name of the game, plates with the names of teams, color cards with questions;
  • selection of the jury - it can be senior students or graduates. The organizer of the game must explain to the jury members the criteria for evaluating competitions and the culture of behavior of team members during the event;
  • think over the technical equipment, microphones, video equipment; select students responsible for technical support. A technical scenario is being prepared for them.

The competition is held in a room where 2-3 groups can be at the same time. The duration of the competition is 1 hour 15 minutes.


It is necessary to express gratitude to all those present in the hall: participants, spectators, guests. After the game, the guys who participated in the preparation and conduct of events remain for discussion. Compliance of all competitions with the planned ones is discussed with them. It is necessary to note all the positive aspects during the competition, as well as carefully point out the errors. Listen to the opinion of the guys. Give direction to the future. Subsequently, to conduct individual work with students who need correction, in psychological support.

Event goals

Class hour - the game "Etiquette and Us" is held in order to increase the level of the general culture of students and develop skills in using the forms of etiquette.

A game form was chosen for the event. The game helps to relieve psychological stress, increase interest in the event, allow students to immerse themselves in various standard situations in a short time that require knowledge of etiquette, and consolidate this knowledge through game situations.

In addition, holding a class hour contributes to the development of attention and observation, the development of the ability to speak to a not very familiar audience and competently express one's thoughts and judgments.

The process of preparing a classroom hour works to foster a sense of responsibility, the ability to work in a team, be friendly, able to help each other.

The situation of competitive play, in addition, develops the spirit of healthy competition, the desire to show their best qualities.

For the event, you need to prepare the props:

  • Competition "Greetings" - folders for captains.
  • Competition "Find the mistake" - DVD player, disc, pens, paper.
  • Competition "Tea for two" - cups, saucers and spoons for decorating a tea table for two, as well as extra cutlery.
  • Contest "Acquaintance" - cards with tasks

Event preparation

Student activities:

  1. Students must select a team of 5 people, including choosing a captain. At the same time, the main requirement for the guys is intelligence, knowledge of the rules of behavior, wit and resourcefulness.
  2. The next step is to come up with a team name and a greeting addressed to other participants and guests of the game. The greeting should contain compliments, but not flattery.
  3. As homework, the guys had to learn or remember the rules of behavior in transport, at a party, during a telephone conversation.
  4. Discuss with students the general style of the team.

Teacher activities:

  1. The organizer of the competition should work closely with the class teachers of the groups participating in the game to assist in the selection and preparation of teams.
  2. It is necessary to work with teams in order to explain the main points of the competition, appearance and behavior during the game.
  3. The organizer selects and arranges competitions.
  4. He writes the script, selects student actors, conducts rehearsals and shoots videos of the "Find the Mistake" contest, in which skits are played showing violations of etiquette.
  5. Prepare dishes for the "Tea for Two" contest.
  6. Come up with situations for the contest "Acquaintance"
  7. Working with jury members Select, acquaint with the evaluation criteria, pay attention to the need for strict adherence to etiquette.
  8. The script for the whole game is being written.
  9. Selection of musical accompaniment for the game.
  10. A leader is selected from among the students. Rehearsals with him
  11. An award is being considered.

Event progress

  1. Leading introduction.
  2. Presentation of the names of the teams of participants, the presenter and the jury.
  3. Contest "Greetings". The team captain reads out his speech prepared as homework. The condition for composing a speech: it must be addressed to other participants and guests. The speech should contain compliments, but not be flattering. When evaluating, the jury takes into account the name, appearance and general style of the team, the presence of compliments in the speech. The maximum score is 5 points.
  4. Competition "Find the mistake". Each team is shown a video. This is a scene in which to film behavior in transport, when receiving guests, while talking on the phone in violation of etiquette. After a short discussion, the guys point out the behavioral errors seen in the plot. The maximum score is 7 points. During the preparation of the children for the "Find the mistake" contest, a quiz is held with the audience.
  5. Competition "Tea for two". Two representatives from each team should prepare a table for tea for two. At the same time, the guys pick up the dishes for themselves on the common table, where there is extra dishes. When evaluating the competition, the jury takes into account the uniformity of dishes, arrangement, the presence of all necessary appliances. Maximum score 5 points
  6. Acquaintance Competition. Two people from the team should act out a skit that depicts how to introduce strangers to each other. A few minutes are given for discussion. For the skit, team members have the right to invite assistants from among the audience. When evaluating, the jury takes into account not only the correctness, but also the resourcefulness and artistry of the guys. The maximum score is 7 points. During the preparation of the guys for the competition "Acquaintance" a quiz is held with the audience
  7. Summing up the game. Winner's reward ceremony.

Appendix 1. Quiz questions with viewers

  1. If the phone goes offline, who should call back? (who called)
  2. On which hand should a man go from a woman? (on the left hand)
  3. You were late for the start of the performance, your seats are in the center of the hall, what will you do? (Either move forward facing those sitting, or sit down in the nearest places, and during a pause you will change to your seats)
  4. Until what time in the evening can you make noise at home? (until 22h)
  5. Which of the pair should go first when entering and exiting doors? (at the entrance - a man, at the exit - a woman)
  6. You want to eat and bought a pie on the street. What are your next steps? (stop away from traffic so as not to disturb anyone and eat)
  7. You need to leave the concert, when is the best time to do so? (during the change of actors, scenery or the announcement of new members)
  8. Which of the pair should go down and up the stairs first? (going down - man, going up - woman)
  9. What is the most comfortable seat in a car with an unfamiliar driver? (rear right)
  10. From what time in the morning can you call friends and acquaintances on the phone? (from 9 a.m.)

Annex 2. Jury cheat sheet

Competition: "Greeting" - maximum 5 points:

When evaluating, take into account:

Competition 2: "Find the mistake" - maximum 7 points

When evaluating, take into account:

video clip "In transport". The following errors were made:

  • behaved rudely on the street;
  • jostled at the entrance, interfering with the rest of the passengers;
  • in the trolleybus they attracted a lot of attention, hung on the handrails, talked loudly;
  • noticing a friend, they began to call him through the whole salon instead of going up to him themselves;

video clip "Birthday" . The following errors were made:

  • the birthday boy began to rudely resent the guests being late;
  • the guys did not apologize for being late;
  • the birthday boy, without unwrapping the gift, left it aside;
  • although the guests arrived late, the table was not set;
  • having learned that the table was not ready, the guests did not offer their help to the host

video clip "Phone conversation" . The following errors were made:

  • the caller did not introduce himself;
  • not knowing who he was talking to, he began to speak "You";
  • if it was necessary to convey something urgent, it should be asked to do so;
  • if there was nothing urgent, it was necessary to apologize and say goodbye;

(Video clips are not posted due to the volume)

3 contest "Tea for two" - maximum 5 points

When evaluating, consider:

  • on the table there should be cups, saucers, spoons, everything is matched according to style
  • at a table laid for two, they sit opposite each other, in accordance with this they put dishes;
  • cups should be on saucers;
  • the handles on the cups should be turned to the right, in relation to the seated person;
  • the spoon on the saucer lies in front of the cup parallel to the handle.

4 competition: "Acquaintance" - 7 points

When evaluating, consider the right actions:

  • the younger ones are introduced to the older ones;
  • women are introduced first, then men;
  • when one person meets a whole company, he is introduced to everyone present, and then he gets to know himself;

Scene 1: You bring a girl home to meet your parents:

How will you introduce them to each other?

- Mom, dad, meet this - Katya, my girlfriend;

Katya, this is my mother Galina Petrovna and father Ivan Semenovich.

Scene 2: A company has gathered at your house: guys and girls. And you invited your friend, none of those present knows him.

How will you represent everyone?

Guys, get acquainted - this is Kolya, please love and favor

Scene 3: You and your parents are walking down the street towards your teacher, who has long wanted to meet his parents. How will you represent everyone?

Hello Lyudmila Petrovna!

Hello Petya, are these your parents?

Yes, meet me, this is my mother Elena Yurievna, and father Ivan Sergeevich, and this is Lyudmila Petrovna, a teacher of history at our technical school


  1. Goldin V.E. Speech and etiquette. A book for extracurricular reading. M.: Enlightenment, 1983.-109s.
  2. Formanovskaya N.I. Speech etiquette and communication culture. M.: Higher school, 1989.-159p.
  3. Business conversation. Business Etiquette. Textbook for universities / Compiled by I.N. Kuznetsov.- M.: UNITI-DANA, 2004.- 431p.

Class hour on Etiquette in elementary school

Class hour on the topic "Rules of etiquette: acquaintance"


1. Contribute to the formation of cultural behavior skills in children.

2. Teach children how to get to know each other correctly. Equipment: memos for children.

Class hour progress

Introductory speech of the teacher

Behavior for man is the main science. It is better to know from childhood how to talk on the phone correctly, how to behave at the table, at a party. It turns out that acquaintance is also a whole science.

Why are we getting to know each other? (Children answer.)

Playing the role-playing situation "Acquaintance"

Teacher. Imagine that you are seeing each other for the first time and you definitely need to get to know each other.

(Two children act out the role-play situation "Meeting a new friend".)

What is the right thing to do in this situation? (Children answer.)

Role situations

Teacher. Let's say you want to get to know me. Let's play a scene. The words "very nice, I'm glad to meet you" I can say, as you are introduced to me, and I can decide whether this acquaintance is pleasant or not.

(Playing out the ritual of getting up when meeting.

1. A boy with a girl - the boy gets up at the same time.

2. The younger with the elder - the younger must stand up.)

Name polite words that should sound when meeting. (Allow me to introduce myself. Please introduce yourself. Very nice. I am glad to meet you.)


Teacher. Remember the simple rules.

The person being introduced should give their name first.

You and your friend met your friend. Introduce them, say: “Please meet” - and name

person. But you can not say: "This is my friend." This will put the other person in an awkward position.

If the presented person is unpleasant to you, this cannot be shown, you must be polite.

If you brought a friend home, then introduce him to his parents, that is, the younger ones are introduced to the older ones.

If you're here for a birthday party, the host introduces everyone.


Rules of good manners when meeting

1. The younger is introduced to the elder, the man to the woman, the employee to the manager.

2. Introducing peers, they are the first to introduce a person closer to themselves. But all acquaintances are introduced to their parents, and not vice versa.

3. The individual is introduced to the group.

4. At crowded receptions, guests get to know each other themselves.

5. It is not necessary to represent your companion at an unexpected meeting.

6. It is not necessary to introduce yourself to your companions on the way, to neighbors at a common table, at a meeting. You can limit yourself to a general greeting.

7. As a rule, when meeting, the first to give a hand is the one to whom the other was introduced: that is, a woman gives a hand to a man, a senior to a junior, a leader to a subordinate.

8. The hostess always gets up to meet the guests.

9. It's customary to say hello to everyone you meet.

10. It is customary to greet the youngest first.

11. It is not customary to give a hand across the table or over the threshold.

12. Not to shake an outstretched hand is an insult.

Physical education minute

(The teacher reads a poem, the children show what they heard with gestures.)

The sun rose bright.

Good morning! - said.

Good morning! -

I shout to passers-by

Cheerful passers-by

Looks like morning...

But if you wake up

And the rain on the window

Knocks and knocks

Is it dark without sun?

Good morning,

Friends, whatever.

wisely thought:

Good morning!

V. Korkin

Conversation about greeting words

Teacher. There are three levels of greeting.

1. "Royal" level. Allow me to welcome you! Glad to welcome you! I salute you!

2. "Our" level. Good morning! Good afternoon Good evening! Hello!

3. "Friendly" level. Hello! Great!

If we are in a hurry, we will exchange greetings, smile at each other and go about our business. But if we want to talk a little with a friend, then after the greeting we can say some more words, ask some question.

What do you think these words are? What questions? (Children answer.)

What level is this? That's right, "our" and "friendly". Let's write these expressions.

Our level. Very glad (glad) to see you! How are you doing? How is your health? How are you feeling today?

"Friendly" level. Well, how are you? What's up? How are you? What's new? How is it going?

And if we are asked a question, then we need to answer it (addressing a specific child):

Hello Katya! I'm glad to see you! How are you doing? (Katya answers.)

At what level did we talk with Katya? (On our".)

And what would Katya say if Anya were instead of me? (Children answer.)

Let's write down our answers.

Our level. OK, thank you. Great, it's all right. Not bad. Nothing. Neither good nor bad. How can I tell you... Nothing new. Badly. Doesn't matter. Worse than ever.

"Friendly" level. Fine! So-so. Not so hot. Bad things.


Teacher. Now let's think about this... Two people met, said hello, one asked the other how you were doing, he replied that everything was fine. Can I end the conversation? Yes, you can.

And if the answer was that things are bad? Can I finish the conversation? Of course not. If a person feels bad and complains about his affairs, you should continue the conversation, ask what happened.

And now I will draw such a face. Who is this? Gingerbread man? No. This is a smiley. He is not Russian. He was born in America. And his name is derived from the English verb "smile" - to smile. Sometimes I see it painted on posters, on badges, on T-shirts. He reminds us of one important rule of international etiquette: “Don't complain about life often. Don't complain especially when you say hello. You do not need to immediately talk about your troubles and troubles. Now smile. And if things aren't going well for you, find another time to talk about it."

That's why the question "How are you?" we most often answer: “Thank you, good!”

And I also wanted to tell you: if the meeting is unexpected, then, after greeting, you can say: “What a pleasant surprise!”, “What a pleasant meeting!”, “I haven’t seen you for a hundred years!”, “How many years, how many winters !"

Role-playing game

Teacher. Let's play. Let's split into pairs. One of you will play your role - the role of a 3rd grade student. And the second will turn into a school principal. And now Masha Moiseeva is no longer Masha, but Maria Vladimirovna. In the morning at the school, she meets Christina. Christina, of course, greets; Maria Vladimirovna answers and asks: “How are you?” Christine is now in charge. Let's try!

(Children work in pairs.)

Well, guys, how did it work? At what level did you speak? (At "our" level.)

And now a 3rd grade student and someone's dad meet. What is the father's name and patronymic? Play this situation.

(Children work in pairs.)


Teacher. The habit of remembering and correctly naming your interlocutors, friends is one of the secrets of friendly relations. Some people don't want to take the time to remember names. But this is one of the easiest ways to win the favor of others. How to do it? When you hear someone's name, you have to say it to yourself. Then, in conversation, repeat it again. At home, you can enter the name in a notebook. After all, someone has a visual memory, and someone has an auditory one.


Teacher. Say hello to an adult whose first and middle name you know. If it's a good friend (like your friend's mom), ask how you're doing. Listen politely to the answer. Have your mom rate you.

Additional material

From time immemorial, greetings have sounded on our planet. In Rus', for example, wanting to show the greatest degree of respect, they knelt down and bowed to the ground - they beat them with their foreheads. At the same time, as an eyewitness wrote, one could clearly hear the sound of a blow. When equals in position met, they simply bowed to each other, but at the same time trying to notice that the other did not bow lower. And since no one wanted to be less polite, they bowed three or four times, "competing in showing mutual honor."

Ivan the Terrible was haunted all his life by one painful childhood memory. The Sovereign of All Rus', one of the most powerful monarchs, at the very height of his power, could not forget the moments of humiliation he experienced in childhood. In a letter to A. Kurbsky, he writes about the time when the all-powerful boyar Shuisky pushed him, the young tsar Ivan. How? It turns out that Shuisky did not consider it necessary to greet the heir, greeting him: "And he did not bow to us." The little boy remembered this offense for the rest of his life. "Such is the pride who can bear it!" - he writes bitterly to A. Kurbsky.

A person who refuses to greet another must have good reasons for this. Such moral reasons were, for example, in Callisthenes, who refused to fall at the feet of Alexander the Great. Here is the story.

With the custom of greeting the king, falling at his feet, the Greeks met during the war with Persia. Alexander the Great liked this Eastern custom so much that he decided to introduce it among his subjects. When Alexander, dressed in royal clothes and marked with all the signs of royal dignity, appeared before the crowd and everyone, observing the new law, obediently fell on their faces before him, only one person remained standing. It was Callisthenes. Not only did he not fall at his feet, as required by the new royal decree, but he immediately began to shame Alexander in front of everyone for demanding honors equal to those of the divine.

Alexander heeded the voice of his courageous subject. Thus, Callisthenes, as Plutarch writes, "saved the Greeks from humiliation, and Alexander from even more." Often, those who refused to bow to the ruler or even his image paid for it with their lives.

In some Indian tribes, at the sight of a stranger, it is customary to squat until he approaches and notices this peaceful posture. Sometimes they take off their shoes to greet.

In the XVII-XVIII centuries, important counts and countesses, dukes and duchesses, ladies and cavaliers bowed for a long time at the meeting, using a wide variety of movements.

Tibetans, when greeting, take off their headgear with their right hand, put their left hand behind their ear, and stick out their tongues.

The Japanese use three types of bows for greeting - the lowest (sai-keirei), medium - with an angle of thirty degrees and light - with an angle of fifteen degrees.

Russians, British and Americans shake hands as a greeting gesture.

The Chinese in the old days, meeting a friend, shook hands with himself.

The Laplanders rub their noses.

A young American greets a friend by patting him on the back.

Latinos embrace.

The French kiss each other on the cheek.

Samoans sniff each other.

In India, they cross their arms over their chest and bow their heads, as did the Buddha.

On the island of Tongo, they stop at a distance, shake their heads, stamp their feet, and snap their fingers.

Since ancient times, it has been customary, when greeting, to take off the glove from the right hand. When people were at enmity, the knight, removing a glove or mitten from his hand when greeting, showed that there was no weapon hidden in his palm.

The greeting may be accompanied by the removal of the headgear. This custom goes back to the 14th-15th centuries. In those days, life was much more dangerous: homeless vagrants wandered along the roads in search of prey. Bands of robbers hid in the forests. People were constantly armed. And going on a long journey, they put on chain mail, heavy armor, hid their heads under an iron helmet. But on the way there is a house where a kind person lives. Crossing the threshold, the knight-errant took off his helmet and held it in his hand. “I am not afraid of you,” he said with this gesture to the owner. “You see, my head is open, I trust you.”

These harsh times have passed, but the custom, entering the room, to remove the headdress remained. This gesture speaks of respect for the house you have come to and for the people living in it.

And here are some more stories related to the rules of conduct.

On the street, a man usually walks to the left of his companion. Like any custom, this one also has its own history. 200-300 years ago, men did not leave the house without weapons. Each had a sword, or a dagger, or a rapier hanging on his left side. And all officials until the end of the 19th century were required to wear a sword with their uniform. In order for the weapon dangling while walking not to hit the legs of the companion, the gentleman tried to walk to the left of the lady. Gradually it became a custom.

And this story is a vivid illustration of how it is impossible to behave at the table. After a successful raid on the neighbors, the Norman Vikings feasted in their castle. Then, a thousand years ago, people still did not know any plates or forks. Servants brought in wild boars and deer roasted on iron skewers on huge wooden platters. Pulling out sharp hunting knives and daggers from their scabbards, the guests snatched fatty pieces of meat from the carcasses and ate them greedily. Loudly chomping and sniffing, they gnawed and sucked out the marrow bones with a crack, spitting out fragments right on the floor. The Vikings wiped their greasy beards with their sleeves, and wiped their greasy hands on their leather jackets. Swarms of flies swarmed over the tables, covered in gravy and beer. There was the hoarse growl of hunting dogs fighting over scraps falling from the table. The sight was disgusting. But in those days it was considered the norm.

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