Project on biology topic fungi parasites. Presentation on the topic "parasite mushrooms"

"Evidence of the origin of man from animals" - Anthropogenesis. Morphophysiological transformations that increase the level of organization. **Test 10. K. Linney. Stars of the modern national Mexican circus. Test 1. Explained the origin of man from the standpoint of creationism: K. Linnaeus. embryological evidence. Monkey. The great apes include: Gibbon.

"Mushrooms Grade 6" - I usually grow up in a birch grove. I do not argue - not white, I, brothers, are simpler. CROSSWORD on the topic "Mushrooms". Near the forest on the edge, decorating the dark forest, Grew motley, like Parsley, poisonous ... All - freckled little rascals. A wise bearded old man, a resident of the forest - ... Think again! The brothers are sitting on the stump. And the fire escaped with a smoky cloud of spores!

"Mushrooms Grade 5" - Amanita. Mushrooms are living organisms. The structure of the cap mushroom. Memo to the mushroom picker. Main properties: - breathing - nutrition - growth - reproduction - aging. Double mushrooms. Death cap. Variety of mushrooms. Mushrooms are living organisms!

summary of other presentations

"Types of edible and non-edible mushrooms" - Edible mushrooms. Boletus. Amanita smelly. Summer honey agaric. Milky. Inedible and poisonous mushrooms. Morel. Volnushki. Redheads. The pig is thin. Winter honey agaric. The breast is black. Boletus. Chanterelle. Polish mushroom. Oyster mushrooms are bred, grown in greenhouses. Webbed. Fly agaric red. Mokhovik. Satanic mushroom. Autumn honey agaric. Kozlyak. Oyster mushrooms. Patouillard fiber. Oily. Champignon. White mushroom. Value.

"Slime Molds" - Order Mucorales. vegetative body type. Plasmopara viticola. Class Chytridiomycetes. Entomophthora. Ecological features. Cell structure. Division Dictyosteliomycota. Saprolegnia sp. Physarum sp. Rhizophydium sp. Kingdom of Fungi. Order Saprolegniales. Oomycetes class. Class Dictyosteliomycetes. Myxomycetes class. Division Chytridiomycota. Division Plasmodiophoromycota. Trichiales order. Dictyostelium.

"List of mushrooms" - The guys crowded on the stumps. Russula. Honey mushrooms. Chanterelles. Borovik. Breast. Bright mushroom. Death cap. Autumn get-togethers. Fly agaric. Butter dish. Raincoat. Boletus. Volnushki. boletus. Children run under the aspen. Mushroom.

"Names of mushrooms" - Amanita grebe. The breast is black. Satanic mushroom. The row is gray. Russula food. Fatty. Oyster mushroom ordinary. An ordinary oiler. Fly agaric red. Common boletus. Porcini. Honey agaric false sulfur-yellow. Morel ordinary. Death cap. The wave is pink. Amanita smelly. Autumn honey agaric. The breast is real. Zelenka. Chanterelle ordinary. Pepper mushroom. The honey agaric is false. Ginger.

"Mushroom poisoning" - Pale grebe. Satanic mushroom. The hat is thick. Poison mushrooms. Inedible mushrooms are mushrooms that are not eaten. Goals. False fox. Pepper mushroom. The pig is thin. Toadstools. Bile mushroom. Be careful when picking mushrooms. Fly agaric. False honey agaric brick-red. Signs of mushroom poisoning. Stalk of a satanic mushroom. First aid for poisoning. Inedible and poisonous mushrooms. False honey agaric is sulfur-yellow.

Parasitic fungi settle on living organisms and feed on them, causing great harm to them. Parasitic fungi settle on living organisms and feed on them, causing great harm to them. About 10 thousand species of fungi parasitize on plants, about 300 species parasitize on animals and humans. Some of them settle on the surface, others - in the body of their owner, often causing serious illness. About 10 thousand species of fungi parasitize on plants, about 300 species parasitize on animals and humans. Some of them settle on the surface, others - in the body of their owner, often causing serious illness.

Ergot The ergot fungus is found on some grain crops. In affected plants, healthy grains turn into poisonous black-purple horns. Having got into food with flour, they can cause a serious illness "anton fire". Ergot fungus settles on some grain crops. In affected plants, healthy grains turn into poisonous black-purple horns. Having got into food with flour, they can cause a serious illness "anton fire". Medieval manuscripts tell of outbreaks of this terrible disease, which sometimes claimed no less people than the plague and cholera. Sick people began gangrene or they were overcome by convulsions. In France, at the end of the 10th century, 40 thousand people died, in Astrakhan at the end of the 12th century, 20 thousand people died from this disease. In 1095, Pope Urban II founded the Order of St. Anthony, whose task was to treat patients with this disease. Medieval manuscripts tell of outbreaks of this terrible disease, which sometimes claimed no less people than the plague and cholera. Sick people began gangrene or they were overcome by convulsions. In France, at the end of the 10th century, 40 thousand people died, in Astrakhan at the end of the 12th century, 20 thousand people died from this disease. In 1095, Pope Urban II founded the Order of St. Anthony, whose task was to treat patients with this disease.

"Black leg" The "black leg" of cabbage seedlings is caused by the alpidium fungus. Infection occurs after the appearance of the first leaves, mainly in greenhouses in case of excessive moisture. The stem rots and the plant most often dies. The "black leg" of cabbage seedlings is caused by the alpidium fungus. Infection occurs after the appearance of the first leaves, mainly in greenhouses in case of excessive moisture. The stem rots and the plant most often dies.

Gray rot If you had to pick strawberries in a rainy summer, then you probably came across gray years covered with a kind of thin fluff. This disease - gray rot of strawberries - was caused by the fungus botrytis. If you had to pick strawberries in a rainy summer, then you probably came across gray years covered with a kind of thin fluff. This disease - gray rot of strawberries - was caused by the fungus botrytis.

Rust Rust fungi infect the leaves and stems of plants. On the affected leaves and stems there is a bloom of bright orange, sometimes almost black. Rust fungi infect the leaves and stems of plants. On the affected leaves and stems there is a bloom of bright orange, sometimes almost black. In the Bible, the rust of plants is mentioned along with pestilence, the invasion of the enemy, locusts and other terrible disasters. In the Bible, the rust of plants is mentioned along with pestilence, the invasion of the enemy, locusts and other terrible disasters.

Tinder fungus These fungi destroy the wood of trees. Their spores enter the tree through wounds that appear in the bark. The spores germinate into the mycelium, which spreads through the wood, destroying it and making it rotten. These fungi destroy the wood of trees. Their spores enter the tree through wounds that appear in the bark. The spores germinate into the mycelium, which spreads through the wood, destroying it and making it rotten. The fruit bodies of the tinder fungus are hoof-shaped. They appear on the bark of a tree a few years after infection and are located one above the other in the form of shelves. On the underside of the fruiting body, spores ripen in small tubules. The fruit bodies of the tinder fungus are hoof-shaped. They appear on the bark of a tree a few years after infection and are located one above the other in the form of shelves. On the underside of the fruiting body, spores ripen in small tubules. Hollows appear in the trunks of trees affected by tinder fungi and they become brittle. Hollows appear in the trunks of trees affected by tinder fungi and they become brittle.

Parasitic fungi reduce the yield of agricultural plants, make their products unsuitable for food, and cause diseases in humans and animals. Parasitic fungi reduce the yield of agricultural plants, make their products unsuitable for food, and cause diseases in humans and animals. All fungal diseases spread very quickly, because wind, precipitation and insects easily transfer the smallest spores from diseased plants to healthy ones. Infection of plants with parasitic fungi causes great damage to agriculture. Therefore, it is very important to take preventive measures, and in the event of the appearance of diseases, start fighting them as soon as possible. All fungal diseases spread very quickly, because wind, precipitation and insects easily transfer the smallest spores from diseased plants to healthy ones. Infection of plants with parasitic fungi causes great damage to agriculture. Therefore, it is very important to take preventive measures, and in the event of the appearance of diseases, start fighting them as soon as possible.

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Ergot The ergot fungus is found on some grain crops. In affected plants, healthy grains turn into poisonous black-purple horns. Having got into food with flour, they can cause a serious illness "anton fire". Medieval manuscripts tell of outbreaks of this terrible disease, which sometimes claimed no less people than the plague and cholera. Sick people began gangrene or they were overcome by convulsions. In France, at the end of the 10th century, 40 thousand people died, in Astrakhan at the end of the 12th century, 20 thousand people died from this disease. In 1095, Pope Urban II founded the Order of St. Anthony, whose task was to treat patients with this disease.

Scab If the venturia mushroom is unequal, the scab pathogen settles on the apple, they become covered with flaky spots.

"Black leg" The "black leg" of cabbage seedlings is caused by the alpidium fungus. Infection occurs after the appearance of the first leaves, mainly in greenhouses in case of excessive moisture. The stem rots and the plant most often dies.

Gray rot If you had to pick strawberries in a rainy summer, then you probably came across gray years covered with a kind of thin fluff. This disease - gray rot of strawberries - was caused by the fungus botrytis.

Rust Rust fungi infect the leaves and stems of plants. On the affected leaves and stems, a plaque of bright orange, sometimes almost black, appears. In the Bible, the rust of plants is mentioned along with pestilence, the invasion of the enemy, locusts and other terrible disasters.

Tinder fungus These fungi destroy the wood of trees. Their spores enter the tree through wounds that appear in the bark. The spores germinate into the mycelium, which spreads through the wood, destroying it and making it rotten. The fruit bodies of the tinder fungus are hoof-shaped. They appear on the bark of a tree a few years after infection and are located one above the other in the form of shelves. On the underside of the fruiting body, spores ripen in small tubules. Hollows appear in the trunks of trees affected by tinder fungi and they become brittle.

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