Sand therapy presentation for children with ONR. Presentation on the topic "sand therapy as one of the health-saving technologies in the work of a speech therapist"

Sand therapy Sand games develop tactile-kinetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands; relieve muscle tension; improve visual-spatial orientation, speech capabilities; contribute to the expansion of vocabulary; help to master the skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis; allow to develop phonemic hearing and perception; contribute to the development of coherent speech, lexical and grammatical representations; help prepare for literacy, reading and writing skills

Sand therapy Sets of toys for playing with sand people, diverse in gender, age, cultural and national identity, professions, era; land animals (wild, domestic, prehistoric); flying animals (wild, domestic, prehistoric); inhabitants of the water world (fish, mammals, crabs, mollusks); dwellings with furniture (houses, palaces, castles, furniture); household utensils (dishes, household items, table decorations); trees and other plants; celestial objects (sun, moon, stars, rainbow); vehicles; objects of the human environment; objects of the Earth's landscape; accessories (beads, fabrics, buttons, jewelry,..)

At present, the interest of teachers (speech therapists, educational psychologists, educators) in the use of sand games in working with children has increased significantly. Sand is a mysterious material. He has the ability to fascinate a person, attract like a magnet. Sand attracts children and adults with its inconstancy. Sand can be dry, light, and elusive, or wet, dense, and heavy, able to take any shape. Playing with sand brings fun and joy to the soul of the child and at the same time contributes to its development. Who among us did not like to mess around with sand for hours as a child?

At the origins of sand therapy is Carl Gustov Jung, the founder of analytical psychotherapy.

The ideal dimensions of a sandbox for sand therapy are 49.5 * 72.5 * 7 cm. It is better to make it from wood, paint it blue from the inside (a symbol of sky and water), but plastic can also be used. Sand for classes should be large, pleasant yellowish hue. You can buy sand at the pet store (for chinchillas) or quartz sand at the pharmacy. If you take building or sea sand, it must be washed and calcined in the oven.

For games-activities in the sandbox, you will need a lot of figures no more than 8 cm high on various lexical topics. These are people, animals, vehicles, marine life, etc. For sure, in every house where there is a child, there are toys from Kinder Surprises. Various natural materials (sticks, fruits, seeds, shells, etc.) are also suitable.

In our opinion, the use of sand games, especially in a group for children with severe speech disorders, is a very effective tool in educational and correctional development work with children. We use playing exercises with sand in individual speech therapy work with children, and also as an element of a subgroup lesson, during which many tasks are solved:

- development of diaphragmatic breathing;

— development of phonemic representations;

- improvement of the grammatical structure of speech;

— automation of delivered sounds;

- teaching literacy;

- development of coherent speech;

- formation of the syllabic structure of speech;

- development of fine motor skills.

Along with this, it is known that sand absorbs negative mental energy and has a relaxation effect. Experience shows that the use of sand therapy allows even a “notorious” child to open up, to keep a preschooler working longer, and also to increase interest in speech therapy classes.

Games and exercises for the development of diaphragmatic breathing

When performing games and breathing exercises, it is necessary to ensure that the children take in air through the nose, exhale slowly and smoothly, achieving the duration of the air stream.

"Level the road." From a children's typewriter, a speech therapist makes a shallow groove in the sand. The child uses an air jet to level the road in front of the car.

"What's under the sand?" The picture is covered with a thin layer of sand. Blowing sand, the child opens the image.

"Help the hare cover his tracks." Small indentations (footprints) are made in the sand leading to the hare's house. Place a fox nearby. It is necessary to “cover up” all traces so that the fox does not find the hare.

"Secret". A toy or object is buried shallowly in the sand. It is necessary by blowing sand to discover the hidden.

"Hole". The child blows a hole in the sand with a smooth and long air jet.

vocabulary work

"Who will name more?" The child selects adjectives (sign words), verbs (action words) and puts a shell, a pebble, a button on each word.

"Kind Words". The game is played in the same way as the previous one.

Improving the grammatical structure of speech

"What's gone?" A game to reinforce the use of nouns in the Genitive case, singular and plural. The speech therapist erases some of the items in the sand picture, and then ask the child to name what has changed.

"Machines". A game for the use of prepositions in speech to, between, for, in front of, because of. The speech therapist arranges the cars on the sandy field. The child talks about the location of the car relative to others.

"Choose a word." The child discovers toys hidden in the sand and selects adjectives for their names, matching them in gender with nouns (a fish is fast, a saucer is plastic, a tiger is striped).

Development of phonemic representations

The game "Two Kings". A game for differentiating hard and soft sounds. Invite the children to give gifts (toys, pictures) to the two kings who ruled over the kingdoms of hard and soft sounds.

"Hide your hands"- hide your hands in the sand, having heard a given sound.

"Two Castles" Objects, toys, pictures with differentiable sounds are hidden under a thick layer of sand. The child digs and divides into two groups.

"Two cities". The sand basin is divided into two parts. The child lays out objects into two groups according to the instructions of the speech therapist.

"Lay out the pattern." Children lay out beads of colored pebbles (blue and green) on the sand, depending on what sound they heard in the word.

"Treasure". The speech therapist digs green, blue, red pebbles into the sand. The child takes out a pebble and, depending on the color of the pebble, names a word for a given sound (vowel, hard consonant, soft consonant).

Formation of the syllabic structure of the word

"Stripes". The speech therapist (then the child) draws a given number of stripes on the sand, and then, by their number, comes up with a word.

"Fix the mistake." The speech therapist draws an erroneous number of stripes in the sand. The child analyzes the number of syllables in a word and corrects the mistake by adding or removing an extra strip.

Divide the word into syllables. The child prints a given word on the sand and divides it into syllables with vertical stripes.

Development of coherent speech

"My treasure". The child buries an object in the sand and describes it without naming it. Anyone who guesses what the subject is, digs it out in the sand.

"Draw and tell." The child creates a picture on the sand and accompanies his actions with speech.

Literacy education

"Find the letters and name." The speech therapist hides plastic letters in the sand. The child must find and name all the letters.

This game can be made more difficult by giving instructions like: "top right corner", "bottom left corner".

"Name the word." The child takes out the letter hidden by the speech therapist and calls the word that begins with this sound.

"Read the word." Speech therapist writes a word on the sand. The child is reading. Then they switch roles.

Development of fine motor skills

"Sand circle". With your fingers, draw circles with the child: the largest, smaller inside, even smaller - and so on until you have a dot in the center of the circles. Now invite your child to decorate the circles with different objects: pebbles, shells, buttons, coins. Like circles, you can decorate anything: fingerprints, palms, toys, etc.

Exercise "Unusual traces":

- “Cubs are coming” - the child presses the sand with fists and palms with force;

- “Jumping hares” - with the fingertips, the child hits the surface of the sand, moving in different directions;

- “Snakes are crawling” - the child makes the surface of the sand wavy with his fingers;

- "Bugs - spiders" - the child dips his hands in the sand and moves all his fingers, imitating the movements of insects.

The use of sand therapy allows you to develop not only all aspects of speech. In the sand country, a child and a speech therapist easily exchange ideas. This allows you to build partnerships and trust. The sand therapy method is especially suitable for children who, for whatever reason, refuse to perform various tasks in traditional classes.

Playing in the sandbox has no methodological restrictions. This gives more opportunities for working with children with speech disorders, for creativity.

We play with the sand, learn to speak correctly and beautifully. Sand therapy - assistant speech therapist. The work experience of a teacher-speech therapist, educator of the MKDOU "Kindergarten in Solnechny" Pukhanova L. N.

Each of us was born on this

Do good, hope, love,

Laugh, cry, but at the same time

We must learn to SPEAK.

And I want to tell you how I use sand and sand therapy in speech therapy.

Sand therapy (sand-play) - playing with sand as a way to develop a child.

You can play with sand not only on the street, but also in a speech therapy room.

Thanks to playing with sand, I develop tactile-kinetic sensitivity and fine motor skills in children; relieve muscle tension; I develop the motivation of verbal communication; I form primary pronunciation skills and abilities; replenish the dictionary; form a coherent speech; I teach reading and writing.

Partial transfer of speech therapy classes to the sandbox gives a greater educational and educational effect than standard forms of education. Firstly, the desire of the child to learn something new, to experiment and work independently increases. Secondly, tactile sensitivity develops in the sandbox as the basis of "manual intelligence". Thirdly, in games with sand, all cognitive functions (perception, attention, memory, thinking) develop more harmoniously and intensively, and most importantly for us - speech and motor skills. Fourthly, the subject-play activity is being improved, which contributes to the development of the role-playing game and the child's communication skills.

I use different exercises with sand in frontal and individual speech therapy classes "Sensitive palms" (T.D. Zinkevich - Evstigneevna) - Put your hands on the sand, close your eyes, feel what it is like. - Open your eyes, tell me what you felt (children's answers). Do the same with your palms turned to the other side. Tell me about your feelings.

Slither across the surface of the sand like a snake or like a car. Walk your palms like an elephant, like a little baby elephant, like a fast bunny. Leave prints of palms, cams, edges of the palms. Create patterns and drawings - a sun, a butterfly, the letter A or a whole word.

"Walk" with each finger of the right and left hands alternately. Sift the sand through your fingers or with a pinch, sow a path from sand with a contrasting texture.

Arrange stones and natural materials of different structure and size on the sand in a special logical order. Guide the figurine along the sand labyrinth paths. Count the stones and solve the math problem in the sand. Lay out a geometric shape with chips. Sift sand through a sieve, draw a pattern with a brush or stick, sift sand through a system of funnels, etc.

  • The sandbox can be used to find animals, objects, a certain letter made of plastic and buried among others in the sand (a variation of the Magic Bag game).
  • Sculpt letters from sand, raking it with the edges of the palms.
  • Turn the letters "L" into "A", "H" into "T", "O" into "Z", etc.
  • Find the letters hidden in the sand and make syllables out of them, a word.

  • You can write words in the sand in printed and written letters, first with your finger, then with a stick, holding it like a pen. Sand allows you to keep the child working longer. It is easier to fix mistakes on sand than on paper. This allows the child to feel successful.
  • When studying the topic "Stress", the student pronounces the word written in the sand, intonation highlights the percussive sound. Holding the "Magic Wand" in his hand, he touches the letter with the wand and leaves a trace of stress over it.
  • The topic "Dividing words into syllables" is mastered with the help of the game "Build steps". On hills made of sand, we have houses with one, two and three windows. Children should lay out steps from the words printed on the cards, sharing how they will be located (build steps). Near the house with one window, monosyllabic words are laid out; with two - two-syllable; with three windows - trisyllabic.

  • Game "My city". The speech therapist gives the task to choose figures whose names contain a given sound, and build a city using these figures. Then you can make an oral story about this city and its inhabitants.
  • "Whose footprint is this?" On wet sand, traces of the palm or foot easily remain. From shoes or wheels of a toy car. Let the kid try to guess where whose print is?
  • Sand application. Apply glue to the cardboard pattern and sprinkle with sand. Shake off the excess, and you get a wonderful picture. Sand can be painted with paints and dried.
  • "Archeology". Bury a toy (the child does not know which one). During the excavation, the child must guess from the opening parts what is hidden. Bury 2-3 items. Let the kid dig out one of them and try to determine by touch what it is.

  • "Sand Paths" Show your child how to pick up dry sand in a handful and slowly pour it out, creating various shapes, such as paths (to the house of a bunny or a bear cub).
  • You can dig in and dig out letters, numbers, geometric shapes - so it will be easier for the child to remember them.
  • The game "Name the sound" (N.V. Durova) The teacher invites children to dig small holes for the ball in the sand. Then he pushes the ball into the child's hole and calls the word, intonation highlighting the consonant sound. The child names the highlighted sound and rolls the ball back into the teacher's hole. Then the task is given to another child, and so on. Words: s-s-som, su-m-m-mka, for-r-r-rya, ku-s-s-juice, stu-l-l-l, ru-ch-ch-chka, red- n-n-n, ball-f-f-f, roof-sh-sh-shka, d-d-house.
  • The game "Find a friend" (N.V. Durova) The teacher takes out pictures from the box (butterfly, cow, frog, rooster, bear) and distributes them to children. - Make houses for these animals, their brothers will come to visit them soon. (Children perform.) Then the teacher takes out the following pictures from the box (squirrel, whale, peacock, horse, mouse). - How can we find out where, whose brother? To do this, let's pronounce the names of animals and highlight the first sound in these words. - whale - [k "] - he will go to visit the cow, the first sound in this word is [k]; [k] and [k"] are brothers. Children take turns calling those who are shown in the pictures, highlight the first sound and select a pair. Conclusion: How do these pairs of sounds differ? (Hard - soft.)

  • Exercise "Sand rain" (N. Kuzub) The teacher slowly and then quickly pours sand from his fist into the sandbox, then onto his palm. Children repeat. Then the children close their eyes in turn, put their palm on the sand with their fingers apart, the adult pours sand on any finger, and the child names this finger.
  • Game "Who was it?" (R.G. Golubeva) The teacher takes out toys from the box: a cow, a tiger, a bee, a snake, a hedgehog. Each of them is assigned a certain sound: a cow - hums "mmm", a tiger - growls "rrr", a bee - buzzes "zhzhzh", a snake - hisses "shhhh" , hedgehog - snorts "fff". The teacher pronounces a sound for a long time and invites the children to determine who it was. The one who correctly names the animal receives this toy.
  • The game "What sound is superfluous?"- And now the animals will play the game "Who is superfluous?". Let's remember what sounds animals make? (Children repeat the sounds.) - And now I will name the sounds (see the game “Who was it?”), And those animals whose sounds I will not name will have to hide in the sand: - r, l, d, f, s, t, k, m, w (f) - d, c, r, s, w, n, f, l, x (m) - h, t, l, d, w, c, f, k (r) - h, w, k, p, l, e, b, s, c (g).

  • Echo game. The teacher pronounces the syllables, and the children repeat them in turn, and for each correctly performed repetition, the child is invited to take any toy for the subsequent game in the sand. - ta-ka-pa - pa-ka-ta - ka-na-pa - ga-ba-da - pa-ba-pa - po-bo-po - poo-boo-poo - p-w-w - ta-da-ta - yes-ta-da - la-ha-ka - ha-ha-ha With the selected toys, children play sand hide and seek: one child closes his eyes, and the rest hide his toys in the sand.
  • The game "Which is different?" (R.G. Golubeva) The sand man pronounces a series of syllables (well, well, but, sva-ska-sva, sa-sha-sa, zu-su-su, we-mi-we) and invites children to determine which syllable different from other syllables.

  • Exercise "Sand wind" (breathing). Toddlers learn to breathe through a tube without dragging sand into it. Older children can be offered to first say a pleasant wish to their friends, give a wish to the sand country, "blowing it into the sand", you can also blow out depressions, pits on the surface of the sand. For these games, you can use disposable straws for a cocktail.
  • When exhaling, the child easily blows on his palms with sand, blowing it into the sandbox.
  • Exercise "Unusual traces". "Cubs are coming" - the child presses the sand with fists and palms with force. "Jumping hares" - the child hits the surface of the sand with his fingertips, moving in different directions."Snakes are crawling" - the child makes the surface of the sand wavy (in different directions) with relaxed / tense fingers. "Spider bugs are running" - the child moves all his fingers, imitating the movement of insects (you can completely immerse your hands in the sand, meeting hands with each other under the sand - "bugs greet").

  • Experience has shown that the use of sand therapy gives positive results: - students have a significant increase in interest in speech therapy classes; - students feel more successful; - increases the motivation of verbal communication;
  • - developing primary pronunciation skills and abilities;
  • - the dictionary is replenished and activated;
  • - the grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech is corrected;

P.S. When organizing sand games, you must remember to comply with sanitary and hygienic rules and safety rules!!! There must be conditions for washing hands, wet and dry wipes, etc.

Look at our palms - They have become wiser! Thank you, our dear sand, You helped us all to grow up (to grow wiser)!

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Speech therapist Kunakh Svetlana Mikhailovna Using elements of sand therapy in the work of a speech therapist

Often the hands know how to solve a riddle that the intellect has struggled in vain. C. G. Jung

What is the power of sand? sand is a very malleable tool of creativity, creations from it can be changed at any time without much regret; sand is a democratic material, because it allows everyone to work with themselves, and even those who do not have a special artistic gift, and therefore are afraid of evaluation and refuse to draw; sand is a natural material, therefore it fills anyone who touches it with energy, gives a sense of the creator; sand successfully absorbs negative energy, moreover, it transforms aggression into positive charges; sand consists of the smallest grains of sand, working with which activates sensitive points on the fingertips and nerve endings on the palms, sand and working with it takes time, and therefore develops self-regulation and patience in the child;

Playing with sand is one of the forms of natural activity of the child. That is why we, adults, can use the sandbox, conducting correctional, developmental and educational activities. Building sand pictures, inventing different stories, we transfer our knowledge and life experience to him in the most organic form, tell him about the events and laws of the world around him.

Directions of art therapy

History of the method The method of sand therapy originates in 1929, when the English child psychotherapist M. Lowenfeld first used the sandbox in play therapy with children. Lowenfeld attached great importance to the child's tactile contact with sand and water, which complemented projective play with various objects and dolls. She noticed that the children added water to the sand and placed miniature toys there. Thus was born the "technique of building the world." Jungian sand therapy was developed by the Swiss Jungian pediatric therapist Dora Kalff. She supplemented the Lowenfeld technique with a psychoanalytic approach. Thanks to the work of Kalff, sand therapy was presented as an integral part of the analytical process, a form of expression of the "active imagination" method.

The use of sand therapy in speech therapy classes helps in working with any topic - games for the development of phonemic hearing, - correction of sound pronunciation, - for the development of coherent speech, - for the development of the grammatical structure of speech, - while learning to read and write, - while working on a variety of concepts (vegetables, furniture, dishes, etc.). - In the sand game, the child and the speech therapist easily exchange ideas, think with feelings, which allows you to build partnerships, trusting relationships.

Indications for use The sand game method is suitable for children from three years of age, it is used to work with problems: Difficulties in communication Relationships between children and parents Crisis situations (divorce, moving, etc.) Psychological trauma Mood disorders Fears, tics, obsessions, and other disorders Problems behavior (aggression, etc.) - In addition to the generally accepted areas, it is used to correct violations of oral and written speech in children.

PRINCIPLES OF SAND GAME THERAPY - The main principle of sand play is to create a stimulating environment in which the child feels comfortable and protected and can be creative. The implementation of this principle makes it possible to strengthen the positive motivation for classes and the child's personal interest in what is happening. -Another principle is real “living”, playing all kinds of situations together with the heroes of fairy tales.

Joining the child Sincere interest, interest in events and stories unfolding in the sandbox. Strict adherence to professional and universal ethics.

What do you need to play sand?

The main goal of sand therapy is not to “remake” the child, not to teach him some special behavioral skills, but to give him the opportunity to be himself, love and respect himself for who he is.

Thank you for your attention!


Text for the presentation of the master class

Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

Today we will talk to you about sand. What associations do you have with the word "sand"? What do you remember when you hear it? (Answers of teachers).


Many of you remembered the golden beach, the azure sea, the sound of the surf and the cries of seagulls, the light breeze... All this fascinates and allows you to relax, forget about problems and relax.

Surely, each of you had to be on a sandy beach. Once there, you are happy to run your palm over the sand, build magical castles out of it. And you don’t notice how painful thoughts suddenly disappear, problems go away, peace and tranquility appear.

The fact is that the pliability of sand provokes a person’s desire to create a miniature of the real world out of it.

And in childhood? Who among us hasn't played jack-of-all-trades? A bucket, molds, a scoop are the first things parents get for a child. The first contacts of children with each other occur in the sandbox. These are traditional sand games. Today we will look at the possibilities of using the sandbox from the other side.


Why is sand so good?

sand is a very malleable tool of creativity, creations from it can be changed at any time without much regret;

sand is a democratic material, because it allows everyone to work with themselves, and even those who do not have a special artistic gift, and therefore are afraid of evaluation and refuse to draw;

Sand is a natural material, therefore it fills anyone who touches it with energy, gives a sense of the creator;

sand successfully absorbs negative energy, moreover, it transforms aggression into positive charges;

The sand consists of the smallest grains of sand, working with which activates sensitive points on the fingertips and nerve endings on the palms,

sand and working with it takes time, and therefore develops self-regulation and patience in a child;


Playing in the sand is one of the natural activities of a child. Building sand pictures, inventing various stories, we pass on our knowledge and life experience, events and laws of the world around us in the most organic form for a child.

And it happens that a child often cannot express his feelings, fears in words, and then games with sand come to his aid. Playing the situation that excited him with the help of toy figures, creating pictures of his own world from sand, the child is freed from tension, anxiety, and aggression.

This is sand therapy - one of the areas of art therapy. In other words, sand treatment.


What is art therapy, I will not dwell in detail. In a nutshell, this is art therapy. There are many areas of art therapy now, and psychologists are well aware of them and apply them in practice, bringing positive results. And we speech therapists have adopted some types or elements from these techniques.


The method of sand therapy originates in 1929, when the English child psychotherapist M. Lowenfeld first used the sandbox in play therapy with children. Lowenfeld attached great importance to the child's tactile contact with sand and water, which complemented projective play with various objects and dolls. She noticed that the children added water to the sand and placed miniature toys there. Thus was born the "technique of building the world." Jungian sand therapy was developed by the Swiss Jungian pediatric therapist Dora Kalff. She supplemented the Lowenfeld technique with a psychoanalytic approach. Thanks to the work of Kalff, sand therapy was presented as an integral part of the analytical process, a form of expression of the "active imagination" method.

Currently, sand therapy has become widely known, and its use remains attractive to many professionals. This is the novelty of this technique.

But as you know, everything new is well forgotten (or unforgotten) old. We all know how useful it is to draw with fingers on a semolina, sort out small objects, compare tactile sensations, feeling surfaces of different structure. All this gives us the use of games with sand in our correctional classes.

Experience shows that the use of sand therapy gives positive results. The possibilities of this technique are quite extensive.

The smallest particles of sand activate sensitive nerve endings on the fingertips and palms, thereby stimulating neighboring speech areas in the cerebral cortex,
Immersion of both hands in the sand, and not one leading one, as when working with a pencil in a notebook, relieves the child’s muscular, psycho-emotional stress and naturally develops hand motor skills.

With the help of the sandbox, we can play games for the development of phonemic hearing. For example: Hide the handles. Hide your hands in the sand when you hear a given sound (first among sounds, then among syllables, then among words).
Diver. From the bottom of the sandbox, get objects or protected pictures and name them, pronouncing differentiable sounds. Select from a set of objects and toys only those in the name of which there is a given sound.

You can work on the sound. For example: When automating whistling, hissing, we can pronounce a corrected sound simultaneously with the movement of fingers or palms on the sand (a snake crawls, a bicycle rides. The sound R - a car rides)

Improvement of lexical and grammatical categories
What didn't happen. The speech therapist erases some of the objects in the sand picture, the child finds out what has changed, reinforcing the use of nouns. in Rod. case singular h and pl.
Pick a word. Find toys in the sand and choose adjectives for their names.
Boat. Create game situations for exercises in the speech of grammatical categories:
prepositions (from, to, over, between, in, because of, from under, at, before);
prefixed verbs (sail, swim, attached, built on);
adverbs (deep, far, close, high, low, slow, fast)

For the development of coherent speech, the sandbox presents many options. These are stories based on a newly created picture, on a fairy land built, and acting out fairy tales, etc. In general, the use of sandboxes can only be limited by your imagination.


Sand can be used with children from 3 years of age.

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- The basic principle of playing on the sand -creating a stimulating environment,in which the child feels comfortable and protected and can be creative. The implementation of this principle makes it possible to strengthen the positive motivation for classes and the child's personal interest in what is happening.


As practice shows, the inclusion of sand games in classes brings positive results in the correction of speech disorders. The child goes to class with great interest.


What do we need to practice? These are all kinds of small toys, pebbles, shells, secure cards, a designer, etc.


And in conclusion, I want to add. The main goal of sand therapy is not to “remake” the child, not to teach him some special behavioral skills, but to give him the opportunity to be himself, love and respect himself for who he is.

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Sand therapy as one of the health-saving technologies in the work of a speech therapist. MOU "Primary School - Kindergarten No. 3, p. Elovo "Teacher - speech therapist: Zaitseva Nina Petrovna. 2011

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Life in the 21st century poses many new problems for us, among which the most urgent today is the problem of maintaining health. This problem is especially acute in the educational field, where any practical work aimed at improving the health of children should bring tangible results.

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The pressing problems in the speech therapy direction of modern correctional pedagogy are: maintaining the physical and mental health of children with speech disorders; - normalization of motor activity and prevention of hypodynamia; -correction of shortcomings of the prosodic, expressive, emotional side of speech; - successful socialization of children with speech defects.

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Defectologists, speech therapists, teachers and psychologists present new non-traditional forms of work with speech pathologists in addition to academic methods. Such authors as M.A. Povalyaeva, M.I. Chistyakova, E.A. Pozhilenko, T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, T.M. Grabenko and others worked on them.

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Non-traditional speech therapy technologies. Logopedic massage. It is indisputably necessary for a child with dysarthria. Tongue massage. Auriculotherapy is a therapeutic effect on the points of the auricle. Su-Jok therapy is the mutual influence of individual parts of our body according to the principle of similarity (the similarity of the shape of the ear with a human embryo, palms and feet with the human body). Therefore, having determined the necessary points in the correspondence systems, it is possible to develop the speech sphere of the child. Japanese finger massage technique - massaging the thumb increases brain activity.

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Phytotherapy is treatment with medicinal plants. Especially recommended for various forms of dysarthria and neurosis-like stuttering. Aromatherapy - treatment with the help of phytocompositions of aromas of flowers and plants. Music therapy is the effect of music on a person for therapeutic purposes. Chromotherapy is the therapeutic effect of color on the human body. Lithotherapy is the therapeutic effect of stones (minerals) on the human body. Imagotherapy is theatricalization. Includes: puppet therapy, fairy tale therapy. Sand therapy (sand-play) - playing with sand as a way of developing a child.

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The therapeutic effect of playing with sand was first noticed by the Swiss psychologist and philosopher Carl Gustav Jung.

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develop tactile-kinetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of hands; Relieve muscle tension help the child feel protected, in a comfortable environment for him; develop activity, expand the life experience transmitted by the teacher in a form close to the child (the principle of information availability); stabilize emotional states by absorbing negative energy; allow the child to correlate games with real life, comprehend what is happening, find ways to solve a problem situation; · overcome the “bad artist” complex by creating artistic compositions from sand with the help of ready-made figures; · develop creative (creative) actions, find non-standard solutions leading to a successful result; sand games

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improve visual-spatial orientation, speech capabilities; help to expand the vocabulary; help to master the skills of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis; allow the development of phonemic hearing and perception; contribute to the development of coherent speech, lexical and grammatical representations; help in the study of letters, mastering the skills of reading and writing. You can play in the sand not only on the street - you can arrange a mini-sandbox at home, in a kindergarten, in a speech therapy room.

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General conditions for organizing sand therapy. A large waterproof box is used as a sandbox. Its traditional size in centimeters for individual work is 50 x 70 x 8 cm (where 50 x 70 is the field size, and 8 is the depth). For group work, it is recommended to use a sandbox measuring 100 x 140 x 8 cm.

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Material. The traditional and preferred material is wood. In the practice of working with sand, plastic boxes are more often used, but the sand does not “breathe” in them. Color. The traditional sandbox combines the natural color of wood and blue. The bottom and sides (with the exception of the upper plane of the boards of the sides) are recommended to be painted in blue: the bottom symbolizes water, and the sides symbolize the sky. Blue color has a calming effect on a person. In addition, the "blue" sandbox filled with sand is a miniature model of our planet. You can also experiment with multi-colored sandboxes, when the bottom and sides are painted in one or more colors.

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The sandbox is one third or half filled with clean (washed and sifted), sand calcined in the oven, which must be changed or cleaned at least once a month. To organize sand games, a large set of miniature objects and toys is needed, which together symbolize the world.

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Partial transfer of speech therapy classes to the sandbox gives a greater educational and educational effect than standard forms of education. Firstly, the desire of the child to learn something new, to experiment and work independently increases. Secondly, tactile sensitivity develops in the sandbox as the basis of "manual intelligence". Thirdly, in games with sand, all cognitive functions (perception, attention, memory, thinking) develop more harmoniously and intensively, and most importantly for us - speech and motor skills. Fourthly, the subject-play activity is being improved, which contributes to the development of the role-playing game and the child's communication skills.

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Before you start playing with sand, you need to talk to the children about the rules of playing in the sandbox. A poem by T. M. Grabenko will help with this: There are no harmful children in the country - After all, they have no place in the sand! Here you can not bite, fight And throw sand in the eyes! Do not destroy foreign countries! Sand is a peaceful country. You can build and be weird, You can create a lot: Mountains, rivers and seas, So that there is life around. Children, understand me? Or should it be repeated? To remember and be friends!
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