Expression seventh water on jelly. The meaning of the phraseological unit "Seventh water on jelly": history and modern use

distant relatives (almost according to Adam)

Wed...And your

Who is the father? That great honor

What by seventh wife You royal brother-in-law.

Gr. A. Tolstoy. Death of Ivan the Terrible. 1.

Wed In Siberia ... kinship, property and nepotism are considered ... almost up to the twentieth generation. Seventh water on jelly, the tenth water on the kvasin and any kind of baking from the side of the tribe is not thrown away.

Melnikov. On the mountains 18.

Wed Wrote a dissertation on rights seventh water on jelly by succession by law.

Saltykov. In an environment of moderation. Mister Molchalin. 3.

Wed By God, I don’t know how and in what way I am related to him: it seems seventh water, May be, not even on jelly, but on something else ... Simply, I call him uncle: he responds.

Dostoevsky. Uncle's dream. 3.

Wed Proches parents - d "ève et d" Adam.

Cm. his grandmother's sundress burned, and my grandfather came and warmed his hands.

Cm. our dogs lapped from one trough .

Cm. defend a dissertation.

  • - 1) Formed by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Northern Front dated November 1, 1918 from parts of the former Olonets Group of Forces, the 2nd Petrograd Infantry Division and the Pskov Rifle Division ...

    St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

  • - Razg. Express. A very distant relative. - Yes, what kind of heirs: second cousins, seventh water on jelly ...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - Iron shores, water is not water, fish without bones ...
  • - SEVENTH, -ay, ...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - KISEL, -i, m. Gelatinous liquid food ...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - seventh I f. unfold female to noun. seventh I II number. unfold A part, a share obtained by dividing something into seven equal parts; one seventh...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - Seventh water on jelly - distant relatives. Wed And who is your father? It is a great honor that by your seventh wife you are the royal brother-in-law. Gr. A. Tolstoy. Death of Ivan the Terrible. 1. Wed. In Siberia.....

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - see The tongue is soaked ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see from the side of the bake ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Water from a goose, water from a swan, and from you, my child, all thinness ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see Curling wreaths...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Vulg.-simple. Jottle-iron. About non-caloric, poor nutrition. Sl. Akchim. 1, 137; Mokienko, Nikitina 2003, 96...
  • - Perm. Iron. The same as the ninth water on jelly. Sl. Akchim. 1, 138...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - See Ninth water on jelly ...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - our fence is a cousin wattle fence, our locksmith is a cousin blacksmith, seventh water on jelly, fourth cousin, ...

    Synonym dictionary

"seventh water on jelly" in books

Orange water (or grapefruit water)

From the book Tinctures, liqueurs, vodka author Kostina Daria

Chapter 1 Water, water, water all around ...

From the book Prediction of the Past [The Rise and Fall of an Antediluvian Civilization] author Nikonov Alexander Petrovich

Chapter 1 Water, water, water all around ... Many researchers paid attention to the amazing coincidences of myths among different peoples. For example, the Egyptians and the Sumerians worshiped almost the same lunar deity, the difference was only in the name: the Egyptians had this oldest god

Chapter 2 Water, water all around

From the book Venice. A beautiful city author Akroyd Peter

Chapter 2 Water, Water all around Before the construction of the railway bridge in the middle of the 19th century, Venice was a small island or group of islands. The Venetians were islanders, with all the benefits and burdens that status brings. To be an islander is to be

From the book How to heal yourself with water author Stephanie Sister

Holy water and the water of holy springs Holy water is a high essence in which two spirits are mysteriously combined: the spirit of life (inherent in every water) and the Holy Spirit, which descends into ordinary water thanks to a special sacrament called water blessing. Holy water and water

Chapter 12 Water is one of the key components of human life. The water is poisonous, the water is healing. Improvement of the house and the human body with the help of water. Purification of amulets and talismans with water

From the book Aura at Home author Fad Roman Alekseevich

Chapter 12 Water is one of the key components of human life. The water is poisonous, the water is healing. Improvement of the house and the human body with the help of water. Purification of amulets and talismans with water Water is one of the universal symbols of the universe. The Chinese, for example, believed

Seltzer (sparkling mineral water)

From the book The Wiccan Encyclopedia of Magical Ingredients author Rosean Lexa

Seltzer (sparkling mineral water) Ruler: Mercury. Type: water. Magical Form: Orange or lime flavored. Carbonated mineral water can be drunk or added

From the book The Big Book of the Healing Properties of Water. How to treat yourself with water author Stephanie Sister

Holy water and water of holy springs This is a high essence in which two spirits are mysteriously combined: the spirit of life (inherent in every water) and the Holy Spirit, which descends into ordinary water thanks to a special sacrament called water blessing. Holy water and holy water

From the book The Newest Book of Facts. Volume 3 [Physics, chemistry and technology. History and archeology. Miscellaneous] author

Why does water in a deep-sea lake appear blue, but clean tap water appears colorless?

From the book 3333 tricky questions and answers author Kondrashov Anatoly Pavlovich

Why does water in a deep-sea lake appear blue, but clean tap water appears colorless? Sunlight, which we sometimes call white, contains all the wavelengths of the optical range - the so-called spectral colors - from infrared to ultraviolet.

Reality: "the seventh water on jelly"

From the book Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming by Meyer Bertrand

Reality: "the seventh water on jelly" The foregoing discussion does not contain references to the "real world" - instead, the term "simulated system" is used. Such a distinction is not always made. In many discussions, the expression "simulation of the real world" is used.

Preface. Water, water, all around water...

author Andreev Yuri Andreevich

Preface. Water, water, water all around ... Our body consists of 70-75% of water, a jelly-like formation - our brains - consist of it, sorry, 90%, and our blood - 95%! Deprive a man of water - and what will happen to him? Even relatively small, five to ten percent, dehydration

Water of V. F. Frolov - water of universal healing

From the book Water is the viceroy of God on Earth author Andreev Yuri Andreevich

V. F. Frolov’s water is the water of universal healing

Afterword Silver water - "living" water

From the book The Life-giving Power of Silver Water author Romanova Olga Vladimirovna

Foreword In our time, probably, everyone has heard about the benefits and unique healing properties of silver and the so-called silver water. Why did this beautiful metal become so popular, which was previously more familiar to us in the form of jewelry we loved so much?

17. And the flood continued on the earth for forty days (and forty nights), and the waters multiplied, and lifted up the ark, and it was exalted above the earth; but the waters increased and greatly increased on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the waters. 19. And the waters increased exceedingly on the earth, so that all the high mountains were covered,

author Lopukhin Alexander

17. And the flood continued on the earth for forty days (and forty nights), and the waters multiplied, and lifted up the ark, and it was exalted above the earth; but the waters increased and greatly increased on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the waters. 19. And the waters increased exceedingly on the earth, so that

3. The water gradually returned from the earth, and the water began to decrease at the end of one hundred and fifty days

From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 1 author Lopukhin Alexander

3. The water gradually returned from the earth, and the water began to decrease at the end of one hundred and fifty days.

The meaning of the phraseological unit "seventh water on jelly" has a fairly simple explanation. It is very interesting, unusual in wording, but primitive in interpretation.

About kissel

The history of the phraseological unit "seventh water on jelly" originates from a very distant past. Kissel is a symbolic food in the history of the culture of the Russian people, moreover, hearty and economical. This product has been cooked since ancient times from cereals - oatmeal kissel, wheat, rye, barley, peas. It was everyday, and festive, and memorial food. Yes, from time immemorial to this day they have been preparing jelly for a wake, so that the deceased would feel good in the other world, where milk rivers flow with jelly banks.

But sweet kissels - a wonderful tasty dish for kids and old people, appeared at the same time when potatoes were on the tables of the Russian people. Starch became the basis of such a drink - thick, with the tastes of all kinds of berries and fruits. After all, they began to prepare a delicacy from raspberries and strawberries, from rhubarb and pumpkin, from cranberries and blueberries.

The people have composed many proverbs about jelly, many of which are still in use today.

  • The man is simple, that jelly is thick.
  • I went seven miles to slurp jelly.
  • The same dough, but a different jelly.
  • Kissel will not spoil the teeth.

The meaning of the phraseological unit "seventh water on jelly" has its own rationale, based on the recipe for preparing this dish, but it does not mean culinary delights at all.

About relatives

Native people, family - the basis in the life of any person. And although there is a saying "Ivan, who does not remember kinship," nevertheless, family ties bind even the most distant by blood. The meaning of the phraseological unit "seventh water on jelly" refers precisely to those who have the most distant relation to blood relatives. They can also say so: "The seventh water on the tenth jelly." Therefore, when talking about some relatives, whose blood relation is no longer entirely clear even to a grandmother, they say just such a phrase so as not to explain themselves for a long time.

About jelly, water and relatives

A sentence with the phraseological unit "seventh water on jelly" is used colloquially to denote a very, very distant relationship, perhaps not even blood, but by marriage.

An interesting explanation for such ties, but, if you think about it, it is quite logical for old Rus'. A hearty, cheap, practical dish was oatmeal jelly, which was present on the menu of every person all his life - from infancy to the commemoration. That is why he was especially revered. And paying a kind of tribute of respect, they composed a lot of sayings and proverbs about him. And about relatives as well.

Kissel was cooked by washing oatmeal in water after a day of fermentation. Oatmeal water was boiled, but the dried residue could be used several more times to prepare an everyday dish. Only each time the water became thinner and thinner, and the jelly was not as thick as it should be. This is where the association with blood relatives who got married and got married, gave birth to children, and they also created their own families, diluting their kindred "blood" with strangers, is visible. So the "seventh water on jelly" turned out - completely different from what it should have been originally - and jelly is not like that, and there are practically no relatives.

And again about relatives

The meaning of the phraseological unit "seventh water on jelly" is the simplest, about distant relatives. And it is not the only one that talks about distant, distant relationship. There is, for example, also such a saying - "Our fence is a cousin's fence."

There are also many interesting sayings that many relatives do not want to know, and they do not remember to remember."Other relatives only until a rainy day." Joking sayings also exist about those who are stuffed into relatives - "Yes, relatives are close - our Masha to your Katerina, that cousin Praskovya" or "Yes, relatives - they dried bast shoes in the same sun."

Easy oatmeal recipe

What, it turns out,the meaning of the phraseological unit "seventh water on jelly" has nothing to do with cooking, it is about relatives. But how was jelly cooked, the mention of which has been preserved for many centuries in folklore?

Oatmeal (300 grams) should be poured into a jar or bowl and pour 1.5 cups of water at room temperature. Add a crust of black bread. Cover with a towel and put in a warm place, protected from sunlight. Stir occasionally. After two days, strain the resulting sourdough through a fine sieve or gauze bandage. Discard flour or use on pancakes. But put the liquid on a slow fire, boil to the desired density, adding a little salt. Then pour into bowls and leave to cool. They eat oatmeal jelly with butter, pies or just like that.


about a person who is extremely distantly related to someone. The origin of this turnover is associated with the manufacture of jelly, which is a liquid gelatinous mass. If the jelly is standing for a long time, then it loses its taste and a layer of water appears on it. The seventh water is the water that has appeared on the jelly that has stood for a long time for the seventh time, which is why its taste has nothing to do with jelly. The numeral seven is used here in a generalized symbolic way, as in other Russian proverbs and sayings, so it varies. The tenth water on jelly option is also possible.

Handbook of Phraseology. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is SEVENTH WATER ON KISEL in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • SEVENTH WATER ON KISEL in the Dictionary of synonyms of Abramov:
    cm. …
  • WATER in the Dictionary of synonyms of Abramov.
  • WATER in Wiki Quote:
    Data: 2009-03-17 Time: 21:07:40 Water wikipedia - * Whoever drinks this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks the water that ...
  • WATER in the Dictionary of thieves' jargon:
    - empty …
  • WATER in Miller's Dream Book, dream book and interpretation of dreams:
    Seeing clear water in a dream portends that a joyful prospect of prosperity and pleasure awaits you. If the water is cloudy. You will be in…
  • WATER in the Dictionary Index of Theosophical Concepts to the Secret Doctrine, Theosophical Dictionary:
    - The first principle of things, according to Thales and other ancient philosophers. Of course, this is not water on the material plane, but figuratively means ...
  • WATER in the Bible Encyclopedia of Nicephorus:
    (Gen 1:6, 9:10, etc.). How highly the Israelites valued water in ancient times, this essential gift for the life and well-being of man, ...
  • WATER in the Directory of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    one of the fundamental elements of the universe. In a wide variety of mythologies, V. is the beginning, the initial state of all that exists, the equivalent of primitive chaos; cf. …
  • WATER in the Encyclopedia of Celtic Mythology:
    Water enjoyed special reverence among the Celts; they saw in it not only a source of life, but also a kind of link that connects ...
  • WATER in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • WATER in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB.
  • WATER in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Since ancient times, people began to understand the great importance of water not only for people and all kinds of animal and plant organisms, but also ...
  • WATER in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • WATER in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    H2O, odorless, tasteless and colorless liquid density 1,000 g/cm3 (3.98°C), mp 0°C, tbp 100°C forms ice when frozen. One...
  • WATER in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -s, wine. water, pl. waters, waters, waters and (obsolete) waters, f. 1. Transparent colorless liquid, which is a chemical compound ...
  • WATER in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    WATER, H 2 O, odorless, tasteless, colorless liquid (bluish in thick layers); dense 1.000 g/cm3 (3.98 °C), t …
  • WATER in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    ? Since ancient times, people began to understand the great importance of water not only for people and all kinds of animal and plant organisms, but ...
    water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, mi, water, ...
  • WATER in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    water", in "dy, water", in "d, water", in "lady, in" du, in "dy, water", water, in "lady, water", ...
  • WATER in the Dictionary of Epithets.
  • WATER in the Popular Explanatory-Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    water "s, in" ode, pl. in "odes, waters, in" odes, in "odes, about in" odes, w. 1) A clear, colorless liquid, which is a pure chemical ...
    Takes up 2/3...
  • WATER in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
    …- You …
  • WATER in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    agiasma, borjomi, vichy, moisture, water, water, gas water, soda, longevity, essentuki, javel, zazhor, boiling water, mineral water, verbosity, frost, drink, narzan, clothes, industrial water, ...
    1. g. unfold Women's to noun: seventh (1*). 2. counts. unfold Part, share obtained from the division of smth. seven equal...
  • WATER in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    and. 1) a) A colorless transparent liquid, which is a chemical compound of hydrogen and oxygen and contained in the atmosphere, soil, living organisms ...
  • WATER in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
    water`a, -`s, pl. waters, waters, ...
  • WATER in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    water, -s, pl. water, water, ...
  • WATER in the Spelling Dictionary:
    water`a, -`s, pl. waters, waters, ...
  • WATER in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
    mineral springs, a resort with such springs To be treated on the waters. Ride to the water. Mineral water. water streams, jets, waves, water mass ...
  • WATER in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    H2O, odorless, tasteless, colorless liquid (bluish in thick layers); density 1.000 g/cm3 (3.98 °С), tmelt 0 °С, tbp 100 …
  • WATER in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov.
    seventh 1. f. unfold Women's to noun: seventh (1*). 2. counts. unfold Part, share obtained from the division of smth. for seven...
  • WATER in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    water 1) a) A colorless transparent liquid, which is a chemical compound of hydrogen and oxygen and contained in the atmosphere, soil, living ...
  • SEVENTH in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
    I unfold female to noun. seventh I II number. unfold Part, share, obtained by dividing something into seven equal ...
  • WATER in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I 1. A colorless transparent liquid, which is a chemical compound of hydrogen and oxygen and contained in the atmosphere, soil, living organisms ...
  • THE SEVENTH SEAL (MOVIE) at the Wiki Quote:
    Data: 2009-05-10 Time: 20:24:37 Quotes from the film "The Seventh Seal" (director Ingmar Bergman) - *— And what is it? — …
    Data: 2008-09-06 Time: 05:16:04 Quotes from the novel "Search for Destiny, or the Twenty-seventh Theorem of Ethics", 1994-1995 (author Boris Strugatsky (under the pseudonym ...
  • SEVENTH (APRIL) ALL-RUSSIAN CONFERENCE OF RSDLP (B) in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (April) All-Russian Conference of the RSDLP (b), the first legal conference of the Bolshevik Party: held in Petrograd on April 24-29 (May 7-12), 1917. There were 133 ...
  • CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE OF THE RSFSR in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB.
  • SEVENTH in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    seventh, seventh. 1. Numbers. order to seven. Seventh time. 2. in value noun seventh, seventh, f. The seventh part of something. One …
    1) the seventh planet of the solar system. A characteristic feature is the huge inclination of its axis of rotation, which, in practice, lies in the plane of the ecliptic (see ...
  • DHYANA in the Directory of Miracles, Unusual Phenomena, UFOs, and More:
    in ancient Indian teachings, the name of meditation. The seventh stage of yoga, mentioned by the founder of yoga philosophy Patanjali. …
  • FRENCH CASES in Wiki Quote:
    Data: 2009-05-14 Time: 19:21:55 French affairs (_de. Franzosische Zustande) - a series of articles by Heinrich Heine. = Article one = = Article ...
  • ABOUT THE BRAVEL NEW WORLD at the Wiki Quote:
    Data: 2009-03-06 Time: 23:04:41 Brave New World is a dystopian novel by the English writer …
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    Data: 2009-08-26 Time: 08:52:56 = Planet of the people = * We breathe deeply only when we are connected with our brothers...
  • BAT-SHEVA in the Dictionary of the Meanings of Hebrew Women's Names:
    - the seventh daughter. Bat-Sheva in the Tanakh is the wife of King DAVID (Shmuel II, 11:27) and the mother of King SOLOMON (Shmuel II, 12:24). …
  • BIBLE SONGS in the Dictionary of Church Terms:
    - nine biblical texts that serve as themes for the songs of the canon. Initially, biblical songs were read during the service, in VI - ...

Almost everyone knows, because all of us use them in our speech. And what is the meaning of the phraseologism "Seventh water on jelly"?

We will try to answer this question in this article.

What is phraseology?

Phraseology is a science that studies stable phrases that are frozen in the language and imply one specific concept.

There are a lot of such expressions: “make eyes” (lure someone), “sheepskin-like sky” (ordeals), “bite your tongue” (shut up) and so on.

Most of the phraseological units today are commonly used expressions that people use in their everyday speech.

Modern phraseology studies a large number of such frozen phrases. Among them there are also ancient phrases (“apple of discord”, “herculean labor”, “white crow”), biblical (“stumbling block”, “beating of babies”, “not of this world”), Western European (“on a grand scale” , "let's go back to our sheep", "devil's advocate", "but still it spins"), Russians ("hack on the nose", "clumsy work", "Kolomenskaya verst", "bear service", "red line" ).

The group of Russian phraseological units also includes the frozen “seventh water on jelly”, which we are studying, what this expression means, we will consider in more detail.

First of all, it is necessary to consider the history of the origin of this phrase.

The meaning of the phraseologism "Seventh water on jelly": the history of origin

This expression refers to a very distant relative: for example, your fourth cousin or second cousin. You can't even pinpoint with this person.

The meaning of the phrase "Seventh water on jelly" has its roots in Russian history.

Today there are three main theories of its origin:

Hypothesis one. unsuitable water

In Rus', jelly was very fond of, it replaced many drinks. However, when it was overexposed, a liquid separated from it, which was not at all like the original drink. This liquid was called "the last water of jelly."

Hypothesis second. Kissel from starch

When Peter the Great ordered the peasants to plant potatoes, potato starch was used to make jelly. At the same time, the water that remained from the cooking technology was called “jelly water”.

Hypothesis three. Kissel on oats

Another technology for preparing jelly offered to insist it on oats. Water was drained from the grains. The seventh change of water and received the name "seventh water on jelly."

Phraseologism in Russian literature

In domestic literature, the expression "Seventh water on jelly" is quite common. The meaning of a phraseological unit is often not described, but it is clear to native speakers of the Russian language.

The existence of this expression in the works of Russian literature indicates that it was already actively used in the 18th and 19th centuries. This statement is found in I. Goncharov's novel "Oblomov", in the text of F. Dostoevsky's story called "Uncle's Dream" and in many others.

By the way, sometimes the meaning of the phraseologism "Seventh water on jelly" can mean another phrase. A different numeral is used - not the seventh, but the tenth water on jelly.

However, this means the same thing, since the given numeral is used not specifically, but in a generalized symbolic way.

Is it good to be "the seventh water on jelly"?

The expression itself suggests some disparaging attitude. “Seventh water on jelly” (the meaning of the phraseological unit is clear to us) is an appeal to distant relatives, with whom you don’t really want to know. These people are not particularly needed, so they have already become strangers, relations with them are an extra burden.

In general, this expression is used when you do not want to communicate with relatives.

Therefore, no one is pleased when he is called such a phrase. Better to be a complete stranger than to hear such an offensive name. Apparently, this indicates that the sisters no longer consider themselves relatives.

We examined the meaning of the phraseological unit “Seventh water on jelly”, this frozen expression is little understood by foreigners, but for those for whom Russian is native, it is clearer than clear.

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    Our fence is a cousin wattle fence, our locksmith is a cousin blacksmith, the seventh water on jelly, a fourth cousin, a relative of the Dictionary of Russian Synonyms. tenth water on jelly n., number of synonyms: 5 ... Synonym dictionary

    Seventh (tenth) water on jelly- Razg. Express. A very distant relative. Yes, what heirs are: second cousins, seventh water on jelly (Goncharov. Oblomov). Explain to me well your relationship with the prince! Do you call him uncle? By God, I don’t know, Marya Alexandrovna, how and with what I ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    seventh water on jelly- about a person who is in an extremely distant relationship with someone. The origin of this turnover is associated with the manufacture of jelly, which is a liquid gelatinous mass. If the jelly is standing for a long time, then it loses its taste and on it ... ... Phraseology Handbook

    Distant relatives (almost according to Adam) Cf. ... And your Who is the father? It is a great honor that by the seventh wife you are the royal brother-in-law. Gr. A. Tolstoy. Death of Ivan the Terrible. 1. Wed. In Siberia ... kinship, property and nepotism are considered ... almost until the twentieth ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    Seventh water on jelly is distant relatives (almost according to Adam). Wed And who is your father? It is a great honor that by your seventh wife you are the royal brother-in-law. Gr. A. Tolstoy. Death of Ivan the Terrible. 1. Wed. In Siberia ... kinship, property and ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Narodn. Iron. About a very distant relative, a distant relationship. F 1, 68; DP, 389; BTS, 139; ZS 1996, 281; Jig. 1969, 173; FSRYA, 73; BMS 1998, 86; SPP 2001, 21 ...

    For water. Arch. In the absence of anyone AOC 4, 153. Crazy water. Alt. Spring flood. SRGA 1, 65. Big water. 1. Arch., Sib. High water. AOC 4, 147; SBO D1, 38. 2. Arch. Tide. AOC 4, 147. Burglary water. Don. The beginning of the ice drift. SDG 2, 31 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

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