Presentation "Walking in the forest" presentation for a lesson on the world around (senior group) on the topic. Presentation "Walk in the forest for health" presentation for the lesson (middle group) on the topic

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Presentation on the topic: Walk in the woods

slide number 1

Description of the slide:

Walk through the forest. The rain passed along the garden path. Drops on the branches hang like earrings. Laughing to tears. The rain rustled across the wide meadow. Even the flowers were surprised at each other: In the cups of leaves, on each blade of grass By a little light, by a piece of silver. (A. Yashin.)

slide number 2

Description of the slide:

Purpose: To learn how to compose and solve problems using the material of other subjects. Try to imagine that all plants and animals have disappeared from our lives. How sad it became outside the window! There are no habitual poplars on the street, no nettles near the fence, dandelions and plantains have disappeared, butterflies and ants are not visible, cats and dogs have disappeared ... But this is not the worst thing. What would happen if something that we cannot see, but without which we could not live - air, oxygen - suddenly disappeared? Is life possible without plants and animals?

slide number 3

Description of the slide:

How many years do oak, pine and pear trees grow? A large area of ​​the globe is covered by forests. We can rest in the shade of trees, breathe fresh, clean, oxygenated air. The forest provides man with food. This is the house where animals and birds live. Protect and take care of the forest. How many years do oak, pine and pear trees grow if a mammoth tree growing in Central America reaches the age of 2500 years? Mammoth tree - 2500 years - 100%; Oak - ? years - 40%; Pine - 400 years -?%; Pear -? years - 12%.

slide number 4

Description of the slide:

Who destroys mosquitoes and flies in the forest? Early summer mornings in the forest are not yet hot. Cold dew glistens on the grass. The sun will quickly dry the grass and warm the air. Here in the clearing stands a spreading thousand-year-old oak. His shadow is so beckoning. We sit on the soft grass under the oak, close our eyes, anticipating the pleasure of the coolness, and suddenly an annoying mosquito squeak. Here comes the first fly. Mosquitoes and flies are carriers of infection. What do you think, who destroys mosquitoes and flies in the forest? These are birds, frogs and spiders. To catch up with a fly, a bird must develop a speed greater than a fly. How is the speed of a fly and the speed of a raven measured as a percentage of the speed of a swift?

slide number 5

Description of the slide:

Spiders are the main killers of flies. How long does a spider live if its average lifespan is 1.2% of that of a mammoth tree? A spider's web is very thin. To encircle the equator with a cobweb, you need only 340 g, but it is very strong, stronger than a steel thread of the same thickness.

slide number 6

Description of the slide:

Who is the strongest on earth? The mass of the elephant - 5 tons - 100%; The mass of the load carried by him at a time -? t - 30%. An ant can carry a load 10 times its own weight. How many years does an ant live if its life expectancy is 1% of the life expectancy of a mammoth tree?

slide number 7

Description of the slide:

Ants are great workers! Ants clear the forest of debris. They live as a large family in an anthill, which “grows” with the family and is always built with a margin. But the anthill itself is only a small visible part of the ant house, most of which is underground, at a depth of up to 20 m. There is ventilation, storage, children's rooms, and even kitchens. Each ant performs strictly defined functions in the anthill. There are ants - builders, soldiers, nannies. There are even ants - "live barrels", food sources that do nothing and do not even move. Ants' favorite delicacy is the seeds of various trees and herbs, which they collect until about mid-summer. Fifty thousand seeds of an ordinary aspen weigh only 4 g (compared to the weight of the ant itself, they are, of course, very heavy). How can this be expressed as a percentage?

Olga Stepanyuk
Presentation on familiarization with the surrounding world "Walking in the forest"

Presentation on familiarization with the surrounding world. Senior group.

Theme "Walk in the woods".


Cognitive development:

To expand children's understanding of the diversity of the plant world.

To give knowledge about the species diversity of forests: coniferous, deciduous, mixed.

To form ideas that for a person an ecologically clean environment is a factor of health.

Learn to name the distinctive features of trees and shrubs.

Build respect for nature.

Physical development:

Maintain and improve physical and mental health

Social and communicative development:

To systematize knowledge about the benefits of the forest in the life of humans and animals, about the correct behavior in the forest.

Dictionary activation:

Entering new words - coniferous, deciduous, mixed.


Solomennikova OA Acquaintance with nature in kindergarten. Senior group. - M. : MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2015. - 112p. (page 42)

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slide 1

Walk through the forest. The rain fell down the garden path. Drops on the branches hang like earrings. If you touch a birch, it will wake up And laugh. Laugh to tears. The rain rustled across the wide meadow. Even the flowers were surprised at each other: In the cups of leaves, on each blade of grass, A little light, a piece of silver. (A. Yashin.)

slide 2

Purpose: To learn how to compose and solve problems using the material of other subjects. Try to imagine that all plants and animals have disappeared from our lives. How sad it became outside the window! There are no habitual poplars on the street, no nettles near the fence, dandelions and plantains have disappeared, butterflies and ants are not visible, cats and dogs have disappeared ... But this is not the worst thing. What would happen if suddenly there were no things that we cannot see, but without which we could not live - air, oxygen? Is life possible without plants and animals?

slide 3

How many years do oak, pine and pear trees grow? A large area of ​​the globe is covered by forests. We can rest in the shade of trees, breathe fresh, clean, oxygenated air. The forest provides man with food. This is the house where animals and birds live. Protect and take care of the forest. How many years do oak, pine and pear trees grow if the mammoth tree growing in Central America reaches the age of 2500 years? Mammoth tree - 2500 years - 100%; Oak - ? years - 40%; Pine - 400 years - ?%; Pear - ? years - 12%.

slide 4

Who destroys mosquitoes and flies in the forest? Flies - 25 km / h - ?%, Raven - 50 km / h - ?%, Swift - 100 km / h - 100%. Early summer mornings in the forest are not yet hot. Cold dew glistens on the grass. The sun will quickly dry the grass and warm the air. Here in the clearing stands a spreading thousand-year-old oak. His shadow is so beckoning. We sit down on the soft grass under the oak, close our eyes, anticipating the pleasure of the coolness, and suddenly an annoying mosquito squeak. Here comes the first fly. Mosquitoes and flies are carriers of infection. What do you think, who destroys mosquitoes and flies in the forest? These are birds, frogs and spiders. To catch up with a fly, the bird must develop a speed greater than the fly. How is the speed of a fly and the speed of a raven measured as a percentage of the speed of a swift?

slide 5

Spiders are the main killers of flies. How long does a spider live if its average lifespan is 1.2% of that of a mammoth tree? The web of a spider is very thin. To encircle the equator with a cobweb, you need only 340 g, but it is very strong, stronger than a steel thread of the same thickness.

slide 6

Who is the strongest on earth? Elephant weight - 5 tons - 100%; The mass of the cargo carried by him at a time -? t - 30%. An ant can carry loads up to 10 times its own weight. How many years does an ant live if its lifespan is 1% of that of a mammoth tree?

Slide 7

Ants are great workers! Ants clear the forest of debris. They live as a large family in an anthill, which “grows” with the family and is always built with a margin. But the anthill itself is only a small visible part of the ant house, most of which is underground, at a depth of up to 20 m. There is ventilation, storage, children's rooms, and even kitchens. Each ant performs strictly defined functions in the anthill. There are ants - builders, soldiers, nannies. There are even ants - "live barrels", sources of food that do nothing and do not even move. The favorite delicacy of ants is the seeds of various trees and herbs, which they collect until about mid-summer. Fifty thousand seeds of an ordinary aspen weigh only 4 g (compared to the weight of the ant itself, they are, of course, very heavy). How can this be expressed as a percentage?

Slide 8

Which plant lives longer and by how many years? Blueberries and lingonberries grow next to the oak. Cowberry berries will ripen only by the end of summer and you will want to pick and eat them, but blueberries are already ripe. The hand reaches for the bush. I want to pick up a whole armful of twigs and take them home. But let's stop and think, is it worth it? 5% of lingonberries are 15 years old, and 7% of blueberries are 21 years old. Cowberry: Average duration - ? years - 100%; 15 years - 5%; 15/5*100 = 300 years. Blueberries: Average duration - ? years - 100%; 21 years old - 7%; 21/7 *100 = 300 years.

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Slides captions:

"Walk in the Winter Forest" GURIKOVA NADEZHDA VLADIMIROVNA teacher MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 9" Yashkino village Lesson - a circle using simulators middle group

PURPOSE - improvement of the physical qualities of the child: endurance, agility, jumping ability, speed, strength based on already acquired motor skills. Equipment: gymnastic sticks 3 pcs. large, footprints, toys squirrel, bear, fox, hedgehog, hare, children's exercise equipment: trampoline, treadmill, exercise bike, bunny mask, small Christmas trees, snowballs, mat. Objectives: To increase the motor activity of children, using simulators and non-standard equipment, prevention of flat feet, and postural disorders. Fix the score to 5. Improving the indicators of the physical development of children.


To come to the forest now. You follow the next step. We are on the right track.

To get us faster. Must obstacles we pass. We strengthen our legs, we walk along the logs

To make us strong. It is necessary for everyone to stand in a circle. Start the exercise. How many animals are there to find out.

On the way we have a bump. We will jump on it. Bend your legs under you, strengthen your legs. Start jumping higher. Count to 5 now and jump out.

There is a bicycle in the forest, For the animals of the athletes. Hurry up and sit on it Keep your back straight and pedal. Strengthen your heart.

Unusual path, you go along it now. Watch your breath, breathe with your nose. Get on the trail. And then, run, run, what do you see ahead?

We walked in the forest. We saw a fox, a wolf, a bear, and squirrels, and of course a hare.

Now make snowballs. And hit each other.


Oh, we are tired on the track, Let's rest a little now. Let's lie on our backs friends, It's time to draw. Draw slowly with the foot. Christmas tree, sun and animals.

Now everyone smiled. Stretched and woke up

Goodbye, bye everyone!!!

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