The project is my favorite tale of a scarlet flower. Writing on my favorite tale scarlet flower

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Vladimir Soloohin in his essay "Aksakov places"

writes about the fairy tale " The Scarlet Flower»:

"The main thing in it is kindness and love.

And the fact that bad feelings:

greed, envy, self-love -

do not triumph, and black evil defeated.

What is defeated? Love


These qualities live in the soul of man,

they are the essence of the soul and its best motivations.

They are the allen flower,

who is sown in the soul of every person

it is only important that he is sprouted and bloomed " .

With the family of Aksakov and are connected and the pages of the tales "Scarlet flower", familiar to us since childhood. We simply overflow some of them.

It is difficult for a person to experience the older course. It is difficult to feel the butting bones, get up in the morning, overcoming cutting pain in the stomach or in the back and listening to the beat of the worn heart. It is difficult to leave the house, slowly descending on slippery and a steep staircase, who used to be no slippery, neither cool ... It's hard to expect death, knowing that she would come, unwanted, but not once called in minutes of bodily suffering. Most readers do not know that the main works, the famous trilogy "Children's Years of Bagrova-grandson" S.T. Asksakov wrote in the midst of such senile, bodily and mental labor, overcoming pain, fatigue, blindness and constantly waiting for a close end.

In the autumn of 1854, in the Abramtsevo near Moscow, where he lived almost slowly, he came from St. Petersburg the Middle Son, Grigory, and brought Olenka's five-year-old daughter with him. It seems that Sergey Timofeevich is then last time I felt healthy and young. The joyful, reopened at home and did not stop in any way: "Grandfather, you promised to go to the river! .. grandfather, and where does the forest bear live? .. Grandpa, tell me a fairy tale! .."

And he began to tell her about his children's games, about old books that he was reading about the distant Ufa, about her winter and summer trips from the city to the village and back, about fishing, which was hardly carried away from infancy, about Butterflies, whom I caught and collected ... But fairy tales was not. Picky, Olenka left. Winter has come. On December 26, 1854 she was six years old, and grandfather sent her a gift: the poem is completely children's and ingenious in his simplicity:

If God gives strength, about Bird Birds,

Exactly a year about the nest of the testicles,

Ole, his granddaughter, beautiful butterflies,

Grandfather will send playful moths

A little book about a forest bear,

And tell in her about the fungi white -

About the flowers of the fields, will be the book ...

The promise of his grandfather performed, although not in a year, but a little later, almost before death. By that time, he was very sick and almost blind, therefore he did not write himself, but he dictated his memories to his daughters.

The book came out with dedication: " The granddaughter of my Olga Grigorievna Aksakova. "

3. The story of creating a tale "Scarlet Flower"

The application to the story, but a completely independent work is the "scarlet flower" - one of the most kind and wise fairy tales. "Tale of the keystone Pelagia" - is in the subtitle.

Somehow little boy Seryo Aksakov came in front of the "Rustic Sharerazade" bed, the key to Pelagia, "prayed to God, went to the handle, sighed several times, in his habit of habit, saying:" Lord, nice sinners ", sat down at the stove, stunted one hand and began to talk Some illness:

"In a certain kingdom, a rich merchant, an eminent person, lived in a certain state. He had many richness, expensive goods of overseas, pearls, precious Kames, Golden and Silver treasury; And there was a merchant three daughters, all three beauties written, and the smaller better than everyone ... "

Who was this Pelagia? Fortress peasant. In his youth during the time of Pugachevsky Bunt with his father, she fled from the cruel appeal of His owner of Alakaev's landowner from Orenburg to Astrakhan. Native places returned only twenty years after the death of Barin. Pelagia was the key in the Aksakov House. In the old days, the keys headed by all edible supplies in the house, her keys were kept from all premises, in her jurisdiction there was a domestic servant.

Pelagia knew a lot of fairy tales and was to tell the master. Little Seryozha Aksakov often listened to her stories in childhood. Subsequently, the writer, working on the book "The Children's Years of Bagrova-grandson," recalled the key to Pelagey, her wonderful fairy tales and wrote "Scarlet Flower".

Aksakov himself wrote the son of Ivan's son: "I am now busy with an episode into my book: I write a fairy tale, which I knew by heart as a child and told everyone with all the fusties of Pelagia. Of course, I completely forgot about her; But now, running into the storeroom children's memories, I found a bunch of fragments of this fairy tale in a variety of different trails, and how it will enter the Grandfather Story, I began to restore this fairy tale. "

Baranova E. N.

Illustrations of Hope Comerova

Year of writing: 1858

Genre: story

Main characters: Nastya is the youngest and favorite merchant daughter, her father, messenger.


"Scarlet flower" S.T. Aksakova is a fairy tale of love. She introduces the reader with a tenderly loved by his daughters and younger in the daughter's family, which for the sake of salvation of his father's life, agrees to life in the Palace of Cords. Despite the ugly species of the mounds, the girl fell in love with his friendly, gentle and caring attitude towards her.

The main idea and the meaning of the fairy tale

There are no obstacles through which the loving heart will not be able to pass! Whether it is dangers that lie on the way, or the ugly appearance of a kind, loving creature.

Short content tale Scarlet flower Aksakova 4th grade

In some kingdom, it is narrated in a fairy tale, a rich merchant with three daughters - beauties lived. Once, going on the road, the merchant promised to bring them the hotels that they wish. The youngest daughter puzzled the father asking her a scarlet flower.

Two years wandered a merchant on a foreign land. He miraculously found himself in a fabulous palace with an amazing garden. A little lives did not pay for a torn scarlet flower. But the owner - the scary messenger let go of the merchant to the word merchant, that one of his daughters will come to the palace in his will.

Upon returning home, the merchant told everything that happened to him. The younger daughter went to the mandes, having lost his father from death. Much time spent a merchant daughter, living in the palace, not seeing and not hearing, messengers, but only feeling his care for her. Each day she grew her love for him, she did not pass, and then when the girl saw his ugly appearance.

Girl let go of a girlfriend at home. Yes, I just asked her to return in three days, as it would not be able to live without her. Quickly flew time in the house. Enviously became the sisters that their sister lives in richness and love, they thought unkind, transferred all the hours in the house a hour ago. Without keeping about his late, a merchant daughter returned to the palace and found the mounds lying silent. The girl's love destroyed the spell of an evil sorceress and delivering a young young man from the appearance of the ugly messenger.

Summary No. 2 Aksakov Scarlet Flower

There was three daughters for the merchant. He went somehow in swimming, asked the girls from him Overseas: the eldest - the crown, the average - toilet from the crystal, and the smaller most beloved daughter is a scarlet flower. During reverse Path He found two senior daughters of gifts, and did not find less. They attacked the merchant of the villain, he disappeared from them in the forest. In more often, the forest found the palace in the garden, whom the scarlet flower grew. When my father took him, appeared might and punished his daughter to his daughter in return on the flower. Nastya returned to him and loved his soul to good.

The main thought of fairy tales

The fairy tale tells about what to see first of all you need a soul, and not an external appearance, that love is creating wonders.

He lived the rich trader and he was his father to three daughters. Junior loved he mostly. He began to bring together merchant affairs in overseas countries. He convened all her daughters and began to ask who whatever the overseas thing wants. The eldest asked the crown with stones that radiate light. Another toilet from Crystal overseas dreamed of getting, and the smaller asked for a scarlet flower, which would not exist more in the world. Moved the trader on the road. I bought the goods cheap, gave expensive, exchanged goods with other merchants.

Two senior daughters have found gifts in the soul, but the younger did not speak. On the way back, the robbers attacked him, he fled from them into the forest. Radiating in the forest is more often, he stumbled upon the Palace of precious metals trimmed. He entered it, and there everything is luxuriously caught. The trader moved to walk in the gardens of fairytale beauty and suddenly he met the flower of scarlet, which in the world is more beautiful not to find him. He took him and at that moment a terrible beast appeared in front of him. I gave the merchant Flower monster, but with the condition that he will return or his daughter on his own will to him.

The merchant dressed the ring on his right hand and was at home. He told the children with his history, which happened to him and told that the messenger punished to return to him. Little daughter dressed the ring and at that moment it turned out to be in a luxurious castle. Perfectly she was in the castle in the castle, but she decided to see with a monster. I gave the consent of the beast, but I almost ruined his girl.

He overcame his fear of his Nastya, and after began to live nicely. Once he dreamed about her dream that the father was sick. I allowed her beast to watch home for three days, but she should have returned to the specified hour, otherwise it would die.
The sisters envied her that she lives in abundance and luxury and translated the time on the clock back, the windows were set.

At the necessary hour in Nastya heart, she did not wait for it the time desired by the clock in the house, grown to the monster. And there the beast near the flower of Scarlet rested. I was crying Nastya, told the mandes about how I loved him for the good darling of him, asked to awaken from dead sleep. The monster turned into a beautiful prince, who was trimmed by the old sorcerer, is already thirty years old.

He took the young man in the wives of Nastya and lived for a long time and happily.

Watch a tale of a scarlet flower from Soymultfilm

Picture or drawing of a scarlet flower

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There are so many fairy tales in the world. Bad and good. Good and unusual. Fairy tales are designed to teach people something. We are all reading fairy tales. All of them are good and magic in their own way. But there are fairy tales that we are in the soul and remain in it forever. One of these fairy tales for me was the "Tale of the Scarlet Flower".

Scarlet flowerho tale about the most important thing in life. About love. In the distant times in one village there was a merchant. He had three daughters. A merchant ride to overseas countries for the goods. He decided to learn from his daughters, what kind of souvenir they bring from a business trip. One myself ordered the outfit, other decorations, and the youngest asked the red flower to bring.

Traveled the merchant all countries. I found souvenirs with two senior daughters, and the younger was looking at the last moment on the way home. I came across the merchant on the old castle. I saw a red rose behind the fence. I decided to disrupt her for my daughter. Only threw, and then the monster appeared, and part-time and the owner of the castle, and took the thief. The merchant has simplified the monster to let him go home for several days and give gifts. Brown old man home. I handed the gifts to all and told about my adventures of the youngest beloved daughter.

She loved her father very much, and he was old. She said goodbye to his father and returned instead of him to the monster in the castle. There she taught the monster with good manners, helped him to overcome the complexes about the appearance and fell in love with him. Then he opened it a terrible secret that he enchanted the prince and the spells will fall only from the kiss of truth love (and then when the petals on the most beautiful rose in the tower of his castle sat down). So prince was grateful to the girl that he let her go home.

And at that time, her father gathered a gang at the head of the narcissistic hunter (who, by the way, has long laid an eye for the youngest merchant daughter) and they went to kill the monster. Long had a girlfriend to explain the Father that he was not a monster, but a very good prince. But since the gang was already on the way to the castle, the girl had to urgently return to the monster. It was too late. The hunter shot and hit him right in the heart. And then the girl began to cry and kissed the dying monster. The spells disappeared, the last petal fell from roses, and the prince was healed. Then there was a lush ball in honor of their wedding. At the end, they lived long and happily.

In my opinion, this tale teaches us the most important thing in life. In life, the main thing is not an appearance. Even the most ugly person in the world can be kind and sensitive. A person is not like his appearance, but for his inner world. The kinder man is that his inner world is beautiful. And the appearance is always deceptive. A beautiful and narcissistic hunter could not understand this. Well, that this understood the main heroine of fairy tales. Although she was in captivity of the externally ugly "monsters", it was not frightened. She was able to see the most important thing in it - the soul.

I like this fairy tale. She will stay in my soul for a long time. And the lesson she presented to me is useful in the future life. Probably this is one of the most important lessons. More would be in the world wonderful fairy tales like this.

As a rule, literary fairy tales, though, fictional, but are designed to convey to the reader some meaning. My most beloved fairy tale is the "scarlet flower". The merchant alone brought up three daughters. He provided them with everything necessary and the two senior sisters perceived it as something proper. Only the youngest daughter appreciated his father's care and tried to help him somehow.

When my father was going on a trip, he asked the daughters that they would lead. The elders asked the decorations and outfits, and the youngest scarlet flower. In search of a flower father turned out to be in a wonderful garden, where he threw him. This garden belonged to a strange creature, which seems to be a beast, or on a person. In return, the flowers asked the merchant to his daughter.

The youngest daughter realized that something strange was happening to the Father and went to the mandes. At first she had not seen him, but over time she had a sympathy. Although the fairy tale is fictional, but the author communicates a certain meaning to the reader. First, you need to appreciate and protect your parents. Secondly, the external beauty does not mean anything more important than the beauty of the soul. This work teaches to appreciate the kindness, sincerity, care and, of course, love. The fairy tale learns to distinguish well and evil, as well as understanding and compassion to treat people.

There are so many fairy tales in the world. Bad and good. Good and unusual. Fairy tales are designed to teach people something. We are all reading fairy tales. All of them are good and magic in their own way. But there are fairy tales that we are in the soul and remain in it forever. One of these fairy tales for me was the "Tale of the Scarlet Flower". Scarlet flowerho tale about the most important thing in life. About love. In the distant times in one village there was a merchant. He had three daughters. A merchant ride to overseas countries for the goods. He decided to learn from his daughters, what kind of souvenir they bring from a business trip. One myself ordered the outfit, other decorations, and the youngest asked the red flower to bring. Traveled the merchant all countries. I found souvenirs with two senior daughters, and the younger was looking at the last moment on the way home. I came across the merchant on the old castle. I saw a red rose behind the fence. I decided to disrupt her for my daughter. Only threw, and then the monster appeared, and part-time and the owner of the castle, and took the thief. The merchant has simplified the monster to let him go home for several days and give gifts. Brown old man home. I handed the gifts to all and told about my adventures of the youngest beloved daughter. She loved her father very much, and he was old. She said goodbye to his father and returned instead of him to the monster in the castle. There she taught the monster with good manners, helped him to overcome the complexes about the appearance and fell in love with him. Then he opened it a terrible secret that he enchanted the prince and the spells will fall only from the kiss of truth love (and then when the petals on the most beautiful rose in the tower of his castle sat down). So prince was grateful to the girl that he let her go home. And at that time, her father gathered a gang at the head of the narcissistic hunter (who, by the way, has long laid an eye for the youngest merchant daughter) and they went to kill the monster. Long had a girlfriend to explain the Father that he was not a monster, but a very good prince. But since the gang was already on the way to the castle, the girl had to urgently return to the monster. It was too late. The hunter shot and hit him right in the heart. And then the girl began to cry and kissed the dying monster. The spells disappeared, the last petal fell from roses, and the prince was healed. Then there was a lush ball in honor of their wedding. At the end, they lived long and happily. In my opinion, this tale teaches us the most important thing in life. In life, the main thing is not an appearance. Even the most ugly person in the world can be kind and sensitive. A person is not like his appearance, but for his inner world. The kinder man is that his inner world is beautiful. And the appearance is always deceptive. A beautiful and narcissistic hunter could not understand this. Well, that this understood the main heroine of fairy tales. Although she was in captivity of the externally ugly "monsters", it was not frightened. She was able to see the most important thing in it - the soul. I like this fairy tale. She will stay in my soul for a long time. And the lesson she presented to me is useful in the future life. Probably this is one of the most important lessons. There would be more in the world of such wonderful fairy tales like this.

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